Strength in Differences

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Nik shivered at her touch, but it wasn't a bad reaction, not in the least and he let her continue, his eyes reopening to trace over her face as she spoke. He wished for a different answer, he truly did, but he also understood that Kaulu would only be truthful with him and he appreciated that, too. The Sidhe nodded in a small way and accepted her answer, a small flutter of hope in his gaze at knowing it would get better, or that it had the potential to. But only if he kept fighting....not to push it away but to not let it control him. There was a keen difference and the latter was certainly harder.

Still, it was moments like this when he felt utterly drained and yet comforted as well by the Suli before him that he felt he might be able to face the future. Maybe. She had faith in he only had to find some in himself.

"Thank you, oma kaarne." The words were soft, felt right to say now and Nik gave her a faint smile that sparked just a bit in his eyes, genuine. He knew he should move then, get off her bed, but his body was having other ideas and the Sidhe struggled to keep his eyes open.
Kaulu returned his smile. She knew Nik wanted another answer, but only the truth would help him in his own personal journey. "All will be well, my Nik," she said quietly, softly. "The elements and the spirits will guide you, and you have me and Iko, your true family and others to help support you." The hand that was stroking his head came down to caress his cheekbone as she saw his eyes struggle to stay open. "Sleep now, it's all right. You are welcome in this bed."

She continued the soothing ministrations of her hands well into his sleep before she felt herself beginning to tire as well. She didn't have to worry about telling the others where she had run off to; she was sure one of the servants had spied her helping Nik to the room, so they would let her family know if asked. So without any worry except for the man that laid beside her, she drifted off into her own slumber.
My Nik.

He fell asleep with those words in his head and woke to them as well. It brought a smile to his face even before his eyes had opened...and then his mind was focused on other things as he realized first and foremost that there was something warm against him. Something warm and soft and sweet-smelling. Something his arms were wrapped around and his face was buried into. Hair. His nose was buried in hair that had worked itself out over night and his arms were around a waist, a back pressed against his chest, steady breathing against his own.

And if that wasn't enough for him to absorb, the fact that he'd not woken before the sun and had not had any nightmares were astounding enough to Nik in their own right. But yeah, the greatest source of interest and confusion was the body pressed against his. His eyes opened and the Sidhe looked around for a moment, simply making sure he was in the right room. That was a yes, but not the right bed.

The realization that it was Kaulu he held so securely was something Nik didn't know how to feel about. Logic told him that he should release her and slowly get up and move away, keep to routine and not make things awkward. But his body...didn't want to comply. No, his arms had actually tightened just slightly on the Chaktawe's waist and Nik wanted nothing more than to bury his nose back in her hair, to return to that peace he'd woken to.
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In the morning, Kaulu was sleeping soundly. Somewhere in the night, she and Nik had ended up, well... spooning, but her body gave no rejection or hint of dislike as the warmth of their bodies pressed together spread and gave them comfort. It actually seemed to put her more at ease, her subconscious fading into a distant quiet as it felt safe and warm and right in Nik's arms.

When his hold had tightened some, she stirred but only very slightly, her body testing as it shifted its position slightly to make sure he hadn't gone, that the tightening wasn't a farewell gesture of any sort. But she remained asleep, the rest of the palace quiet and the sun's shining rays dimmed due to blankets hung over the windows that were never really moved. She probably wouldn't wake up for a little while, at least. She just felt too content in her husband's arms, and when she woke she would find that she had quite possibly gotten the best sleep of her life. And maybe Nik, too.
At her movement, Nik had stilled, wondering if she'd woken, unsure what he should do, but she only seemed to move back more securely into his embrace and the white-haired Sidhe instinctively relaxed again and then did something he would have to think about later; he nuzzled back into Kaulu, deciding without any true thought at all that he was going to stay. He didn't know quite what this was yet - they were husband and wife, but not in love - but she'd said he was welcome and if she woke and expressed displeasure with that had happened, Nik wouldn't sleep here again. Simple as that.

But for now, his mind was pulling him back into sleep, his body telling him that for all the nights he'd been neglecting this vital stage of life, it was going to make him make up for it now. The Sidhe found that he held no protests to such a thing as he curled a bit more around the female in his arms, somehow feeling comforted while he instinctively molded into the optimal position to protect her. It was like his body had known all along this was where it belonged.

His mind and heart were still trying to figure it out, though even as he drifted back to sleep.
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A few hours had passed and it was this time when Kaulu finally woke up. Her mind sent a message to the remainder of her body that it was as rested as it was going to get without laying in bed all day, and her eyes slowly peeked out from under their lids. She only opened her first pair of eyelids, the second staying on as she adapted to the light of her room. Her vision was cloudy but only for a few moments until she opened her eyes completely.

She was warm. So very warm. And so comfortable that she knew if she moved, she would never find that comfortable position again. Something - no, someone was holding her close and she looked down, seeing a pale arm holding onto her waist. It was Nik. When she realized this, it was like everything came to her at once: the way they were lying together, how he held her so securely, the warm, soft breath she felt at her head. She breathed in because, for some reason, it had her heart racing.

The only thing was her mind and heart were still trying to figure out her own feelings. She didn't know what this meant. Never had she felt something like this before, never had she reacted to someone holding her in such a way.

Moving a hand away from her side, she reached out to Nik's arm that was around her waist. The digits grazed over the skin in slow, gentle movements, gliding back and forth. She didn't know why she had done it... but it was sort of on impulse. Maybe it was because she realized that for the first time since they've shared the same room, Nik was not up before her. Or maybe not. But she liked laying here like this... with him. It felt... nice. Content.
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He woke to the soft touch on his arm. It was strange; his mind had sank down into a place he'd never gone before except in complete over-exhaustion, but this time it had been peaceful, chosen and not forced. In such states it usually took a great deal to wake him, but Kaulu's light caress over his skin did it just as easily and the Sidhe woke slowly, blinking and once again comprehending where he was and who was in his arms. This time he didn't feel a sense of nervous indecision but instead a calm peace he didn't really understand but wasn't about to push away.

His grip on Kaulu tightened for just a moment on reflex before he loosened his grip, silently letting her leave or shift positions if she wished. He resisted the urge to curl around her further and instead moved his upper body up a bit, his arm and elbow holding his frame high enough that he could look down at the Chaktawe woman. His pale blue eyes regarded her with tranquility, an expression Nik rarely exhibited and he smiled just a bit, happy and slightly sheepish, too, his white hair tousled and brushing over his eyes.

He wondered what to say for a a moment. An apology? A jest? Teasing? He certainly could not just act like nothing had happened because while nothing had in one sense, much had in another. But he didn't know WHAT had happened so he didn't want to make big deal about it either and embarrass them both. So in the end...two simple words seemed appropriate, spoken quietly into the room.

"Good morning."
Kaulu didn't realize Nik had woken until he his body shifted and he lifted his torso up, his blue eyes catching hers as she turned her head to meet them. His smile, though small, made her smile as well. She could feel his calmness, like the emotion was seeping into her own body and she could relax even more. Plus... his white hair, messy from sleep, gave her another reason to smile as well. It even made her want to giggle a bit but she restrained herself. Her hair was probably a little of keep, too.

"Good morning," she replied just as lowly, turning her body now so she could face him easier. "Sorry if I woke you..." she hadn't meant to do so.
He didn't stop her movement, but he noted vaguely that she didn't move AWAY. Her body was still very much in contact with his own, still close and Nik kept his arm around her waist even when she shifted to her back, his head higher than her own but to the side, not hovering. His smile widened a bit, realizing that she wasn't disturbed by how they'd slept and for some curious reason she wasn't inclined to get away from him now that they were both awake. It caused what felt like some irregular beats in his heart rate and a happy warmth curled through his chest that he knew he wouldn't mind feeling more often. It seemed to brighten everything.

Nik shook his head slowly, his hair falling further over his eyes, something he didn't seem to mind. "It's all right. I slept a lot longer than I usually do. I didn't have any nightmares. I've never had that before and, I mean, I woke earlier, but I didn't want to leave so..." He faltered a bit, realizing he'd been rambling, something he tended to do when he was feeling shy and yet trusted the person he was with. The wolves had been subject to it once or twice. When he didn't trust the person he simply remained quiet. Now Nik became aware that he might have said too much. The thought made him look away, his thumb brushing gently against Kaulu's side through the fabric of her red dress in reflex.

Finally he looked back at Kaulu slowly, not saying anything at all. He wasn't uneasy, just thinking it would probably be wiser to stop talking at the moment before he started blushing red.
Kaulu released a quiet breath when Nik said that it was okay she had waken him. But it was good news that he slept more than usual; anybody who was anybody could see that the man really needed it. And it was even greater news that nightmares hadn't plagued his mind; it made her incredibly happy to hear that, in fact. And then he said that he had woke earlier but didn't want to leave, and something flickered in her eyes before she grinned.

The brushes against her side made mellow butterflies felt in her stomach and when their eyes met again, she smiled at him once more. "It's okay. I..." she paused, swallowing before she boldly continued, though her tone was soft and... somewhat shy? "I'm glad you... didn't leave," she said, taking this as her turn to look away. But she looked back up to him and cleared her throat as if what she said next was any better, her tone becoming a bit more confident now. "I don't want you to sleep on the floor anymore. You should... sleep up here from now on..."
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Her smile eased the small knot in his middle and Nik finally did blush just a little when she stated she was glad he'd not left. He was relieved to know he hadn't been intrusive to her sleep, but was rather amused when she looked away afterward. They were both tiptoeing a bit here, unsure exactly what this was or where it was going, and while they liked the direction it had taken so far, the next few steps were foggy. So it was that Kaulu's next words completely startled him. In a million scenarios he'd never expected her to say that and his pale eyes looked down at her in complete surprise, all movement from the male having stilled.

He knew she was not saying what many men would assume and that didn't cross his mind in the least. He was respectful of Kaulu and wife or not, he would never, ever assume she meant anything but kindness, comfort and friendly camaraderie with her actions unless she clearly stated otherwise. He valued her too much to betray that trust even if his body could readily admit that she was easily desirable. No, he knew she didn't mean that, wasn't inviting that, but what she was saying made him search her face, his eyes meeting her beautiful black mirrors searchingly.

Nik knew she meant it. He just didn't understand why, was truly surprised by the statement even as the moments passed, but he wasn't against it. The Sidhe nodded slowly and on an impulse his hand left her side and instead his fingers found loose tendrils of her ebony hair and he gently pushed it back behind her ear, not much thinking how intimate such an action could be, simply smiling faintly, happiness in his gaze.

"I'd like that."
(( They're so shy it's so cute :'D ))

Kaulu swallowed. The surprise in Nik was obvious, very much so, and she very honestly almost regretted saying what she had. Was she being strange? Too weird? Inappropriate? Maybe she should have just left when she woke up and they wouldn't be having to deal with this.

No. What was she saying? Never in a million years would she take back the moments she's spent with Nik. And she knew that to be true deep down in her heart. She calmed as this played in her mind and as Nik didn't back away or show any negative reactions to her words. He was only searching her gaze and she simply allowed him to. But when he curled a piece of her hair behind her ear, she began searching his own gaze. She found only happiness. And for some reason her heart gave a thump. She was happy that he was happy, and while it was as simple as that, it also held something else that she didn't quite recognize yet. That same feeling she had been feeling for... - when had it started?

With his answer, she returned his faint smile. "Good." There was nothing else to say, was there? She knew she should get up and treat them to breakfast, but in all honesty she really just wanted to stay like this. But something was forcing her to make the decision, probably that empty stomach, and she sighed lightly. "I suppose we should start our day. I think I'm about to starve," she said with a smile, slowly rising from the bed then.
(( I know, right!? ))

Nik chuckled at her words and he released her without protest, stretching his own body then like a cat disturbed from its nap. He yawned and then sat up fully, tousling his own hair to rearrange it and then he blinked, realizing he still had his shoes on. He stared at them for a moment before shaking his head and getting up fully, promptly taking them off and letting his feet wiggled a bit in freedom. As Kaulu dressed herself in new clothes he did the same, grimacing a bit at the bandages around his waist, noting that some bleeding had occurred. He must have torn some of the scabbing. It would need to be changed and the wound seen to, but for now the Sidhe pulled his tunic down over it and thought more on breakfast.

Or was it lunch now?

He was strangely calm, at peace and he knew he could contribute it to a good night's sleep for the first time in over seven hundred years, but THAT could only be contributed to Kaulu's presence and the thought of the female made an involuntary smile pull at his mouth. He didn't know what this new feeling in his chest was, but he knew he liked it and he knew over time he'd come to know what it meant. Nik didn't feel like he had to rush that knowledge, though.

It wouldn't be going away.
(( It makes me wonder how it's all going to play out. :3 Like will everybody know when they start being more affectionate to each other, but they're too shy to admit it or say it out loud? Or maybe one will be bolder than the other? /fantasizes. Lol. ))

Kaulu was glad Nik didn't protest and slipped away from him as she stood from the bed. She gave her own stretch and yawn as she stood, but soon shuffled her feet towards a new outfit and to her usual outfit-changing area. And then, once both were ready, they exited their room and made their way to breakfast. Or - late breakfast.

The rest of the day was spent in good company, mostly with Kaulu's family. That's actually how it was spent for the next two weeks; they both knew their time here was ending. Kaulu wanted to spend as much time with her family before her and Nik had to leave to his own kind, though they did make time for other friends, the city folk, and themselves. She was sure Nik wanted to make the most out of it as well, considering he had the... tougher end of the rope when they left for his family. Admittedly, she had spent most nights praying to the spirits for her husband to not be treated so cruelly by his family. That, maybe, just maybe, her presence would cool the Sidhe monarch's hatred. She... just prayed for a miracle.

And as they had agreed, the married couple shared the bed each night. It seemed to help immensely with the Sidhe halfbreed's nightmares and sleep in general. And Kauluwehi was seeming to become a little more of a morning person each day.

But now, as the pair were conversing with one another in the center of the city, a servant bid them to follow. They followed her back up to the courtyard and into the palace. The high royalty were waiting for them in the lounging area and at that moment, Kaulu realized that this was the beginning of their farewells.

"Kauluwehi," her father spoke, a small smile cracking his lips as he stood and opened his arms for a hug. His daughter accepted the embrace as she moved to him. Then he beckoned for both her and his son-in-law to sit. When they did so, he spoke once more. "I believe the two of you are fully aware of this, but... it is time you should start moving to Niklomaus's home now."
(( Hmm, I definitely think others will notice, especially when they come back from the Sidhe - and they aren't going to be there for three/four months, guarantee it - and that everyone will pretty much have it figured out before they do. LOL I think once they know that one of them will do something, say something to test the waters and its all downhill from there. But yes, fantasizing about it is fun! ))

Nik had spent the two weeks knowing that he was going back soon, but the days were filled with people and activities and Kaulu. Always Kaulu and he remained steady, happy most the time, enjoying the time he got to spend here, recognizing more and more how accepted and integrated he'd become with these people and how much he had begun to care for them. He had to wonder if the nightmares had stopped plaguing him just because he was with Kaulu or perhaps because he also felt safe now, at home in this place. It had been nearly four months since he'd come to the desert and more than ever Nik did not want to leave it.

He didn't want to leave the people here, Japi and Jahidi, Aja, Lafa'la...they'd all found places in his life. It would pain him to leave them and more often than not he felt like Namiche, forced to leave his people for their own good. Nik had to leave the Chaktawe in order to keep the peace between their peoples. He was doing it for them and that's what he told himself when the fear wanted to overwhelm him. For the most part he tried to avoid the thought of having to go back, though.

It was far nicer to focus on the warmth and fun, conversations and time spent with those who cared about him.

But now avoidance was a futile thing as Ha'upu said it plainly and Nik's eyes clouded over a bit, having to work hard to keep his expression appropriately neutral as he nodded, his body riddled with tension he could not help. "Yes, you're right. I trust you received a summon from my grandfather? Did he say when he expected us?"
(( So longer, or shorter than three/four months? I'm guessing shorter unless it's a surprise? :P But yeah, it definitely is. I was all melted last light at how cute they were hahah. ))

"You're correct. Word was received from the outer walls of the city before you two arrived," Ha'upu explained, eyes flickering between the younger married couple. "A messenger from the Sidhe gave a few of the guards the word but did not enter the city - he left right after. But -" he paused now, eyes trailing over to his wife who chimed in now.

"He didn't say a specific day, but he had said they wanted you now, so..."

"I believe you only have a day or two at best to pack and begin your travels." The elder man's eyes seemed saddened at this. He wanted his daughter and her husband to stay just as anybody else. He feared how she would adapt without the desert she knew so well and without the sun's comforting rays shining down on her. But he knew that he could do nothing about it except to pray with his wife for the spirits to watch over their children, and guide them in time of need.

Kaulu bit back a sigh and looked to Nik, sensing the tension in his form from a mile away. They had spent enough time together for her to tell when he was uncomfortable and when he was at ease, and this summon was definitely not putting him in a state of ease. But the decision of when to leave was up to him.
(( LOL Definitely shorter. It might be surprising why it's cut short... :P Oh, I was, too! It was so sweet! ))

Nik listened in silence, a reminisce of the silence he'd been prone to in the first week or two of his stay. The Sidhe's eyes had clouded further and he kept his gaze on the floor, hands clasped between his knees, his body leaning forward slightly as he thought over the summon and the lack of specific direction, and what he knew of King Donn. His grandfather was very specific if he wanted something done exactly as he said, so the fact that he'd not named a date meant that they didn't actually care when he showed up...but the 'now' part of it showed that it wasn't a suggestion nor something he could dismiss for another two weeks or so.

Either way he wasn't going to be met with approval no matter what he chose.

The thought brought a cold expression to Nik's face, for the first time some of his Sidhe nature sweeping across his demeanor as his ice blue eyes looked up. The only difference was that when he spoke, it wasn't arrogant or condescending, nor was it harsh. Simply confident with a hit of an authoritative edge. He WAS a Prince even if he didn't much act like one to his family's eyes. "We'll leave near the end of the week. My King will understand your need to bid your daughter farewell for the time she will be with my people. I am sure that for the sake of the peace between our peoples he will be lenient in the time specified."

And Nik didn't care that he knew his grandfather would be no such thing. Diplomatically speaking, King Donn would not have a valid argument against such an explanation for their later arrival. And again, Nik didn't care if he did. He was going to be returning to hell soon enough, this time bringing someone he actually cared about, he didn't see the need to rush.
(( Hehe okay :3 And I know! ))

Kaulu searched her husband's eyes for an answer before his expression turned something she had never seen cross his face. It was cold and different... very similar to his Sidhe family's faces. To be honest, she was afraid of what he might say when he looked up, but when he did speak she was relieved to hear it only held the tone of confident authority.

He told all of them that they wouldn't be leaving until the end of the week neared. Nobody had seen this type of authority in Nik before, and the confidence settled their nerves about the Sidhe. They weren't afraid of them, no, only afraid of their ever changing attitudes and decisions. Nik's verdict even made a lighthearted chuckle be heard from Kaulu's father. Apparently he was happy with both Nik's verdict and the way he had declared it. He and Kaulu would make a grand King and Queen one day...

"Well then, if that is your decision," Ha'upu said, turning to his wife who also was happy with Nik. "Then so be it." Kaulu smiled, looking back up to Nik then.
They were all happy with what he'd decided and Nik was relieved for that, grateful he could make Kaulu's departure less rushed and more natural with his extension in time, but he couldn't feel that relief himself. He offered a smile back to them, but though he didn't let the fear he felt come to his expression, keeping his eyes neutral, that meant the smile couldn't reach them either. The rest of the visit was a blur to him. He knew he answered comments and questions appropriately and he knew that nothing really important was said, but his mind couldn't focus on any of it. When they were finally able to leave, Nik walked blindly, silently.

His feet took him to the edge of the desert back behind Kaulu's home and he stared out at it, not truly seeing it either. He couldn't see anything but the faces of his family and Nik very suddenly felt a cold chill invade his body and his stomach roiled. He was expelling the contents of his stomach into the sand before he could truly comprehend it, the fear finally finding an outlet. He continued until he was dry heaving, on his hands and knees.

His skin had gone cold and clammy, pale and Nik's eyes were glazed, a hand wrapping around his stomach when he finally sat back, swallowing hard, his body telling him it wasn't fine yet, but giving him a break.
Kaulu couldn't necessarily focus entirely on the rest of the visit either. Not when Nik was on the bridge of freaking out. When the time came to leave, Kaulu followed the Sidhe from behind, not talking as they walked behind the building and to the edge of the desert.

And then Nik was suddenly vomiting and Kaulu winced. Not because of the smell or the grotesque appearance, but because it was the fact that Nik was gone and suffering. Slowly, when he was finished dry heaving and sitting back, his wife approached and sat next to him, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder as she looked at his face. There was nothing that came across her mind to say, so she simply let her actions speak for her. If he needed her, she was here. She always would be.
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