SPPA Chronicles (Sarre & Nix)

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Amanda glanced around, sized Eleanor up with a practiced eye, and started making up something. The drink that ended up on the counter was red, one perfect cube of ice floating in it. "There you go, one Lust. Of all of them, it has the least. Enjoy."

Lil, just smiled, before patting Eleanor's shoulder lightly. "You relax then, darling, and let me know when you want to go upstairs and play, alright?" She slipped out into the floor, practically gliding around people, pausing every now and then to say a couple of words. The minute she vanished into the kitchen, at least four people moved away from the door.
"Lust, huh? Cool," Eleanor grinned, tossing the bartender a tip that was only slightly higher than the common required courtesy. Then she took a moment to survey the room. She had expected Lil to grab her and run like a child with a new doll, but with the evening crowd providing a steady stream of activity, there was probably a lot of work to be done in the shadows.

At one of the pool tables, though, she spotted Cass, leaning against her cue with a cocky grin on her face. Everyone else was a stranger, so she headed over there by default, taking a sip of the drink on the way. It was mild, as Amanda had promised, fruity, bitter, and a little bit... was that vanilla?

She swore she saw a scowl on Cass' face when she greeted her, and then Captain Tristis, who she had just noticed. She defaulted to safe, light, polite, chatter. "I'm assuming you're destroying him," she said, noting the abundance of striped balls on the table.
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The scowl turned into a smirk at the comment. "Of course!" She turned her smirk toward her opponent, openly enjoying the frustrated look on the lycan's face.

Xyne piped in then. "Of course, it doesn't help that he promised to have some Treachery if he lost." The drink was aptly named, since the lime made the baileys curdle a bit and it seemed to stick to the teeth of whomever drank it, which only made the final shot of tequila that much worse. His drink was a lighter color than Cass', which had a bit of a pink tint, unlike Eleanor's which was red.

"Oh he's done." The redhead, smirked, before stepping forward to take her next shot. "So, what brings you here?"
"Whatever that is, it sounds painful," Eleanor said, clueless as to what the hell Lil's drinks were. "I'm just visiting. Lil was pretty insistent I stop by." She only smiled at the werewolf. His scowl told her that he was someone that usually won. "You're good at this," she said to Cass, "You come here often?"
Cass chuckled. "Oh every now and then. I like a couple of the drinks, and Lil's cool." She ignored Xyne's rolling of the eyes.

"Are you gonna play or flirt with the girl?" The lycan snapped, obviously very irritated.

"You're just mad no one is flirting with you." Cass replied instantly. "Besides, it's your turn." The word moron was heavily implied at the end if that sentence. Turning back to Eleanor, Cass motioned to the table. "Wanna play after this? Xyne can't and Paul here is no fun." Despite the fact that Cass really didn't like Eleanor, she did like to play pool, with nearly anyone.
Eleanor had been taking a drink when the werewolf spoke. She was glad she didn't spit anything out.

"If you like, but you'll destroy me," Eleanor laughed. "You'll be feeding the holes while I knock balls off the table, she said, "or I'll get lucky and actually get something in, and then realise it's the eight."

She was glad for the improvement in Cass' mood, though. If she didn't mind playing with someone with the skill of a disabled penguin, she'd be glad to accomodate. Then, she glimpsed Allister, small and shy, by the door. He was holding it open, just peering in, quite literally with only one foot inside.

On the back wall of the bar - where there were no windows - was a mirror. It was probably placed there to make the room look bigger, and now she realised that it apparently could double as a convenient spying tool. Allister was looking at her and fidgeting. She could catch his gaze, if she stared long enough, but Cass and Xyne would definitely see.

Eleanor had invited him without expecting there to be more co-workers here (there was another bar much closer to the SPPA building), and now his presence was as awkward as ever. Then someone else entered, and Allister backed away to let him pass; backed away into the room.

Eleanor could easily pretend not to see him and hope he didn't muster the courage to approach her while she wasn't alone. Nobody here was in uniform, and he would have no idea what he was walking into. Xyne was still sitting in the corner, and she doubted Allister would notice him. Selfishly, she wanted to warn him; tell him to get out, or get a drink and look normal, but it was rude to text in a bar while you were with friends and it wasn't as if she could just excuse herself. Not when Xyne and Cass both knew - or thought - that there was nobody else for her to talk to here.
Xyne chuckled, more relaxed here than in the office. "Don't be a sore loser, Paul. Cass beats you at least once a month." He sipped at his drink, paying far more attention to the table than anything else."

Cass laughed. "It's alright. You don't have to play." She laughed when Paul missed his shot and knocked the eight ball in. "Treachery time! Be right back." She literally hooked a scowling lycan, who would be pouting if he was anyone else, and dragged him over to the bar.

Shaking his head, Xyne turned toward Eleanor. "Let me tell you why it's called treachery..." He explained about the ingredients and what they did because it was obvious that Eleanor didn't realize why it was funny.

Something that few knew about Lil was, that she took great pride in her bar. As such, seeing someone hovering near the door, was a sure fire way to draw her attention. The vampiress, literally sauntered across the bar, stopping directly in front of Allister. "Hello there, dear. Is this your first time here? Come come, don't be shy. There is no biting here." She looped an arm through his and tugged him over to the bar, keeping up a sultry, encouraging stream of words. "Now, then what would you like?"
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"That sounds disgusting," Eleanor mumbled. "Who came up with that one? Couldn't possibly be Lil, could it? She really that bad?" She used her drink as a way to flick her eye to the mirror again. Allister was gone.

Then Lil's voice drifted through the clatter of conversation. Eleanor heard the words, "first time here."


"Is that Allister?" she said to Captain Tristis, turning around to look for him in the crowd. She couldn't find him in the cluster of the evening. "I swear I just saw Allister..."
"No, that one was Marcus. He looks like a kid but he's brilliant... and vicious at times." Despite the words, Xyne still seemed pleased. "Stick with Lust or Limbo, Heresy if can, but Fraud is tricky too."

At the comment that Allister was there, it actually took a couple of minutes for him to remember who that was. "Oh, from the Lycan case? Huh, didn't expect him to be here..." He shrugged a bit, not terribly concerned.

Lil, who had listened to the shy mumbled explanation that Eleanor had recommended the bar, beamed. "Oh Eleanor! She is such a darling isn't she? Well, then, we'll get you a drink and I'll take you to her, hmm? She's over by the tables. Amanda, darling, Lets start this sweetheart here with something tasty."

By the time, Lil had firmly pressed a drink on Allister, and quite literally dragged him over tot he pool table, Cass was back. "Hey Lil.. who's your friend?"

"I don't know dear, darling Eleanor suggested the place to him."
"He's the guy that helped me with the case," she told Cass. "Couldn't have done it without him. How are you, Allister?"

There were already holes in their story, but to hell with it. They'd only seen each other outside her work twice. He could be as shy as he wanted to be, but they could pull it off as casual friendship. Or - rather - SHE could pull it off as a casual friendship, even if she thought Allister was nothing if not endearing.

"Uh - Good..." he murmured. "I'm good. A-and you two? How- How're you?"

Allister had been right. He was a terrible actor - but his acting looked exactly like what he was trying to be: someone being forced to meet up with an acquaintance that was barely more than a stranger.
Cass looked skeptical, but smiled anyway, since it was plain Lil was treating him like lost puppy. Being the bright girl that she was, she knew not to annoy Lil. As kind as she could be, Cass saw once and only once just how Lil was when she was angry.

Xyne offered a confused smile. "Fine, nice to see you again, Allister." The guy was seriously shy, and Cass and Lil could eat him for breakfast, and honestly, he just wanted to relax. "Come on Cass, rack them. We'll see how well I play one handed."

Fickle as ever, Lil planted Allister next to Eleanor and literally squealed. "Oh, you two look so cute!" Immediately distracted by the thought of a game, she started right back up again. "Imey-er, I will play with you! I'm sure as a team we can beat dear Cassandra."

The redhead still looked suspicious, but let Xyne and Lil draw her into a game.
"You know," Eleanor said, not even bothering to whisper (it would look suspicious), "that fluffy beard of yours can't hide that red in your face. If you don't stop that Lil is going to give us a really, really, hard time." A hard time that Eleanor was unwilling to get dragged into the spotlight with; not with Cass and Tristis here.

Allister's features immediately let out a bit of a twitch, and the colour deepened. What was his threshold? Would he flee? She hoped he wouldn't.
"There is no way I am playing with you again, Lil. You win more than I do." Cass' eyes darted about landing on Eleanor. "But, we can play pairs. Xyne and I against Baker and ... what's your name again?"

Lips turned into a small pout, Lil sighed. "Very well.. I will bring you some food then." Her mouth turned up into a smile at the idea, despite the expressions Xyne and Cass had. "Have fun darlings." She headed off toward the kitchen again.

"We're doomed."


"You gonna tell her we aren't eating?"

"Why me? She likes you more."

"I have to hear about it later..."

The two stared at each other for a moment, then Xyne, downed the rest of his drink. "I need something other than this to kill my taste buds. Let Baker and Allister break, Cass. I'll be back." He moved straight for the bar.

"So, are you any good at pool... Allister?" The redhead offered.
"They say she's a notoriously bad cook," Eleanor explained to Allister.

"So are most werewolves. It can't be that bad..." he murmured. He was scratching the bridge of his nose with his knuckles - probably in an effort to cover his face.

"That's what I've been saying, but they're insistent, so I guess we'll see," Eleanor said. She looked over at the pool table at laughed. "It'll be you and Allister scoring all the points," she said, "but if you want, sure. I'll play." She looked at Allister. "You'll save me from being uttlerly crushed, right?"

"I'll try... I've played," he said. "I think I can. Maybe."

"Alright then," Eleanor grinned, downing another mouthful of her crimson drink. "Let's see how this plays out."
Cass bit her lip, nose wrinkling before she spoke. "It's not that she's a bad cook... I mean.. nothings raw or anything... it just..."

"No matter what it makes you sick." Xyne offered, with a new drink in his good hand. This one was a dark gold color, and normally he wouldn't go near it, but if Lil was going to feed them, he would need it.

"Oh, lord, Xyne. Gluttony? You really are determined not to taste anything." Cass finished setting up the pool balls. "There you go, all ready... But, don't worry, Baker. Xyne won't be able to get many in either." She leaned on her pool cue a bit, one hand playing with her own drink.

"Leave Baker alone, Sparky. Worry about Allister. I'm sure he'll make you work for it." He wasn't really, but it wasn't good for Cass to get too big of an ego.
"Sparky...?" Allister said.

"No, not Sparky," Eleanor said, with her voice lowered. "I'm an idiot, I never introduced you. This is Officer Mason. And you already know Captain Tristis."

"Oh, nice to meet you," he said, teetering on quiet politeness. "A-another SPPA..."

"Don't worry, we're not all scary," Eleanor said. "Besides, we're not even in uniform."

She sat down at the sleek, round, bar table beside Captain Tristis, put down the drink, and tossed her coat across the back of the chair. She was wearing a simple violet blouse underneath. "It's not like we'll arrest you for beating us at pool or anything," she laughed. "So just relax."

"Oh o-ok..."
Cass' eyes narrowed when Allister repeated the nickname, but instead of terrifying him, she turned on Xyne. "What have I told you about calling me that?" The words were hissed, low and harsh.

"That is was much better than Cassie."

"I hate you."

"Mmm, hmm." Xyne smiled, just a slight quirk of his mouth. "Don't think of us as agents right now, Allister. We're just people, playing pool before we get poisoned." He didn't really mind Allister, at least not enough to actively terrify him. "Besides, you're up." He took a sip from his drink, making a face at the taste.
Eleanor smiled. This was nice. It was like when her little posse of friends at school would walk home together, though of course they were always too busy to go out. They'd had a few weekend bowling trips, but that was about it. In hindsight, she wondered why they never considered getting a little drunk. Had there really been so little trust between them amidst the heavy competition of the new world?

"Score double, Allister," she said, when he picked up the cue.

"Ok," he said. He looked at the board, shifted around a bit, and drew a few lines in the air with a thick, hairy, finger. When he aimed, his body moved in a cadence, lowering, pulling back, and flicking forward. There was no hunching over the cue stick, shifting around, and making false pokes forward. It was one single sweep of movement, and he was standing straight again before cue ball even touched anything.

The little white ball rammed into the eight, which shot across the table and pushed in two solids into two different holes.

Allister looked mortified.
Xyne started laughing. The sound was rare enough that several regulars actually turned to look. "Okay, I'll admit, that was pretty cool.. But, only if you can make him do that again." He found it very funny that the lycan looked so worried. "Very nice shot, Allister."

Cass' eyes were wide, and her mouth hung open slightly. She blinked three times before her eyes narrowed as she looked at Eleanor. "There is no way that was a fluke. You knew he was good." A grin crossed the redhead's face. "Oh it's on."

Xyne rolled his eyes. "Well, I doubt we will even get to play now Baker." He didn't sound upset, but his smile said everything. A glance at the side caused the smile to vanish, and he quickly downed the rest of his drink. "Here comes Lil..."

True enough, Lil was balancing plates like a pro, and it appeared to be simple hamburgers.. If simple hamburgers had apples, chocolate, pickles and were those lime slices?
"I didn't, I really didn't," Eleanor said, laughing almost as hard as Xyne was. "Any other hidden talents up your sleeve, Allister?"

"Not really," he mumbled, lining up to shoot again. "That was a lucky shot, probably. I think. Lucky shot," he said. He fired again, with the same smooth, also suave fashion, and this time the cue shot across the board, inbetween six balls, miraculously hitting nothing. " He almost shoved the stick into Eleanor's hands as he shuffled away from the table.

"Allister did you just-"

"I don't like being watched like that," he murmured softly, just to her.

Eleanor sighed. "If you want to fake a miss, you should have aimed to get a ball into the side, near a hole," she murmured back. "We're SPPA agents, Allister. You couldn't have been more obvious..."

"Oh," he said.

Eleanor patted him on the arm. "Don't worry, a distraction's here for us." She raised her voice to call out to Lil. "What a combination. Who's recipe?"
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