String of Many Colors

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Faina read the note at least 10 times. She wanted to throw it, crumble it up and put it in the trash and never look at it again or think about it again but she couldn't help it.

Else startled her, made her flinch upon entry. In response to her question about feeling better all Faina could reply was "Alec," softly, like she wasn't sure what to do. She stared at her phone then, not knowing if she could face hearing his voice, only because she knew she'd forgive him right away and didn't want to have to be "friends" with him again.

"Should I call him?" she asked Else, looking for some kind of guidance.


"Oh, sorry." Reece said glumly, and walked away with his head down and dragging his feet.

So...Reece went alone to drink, looked at the pretty ladies, but knew he couldn't talk to any of them and this only made him angry.
Else watched her and the looked at the paper in her hand. "He put something in the books... Fiana it's up to you. If you like him and want to be with him then call, let him apologize and accept it, just tell him that you don't want to be friends, you want a relationship. If you don't like him and are okay with never seeing him again, then don't see him again."


Sara watched everyone at the bar, making sure they were being safe. There was one guy that seemed pretty down so she moved closer to him. "Want anything else to drink? I see you're almost done with that one. You'll have to tell me what's putting you down though before I pour you another."
Faina sighed to herself. If Alec put the note in her books, then he might be sitting by the phone waiting for her to call, if she'd call. Which she really didn't want to do. "I think I'm going out, thanks El," Faina said, managing a smile at her roommate as she grabbed her purse to go.

The path was familiar, even a little drunk, Faina could remember the way to Alec's fraternity house, and since it was a weekend night, she doubted she'd have a problem getting in. Deciding not to knock, she breathed a couple times, willing herself to enter, and opened the door. As she walked to Alec's room she realized that he might not be there and she'd gone there for nothing. But somehow it seemed worth the chance. Standing outside Alec's door, she knocked, feeling that it would be much more appropriate than just walking through that one.


Reece looked at the bartender, well, sort of looked at her more looked at the counter in front of him and answered, "I like this girl and she's not interested, and my friend blew me off tonight to 'study'." He didn't feel like talking to the girl, just wanted his next drink.
Alec had went straight to his room and tried to do his homework. He couldn't focus though so he just laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling. When there was a knock on the door he sat up and stood. As he opened the door he looked at the ground, but when the shoes looked feminine he looked up. "Fiana...." He said, freezing for a moment. "Come in."


"Well that sure is something to drink to." Sara said, pouring him some more beer. "If you would like some shots I can set those up for you."
Faina came in, hung up on the name thing. "It's not Fiana you know, it's actually F-AY-NA, kinda weird. I looked it up online and apparently it's supposed to be pronounced F-AH-EE-NA, but my parents are...weird." She was aware she was babbling again, but she couldn't help it. She didn't want to talk about what happened and didn't know what she was doing there, so yes, here she was correcting the way he said (and from the note spelled) her stupid name.


Reece wanted it, but knew that he tended to get a little...angry, or slightly violent when too drunk so he didn't want to get drunk right away. So he politely declined the girl's offer of shots and stuck with his beer, scoping out the crowd tonight.
"Okay... F-ay-na then." Alec said, rubbing his neck as he shut the door. "I... Ah, I just wanted to make sure that things between us are alright. I know that what I did was unacceptable, and I want to make it up to you, but I don't know how. I want you to know that I am willing to turn myself in if that's what you want."


Sara nodded and moved on to the other customers. They were somewhat busy tonight and a lot of men were trying to get her numbers. She just wanted to keep an eye on the man who looked sad. Sara always had a soft spot for the emotional ones.
Faina looked at him, more than a little confused. "If I wanted you turned in, I would have done it myself," she pointed out. She didn't think turning him in would've very fair, since he was drunk and half asleep himself. "It bothered me because you seemed nice and I thought that maybe I could have a guy friend without there being any sex, but I guess I was wrong." Faina sighed, wondering what she was doing there and why she came.


After sulking lonely for a while, Reece felt like he needed company again. So he finished his drink so Sara would come back. When she did he asked her a stupid question. "What do you think'sis wrong with me?"
"We can still have that. I mean, sure there was that one time, but it won't happen again. I can promise you that I won't get drunk around you anymore. I haven't been drinking at all since it and I'm thinking of stopping anyway. I can think better without the alcohol." Alec explained, almost pleading with her to stay.


Sara rested her elbows on the bar and shrugged. "I don't think anything is wrong with you, I just don't think some people can see your potential. That and you seem to get emotionally attached, not everyone likes that all the time, but it's a good quality to have."
Faina raised her eyebrow at him. The whole circumstance seemed odd to her, and he seemed...odd. It was understandable that he felt bad about the situation, that he would want her to feel better about it and forgive him. But quitting alcohol completely? He was a fraternity boy, the president even of whatever club this was, and was evidently from the party she went to with him quite the fan of not only alcohol, but drinking games as well. The whole quitting thing didn't seem very practical.

"Why do you care?" Faina blurted out, not having realized she was even thinking that far. "Why go to all that trouble for some silly attempt at friendship? You don't even like me. You wanted nothing to do with me before, but then at the library you felt bad about turning me down when I asked about hanging out so you tried to make up for it with flowers and a stupid dinner, then you only take me to that party because you almost had to, where you didn't even want me around. I'm a freshman girl and you're a senior frat guy. So excuse me for wondering what the point is." Faina hadn't let him get a word in edge-wise, and frankly didn't want to hear his excuses.


"What'sso good about it?" Reece asked, not caring that she could be talking to other lonely men at the bar and filling their drinks too.
Alec shrugged and shook his head. "I have no idea. No where does it make sense that I would try to impress you, that I would even feel bad about what happened. That's what I do, I have sex with random girls, usually ones that are awake, but random nonetheless. All I know is something is pulling me to stay friends with you, to keep you around me. Maybe you will change me, or I will change you, I don't really know, I'm just making it up as we go along."


"Well, when you do find someone who likes you back they will appreciate it. And usually people who put their emotions in things feel a larger sense of completeness with their life." Sara told him with a smile. "Like me for instance. I could just say I have a stupid job where people hit on me all the time, but I don't. I actually like mixing drinks and keeping people safe. And if an old guy hitting on me ends up making him a bit happier, I'm alright with it."
Faina just looked at him, more than a little confused. "Um, Alec? When was the last time you slept?" she asked, wondering if his strange ideas were coming from a lack of sleep. He had mentioned he wasn't sleeping or eating...

God, I feel bad.

Seeing him like that, it just made her feel guilty for cutting him out of her life, even if it was only for a few weeks.


Reece just nodded, hardly paying attention to what she was saying since she turned out to be one of those optimism overkill people. Like good job you're a bit odd, but you can always make the best of it and one day it'll help you, baloney. The alcohol wasn't helping him focus either.
"I don't know Faina, I think it slept some last night, just not much. I can't relax, I keep thinking I'll do something stupid again." He shook his head and sat down on his desk chair. "I just want us to be okay. We don't even have to hang out or anything, I just want to know you're okay."


Sara shook her head at him. "You can't let yourself wallow, it won't do any good. Go out and get one of those girls. Bring her back to your place and have some fun." She suggested.
"I am okay," Faina assured him confidently, since he didn't know she wasn't confident. "I'd even sleep here again if you wanted me to," she added, although she really wished he wouldn't. She wanted to prove the point that she was okay, so she'd do it and not say anything about it, but she definitely didn't want to. Not even close.


Reece thought about explaining how he couldn't talk to girls successfully and surely couldn't get any to come home with him, but he didn't think Sara would buy it. Besides, he really hadn't talked to many girls except for Else lately, so maybe he could surprise himself. Maybe the drinks would help. "Pick one out for me," Reece said, thinking Sara would have a better judge of character than he had.
Alec shook his head. "You don't have to do that, I don't think it would be wise anyway, if the guys see then they'll think I slept with you and call you things." He sighed and cupped his face in his hands. "Do you forgive me? I know I haven't really apologized, I've just run in circles, but I am truely sorry. My intentions were not to get you into my bed and have sex, I just wanted to keep you safe here and I wanted to spend time with you."


She looked around and found a brunette girl that seemed to want to have fun, but wasnt as rowdy as the other girls she was with. "That brunette near the corner, go for her." Sara suggested before pouring him a little more of his drink.
"You didn't do too great a job with that, but sure, I forgive you. Anything else?" Faina asked, shifting her arms around her chest, not uncrossing them, but moving them slightly. This encounter turned into a chore that she just wanted to get done.


Reece sauntered over with nervous excitement, his feet tingling as if he were walking on beans in barefeet and the floor wasn't stable beneath him. Maybe it was the drinks, Sara's encouragement, or even the beans, for whatever reason Reece approached the girl pretty quickly. Almost as if he'd targeted her, which wasn't entirely true, Sara had targeted her, so upon realizing this about 15 feet away he stopped up short and looked around the room, pretending to look at something as he recaptured his...head. What do I say when I get there? What do girls like?

Before Reece found the answers to all his questions he continued on his quest and sidled up next to the girl, uttering a simple, "Hey," as his mind praised his smoothness.
He could tell that she just wanted to get out of there so he shook his head. "That's all Faina." Alec said softly. "I just... I'm sorry it happened the way it did. I think we might have been able to have something if things hadnt gotten started how they did." He realized now that the reason he had wanted her around was because he actually liked her. Faina wasnt just a girl Alec wanted around for sex.


Sara watched as he went over to the girl and laughed just softly. Hopefully that guy would get lucky, he seemed pretty low.

Haley glanced at the guy and smiled, he was kinda cute and at this point she would pick anyone that would give her a better experience than last time. "Hey handsome, how's it going?" She asked with a slight slur. Haley wasnt drunk, but she did have a nice buzz from the drinks.
Faina furrowed her eyebrows and repeated his words, "Have something..." She drew out the word something for hopefully some clarification on the what part of that something.


"Not too great since I'm at a bar alone," Reece blurted out without thinking. Why did I say that? We're you supposed to lie and make yourself look better? But here he was and he couldn't take back the words now so he had to hope the pity card might work like it did on Sara.
Alec smiled slightly. "A relationship, boyfriend girlfriend maybe. I didn't understand before, but now I see that I held you higher than the girls I used for sex, then the ones I'm friends with, I wanted more with you." He took a step away from her and put his hands in his pockets. "I'm sorry I ruined my chance at knowing you better."


"Aww, that's sad. My friends left me too, they found guys to go home with. No one's been interested in me though." Haley said with a pout. "My other friends were hotter, guess I'm your only option though."
Before everything happened, Faina thought that's what she might have wanted from him. A real relationship. But now that he said it, wanted it even, the idea sounded completely wrong and she suddenly found herself feeling shy. "I don't think I know how to have a relationship," she responded, not knowing where to look with her eyes. Her crossed arms at her chest became there from anxiousness rather than irritation.


The corner of his mouth turned up into a smile from the girl's cute pout. "I'm not interested in your friends, just you," Reece said, trying not to think so hard and just letting the words tumble out of his mouth easily. It must have been the buzz, he wasn't as worried.
Alec frowned slightly at her words. "Have you not had one before?" He asked, running a hand through his hair. Before college he had been in a serious relationship, he had almost proposed, but the week before he was planning it the girl said she wanted to split before they went to college. That was part of the reason he kept just have random sex, because it was easier then getting hurt.


Haley smiled at his words and wrapped her arms around his neck. "How about we go somewhere more private? My apartment isn't too far from here."
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