String of Many Colors

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(Awwh Alec!)

Faina shook her head slowly, tentatively. "Not really," she admitted, becoming embarrassed. Had plenty of sex, but no previous boyfriends, she imagined that would sound pretty odd, and wondered how that could change his opinion of her. "Maybe I should, go," Faina suggested, wishing she could retreat from the incredibly awkward situation.


"Sounds perfect," Reece said, smiling back. Unfortunately the words didn't really register with Reece until a few minutes after he agreed. He'd never been to a girl's place since his ex-girlfriend and that was back in high school, three years ago. He'd never had a one night stand in his life, and hadn't done anything with a girl for a year now. What am I getting myself into?
(I figured there should be some reason he randomly had sex with girls)

Alec sighed. He felt like he should help her in some way, but he didn't know how. "I won't force you to stay, you can leave if you want. I just wish I had the chance to take you out on stupid little dates, try to impress you with my stupid jokes... A relationship at first seems to just be trying to impress the other person and then after it is just trying to learn about each other."


She grinned and tugged on his hand, pulling him towards the entrance. "None of my roommates are there either, they went home for the weekend. We can be as loud as we want." Haley said with a soft laugh.
"It'll take something pretty special to impress me," Faina joked, a smile forming on her lips. Oh course he had no other competition, and he knew it, but she didn't care. If he would be her first boyfriend, he'd have to earn his place.


Reece's eyes went wide and he could feel his heart already racing in his chest, and nothing had even happened yet. Still, he followed her, in a rush of adrenaline and excitement, giving a surprised glance over at the bartender who he'd already forgotten the name of. He didn't respond to Haley for fear of saying something really stupid and ruining the moment. Instead tried to think about what was happening. She seemed bold, would he have to kiss her first or would she just kiss him? So far, he felt like a pet being pulled by a leash.
When he saw her smile it gave Alec some hope. "Do you want to go somewhere with me? It isn't a party or anything, just a place. I found it last semester." He was slightly nervous, worried he wouldn't want to go anywhere with him.


Haley walked down the sidewalk with him, pulling him closer and resting her head on his shoulder for a moment. "We're going to have lots of fun tonight Reece." She whispered in his ear before unlocking her apartment.
"Okay," Faina said, drawing out the word. She was kind of wary about it, not sure how awkward going somewhere with him would be, but he was trying to make up for everything and she'd give him a chance.


Haley pulled him closer to her and Reece could smell the alcohol on her breath. The whole time his heart was pounding like crazy and he was afraid she'd hear it and comment, yet she didn't. They reached her apartment and Reece followed inside, looking at the space only briefly before he was back to thinking about her and what in the world was happening.
Alec grinned and moved towards his bed, grabbing his sweatshirt that was there. "Do you want a jacket or something? It gets windy sometimes." He offered, slipping his keys into his pocket. He didn't want her to be cold or anything.


Haley took off her heels and then turned to him. "You're friends with Else aren't you?" She asked, going to lock the door. "My boss is mad at her, wanting her guy friend to contact her... You're going to help me." She said, pulling him over to the couch. "You're going to agree to spend every spare moment with Else. Nothing besides her matters. Not your school work, not your friends, only her," Haley straddled his lap and smirked. "Got it?"
Faina nodded when he glanced over at her. Once he got her the jacket she slid it into her arms over her white shirt with black zig-zags and lines. Her pants were a boring brown, a look that toned done the busy shirt, not a move that Faina would usually make. She hadn't been feeling like drawing as much attention to herself lately. She'd been wearing more plain and boring ensembles lately than she'd had in over a year.


Reece, completely bewildered, just stared at this girl now on his lap. She was looking rather animalistic and he was beyond confused, but was hesitant to ask. He swallowed a lump in his throat and dared to ask. "Um, why again?" He arched his back slightly away from the creature on top of him. The irony struck him, of Sara's choice being a girl connected to Else, the person he wanted to forget about, the person that caused his sour mood in the first place. Could he not do anything without her coming up?
"You're not afraid of heights are you?" He asked as he started to lead her out of the house and towards the building. Alec made sure that the door locked behind him before leading her through the campus.


"Because I want the information first." Haley said, moving closer and kissing his neck. "In return for being around her, I will do whatever you want. I know you like her, but she doesn't like you back. I can help you get over her in that way."
Faina furrowed her eyebrows and answered a bit confused, "No...?" She assumed it had to do with where they were going, but still it seemed a weird question to her since she'd never known anyone who was afraid of heights. Perhaps Alec had and so he was more accommodating. Regardless, Faina walked beside Alec, not getting ahead since she didn't know where they were going and gazed up at the starry sky.


"Mhm," Reece replied and nodded. Honestly he hadn't understood what she was saying, except for the part where she'd do anything he wanted. That thought clouded his mind and warped the thinking so he completely missed the ending part about Else not liking him and her offer to help get over her. Really he just felt her kisses on his neck and his hands lifting her shirt, as if something more carnal had taken over the old Reece and he was submitting to it.

"Anything I want?" Reece repeated, thinking back to his old girlfriend way back when. He'd missed her, but also this opportunity, and he was going to take it.
Alec smiled and continued to walk past a few of the major buildings at the school to the green house. "I know the way to get to the top and it's cool to look down at all the pants and stuff." He explained as he slid his id to get into the building that was usually locked at this hour.


Haley nodded. "Yes, anything you want." She whispered in his ear before nipping at it lightly. "Anything at all no matter how crazy."
(Pants :D)

Faina watched him use some card to get into a building she didn't recognize, possibly because of the darkness albeit the dim lights cascading downwards. Intrigue drew her to follow him, a sudden feeling of adrenaline hit as she realized she was following a shady yet remorseful partner inside a foreign and locked building. Of course it could be a trap; he could knock her out inside or hold her there with nobody knowing, but that was part of the excitement. Some feeling told her this would not happen and led her to trust him, through instincts she wasn't accustomed to.

Once they reached the top she saw the beautiful expanse of buildings, a perfect panorama of the campus at night as the stars twinkled from above. Breathtaking, she thought, and for a moment forgot Alec was even still there standing with her.
(Lol, must have been typing too fast. And do you want to skip with Reece and Haley?)

Alec stopped at the top and sighed softly. He hadnt been to the top in a couple months and he missed it. It was best at night with all of the stars and things to look at. A couple of the rooms in the green house had a soft glow, letting them see the flowers within.

"I used to come here all the time last year... I've never brought anyone before." He admitted.
Faina was still awestruck by the scene she saw before them, and when she turned to look at him she caught a glimpse of the flowers in the greenhouse. "Then why bring me? Doesn't that ruin your secret spot?" she asked, curious about his intentions.
"I thought you would be able to enjoy it. The other girls I have been with... They would have just wanted to make out or something. None of them would have taken in the beauty like you did." Alec told her with a soft smile. "I guess I was waiting for someone special to bring up here."


Haley laid back on the bed, smiling because she knew Reece would be hooked to her. "Do you like the cuddling part or no?" She asked, running a hand through his hair.
Faina smiled from his words and had a thought. Bending over, she fished her hand through her purse to uncover her phone and shuffled through a menu screen and options until she pulled up the camera. Slowly she stepped backwards a few steps, her phone focusing as Alec moved into the background and the sky was the main feature, the top glitterings of the city at the bottom of the frame. "Smile!" she said, waiting a moment before taking the picture. The pesky flash didn't go off so the picture was dark with little discernible so she frowned and adjusted the settings to include flash and tried again. The picture was much better and she admired Alec's smile a moment before returning to him.

"The picture doesn't even compare to the real thing," she commented, trying to find any loners wandering about the streets.


All Reece could do was nod. He felt a tingling all over his body, and even though he wasn't sure what caused it he kind of liked it so he laid next to Haley and welcomed her close to him. In the back of his mind it felt like cheating, but Reece's body had been deprived of such contact for so long for now it didn't even matter. He relished it all and pulled her closer so it felt like he had something that was his.
Alec laughed softly. "Here, let me get one of you." He said as he took out his own phone from his pocket. Even if she didn't want to stay with him at least he would have a picture of her happy. After he snapped the picture his grin widened. "You're beautiful you know, though you don't have very colorful clothes on today."


She sighed and nuzzled into him, knowing that's what he wanted. "Just remember to do what I asked Reece, and then you can have me all you want. You can do whatever you want whenever you want."
Her grin for the camera wasn't forced, but the mention of her clothes caused her happiness to falter. "Well, I decided that my style doesn't work here, it just makes me stick out. I, I don't think I should draw attention to myself anymore or, you know, could get taken advantage of," she said, the excusing tumbling out of her mouth. Simply put, she'd lost some of the confidence in herself because of the...sleeping incident.


"What did you ask again?" he said, remembering it had something to do with Else, but not really sure what. He twirled a piece of her hair around his finger in loops.
"That's no way to go about it." Alec said with a shake of his head. "Your style is unique, but it's a good unique. There's a club here about fashion and some of the girls in it wear things that most don't. Maybe you should check it out, see if you can fit in there." He said, wanting her to feel like she fit in.


"Just stay near Else and let me know if she gets any calls from the guy. I want to know before my boss does." She said softly, kissing along his collar bone so he wouldn't get upset about the mention of the girl he liked. Haley wanted to keep him in the happy state.
"Do you need to be majoring in fashion to be in it?" she asked, not wanting to get hopeful too early. She knew that some clubs had certain requirements and were determined by major, and since her family pushed her into the stupid graphics she wanted to know if she'd be excluded.


"She likes another guy?" Reece asked, which was mostly what he got out of it. Of course he knew about the men that beat him up and that she was somehow involved, but that didn't immediately come to mind. Currently he was hung up on the possibility that she'd never like him the way he wanted. At least he could have Haley to help him get over her.
He shook his head. "I don't think so. One of the girls that was in it is in a sorority and she isn't a fashion major. I think it's one of the ones open to everyone. If you want I can ask her more about it and let you know when it meets." Alec said, watching the area below them.


Haley rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and he is someone important. He's a danger to her and I want to keep her safe." She said, lying only slightly. Haley knew he was a danger and that she needed to keep Else safe. Else didn't like him though, not at all.
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