Star Wars: The Star Forge Sagas (Episode I: The Fall of the Sith)

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Tersha let out a mental sigh as it seemed that she would be escorted off the ship, but wait..

"Unless...You have a better idea..."

She turned her yellow eyes towards the jedi, gently probing with the force, and managed to garner a vague sense of indecisiveness from the mirialan. That was...not the best result, neither was it the worst. She resisted the urge to tap a hand against her chin. No need to show outward signs of her plotting. The jedi's voice pulled her out of her plans and she paid attention to the going ons around her once more.

"I wouldn't put it past her to sabotage the ship, captain. The question is, do we escort her off and let her tamper with the outside or hold her in the brig and let her tamper with the inside?"

She made a face at the mention of the brig, though if they did put her there, she had plans for some fun with the guards, but that could be figured out in more detail later. She turned back to the captain, her face still wearing an expectant expression, hands clasped behind her back. The Other had been oddly silent throughout her planning. She hoped he wasn't preparing to break through her shields. That would be rather inconvinent at the moment.
Zak Dymo, #00ffff
The Outer Rim

The mis-matched pair of Snake and Fish had traveled from Corellia to Mandalore, and then found themselves journeying on from there into the wilds of the Outer Rim, always on the trail of some mystery concerning the Confederacy of Independent Systems and seemingly always just two steps behind their quarry. At some point, the dynamic duo had crossed paths with a frigate carrying clone troopers under the command of a Zabrak Jedi named Prylar Zek, an acquaintance of the Thisspiasian Jedi's who had drafted the Sentinel and his not-quite-padawan into the war effort.

"The fighting will be brief, he said."

The four powerful arms of the serpent-like Sentinel worked in tandem, the yellow lightsaber staff mowing through an army of droids in a brutal display of the power of the style known as Djem So. The Thisspiasian's lithe body, expanded out and then coiled tightly as the massive creature danced like a sidewinder in and around the combatants massing around him.

"There'll never be any real danger, he said,"
the bearded snake muttered darkly, as a small green form somersaulted through the air. Landing behind the large Jedi, the young Nautolan neatly parried aside several blaster bolts, before vaulting back through the air and disarming one of the battle droids. Literally. The child's blue shoto hummed with a genuine sense of power, the Jedi having de-activated the failsafe which ordinarily made the youngling's training saber a non-lethal weapon.

For all the bouncing around that the boy was doing, he'd have done just as well to take up Ataru. As it was, the sheer randomness of the youngling probably paired well with Shii-cho.

It didn't change the fact that he was in the midst of an all-out war with a nine year old as the cavalry. "Damn fool of an idealistic crusade," the Thisspiasian growled.

"Uh... I'm right here," a Zabrak Jedi uttered aloud, as the horned man fought at the serpent's back. "I can hear you."

"Good," the Thisspiasian said flatly, paying the Jedi behind him no mind as the bearded snake swept aside one of the B1 series droids and then realized that Zak wasn't bouncing around. Scanning the area, the bearded snake found the boy propping his Jawa toy on a rock that was nearly as tall as the boy was. "Youngling, what are you doing?" the Sentinel asked in the exasperated tone of a wearied parent.

The small boy finished posing his toy and then, head tails bouncing, turned his head up to flash the Thisspiasian a cheeky grin. "Jono wants to watch the battle," the child supplied simply, performing a forward flip through the air and then igniting his training saber as several more blaster bolts came their way.

The Zabrak fought his way over beside the bearded Sentinel, leaning his head over slightly as he spoke. "You know, when you said you'd taken a padawan, I'd envisioned someone..."

"Responsible?" the Thisspiasian asked, trying to complete the man's sentence. "Level-headed?"

Regardless of the fact that there were adults speaking, the green-skinned Nautolan flipped back through the air, turning toward the Thisspiasian. "Master, can... can we get sumthin' to eat after, like, we beat all the droids and stuff?" the boy inquired, oblivious to the more pressing concern of a droid army forming up around them. The boy looked as though the fighting and acrobatics were beginning to take their toll on him, and the sound of what may have been the youngling's stomach gave indication that the Sentinel may have forgotten to feed the Nautolan before dragging him down into war.

"...Older," the Zabrak Jedi stated, completing his earlier thought.


"Does... Is there a Biscuit Baron on Geomosis?" the youngling asked, pausing briefly to deflect a shot from a blaster.


"Yeah," the child uttered vapidly, as the adults corrected him in unison. "That."

The Thisspiasian had been about to answer when a vibration caught his attention. "DOWN!" the Jedi commanded, knocking Zak aside and using his tail to take the Zabrak off his feet. Through a cloud of sand and smoke, a torrent of blaster fire descended from on high, as droids appeared in the air atop aerial platform which skimmed over the desolate terrain of Geonosis.

A red bolt cut through the air, skimming over the top of the rock where the Nautolan had propped up his toy. The molded action figure came apart in a violent eruption which left only the smoking, smoldering remains of the Jawa's legs.

The youngling drew in a sharp breath, his dark eyes growing large as realization set in as to the fate of his toy. And then, he scowled. Sprinting for the Thisspiasian, the Nautolan bounded off the ground. Springing off the Sentinel's coils, the lightsaber-wielding youngster whirled through the air. His boot barely caught the edge of the repulsor platform, the child grabbing hold of the back of the battle droid as the two suddenly went careening through the air.

"Hey," the B1 series droid complained aloud, trying to pivot it's rigid body to get at the freeloading hitchhiker on it's back. "Stop that!"

Getting his footing, the boy grabbed on to the actual personal repulsorlift and then gave an overhead sweep of his arm that cleaved the droid in two. Shutting down the lightsaber, the child fidgeted with the hilt for a moment as he clipped that to his belt before knocking the remaining part of the droid off the skiff and taking hold of the controls.

He was too short to see over the handlebars, so as he reached his hands up to grab them, he steered while peering to the left or right of the central column. His hands and eyes explored the controls. "Hey, it's just like a speeder bike," the child realized aloud, as a blaster bolt buzzed nearby. "Uh..." the boy uttered, as it dawned on him now that there were other airborne battle droids. Turning his head to the left and right, the child saw another B1 on an aerial repulsor trying to maneuver behind him. "Uh oh," the boy said with a sinking feeling, as though he suddenly knew that something bad was going to happen.

Somersaulting off of the platform, the boy ignited his lightsaber and gave a downward arcing slice that connected with the droid - which he'd planned - but also with the control's of the droid's platform - which he hadn't intended. In his head, Zak had imagined that he'd flip back onto the other droid's platform and just ride it.

Reality? Not so much.

"Oh, FRELL!" the Nautolan swore, making one wonder just where a boy raised in an austere, monastic environment would learn such language. As he slipped into free-fall and saw the ground rushing up from below it seemed appropriate however.

A large, red and black ship came sharply into view, as the Nautolan realized that it wasn't the ground that he was about to hit. All things being equal, however, the ship really didn't look like it was going to be any more comfortable to land on. As he let himself slip into the default panic of screaming like a little girl, some rational part of the Nautolan's brain - woefully underutilized - nonetheless prompted a quick decision about what to do.

Drawing in a breath, the boy balled himself up and then exhaled, shooting out his arms as he channeled the Force into a teacher test worthy featherpush as the ship rushed up to greet him. The child felt himself pushed upward, his descent halted as though he'd just been caught by a bungee cord that had been stretched taunt, as the boy's Force push held him aloft just inches off the hull of the ship.

And then the proverbial cord snapped back, vaulting the boy back into the air as he lost control over the momentum he was attempting to control. Like a sack of potatoes hurled into the air, the Nautolan inarticularly went up, and then he went down, smacking against the hull before tumbling several times. Sliding along the smooth metal, the boy finally skidded to a halt, laying in a daze. Finally, he sat up and looked around as the magnitude of what had just happened began to set in.

"Astral!" the boy exclaimed happily, before flopping back down in sheer exhaustion.
Lylith von Black, #ff4d4d
Lylith made a face as she looked from Iluna to the newcomer... She was considering what real damage one woman could cause to a battleship when...

*Thud!* *Bump..* *Bump...*

Lylith jerked her head upwards, as that's where she'd heard the sound come from... Seemingly from outside the ship... She followed the sound as it traversed the bridges roof until...


A small Nautolan boy appeared, falling from above the transperisteel viewport, as if he'd fallen from the sky... He stood, though, unharmed, and exclaimed something with a fist pump...

"Is that yours?" Lylith casually asked the woman, humorously...
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Iluna Akari: The Sky is Falling!, #32CD32
Iluna's eyes ripped away from their first uninvited guest for the first time since stepping foot onto the bridge and landed on the little Nautolan dressed in Padawan robes sprawled across the viewport. Her head tilted and lips parted as her eyes widened in shock. A Youngling? Here? He looked familiar, though all Nautolans looked similar to Iluna, and she finally placed him as one of the toddlers who had entered the academy before she'd left.

Lylith was the first to recover. "Is that yours?" she teased the strange woman.

The Mirialan clasped her hands together in front of her. "He's a Youngling, or a new Padawan," she answered with an amazed shake of the head. "But what irresponsible master would bring one here of all places?"
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Tersha turned at the sound of the thumps to see a small Nautolan outside the viewport. She narrowed her eyes and studied him for a moment, determining that he was in fact force sensitive. That had potential...

Corrupt him.

It's not as simple as that.

Corrupt him.

Must you be so repetative?

Corrupt him.


"Is that yours?"

"He's a Youngling, or a new Padawan. But what irresponsible master would bring one here of all places?"

Tersha blinked, studying the boy some more. He was young enough to have been brought to the temple after her rather violent leave taking of it. Come to think of it... her yellow eyes slid over to Iluna. That lovely incident probably happened when the Mirialan was about the youngling's age. But now was not the time to think on past events.

"It is indeed most interesting," she commented. "Perhaps he should be retrieved?"
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Zak Dymo, #00ffff
As tempting as it was to take a nap, the young Nautolan found something nagging at him. At first he thought that he needed to go to the bathroom, but it wasn't that.

It was one of those... Force-y... feel-y... things. Like when he was trying to sneak a tack onto Teacher Dirandu's chair, but knew that the teacher was actually watching him. That meant this was probably a bad nap spot.

Plus, the sun was shining. And it was bad enough being on an arid, desert planet without having the sun beating down as well. Zak really wanted to jump into a nice pond or lake, something deep enough to be cool. Then he could curl up underneath a coral bed and take a nap. Even as he sat up, however, the youngling doubted that he was going to find anything like that around here.

Where ever here was.

Which, where WAS here?

He should probably know the answer to that question, the boy realized, as his eyes fluttered back open. Kicking his legs up, and then letting them act as a counterweight, the small Nautolan popped up in a seated position as he blinked and squinted against the bright light. Part of the problem was the glare reflecting up from the...

"Huh?" the child murmured aloud, spreading his legs apart and leaning forward as he realized that he was sitting on something that was clear, like a glass dome or something. As he stretched forward, he realized that there was something down inside of the dome-whatever.

Wait, what had he landed on?

It was then that Zak looked around and remembered... this was a starcruiser!

Crawling forward, the boy propped himself up on his hands and knees as he stared down through the clear dome and found himself looking down at three women, one of whom kinda looked like a Jedi, and all of whom were probably as surprised as he was.

Which, there was this total bombad war-battle-thing going on, so he probably wasn't supposed to just assume they were friendly. Except the bad guys were all droids, and none of them seemed all that droid-like. They were obviously girls, which meant that they were all evil and icky and bad like that. But that was a completely different kind of bad from, like, Separatists.

So Zak did what any kid would do in a similar situation. He waved at the trio.
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Lylith von Black, #ff4d4d
Lylith had literally no clue how the youngling ended up on the outside of her starship... IT seemed the Republic was so short on troops they were resorting to air dropping their youngest jedi trainees into warzones now... She obviously knew that wasn't the case, but she certainly couldn't explain it any other way...

"Yes...That might be the best plan of action... I'll remain here with stowaway number one, and you can retrieve number two... "

Lylith looked between Tersha and Iluna before turning her eyes back to the Nautolan... She was starting to see the humor in the awkward situation, despite the press for time in getting set for launch... She glanced back at the main holo screen...


Lylith grinned... Not too much longer now. Destiny awaited, and whoever Fate wanted to bring along needed to hurry up, or they were going to miss the bus...
Iluna Akari: Youngling Retrieval Services-- We Deliver!, #32CD32
It was miraculous how the presence of a child could dissipate tension with such a naive gesture as a wave. Iluna held up a single hand in greeting to the young one as a teasing smile broke out on her dark lips. "Am I officially promoted from the stowaway class, then?" she chimed in amusement. The Mirialan glanced back to Lylith, the smirk still on her face.

"I'll return shortly, Captain. Don't take off without me or I will never speak to you again." She turned to Arden. "Let's go catch a Youngling, shall we?" Iluna slipped her hands inside the sleeves of her dress and departed from the bridge, Arden at her heels.

Once outside, the young girl walked around the massive ship until she judged she was as close to the viewport as she could get on ground while Arden sought out a flying vehicle of some description for them to use. She shook her hands out of her sleeves and cupped them over her eyes to examine the armoured terrain. Arden was taking forever. Then an idea formed in her mind, a very daring idea. Might she...? There was a ledge here, a foothold there, and a very nice section of scalable ship at the top. Perfect. Another sly grin enveloped her lips. The exercise would do her good.

With very little effort she leapt from the ground and cleared the first bit of ship. The wind viciously whipped her skirt about her legs. She hadn't factored such a strong gust before her jump, but still she managed to land on the intended ledge though it was only barely. Using the ledge as a springboard, she vaulted to the foothold. This time she over-calculated for the wind because it promptly stopped as soon as she was airborne. Iluna sailed past the foothold and latched onto another ledge. She quickly scrambled onto her feet again and paused for a breath.

It took a few more jumps and swinging herself around ledges to make it onto the top. A low whistle caused her to turn back to the edge and peer down. Arden had arrived.

"Are you continuing your interrupted circus act from before, or is this a private show?" he asked as he hovered above her on the small craft.

"Depends. Are you privately amused?" Iluna bantered, to which he replied with a snort. She hopped onto the cart and Arden revved it into gear. They glided across the ship to the bridge. "There it is," she pointed out the Nautolan and jumped from the craft onto the star cruiser. "Hello, there!" she called as she approached, holding out her hand. "You seem to have taken a wrong turn somewhere. Why don't you come with me and we can see about finding your master."
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Tersha gave a slight bow to the figure outside of the viewport in response to his wave. She turned to watch the jedi leave, her hands still tightly clasped behind her back. Once the doors to the bridge closed again, Tersha surveyed the remaining occupants of the room and mentally smirked. Oh, yes, there was fun to be had.

She began wandering the perimeter of the bridge, her pace slow and leisurely. A glance at the main holoscreen showed that there wasn't much time left until the ship was ready to take off. Hopefully they didn't opt to kick her off now. It would be a bit tricky to get back on if the ship was already in flight. But going by that line of thinking, she probably should keep her insanity to herself.

No, no, she shouldn't need a reason to keep her insanity to herself. She should just keep it to herself and stop driving people insane.

You poor, poor child. Why do you resist? You've already fallen to the dark side. Just come a little further.

She abruptly stopped walking, startling a crew member nearby. She glanced up and offered him a smile that probably did nothing to comfort him, then continued moving.
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Zak Dymo, #00ffff
The Outer Rim

As Zak peered through the clear dome into the ship, one of the lady people waved back to him. A second bowed and then started walking around the inside of the... whatever room was down there. He saw a lot of computer screens. And people working. Maybe it was the control room of the ship? Wasn't there a name for that? Command deck, captain's chair, something...

The boy watched as people mulled about below, oblivious at first to the fact that one of the three lady people had walked away. It wasn't until she was already gone that the young Nautolan noticed her absence, but he was already more interested in what everyone was doing down there.

It was kind of like staring into an aquarium, only with people, and they were doing interesting stuff rather than just swimming around like fish did.

The sound of a repulsor drew the youngling's head back up, his head tails bouncing as he whipped around to look back at the approaching sound. The blue shoto came alive in his hands as he braced in the expectation that it was another sky-bound droid...

Except it was peoples. Not droids.

Well, one of them was peoples. The other was a girl.

The boy took a step back in suspicion as the girl hopped down from the air skiff and approached him. The green skin and v-shaped tattoos on her cheeks standing out under the Geonosis sun. "Why don't you come with me and we can see about finding your master," the Jedi-looking girl offered, extending her hand out to him. The boy viewed the hand with much skepticism, before shutting down the lightsaber and accepting the offered arm.

Master? The youngling just blinked his large, dark eyes at the girl at the mention of the word.

Oh yeah! Giant snake dude. Much droids. "Oh, he's..." the youngling began, starting to point off in one direction and then pausing, obviously considering pointing in the opposite direction before he slowly began turning in a circle. "Uh, he's..." the child murmured aloud, coming full circle as he realized that he wasn't certain now what direction he'd come from. "I think I got lost," the boy admitted finally.

Squinting as he looked up at the girl, the boy asked, "Are you a Mira-li-lian-an?"

It was random, and he knew as he said it - or tried to say it - that he was butchering the name badly. But it still stood as a completely legitimate question.
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Iluna Akari: Youngling Retrieval Services--- You Lose Them We Keep Them, #32CD32
The young girl couldn't help but smile into the large, dark eyes of the curious boy as he cautiously took her arm. She wasn't sure how old he was, but his reluctance to touch her bespoke the fact he was fully indoctrinated with the idea of girl germs. Ah, she remembered those days in the Temple... chasing horrified boys all over the sleeping quarters before getting caught by the hall monitor. "Yes, I am a Mirialan," she replied, another smirk on the rise as she lowered her voice. "Don't worry, we don't have cooties like other species do."

Iluna crossed the distance to where Arden sat with their lift, the youngling's hand firmly in her own. The other thing she remembered was how easily a young one could get distracted and misplaced. With the way this wind was whipping her full black skirt around her legs, it would be really easy to lose sight of the little guy. She was determined not to make the same mistake as this boy's master. Speaking of his master....

"Who is your master, young one? Do you remember the name of the outpost you came from?"
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Zak Dymo, #00ffff
The Outer Rim

"Don't worry, we don't have cooties like other species do."

At that statement, the young Nautolan just turned his head up and gave the Mirialan a look which was surprisingly cynical for a child. For one thing, if a girl had cooties, they wouldn't admit it. And second, girl-ism was a disease which spanned almost all species in the galaxy, so he was skeptical to the notion that one girl was more or less girl-infected than the next.

Still, he allowed himself to be led by the hand toward the air speeder, not particularly paying attention to it or the other person as the boy's head and eyes were taking in the topography of the starcruiser than he'd landed on. As he was loaded onto the speeder, he heard her ask about his master.

"Azul Gol," the child supplied brightly, turning to look up at the green-skinned woman. "And... we were on Corellia, but then we had to go to Mandalore. And then it was supposed to be Kessel, but we ran into this Jedi - his name was Prylar Zek - and, he was coming here to Geonosis with a clone army. But Master Gol figured that he'd get all the clones and himself killed, so we had to come with him. But I'm not supposed to say that to Master Zek," the Nautolan recounted, obviously eager and happy to have a story to tell.

And with that, the seal was broken on Zak's mouth. "Do you think there's some water on this ship? It's really, really dry on Geonosis," the Nautolan started simply enough, as the trio arrived at the lower ramp into the ship and proceeded inside. Without waiting for a response, Zak fired off another volley of questions. "Have you been on the ship for very long? Are you a Jedi?" The second question obviously had no relation to the first, but it was still something he was curious about. However, combining the two concepts, Zak immediately formulated a rather heroic backstory for this Mirialan character, leading to the last question, "Is this a Separatist ship and you, like, captured it and now the crew are your prisoners?"
Iluna Akari: Dread Pirate Roberts?, #32CD32
She listened closely to the young one's continual flow of dialogue, amused that she was not grown up enough yet to get lost with the child's spattering of questions. When he finally paused for breath, Iluna interjected with "I see. Yes. No. I'm a Padawan. Yes, yes, and yes."

She paused as her mind played back his questions. One, two, three, four, five, six... yes she had answered them all, albeit some more truthfully than others. Although, technically this was a converted ship, technically she had wiggled her way into a position of semi-authority, and technically the crew had to do the bidding of the captain. But whichever way she technically-ed it, she was acutely aware of her deliberate lies for the sake of fun. Master Voss would be seriously displeased. But the child... oh right. They hadn't introduced themselves yet. She'd have to take care of that, but first the boy needed water and soon after that he'd probably need the lavatory. Both were in unknown locations.

Iluna turned to Arden and barked out a command, "Prisoner, fetch the young Nautolan a glass of water and be quick about it. We will be on the bridge." Surprisingly, Arden's sense of humour carried past harmless flirts and he immediately bowed and scurried off. Whether he had been taken aback by the Mirialan's questionable answers she didn't know, but he was at least a good sport about it. Iluna bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from smiling. "Now, young one," she sternly looked down into the boy's inky eyes "what is your name?"
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Zak Dymo-Schrodinger's Padawan, #00ffff
The Outer Rim

"Yes, yes, and yes."

The young Nautolan paused his step at the revelation, an audible sound resonating from him as he could be heard drawing in a breath, while his large, smokey eyes gazed up with a newfound sense of awe at the padawan. She was a Jedi. Well, she was a padawan, which was closer to Jedi than he was. And this... this wasn't just a Separatist ship, it was a pirate separatist ship! Taken as a prize by the Jedi Miralan, who had the crew captive. As though to demonstrate, the Jedi-Padawan-Pirate person sent one of prisoners off to fetch water.

This Jedi was totally bombad.

...for a girl.

"Cool!" the youngling chirped brightly, as the Queen of Jedi Pirates bent down and asked his name.

"I'm Zak," the boy supplied readily, pausing for a moment and then starting again. "Or... Youngling Dymo, I guess," the small Nautolan corrected, hesitating as he gave his title. Or what he thought was his title. He wasn't really certain about any of that. As if to illustrate, the boy blurted out an explanation. "I'm not really a youngling though. I mean, I am a youngling, but I'm not a youngling. But I'm not a padawan, because the Jedi Council said you had to do something called the Gathering before you could be a padawan. But Master Gol said he wanted to take me as his pupil, so then they pulled me out of my Clan... so it's like I am but I'm not."

The boy seemed to pause again as he went over in his head everything he'd just said, as it was easy for him to confuse himself. Especially about things that were confusing to begin with. Nodding his head to his own logic and way of thinking, the boy plunged ahead. "I hope this makes sense when I'm a Jedi," the child opined simply.

"Is your master here, too?"
the boy inquired, randomly switching topics. Geonosis seemed like it was a happening place for Jedi. And Jedi masters were always awesome. Even the girls. Sometimes.
Iluna Akari: Dread Pirate Akari, #32CD32
She laughed. She couldn't help herself. The little guy-- Zak-- was so impressionable. If the others on the ship were willing to follow along with her game, Iluna could have him believing just about anything. Unfortunately, such a game was extremely unJedi-like. With the freaky woman and the questionable captain on board ship, the Nautolan needed positive guidance from a trusted source until he could be reunited with his master. Naturally, that responsibility fell on Iluna's shoulders but the inner child tucked away inside her desperately wanted to play pirates. A raging war broke out inside her as Iluna struggled against the temptation to prey upon his weakness; a tightened jaw and furrowed brow the only outward sign of the inner turmoil. I will be responsible. I will be responsible. I will be responsible.

Frankly, Zak's ramblings went in one ear and out the other. Something about being almost a Padawan but not... It didn't really matter to Iluna. He was younger and obviously not a Knight and that automatically made him a subordinate. Then he said something about her master. Just the mention of Master Voss, however generically, snapped the Mirialan from the front lines of battle and plopped her into a seat on the Jedi Council. Be wise. Be serene. Be... flexible? Sure, why not. Be flexible.

"No, my master is occupied elsewhere," Iluna told him. "I'm Padawan Akari. Iluna Akari." She bent down closer to whisper, "This is actually my first solo mission." Then she straightened again, having no idea why she felt the need to confess that to Zak. What happened to being wise? And serene? Oh well.

The duo reached the door to the bridge about the same time Arden came running up with the water. He handed the tall glass to the Nautolan and looked at Iluna with a raised brow as if to ask, 'What next?' Iluna gestured to the bridge door. Arden obliged her by leading the way and announcing as soon as they joined the others, "Padawan Akari has returned, Captain von Black." Be responsible. Be wi-- oh shut up! Iluna bowed ceremoniously to Lylith before making the introductions in a dramatic tone. She added in a wink for Lylith, just in case the pomp wasn't enough to clue her into her act.

"Youngling-Almost-Padawan Dymo, this is Captain von Black, my partner in this caper. Captain, Youngling-Almost-Padawan Zak Dymo." Her eyes scanned the room for the strange woman and saw she had wandered toward the other end of the bridge. Good, she could skip that introduction.
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Youngling-not-quite-Padawan Dymo, #00ffff
The Outer Rim

"Thanks!" the young Nautolan chirped, his mood shifting instantaneously from one of awe to a bubbly cheerfulness as the man returned with the glass of water. Tipping the glass up, the moss green child gulped down the contents so that it vanished even more quickly than it had arrived. When he had finished, the boy passed with now empty glass back to the man without a second thought anymore about it and followed the padawan girl as she moved further inside of the ship.

"Your master lets you go on missions by yourself?" the boy remarked, falling into step behind the older girl. "Mine only lets me go to the bathroom unsupervised... whoa..."

Trailing off, the boy stopped talking as he seemed in awe of where they were now standing. It was the room he had seen through the open canopy he'd been sitting on earlier, with all the screens and people mulling about. Except the room was much more impressive looking from this angle. Was this where they flew the ship from?

Could he fly it?

As the boy's large, black eyes were darting in an effort to see everything at once, he overheard the padawan girl introducing him to someone. Turning his head, the boy caught the last part of the conversation as the red-headed woman he'd seen earlier was introduced as Captain Black. "Shouldn't you be Captain Red?" the youngling blurted aloud immediately, as the thought sprang to mind.

That probably wasn't what he was supposed to say.

What was he supposed to say again?

"Uh, I mean... Hi!"
Tersha kept her distance from the other force users for the moment, observing their interactions. The thought of turning, or at least attempting to turn the newly arrived youngling had crossed her mind, but from what she could see, he was still too innocent, his beliefs too pure to shake. He had yet to experience the unfairness of the galaxy. She would leave him alone. For now.

Her eyes went back to the jedi, glancing over the mirialan, then moved on to the guard captain nearby, taking the time to truly observe him for the first time. She reached out with the force to touch his mind, then quickly withdrew as his face immediately showed signs of confusion. Later, she told herself. She could probe his mind later, preferably when he was alone.

It did not escape Tersha's notice that she had not been introduced. Then again, she didn't really care, but still, it couldn't hurt to have a bit of fun. Could it? She drew on the force and slipped outside the spectrum of visible light, then carefully made her way over to where the others were, positioning herself as close behind the youngling as she could without alerting him to her presence. Once there, she didn't turn visible. Not yet. Instead, she waited.
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It was at this moment that the unexplainable, the unavoidable, the incomprehensible happened. Something far more sinister than the strange woman's presence tingled Iluna's spine. Something...someone was coming. She cast a concerned look in Lylith's direction before running to look out a porthole. A cloud of dust stirred in the distance, heading straight for the Acquiescence. She stared at it, trying to make out a figure in the midst of the swirling sand. When she did, her heart almost failed her. It was the Sith lord, Vandread. It had to be. She was no match for him. Even with the strange woman and Lylith, if the woman were to fight alongside them. The Youngling. She had to protect him. Vandread's speeder drew near the ship, the Sith launching himself onto the open landing ramp. Lylith ordered doors shut, blocking the Sith from moving further within the ship, at least for the present.

"We need to get off this ship, now," Iluna commanded, her voice calm despite the panic lurking inside.

"The cargo hold. Use the elevators," Lylith ordered as she flipped switches and pressed buttons. "Arden, evacuate the ship."

Without another word, the trio of force-users fled, Zak's hand firmly gripped in Iluna's. Fighting against the crowd of panicking crew members, they successfully boarded the elevators and sought the secondary ship exit. Once it dumped them onto the surface of Geonosis once again, Iluna charged ahead. Something in the back of her mind told her to run, and run quickly. "We need to get out of here!" Engaging Force Speed, she held tightly onto Zak and pushed through the dry Geonosian air to a safe distance.

Moments later, the Acquiescence exploded.

Debris flew everywhere as the ground shook, knocking the three escapees to the ground. Vandread was dead. Lylith? Who knew. That woman had a way with self-preservation. Iluna turned to the strange woman and Zak. "Well, I guess we're on our own now."

---THE END---
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