Stay Close, Don't Leave: A Post-Apocalyptic Roleplay

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"The last of the emergency signals died when the beams hit the planet. It was so sudden. One minute you're having a picnic, the next, half the neighborhood is reduced to ashes. There was so much blood, and the screams just wouldn't stop. Beasts fell from the sky, killing everything in sight. This is the kinda shit you'd only see in movies or video-games. But this wasn't a game. We were not prepared for...for whatever this was.

We. Fucked. Up.

Nations across the world were armed to teeth to try to take this thing on, but we didn't have a chance to even pull the goddamn trigger. And then...they started "taking" us. Everyone, being sucked up into the sky like a straw, a few hundred at a time. Those that were lucky, watched as their loved ones were pulled into the sky, never to be seen again. Then the clouds opened, and we saw this threat for what it truly was. The saddest part, is that there was no hope. This... was our extinction event." -an unknown survivor

In the year 2019, Earth was hit with a catastrophic event that we all deemed "far-fetched". We thought that the likelihood of an extraterrestrial invasion was zero to none, and that was our downfall. On October 25, 2019, mankind witnessed the beginning of the end of our world. They hit hard, and they hit fast. Our armies failed, and with that, so did our hope of ever stopping the extermination of our world.

Now almost 4 years later, what's left of civilization exists in pockets, scattered across our planet. Survival on the surface became a life and death struggle, as humanity defended it from the creatures that were left behind. The population of the planet whittled down from over 9 billion, to only a few hundred thousand.

But there may be grace in our failure. Radio signals suggest of a safe haven in Kansas, and a possible future where mankind can reclaim Earth before we lose it all. With bags packed and weapons at the ready, survivors make their way to a place that could possibly save our world.



New York, having a population of over 9 million people, was the first of many cities to be attacked by the invasion. Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost, and mankind watched as New York burned to the ground. Now, years later, it stands as a graveyard. Survivors who choose to tread here, are faced with almost certain danger, as the city is now overrun by extraterrestrial beasts, bandits, and looters.

Survivor Risk: High | Loot: Low | Enemy Threat: High | Atmospheric Hazard: Low


San Francisco witnessed the worst natural event it had ever seen. What they call an "Orbital Plasma Ladder", a highly charged electric pulse, broke through the clouds...cracking the San Andreas Fault line, splitting the land of California in half. The earth opened up and swallowed entire cities as millions fell into the fiery abyss, . Years later, the remnants of humanity in California struggled to Survive in San Francisco, which is now an island, cut off from the rest of the country by the Pacific Ocean.

Survivor Risk: Medium | Loot: High | Enemy Threat: Low | Atmospheric Hazard: High


During the invasion, many people fled to the south in an attempt to escape the devastation. Day by day, the city became host to refugees...and that made the city of New Orleans an immediate target. The entire city was bombarded by alien weaponry and flooded. Now those who remain, attempt to survive on what's left of the military naval presence that once tried to protect the city.

Survivor Risk: Medium | Loot: Low | Enemy Threat: Medium | Atmospheric Hazard: Medium


Helena, Montana was considered a safe haven due to its vast landscape, but even it wasn't safe from a nationwide attack. Forests were burned to the ground, and mountains were completely obliterated. These days, Helena, boasts as one of the safest places in the country. But it isn't without its dangers, with nuclear radiation pocketing the region; and alien creatures scattered about, roaming the countryside.

Survivor Risk: Medium | Loot: Low | Enemy Threat: Low | Atmospheric Hazard: High


The city of Austin, Texas lasted the longest due to its high military presence at the time of the attack. It was the beacon of hope for days, until it finally fell due to the advanced weaponry of alien forces. It's host to one of the largest survivor bases in the country, but is quickly becoming more and more dangerous, as civil unrest raises its ugly head.

Survivor Risk: Medium | Loot: High | Enemy Threat: Medium | Atmospheric Hazard: Low

  • Survivor Risk: The level of danger that a survivor may face in that area.
  • Loot: Determines the type of weaponry and gear that a survivor may have upon starting.
  • Enemy Threat: The potential and immediate level of enemies faced within the world: bandits & aliens.
  • Atmospheric Hazard: The potential environmental dangers that pose a threat, ranging from nuclear radiation or landscape hazards.




Physical Appearance:
Insert image here

Current Location(see"Locations"):




Link to image- (description goes here)
Link to image- (description goes here)


I assume were all civil people but just to make sure:
  • This rp will governed by the GM(myself) and possibly a CO-GM, what we say, goes. Period.​
  • All Iwaku Rules Apply!​
  • Let's be civil and friendly. We all have bad days but let's not be asses about it.​
  • Have fun!​

This is a semi-realistic sci-fi rp, meaning that your character and his/her attributes must be confined to real-world parameters.

  • No powers or enhanced abilities of any kind, unless you have extensive military training. But no one here is Captain America or The Punisher so keep the physical abilities realistic.
  • No God-moding.
  • There is a 1 character, 1 NPC limit.
  • Your location is based on the different types listed above. So you have free reign to tailor your character according to where he/she is from. Ex: If I'm from an area of High radiation, my gear(armor or other clothing) may be a bit better than others.
    • Tailor your weapon choice to your region as well. Depending on where you're from, not everyone is going to start out with a rocket launcher or an ak-47. But through your journey you are likely to come across such items, so be discreet.


This is YOUR journey, so journey across the land as you sit fit, reasonably. You can and will most likely run into other character, so stay on the alert.
  • Location is key. We are all working towards a specific area in the end, "Kansas". So please make sure to notify where you are in your rp and keep track of where you are so everyone knows.
  • Be creative. This is the beginning of your origin story. Whether you make a grand entrance or not, bring your character to life.​
  • There are no instant-kills unless agreed upon by another player.​
  • You WILL run into obstacles. You WILL face enemies. No one travels from point A to point B without a scratch or getting their hands/ and or feet dirty.​
  • Drama is almost always a necessary for a fully flushed, characterized story. Lost a love one? Best friend almost tried to kill you? Want someone else dead? Make that known.​
  • Romance is allowed. I'd make out with Maggie if I were Glenn too, so it is permitted.​

Richard Underwood

Alex Treverrow

Simon Nash


Richard Underwood



6'2/ 208 Lbs

Physical Appearance:

New Orleans, Louisiana

Current Location(see"Locations"):
Austin, Texas



Needless to say Rick's seen some shit. Watching people die, and surviving in this harsh world with danger around every corner can drive a man insane. He's a brooding figure on the surface, but underneath, he's very comedic and sarcastic once he's softened up.

A great combatant and survivalist, Richard's greatest strength is his intelligence. Thinking first before jumping into action, he's managed to survive efficiently for months on end, alone.

Richard has trouble adapting to leadership roles. Watching 3 of his former groups die before his eyes, hes drawn into himself, wandering the land in isolation. Loneliness is a weakness in this world, teamwork is needed to survive.

He sports a scar on the left side of his face, the result of an encounter with a Frey Hound

Chrome-Plated Axe - an axe plated with chrome. durable, sharp, and able to take on even the toughest enemies
Duel Glock 23's - series of polymer-framed, short recoil-operated, locked breech semi-automatic pistols. compact, and deadly

Survivor Outfit - long back trench coat, wool-knitted shirt and pants, black beanie, and a tattered military backpack​
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Greetings! Currently working on a Character Sheet for a woman in New Orleans. :) I had the idea of using the actress who plays Melisandre in Game of Thrones, but finding full body photographs/screen-caps of her with clothing on is terribly difficult. D:
Lol who knows, maybe the invasion started during the middle of a stage play. But face wise, she does indeed have the persona of a southerner.
Interested. I think I'll make an urban explorer.
Name: Alex Treverrow
Nickname: Cricket, due to his unique ability to mimic a crickets whistle.
Age: 18
Weight/Height: 160lbs 6'0"
Physical Appearance: Average. Physically fit but not very strong.

Houston, U.S
Current Location: Lost Pines camp. (Right outside Austin.)
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Alex is very light-hearted and fun. He doesn't let the apocalypse get to him and tries to enjoy this new world.
Strengths: Great climber, sharpshooter and eagle eyes.
Weaknesses: He takes very few things seriously. This leads him to get into trouble quite often.
Ailments: A few cuts and rashes here and there but nothing serious.

Ruger GP100 with 24 rounds in 4 speed-loaders. "It was my dads. He put a .357 right between an aliens eyes with it."
Kukri. "Found it in a bombed out Academy. Cool, huh?"
"It's not much but it keeps me alive."
Sign-ups for this roleplay may seem a bit slow but just give it time. I love the characters so far, and I know this will be a great rp when the time for closing sign-ups comes around. Thank you for your interests.
I'm interested in this roleplay, but I'm curious about the post length that is expected out of each player. Would it be possible to get a minimum and maximum post length?
I'm interested in this roleplay, but I'm curious about the post length that is expected out of each player. Would it be possible to get a minimum and maximum post length?

Since this is a "play your way" type of RP, the length of the post is up to you. But to be more specific, this is a post-apocalyptic world and a realized one at that, so 1-3 paragraphs would be sufficient. Feel free to flush out your backstory and journey as much as you'd like, but be reasonable lol. I personally will be posting 2-3(or 4) paragraphs a post. Once players start running into other players, that's when we'll be seeing a shift in post length as interaction will now be a factor.

Hope this helps!
Since this is a "play your way" type of RP, the length of the post is up to you. But to be more specific, this is a post-apocalyptic world and a realized one at that, so 1-3 paragraphs would be sufficient. Feel free to flush out your backstory and journey as much as you'd like, but be reasonable lol. I personally will be posting 2-3(or 4) paragraphs a post. Once players start running into other players, that's when we'll be seeing a shift in post length as interaction will now be a factor.

Hope this helps!
That was exactly what I was asking! Thanks for the info.

You should be looking forward to me creating a character sheet in the coming days :)
Simon Nash
167lbs, 5'5"
Physical Appearance:


Southwark, England
Current Location(see"Locations"):
Austin, Texas


He tends to be very quiet and soft spoken, as well as holding a serious demeanor. If he ever is to joke, it is strictly sarcastic humor, which comes off rude since he can be very blunt.
He is quiet, quick on his feet, and small which allow him to get to hard to find hiding spots, or escape pursuers.
He has a hard time sticking with a group. People always seem to leave him, causing him to go from group to group, always watching as they either abandoned him, kicked him out, or he had to leave for his own safety. He also has surprisingly never had an encounter with a Frey Hound. He only has heard rumors of them being dangerous, but does not know how to kill them or even what they look like other than a blind dog with horns, as they are described as.
(As of starting) A sprained left wrist, which has a makeshift splint on it to keep it from getting worse.


A Hammer-Crowbar-Hatchet multi tool: Lucky for him, he stumbled across this interesting tool while looting. The hatchet blade is dull and can't easily be used for cutting or chopping at this point, but the Hammer and Crowbar are enough for him to find it useful and to keep it around.
Only the clothes on his back: Wearing protective gear would be protecting, as it is meant to be, yet it would restrict him with his movement.

Born in England, Simon lived his first three years with his mother; who was from the States, and his father; who was born and raised in London. His parents met when his mother went to college over seas for a year, and met Simon's father a few months into the school year.

When Simon was three, Simon's mother and father got into an argument, which ended with his father walking out on them. Sadly, he died a month or two after the two got divorced. Simon didn't really know much about his father since he left at such a young age, and all he knows is from the stories that his mother would tell him as he grew up.

A year afterwards; when Simon was four, him and his mother moved back to the States to live with family. They sold their house, said goodbye to Simon's grandparents, aunts, and uncle; and headed to Arizona, where Simon would live for ten years before the new world happened, and everything went to hell.

At 14, he didn't really grow up other than maturing into an adult. He wasn't stripped of his childhood, rather just his teen years. His mother helped him survive until she was murdered by a group of bandits, forcing Simon to go on the run at the age of 15.

Now that he is 17, he is somewhat experienced. He has matured, and tries to do what his mother would want him to do.
@Summer Nights, @Xytheus
Loving this :D, Both of your characters are nice and realistic. Can't wait to see them in action once we get 2-3 more people. Well Done. We could do this with 3 people but, for a world this big, a few more wouldn't be so bad. So hang in there. Also, Summer Nights I'll add your character to the Cast List.
@Summer Nights, @Xytheus
Loving this :D, Both of your characters are nice and realistic. Can't wait to see them in action once we get 2-3 more people. Well Done. We could do this with 3 people but, for a world this big, a few more wouldn't be so bad. So hang in there. Also, Summer Nights I'll add your character to the Cast List.
Thank you, Sir! :) I'm glad that you like Simon, and I've been wanting to play him for like... a month or two now!

I think that I would be willing to wait a bit longer if it means more people. This group seems like it will be big since there are a lot of starting spots, so two per area would be good enough, but the more the merrier, right? :D
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