Stumbled Into (Taken)

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"Oh mother, you didn't have to kill her..." he said, though it didn't sound very convincing as he just passed by the now dead Lela, something seemed so wrong about it, "Really, I'm sure we could have used her for something else." With that his mother began to lead him to his room, Lela following a few feet behind him. He'd gotten what he wanted and that was all that really mattered to him, he smiled coldly. "The royals... those rotten half-breeds only wished they had your kind of power mother. But don't worry mother," he looked at her. "They've injured me and made you cry, I'll make them pay with their very lives."
The queen smiled. "That's a good boy. But for now, you must rest. I have to go... retrain... your slave." She said, looking back at Ella with a glare. She shivered, a bit scared. "You will get your meal, do not worry. I love you, my dear." She kissed her son's forehead before walking over to the slave, grabbing her roughly by the neck.
Darian smiled at his mother, she was so kind to him always looking out for his interests. "Of course mother, I will gladly do so..." he said with a smile and went into his room. It was lavish, just like he remembered? He couldn't really remember it was all hazy, those bloody royals would pay for whatever it was that they did to him! Walking over to his bed he felt very sleepy, very tense, very unlike himself. It was odd but he figured it was probably just his body becoming hungry. He looked around his room, it felt empty, cold, not like how a room was supposed to feel. He sat down on his bed and held his head in his hands for a moment trying to sift through these feelings. Put them away so that he could rest a little bit.
A knock came at the door. Ella was behind it, looking worse for wear. The queen didn't bother to heal her, just shoving her a tray of food after her training. Her wings were torn, holes and rips decorating them like badges on a veteran's suit. She was shaking, barely able to hold the food and stay on her feet. She was going to be hit again if she dropped the food so she held onto it like it was her lifeline.
The knock stirred him from his stupor, all that this sifting had done was given him a headache. It was strange he'd never felt like this before, but his head pounded within his skull and he wondered what could possibly have bothered him at this hour. It was then that his stomach growled and he realized that it was likely Lela, returning. Or whoever she was, if she wasn't Lela then she had to have another name didn't she? Walking to the door he opened it slowly and looked at the pathetic slave. She was shaking and trembling as if she had been severely beaten, "What on earth took you so long?" his voice raising only marginally as he spoke, revealing his anger but the pounding in his head quickly quelled any interest he had in doing anything about her tardiness.

"What are you waiting for? Bring it in..." he said before walking to the balcony where a small table was, with a single chair. He sat down and the food was placed in front of him, some things look familiar but others didn't. He took the bread and began to munch on it, but it did nothing to quell his headache. "Tell me, do you know any healing magic?"
Ella hesitated before nodding. Her wings were bleeding a bit on his floor. She'd have to clean that up. No talking. The phrase repeated itself in her head as she remembered the beating. No talking or I will kill him. Tears welled up again as she remembered what the woman did to her. She had never hurt so much, felt so unclean. She was unworthy to even stand in the same room as Darian, let alone talk to him. That much she was sure.
Looking up at the slave she had nodded to the question but hadn't said a word, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the mess that she was creating on his floor. He sighed, anger seemed to fade as the headache only pained him more. He clutched his head and leaned forward, he'd been ready to hit her for bleeding on his floor, ready to teach her a lesson but this pain... it was too intense. "What's the matter? Can't you talk? You were talking before and I know that my mother didn't rip your tongue out, otherwise you'd be bleeding even more on my floors." He sighed and closed his eyes squinting, "Can you cure my head?" His voice was low, almost dangerous, and yet the pain continued to worsen. "What is wrong with me?!" He yelled at no one in particular, "What did the royals do to me?"
Ella quickly moved to lay her hands on his head. She shivered before starting to sing quietly. "Memories fade, replacing wounds... Dear Lord, what have I done? I sing to you to take away, the memories that give you pain..." She sang, slowly using her magic to help him with his headache. Her wings started to stop bleeding, letting her close her eyes.
The words were so strange, so soothing to him, the pain in his mind began to fade away into nothing. The warmth of her hands was enough to cause him to fall asleep and yet it seemed that his mind was begging him to stay awake. "Memories, memories that give me pain..." he said out loud as if somehow it would clear the fog that surrounded that phrase in his mind. It was strange to him. He looked over at her and saw that her wings were healing as well, she was so strangely appealing. But a man of his status, a prince no less, did not fall for such women. "Tell me, where did you learn that song?"
Ella looked down and shook her head. "The queen told me I was not allowed to talk..." She whispered, her wings still ripped and holed. She hadn't used enough magic to heal both him and her wings completely. She still shook, bruises and a few cuts starting to form scabs and dark bruises as she waited for her 'master's' next order.
The pain wasn't completely gone, but it was far better than it had been a moment ago. He rubbed his eyes gently and the pain did not return. It seemed that his mother had gone behind his back and made her into a muted slave. "I see... well, my mother is not here now is she?" He said with a look of annoyance, "You've helped me, I give you leave to speak in my presence. Outside of this room is where my mother rules, do I make myself clear?" He said with a smirk, then he looked her in the eyes. "Now leave me be for a moment, while I finish my food. Go clean yourself up," he shooed her towards the bathing chambers and yet that seemed familiar to him. Why? Why were some things familiar but other weren't... "Wait," he said before turning to face her "You didn't answer my question about that song, where did you learn it slave?"
Ella hesitated. "The spirits know many a song, my master." She answered before running off to get cleaned up. She was glad he hadn't hit her. Was this still her old Darian? Had he really been the prince that was lying to her all this time? If so, then why didn't he know her or her name? She was so confused. Why couldn't she just be normal for once so she wouldn't have to deal with all of this confusing shit.
With his answer given she left him in silence to ponder what it was that she said to him about spirits... "The spirits know many a song... as if they could lead a person to say what they knew. Who was she trying to fool?" He said scornfully before eating his bread and the bits of fruit which they'd given him. No matter, he told himself. At least this pain was gone and he didn't have to deal with the ache. Looking out from the balcony the forests surrounded him and none of it seemed familiar, not like her... she seemed the only thing. He finished his meal and sat there, looking out over the forests trying to make sense of it all. "What spirits? And why did they want me to hear those words?!" He slammed a foot against the railing before nearly falling over. That was far more painful than it should have been, he gasped while wincing and held his foot. Yet he remembered injuring it, but not until the pain subsided. He must have injured it while he was hallucinating that he was human, that was it.
The queen knocked on her son's door. "Darian? Sweetie? May I come in?" She asked, opening the door slightly to poke her head into the room. She walked over to Darian, looking him over. "Are you alright?" She asked. She hoped her memory spell would last more than a few hours. Every time she used it, it always faded within an hour or two. She needed this man to stay under her spell. If he found out...
When his mother came into his room he turned and instantly came to his feet, "Mother, what a pleasant surprise..." she asked if he was alright, he smiled and shook his head. "I'm not sure what happened while I was hallucinating, but..." he started before walking forward, "I must have done something to my head because it's pained me for quite some time." He went and offered a seat for his mother the queen, "What happened while I was hallucinating mother?"
"My poor baby boy." The queen said, kissing his head. "You were raving, trying to tell me not to restore your memories, that you loved the slave girl. I could see if you wanted to keep her as a pleasure slave, but to fall in love is so unlike you..." She rubbed his back, wanting to 'reassure' him.
Darian began to laugh as she spoke, telling him that he had fallen in love with a slave, not just any slave but the one that was now his. It was right, he wasn't one to fall in love, was he? "Well, that truly is unusual mother..." he said with a smile. Glad for his mother's affections and yet they still did not feel like they were real. What were these feelings he had. "I'm just glad that it's over and that I can continue being the crown prince of our people mother, the royal will pay for what they've done. You've restore my true memories and now I will be able to do you proud."
"Good. I'm glad." The queen said as she hugged him. A sudden flood of memories hit Darian, breaking through the weak magic that was the magic of the pure. Since they gained their magic from their wings, even spells like the one used on Darian would only last an hour at most. He remembered who he was, what he was doing, and who Ella was.

The queen didn't notice this however, opting to continue to hold her 'son' close. She stroked his hair, her long fingernail gently tickling his scalp. She wanted to keep him, since he looked so much like her own dead son. She kissed his head, acting like any mother should.
What hit Darian was less like memories and more like a wave, the few scattered and estranged memories which had been planted in his mind were suddenly wiped clean. They were destroyed in the aftermath of the return of his own memories. Looking around the room he realized that he was in particularly strange surroundings. Then it seemed his past actions came back to him, he'd been taken to his room... the room of the prince. This was the queen. He knew that her magic was more than enough to beat his puny will last time so instead he decided to just act the part for the moment. "Mother, I hate to drive you out but I must get to bed... perhaps that will help this headache of mine." He said with a smile, holding her as she did him. Hoping that she hadn't noticed the return of his past memories. It had filled his mind with another headache as he remembered the words of the song that Ella had sung.

He suddenly remembered what he'd done to Ella... she'd never forgive him, he'd turned into the one thing that she feared. He'd become one of her masters, even if it wasn't him he wasn't sure he'd be able to forgive himself for that.
"Of course, my dear." The queen said. "Rest well. Tomorrow, you have off since it has been long since you have spent time here." She was about to leave when she noticed something by the door. "Ugh, filthy creature. How dare it bloody the hallway. I knew I should have beat it longer." She muttered as she walked past the young girl who was on the ground, her wings bleeding again. Ella lay on the ground, her wounds reopened.