Sinkhole OOC

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Wonderful Thing updated Sinkhole [Closed] with a new update entry:

Posting Rule

In order to not leave anybody in the dust, I'm adding a new posting rule.

So basically if you are replying to someone else or having a continued interactions with one or two particular people, you must wait for two OTHER people to post before replying to that particular person. HOWEVER if two other people do not post and 30 MINUTES passes, you can post.

For those who are confused by this statement, here's a little example.

Tom: Mr. Coyote jumps over a log and falls into a bear trap....

Read the rest of this update entry...
Reposting just in case you three didn't see the original post. If you don't like these relationship idea's please just let me know, so that I know you actually saw this and didn't miss it. Thanks! ♥

@IceQueen - Personally, I think Theodore and Marianne (Ann) could be great friends. They are both very reserved people who like to be alone... so maybe they could be alone together sometimes? You know, like hang out but not actually interact or something? Just throwing an idea out there, let me know if you're interested! And for Tris (Scott) I also think he and Theo would get along. And... Adrian (Aydn) also seems like she would get along with Theo, but they wouldn't exactly be friends. They'd just get along.

@Justaddnutts - Jacob and Theodore seem like they would be friends, but not best friends, if you know what I mean. They'd get along and everything, but wouldn't do everything together. Are you interested in a friendship for them? Also, for Katrina (Theo's fellow tutor) I think they would be great friends! And, not because they're both tutors. I just feel like they'd really click. Are you interested in them being friends? Also: I'm not sure if you know this, but your post for Viola Black is the coding... I don't think this is how you wanted it to look? Just letting you know in case you want to fix it?

@Zacharia Finch - Phillip and Theodore would probably be somewhat buddies, I think. Not exactly friend, but they also wouldn't mind each other's company. Are you interested in that kind of relationship for them? Also, I think the same kind of relationship could go for Theo and Jonathan.

ALSO: Starter post coming in a few hours (should be 3, tops). ♥
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My post may be delayed a few days, flooding is getting really bad here. I'll get on when i can. But i might disappear all together if i get evacuated or power lines fall.
My post may be delayed a few days, flooding is getting really bad here. I'll get on when i can. But i might disappear all together if i get evacuated or power lines fall.
Oh my god, I hope everything works out for you, stay safe!
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I like how everyone is like lets go the the castle without noticing the danger it could hold. Well everyone except @Radio Jelly :P I just got to the hotel for the night so i could reply. But i cant :c
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My post may be delayed a few days, flooding is getting really bad here. I'll get on when i can. But i might disappear all together if i get evacuated or power lines fall.
Hey please be safe! we had to detour because of the extreme flooding. so please please please stay safe! :C
Guys, just a suggestion to the ones who have not,
Could everyone tag the person you have mentioned at the bottom of your post?
That would make it easier for everyone to reply, and not miss out on anything.
What did you look like?

Hello, hello, hello! What's your name?
"The slave name given to me at birth is utterly plebeian at the expectation of society.
Viola Black.
Go ahead, call me by it.
I prefer November 13th. It makes the man uncomfortable when you change your labels around.
So I'm November 13th, born on Viola Black."

And how old are you?
"A pretty 24, but don't let my age make you think I'm to young to know how the world works! I know full and well!"

Hmm...I don't mean to pry but are you male or female?
"I'm all woman, baby!"

I like everyone, but who do you like?
"What can I say? I love the ladies."

❤ ❤ ❤

What do you like to do on a rainy day?
"Skype peeps, talk to people via the web, check the vents for bugs, etc. Depends~
Some days I'm having intimate one on ones with my good gal pals."

And on a sunny day?
"Same things I would do on a rainy one, except outside.
So, nothing like rainy days."

Where is your favorite place to go?
"Theres this little whole in the wall karaoke bar down on main street, between the little herbal place and the sketchy 'dvd' store.
I absolutely love it there."

What do you do for fun?
"Skate, Date, Movies, Disassemble the social standards, Etc."

What are you good at?
"Why do you ask? Planing on breaking me down and putting me into a cubical based on my skill set?
I'll warn you it won't help.
Because my skills are seeing past the lies, and calling the social construct of society on it's bullshit."

❤ ❤ ❤

What have you become?

What do you think you are?
"Some weird angelic fairy elf thing, with a shared mind. So i guess i'm a dragon too.
Actually...count out fairy, I think these wing things are mechanical.
...And surgically implanted into my back.
Actually scratch the angelic bit... I think this halo is electrical too.
What am I?"

Do you like looking like this?
"I think I'd like it a lot bloody more if I could figure out how or Why I'm this way.
My working theory is it's an illegal experiment in virtual reality, or maybe alternate dimensions, that the government didn't want the public aware off. Thus the human test rats commandeered without their approval.
...still doesn't explain the sink hole bit.
But it's only a theory."

What can you do?
"I share a mind in two bodies, or maybe a soul?
My dragon, Xyloina, and myself are one. Yet...different people.
How do I explain?
I can control one body while she takes care of the other.
And I can understand her, but she's more...primal?"
(Hive mind)

"It's pretty cool, for some reason I know all these symbols and words.
And if I have long enough I can make Anything.
...If only I could make the right thing every time.
I, ugh, i'm not to good at getting it right first time around."

"It's limited, but, I can heal as long as I have enough time to cast the spell and draw the circle."

❤ ❤ ❤

What kind of person are you?
"A suspicious and frighteningly lovely lady?"

What kind of person do you want to be?
"...Being able to trust...might actually be nice."

What did you do before you came here?
(Conspiracy Theorist)
"My whole life has been dedicated to uncovering the lies the public are told to keep us nice compliant.
My dad, the god fearing republican and general misogynistic racist, was not a big fan of it and kicked me out at age sixteen.
My mother, bless her soul, throughly beaten into submission, didn't put up much of a fight. Which is a shame really, she had the same spirit as me until dad got ahold of her. Even chained herself up on the state building in her youth. Like, go mom, right? Then dad started dating her, and did to her what he said some man should do to me. Beat the nonsense out of us hippies.
Jerk, right?
Anyways, I made a pretty good life for myself and didn't really care.
jump forward to the day of the incident, i'm there. Minding my own business. Looking up some laws in preparation to use the man's word against him to save a local reservation.
When bam.
And here I am."

❤ ❤ ❤

Who loves you?
"Psh, have you met me? Anyone who can handle the truth loves me.
...So not my parents?"

Who doesn't?
"I'm not sure. Probably a lot of people.
Especially he ones i'm calling out on their bull shit."​
Butterfly Frou Frou Butterbutt
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Jacob and Theodore seem like they would be friends, but not best friends, if you know what I mean. They'd get along and everything, but wouldn't do everything together. Are you interested in a friendship for them? Also, for Katrina (Theo's fellow tutor) I think they would be great friends! And, not because they're both tutors. I just feel like they'd really click. Are you interested in them being friends? Also: I'm not sure if you know this, but your post for Viola Black is the coding... I don't think this is how you wanted it to look? Just letting you know in case you want to fix it?
I went back and fixed her coding! It had broken and i was far to busy to do anything about it at the time but thank you for telling me!

As for Jacob and Theodore, I imagine that his grandparents would have forced a bunch of tutors on him over the years. (depression tends to make you neglect your grades..and well everything else too) Maybe Theo could be one of the few ones that hasn't flat out told his grandparents they don't wanna tutor someone who doesn't try. And so they see each other pretty regularly. Putting them on a friendly but not besties level?

Katrina and Theo are for sure tight as... something that's tight (i didn't know where i was going with that) Maybe one of her closest ones? She would probably drag him along to the playground she likes. Basically be one of the reasons he gets his indoor loving but outside from time to time. (I imagine she internally jokes that one day he's going to end up being her bad YA novel love interests cuz their friends.) She could also constantly lose at video games. (and maybe go out of her way to purposely mess him up when she realizes she's to far behind to catch up in them.
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- Would be fond her, and would seek advice from her.

Would be neutral, maybe an acquaintance.
I think your right with her and Jacob being on neutral grounds.

As for Katrina, I could imagine she was completely caught off guard by her when they first met. However, over time she would have grown to enjoy her presence. She'd be endlessly flattered that she sees her as someone to get advice from, and would happily supply it. (even thought half the time Katrina probably is winging the whole advice thing.)
Since they're both in highschool, I think Naomi and Jacob would already know of each other. And since he's a familiar face, Naomi would try to befriend him.
Angelina - not sure
Candace - Yeah, she'd think he was the devil and maybe say a little prayer when he gets close to her.

I think she and Naomi would have been friends, both being nerds and all.
Angelina - neutral
Candace - Probably try to be friends and convert her if she isn't already Christian
Ha! I can just see Jacob sulking every time Candace prays near him. Like, ouch, way to hurt a dude. XD

As for Naomi, I'm sure Jacob would recognize her from around as well. If she tried to befriend him, however, he'd be knocked really off kilter. Because, wow, why does someone so bright and fun want to deal with his nonsense?

When it comes to Angelina, I think she and Jacob might have actually had interactions. Mind you small ones. I could see them passing each other when taking their dogs out. And he's the type of person to stop, smile, and wave if you have a dog. No matter how bad he's feelings. Because woah man dogs just make him feel all warm and happy. He just assumes it does the same for everyone else.


Katrina probably thinks Candace is a nice girl and all, but if she tries to spread the lords word in her direction one more time she's gonna lose her mind XD

I think he and Angelina being neutral sounds good.

As for Katrina and Naomi. Well. Forgive me i'm about to paint a picture for these two~

So I imagine one day when Naomi and her cousin are having a mud fight Katrina comes ambling pass on her way home or something.
Just like, "boo boo beep don't mind me i'ma just walk past-" AND THEM BAM MUD.
Mind you it was totally an accident to hit the passing by Katrina with mud.
But man does Katrina get boiling mad.
Before any apologizes can be said she's got mud in her hand and has flung it full force.
She didn't expect it to SPLAT the girl right upside the head.
Before Katrina knows it she's laughing like a small child playing in the mud with a stranger.
One thing leads to another and then bam hello i am your friend because of mud.
(if she got in so much trouble for coming home covered in mud well thats a different story)

.....yay or nay?​
-Cho would like him for his personality but might not get along with him if he brings down the mood.
-Killian could bond with him over his dog.
-Hikaru would want to bring him out of the closet.

-Cho would like her and want to take Kat under her wing.
-Killian and Hikaru would be neutral.
As for Jacob and Killian, dogs man. They make the world go round in his mind. Let the bonding commence. Don't gonna lie he might go full on fan boy over Killian. Full on heart eyes for this mofo. ...but no homo.

With Cho he would be so intimidated. Like on one had, what a bad ass broad. He's all about this girl. But he's also sure she could mentally break him if she wanted too.

And finally Hikaru. He will no homo so hard if and when he tries. But please do. This kid needs help. Like a said in his profile he's boning chicks in Narnia. Help him.


Jumping to Katrina now. She will probably think Cho is the coolest girl. Like wow. Can she be like her please though? Granted she's pretty low key about her fan girl-ing and plays it off. But by all means Cho take her under your wing make her life. Make her not a stick in the mud. profit.

Agreed with neutrality with the other two.
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Ha! I can just see Jacob sulking every time Candace prays near him. Like, ouch, way to hurt a dude. XD

As for Naomi, I'm sure Jacob would recognize her from around as well. If she tried to befriend him, however, he'd be knocked really off kilter. Because, wow, why does someone so bright and fun want to deal with his nonsense?

When it comes to Angelina, I think she and Jacob might have actually had interactions. Mind you small ones. I could see them passing each other when taking their dogs out. And he's the type of person to stop, smile, and wave if you have a dog. No matter how bad he's feelings. Because woah man dogs just make him feel all warm and happy. He just assumes it does the same for everyone else.


Katrina probably thinks Candace is a nice girl and all, but if she tries to spread the lords word in her direction one more time she's gonna lose her mind XD

I think he and Angelina being neutral sounds good.

As for Katrina and Naomi. Well. Forgive me i'm about to paint a picture for these two~

So I imagine one day when Naomi and her cousin are having a mud fight Katrina comes ambling pass on her way home or something.
Just like, "boo boo beep don't mind me i'ma just walk past-" AND THEM BAM MUD.
Mind you it was totally an accident to hit the passing by Katrina with mud.
But man does Katrina get boiling mad.
Before any apologizes can be said she's got mud in her hand and has flung it full force.
She didn't expect it to SPLAT the girl right upside the head.
Before Katrina knows it she's laughing like a small child playing in the mud with a stranger.
One thing leads to another and then bam hello i am your friend because of mud.
(if she got in so much trouble for coming home covered in mud well thats a different story)

.....yay or nay?​
As for Jacob and Killian, dogs man. They make the world go round in his mind. Let the bonding commence. Don't gonna lie he might go full on fan boy over Killian. Full on heart eyes for this mofo. ...but no homo.

With Cho he would be so intimidated. Like on one had, what a bad ass broad. He's all about this girl. But he's also sure she could mentally break him if she wanted too.

And finally Hikaru. He will no homo so hard if and when he tries. But please do. This kid needs help. Like a said in his profile he's boning chicks in Narnia. Help him.


Jumping to Katrina now. She will probably think Cho is the coolest girl. Like wow. Can she be like her please though? Granted she's pretty low key about her fan girl-ing and plays it off. But by all means Cho take her under your wing make her life. Make her not a stick in the mud. profit.

Agreed with neutrality with the other two.
Awesome. Lmao "boning chicks in Narnia" xD
Icant wait to see who else wants to go to death trap castle :p
Okay @Wonderful Thing, I think Red is ready for your eyes.
Let me know if she's okay! :)
I'll be posting after I finish studying!
@Phi Chisym
I'll check Red out in a sec.
I went back and fixed her coding! It had broken and i was far to busy to do anything about it at the time but thank you for telling me!

As for Jacob and Theodore, I imagine that his grandparents would have forced a bunch of tutors on him over the years. (depression tends to make you neglect your grades..and well everything else too) Maybe Theo could be one of the few ones that hasn't flat out told his grandparents they don't wanna tutor someone who doesn't try. And so they see each other pretty regularly. Putting them on a friendly but not besties level?

Katrina and Theo are for sure tight as... something that's tight (i didn't know where i was going with that) Maybe one of her closest ones? She would probably drag him along to the playground she likes. Basically be one of the reasons he gets his indoor loving but outside from time to time. (I imagine she internally jokes that one day he's going to end up being her bad YA novel love interests cuz their friends.) She could also constantly lose at video games. (and maybe go out of her way to purposely mess him up when she realizes she's to far behind to catch up in them.
GREAT IDEAS! I love them! Perfect, I am so down. Based on what you've described for Katrina and Theodore, perhaps he could develop a crush on her down the rode? Maybe... I haven't decided yet. I've already set it up for him to have a crush on some other girl, but we're allowed to like more than one person at a time, right? Haha, anyways, great! I'll add these to Theo's CS. ♥
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