Sol and Lun

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Josie giggles, "oh...are we sensitive here..." she nibbles on it playfully.
Josie giggles, she grabs her other breast and pinches its nipple. "Gosh...your real sensitive."
Reekos walks back to his room, he smiles and collapses on his couch.
Reekos smiles, "why hello, servant...."he sits up, leaving her a spot.
Reekos smiles, "my mouth is lonely, can you give it some company?" He says attractive.
Reekos laughs, he pulls her on his lap. He returns the kiss.
Reekos smiles, "well, there's a lot I kinda want to do."
[She's on his lap. she can do that. Unless you were making fun of spelling.]
(What's straddling? Strangling?)
[Not at all. She has her legs on either side of him. Do you get the picture?]
(No....she's strangling her with her legs?)
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