Snow and Forest

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He nodded. "Be careful." Then with that, he slipped off into the trees, fading from sight. The moonlight turned his white fur a brilliant silver color, the balck stripes standing out even more. He had to be extra careful to make sure he wasnt spotted by his prey. A while later, he had sucessfully taken down a small doe. He ate his fill, then slipped back to his tree, hopping up into it easily and began to clean the blood off of him from his dinner.
Kieara was gone for hours after he was. Her side was proving to make hunting a challenge. She would stalk her prey, but couldn't hardly move fast enough to catch it. Finally she'd managed to track down and catch a small rabbit. It wasn't really enough to fill her belly, but she knew it was all she was getting. After eating she came back and curled up again at the bottom of the tree.
He had already cleaned all the blood from his fur and had been dozing lightly. When she arrived, he glanced down at her. "Did you manage to catch anything?" He had been curious about how well she would be able to hunt, and after she'd been gone so long, he'd gotten a little worried.
She limped slightly from the pain in her side. She didn't bother grooming. She felt too bad. She lay down and spoke softly. "Yeah. I got a small rabbit."
He watched her for a while, silent. His mind went in a few different directions at once before finally making a decision. He hopped down from the tree and disappeared into the shrubbery again. When he returned a few minutes later, he had a couple rabbits in each hand, freshly killed. He dropped them beside her. "You wont heal properly if you dont eat properly."
Kieara had closed her eyes to sleep for the night when she heard him jump down. "Where are you going?" She asked him but when she didn't recieve an answer she assumed it was to mark his turf or something of the like. She lay her head down again and opened her eyes once more when he returned with two fresh rabbits. She was surprised. "You didn't have to do that."
She spoke to him feeling like a dead weight to him. However he was right. She needed nutrients to heal.
"Its fine," he replied, hopping back into the tree. "Just eat them. I'd rather hunt for you and get you healthy again than let you go out there and hurt yourself." He had the extra energy and ability to do it, he figured he might as well.
"Thank you." She spoke to him watching him hop into the tree. She smiled and ate the kill he'd caught for her getting a nice full belly for the first time in a long time. She put the bones aside and extra fur and went back to sleep. She'd groom in the morning. She was too tired tonight.
He slept soundly until morning, the bright sun waking him. He hopped down from the branch, glancing down at the fox. "You awake Kieara? There's a stream nearby I want to show you."
She had been awake for some time now but she had let him rest and lay her head back down. She now rose her head and looke at him. "I am awake." She smiled and nodded rising to her feet. She'd been awake long enough to clean the blood off of her from the previous night and lay back down. Her fur was once again snowy white.
"Wonderful," he replied with a grin. "Follow me." He led her through the trees until they came to a small river. A few small ish swam idly in the crystal-clear water. He knelt beside it and took a long drink. "There's also a good sized lake downstream if you want a bath," he told her, sitting back up.
She smiled and took a drink with him. She wagged her tail softly as she did. She watched the fish contemplating getting one. She didn't though and soon straightened. "I would much so like a bath."
He nodded and led her a few miles downriver until they came to a bright lush pond. A couple birds were floating on the water, frogs hopped about and a few larger fish swam around. "Take your time, I'm going fishing," he told her with a grin, moving back upstream. He hadnt had fish in a long time, and was craving one.
She smiled and wagged her tail. She took a nice long bath. She soon finished and went back upstream to find him. The cold water had stung her side a bit.
HE was sitting only about a mile away beside the river. He had caught a couple of fish, most of which had been reduced to bones. He held up the last one. "Want it?" He had always loved fish, despite not being terribly fond of the water.
She smiled and gently took it thankfully. "Thank you." She spoke and she ate it happily. Her fur was soft and whiter now. She gently hugged him when she was done her soft fur encircling him. "Thanks for everything."
He smiled and patted her back softly. Despite his size, he had a gentle touch when he wanted. "You dont have to thank me, although I appreciate the gesture." He loved how soft her fur was. It was so different than the kinds of fur creatures in the forest had.
She smiled. "It is only right. Perhaps I can make it up to you when I heal." She told him letting him feel her fur seeing his fascination. She wagged her big fluffy tail with a smile.
He chuckled. "Perhaps you can." He stood up and glanced upriver, his ears focused on something in the distance. He turned to her and motioned to the trees. "C'mon, we should leave. Some humans are coming to fish." He cleaned up the bones of his fish. It only took a moment before it looked as if he was never there. "You're not from the forest, are you?"
She saw his ears tilt and grew quiet. She looked around and helped him gather the bones. She followed after him. "No I'm not actually. I'm from the arctic planes."
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