Ozpin's head is tilted down while he sits leaning back in his stiff chair. His hands still folded before him, elbows resting on the table. His head tilted down, only his eyes move to watch Victor, pupils partially concealed behind his small round glasses. He allows the young man to finish, and then allows for a pause. His eyes move to Cereza when she would mention the same 'interference'. His gaze moves to more in front of himself… seeming to just stare out into space for a few moments. It's an almost… awkward length of time really.
He suddenly speaks, almost blurting out (as if he just realized he had been spacing) "People much much smarter than I" now he sits up a bit and looks towards Victor as he continues "Found something unusual in the Auras of those from other dimensions. It is otherwise undetectable, save for this particular test. Please, do not ask more than that. It is a very complicated science, and above my knowledge." He chuckles softly "I know it works, however. And is able to detect those not native to this world."
Now Cereza asks (ask is a far kinder term for her tone) to know of this world's magic. "No." is his simple answer to he query. Another pause, and now he looks to her, his hands folding to rest on the tabletop. "I have no doubt whatsoever you have formidable knowledge of magics, of the arcane and paranormal. But you will not be performing any investigations, experiments or other task to attempt to manipulate what balance there is in this sensitive world. This isn't your world. You are not the main characters of this story. It is my world that is thrown into danger by beings such as yourselves randomly appearing. Some with noble intentions.. others… not. Past pain and tragedy force my hand to caution."
Now he slowly pushes himself to his feet, his hands folding behind his back as he looks between them "Here is the options I would like to offer you. The first.. you join young Ms. Rose and come to my school." His eyes rest on Victor a moment "I can offer you both special grants for entry. Your curriculum would also be specialized. Join my Academy, and perhaps I can help you find a way back to your home. Or.." He motions to the door "You can leave. You will not be restrained or stopped. You can go on your way. However…" Now he slightly pushes up his glasses on his nose as he looks back to them "know you WILL be monitored. And that will be easier if you simply join my Academy. If you choose to leave… you will never have a singular moment of privacy. I will know your every act. I will be watching you, rest assured. And I will not be lenient should you step out of the lines of decency we have on this world." Now he smiles pleasantly, his head tilting up a little "As I said when I first entered this room.. I would like to offer some free advice. Please… join me at my Academy. And join young Ms. Rose. You can be of use to us, and we will be of use to you."
His mind, as he speaks, does linger on Victor's words of fate…