Split Kingdoms

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Name: Asmodeus I of House Nazar
Age: seven-and-fifty
Gender: male
Appearance: His hair was once famously bright orange, but has faded to a liver-y red streaked heavily with grey. His eyes are blue and watery, too weak for him to read without a glass any longer. He was once a tall and strong man, but is beginning to stoop as though the weight of the world is literally on his shoulders. His loud, booming laughter is rarely heard and when he does speak, his voice is hoarse. He looks almost a ghost wearing the skin of a man.
Race: definitely human.
Titles: King of Luria, Defender of the Realm, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Chosen of the Gods, and Lord of Castial
Family: His wife, the Queen ___ and their daughter, Princess Sonnomaya
History: His young life was spent training for the war, preparing to lead humanity against the demonic threat. Actually ruling the kingdom would be the job of his wife and advisers, while he drove back the demons and saved humanity from their dark intentions. At least, that was the theory. The war proved more costly than anyone could imagine, and because of it he married late, and was one-and-thirty before his daughter was born. Six years later, having been with her a few scant months, he suffered a near-mortal wound on the field, and decided that enough was enough. He worked out a treaty with the demons and returned home, hoping to expand his family, but the injury proved an end to that dream as well. He began to lavish attention on his lone daughter, intending that she become a strong, independent woman like her dear mother. Unable to deny her anything, he ceded to her wishes that she never be forced to marry- never imagining she would never wish to marry at all. Though it pained him to do so, he knows his daughter would never be allowed to sit the throne without a husband by her side, and he chose the man who he thought she would most like. Now that she has run away, he is sick with grief and anger, and being pressured from all sides to name an heir.
Personality: Asmodeus is a forceful and direct man, who never holds back in love or anger. Politics are not his area of specialty, though he tries to behave himself, and though he does not wish to go to war he does miss the simplicity of battle. He felt at home on the field, in the throne room he feels a stranger, a pretender wearing the crown though he doesn't belong on the throne. He is very proud of his daughter, though he wishes secretly she had been born a son. Now that she is missing, he is sick at heart and desperate to have her back, though very angry. He has already told his merchants and diplomats to be on the lookout for her, and has even penned a letter to King Caim, hoping to appeal to the man's love of his own child to enlist his aid in finding Sonnomaya.
Yeah, I am gonna start it around 7:30 PM PST.
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I can't wait! ^^
I need to push the time. I just got busy.
;_; ROTC has staff meetings Monday mornings. I don't know if I can stay up much longer than maybe forty-five minutes.
I am gonna post later. You can reply to the role play whenever you can.

Name: Aristeides
Age: 816
Gender: Female
Race: Nephilim
Rank: Lieutenant
Family: ---
History: Not much is known about Aris; other than the fact she had previously been acquainted with Asgaroth. However, it remains unknown what occurred to cause her "change of heart". A dark and twisted past, she keeps herself unceremoniously shrouded. Regardless, being the spawn of a human and a fallen angel/demon earns her the classification of a "special" kind of demon. She's quite never fit in anywhere.
Personality: In a nutshell, Aris is a wild card. Charming and laid back, she has no real sense of loyalty. She's extremely intelligent, pragmatic, a realist with a gritty sense of humour. She's an enigma, and hides behind an alluring, witty persona. She's bold, sharp-tongued and unpredictable, yet she doesn't do anything without a reason, whether it be for personal gain or an order. She seldom gets angry, but she's completely apathetic. She cares for no one genuinely, but it's clear that she is dedicated to her job. Her motives, however, remain uncertain...

(I hope this character and the idea behind her is alright!
If it is, I was thinking maybe there would have been some complicated plot between her and the Asgaroth family that would make her twist to the other side...? If the idea is okay of course, I'd like to get her tangled up with as many characters as possible, to make things more interesting ^.^)
Hmm, I see her more in Luria's kingdom.
BUT it will fit when she is in Asgaroth.
Just Kaine will be indifferent towards her because she seems too pure for him to be part of his ranks.
Yeah, I do intend for her to be for Luria, I meant more for her past. She may seem like she could sway either way, but she definitely won't be changing sides. :3

EDIT- Ah, sorry I should have made that more clear, but I meant for her to be a guard for Luria. :3

Makes more sense.

You may post in the in character thread if you wish. ^^
A'ighty ~
Also, are either queen characters reserved? I can afford to double up on characters, so I may as well make another.
You may play as the queen as well. :)

Name: Elspa
Age: Rude to ask, is it not?
Gender: Female
Race: Demon
Rank: ---
Family: Queen
History: Elspa, a fairly docile and bewitching demon, fell deeply in love with Caim, the ruthless and cold king of Asgaroth. Her love was requited despite his icy demeanor, and he took her hand in marriage. Although she never agreed with his coldblooded approach to running the kingdom, she remained too deeply in love to let it affect their marriage and tried to wean him off such brutal politics. Eventually, she gave birth to their son, Kaine. As he grew up, she noticed his stark similarities to his father; but Caim's disgust toward Kaine became more evident the older he got. As a result, Elspa became extremely protective of her son and gave him as much love as possible, but it was inevitable that he follow in the footsteps of his father. After directing an attack on Luria, she decided to no longer stand for unnecessary brutality, and demanded he issue a treaty with Luria. However, she is aware it's only a matter of time before the demons become reckless, withering and writhing in their wasteland for any opportunity to spill blood.

Personality: Elspa is a level-headed and independent woman. She's confident, intelligent and charming, renown for her wisdom and strategic approach to any situation she may be thrust in to. She's fairly perceptive, and more lenient than her husband and son, at least to the extent where they would be blinded by their own monstrous and bloodthirsty desires. She understands fully the severity of their situation, and tries her best to prevent her husband from eliciting his bellicose nature onto neighboring kingdoms. She is aware of their loyalty to her, and will often use it to protect them, even from themselves. Despite her eloquent appearance, she can be quite ruthless, and is feared among other demons when she succumbs to her belligerent rage. She is not a woman to be crossed, particularly when her family is involved. She would do anything to protect her family, even from one another. She loves her son more than anything in the world, and is solely dedicated to her land, husband, and precious son.
Nyu this looks sweet It has been a while since I last made a male character.

Mind If I join?
Creating an ex suitor seems fun XD
Nyu this looks sweet It has been a while since I last made a male character.

Mind If I join?
Creating an ex suitor seems fun XD

Yes, of course. ^^
Nnnnnyu head is a bit mushy atm i think this is about done might add and tweak history + personality on them a little but this is generally how i intended them.

Character Skeleton:
Name:Aaron Von Beluché
Age: 25
Gender: Male

Race: Human

Family: Von Beluché
History: Aaron left home when he turned sixteen. And has been out and about ever since though often returning home to calm his parents and show them that he is alive. He holds much experience from visiting different kingdoms. his favourite being the fairy kingdom who also is considering him a highly trustworthy friend. Silvienne who is a princess from there also accompany him on his travels as an consequence of his first visit there that took several months.

Quite an relaxed person and the has it as his goal to enjoy life and everything it has to offer. You most likely will take him for a spoiled fool with little brains. But trust me when i say he is far from a fool though he may act as such. The guy is a bright and learns quickly. With an adventurous spirit and a practical mind he is everything a good leader should be once he sets his mind to it. Though to really notice this you need to dig past his carefree appearance that he uses to keep people from appointing him to positions of responsibility. He thinks him self to young for such things....


Character Skeleton
Name: Sylvienne Starym
Age: 200
Gender: Female

Rank: ...
Family: The starym family (current royal rulers of the fairy's if thats okay ^^)

History: Sylvienne is 9th in line as a heir to the throne in her family and has been quite comfortable knowing that she won't have to worry about such responsibilities any time soon. Finding that the world is perhaps a bit to big for her she never took interest in travelling to far away from home and would rather hone her knowledge in safety within in the inner part of her country. That is until a certain young human noble came to visit. Now she is his companion following him around as he travels.

Personality: A temperamental but otherwise quite calm and observing person. Though it's not hard to fluster this fairy she easily gets upset by violence and straight forward people. Something she is not used to having lived a quite sheltered life before.
Accepted! ^^
Yay now to figure out how
To introduce them into the role play >.< but first tea and painkillers this head ache is horrible TT_TT
Can I join? :3
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