Social Classes (Shera and ~Nora.Inu~)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Caesar stood beside Cari, since neither one felt like catching up wth Lucian.
"I am perfectly fine with it," Caesar replied, looking at Cari.
"Yeah..." he mumbled. When he stood straight, he seemed to be about the same height as Lucian, so he found himself watching the back of the mans head. He glared a little before deciding now was not the time.
Lucian stopped for a moment and looked over his shoulder before saying, "Are you two going to catch up? If not I'm going to go ahead without you two." He looked back ahead of him and continued walking in the direction of the gardens. The gardens were one of his favorite things about the black hair city, that and his own home but that went without saying. He smiled slightly to himself as he walked, wondering how Cari was going to react to the gardens. Once he got to the entrance to the gardens he took a deep breath to remind himself why he loved the place besides it's natural beauty.
Cari looked around, not seeing much at the entrance.
"What's so great about this place?" he wondered out loud, looking left and right.
"Looks like the same trees and plants at home, except they're alive."
Lucian raised one eyebrow at Cari and said, "Well there are only really trees and plants right now at the beginning but trust me when I say that further inside you'll eat your words." He grinned then turned and started walking into the garden glancing briefly over his shoulder to make sure that Caesar caught up. As they got further into the gardens there were sculptures put out as well as various plants that weren't native to the place and they were all strange shapes and sizes. The smells were all foreign though one could tell there was a lot of fresh air to breath in the place. Lucian glanced at Cari smiling slightly and asked, "What do you think now?"
Cari looked around in wonder, marveling at the plants. He took in a deep breath, his lungs filling with the cleanest air he had ever had.
"It's amazing," he replied, walking over and touching a flower, with closed instantly.
Lucian smiled at him and said, "Be careful of some of the plants in here, there are some that can be dangerous even to people." He walked over to where Cari was at and touched the flower nearby gently before pulling back and looking over at Caesar before saying, "Are you doing okay?" He knew he shouldn't ask Caesar if he was doing okay but he couldn't help being a little bit worried that maybe Caesar really didn't like Cari as much as he did. If he didn't then he knew he would have to leave Cari somewhere as soon as possible because no matter what he wanted Caesar to be happy as well.
Caesar had been busy examining a new purple flower that had been added in.
"Yes, I'm perfectly fine love. Just looking at the newest additions," he smiled, watching Cari as he examined all the bright colored plants. The boy had probably never seen so much color in his life.
Lucian smiled at Caesar than turned and looked at Cari and said, "Well, should we continue along or do you want to stay here for a few more minutes?" He wouldn't mind it if Cari stayed here for a while, no one was here in the gardens so they were pretty much alone. In fact he had not been this alone in a place unless you count his and Caesar's rooms. He walked over to another plant, while Cari was looking at a different one, and rain a hand over the soft leaf. He made sure to know which plants were dangerous and which ones you could touch, just in case.
"Uh, no, we can go now," he said, walking down the pathway with Lucian and Caesar.
"Why are they colorful?"
(Finished reading the Hunter Games series. It was amazingly good, I also just saw the movie as well not long ago.)

Lucian had his hands behind his back as he walked, thinking about what Cari had said. After a minute he said, "I think its because of where they came from, to tell you the truth I'm not very sure why they look the way they do." He turned his head slightly to look at Cari with a slight smile and said, "Though you kind of remind me of these plants. You don't see it on the outside but they are very strong and able on the inside." He looked back ahead of him as they came to a fountain smiling to himself as he passed it when he remembered when he was thinking about running away from the Capitol.
(Really? I finished the series too, but I haven't seen the movie yet. It followed the books, right?)

Cari reached out and touched the water as they passed it. Cari heard what Lucian said about the flowers, but didn't respond. He didn't know how to. He looked at the flowers and smiled softly.
"Where do they come from?"
(It really did follow pretty close to the book.)

Lucian thought about his answer for a minute then said, "I really don't know where they come from but I do know that their absolutely gorgeous. Don't you think so Cari?" He looked at Cari with one eyebrow raised and waited for his answer. He really was quite curious to know if he was enjoying himself or if he was just good at pretending. He pushed the thought that maybe that's all Cari was really doing was pretending, he didn't need to stop trusting Cari now and besides he would rather trust him and get hurt then not trust him at all.
(Oh, goodie! So now you know what my idea for 'the games' in our rp is!)

Cari nodded.
"Yeah, they really are," he said, stopping to look at a large red and purple flower.

Caesar smirked, picking a rose from one of the bushes and holding it in front of Lucian's face.
"Seems perfect for you, huh?" he said, smiling kindly.

Cari glanced over, noticing ow happy Caesar and Lucian were. He noticed this for the first time and couldn't help but feel jealous, so he looked away and pretended he hadn't felt anything.
(Yay for being on track ^-^)

Lucian smiled at Caesar and took the rose from him, sniffing it slightly and letting out a breath as the scent hit him. He closed his eyes just loving how peaceful this garden really was and also how out of the way it was from the rest of the Capitol. He finally opened his eyes again and said, "You would think that wouldn't you love? But you give me to much credit really." He smiled slightly at him then leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss before looking over to where Cari was at and saying, "Would you like to stay for a little while or would you like to go shopping some more?"
Cari was a bit startled when spoken to. He took one more look around before nodding.
"Can we go shopping a bit more?" he asked, smiling kindly, but his jealousy of the two being able to love each other was still plaguing his mind.
Lucian nodded at Cari and said, "That works, come on then lets go." He grabbed a hold of Caesar's hand and started walking back the way they had come. He either didn't acknowledge the fact that Cari seemed a bit uneasy or didn't notice that he was, either way he kept walking instead of questioning him. Once they were outside the garden he turned to look at Cari and said, "If its okay with you I was thinking we might go by the clothes shop." He looked at Caesar and said with a slight smile, "The nice clothes shop not the one with the man that thinks that you need to have a different wardrobe."
Caesar smiled. He happened to link his steam-punk-ish style. He squeezed Lucian's hand in silent thanks.
"I agreed. I think we could find something for Cari, and I need some new shirts as well," he said, walking on with Cari on the other side of Lucian.

Cari nodded, looking around at the shops.
"Will I really be able to get new clothes?" he wondered.
Lucian returned the slight squeeze on Caesar's hand then looked at Cari and said, "Oh yes, clothes are definitely one of the first things we're going to have to do." He looked Cari over for a minute then said, "While those clothes work for now they look a little to baggy on you. Your in the Capitol now and the problem is everyone here is very fashion oriented." He looked towards the shop the were heading to and saw a few people looking Cari over curiously, and little to curiously. He looked away from the people and gave Caesar a quick look that was a little worried looking, then looked back to Cari smiling slightly so he wouldn't get uneasy. "Once we have some nice fitting clothes on you and you have your haircut then I think you will be on your way to not being found out." He said, at the same time hoping he wasn't lying to Cari and himself as well.
Cari looked at him incredulously.
"Hair cut?! But... why? And will I get to pick my clothes?" he asked, touching his hair. It seemed that he was going back on a memory.
"I don't want to cut it..." he whispered. The blondie woman who had taught him how to speak and had become his friend so long ago, the one who had died because of it, would often say that she liked his hair style.
Lucian winced slightly when he heard Cari take on a softer tone then said, "Don't worry, when I mean cut it you can just give it a trim. It will actually give a cleaner look, make your hair healthier, and even help it grow." He smiled at him then put a hand on his shoulder lightly and said, "I didn't mean to scare you by saying that we're getting your hair cut, and just so you know, yes you can pick out your own clothes." He glanced over at Caesar and gave him a quick smile before he looked back at Cari hoping he hadn't scared him to badly.