Small fantasy rp group?

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I will write up my plot ideas as soon as I have a bit more time. I have been dealing with a leaking roof for the last two days. Hopefully I will be able to get some of them up later today.
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I will write up my plot ideas as soon as I have a bit more time. I have been dealing with a leaking roof for the last two days. Hopefully I will be able to get some of them up later today.

Are, um, both of you still interested or has this discussion kind of died?
I was kind of -not on top of it- this week, but also I was waiting for Kage's input.
Not to dump that on someone else. Still totally in!
I was kind of -not on top of it- this week, but also I was waiting for Kage's input.
Not to dump that on someone else. Still totally in!

Yeah, I was kind of waiting for them too, but I guess stuff comes up sometimes. They might jump back in later. For now I suppose we might as well toss around ideas if we have any.
Alright, so hopping back a step then:

Maybe there are regulations from the government, but most people aren't aware of magic still. So, a secret department whose job it is to regulate magic or eliminate its threats.
Maybe something has happened recently where people are disappearing?

Prophecy based? Maybe even a false prophecy or incorrectly translated. Not bringing of the end of the world necessarily, but could be. Could be that magic people are flocking to this city to witness the fulfilment of prophecy and it's just causing problems. The whole thing is a build up for a prophecy that isn't right. Could be our story is set right in the middle of the public discovering magic.

Oh, are magic users randomly gifted or is it a familial trait? Passed down and all.

Just blabbering whatever I could think of.
Hi there, looking to get back into roleplay but it's been years so I'm feeling kind of rusty and really not sure how to go about joining one. In any case, I was hoping there might be a small group or even someone after a 1x1 who might be willing to offer a spot. As I've said, it's been a while and I'm new to this site as well, so I may need a nudge here and there, but I'm keen get to grips with it again. At the very least I'd say my writing is of a reasonable quality.

I adore fantasy of all types, though modern fantasy is my favourite, so anything fantasy based is likely to pique my interest. I'd rather a small group and nothing too complicated though since I'd prefer not to be overwhelmed early on. Oh, and a quick warning that I'm in a weird timezone, so I might not post when everyone else does.

I'd be really grateful if any of you are willing to give me a chance. Thanks for reading.


K soooooo like maybe this may interest you? Broken Magic OoC! <~~ click and let us know k? :DD
@friendlycoffee @Jess Incognito

I am so sorry I did not respond sooner! I had forgotten to watch the thread. I regret to say that I will not be able to join the two of you in this. I am in the middle of a sudden move and will not have time/energy for much aside from one on ones. Perhaps once I have settled in and have more free time I can look into joining/creating something with you.

In the meantime, I hope you two have fun with your writing!
Alright, so hopping back a step then:

Maybe there are regulations from the government, but most people aren't aware of magic still. So, a secret department whose job it is to regulate magic or eliminate its threats.
Maybe something has happened recently where people are disappearing?

Prophecy based? Maybe even a false prophecy or incorrectly translated. Not bringing of the end of the world necessarily, but could be. Could be that magic people are flocking to this city to witness the fulfilment of prophecy and it's just causing problems. The whole thing is a build up for a prophecy that isn't right. Could be our story is set right in the middle of the public discovering magic.

Oh, are magic users randomly gifted or is it a familial trait? Passed down and all.

Just blabbering whatever I could think of.

I really like the idea of some kind of prophecy drawing everyone to the same city, and causing problems because having so many different people with different magic in one place is just unstable, and the prophecy itself not really leading anywhere. It could be that the prophecy was made a couple of years ago and caused a whole lot of people to gather... and then nothing really happened so they're just kind of waiting around, getting bored, questioning the validity of the prophecy in the first place, and beginning clash and cause trouble now that they're frustrated.

This is a nightmare for the government sector wanting to keep magic under wraps, and they've kind of come to the conclusion that it's getting harder and harder to cover up and they're probably just going to have to reveal it all to the world.

If you want to base it around disappearances it could be that magic users/entities are disappearing, and that they're blaming the government sector for wanting to get rid of the troublemakers to try and make things look all nice and tidy when they break the news to the world, and the government sector claims it's probably just them picking off each other for whatever reason, maybe something to do with the prophecy.
Then we could maybe follow some people trying to find out what's going on, possibly to protect themselves, possibly because it's their job, possibly because they want to help, or possibly just because they're bored. Would that sound interesting?

As for magic users, I was thinking that maybe the trait for magic is most likely found in families, but the specific type often differs because it's often tied to the way people think (you'd have to be very neat and mathematical to be a mage, someone who prefers specifics, which is different from witches who handle things more emotively...), although people who are related often think similarly, so there's that. I think it might occasionally pop up randomly though, or as a throw back gene. However I think if it wasn't usually found in families it would be much easier to discover the existence of magic, so other cases might be rare.

It'd be purely genetic for the fae, but other creatures might acquire abilities regardless of family. Think werewolves as an obvious example.
There seems to be something interesting going on. When do you plan to put an interest check out for this rp you guys are building? :)
I was thinkinnnnng as soon as possible. I think we're ready.

I think we have enough here to post in another thread. This is enough for others to get in on with characters, which I think will make it easier to go further with plot.
I can write a summary up if you want - whatever is best. But we should definitely get a real planning thread up!
Oh wow. Well, I wouldn't be able to join now if that's the case, but hopefully you guys manage to keep this running so I can join in the near future. It seems like a fantastic concept! ^^
I was thinkinnnnng as soon as possible. I think we're ready.

I think we have enough here to post in another thread. This is enough for others to get in on with characters, which I think will make it easier to go further with plot.
I can write a summary up if you want - whatever is best. But we should definitely get a real planning thread up!

Welp, if you're happy with the concept then you can post a summary if you're okay to do that, and see if we can get 2-3 more people involved (still want to keep it small). I can always sum up the magic system again if the earlier stuff's a little convoluted, but yeah... I say we go for it. More input could help solidify ideas.
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I've just read through all of your discussions and I gotta say, I really love the concepts that're being thrown around here. I'm currently running my own RP on another site so I'm potentially a bit limited in helping to flesh bits out (though I do have a habit of writing out lore every so often) - regardless of that I would love to make a character for this!
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I'm writing up a summary now - we need a title!
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