Sinkhole OOC

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Okay so, amendment to my previous post. I might not be able to post today because I just got in to my school of choice and I have a lot of stuff to do, so I'll probably just post tomorrow.
Okay so, amendment to my previous post. I might not be able to post today because I just got in to my school of choice and I have a lot of stuff to do, so I'll probably just post tomorrow.
Aww grats Poly... Will always call you Poly lol.
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QUICK CHARACTER RELATIONSHIP CHART THING FOR Katrina AND Jacob.(I mean really quick so no spell check or formatting or nothing just boom boom boom RELATIONS)
Already Discussed
@Wonderful Thing
@Amai Kyuti
@Brea (You are mentioned below as well.)

Katrina probably doesn't know him, but could get along with him well. I'm open to ideas.

To Jacob this guy seems cool as hell, but he wouldn't exactly approach him,
and i quote,
oh no he's hot and that intimidates me.
P.S. no homo.


While I don't see her and Jacob having anything, I can picture her and Katrina having know eachother. Since they both are Park people and all...


She and Katrina probably haven't interacted at all before this point, and i honestly have no clue how they would mesh.

I think it's obvious that Jacob would have know her however, due to them being in the same group in the library.

Im not sure about him an Katrina but i'm sure she'd like him if she got to know him.

Jacob, if he could get pass the pretty eyes, would probably like chilling around him. Cuz you know he makes him smile. ...did that come across homo cuz that was so not homo hahaha women are hot right lol boobs >.>


He's a guy that would remind Jacob way to much of the guys who beat the snort out of him in school, he would avoid this dude like nobodies business on pure keep-my-butt-not-kicked instincts alone.

As for I'm open. Shrugs.

Katrina would probably find her to abrasive to really get along with, while Jacob would be stright up intimidated by Anna


My two characters seem to be in circles WAY outside of Roberts, I doubt they would have interacted before the incident.
@Radio Jelly

If you have an idea for him and Jacob i'd love to hear it. As for what I got, well, he just seems like the kind of crowd that Katrina could/would hang around. Maybe she's friends with him- ACTUALLY I JUST GOT AN IDEA HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTT, I WILL BE SENDING YOU AND @Brea A PM.

I don't know and/or can't think of anything. To be honest they probably don't know her.
Unless you have something?
@Zachaira Finch

Katrina and Jacob both see him as someone they wouldn't approach unless it's necessary.

Katrina because she would think approaching him would only bother him, after all in her eyes they have nothing in common and she's an annoying little girl and he's well. Him.

As for Jacob, it's more because he reminds him of the guys that beat the shit out of him in school...

@Zachaira Finch

I'm open to ideas but i can't think of any connections they would have with him. Positive or negative.
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QUICK CHARACTER RELATIONSHIP CHART THING FOR Katrina AND Jacob.(I mean really quick so no spell check or formatting or nothing just boom boom boom RELATIONS)
Already Discussed
@Wonderful Thing
@Amai Kyuti
@Brea (You are mentioned below as well.)

Katrina probably doesn't know him, but could get along with him well. I'm open to ideas.

To Jacob this guy seems cool as hell, but he wouldn't exactly approach him,
and i quote,
oh no he's hot and that intimidates me.
P.S. no homo.


While I don't see her and Jacob having anything, I can picture her and Katrina having know eachother. Since they both are Park people and all...


She and Katrina probably haven't interacted at all before this point, and i honestly have no clue how they would mesh.

I think it's obvious that Jacob would have know her however, due to them being in the same group in the library.

Im not sure about him an Katrina but i'm sure she'd like him if she got to know him.

Jacob, if he could get pass the pretty eyes, would probably like chilling around him. Cuz you know he makes him smile. ...did that come across homo cuz that was so not homo hahaha women are hot right lol boobs >.>


He's a guy that would remind Jacob way to much of the guys who beat the snort out of him in school, he would avoid this dude like nobodies business on pure keep-my-butt-not-kicked instincts alone.

As for I'm open. Shrugs.

Katrina would probably find her to abrasive to really get along with, while Jacob would be stright up intimidated by Anna


My two characters seem to be in circles WAY outside of Roberts, I doubt they would have interacted before the incident.
@Radio Jelly

If you have an idea for him and Jacob i'd love to hear it. As for what I got, well, he just seems like the kind of crowd that Katrina could/would hang around. Maybe she's friends with him- ACTUALLY I JUST GOT AN IDEA HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTT, I WILL BE SENDING YOU AND @Brea A PM.

I don't know and/or can't think of anything. To be honest they probably don't know her.
Unless you have something?
@Zachaira Finch

Katrina and Jacob both see him as someone they wouldn't approach unless it's necessary.

Katrina because she would think approaching him would only bother him, after all in her eyes they have nothing in common and she's an annoying little girl and he's well. Him.

As for Jacob, it's more because he reminds him of the guys that beat the shit out of him in school...

@Zachaira Finch

I'm open to ideas but i can't think of any connections they would have with him. Positive or negative.
Ahaha~ yeah Scotty would probably think he was a strait boy and casually mention that he still kind of had half boobs before. I think that would be hilarious.
QUICK CHARACTER RELATIONSHIP CHART THING FOR Katrina AND Jacob.(I mean really quick so no spell check or formatting or nothing just boom boom boom RELATIONS)
Already Discussed
@Wonderful Thing
@Amai Kyuti
@Brea (You are mentioned below as well.)

Katrina probably doesn't know him, but could get along with him well. I'm open to ideas.

To Jacob this guy seems cool as hell, but he wouldn't exactly approach him,
and i quote,
oh no he's hot and that intimidates me.
P.S. no homo.


While I don't see her and Jacob having anything, I can picture her and Katrina having know eachother. Since they both are Park people and all...


She and Katrina probably haven't interacted at all before this point, and i honestly have no clue how they would mesh.

I think it's obvious that Jacob would have know her however, due to them being in the same group in the library.

Im not sure about him an Katrina but i'm sure she'd like him if she got to know him.

Jacob, if he could get pass the pretty eyes, would probably like chilling around him. Cuz you know he makes him smile. ...did that come across homo cuz that was so not homo hahaha women are hot right lol boobs >.>


He's a guy that would remind Jacob way to much of the guys who beat the snort out of him in school, he would avoid this dude like nobodies business on pure keep-my-butt-not-kicked instincts alone.

As for I'm open. Shrugs.

Katrina would probably find her to abrasive to really get along with, while Jacob would be stright up intimidated by Anna


My two characters seem to be in circles WAY outside of Roberts, I doubt they would have interacted before the incident.
@Radio Jelly

If you have an idea for him and Jacob i'd love to hear it. As for what I got, well, he just seems like the kind of crowd that Katrina could/would hang around. Maybe she's friends with him- ACTUALLY I JUST GOT AN IDEA HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTT, I WILL BE SENDING YOU AND @Brea A PM.

I don't know and/or can't think of anything. To be honest they probably don't know her.
Unless you have something?
@Zachaira Finch

Katrina and Jacob both see him as someone they wouldn't approach unless it's necessary.

Katrina because she would think approaching him would only bother him, after all in her eyes they have nothing in common and she's an annoying little girl and he's well. Him.

As for Jacob, it's more because he reminds him of the guys that beat the shit out of him in school...

@Zachaira Finch

I'm open to ideas but i can't think of any connections they would have with him. Positive or negative.
Awww Hanji's eyes do get people XD
Johnathan @Zachaira Finch

Katrina and Jacob both see him as someone they wouldn't approach unless it's necessary.

Katrina because she would think approaching him would only bother him, after all in her eyes they have nothing in common and she's an annoying little girl and he's well. Him.

As for Jacob, it's more because he reminds him of the guys that beat the shit out of him in school...
Philippos @Zachaira Finch

I'm open to ideas but i can't think of any connections they would have with him. Positive or negative.
Wait Jacob will be nervous to approach a ball of light? :D Jonathan likes to help people, he would probably try and help or try and strive to be his friend.
For Philippos:
For Katrina, he is still a father, so he could kinda be a rock for her to depend on.
QUICK CHARACTER RELATIONSHIP CHART THING FOR Katrina AND Jacob.(I mean really quick so no spell check or formatting or nothing just boom boom boom RELATIONS)
Already Discussed
@Wonderful Thing
@Amai Kyuti
@Brea (You are mentioned below as well.)

Katrina probably doesn't know him, but could get along with him well. I'm open to ideas.

To Jacob this guy seems cool as hell, but he wouldn't exactly approach him,
and i quote,
oh no he's hot and that intimidates me.
P.S. no homo.


While I don't see her and Jacob having anything, I can picture her and Katrina having know eachother. Since they both are Park people and all...


She and Katrina probably haven't interacted at all before this point, and i honestly have no clue how they would mesh.

I think it's obvious that Jacob would have know her however, due to them being in the same group in the library.

Im not sure about him an Katrina but i'm sure she'd like him if she got to know him.

Jacob, if he could get pass the pretty eyes, would probably like chilling around him. Cuz you know he makes him smile. ...did that come across homo cuz that was so not homo hahaha women are hot right lol boobs >.>


He's a guy that would remind Jacob way to much of the guys who beat the snort out of him in school, he would avoid this dude like nobodies business on pure keep-my-butt-not-kicked instincts alone.

As for I'm open. Shrugs.

Katrina would probably find her to abrasive to really get along with, while Jacob would be stright up intimidated by Anna


My two characters seem to be in circles WAY outside of Roberts, I doubt they would have interacted before the incident.
@Radio Jelly

If you have an idea for him and Jacob i'd love to hear it. As for what I got, well, he just seems like the kind of crowd that Katrina could/would hang around. Maybe she's friends with him- ACTUALLY I JUST GOT AN IDEA HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTT, I WILL BE SENDING YOU AND @Brea A PM.

I don't know and/or can't think of anything. To be honest they probably don't know her.
Unless you have something?
@Zachaira Finch

Katrina and Jacob both see him as someone they wouldn't approach unless it's necessary.

Katrina because she would think approaching him would only bother him, after all in her eyes they have nothing in common and she's an annoying little girl and he's well. Him.

As for Jacob, it's more because he reminds him of the guys that beat the shit out of him in school...

@Zachaira Finch

I'm open to ideas but i can't think of any connections they would have with him. Positive or negative.
Currently holding onto butt in anticipation.

I suppose I should try drafting up a relationships list at some point, but I'm sure I can think of something for Jacob.
Prepare to move on guys!!!!
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@Radio Jelly

If you have an idea for him and Jacob i'd love to hear it. As for what I got, well, he just seems like the kind of crowd that Katrina could/would hang around. Maybe she's friends with him- ACTUALLY I JUST GOT AN IDEA HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTT, I WILL BE SENDING YOU AND @Brea A PM.
Great! Can't wait to hear your idea! ♥
Wonderful Thing updated Sinkhole with a new update entry:

Moving on

Alright so, pardon me for briefly controlling the entire group, but we do need to move on to the castle and most of the time I don't play an active progressing role in my role plays and more often than not they DIE >: So, I'm trying something new. I won't always do that though, this is just to get us on the right track.

So the chapter continuation is up. Feel free to split up and do whatever or stay together and do...whatever also.

I will say this though. The kingdom of Noval is filled...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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@Phi Chisym
Shoot sorry, Red is accepted. Since no other late people have finished their CSs yet, just pretend you were with the main group all along.
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@Wonderful Thing

Oh, I thought you knew America could move without water.
Like in water, she can swim and everything.
And since she's half-fairy, she can basically fly.
So sorry for not letting you know earlier.
Ah, since you moved ahead before i could post (my own fault) does that mean my characters aren't with the group?
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