Some Assembly Required

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(really not feeling my essays tonight so here comes a response!! Sorry if its a bit off I was drinking x'D )

Though I know you're not telling me something Leah. You've seen my plants knock out several mailmen in the past. You're beyond normal worried. What the hell is going on? Tell me WORD FOR WORD what you were told."

, Leah cursed herself ... Icarus knows ... he knows me too well. It was both a good and bad thing. As a team, they worked well when they werent arguing, because they knew eachother, they knew when something was off. Just like now. But now she didn't want him to notice, to know. She didn't want to drag up her past.
Even if they accepted me, forgave me for my old life ... they'd never look at me the same way if they knew.
Will ... the guy who volunteered at local community events, whose family were the very definition of hardworking, honest, law-abiding people ... He'd be horrified if he knew how bad Leah had been before all this ... Before Icarus she thought glumly. Assembling her band of heroes had been great, she really had been trying to improve, but it had also been a cover up ... a changing sides and she didn't want them to see her dark side or even know it had ever existed.

"They said they were watching us" which was sort of true... they were watching Leah which by extension meant they watched the others too. "They said we've been beating on their dealers and that we can't run forever", a bit of ad-lllib here and there, she left out the parts that compromised her of course ...

"Though...they might be going on a date. Considering the fact that they kissed each other. I mean, unless you have a better idea of where they could have gone."

"I don't know where they could've gone, but I don't like it- ... I don't like that someones watching us and they have no idea. It could be dangerous" Leah kept her voice as even as she could muster ... she'd been fighting with Icarus not too long ago and she doubted he'd already dropped everything they'd exchanged in the heat of the moment ...

"Wait, did we tell anyone where we went?" Jeremy asked Will once they bought their tickets, hoping that the answer was yes. He had been too happy to realize that maybe they should have said something. "You don't think we should text them? Also, what does Dutch mean?"

"No" Will signed back, even if he could use his powers so Jeremy could hear and speak without using his hands instead, it didn't hurt to get in more practice. "Thought we could do with some peace and quiet, Ic and Leah would probably show up here and yell at each other for the whole movie" Unfortunately that was pretty accurate ... "Going Dutch is just splitting the bill 50/50, going halfsies"

"I was thinking the same thing. Maybe...maybe you could help me watch the movie too."

Will hesitated ... but nodded, allowing his and Jeremy's fingers to lace together. The cinema speakers crackled a little for a few minutes, the tech-guy couldn't understand the anomaly ... but then it suddenly vanished ... Will focused ... he hoped it worked. He waited for Jeremy to hear the rustle of people digging through popcorn, the hushed conversations, the footsteps on the steps between rows of seats ...

"Did it work?" Will kept his voice low ... very low, barely above a whisper, even if his powers had worked, maybe he hadn't spoken strong enough for Jeremy to hear it ... then again, sometimes he was very much afraid of his own voice, it was so easy to do too much damage with a single scream.
Jeremy froze, his eyes widening at the sounds washing over him. This was what it was like to hear sound? It was amazing! Will's voice was so soft, and smooth, and weird thumps were coming closer to them, becoming a little louder at each second...
"This is amazing! Wait a second. I someone coming closer to us? This theater is mostly empty. There is no reason for anyone to come to us." Jeremy signed to Will while speaking into his mind, looking troubled. "IT's not Leah or Icarus. They're looking for us, and they're thinking of dark things. " Jeremy projected into Will's mind after shamelessly going into the group's mind. Only in situations like this was he going to break his own carefully crafted rules. "We may have trouble." The idea was to pretend that they hadn't seen anything or heard anything. Most people didn't know that he was deaf, and most people didn't know that he could read lips, as well as read minds, which usually made up for the whole loss of an important sense thing. IF he didn't have his powers, then he knew he probably wouldn't be on the team at all, and would be seen as a joke superhero. Which he wasn't at all!

Icarus took a deep breath, taking a second to collect his thoughts, before launching into his ideas/thoughts. "Ok, I've done some research on the popular date spots in the area. Why, you may ask? I won't answer why. Don't question my motives." Icarus said, referring to his need for accuracy or at least a template in his fanfics. "Moving on, there are four spots that are the best for dates. Number one, the ice cream shop. Number two, the Italian place in the middle of town. Number three, the movie theater. Number four, the arcade. Now, realistically, and basing my observations off of how the two of them work, I would take out the arcade and the Italian place. Arcades are loud and flashy, something that both Will and Jeremy wouldn't appreciate just yet for a first date. The Italian place is for second dates and is a way to really impress your date. Same concept as last time. I gave Jeremy money because money is independence and I like knowing you guys can get home if you need to, but they're too uncertain of a pair to risk a restaurant off the bat. Now, I know they don't like going out, so I took out some of the less popular spots. This leaves me with the ice cream place and the theater. Knowing Jeremy, it could go either way. I wouldn't think that he would get ice cream before going to the theater, so I think he's in the theater, bu I could be wrong. IT's the best I could come up with. Leah, what do you think?"

By the end of his speech, he was anxious, meaning that they needed to find his family. Though something wasn't right here. No random drug dealer could find his phone number and it was odd that Leah was acting this strongly about it. He had his number unlisted. It would take some very, very specific digging to find it this easily. This all felt too weird to be a random drug dealer gunning for the group. IT would have happened much, much earlier if it had been. No, this was something else. He would get Icarus and Jeremy safely at home, and then pull Leah to the side and grill her on the topic. Their collective lives depended on more information and Leah was hiding something. Even if it took keeping secrets from Jeremy and Will to keep them alive. No secret was worth loosing lives over.
If someone was after them ... they could be walking into an ambush.
"We may have trouble."
"Act natural" was Will's response. "We can't use our powers in here" it was far too dangerous. Jeremy was still weakened from their last outing, and even though the theatre wasn't packed, they couldn't risk harming someone else. Will couldn't use his screams in such a compact area, he'd surely cause a collapse or hurt someone he didn't mean to. He likely had enough control for that not to happen, but he didn't believe in himself and he certainly wasn't going to take that risk.
What was natural in the cinema ... well ... They were boyfriends now, kind of sort of maybe so ... Will gathered the courage to pull Jeremy into a slow, sensuous kiss. His sound-powers still having that unusual effect when he and Jeremy touched. Somehow it made Jeremy's hearing very very keen, and with his telepathy, they could still talk, even while kissing ... Although Will would much rather not spend his kissing time strategising how to hide from whoever was stalking them, the option was there, if they focused that is.
Will done his best to try stop his thoughts from melting down to "Omg I'm kissing Jeremy OMG OMG OMG" , trying to pick out how close they were, how many there were ... how they might keep themselves out of trouble.
"We're just an ordinary couple making out in the cinema. They won't see our faces. They won't know its us. This worked in that Captain America film, remember?"
He willed himself not to think about how cute Chris Evans was because now was definitely not the time for that, especially not when his boyfriend? were they official? could he say that? Anyway, thinking about Chris Evans' butt when your boyfriend could read thoughts was sort of awkward.

Leah had underestimated Icarus ... she hated to admit it but ... he was more clued in about the team than she gave him credit. She tried to be the leader who knew everyone better than they knew themselves. She'd had Icarus pegged for a rich kid who didn't really understand people, he just bought friends ... Of course, she'd grown to like him, even though they fought like siblings, and she realised in time that he wasn't as shallow as she had presumed, but even then, she was street-smart where he was spoiled and rich, she thought she could read people better. Icarus knew his friends, although his research habits were befuddling.
"Why, you may ask? I won't answer why. Don't question my motives."
She didn't, though she thought it was odd he knew all the date spots considering he never went on dates himself.
"Now, realistically, and basing my observations off of how the two of them work, I would take out the arcade and the Italian place. Arcades are loud and flashy, something that both Will and Jeremy wouldn't appreciate just yet for a first date. "
He knew them ... he knew them well. His observations were spot on. There was only one hitch.
"Jeremy goes to special screenings for the hearing impaired, they wouldn't go to just any old screening would they? It's unlikely there'd be a special screening specifically when they happen to be there" it was the only flaw in the plan, although ... "They could have gone to the theatre to check the schedule. I mean they could use google but ... they were probably trying to get away from us" she bristled slightly. Of course, this was all her fault wasn't it. She'd pissed on Icarus' celebration because she was upset her friends had almost gotten hurt and she had been so frigthened she was angry. Partying was the last thing on her mind because she was mad at herself. She was mad at the bad guys. She was mad that she could lose her friends so quickly and so easily.

Even if it took keeping secrets from Jeremy and Will to keep them alive. No secret was worth loosing lives over.

Leah wanted to keep them all safe, but how could they trust her if they knew about her. What she was, what she'd done ... it was unforgivable. This was best kept secret. She'd find a way to deal with this. She'd protect them.
"Will's not answering his phone. We could split up but ... well it's risky if either of us lands in trouble on our own. We could toss a coin. Heads or tails we go theatre or ice cream parlour first" she tossed a nickle to Icarus. He was the one who came from money, he'd probably flip the right side of the coin that would solve this ... she hoped. Luck hadn't been on her side thus far.
As soon as Will's lips touched his own, all he could think of was WillWillWillWill, over and over again. All he could do was cling to Will for dear life, quickly moving closer and closer to Will until he was practically sitting in his lap. He could hear Will's thoughts about Chris Evans, but that was ok, since his were somewhat the same. When they were able to make out alone, Chris Evans would be far from their thoughts. Finally, he could respond to Will, after what seemed like forever. "It's fine. I'm thinking about him too. Just stay plastered to me, and we'll be fine." Though the villains won' find a happy Jeremy if they did manage to find them, and break the kiss that made sparks fly and his body heat up.

The thugs/minions/goons walked past them, ignoring the couple that was making out practically in front of them. In fact, it worked extremely well, making the group awkwardly turn their faces from the pair's direction. Evidently, Will and Jeremy becoming boyfriend and boyfriend was new enough so that no one would automatically spot them. "They've passed us by. Sink to the floor, as if we're doing....yeah, just sink to the floor. It's working so far. The more things they think we're doing, the less they will look at us." He tugged at Will, urging him to sink underneath their seats, breaking apart for only a moment to take a few ragged, gasping breaths before he initiated the next kiss.

People did underestimate him often, because of his money. Though seriously, no one ever learned. He was many things, megalomaniac being at the forefront of his personality, but if he wanted to get to know people, he would do his best to get to know them. Leah, Jeremy, and Will were his family. Besides that, he was complex, having real fears and insecurities that he hid by throwing money at them. "Leah, it's our fault that this happened. You were too harsh on them, and I was too lenient on the pair. I was blinded by the fact that I've been wanting them to get together ever since they met. We can discuss this later. All we need is to focus on this. Now, there's an easy was to narrow down where they went to." Icarus pulled out his phone, and after one quick google search, he had found out that the special screenings weren't playing that day. "They went to the regular theater." Icarus concluded, showing her his phone screen, letting her read the information presented to her before he put the phone away.

With the promise to ask Leah about all of this later, Icarus caught the nickel in two hands. "OK, so heads is the local theater. Tails is the ice cream place," Icarus proclaimed, agreeing to leave this all to chance. He breathed in and out, slowly, positioned the coin on his fingers, and flicked the coin upward. The nickel flipped in the air for a moment, before Icarus caught it, slapping the coin on the back of his hand. With bated breath, he revealed his hand a tad slower than he wanted to. The coin was on heads, which meant that they were heading to the theater. "We have to go to the theater. I know the way." He would punch whoever said writing fanfics wasn't worth it, because it could literally help them save Jeremy and Will's lives.

Quickly, he went out the door, only waiting for Leah to lock the door behind her before growing the defenses around the house to their fullest. Normally, Leah took the lead on these missions, but for this one, he lead the way, actually knowing where they were doing. Good thing he had an anal-retentive need to have accurate details in his fanfics.

After a hurried bus ride where Icarus just shoved a fifty at the bus driver to let them on, the pair made it to the theater. As per instinct, he grew the plants outside of the theater, feeling that there wasn't a lot in the theater for him to work with when they went into the theater. "I think we have to sneak in. I have the money for tickets. We can figure out where they are once we get inside."
"It's fine. I'm thinking about him too. Just stay plastered to me, and we'll be fine."
Wow ... considering the awkwardness there, Will was low-key humoured and impressed. Having a boyfriend seemed to be a pretty sweet deal, they could both admire Chris Evans very fine physique. At least Jeremy wasn't pissed off by the stray thought.
Will couldn't but feel a little bizarre at how their kissing had gone from shy, cautious, and new to ... Jeremy practically climbing into his lap. It wasn't a bad thing, but certainly unexpected and as far as dangerous situations came ... this was actually oddly enjoyable for the rather obvious reasons.
Having a deaf boyfriend who could hear your thoughts had its perks. Will knew he couldn't sign in the dark, and it was too dangerous to speak aloud, but they could communicate with ease. That power was somewhat wasted though when Will's only thought process was Oh god this floor is sticky, this is so unbelievably gross. That part was considerably less fun of course, but so far they seemed to have gone unnoticed.
We have to get out of here ... think we could crawl to the fire exit? It was a big gamble ... if the thugs noticed someone trying to make a break for it, it would obviously only draw attention to themselves. If they stayed undetected just a little longer perhaps the guys would give up the search or try another screen thinking they'd picked the wrong movie to crash.
"The more things they think we're doing, the less they will look at us."
"This isn't your way of trying to get to third base on the first date is it?" Will thought sarcastically. "I hate to throw a wet blanket over the mood but perhaps we're moving just a little too fast"
Sarcasm of course, nothing R-18 was happening, they were just trying to wriggle out of the corner they'd boxed themselves into.

"Leah, it's our fault that this happened. You were too harsh on them, and I was too lenient on the pair. I was blinded by the fact that I've been wanting them to get together ever since they met. We can discuss this later. All we need is to focus on this. Now, there's an easy was to narrow down where they went to."

"Well thats the smartest thing you've said all week" Leah bristled, then ushered an apology through clenched teeth :Sorry, I didn't mean that". Really she was just tense, as Icarus was too. But at the very least they'd made up this time. This was how it always worked, no long-term grovelling, just a quick apology or admitting they fucked up and then their relationship was reset back to "good I guess" status once again.

Leah impatiently followed Icarus' lead on this one. She was the leader, but even she knew when she was out of her depth. Icarus actually knew best this time, and perhaps she was trying to make it up to him a little by letting him take the lead.

Meanwhile inside the theatre, Jeremy and Will weren't the only people who could harm the invading thugs. Abi had just settled in when she noticed the two guys making out, or rather trying to shy away from the creepy dudes stalking the aisle. She hoped her intuition paid off ... they are who these guys are searching for, I dunno what they did, why they're being hunted, but these guys sure don't look nice.

She rooted through her bag, finding the sweet coconut smelling hair oil that kept her thick natural hair well hydrated and in check. She'd experimented with it before (even though it was a bit too expensive to waste on silly experiments) and found it packed quite a punch when mixed with carbon ... and coke happened to be loaded with fizzy carbon bubbles. Sure, it wasn't explosive material, and cola hurt when it got in the eyes, but with her hair oil it was downright deadly. A few drops and she shook it up, praying her aim woudn't fail her, she through her makeshift non-flammable molotov at the thugs, hoping it would get enough spin to bounce off and soak the two, at the very least it would cause some distraction.
As the thugs battled the stinging solution, Abi vaulted over her chair and pulled the closest boy, which was Will, up to his feet, hoping he'd grab the other boy.
"Quick, the fire exit" she hissed.
Will scrambled to pull Jeremy, whoever this stranger was, she was helping if she turned into a threat later they could deal with it then.

The emergency exit door was alarmed and as soon as they bursted through the theatre house alarms went off, triggering sprinkler systems everywhere. Abi didn't slow her sprint, she mentally cursed herself for the adrenalin pumping just a little too hard, what if she was crushing the taller boys wrist in her hand, did boy 1 still have boy 2 with him? Were they both safe? Shit, no time to check now, they had to get out.
Jeremy couldn't help but mentally chuckle at Will's clearly sarcastic words. "Will, you'll know when I want to go to third base with you. The place will be much more comfortable. This floor is disgusting." Kissing Will made him somewhat forget the multitude of germs he would wash off of himself- when they got back home to Icarus's place. First, they had to survive today. Well, there was a silver lining to all of this. He was kissing a boy that was cuter than everyone else. They had even made it to second base! He had to admit, he was a bit turned on, but that was something that fear helped him hide easily.

Jeremy had the irrational thought for a moment that damn, he was deaf, he wasn't blind! He knew what the hell was going on, and they didn't need to grab him? But that thought vanished as he grabbed Will's hand, hurrying away from the thugs. He let himself follow behind Will and this random saviour and actually keep up with them, thanking Icarus once again for his expensive-ass basement full of expensive-ass top quality training equipment. Now they were trusting a stranger, it seemed. Well, whatever then. He could easily hurt her if he had to, especially since she didn't seem armed.

Icarus had all of the plants in the area on high alert, in case he needed them. "I think we have to sneak in." Icarus whispered to her, leading her around the side of the theater, straight towards the fire exit. As they approached the door cautiously, thankful that no one was in the alleyway, the door burst open. A girl burst through, dragging along Will, who dragged Jeremy behind him, triggering the simply annoying fire alarm sound. Wow. That was incredibly easy. "This way!" Icarus shouted, waving his hand to Jeremy and Will and the random girl. A vine snaked it's way up his hand, somewhat obviously revealing his powers. "We're all here, and I don't think we have time to wait for the bus. There's a sewer cover around here...Over here!" Icarus ran over to the manhole cover, growing a vine straight downward into the small hole in the sewer cover, before forcing it back upward like a lever to pry open the cover. "Now, we either go down here, or take our chances. IT has a ladder, thankfully." He looked meaningfully to Leah, hoping she would let him go first, so he could wrestle with whatever was down there first. Jeremy could easily take up the rear as well, with Will behind him as backup, the stranger next, then Leah. Being somewhat of a megalomaniac, he had made sure his house was about three houses down from the nearest sewer system that was actually usable when he brought the house. An evil overlord, who had religiously read Peter's Overlord List could never be too sure of anything. Like the crazy person he was, he had directions to home, which would be a lot easier to get to, considering the sewer system was tagged with his symbol, IS with a leaf and vines inside of it. That would lead them home for sure. In his defense, it was one of the five things he did all day: Write fanfics, manage the house's affairs, go on the internet, indulge in his fandoms (written and online), and plot to take over the world.
"Will, you'll know when I want to go to third base with you. The place will be much more comfortable. This floor is disgusting."
"Well you're romantic, I'll give you that" Will replied, or rather, he thought and Jeremy listened to those thoughts ...
"Who ... is she?" Will thought, more to himself than to Jeremy, although they were likely having similar thoughts.

The sudden brightness as they emerged out the emergency exit stung Will's eyes ... even though it was afternoon rather than bright midday sun, the cinema had been dark (fortunately). But they couldn't linger, they had to run. Will was about to hastily thank their unexpected saviour and bolt but they ran into another unexpected addition ... Leah and Icarus- Wait what?!

The girl hard dropped Wills hand once they'd broke through the emergency exit, this time it was Will who grabbed her, no time to explain, it wasn't safe for her to stick around in case the thugs got a glimpse of her and wanted to hurt her.
"Cmon, you'd best stick with us a little longer" Will said, voice barely above a whisper for fear he'd knock her over with an uncontrolled attack, still grasping Jeremy with his other hand.

Icarus led the way, Will was surprised Leah didn't argue ... it seemed the unexpected intrusion had brought the two arguing young-adults together. Maybe next time Will would give them a headsup, it would prevent them from gate crashing a date (though on this occasion it had actually turned out to be a good thing), and maybe they could even double-date ... It wasn't likely, Icarus and Leah fought like cats and dogs ... but they could try just one date surely? There was no time for that as Icarus led them away, stopping at a-

"No" Leah beat Will to it.
"You have got to be kidding" she said incredulously. There wasn't time to launch into a full scale "this is disgusting ... a fucking sewer?! ... I'd rather be captured" rant, Icarus was already taking the lead, followed by Jeremy and Will at least cringed before going down ... The girl looked at Leah, as if asking whether she should come or not.
With a serious grunt from Leah, the question was answered and the girl slunk down into the tunnel. Leah repressed a shriek ... She'd slept on the streets, she'd been involved in nasty stuff but she drew the line at sewer crawling and now ...

"I'll never forgive you for this Icarus" she hissed, following the team from the back through the tunnel.
"Where are you taking me?" the girl asked.
"Don't say it like that, you aren't a hostage, you saved Will and Jer's asses, now we're saving yours before those thugs come after you too... We're gonna have a serious chat when we get back to HQ ... Uh ... Whats your name?" Leah asked.
"Abi Spencer"
"I'm Starstrike, thats Whisper, Shielder and Greenbean"
Icarus will kill me ... but fuck it, Im in a sewer I may as well kill myself now Leah answered, using codenames because she didn't know if she could trust Abi just yet.
"Maybe when we get to know you better we can skip the codenames."
She hoped Jeremy was listening as she tried cast her thoughts to him, Jeremy read her mind, we need to know she's not a threat!
Abi's thoughts were scattered ... nervous ... scared ... Where am I going? Are they going to hurt me? Who are they and why were those guys after them? Maybe I shouldn't have gotten involved ... god its gross down here.

Will's thoughts, if Jeremy was listening, had spiralled into rapid-fire Russian, if Jeremy could make any sense of it.
"I- ... I didn't mean to cause trouble- I thought I was helping, I don't want to hurt anyone, honestly... " Abi protested.
"You're a pansy for someone who's usually so tough. It's either this or run all the way back. This is easier." Icarus hissed back, leading them into the tunnel. "And it's Plant Overlord, not Greenbean. It's almost like you don't want me to help fix the sewer so it's less grimy." As he moved, Icarus made a complex movement with his hands, one more complex than his usual hand movement, but that could be easily explained because he was dealing with algae and not anything larger. A disturbing burst of lemon and lavender scents soon filled the air a minute after Icarus had stopped moving, evidence of Icarus's somewhat freaky powers.

Jeremy opened his mind to the group on instinct, first targeting his beloved Will to see how he was doing, while half-paying attention to the steps in front of him. Since he couldn't exactly understand Russian, he kind of skipped over him, figuring he was ok for the moment. He moved to Icarus, who looked annoyed again, but was really just focused on getting them all to the base, with the occasional annoyed thought at being called Greenbean. He moved on to Leah's mind, scanning it quickly and seeing...Leah telling him to read Abi's mind. Seemed kind of obvious, so he shrugged, and went into Abi's mind. Her thoughts weren't positive, of course, considering they were in this disgusting place, but they weren't filled with evil at all. Though, he was still very thankful that only three others knew of his powers.
With that, he turned back to look at Leah, and flashed her the quick all-good signal, which was a specific scratch on his nose. He was going to remain silent, until Abi proved to be more trustworthy.

Icarus stayed silent at Abi's words, before giving her the honest, appropriate, whispered answer. "You probably helped save them. The damage might have been avoidable, but they weren't good guys that you hurt. First, we want to make sure that you're safe, and reasonably trustworthy. Then, you can leave and go home or wherever. I don't know, and don't really care where you go after we determine that you're safe." Considering she technically did both good and bad, made her cancel out in his book, leaving her to break even at the moment. Good, because she did help Will and Jeremy, but bad considering she put a bigger target on their backs then before.

Soon, he led everyone to a specific grate, one with a pretty picture of a fern. With Jeremy's help, he took the grate off and helped everyone out into the alleyway close to their house. "All we got to do is sneak back to HQ. Anyone want to lead the way?" He looked to Leah, making a face at her for the Greenbean comment, but letting her have a chance to lead again.

Thankfully, Jeremy could pretty much help at this point with his powers, since he had been able to rest before anything had happened. But since Abi was there, pretending to be mute was probably a great idea. Why give away two of his biggest secrets to a person who wasn't totally trustworthy?
In a brief moment of weakness, Leah lost her cool, slightly. The well kept secrets of just how rough she'd been living before Icarus slipped out.
"I spent enough time living in a gutter to resort to crawling round sewers!" she snapped.
Anything about her past was unwanted ... she didn't want to talk about it, didn't want to think about it. Will knew. Will knew not to ask, so no one really knew how bad it was. When Leah moved in with Icarus ... she'd been "couch surfing". She'd told them she was staying with a mate, "between flats", never that she'd been homeless on the streets before. Even though she was unhappy about it, she did go down into the sewer, but it was clear her dislike of the sewer wasn't a girly phobia or an overly sensitive nose ... it was something rooted in her past. It wasn't about being a "tough chick". This was personal. She wasn't happy to be here.

Jeremy's silent signal was a welcome distraction from Leah's past ... she buried those thoughts for now, but the sensation of being reduced to skulking the streets or ... beneath the streets made her unhappy. She liked walking the main streets instead of the allies (even though the allies were more familiar), she liked the small luxuries Icarus provided ... down here she noticed how much she took him for granted but if he had any idea- he'd never understand. It frustrated her, he was so clueless, so rich ... what did he know!

Finally, he just let her take the lead ... it didn't mean much ... she needed to cool off ... but mostly, leading meant she could get them out of here quick as fuck because she wasn't stuck trailing the end or jammed in the middle.

Will squeezed Jeremy's hand a loittle, reassuringly ... he hoped. Stilling his thoughts somemwhat slowed down and consciously reverted back to english.
"As far as first dates go? ..." he paused, "It could have gone worse, right?" there was an edge of mild amusement in his thoughts.

Finally they reached the exit. Leah hurriedly scaling up the ladder and helping pull the rest of teh crew out and sneaking into the hideout as quickly as possible.
Abi didn't know what was going on ... when she could go home ... SHe followed in quietly.

Leah paced the kitchen, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. Will stared at his feet. Was he and Jeremy in trouble? This was their fault right?

(agh sorry this is shit, I was backpacking and Im tiyuuurrrrrrdddd and my laptops about to die lol!)
Icarus really just stared at her, solidifying his need to talk to her in the future about all of this. About her, about them, about the team. He hated not being in the know, and today would be the day he found out what was going on. With her comment, Icarus positioned himself so that Leah was looking into his eyes. "You never told me that. How am I supposed to know?" His voice was soft, and really, was only meant for her ears. Leah was mad at him for something in her past that this had brought up, when he had no idea it would anger her.

Icarus turned to Abi, as Felix lead Will to the couch so they could sit with each other. "Alright then. Abi, for now, you're going to stay here with us. It shouldn't be too long. Maybe a couple of hours. At the most maybe a couple of days until we can get you home, or whatever safe location you need to go to. Now, there are snacks in the fridge, and every imaginable drink you can think of here. Do you want anything?" Icarus proclaimed, taking some peach nectar from the fridge and pouring himself a glass to drink, before taking a whole carrot out of the fridge and chomping on it like he was a bunny rabbit. Sure, maybe his plant powers did affect his eating choices, especially since all of his favorite drinks were plant-based, like nectar, orange juice, or apple juice. When he was stressed, he became distinctly more vegetarian, and now it was acting up again. "No one's going to hurt you or anything like that. If you really want someone who would be the least likely out of all of us to hurt you, go for Shielder. He's the most chill out of all of us." Felix glared at Icarus from where he was sitting on the couch, but the look was severely detracted from the thick, comfortable blankets that he had burrowed himself under along with Will. Technically, the safest person she could be with out of the whole group would be Felix.

Seriously, he was the crazy one with the plant powers, and he had to do all of the explaining. Dammit, Leah was supposed to be the people person. He was the eccentric rich guy with the cool house. "Also, they're dating. IF you have any problems with them, well.....leaving would be a great idea." A shadow somehow comically fell on his face, making him look serious about his threat. Which he totally was. "Starstrike, we should head to the basement to do inventory. Whisper and Shielder can entertain our guest."

Felix squeezed Will's hand comfortingly, letting his head lean against Will's shoulder for a moment in a show of support. "Yeah. It was a great date. Up until those guys came in. Before that...." Well, even during the stressful hiding moments, he was all for the making out.

"We have board games if you want to play something, or watch movies, or whatever you want to do." Felix piped up, doing everything he could to hide his deafness from Abi. It seemed like she hadn't noticed yet, and she wasn't trusted enough to know the secret, which meant not really looking at Abi's lips. "Plant Overlord has everything here, including a fully stocked library!" Really, he just wanted to do something which could also involve cuddling with Will.