Strength in Differences

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(( I'm guessing Anrar is one of your characters in another RP? ^^' ))

Kaulu dealt with the night terrors as she always had: with tender hands, soft eyes, a loving heart, and an understanding mind. A coaxing voice, always so gentle. Everything gentle but with a firm push if need be. She just knew what Nik needed, and she wasn't sure if she simply got him or if it was because she had experienced all of this so many times before that she learned what was best for her husband.

But anybody could see Kaulu and Niklomaus were meant for each other. They were intertwined a billion times in the thread of fate, and nothing could change that.

Could it?

After about a week and a day or two passed, the small but powerful group approached the Keerdash Grove. In the horizon it stood appearing as a spot of blood on the desert's skin, the leaves' red color so vivid against the empty blue skies that one may think they were hallucinating. But not the Chaktawe. Not the people who knew exactly what that color meant.

The Grove was about a quarter of a mile square and was edged in tall aloe plants with incredibly broad leaves. After only hearing stories, one could truly see now that it was a sanctuary in the midst of the scorching desert. Small birds and other such creatures perched on the arches of the roots that created cradle-shaped spaces from having welled up from the ground, the dark brown and smooth trunks creating shade along with the red, half-globe shapes of the narrow red leaves.

It was a beautiful sanctuary. But there was something the world needed, and it wasn't the red leaves anymore. It was something much, much bigger.
(( Yeah, he is. I'm playing 6 males right now. I occasionally use the wrong name. :P ))

Seeing the Grove with eyes alone, Niklomaus would have been awed by its beauty. The red of the leaves was a wonderful shade in contrast with the desert and the promise of water was appealing as well. It was indeed a haven in the midst of an endless sea of heat and he could understand why many might have sought it just for the relief it might bring, perhaps never knowing that they stood on hallowed ground.

But the Sidhe wasn't looking at the Keerdash Grove with only his eyes, but with the power that resided within him and with THAT sight....a whole new perspective was opened to him regarding what he now viewed. There was an energy, a power surrounding the Grove that protected it, kept it alive, flowed through it and from it. It was a power that was even now beginning to sense them, the energy extending toward them, raising the fur on the werewolves' and causing a prickling sensation to rise on the others as they all drew to the outskirts of the trees. They all dismounted and with caution started to approach the trees.

Nik stopped almost immediately afterward for while the first pass had done nothing to him, the second pass of the Grove's power was like searing heat touching his skin. He almost jumped back, startled and then wary. He felt the Elements rise up within him, their voices telling him what he had to do and Nik listened closely, feeling both a surety and a terror within him regarding everything around him. He could FEEL the amount of influence this one place held in the world and knowing he was about to mess with it...

Who wouldn't be scared?

Still, when Nik's eyes and the markings on his face started to glow, he drew the power within himself to his hands with confidence. Fire bloomed on his left hand and wind rustled the flames and on his right hand, water swirled around his fingers and sand lifted from the ground to come into his palm. The power within the Grove needed to recognize his claim to be here. He was providing it and when the power swept over him again, Nik shuddered in its wake from the intensity of its search within him, but he was allowed to pass into the Grove and the blue faded from his eyes for the time-being as they found Kaulu.

Nik's hand found hers next and he spoke softly to her. "This land was given to your people. You are an heir in Wayhali Namiche's bloodline. Aura trusted your people with protecting the power here. Only you can find it now."
(( Lol s'okay. [: I was just wondering. ))

The power that surged around everyone and caused the prickles against their skin was a very factor of the Grove that caused the legends surrounding it be told to the Chaktawe and the lost souls who were lucky enough to come upon it in the desert. Normally, no Chaktawe would be frightened by this power, except for maybe a select few who were wary of the power held within the trees. The prickles were simply a warning - no, more of a reminder, at least for the Chaktawe.

When Nik stopped, so did the others. They stood around him in almost a horseshoe shape, and watched as his eyes and markings began to glow. Kaulu stayed close, observing her husband, watching for any discomfort. And she found some, but she could only guess it was with purpose. It wasn't a long time before the glowing faded from him and she found his hand working through hers. At his words, she searched his eyes, her own slightly confused but mostly just... just searching.

"Me? Only me?" she asked, voice light as she looked at him before opening up to the Grove. How... how was she supposed to find it?
Niklomaus nodded and his fingers were soft on his wife's face as he brushed her cheek. "You can find it, love." he told her softly, having every faith that she could do so. He could feel the hair-raising power like a physical caress over his skin, but it was too broad-spread for him to pinpoint accurately. It wasn't meant for HIM to find on his own. A Vessel needed its Meneia, it's Guardian in order to complete the mission laid out before him or her.

If Kaulu were to look closely in her history, she would find that Chaktawe from every tribe had gone to the Grove at some point in their lives with strangers that had come into their lives, into their Tribe. Some of them would have been complete strangers, others staying for a time with her people, but no matter if they were just passing through or staying, they would have ended up at the Grove and soon after, those strangers would have died there.....or there would have been some great change in the world.

Unfortunately, the strangers, Vessels, had not chosen paths of Life and over time the Grove had grown far more wary of Vessels. Such explained its borderline hostility to Nik....and why once they started moving, the werewolves found themselves being blocked from going on further through the red trees. The canines were not pleased about it, but Nik and Marsin shared a look and understanding passed between them.

They couldn't help the Sidhe in this. They had known it from the start and simply hadn't wanted to accept it, but there was no helping it now.

The werewolves settled themselves to wait and Nik's pale blue eyes looked back to Kaulu, silently telling her to keep going. He didn't know how she would find the weapon, the power they sought, but he had no doubt that it would come to her.
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Kaulu's eyes closed as she felt her husband's comforting touch and heard his calming voice. And then they opened once more and she smiled at him thankfully.

Obsidian eyes flickered to the vast sanctuary and a foot stepped forward, and then another as she began to enter the opening of the red-leaved trees. There was hardly, if any, resistance towards her entering and as soon as she tread across some invisible boundary, she felt a power surge over her, surrounding her in an oval. She couldn't see it and she couldn't touch it, but it could touch her and she felt every ounce.

It was almost coaxing, the power. Like it wanted something from her. She wasn't sure if it was the same power that Nik felt, as there was something connecting her to something else in the Grove. Like the power had wrapped itself around her waist and now all she had to do was pull and follow the line it left for her. And the more she pulled, the more she followed, the more she felt her mind buzz. Something... something was talking to her but she couldn't form the words.

She didn't know if Nik and the others would be able to follow her in there once she found the dagger, but for now Kaulu knew she was on her own.

It wasn't long before she disappeared from everybody's sight. She could feel each grain of sand underneath her bare feet, and then, all of a sudden she felt something... strange. Where she stepped in one particular spot, it felt like part of the sand stuck to her while the rest dragged away. She stepped away and then pressed in the same spot. Eyes glancing forward, she didn't see anything. But she had a feeling that if she kept on the path she was, she would find something.

Because each step forward she took, she could feel the sand stick together and harden, albeit gradually. It wasn't just a change of terrain; it was changing as she walked upon it, literally changing. She didn't know how long it took; it could have very well taken a course of a few minutes, or maybe even several, but eventually she was at the end of the line.

There was a tree bigger than the rest. All of the should-be sand was hard ground. Anybody wouldn't give the tree a second glance, but again there was something pulling Kaulu towards it, like the other side of the power wrapped around her waist was wrapped around the tree. There was something calling to her and for a long moment, she stared at the dark bark and vibrant, red leaves. The buzzing in her mind became clear voices.

The Spirits.

Kaulu, hearing them with such clarity now, beamed with something she couldn't describe. They were coaxing her, and she quickly realized that she needed to coax them as well. Coax them into letting her in as they coaxed into encouraging her.

She closed the space between her and the tree, her fingertips grazing across the tough, rigid base. And then she felt something strangely cool.
He'd not been allowed to follow, the power of the Grove keeping him from passing a certain point as Kaulu was lost to sight. Nik didn't call out for her, didn't interrupt her focus for he knew that she wouldn't hear him anyway. No, if anyone was safe in this place, it was his wife. She was the Meneia, she was accepted here. He was an untrustworthy Vessel, someone who would bring either healing or destruction at a whim. He would not be allowed to know where the Naishsck une Vailae was kept, where it was hidden during the times when Vessels used it. It was bad enough he got to use it, had right to.

They all waited then, each group only allowed a certain distance. The werewolves had been stopped first and then the other Chaktawe had been halted by the Grove's power. Finally Niklomaus had been forced to a halt, to watch as Kaulu was the last to keep going.

Now he was the first to see her as she returned. His pale blue eyes were for her first above all else, searching her face, her body for any signs of distress or injury, but she seemed hale. Relief swept through his system for while he'd somehow known she'd be all right, he could help but feel worry anyway. It came with loving someone he supposed and therefore fearing losing them even if that fear wasn't logical - nothing about love was logical, Nik had learned that rather quickly, but he wouldn't have given it up for anything. Knowing she was all right, though, his gaze finally drifted to what she held.

Even wrapped in a red cloth, he knew the dagger was what she cradled so carefully. As if it had been waiting for acknowledgement, the Sidhe suddenly felt its power wash over him. His body recognized it instantly as the source that had been plaguing it the entire journey here and Nik grit his teeth as that same energy swirled about him now, its touch like fire over his skin, different from the power of the Grove, different from the contact of the Elements. It was a force all unto itself and he'd summoned it even as it had drawn him.

Nik reached out his hand even before his wife had gotten close enough to give him the weapon, an unknown but overwhelming instinct guiding him. As soon as his palm came up, the dagger took control, flying out of Kaulu's grasp completely, the hilt coming to slam into the Sidhe's hand. It seared into his flesh even as the cloth fell away, revealing the weapon for the first time in many, many years. It was sleek with a sharp tear-drop blade and a snake's head with fangs devouring the steel, it's tongue carved into the center of the dagger. The hilt was the rest of the snake's body, made of bone, the faces and desperately reaching arms of lost souls seeming to call out in pleading and warning both, carved into the serpent's body. This weapon was no hunter's knife nor even the instrument of a slit throat during a battle. No, it was far more powerful, far more deadly. It could take life without drawing a drop of blood and Nik...he could sense that now.

The dagger seemed to have bonded itself to his palm, he couldn't have released it if he'd wanted to, but the Sidhe...didn't want to. No, he wanted to understand the whispers erupting in his mind, the energy now curling in red tendrils around his body, originating from the weapon he held.

The voices were already intoxicating, making him forget everything around him. He couldn't make them out yet, but the wanted to understand so badly and Nik found himself starting to follow the sound into the darkness of his mind, the ground slippery beneath his mental feet. Just a little further and he'd hear them clearly. Just a little more...


The warning was sharp in his head and Nik's glowing blue eyes suddenly flared red, giving testament to Vulcan's presence as the fire element jerked the Sidhe's mind back from the abyss. The halfbreed understood the trap he'd almost fallen into then and his mind, his eyes cleared as he looked down at the dagger in his hand.

It seemed to snicker at him, the sound almost audible, even to outside ears.
Kauluwehi had wrapped the weapon in a red cloth she held in a small sac she carried with her. She didn't know how this dagger worked or exactly what it was capable of, so she didn't want to risk touching it when she had no idea what she could lose.

She was back where Nik and the others could see her within a couple minutes. It was like she had already memorized the invisible path she took, as if she had walked it a thousand times, and therefore she was quicker exiting the Grove than she was entering it. When she met those pale blue eyes, she smiled somewhat triumphantly, giving him and the others a small nod that indicated she was successful.

She was just a few good steps away from Nik when he reached out his hand and the dagger left her hand and flew towards him, as if his palm was a magnet made directly for the dagger. Kaulu stared, shocked, and could only watch as the cloth fell away - seemingly on purpose - and revealed the rather terrifying and morbid picture molded onto the steel.

In reality, Nik was simply standing there, still as a statue, staring with unblinking eyes at the weapon. Kaulu became worried and called his name, but he hadn't answered. She looked to the wolves and then to her people, meeting their eyes for just a moment before her own came back to the halfkyn.

And then his eyes flared red and she stepped back. That wasn't the dagger's power, that was Vulcan's... but something told her that it was because of the dagger that Vulcan made himself known.

She couldn't quite ask what just happened. There were more important things to get to.

"... What do we do now?" her voice cut through the silence first as she looked to her husband. They had the dagger, the power of life and death in their hands. What was their next step?
"We must go to the war."

The words came without prompt, but Nik knew them to be true as he finally tore his eyes away from the blade in his hand and to his wife. There was a slight haze to his pale blue eyes, as if he walked in a dream, half conscious and half drifting. The truth couldn't have been more accurate. He felt as if he was viewing two words; the one of the present, where it seemed Kaulu herself anchored him and the colorful, blurry one. The one that flashed with images and events that he couldn't distinguish the time-line of. Were they the present? The battle currently happening? Or were they the past, a warning of what could be done? An encouragement for it to be done? The Sidhe didn't know and the temptation to let go of this half-state he found himself in, to drift into the other world to discover what it was showing him, what it meant, was great.

Kaulu kept him in place, though. Looking to her face, to the swollen belly that contained their child, he knew he would not leave them. Not even to chance infinite knowledge. They were far more precious to him than that. Still, he was required to be aware of the other world and even wrapping the dagger back in the red cloth could not separate the connection he now had with the object.

It was that connection that told him what they had to do next and Nik repeated it, looking off into the desert. "We must go to the battle. Only there can the power being unleashed."


The war had already begun.

Nik had sent the werewolves ahead of them, knowing the creatures could travel faster than a horse and without as much rest. It was in that way that he knew before they'd even crested the next sand dune that they'd be encountering a bloodbath - the wolves' connection to his mind had told him so beforehand.

The desert was carnage and noise, clashing metal, flashes of power, snarls of rage, scream of the dying and the silence of the dead. It had taken them days to get here and in that time, full out chaos had erupted. Werewolf and Chaktawe fought Sidhe in a terrible struggle, one for home and love of family and the other for power and greed. It was frightening to behold, but Niklomaus knew it was far from the horror that was soon to come.

The Shaydes had yet to arrive.

Finally there was a name for the faceless darkness that had been a question ever since that first prophecy, ever since Nik had shown his new family what was to come. Shaydes. Creatures with no true form, made of shadow and darkness, sweeping across the land in an unstoppable wave of terror. They were drawn to war, to suffering and this....was like honey to a bear. They wouldn't be able to resist it. The Sidhe thought they could have an alliance with the Shaydes, but Nik knew that to be foolish. The creatures that were coming would use the Sidhe and then kill them just the same. The only species they cared for was their own and all they lived for was conquering others.

He had told as much to Kaulu and the others, but what Nik could not tell them was how he planned on stopping them....for he didn't know himself. Life or Death? It was in his hands and yet as he looked down at the fighting, he felt frozen, unable to decide even as the dagger resting against his hip, wrapped in cloth, seemed to burn through his very clothing in demand of his choice.
It was confirmed that the battleground was the only place where the power that Nik now held could be put to use. Kaulu knew this, as did the others, and even though it was germane of them to go as soon as possible, she had to take a moment to just look at her husband. There was something different about him, something that gave evidence to it in his eyes. She didn't expect for him to remain the same once he held such an active power in his hands, but she also hadn't known what to expect. And this, seeing him as if he were half asleep... it was just strange and concerning.

A hand set on her shoulder encouraged her to get a move on it.

In the desert, the land between the Chaktawe's home and the Sidhe's forest, the sight the group held nearly broke Kaulu's heart. Those were her people, her desert, her... her family out there. Mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers. Friends. Soulmates.

But she couldn't let those feelings get to her. Not when they were in the very eye of the storm.

Looking to Nik, the princess saw how he felt and she stepped closer to him, gently taking his hand in hers. "What is it?" she asked in a mild coaxing manner.
The contact jolted the Sidhe back into some semblance of clarity and he inhaled sharply, never looking away from the carnage below them, spread out across the plains, but somehow better able to process it so that it didn't threaten to overwhelm his senses and his mind. Still, he struggled to answer, knowing that even as he remained silent more people were dying - deaths he could prevent.

Perhaps that was it; the knowledge that he had that much power at his fingertips, the knowledge that he'd been born for this moment and that every single moment had been leading to it was...weighty. Very much so. And what if he didn't live through this? There were no guarantees that he would. No one knew what the dagger would ask of him. Some thought it to be what he desired most.

Nik already knew he would not give up Kaulu, nor their child....but would he give up his own life? To save hers, theirs....yes. He would. But in the same breath, he prayed he didn't have to.

"I'm scared." were the words he chose to speak and they were not untruthful. He was scared, terrified really, but it wouldn't stop him from doing what he'd committed to accomplishing. Still, the Sidhe's hand tightened gently on Kaulu's before his pale blue eyes finally met her clear obsidian and Nik didn't speak, he simply pulled his wife close and kissed her passionately, fear and hope, desperation and determination in that one powerful action. He pulled away only slowly, his hands admittedly shaking as they lifted from her face and smoothed back her hair, his forehead against her own. "I love you." His eyes opened then as he pulled back enough to kiss her forehead before looking into her eyes again. "I love you, Kaulu, and no matter what happens, I will always love you. You have made me happier than I could have ever dreamed of being."

Nik kissed her once more before she could reply, knowing that if she did, he might lose all nerve. The Sidhe pulled back again only when they were both breathless and this time he truly backed away, his touch slipping from her own longingly. Instead of soft, warm flesh then, his hand found cold, unforgiving steel. It nearly seared his skin as his palm made contact with the hilt of the dagger and it seemed to Niklomaus that he was instantly gone from the world he knew.

The battle swirled about him, a myriad of colors and sounds all jumbled together, and yet each one clear and precise in his eyes. Each death was powerfully felt, each life the same way. Above it all was the sound of screeching growing louder and closer, a black storm he knew he was witnessing before either army did. The Shaydes were here.

And so was the eclipse, the moon covering the sun, sending the world into a darkness only made more terrifying by the attacking Shaydes, creatures of shadow and midnight. Screams started to escalate, the rate of the dying accelerating. The two incidents collided almost at once and Nik knew there would be no more waiting, not as his world suddenly went soundless but for a whispering voice, ancient and powerful, neither merciful or cruel, but certainly demanding.


"Naishsck une Vailae."

"You seek the power over Life and Death." There was no need for answer and Nik gave none, merely waiting, somehow calm and completely so where he'd been nothing but uncertain before. There was no room for that in this place. Not when his people were dying around him. "What would you give Vessel? What price would you pay?"

"My life." It was said without hesitation, but the power that swirled around the Sidhe in a tight coil of energy and swirling colors beyond description seemed to instantly reject it. "Your life is not desired."

"I will not give you their lives." The need to explain who he spoke of was lost in this place for the dagger searched him continuously, a force that even the Elements could not keep at bay. It was their strength, though, that was keeping him ALIVE. The power of the dagger was consuming, stealing his strength even as they did nothing but converse. Without the Elements creating a channel of power through him, the dagger would have long ago sucked out his soul.

"Their lives are not desired."

Even in this place, Nik could feel relief, but with it came puzzlement. "What is desired then?"


"My power? The power of the elements?"

The energy seemed to swell, almost violently and Niklomaus felt the Elements struggle to keep him stable in the wake of it.....and then felt another kind of sensation ripple through his body. It was a feeling he'd come across before, like the times he'd challenged the Elements, Vulcan especially. It rose up now like a frothing wave and the energy of the dagger shuttered to feel it, the voice hissing out what sounded like an accusation.


The name hit Nik squarely, sweeping over him and he accepted it instantly, knowing it to be true. Raiden. Yes, that was his name, had been his name, still was in some ways. He was Raiden. He was Lightning reborn. Yes, how could he have forgotten that? No matter, he knew now and this time when the energy swelled against him, he deflected it with far more ease. How could he not? He was part of the dagger. He'd given his power and life-source into it for it hadn't been a mere lightning Elemental that had stood with the other twelve to make the dagger, but Lightning himself, Raiden. He'd not been there for the Elemental's sake, but for the sake of Vulcan, Aura, Poseidon and Gaia, for his siblings. He had linked himself, his very power and life-force into the dagger so that only those of his line could wield it, only those who were linked to his siblings could feel its power. He'd done it so that perhaps, one day, the world might be saved from it one day. What he'd hardly expected was for his very essence to be saved by the very weapon he'd help create, that he'd be cast from said weapon into the world once more when the prophecy made was time to be fulfilled. He had not thought to be reborn into a mortal body, but here he was.

And now he knew.

"You shall have your power and you shall give me the power of life...and of death."

"No. The rule is one. Life or Death."

"I possess four powers. Two powers for each choice."

The energy hummed with agitation, with the choice presented to it, something it was not used to and finally it descended upon the Sidhe, the answer given plainly with the action. Protests from Vulcan, Aura, Poseidon and Gaia were ignored. He knew the risks. As he lost their powers, he would lose them in this place and without them their energy would leave him. The dagger might very well kill him yet. Niklomaus, Raiden, he didn't shrink from the knowledge, though, and as the power of the dagger started to consume him, it was Kaulu's face that kept him resolved.


By the time the eclipse had gone, the Shaydes were no more. They'd simply disappeared. Only those privy to the knowledge of the dagger would understand that they had been destroyed utterly. Their threat was gone with but a thought, in a moment they were nothing but a memory.

More miraculous yet, however, was the complete lack of bodies upon the ground. Whether dead or dying, every person now breathed, stood. There was not a death to be found among the Chaktawe, the werewolf or the Sidhe....but for that of the entire Sidhe royal family. King Donn, his son, his wife and his daughter were gone. It sent the Sidhe into something of a panic, but in time they'd decide on a new leader and they'd remember this day. They'd remember what fighting the Chaktawe had cost them. Oh, there would come a generation that did not remember so keenly, that did not heed warning, but that was the future. Now, in the present, the Chaktawe people were safe from war.

The dagger was safe, too.

It was gone, back to its Grove, awaiting the next Vessel. It had left the current Vessel lying in the sand, pale and nearly dead, in a state that refused to abate, one he could not be woken from. There was no answer from the Elements, no explanation. There was only the living and the dead as proof of what he'd done. There was only the barest stirring of life within the Sidhe to give hope that he might wake to see it.


For nearly three months, there was no change.

Nik breathed, his body accepted nutrition without a fight - though, somehow he almost seemed not to need them - but he would not wake. Healers suggested he never might, that his mind was gone even as his body lived, but those who loved him refused to accept it. So they waited. It was all they could do. They waited and they prayed, and they hoped.

It wasn't until they neared the last day of the third month, a season of storms for the Chaktawe, that Niklomaus showed the first signs of waking; movement and facial expression, flickering lids and roaming eyes.

Princess Kaula was summoned immediately.
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His answer was completely understandable. And also known. Kaulu was frightened for herself, for her husband... for the both of them and their future. She was frightened for her people, her nation, and their future. She didn't know what would happen next, what would happen when Nik activated the dagger's power. And she became absolutely terrified when she was kissed. That kiss felt like a goodbye kiss.... it was very possible that it was the last one they would share, and that fact, along with the passion that filled the kiss, had her tearing up. As her eyes burned with those tears, she tried not to cry. Not when Nik was looking to her like that.

She wanted to tell him that she loved him, too. That he was the only person in this entire world that she wanted at her side every minute of every day. But his lips found hers again and there was no more room for words.

And then he was slipping away from her and she had to let him go.

Kaulu protected him from the outside forces... but she couldn't protect him from the dagger.

As people literally rose from the dead, all lives included, the Chaktawe princess stared in amazement. All Sidhe and Chaktawe did, actually. But that wasn't before Kaulu turned to only be greeted with the sight of her husband lying in the sand.


The Sidhe monarch was dead. Each member of the family was gone, excluding Nik, though there was a chance he might very will be. For three months he stayed in a comatose sort of state, but Kaulu never gave up hope. Her belly grew with their child, and whether it was a girl or a boy... or twins... it had some powerful kicks.

Kaulu thought that sometimes the baby missed Nik, the he or she knew their dad was missing. She assured that their dad was coming back soon and that he loved him/her/them. And she said all those things to help reassure herself.

As she entered her third trimester, it was starting to become more and more difficult to keep a positive outlook. But she did. And her efforts didn't go in vain.

The day she was alerted that her husband was stirring from his state, she immediately left her quarters to go to him, walking as fast she could with her big belly. She entered the room and stared at her husband from the doorway, just letting the moment settle down, before she went to his side.

It was the power of the storm that had stirred him, but it was the sound of a familiar voice, a treasured voice, that brought him completely around, that centered him as light started to pierce the darkness, his body finally responding to his demands. Eyelids fluttered, struggled and then opened, flooded with colors and images that made him hiss with pain and shut them again immediately. They didn't stay that way for long, though, the desire to see the owner of that wonderful voice overriding anything else until the Sidhe's pale blue eyes were visible once more.

The room was darker this time, though, someone having known immediately what the problem was and closing the curtains and dimming the lamps a bit to cast a gentler glow to the room - less harsh on his senses. Niklomaus was grateful for it as his gaze flickered, searched and locked on to the owner of the voice, her face. The smile that came to his face, small but warm, was instant and full of relieved recognition.

Kaulu. His wife. His love.

Suddenly the world seemed to come into alignment, stopped spinning as it had been doing ever since the battle. Even in the endless darkness, the sensation of falling, of careening out of control had been ever-constant until he'd despaired of ever seeing an end to it. Now he could feel the weight of the blankets that covered him, he sensation of the bed beneath him, the smell of the burning oil and incense around him, his eyes drinking in the sight of the beautiful Suli who stood by his bedside, her stomach full of his child. Nik had never seen anything more breathtaking in his life and slowly his hand reached up and out, as if he feared to touch her would make her disappear. Kaulu stayed, though, as did the presence of their child as he settled his palm on her belly with gentle care.

It was then that the first streak of lightning out in the sky showed itself, striking the desert and the Sidhe's hand crackled with the same energy where it rested on Kaulu's stomach....but the lightning did not harm her, not even when it seeped into her body, into her womb and touched the child. He'd known it wouldn't bring harm and now pale blue eyes looked back up into black even as Nik slowly sat up, his body seeming to show no effect of the last three months without movement. Slowly he brought his head to her swollen belly, laying his forehead against it and now - now the tears came, the sobs that pulled at his body even as he spoke, the words and the weeping not of sadness or fear, but of relief, a feeling of relief so profound that he could express it no other way.

"We won. W-we won. They're safe. E-everyone is s-safe. Y-you. Our ch-child. Safe."

Nik looked up once more then and he gently pulled Kaulu down to sit by him, wasting no time in gathering her close and kissing her breathless. Soon enough he'd have to acknowledge what he'd done, the price he'd paid for this peace, but for now...the victory was enough. His wife was enough. The well-being of their child was enough.
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His eyes were still closed when she was by his side, but he was fighting to wake. She knew it and so did everybody else. Her husband was a fighter and no matter what happened, he would always find a way back to her, like she would always find a way back to him.

The hiss made her head turn to tell someone to dim the lighting, but a servant was already on it as they were sensitive enough to the situation to know what their beloved Sidhe needed. Nikolaus' eyes opened once more with the mission to search, and so Kaulu stayed right where she was, not wanting to frighten or overload the man in bed. When recognition flooded his expression, she finally allowed a smile to grace the features, the curve of her lips large and happy.

Words weren't shared between them as Nik came to and reached out to touch her and her stomach. She continued to smile warmly down at her husband as her own hand came to rest atop his on her stomach, and then she felt the lightning pass through her. It didn't hurt, and she knew it hadn't touched her child, but it had spurred the infant awake. As Nik sat up and pressed his head against his wife's swelled belly, the parents would both feel their baby kicking wildly, as if it knew his or her daddy was back and as such was celebrating his return.

As Nik wept and said his words, the Chaktawe princess could feel her own eyes whelm with tears, and with her free hand she wiped away a stray tear. Yes, they were safe. All of them were safe and alive and okay.

Kaulu was pulled down and all the kisses she received, she returned. Tears were allowed to fall now as she was reunited with the very roots of her heart.

"Oh... I missed you," she breathed in between a kiss. "I missed you so much."
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Her words registered slowly, very slowly, but when they did, Nik made himself pull back from her tempting mouth and the intoxicating taste of his wife to look into her eyes, his own pale blue puzzled, questioning. Missed him? That....that implied he'd been gone long enough to be missed. How long had he been falling through the vortex? Hours? Days? Weeks? Had....had it been months? The Sidhe suddenly felt a cold feeling curl through his torso and he knew in an instant that it was familiar.

Very familiar.

It spread, working its way into his chest; a hollow, cold, desperate feeling that made his breath catch and suddenly he knew, he remembered. It was gone. His power. He'd sacrificed it and there was nothing where it had been, an empty, black space within his mind, in the very fabric of who he was. Nik closed his eyes, hoping Kaulu had not seen the haunted emptiness that had flashed through their depths, but knowing that his wife missed very little, especially when she was concerned. He could feel that she was, knew she was. The way she'd looked at him, with such relief and hope, had told the Sidhe enough, had answered his unspoken questions perfectly; he'd scared her. He'd been away far longer than he knew and she'd been scared.

He didn't want to frighten her any further, but Nik could not deny the ache within his chest, his hand rising unbidden to press against his sternum in a futile attempt to relief the cold feeling within. It was gone and he could never have it back. He knew the price was worth it, knew the lives he had saved and brought back were more than worth the pain, still hurt. He'd had the power for so long, to be without it was....wrong.

Nik opened his eyes once more, not so raw this time, but that only being because he forced his gaze to remain steady for Kaulu's sake. Still, it was not fear within his gaze, nor abject pain or regret. Rather it was a shadow of resignation, equally as strong conviction for the decision he'd made and the haunted aftermath of knowing he now had to live with it, with the constant reminder of what he'd given up. Still, he smiled for her, just as he always would because she was worth that to him and more.

"Kaulu, love, how long was I asleep?"
She didn't want him to pull back, but when he did it hadn't been unexpected. She knew her words would make questions arise, ones that she would have to answer, ones that might disturb her husband. But she knew that it was just another step towards recovery, even if it didn't seem as such.

And Nik had been right; Kaulu didn't miss that haunted look in his pale eyes. She knew that there was something wrong with him, whether it was due to memories from the war, about his powers, or... something worse. The princess sat there as she let her husband have some time. Eyes watched with all the attention of the world as blue eyes were replaced with lids, and a hand came to his breastbone. Pressing.

He knew his powers were gone. She wasn't sure if she would ever be able to cure that pain, or at least ease the majority of the loss. The Elements had been a part of him far longer than she ever had been, maybe than she ever would be. And even though he had only recently began to truly connect with them, they were still something far greater to him.

Only with time would things grow better.

At Nik's question, Kaulu looked at him for a moment. She then let out a short breath, smiled slightly, and found Nik's hand in her own. Whether it was to comfort him or her, she didn't know. "Three months."
Three months.

Gods, no wonder he'd scared her!

Nik looked at his wife with wide eyes, slightly shocked, but more accepting than anything as he closed them once again for a moment and shook his head, squeezing her hand gently before he looked to her again. "I am sorry." was the quiet apology and the Sidhe seemed to search her gaze for a moment, not necessarily looking for something from Kaulu herself, but rather searching for a way to tell her something he was not sure how to explain. He knew she'd listen, that she'd be wonderful and accepting - she always was and he loved her infinitely for it, but that didn't make it easier to put into words.

So he started a bit smaller.

"My powers...they're gone. I can't....feel them. It's like a hole, an empty feeling where they should be." He'd not meant to whisper, to let the pain into his voice, but in the end it couldn't be helped and Nik just managed to stem the tide of tears that stung his eyes, blinking them back with a careful breath. "I don't...I don't regret what I did. I just..." He couldn't even put it into words and the Sidhe let his hair fall forward, shielding him for a moment as he waited for breathing past the ache in his chest to become easier. He had faith that it would in time. Kaulu had taught him that, had shown him to have hope, to have faith that things would get better, could be better. It was something he could never thank her enough for. He couldn't even begin to adequately his gratitude to her enough for that gift.

Nik finally looked up again, taking comfort in his wife as he gave her a shaky, but brave smile. "I lost something, but....I found something, too. I...I know who I am now, who I was...or who I have been. Kaulu, I'm Raiden. I'm Lightning. The Elements, they're my family, my siblings. I'd forgotten, but now I understand again."
There could never be any reason for Nik to apologize to her in this moment. While sometimes she wondered why it was her and her husband destined to such a fate, why it was the halfkyn that had to suffer for so long and sacrifice so much, she was also... glad to have been by his side. To be the person - HIS person - to have given him so much in return. That it had ended like this.

Niklomaus would never have to apologize for anything.

So Kaulu shook her head in a sort of dismissal of his apology. Maybe if he had died or stayed sleeping for far longer, she might have a little more to say. But he was awake, he was alive, and he was still there. It was still her beloved sitting before her, not just a lost soul in a body it simply used for a vessel. That was something to be eternally grateful for.

Seeing as he had something to say, Kaulu quietly patiently stayed there as he found the words to say. It became clear that his powers were actually gone, and while the woman felt at a loss, she knew what she felt could never compare to the way Nik felt. At his brave smile and the words that followed, a smile graced her own face.

"And now you can live a long, fruitful life. With your son or your daughter, and maybe more in the future." She giggled lightly and leaned forward to press a kiss between his brows. Then she leaned back again. "Welcome back.... Raiden."


In the coming months, as Nik revitalized, the nation of the Chaktawe revitalized as well. There was still much to do in the land between the desert and the forest, with the Sidhe, the Elementals, and the few issues of internal affairs. However, there was a peace that settled over the lands in a thick blanket; at least, that's what it felt like to the desert-dwellers. It felt safe again.

Kicks became more and more frequent in the princess's belly. The fetus continued to grow until, without much resistance, it was ready to see the world for itself, eager to meet its mother and father, its aunt, and its grandparents. It was labor, so it was tough. Probably one of the worst physical pains Kauluwehi had ever experienced, but it was short. It took only about four hours total- her mother called her a very lucky woman.

And the pain was so worth it. A beautiful baby girl with the thick, white locks of her father and the bronze skin of her mother enraptured her parents' hearts. Seeing her so healthy, so well, had Kaulu crying in relief and joy.

Rayako'ona Suli was the most beautiful thing either of them had set their eyes on. And in the naming process, Nik had decided to take on the last name of the Suli's as well. Anybody and everybody of the Chaktawe was happy to have him "officially" as a Suli.

There was a celebration for the new darling the week after she was born. It was almost like an after-birth babyshower, but said darling and her mother left the party early to get a head start on much needed rest.

It was... happy times that felt like it would last for a long, long time.
Peace was something Niklomaus had never known, but the longer it lasted, the more he found he was falling in love with it. To know there would be no more war, no more pain or grief for a while yet was something he'd never fathomed. Even the pain of losing his powers had dimmed, replaced by something much more in a way he never could have anticipated. He'd claimed to be Lightning, to being Raiden and Kaulu had even acknowledged it, but what that truly meant hadn't really been clear even to him in that moment.

He was two people in one body and yet one person all at that same time. Raiden was who he truly was at the core, the incarnation of Lightning, who'd lived longer than he could measure and had seen many lifetimes and generations, but that didn't make him any less Niklomaus. He'd lived the life of the Sidhe, had suffered and endured without memory of who he was and so that was as much a part of him as every experience Raiden had gone through.

It didn't take long to find a balance between the two. Raiden was confident, wise, charismatic and loved to laugh. Niklomaus was determined, loyal, thoughtful and brave even if he'd endured a great deal of trauma. The two mixed together, two different lives meeting had the most astounding affects and the halfbreed seemed to bloom overnight into the very leader his wife had always seen he could be. She'd not been wrong. Not in the least for out of all the Elements, Raiden was the strongest and the leader of the five. That didn't change even now.

Knowing all that, discovering who he was and finding balance couldn't compare to the joy and wonder he felt meeting his daughter for the first time, though. It ranked right up there with discovering Kaulu loved him for the first time. It was certainly love at first sight when he looked upon Rayako'ona - Raya, she was already being dubbed - and her father doted on her completely.

Niklomaus had never been happier and that night, after the celebration, curled up with his wife close to him and their daughter sleeping soundly not far away, the Sidhe knew the future would be brighter than he could have ever anticipated.
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