Star Wars: The Second Clone Wars (Always Open/Accepting)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I gave Ardana a theme song c: i am currently still looking for one for Riezin
Make it creative and you would get a bonus ;) aka you would get a head nudge of approval
I don't really need to be your apprentice because i've been trained by you for a while anyway and that did nothing for our relationship.
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Oh no that was meant for Lykaon.
Just a heads up for people on the chat my skype crashed so yeah and instead of getting a sith buddy I now have someone that wants to kill me the dream right now.
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The typical sith don't get buddies. They get rivals.

My kind of "dark jedi" can though.
And i'm already making enemies aren't you so proud of me.
@thirteenorphans You just had to go with the queen bee for this one didn't you.
And this guy is my 2nd most sarcastic one so you'll have fun when my bounty hunter comes into play.

Edit: And I can see where your coming from now orphan.
Well, just so you guys know, you all are in control of NPC's that aren't in large battles, so you control the peeps at your academies like Solar did and such, while in Large Battles i control them ^^.
I've done this before mom geeze.

Edit: Thats for me to know little sow.
Oi, Pasta, I just realized you didn't add Shun (my initiate) to the roster.