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All day 'er day .. jk I sleep ... I'm doing research now so I'm online a lot and check here periodically
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  2. Advanced
((Hooray for subtle Avenger Puns))

Jeremy Summers A.K.A Shielder

William "Will" Shaposhnikov A.K.A Whisper

Leah Everett A.K.A Starstrike

Icarus Silver A.K.A Plant Overlord

Abi Spencer A.K.A (tba)

Leah kind of wished their HQ was a little dirtier... Not that she had some weird sort of fetish for slumming it, but, it was almost too good for a rag-tag band of rogue heroes. They weren't supposed to be rich celebrity world-savers ... they were a band of do-gooder vigilantes and Icarus' house, a.k.a. Team HQ was plush.

Then again, anything was plush when you ran away from home with 200 bucks and nothing else. Leah was used to slumming it and even sleeping rough, she wouldn't be a tough chick if she coddled herself too much. She let her eyes scan her teammates, carrying about as they usually did during downtime, hanging out in the rec-room which was basically a hangout spot AND a briefing room for serious business.

There was Will, a.k.a The Whisper, a Russian-Argentinian acustokinetic with a quiet melancholy about him. Leah got gay vibes from him almost immediately and assumed that was the route of the problem. It didn't help that his dad could have been one of those Russian's who was anti-LGBT and his mother was apparently "uber-religious". He never came out and said it, but Leah wasn't stupid. She noticed the subtle glances, the shy smiles that no one paid attention to. That was why she was team leader. She knew these guys better than they knew themselves and she knew how to make things work and how to call the shots ... not that Icarus always saw things that way ...

Then there was Jeremy, Shielder. Deaf, but a telepath with telekinetic/force-field abilities. It was almost ironic how the acustokinetic guy and the deaf dude were sooo obviously attracted to one another. They came from two different worlds. Leah wasn't a sucker for romance in most cases, but she hoped Will and Jeremy would just spit it out already and admit they had the hots for each other. As far as the team went, Will and Jeremy complimented each other well. Jeremy finally had someone he could talk to and connect with, and Will was more willing to use his powers when Jeremy willed him to.

Then there was Icarus ... who was ... there. Leah couldn't be more different than him. Spoiled, pampered only child. He sure as heck wouldn't know what it meant to sleep rough or work for any damn thing. He didn't earn their headquarters, he just got it. Still, he had powers, and a nice pad and he worked well enough on missions. Leah was reluctant to praise him, but she couldn't exactly discredit him much either ... when they weren't arguing that is. For Will and Jeremy's sake, she tried to keep the fighting to a minimum but it was a constant power struggle with the two of them. As long as he didn't use his damn plant-powers to mess up her room, she tolerated him.

Then there was Leah herself ... Starstrike ... She didn't open up much about the name, no one really asked, she was a hard hitter so "strike" fit, no one asked about the Star though and she elected to keep her motives quiet for now. The least "super-powered" of them all, but she was the leader, cleaning up her own damn messes at first, but now it had turned into something bigger, they were actually making a difference.

Icarus' wealth had come in handy and they'd managed to get some tech that let them listen in to private radio channels like the police and emergency services. Leah also hooked up with some old informants and contacts from her gang days so she had a network on both sides. Right now she was following up details on a hostage exchange between two gangs. They had to be careful though, with a hostage involved, things could go pear-shaped very quickly.

Will was learning sign language ... not that he really needed it, Jeremy could talk in his own special way to him, but Will already had three languages, he was sure he could pick it up fast enough.
"My mom freaked out after last weeks mission" he explained to Jeremy. Not that his mom knew he had crazy powers and was fighting crime late at night.
"I got home so late she swore she'd never let me out again" of course, he was here now, likely telling his mom he was staying with a friend. Even though he was 19, she was crazy overprotective, he'd had to use his powers to fake being a "friends mom" over the phone as a cover story. Mimicry had its uses, unfortunately lying to his parents was one of said uses.
"I have to try convince her to let me move out" he shook his head as Leah clicked off the computer and walked over, cracking her knuckles.

"Alright team, we've got a hot target tonight. Hostage exchange by the docks, these guys will bring big guns, not sure how many there are but we have to be careful." she explained, outlining the location and the bits of info she could glean from her gang-friend who relayed the info.
"Keep your guard up. Will and Jeremy, I need you guys to create a diversion, lure some of them out, me and Icarus will free the hostage. Jer you supply cover if things get hairy and Will-"
He rolled his eyes before she even said it. Of all of the team, he was perhaps the least comfortable with having powers.
"Scream. I got it." he finished for her.
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Icarus loved his house, with it's soft interior, mahogany tables, and tasteful decor that he had picked out himself. He had been accused of being gay at some points, of which he had responded with a "Don't insult them by lumping me in with them." He was merely a well dressed guy who had a shitload of money and could probably afford a small island. Which he totally had plans of doing in the future. Admittedly, he had indulged in every whimsy that he had ever dreamed of in their HQ, getting a rec room, a video game room, a library, everything he could dream of. He had to admit it to himself, he was kind of spoiled because of his money. Also apparently he turned evil when he used his powers but that was a problem that he wasn't going to a therapist about.

In general, he liked Will. Will seemed like a pretty decent guy, though he had learned to not be on the end of one of Will's screams.
Jeremy was one of his favorite people, probably because the kid always agreed with him. That and the guy was so genuinely nice. He had beaten up some people in the past for making passing comments about his deafness and about him being retarted because of that. Though seriously, if the pair didn't get together soon, he was going to take their heads, press them together, and tell them to kiss. OF course, using plants to do so because why not. Personally, he loved them and had an embarrassing tendency to coddle the two of them, making sure to feed them only the best and healthiest foods that money could buy and showering them with love.

Leah...Leah was an interesting person, to say the least. She fought him on everything. He was reasonably supposed to be a leader. Charles Xavier had the headquarters, and was also leader, so the same probably should apply here. Now, to be honest, with some things, he would prefer to go with her desicion, especially if he agreed with it. The only problem was that those were fewer and more far between then he would like them to be. So they fought. More than they should. Jeremy had even called the both of them Mom and Dad, he being Mom because of his need for his house to be clean. The plant thing had been one time and she still never forgave him for that. Of course, he totally respected her, and behind the scenes, he worked to make her job as co-leader the easiest it could be. Not that he would ever tell her that.

Jeremy was in the process of teaching Will how to learn ASL, or the most visible of the sign languages. "Tell your mom to stay with me." Jeremy replied in Will's mind with his telekinesis. "I'm sure if she looks at me she'll love me and then we could have real sleepovers." Really, he wanted to have more time to spend with Will. Out of all of his team members, he liked hanging out with Will the best. Will was smart, cute, hilarious, and made him feel the most comfortable out of everyone he had ever encountered. He had been in love with his best friend for so long, but wasn't sure how to even approach the subject with him. He was reasonably sure that Will liked men, but wasn't going to push it because Will never actually admitted that fact out loud. "Believe me Will, if you start having "semi-regular sleepovers at my house" then it'll be ok to start staying out late. I've had to compensate enough with my other senses to assure your mom that I won't let anything happen to you. Besides, if you show her this place, she'll let you live here in a snap." Being deaf wasn't a picnic, but as a result, he could smell better, taste better, see better, and feel things better than anyone else in the group could.

Dammit, he had wanted to try something out with Will. If the other boy thought about his music hard enough, he could actually hear hear it. Sometimes, when he had accidentally brushed up against Will's mind when he had been listening to music, he could hear it. He had wanted to experiment with that a bit more, but now they had more important things to do. Like save the city.

He could see that Will's powers annoyed him. So he did the most natural thing he could think of doing- try to cheer him up. "I've seen you flatten a guy on their ass with a word. Your powers are so useful, and they're awesome." Jeremy said to Will in his head, patting him on the back as he hurriedly got ready to distract evil. He had a perfect plan, to make himself a sphere around himself and just start singing trololololololol lololol into the enemy territory. That would make them go mad as the enemy would hit him and not make him shut up. "Gotcha boss!" Jeremy planted in her mind carefully, since this involved a mission. The three of them knew about his telepathic abilities but with Icarus and Leah it felt like an invasion when he went into their minds for fun stuff so he rarely did anything. What surprised him the most was that Icarus knew sign language before he had gotten there, which was the best in his opinion.

"Fine." Icarus said, choosing not to argue with Leah. He was planning on doing something of that nature anyway, but she had voiced her plan first. Before he left, he rubbed some aloe vera on his hands, specifically to give him softer hands and to complete said ritual he had developed before every battle. IT was better to have luck on their side. No one was dead yet, so he was pretty sure that it worked every time. After the four of them had exited the house, he locked the door, put the key in his secret pocket on his suit, and told Leah to lead the way.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: CaptainObvious
"Believe me Will, if you start having "semi-regular sleepovers at my house" then it'll be ok to start staying out late. I've had to compensate enough with my other senses to assure your mom that I won't let anything happen to you. Besides, if you show her this place, she'll let you live here in a snap."

"Yeah or she'll take one look at Lea and 'Rus and lock me up forever" Will chuckled a little in response, unfortunately it was a somewhat sad chuckle. As eccentric as the teams mother and father figures were, Will couldn't really fault them. Despite their shortfalls, how radically different they were, somehow, Leah and Icarus managed to work together and the entire team worked. As if meeting Leah and Icarus wasn't bad enough if his mom ever saw this place, she'd absolutely lose her mind if she knew about his real nocturnal activities. Will wasn't a psychologist, but he assumed it had something to do with him being her only child paired with the fact she suffered a miscarriage with her first child. His father wasn't quite so overbearing and overprotective, but he was strict. His mom was the soft-touch, but she tended to coddle him. He couldn't complain about his home life really, it was good, Leah seemed to have it a lot rougher, so Will tried not to complain too much, still, he wouldn't mind a little more independence, considering her was legally an adult now.

He could talk telepathically to Jeremy of course, but he made sure to practice is ASL at every opportunity. When they were hanging out in HQ like this, he tended to flex his fingers and hands, as well as using the telepathic connection to communicate, his movements were a little slower and clumsier at first, but he was growing more fluent with practice, he picked it up pretty quickly too, remembering the gestures for letters and words but being a little slower translating it into physical movement. His brain was fast enough but he had to practice with his hands to get the words to flow out smoothly, the same way someone would practice on guitar until their fingers got fast and fluent. He remembered the notes, he was just learning how to play, only instead of an instrument, he was playing with signs.
"I wouldn't mind sleeping over though ... If you'll have me" he signed back, of course, Jeremy could hear it in Will's head, there was no need to sign it, but Will signed it too, fingers moving deftly, though he watched his own movements carefully instead of paying attention to Jeremy's face as he signed. He was still practicing, in time he'd be able to sign and watch Jeremy's face instead of focusing closely on his signing.

Was it possible to flirt with sign language? Will never really wondered about it ... well, sometimes he did. Things got kind of fuzzy around Jeremy. He wondered how much of his thoughts Jeremy could see, but at the same time, he wasn't apprehensive or wary when Jeremy spoke inside his head. He wondered how it felt, for Jeremy, he was the one who connected to people with his thoughts, were they all the same? Was it hard to break through sometimes? Did people sound different in their heads versus using their voice?

It was ironic ... Will wondering how he sounded in Jeremy's head, when Jeremy couldn't hear his speaking-voice anyway ... not to mention he wasn't exactly normal in terms of his voice either ... His "screams" were sometimes silent or incredibly high pitched, like a sonar pulse, it didn't sound human, or it was so high pitched it couldn't even be heard by human ears though it could be felt. Then when it came to mimicry and other sound powers he was learning, it wasn't his voice anymore, it was someone elses but he could mimic it ... Did he even have his own voice? Was he just mimicking someone else?

"I've seen you flatten a guy on their ass with a word. Your powers are so useful, and they're awesome."
Jeremy's words meant well ... but Will didn't like his powers ... they were destructive, confusing ... What if he whispered something wrong and deafened someone? What if he tripped and screamed by accident and levelled a building? In truth, he had quite good control over his powers, even if he doubted himself, but Jeremy had more faith in him than he had in himself.

He wasn't aware that Jeremy could sometimes hear what he heard ... that somehow his powers could quite literally make a deaf man hear again ... If he'd known, perhaps he wouldn't be so afraid of causing harm and distress, his powers could do something other than level a concrete warehouse or fool his mom over the phone.

Leah led the operation, which consisted of catching a subway train out to the docks as evening set in. It was just dark enough that they could easily vanish between the huge containers and giant storage warehouses.
"Gimmie a boost" Leah whispered to Icarus, pointing up to the top of one of the large cargo containers so she could get a visual of a chunk of the docks and find the best angle to flank the dealers.

Down below they were gathered in a circle outside one of the big warehouses, a huge crane was a few yards away but from the ground, the goons wouldn't be able to see it behind the warehouse. Leah clambered back down after counting out the thugs.
"I see seven of them, but there could be a couple more inside or circling around. There's a huge crane behind the warehouse, think you could mimic a crane collapse?"
Will gave a cautious nod. "I could make a lot of noise" he volunteered, certainly enough to draw the goons away to investigate.
"Ic, there's only one door into that warehouse and one way out, at least, from what I could see. If Will and Jer can't keep them away, can you lock us in with some plant-fu?" she asked.
"Well, first you introduce your mom to me. I'll be an angel and win your parents over. We can work up to them. Icarus can be quite normal when he wants to be and Leah can always dress down." Concious of Will's effort to learn, he had slowed down his hand signals, making them a little more exaggerated for him. At this point, he lived with Icarus. He was pretty sure that Icarus included him in his taxes as a dependant or something. He hadn't really lived with his family in a long time, so it was harder to remember what it was like when he was with his family. He knew it had been difficult for his family, with his deafness. Explaining to them what he had done had been the hardest thing for him to do. Frankly, he could see that Icarus, for all of his eccentricities, made his family feel relieved. Icarus had provided for him more than probably Leah or Will even knew. He understood how much his parents meant to Will, and would try his best to work with them to strike a compromise with them. "But of course you can sleep over. We would all love to have you. You know that Icarus furnished your own room to your exact specifications. I think he likes the room more than you do." Jeremy let out a laugh, finding this time with Will to be absolutely perfect. Let's be honest, half the time he was flirting with Will. The only person who had probably caught on was Icarus, but Icarus wouldn't say a word, even when affected by his plants.

Jeremy had to tell Will his thoughts and feelings about his powers. It was time to stop going around the issue and take it head on. Now was as good as a time than ever, especially before a mission. "Will, I have to admit something to you. Before we go. I...I love it when you use your powers. They aren't as bad as you think they are. Your....your powers...when you use them...I can actually hear real sounds sometimes." The more he signed to Will, the blushier he got, not really sure how Will would handle his relevation. It had been wonderous when he had heard one of Will's screams. IT had been a surprise burst of sound that had ripped through the silent ring that was always around him. It was like only being able to watch silent films, and suddenly go to to films with sound in them. It had been awe inspiring to hear things. This had only made him fall even more deeply in love with Will. All he wanted was for Will to be as happy with his powers as he was with his.

Of course, Jeremy was always anxious on these before trips, but he calmed himself down by leaning on Will's shoulder. Icarus jotted this down, putting it on his list of ideas for his fanfics. He was pretty sure that Leah was catching onto him in concerns with his fics but he was keeping it from all of them as long as he possibly could.

Icarus boosted her up, waving at Jeremy and Will to distance themselves from them so that they could give the both of them enough time to do their own thing. Thankfully the training that they all participated in really helped. Doing parkour with Jeremy really helped out his cardio and even now, they were convincing Leah and Will to join them because parkour was awesome.
"I can do that. Just wait for my signal before sending them off." Icarus breathed, closing his eyes and touched out at all of the plants around him, which included in the water, and in the air. An evil smile curled over his lips, and he let out a soft chuckle, before he sent his plants to do his bidding. Flora seemed to appear all around them, sneaking out from the ocean and gathering in hiding spots around the building. His own plants were surrounding him, giving him more to work with. Admittedly, he wasn't the best without some prep, but once he had some prep time, he could be unbeatable. With a word, he created a plant-beast, hypergrowing the plant from a tiny seed with a thrust of his hand. Soon, an Icarus-sized plant monster, similar to Marshmallow in Frozen was there, backing them up. With the plants in place, he could make them do what he wanted, and that was the way he liked it. "Jeremy, when we think Go multiple times, then start, ok?" Jeremy nodded, and took Will's arm before disappearing from view.

"It's just us now. We can totally get crack-a-lacking." Icarus cracked his knuckles, letting vines wrap around his arms with a confidence that was not this obvious in his usual personality. Then, the pair snuck closer to the group until they were as close to the group as they could get. Then, once they were ready, he looked at her. Once they got the nod, he thought loudly in his mind. "Go, go, go, go, go, go!"
Leah wouldn't have waited till just before a mission began to have a heart to heart ... Yet she could tell Will and Jeremy were discussing something important on the train. Jeremy's signing was particularly cautious and calculated, he was blushing slightly, and Will, who usually kept his gaze focused on Jeremy's gestures to ensure he interpreted the signs correctly, occasionally flicked up to Jeremy's eyes before snapping back to focus on his hand movements. Maybe there was something about the danger that spurned Jeremy to get whatever he was saying off his chest ...

"Will, I have to admit something to you. Before we go. I...I love it when you use your powers. They aren't as bad as you think they are. Your....your powers...when you use them...I can actually hear real sounds sometimes."

Will was ... entirely dumbstruck ... not that he was usually very talkative. Despite her best efforts, Leah rarely got more than a couple of words out of him and outside of their small group he barely spoke at all. Jeremy teaching him sign language was actually a small blessing, he could talk more than he had in a while using his hands now ... But Leah had insisted that running away from his problems, his powers, was a stupid plan and that he had to face up to it sooner or later.
Now Will wasn't quite sure how to feel ... On the one hand ... he'd let a deaf person hear something ... that was nothing short of a miracle. But on the other hand, he wasn't even aware of this and he was lucky no one had gotten hurt ... He was scared of his powers in truth. Without even trying he could collapse a building, it was terrifying. But ... Leah recruited him because she was trying to cleanup the streets and he had powers she could use on that mission. Somehow, he'd gone along and here he was, but that didn't make him any more comfortable about his powers, it was Jeremy who'd insisted he try to learn about them. What if he could give Jeremy back his hearing? Surely then his power was worth more than simply causing property damage and breaking into stuff.

A number of moments passed before Will could even attempt a response ... He signed something but it made no sense, he messed up the words. He tried again.
"I don't ... I don't know what to say-" not that he was saying anything, he was signing but ... in time he'd certainly find the words, with his hands or with his powers, it was anyones guess.

He hadn't noticed when Jeremy had started leaning against him, or the way their hands briefly brushed against one another sometimes. But if Jeremy stopped all of a sudden, Will would have noticed that. It was funny, but the saying was true, you didn't know what you had till it was gone. Fortunately, no one in the team had any intentions of messing up their team dynamic.

The team inched into position ... so far so good. Will and Jeremy telepathically linked up, Jer waiting for Leah and Icarus' signal. Leah, Will and Icarus had ear pieces since not everyone was a telepath, and on Leah's mark, the "Go" command was issued and all hell broke loose.

The huge crane behind the warehouse stood, steady as ever, but suddenly the air was filled with a truly horrifying sound of groaning, twisting metal. The crane stayed put, but to the blind, ignorant observer, something terrible was happening.

"The crane!!" some goons crowed, scattering in all directions to get away from where the crane was supposed to be collapsing. Now Will and Jeremy had to keep them occupied. Force-fields, scream attacks and putting that parkour into practice was the plan. Hopefully with the crane distraction, they wouldn't resort to shooting them up on sight ... maybe in their shock and surprise they'd be preoccupied with fleeing and wouldn't resort to immediately shooting people up.

At the entrance of the warehouse, as goons stalked out, Leah and Icarus could sneak in. Of course there were a couple of lurkers left behind. Their only option was to take them out quick before they could alert the other cronies and possibly give away the plan, possibly figure out that the crazy sound had been a ruse, a distraction.

Leah wore a mask and tactical leathers, but somehow she managed to move quietly and quickly, picking up a chain that was lying on the floor and hooking it around a guards throat before he'd even been able to turn around and see her coming. He passed out seconds later and slumped on the ground. She waved Icarus forward, so they could storm through the rest of the warehouse and find the hostage. The interior was lined with huge racks of storage pallets, turning it into a maze instead of a big empty space.

"Shit" Leah cursed. "We have to split up ... Stay on radio. Hopefully Will and Jer can cover us long enough." she said. They needed to act fast before the goons came back and trapped them inside, and also before they could overwhelm Will and Jeremy.

Things were going ... as well as could be expected for Will and Jeremy. They were able to lure the goons away from the main entrance, but the dockyard was a jungle of steel containers, concrete buildings and piles of rubbish and burnt out cars.
"Jer look-out!" Will warned telepathically, a goon with a crowbar was closing in on him. A carefully aimed sonic blast knocked that guy off his feet of course, but there were plenty more hot on their trail.

((Okay after ages of looking I think I finally found a sound that is sorta like what I imagine a sonic scream would be like in a "mutant/magic sense" like its raw and gritty and not quite human, chilling but not cliche ghost-story type screams ...

It's a fox scream x'D
Jeremy gave him a soft smile before telpathically speaking to him while signing out the words. "You don't have to say anything now. Just think on it. I just wanted you to case anything happens. No powers are good or bad. It's who uses them. You're a good person and your powers are good. I mean, at this point, Icarus's powers are more evil than yours." He gave Icarus a cheeky grin as Icarus waved a fist at him, pretending to find offense with that. This was what he loved, what made Jeremy feel content. Being with his new family of Leah, Icarus, and most importantly, with Will.

With that second of warning, Jeremy ducked out of the way of Will's sonic scream that took out a goon that had snuck up on him. Quickly he used his force fields to bash people to the ground, holding back the bullets with a bigger one. Frankly, he was much better at using his powers than he had been when they first started, but it seemed like the villains only grew large and somehow more competent as that happened. He found himself backing up towards Will so Will could protect his back. The goons hadn't figured it out yet that he was deaf, especially since his telepathy with Will helped with that, but there would be a time when it would come out and then, they would target him more. Then, it started. The tightness in his chest that told him that told him that soon, you were going to have to stop. In theory, if he didn't use his powers constantly, he could use them forever. In a fighting situation, with his powers constantly on, it drained him. He had to push through this, until Leah and Icarus came back.

Eventually, he was almost next to Will, still keeping up the enormous amount of power that it took to keep up the big shield that covered them and knock back the goons from swarming them with his second smaller shield. Normally, it wasn't like this. He usually had at least a minute to rest before going at it. He pulled up to Will, as his chest tightened up again. That was when he let out his first gasp as he tried to get air into his lungs, keeping up the demanding use of his powers even as his body started to refuse to let him do so.

When they went in, Icarus used a vine to basically copy her move to take out the other guard that had been with the first one. Her move was cool, and it got the job done so there was no shame in it. As soon as he saw the interior, he cursed quietly at how maze-like it was. "Alright. Copy that." He split apart from her, quickly hanging back for a second as she disappeared into one side of the maze to make sure that no one one followed them. Then, with a long drawn-out breath, he walked into the other entrance, his plant monster following behind him to cover his back. He let some vines grow past his arms as he crept down the maze. He came upon a guard and took him out with a punch to the face and his vines curled around the man's throat, choking him into submission. Then, he came upon a group of them, and in the corner, the hostage they had been looking for. "Leah, I found him. I'm going in. Come back me up, quickly!"

With a thought, he grew the mold and other small plants around them, positioning them around the goons before positioning the plant monster in front of him. He gave it special directions to rush through the goons, grab the hostage and protect them. With that, he put his plan into action, sending the mold into their faces and up their noses. As the goons clawed at their faces, the plant monster with Icarus behind him knocked them aside, cradling the hostage in its plant arms, leaving Icarus to desperately defend them.

He set to work, hurling himself into the fight. Hopefully, Leah got to him in time because even with his powers, there were a ton of goons for this one hostage. He punched, kicked and planted his way through the goons, going on the defensive to protect himself and the monster. Hopefully Will, Leah and Jeremy came to get him in time, because soon the insane evil rush he got from his powers wouldn't be able to help him if the goons overwhelmed him.
Will's growth with his powers was considerably stunted compared to the others. He held himself back, he avoided it when he could, he didn't train ... which was dangerous in its own way, what if he needed to practice his skills to get better, what if he screwed up? And yet, he hated practicing as well because that meant using his powers and possibly screwing up. It was a vicious circle.

But there was no time to dwell on that now ... the goons were closing in on them ... Will could only push them back so far without tearing the ground beneath them apart and plunging himself and Jeremy into the water below. Not to mention there were towers of containers, cranes and buildings on all sides, he could cause a building collapse that would kill them all ...
Jeremy was backing closer to him, Will pushing people back, but they were outnumbered and surrounded. He tugged Jeremy's arm, pulling him closer so they were pressed together, Jeremy could shrink his shield a little, conserve his powers, because they were close together.

"We can't out-gun them ... they have us cornered" Will glanced back, there was only a dead end behind them, a crumbling old storage house. They back-stepped until Will felt cold hard concrete press against his back. End of the line.
Dammit Ic ... Leah ... Will fretted, the radio line was quiet, he wanted an update, he wanted Leah and Icarus to say they were good to go, they'd cleared the warehouse and they were on the way out.
Will looked around, up, down, left and right, to find some kind of escape route ... a crumbling roof above them, huge cavernous warehouse walls on all sides.

Leah took down a few patrols, a well placed punch and kick, she crept around quietly, they never saw her coming and then when she hit, she hit hard!

A few minutes in, Icarus' voice buzzed over her earpiece and she sprinted, back tracking to where she and Icarus split up and then following the paths until she found all hell breaking loose, typical Icarus style, he crept in and then BAM, launched an attack. Leah ran faster as she saw the baddies loom into sight, throwing her full force into it, she launched ahead and drew her knee up to deliver a flying knee-to-the-gut which instantly took down the poor fool that got in the way.

"I've got eyes on the hostage, we're gonna move out" Leah said over radio. "Status- Wisp, Shielder, respond!!"
"You-you have...any ideas? Please tell have something." Jeremy was starting to pant for air now as his body rebelled against his powers. As Will pulled him closer to his chest, he shrunk the shield a little bit. That halted the pain for now, but it would be back soon. He let out a gasp, finally showing how much trouble they were in if they didn't hurry up and do something.
Thankfully, he could hear her voice in Will's head after desperately scanning it again, telling her that they had the hostage. "Hurry up! We're getting swamped over here!" His words were rushed, getting the message to them quickly as he let out another gasp for air. "We practiced for this. You have-" He gasped mid sentance, making him wobble for a moment. Without thought, he tilted the shield in a slant, making said shield a little smaller to conserve his energy. He could see that the roof looked quite unstable above him. Maybe they could use that...

Icarus pushed the goons back with her help, directing the monster. He had taken some ideas out of Poison Ivy's playbook, and some of the goons were KOed at his feet from his mystical plant smell. Sure, he had woken up from the floor, all confused after trying out the smells on himself, but it had worked out just fine. Next time, he was totally going to take out his Pea Shooter, which had totally came from Plants Vs. Zombies. He really had to make more monsters like those guys, because they had so much potential.
"Follow the monster. I'll be right behind you." He directed the monster to rush out with the hostage, pushing Leah after it so he could cover their escape. Pushing power into his plants, a twisted smile appeared on his face as he used them to wrap around the items all around them that had formed said maze. As the goons followed them, he pulled on the vines, sending the items crashing to the ground to block their passage. Then, pulling a different move from Tarzan, he grew his vines, sending them to the celing. Soon he was swinging towards the monster, using the vines to get around said maze. "We have to help Jeremy and Will! They need us!" Icarus said after dropping to the ground and doing a shoulder roll, thankfully landing next to her.

Icarus directed the monster to protect the hostage and to follow them. He was confident that Leah was right behind him. She wouldn't leave her friends at the hands of some goons, and neither would he. His friends may have his protection, but these goons didn't, and soon, he would totally be making mincemeat out of them. He longed to have the goons all wrapped up in vines at his feet as he laughed. Of course the others would be there too, but as they were. When he eventually took over the world, they would become trusted advisors.
"We're on our way. Hold on!" Leah shouted back over the radio, the element of surprise was lost now, they'd lured the baddies out and engaged them, they had the hostage and now they just had to haul-ass out of there. No more surprise, no more secret attacks, she could make a little noise ... or a lot as was the case.

"You-you have...any ideas? Please tell have something."
"I have an idea but ... not sure you're gonna like it ..." Will replied, it was a gamble, with the limited practice they had, they certainly hadn't pulled this off in a real firefight, they hadn't tried it in a serious situation like this.
Even though Jeremy could read his mind, it seemed they'd both had the same idea anyway.
"If this works ... it'll be like that part in the Avengers movies ... with Thor and Cap" Will hoped it worked out about as well as it did in the movies but they only had one shot to find out and failure wasn't a good option.

Will squeezed himself and Jeremy together tight, the smaller the shield, the more powerful it would be and the less draining it would be on Jeremy. The shield shimmered for a second, granting Will an opening to unleash a powerful sonic-blast directly above them. The shockwaves hit the already weakened structure and the avalanche began immediately and the roof began to cave in right on top of them, hopefully cutting off the pursuers.

"Move it Green-Bean, we need to move double-time to get to the others" Leah ordered. It annoyed Icarus to no end, but she'd elected to use every possible nickname under the sun that she could think of before calling him Plant Overlord. The midst of combat might not have been the best time for her nickname game, but it was too late to fret about it now.

As they emerged from the warehouse, another building shook, one of Will's sonic blasts, Leah knew the sound. Depending on how he used his voice, he could blow your ear drums to shred, knock down buildings, or ... whisper ... His sonic blasts sounded un-human ... pretty, melodic but ... keening. Not unlike a banshee or a foxes wail. It wasn't loud of painful, but it had a unique range and aural footprint. She was certain the sound had come from inside that building and now it was caving in.
"Fuck!" Leah barked. Despite the crumbling building rainign down dust and debris, she ran toward it without a second thought.
"Stupid- Stupid- Jesus Will- He should know better- Fuck" her feet pounded the pavement furiously to try and get to the ruined remains of the building as the dust settled to hopefully dig out her friends still-living bodies ... though the devastating was pretty bad ... she was terrified she'd be rooting out body parts and crushed corpses.

Will held tightly to Jeremy as the building came down around them, on top of them. He wasn't sure if he could transfer energy, or power, or something to help Jeremy maintain the sheild for just a little longer, just long enough that the brickwork stopped shaking around them. It was bizarre ... the bricks and mortar bounced off the shield like raindrops then crashed heavily and shattered around them ... and somehow ... the crashing stopped ... plumes of dust flittered down like confetti ... harmless really ... and they were still alive.
"We- ... We- ... It worked we-" Will was astounded ... dizzy on adrenalin. "We're still alive" he blinked, utterly dumbstruck, holding tightly onto Jeremy even though the immediate danger appeared to have passed.

Will wasn't sure the exact moment it happened, or how, or why, but, their lips pressed together. Relief, ecstacy ... it took Will a couple of minutes to catch up, his eye-lids fluttering shut, lashes brushing gently against Jeremy's cheek. His mouth cautiously opened slightly, offering Jeremy access.
Jeremy smiled, even though it felt like he was going to explode. "Of course you." He let the insane control he had over his shield slip for a moment, allowing Will to use his powers for the split second it had shimmered. Then, it was solid as ever, right before all hell seemed to break loose around them.

"Dammit Leah. Stop calling me everything but my name!" Icarus grumbled at her words, using his annyoance of her calling him everything but his antihero name to hide the terror that slammed into him at the thought of Will and Jeremy hurt. He ran just as fast as her, betraying how worried he was about them. The plant monster with the hostage was right by them, and the plant monster was still shielding the hostage, as per instruction.

Jeremy held the shield up in front of him, doing his absolute best to keep it steady as the building fell all around them. He let out a grunt of pain, now visibly sweating as he fought to keep the shield up, and as a result, the both of them alive. The feeling that he was carrying the sky grew, and grew, making his knees wobble. For a moment, he thought his body would give out on him, but then, there wasn't anything on the shield. Panting, he released the shield, relaxing a little on Will's chest. He could faintly hear the keening sound of Will's powers, and it was intoxicating. He wanted to hear more sounds, especially if they were like the unearthly keening of Will's. He turned around, pressing his face against Will's chest for a moment as he tried to catch his breath. He giggled nervously at the fact that they almost died, although it soon turned into the relieved laughter of the living.

Somehow, his head tiled upward to look at Will and suddenly, their mouths pressed together. All of his dreams seemed to come true at that moment, that Will would kiss him, and not pull away. His eyes were closed, a telling sign that Jeremy had thrown himself into the kiss. Will's mouth opened up, and he took advantage of that, only because Will wasn't pulling away.

Icarus ran into view and caught sight of Jeremy and Will kissing (Read: making out furiously). He felt a rush of relief, before it was replaced by a bubbly happy feeling that welled up in his chest at the sight of his OTP actually together. He laughed, pumping his fists in the air as a wide smile appeared on his face. This was all totally worth it for the two of them to actually get together. He twirled around, letting his powers flow out from him. Flowers started to grow at his feet, coming up through the cracks in a dizzying array of colors before they started to dance, like in Plants vs. Zombies. This had to be the best day ever for him. This was clearly about to become a post on the internet, and about a million fanfics. His followers online would be estatic to know that it was real.

"Leah. Icarus is acting weird again. Do something about it." Jeremy jokingly complained at Icarus's overreaction of the two of them kissing in a whining tone that kids used for their parents. Clearly, Icarus was in his own world, having fallen to the ground, making flower and dust angels in the bed of flowers that appeared underneath him. They should probably go before the police get there. Thankfully, none of the goons were left, otherwise Icarus totally would have thrown them into the water for ruining his OTP's moment.

Icarus stood up, brushing the leaves off of his uniform after his couple minutes of insanity. "This is cause for celebration. Once we go home, we will have literally whatever you guys want. You want sushi? We'll get a ton of sushi. I don't care what it is, it's ours. Though yeah, we should probably get going." He was acting like he didn't want to throw a party because one of the people he cared about the most finally was in a relationship. It was even more of a cause for celebration because Will had also found the one he wanted to date. He knew the boys wouldn't frivously play around with each other's feelings. They weren't the type of people to do that. But he had seen the attraction before even they did, which was a huge reason they were his OTP. "Seriously guys, that looks kind of dangerous over there." Icarus didn't have the nickname "Mom" without reason.
Icarus' whooping and laughing snapped Will back to the present and he and Jeremy parted, or rather, Will jolted back in dumb-shock. Immediately he was swamped by regrets ... Had he just utterly ruined his friendship with Jeremy or ... was this okay? ... Were they okay ... Icarus seemed to have made up his mind anyway and was throwing his own flower-power-party amid the rubble.

Distant sirens signalled the end of their reunion of course. Now they had to high-tail it back to HQ before they were caught and held accountable for the extensive damage ... but hey ... They saved a hostage from a gang deal that could have turned sour. As far as Leah was concerned, that was a victory. A crummy old warehouse wasn't worth shit when someones life was at stake.

"This is cause for celebration. Once we go home, we will have literally whatever you guys want. You want sushi? We'll get a ton of sushi. I don't care what it is, it's ours. Though yeah, we should probably get going."

"Oh no" Leah interrupted shaking her head, a stormy expression on her face. "No No No. We are NOT celebrating you two almost getting yourselves killed and scaring the everloving-Jeezus out of me" she fumed, picking her way through the rubble to help Will and Jeremy out. "We thought you were dead" she reminded them. Will cringing a little that they'd given her such a scare.
"Sorry Lea, didn't mean to scare you" Will apologised softly, she could tell he was carefully monitoring his voice, she knew he feared what he was capable of.

The hostage was dropped off at the nearest bus station to find his own way home. The team resumed their usual routine at the end of a mission ... Sneaking back to HQ, they done the usual routine, doubling back and taking back alleys and side streets to throw off anyone tailing them if anyone even dared to do that. Leah stormed ahead, angry that Will and Jeremy had frightened her lilke that. She didn't care about her own safety on a mission ... sometimes she made stupid choices in a fight and got hurt, but she could NEVER live with herself if her teammates got injured.

Will hung back a little, letting Icarus and Leah bicker amongst themselves (as usual), it gave him and Jeremy a little moment, some privacy.
"Don't encourage stupid behaviour Ic. We're not having a party, the mission was a success ... LUCKILY but don't applaud them for taking that stupid risk"

"Hey" Will's voice ... or rather his voice in Jeremy's head, was shy. "Is it okay if I ..?" he trailed off, letting his hand brush against Jeremy's ... asking permission to lace their fingers together or ... not if Jer didn't want to. He almost felt like it didn't need to be said with words. If they were an item (he wasn't sure), Jer could let him know or he'd shoot him down right here and now. Will had butterflies, but... they'd already kissed, they had to face up to it sooner or later and figure out where to go from here. Pretend it never happened or ... maybe kiss again. Will thought it had been good, but what if Jeremy didn't feel the same?!
Jeremy looked at her for a moment before speaking directly into her mind, as well as everyone else's mind so she and everyone else would hear and completely understand everything he told her. Maybe he had gotten the courage from his kiss with Will, but somehow, he was able to tell her what he was thinking. "I'm sorry too that we scared you, but I would not wish for him to hesitate to do something like that. The only reason Will did that was because the goons had cornered us. There were about a million goons that each had a million bullets. I couldn't hold up the shield for much longer. He had to use his powers. Otherwise, it could have been an alternate ending where you find out that both Will and I are dead, our bodies littered with bullets. If there's anyone to blame here, it's me. Not Will. Will was trying to keep us both alive." He hopped out of the rubble on his own, using his shields to get himself out, somewhat avoiding Leah. He didn't agree with her anger at what she called Will's stupid risk. She knew Will only used his powers when the situation was desperate. She was acting like they had casually used their powers while walking down the street, instead of in a life or death situation. She hadn't been about to pass out, facing a hailstorm of bullets.

Jeremy didn't communicate throughout the whole ride home, analyzing and overanalyzing what had happened between him and Will. They had kissed. What would happen now? That thought scared him, because of its possibility.

Icarus, meanwhile, was defending them, and his idea, to the bitter end. "For one thing, we're celebrating the fact that everyone got out alive. Secondly, we're celebrating the fact that they got together. That alone requires it's own party. Third of all, your logic could easily apply to any of us. We fight crime Leah. We're all risking our lives here. Should I get mad at you for going in there with me and risking your life?" He made sure to give Jeremy and Will some privacy, guessing what they had to talk about now. They were both so passive that they needed conversations and communication to get anywhere. "Fourth, you're talking about Will here. Do you think he would use his powers like that? You're acting like there was one guard that was unarmed and skipping at them. They were holding off what could amount to a private army. Sure, what he had done was risky, but I know he wouldn't do that frivously." IT was rare that Icarus had anyone truly agree with him, but here he was, with the knowledge that Jeremy backed up his argument.

For a moment, Jeremy was struck dumb as the realization of what Will was asking him almost overwhelemed him. He looked up at Will, reached out, and grabbed his hand, entwining his fingers with Will's own before giving the other man a beaming smile at full force. "It's always ok Will. you you want to kiss me? me? I mean, I want to be sure." There, it was out there. Jeremy hoped he wasn't grossly misinterpreting Will's actions because he wouldn't be able to face Will if Will said no. Pretending it never happened wouldn't even be an option for him.
Will tried to phase it out ... Leah arguing ... Icarus arguing ... even Jeremy got sucked into it ... He just stayed quiet ... His voice had done enough damage already.

"For one thing, we're celebrating the fact that everyone got out alive. Secondly, we're celebrating the fact that they got together. That alone requires it's own party. Third of all, your logic could easily apply to any of us. We fight crime Leah. We're all risking our lives here. Should I get mad at you for going in there with me and risking your life?"

"The plan was create a diversion, not bury ourselves under a ton of bricks" Leah shot back. "Didn't even warn us over radio of their stupid plan. Yes, we run into bullets, but we don't run in blindly, we have plans, escape routes, we warn each other when things are going to shit, not start playing Cowboys and fucking demolish the docks. I didn't know if we were going to recover a body or if they'd made it out of there. How can I lead a team when the team members can't even be bothered to tell me they're about to pull a stunt like that!?"

"Fourth, you're talking about Will here. Do you think he would use his powers like that? You're acting like there was one guard that was unarmed and skipping at them. They were holding off what could amount to a private army. Sure, what he had done was risky, but I know he wouldn't do that frivously."

"You're not helping Icarus" Leah put the foot down. "We're supposed to be a team, we're supposed to communicate and trust each other, Will isn't a telepath but he's a bloody mute, Jeremy is deaf but even he communicates with me and then there's you, disagreeing with me at every turn. What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to lead when you don't agree with anything and Will can't tell me where we're at when he's dropping buildings on his own thick head?"

Leah's anger wasn't true anger ... really she'd just been scared shitless. It had torn her apart to think anything happened to Will, she hadn't known for sure that Jeremy was in there too, much less that his shields would keep them safe. She didn't mean any of the anger she was unleashing ... Will understood, she was just worried, but he stayed quiet, it was best for her to let it out and quietly apologise once she'd cooled off.

"I thought they were dead and your first suggestion is to throw a party. I'm trying to minimise risks here which is why I try research before we go on a mission, they just pulled off the stupidest, riskiest move they could think of, I'm trying to do damage control not encourage this stupid behaviour"

"It's always ok Will. you you want to kiss me? me? I mean, I want to be sure."

Will's smile was small ... shy, but it was there. Will briefly disentangled their fingers, but only so he could sign a response, even though Jeremy could just read his thoughts instead. "Yes ... Yes to everything." Will signed back, though instead of signing the normal way, he kept his hands close to Jeremy's, let his fingers brush against Jeremy's as he signed out the words.
"We're throwing a party because they're alive, ok? I don't argue with you just to mess with you. I argue because I believe you're wrong and we should go in a different direction! I know what they did was stupid but they're not going to do this every single mission! Do you not see how exhausted Jeremy looks? Will only did that to save Jeremy's life and his own! He made a split-second decision, and it paid off, even though it was risky. He didn't have time to tell us what was happening!" Icarus yelled at her, having enough of the conversation. He broke away from her, stalking towards the back of the line, somewhat behind Jeremy and Will. At least he could imagine something fanfic-related. He wasn't trying to screw with her, he just felt like idea would be better than hers. Every time he tried to voice his opinion, she shot it down like it offended her, which only made him want to advocate for his opinion even more. At least someone was happy, and he was going to celebrate that. He would rather be optimistic. Sure, if they had died, he would personally have taken it out on the gang who had started this whole mess, but thinking about the near miss would only make it worse.

To be honest, he also liked that he had the ability to do stuff like throw a party and get people what they wanted. He liked being to spoil them all a little bit, even though half the time, Leah didn't accept it. He wanted to use his money to make the group feel good, another reason why he threw parties. His parents threw money at him to just shut him up, and he wanted to use money to make his family happy. They hadn't had a party in a while and Will and Jeremy getting together was the best reason for a party. Of course, Leah had shut it down again, only making him feel worse.

Moodily, he started extending his influence to the plants around him, making the weeds grow. Above them, a plant bloomed out of season and a dying tree in a backyard started to grow again, becoming healthy. It was a bad idea to use his powers when he was moody, but it always made him feel better, like comfort eating did.

Jeremy used his hands to sign a heart to Will, showing how happy he was that Will wanted to date him. Sure, when they got home, he was going to sleep off today, especially because he was tired. He would have thought this was a dream, but no one was this tired in a dream. Carefully, he slipped his hand in between Will's, his smile never leaving his face.

Soon, they made it home. Jeremy wanted to spend time with Will, so he kind of ignored his exhaustion to spend time with Will. Now that Will admitted that he liked him...well, this was amazing. Every moment had to be cherished, which meant spending as much time with Will as humanly possible. Also maybe they could kiss again, but that would be if Will wanted to kiss him again. Which hopefully, would be soon.

Icarus just went to his room, not saying a word to anyone. The only thing he had left to console him was fanfics, and so help him, he was going to write some damn good fanfics. He would probably also inform his followers that Willemy was a real ship now, and that would make his fans go off their collective rockers. Of course he would leave important info out, and make it really simple. He would simply write "Willemy is real." on Twitter and let them loose their minds on their own.

(I think Leah's extra job is to make sure that the government doesn't get a hold of the three of them because all of their powers are weapons of mass destruction and could probably cause the world to end.)
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Leah was always the one to put a damper on things it seemed. She was the dark cloud that rained on everyones parade, always the villain because Icarus had money to throw at his problems and never had to deal with repercussions or responsibilities when he could pay someone else to worry for him.

He just didn't get it and it annoyed her to no end. It also put her in an unbelievably awkward position. He put a roof over their heads, maybe now if something were to happen, she could stay with Will's family, but before she'd gotten to know Will, well, she'd be homeless again if it wasn't for Icarus housing them. You couldn't look a gift horse in the mouth as the old saying went, she couldn't push Icarus too far,he could toss her out, throw her to the dogs ... She doubted he actually would, but it didn't do much for her conscience to be an ass to him either.

Back at HQ the party was ... well, there was take-out food on the way because after a mission, everyone got the munchies ... but it wasn't much of a party, much to WIll's relief. He hoped Jeremy didn't mind ... he didn't want a huge party, all that fuss ... he didn't like the attention.

Icarus skulked off to his room, in a bad mood now because of Leah, and Leah was keeping an eye on their communications networks, seeing who was saying what and where, also making sure no one was onto them ...

That elft Will and Jeremy on the sofa to their own devices ... at least until Will had to go back home before his mom had a meltdown- Oh god he forgot about her ... He was terrified she'd have some sort of ESP and would sense that he'd kissed Jeremy and then- *breathe Will ... calm down ... your moms not a mind reader*

"Are you okay?" he asked, fingers moving slowly, not because he was slow with signing those particular words ... he was more shy actually.
Icarus came out of the room to quickly snag his own plate of food and a drink before disappearing back into his room. He had just posted another oneshot fanfic that was of course about Jeremy and Will. He was eating his lo mein and still thinking about his argument with Leah.

Sometimes, being around Leah hurt, because of her leadership of the team. On one level, he thought she was wrong and that was why he argued with her, to give her an alternative means to protect the team as a whole. On the other hand, he thought she was one of the most intelligent people he knew, stronger than anyone else. She had to make some of the hardest decisions in terms of their safety, act like the dad of their little family.

If she wanted to be like that, then fine. He wouldn't argue with her for a day or on their next mission, even if it hurt to keep it in. She clearly thought that his main goal was to undermine her, and that wasn't true. He would mind his own business and do his part for the team, which was spend money on the bills and buy food. Sometimes, like now, when he felt like he was in a darker mindset, it felt that Leah only needed him for his house and for his money, and that the moment another option was available, she would leave, taking Will and Jeremy her and leaving him alone. That alone was unimaginable, because she would find a different Icarus than what she would leave behind, should that happen.

"I'm not okay, actually, but you seem to be more worried than I am right now." Jeremy signed back to him, cuddled up to his side in a wholly familiar way. He didn't mind that Icarus didn't throw one of his intimate parties, because that was too much effort, even for cake. All he wanted to do was be with Will and eat food and rest. He was alive, with Will, and they were together now. Maybe they should privately celebrate by themselves somehow..."Hey Will, you want to eat Icarus's stash of donuts, chips, Oreos, Gummy worms, candy, and even ice cream? I'm sure he'll let us get away with eating some of his stuff, based of his reaction to us kissing. As long as we don't eat all of it, we should be ok. We could also watch a really good movie...or go out to the movies if you want to?" As long as it was with Will, he would do anything with him.
We could also watch a really good movie...or go out to the movies if you want to?"

That wasn't a bad idea actually ... although the cinema, which sometimes catered to the hearing impaired and the blind, only did so at certain screenings. An ASL signer wasn't there all day every day, they only attended certain screenings, so the chances of them getting a screening that Jeremy could actually "hear" was ... problematic. Will didn't mind the thought of stretching his legs a bit, albeit ina not-mission sort of way. Things in HQ were tense, it could do them some good to get away for a while.

"We can swing by the cinema and see what's showing" Will suggested, "And ice cream down the pier if it's open late or there's nothing good at the movie house" That seemed to solve a lot of their problems. Will most looked forward to getting some fresh air and awkwardly figuring out where he and Jeremy stood since they were ... ... boyfriends? Maybe? Whatever the case, it was good to stay out of Leah and Icarus' way when they were having an argument.

Leah's cell rang. Begrudgingly she answered.
"We're onto you, Everett"
Leah's mouth went dry.
"You thought you were on the straight and narrow but you ain't. You went from getting beat on by dealers to beatin' on dealers but we're onto you and you can't run forever"
"Who is this?"
"A friend of an old friend. We've got our eyes on you lot"
The line went dead and Leah's blood ran cold. She walked out to the living room to find it empty ... Jeremy's room, also empty ... They'd left.
"Shit" she cursed.
Despite their earlier argument ... they were still a team and Icarus wouldn't see anything happen to Will or Jeremy, any moreso than Leah would let that happen.
"Icarus their gone" she said stiffly, bursting into his room. She didn't know how much danger they coul dbe in but she didn't want to take a risk after their earlier mission. Jeremy was tired and Will was ... Will. They couldn't handle themselves in another firefight right away, not without the rest of their team there. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that.
"What does that matter Leah? Why is that an issue? Tell me as we get ready to find them. I'll need five minutes." Icarus responded automatically, his earlier concerns with her washing away for now. Jeremy and Will were more important than any of his other problems. Automatically, he held his arms out, and commanded mentally for the plants around their house to go into defense/attack mode where if anyone that wasn't either of the four of them went to the house, it would attack them. He dressed up in his costume, pushing her out of the room so he could get ready in record timing. With precision, he clipped a couple of his room's plant's leaves and shoved them into his pockets so he had some weapons up his sleeve. Quickly, he shoved his phone into his pocket so he could call Will on the road. He spotted the fridge, and paused for a moment, taking a napkin and shoving the fridge out of the way. He wiped said napkin on the mold that he had been avoiding, balling it up and quickly putting said mold tissue it into his pocket before shoving the fridge back in place. After looking around the house one last time to make sure that everything was ok, he was out the door with Leah, trying to call Will, to see where they were, so they could find them.

"This is nice." Jeremy signed to Will, as they walked to get ice cream. He had wanted to get ice cream first, before they looked for a movie. The sun was shining, and a light breeze made the area bearable to be in, almost as if the the very world itself wanted this day to be perfect for them. "Hopefully the place has the flavor that I want. I need some cookie dough in my life." Jeremy added, itching to hold Will's hand, but not moving to do so, since they were in public. "I'll pay for the ice cream at least. Icarus gave me money last week to go out, like he does every week. We don't really go out much, so I have quite a bit in my account right now. Right now, he was in heaven, as he was going out on a date, with Will.
"What does that matter Leah? Why is that an issue? Tell me as we get ready to find them. I'll need five minutes."
"Because we're compromised Ic. Okay" Leah insisted with a rare urgency ... if her tone of voice was anything to go by ... they were in potentially deep shit. "I got a phonecall ... someones watching us, Jer and Will are nowhere to be seen and I don't know if whoever is watching us broke in and took them or ... Or what happened! We don't have five minutes, MOVE NOW!"

Icarus would probably sulk and chastise her later, but she didnt' give a crap, what mattered now was that her team could be in great danger.
"Will's not answering his phone" that was a bad sign because Will usually had his phone on, listening to music or playing on apps.

Will's phone wasn't off to spite Leah ... honestly, it was off so that this ... date with Jeremy wouldn't be interrupted.

"Are you sure? We could go ..." he fumbled with his signing, he didn't know the sign for "Dutch" so he had to spell it with his hands instead, "We could go D-U-T-C-H". Splitting the bill 50/50 seemed fine. Will didn't mind, but Icarus was loaded and insisted on covering most of their expenses, at first it had been difficult spending his money but ... it was less of a problem now, they all pulled their weight in the house and on the team and Icarus liked providing little luxuries for them.

Not surprisingly, the cinema didn't have any subtitled movies screening conveniently when they arrived ... although ... Will had an idea.
"Maybe we could try ... my powers I mean ..." he signed carefully. He liked not having to use powers to communicate with jeremy but now ... he'd have to use his powers around him too ... perhaps ti wouldn't be so bad though, this was different. It wasn't destructive, maybe he could learn more control this way.

Loaded up with popcorn and ice cream and soda, they made their way into see the next film that was on. Hopefully for the first time ... Jeremy could hear it ...
Icarus whirled around, going in front of Leah and looking her dead in the eye. "They haven't been taken. They left of their own accord. My plants wouldn't let anyone one else near the house that wasn't us. Besides that, I have a motion detector set up on the windows and the front door. I hear the beep when they left. IF anything happens to them, it'll be on the streets. Though I know you're not telling me something Leah. You've seen my plants knock out several mailmen in the past. You're beyond normal worried. What the hell is going on? Tell me WORD FOR WORD what you were told." Icarus looked like he was completely on edge. If something happened to his Will and his Jeremy, he would snap someone's neck off, or do the classic use a vine to choke someone to death move. Not that he had choked someone to death before with a vine, but one time it had been a close call. Leah knew better than to question why he took time to gather plants. Clearly, this was a testament to how serious the situation was.
"Though...they might be going on a date. Considering the fact that they kissed each other. I mean, unless you have a better idea of where they could have gone."

Jeremy went up to the counter with Will, signing the message out to the ticket seller as Will was saying it. "Wait, did we tell anyone where we went?" Jeremy asked Will once they bought their tickets, hoping that the answer was yes. He had been too happy to realize that maybe they should have said something. "You don't think we should text them? Also, what does Dutch mean?" Of course, he had used mostly sign language, and a small, tiny portion of his telepathy to communicate his answer to Will.

Jeremy answered Will's question eagerly. "I was thinking the same thing. Maybe...maybe you could help me watch the movie too." To be honest, he was probably more likely to gaze at Will than the movie, but maybe he would actually focus on the movie if he could hear it. The pictures were cool and all, but he wanted to hear more things, other than his thoughts.

Feeling awesome for being able to pay for the food, courtesy of Icarus, they settled in what Jeremy deemed to be the perfect seats. "The screen's starting to turn on. Maybe...maybe you can use your powers now?" Jeremy signed to him quickly, taking a hold of the gigantic tub of popcorn and starting to eat it almost the second he got a hold of it. "It's funny, that we're seeing a superhero movie." Jeremy commented to Will, briefly touching Will's hand with his own clean one, hoping the other man accepted his touch.