SPPA Chronicles (Sarre & Nix)

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Cass's mouth turned down and her face went slightly green when she saw Lil. "Oh, lord we are all going to call in dead tomorrow..."

"Only if we're lucky..." Xyne, had the great fortune to be sitting father away from the kitchen than the others. He immediately used that to his advantage. Standing swiftly, he stole Cass' cue from her. "I'll go first."


"Smart." Xyne countered, before sighing at Lil. "Lil..." The vampiress looked so pleased, that he didn't have the heart to ruin it. He just knew he was going to regret it later. That did not mean he wasn't going to throw everyone else under the bus first. "Lil, you should let Baker and Allister eat first. They've never had your... cooking..." Awkwardly, he started lining up his shot.

"Wonderful idea, Imey-er!" She presented the plates with a slight flourish. "This is something I came up with just for you Eleanor-darling."
"Oh, thank you," Eleanor grinned, taking two plates and handing one to Allister. He offered a polite thank you as well. She lifted up the top bun and peered at the ingredients. Dear god, they hadn't been kidding. "So tell me about this," she said, struggling to stall. "Where did you get the.. inspiration?"

As she spoke, she felt Allister nudging her arm. "I'm going to be fine, but the meat might make you sick," he whispered, leaning towards her to whisper. "It smells old..."
Cass, took the plate with reluctance. "Thanks Lil..." She glared at Xyne, then at Lil's smile and sighed, before picking up the burger and just holding it for a minute.

"Oh well that's simple darling." Lil walked over to hover next to Xyne, who was still prolonging his own torture. "Everything is better with Chocolate. Even I can remember that. Apples are good for you after all, and you all work so hard, even you right sweetheart?" She smiled at Allister. "Also, Amanda tells me that lime is very good in drinks so why not in a burger. Do tell me what you think."

Xyne, unable to put it off any longer, took an very awkward shot, given that he only had one working arm. But still he managed to knock one striped ball into the side pocket. He looked surprised afterward. "I was sure I was going to miss that..." He glanced at the plate, then at Lil, then at the plate again. "Okay Lil.. lets see..." He hung his head a bit, but rather than stall anymore and possibly risk hurting Lil's feelings, which might have been worse. He took the burger, took a bite, swallowed, made a face, then shook his head. "I can honestly tell you it is not the worst thing you have ever cooked."

Lil's smile was wide, and she spun to look at Eleanor, Cass and Allister, expectantly.
Eleanor looked at the burger. "Right, right, that makes sense. Definitely," she said. "I do love chocolate..."

Surprisingly, it was Allister that saved her. "I'm a werewolf," he mumbled, "we're not good with chocolate. It's an allergy thing. I'm sure you'll understand if I remove it. It melted all over the uh... top bun, pickle, and apple.. and the lime. It- It's a werewolf thing. I'm sorry if you didn't know, we look very discreet. Just like a hairy human, heh... " He nudged Eleanor with a foot. "Aw... it's so small now," he said.

"You poor thing, you can't eat chocolate. I forgot. Well, how about we make some frankenburger action. You don't mind, do you Lil? Extra meaty for the lycan," she said, patting Allister on the arm, "and extra fruit and chocolate for me? I think you just designed three recipes in one, actually! How brilliant!"
Both Cass and Xyne stared at Eleanor like she had grown a second head. Lil's smile however, was wide and she literally appeared next to Allister and hugged him. "Oh sweetheart of course I understand, the last thing I want is to make you sick, and darling Eleanor! Being so sweet as to share. Oh see, I just knew you two were so cute together. Don't you think so Cassandra? Imey-er?"

Cass, who appeared slightly green, with only a small bit taken out of her burger, eyed them all. "Oh yeah... They're adorable..."

XYne was muttering just under his breath. "Makes people sick all the time.. told her over and over to never ever touch anything in the kitchen, I'm the one that actually knows how to cook, too busy matchmaking to care that she's doing to actually kill me one day instead of just trying...."

Eyes narrowed a bit, Cass decided that since she had to eat the disgusting thing that everyone should suffer as well. "So how long have you two been dating?" She took another very small bite, her expression chaing immediately.

Lil clapped her hands together. "Oh! Are you dating? How wonderful! You are just so sweet. We'll have to find something wonderful for Allister to wear as well won't we Eleanor, dear?"
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Lil's voice made Allister immediately red again. Eleanor just laughed. "You do this a lot? Set people up in this bar? Tell me about your past projects."

When Officer Mason spoke though, Allister nearly choked.

"Dating!? Haha, no no, we're just friends, that's all. Acquaintances. He's sort of a contact. You know; that sort of thing," Eleanor said. She looked at Allister. The hopeless man looked like a cherry. God damn it. "Unless he wants to buy my next drink," she said.

"Drink?" Allister parroted. "Something to wear?"

"Allister," she said, "You're shaking..."

"I- I I"


"I- it's- it's nothin- I"

"Allister." She slapped his arm with the back of her hand. "Go outside. Get some air..."

"I- Ok.."

He dashed away, almost fighting through the crowd.

"I think you guys scared him away," Eleanor said, "You're worse than his pack."
Lil stared as Allister darted out of the bar, her brow furrowed slightly. Cass, had almost the same expression. Xyne on the other hand, who had actually eaten the disgusting burger, rolled his eyes at them all. "Baker, they weren't there, they don't know how his pack is. But, since I have to go be sick outside now, I'll check on him."

Lil scowled, looking almost dangerous for a split second before her face smoothed back out. "Oh dear.. I ready didn't mean to embarrass him. I thought since Cassandra said it that it was true. Ah well, it will be just fine Eleanor dear. When he comes back I will apologize." She patted Eleanor's shoulder, before crossing her arms.

"Wait what?" Cass blurted out. "Like his pack?" She glanced form one to the other and then took the opportunity to hide the rest of her food in a bunch of napkins. "Well, I'm sorry, I just guessed. I was just trying to make a conversation."
"Thanks Captain. Let's just say he's kind of the runt," Eleanor said. "Picked on a lot, and such. Made it easier for me to talk to him, actually. I was hoping he'd be ok with a friendlier sort of crowd, you know?"

She took another bite out of her sour chocolate-fruit burger (she'd snuck out the pickles), then put her plate down on the table. "Not any of your faults," she said, "Anyone could have pushed him too hard. I'm going to go check on him too, seeing as I'm the reason he was here." She slid off the stool. "Be right back..."
It made sense to Cass. There was always a runt in a litter, and a pack would be no different. She made a mental note to apologize to him when he came back in. "Okay Lil.. you can finish up the game until they get back..."

Xyne wasn't that far behind Allister, but when he got outside there was no sign of him. He took a minute to actually look before he went around the corner of the building to be sick.

With all that over and done, he headed back toward the door, almost colliding with Eleanor. "Oh. I didn't see him. Sorry about Lil by the way."
"It's alright. Lil is Lil, I'm sure she didn't mean to scare anyone. I guess he's not planning to come back then, huh?" An inspection of either side of the darkening street yielded nothing. "Poor guy," she sighed. "Thanks for coming after him."

She looked up at him, then laughed a bit. "You've got a little..." she made a gesture, "running down your left collar."
Inclining his head in thanks, Xyne took an extra moment to clean it up. "It's almost instinctual by now.. Eat it and then get sick immediately afterward. I bet you tomorrow's paperwork Cass calls in sick tomorrow..." He shook his head.

"Don't mention it. Lil's... out there on the best of days, and just because I'm used to her doesn't mean everyone else is." Satisfied that he was as clean as possible, Xyne sighed. "Besides, it's good to keep contacts happy. Why do you think I always stop and buy something from Asmara? It's certainly not because I like little pins shaped like animals." He offered a wan smile at the joke.
"Yeah, Allister warned me," she admitted, leaning against the wall and looking at the ground. "He said it smelled old to him. Nudged me into switch halves, since werewolves are more tolerant of those sorts of things. I guess I could definitely be doing a better job keeping him happy. And speaking of Asmara, I guess I should visit her later. See how she liked that coffee I dropped off this morning."
"Lucky you." Xyne leaned against the wall, taking a couple of deep breaths. "I have to say though, he really can play some good pool. It's a shame he didn't stay for the whole game." Taking a minute he continued. "Don't worry about Asmara. Her shop is closed on Tuesdays. She has her grandkids come for a visit that day." He'd met them once. They were cute, in a snarling feral dog kind of way.

"You should invite him back sometime. Preferably when Lil is on one of her dates and can't try to kill us all."
"We'll see, I guess," Eleanor replied. "If he stayed for the whole game, we wouldn't have won," she said, almost disappointed that Xyne had missed such an obvious act. She excused it only because they weren't working, and their instincts weren't expected to be fully sharpened. "He didn't like being good at pool. Too many eyes," she said. "I'll talk to him later, if he doesn't show up. I don't think it was Lil, I think it's just energy."
"You know... it could be that he wasn't used to people being nice to him." Xyne offered that with a shrug. "I mean it probably made him really uncomfortable." In a weird way it kind of made sense. But then again, Allister could just be uncomfortable period.

Not really looking forward to going back inside, especially since it still felt like his stomach was trying to turn inside out. "Next time you'll believe me when I tell you not to eat something, huh?"
"Maybe," Eleanor shrugged.

"Next time? I don't know, that would imply someone cooking worse than Lil, and I'm not sure I'd be able to believe that," Eleanor laughed. "It wasn't that bad without the pickle and the meat," she offered. "She doesn't serve this to her customers does she? I can't imagine the bar can be this popular if she did..."
Xyne shook his head several times. "No. She has cooks, and they know what they are doing, I made sure of that. She only serves her food to people she likes. Just, never ever eat her soup. Because even I can't ever tell what is in it." There were times he was surprised he had lived this long with her cooking for him as a child. Thank everything for sandwiches. It really was no surprise that he decided to learn to cook.

"I have to ask though... What is the deal with you and Cass? Did you say something to tick her off before, or does she really not like you?"
"That makes a lot more sense," Eleanor said. "I guess we just have the misfortune of being liked by her."

"Oh, you can see it too?" she said, when he mentioned Cass. She shrugged and leaned against the glass window of the bar beside Captain Tristis. "I haven't the slightest clue. I asked you about it in the parking lot yesterday, didn't I? I really don't like saying something like 'she's acting like she's jealous,' but, she's acting like she's jealous. .. With all due respect..."
"Lucky... lucky us." His tone seemed a bit flat, yet slightly fond as well.

"I thought when you mentioned it that Cass was just worried, she gets like that sometimes, but maybe I'm wrong..." Xyne's eyes closed briefly, the corners of his mouth turned down slightly. There was a long pause before he continued. "Maybe that is it. Maybe she's jealous that you are out working the streets and she's stuck inside all day. Telekinetics have a hard time controlling their talents..." Xyne only knew of three, and one of them burned himself out completely after a month. Cass' was tied more to her emotions, and she really did have a bad temper.
"I hope it's that," Eleanor said. "And not Yela. Success shouldn't be something that gets you alienated, but somehow that seems to be the case. And it's not even that much skill on my part, just good luck. A lot of good luck."

She thought for a moment. "Is there no way to get her out to the field? Is the fear that she'll throw a block into chaos?"
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