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Alice looked a bit troubled at Alecander "I wont use it if you are to close, its easier to hit you than myself" She said and looked away. Things had finally started to work out a litle bit after she had gotten to know that she was a witch and then some wizard shows up and destroys it. What was that guys problem?

Alice sighted and heard someone calling for her, it was her mom that had come home. She told Alecander to wait in her room while she went down and talked to her. She went down the stairs and met her mom at the door where she still was taking off her shoes. "That storm really surprised me" Alice's mom said and laughed "what do you want for dinner?" she then asked after she was done with taking off her outerwear.

"Something with meat" Alice sugested, remembering Alecanders reaction to sallad. "Is it okay for my friend to stay over for dinner?" She asked and her mom smiled and said ofcourse. Alice ran up to her room, she could talk about letting Alecander stay over the night after dinner.

As she come in to her room she made thumbs up to Alecander "I fixed so we would have meat for dinner" She said proud over herself. Her family often had food without any meat at all, her mom didn't like meat that much so if Alice wanted it she needed to tell her mom or else it wouldn't be any.
After alice had left the room to greet her mother, Alec had opened the book again and focused in on it. He'd found his glasses in her jacket pocket where he had seen her put them earlier and sat back with the book. When she came back he was looking fondly at the passages before him. His white hair fell over his gaze as he looked at the book. For a moment after she had entered, his eyes lingered on the pages as if he did not want to leave that world of possibilities. Finally he raised his eyes up to her and put a smile on his face.

"You truly are a goddess Alice, thank you," he said, his voice soft, kind. It wasn't the child's voice he used most of the other times. It was like his man faces that he used for everyone else was peeled away to reveal a new one--one that was nothing more than a young man that wanted to be liked by others. The words weren't joking or exaggerated. They were true and loving, as if he truly believed them and was trying to express it as clearly as he could.
Alice blushed when Alecander suddenly became so serious. "I'm not a goddess, from now on miss and goddess is forbidden words. People will laugh at you if you say those words. No one uses that kind of language now a days." She said and looked at him, she did like being called a goddess sometimes now and then but others would laugh at it.

Her thoughts fast changed in to thinking about the wizard again, she wanted to go and stop him now even if she was to tired for it. What if he hurt people while they stayed there? She sighted and looked at Alecander. "What is that book about?" She asked, mostly to get her mind of the wizard.
Alecander looked at her and smiled, "People already laugh at me at school so I don't really mind. It's better that they laugh at me than think that you are only hanging out with me because you feel sorry for me. But if you so wish, I won't call you those any longer," he answered, before shrugging and putting the book down next to him. "It's about a young boy who has no family what so ever to speak about. He awakens after fainting in the desert to see a young woman hovering over him who then calls for her father. The father owns a ranch and offers to give the boy a job after he has heard the boys story. Eventually the boy starts to fall in love with the girl who against her own wishes and against the boys darkest desires, is being married off to a neighboring farm's oldest son so that they, her father and the other father I mean, can increase their landmass. The girl runs away, then gets kidnapped and the other boy does nothing about it. He says that it's her fault and just lets her rot with the kidnappers. The young boy, he's about 17-18, decides that he's going to go and steal one of the ranches best horses and chases after the girl and robbers. When he comes back with the girl, the father is furious and delighted.

"The boy gets the girl and they live happily ever after. At least until the sequel, which I still have yet to find a copy of. Really, even the libraries here don't have a copy it's frustrating since I read somewhere that there's supposed to be a really cool love confession scene from a new robber to the girl that starts to make the girl waver," Alec explained, his eyes dancing at the thought of a new book that he had yet to read. When he realized that he'd more or less ruined the whole story for her, he blushed and looked down at his lap, "Gosh, way to go wolf-boy, showing that you love romantic things," he grumbled as he scratched the back of his head.
Alice looked at him for a moment, "sounds interesting" she said and smiled "I'm more in to horror and adventure stories." She told him then thought about what he had said before. Had he heard about the rumours about him? When people got to know that she and Erik had broken up then they would probably start spreading more rumours about Alecander.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault that all those rumours are going around." She said as she looked down in to the floor, how could she have let this happen? She should have been careful with what she was doing in school, Alecander already had a hard time, he shouldn't have to worry about rumours going around about him. She glansed a bit at him from her place on the bed, had those rumours hurtened him? If she had kept out of his way then people would probably hadn't started rumours about him and tried to talk to him.

She sighted, why was she forced to think about all this depressing things?
"It isn't your fault Alice," Alec said as he pushed himself up from where he was sitting to walk over to her. He leaned over her and looked at her with a kind face, "I can ignore rumors. I can ignore the laughter." He reached up and patted her cheek gently before standing and walking back to his place next to the wall. "I cannot however ignore you and that is what's going to be my homework for the rest of the year. Learning ways to ignore your presence in such a way that I can teach you magic without feeling like my heart is going to burst from happiness." His eyes were kind as he looked at his lap, as if he were trying to remember something that had was one of his favorite things int he world. It had taken more self-restraint than he had thought to only pat the witch's cheek and not to follow it by a kiss. After all, she had just broken up with a boyfriend from all accounts was a jerk and deserved to be taught something. And he couldn't gall for her--or more appropriate, let her fall for him. It would have been easier if he was a jerk by nature, but he didn't think he had a bad bone in his body.
Alice looked at him with a worried expression. "You don't have to learn that, I like seeing you happy" She said as she averted her eyes away from him, she didn't care if a familiar shouldn't feel like that towards his witch, Alice didn't mind if he did, after all she had feelings for him as well. Maybe it was because he saved her from her ex-boyfriend and maybe it was because he were a good guy, whatever it was because she knew that she had fallen in love with him. Maybe it was just a crush and it would fade away in a while, but at the moment she knew she was in love with him.

She rose from her seat on the bead and walked to sit beside him. "I wouldn't like it if you tried to be unhappy." She told him while looking down in her lap.
Alec sat there, watching her from the corner of his eye as if she were a doe he could startle if he moved too quickly. "You really," he mumbled, "Shouldn't say that to me Alice. It makes it really hard to keep myself in check." He reached up and pushed a few stray white locks out of his face before taking his glasses off and rubbing his eyes. He left his eyes closed as his hand flopped to his side. If he concentrated just right he could smell her and only her--her room was her scent but at the same time he could smell the medicine on his deeper cuts which cut through her scent like a tire track in mud. He pushed that scent away and smelled only Alice.

"I wouldn't like it if I hurt you when I--when you finish your training. It would be horrible of me," he finally told her.
Alice flinched, he was right, if she took a liking to him then she would get hurtened when he disappeard. "But if you can't be fully happy the litle time you have here, won't you regret it then?" She asked him, if she knew she only had a litle time to live before disappearing then she would want to be happy during that time. She took a hand on his cheek and made him face her. "If I really must watch you disappear, then I at least want you to be happy the time you have here." She confessed to him. She would probably feel worse when he disappeard if she knew that he had been unhappy.

She let go of his cheek and looked down in to her lap again, it wasn't fair at all, that he must disappear just because she finnished her training. She wanted him to stay with her, he wasn't like everyone else, he was kind and sweet and really manly. She didn't know if it was their familiar, witch bond that made him act like he did towards her. But she liked how he acted, no one had cared for her like he had done.
"Alice," Alec started to say before pausing, his wolf ears flicking to and fro. Then he scooted away from her and suddenly had a history book in his hand and was rattling off something about the Roman empire as his ears and tail disappeared. Her father entered not a moment later.

"Your mother says that Dinner is almost ready," her father growled, glaring at the young man who had paused in the middle of his fact rattling to look respectfully up at the older man. Instead of folding a corner of the book, Alec took out a piece of paper from his bag and slipped in in between the pages before putting the book down.

"We will be right down sir," Alec said before stuffing his hands in his pockets. He would have offered to help Alice up but he didn't think physical contact would agree with Alice's father.
She got surprised when Alecander went up from the floor and took up his history book, and on top off that he suddenly took away his tail and ears. But soon she understood why when her father suddenly came in to the room, he had probably heard him comming. Alice rose from the floor and looked at her father "We'll be down in a minute." She told him and smiled, her dad gave her a light smile and then glared at Alecander again before closing the door and walk down.

"That was close." She said and sighted in relief, "luckily you have so good ears you could hear him comming" she told Alecander and smiled towards him. Then her gaze turned to the window, the storm started to ease up a litle bit but not much.
Alec looked at the young woman that stood there looking out the window. He stepped over to stand next to her to join in her watching. He could feel his heart pounding as he stood next to the witch. Without thinking he aws looking at her and not the snow and then he was reaching up. His fingers brushed lightly against her cheek where he had patted earlier. As if touching her broke some kind of wall he leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Before she could respond however, he yanked back, a look of horror on his face. He had done it--he had broken that rule. He'd broken a lot of rules that day his mind told him. He turned away and waited for the screaming and then anger. He'd even accept a slap.

"Alice, I'm sorry, I should have--" he started to say before stopping and just looking at the ground, "If you want I can go home to the den after dinner."
Alice was gazing out on the snow, barely noticing that Alecander placed himself besides her. Then suddenly he touched her cheek, just as she were going to turn her head to look at him he kissed her cheek. Alice cheeks turned bright read, and she stared on him for a moment. He looked terrified all of a sudden and started to excuse himself. As he looked down in to the floor she started to walk closer to him and took a hand on his chin, making him look at her. Then she gave him a kiss on the lips so fast he wasn't able to react before it was over.

She turned around and walked to the door "The dinner is probably finnished, lets go down" She said like nothing had happened. She let a finger move up to her lip and touched it, she had actually dared to kiss him, it made her really happy and she started to smile.
Alec was rooted to the spot, looking aft the girl with surprise and a little bit of delight. Alec bent his head so she couldn't see his crazy goofy grin that was slowly unfolding. Even if he was going to disappear, it didn't mean he could keep himself from having some fun right? That's what Alice had said wasn't it? He looked out from under his white hair at the girl before stepping after her. He pushed the door closed before she could leave, his left hand rest on her left shoulder before he leaned around and smiled at her.

"And if I said I have already eaten the best thing in the house?" He asked softly before opening the door for her and bowing, the twinkle back in his eye. That kiss would forever be in his memory as the best moment of his life. Nothing could outshine that.
Alice blushed at his comment, and turned away from him. "Then I'll guess that you don't need any food and can wait untill breakfast" She said teasingly and started to walk to the kitchen, how would her mom react when she saw Alecander? Her mom had seen a lot of her friends but all of them was girls, this was the first time a guy would be over for dinner. And hopefully he would soon be living in the house.

Alice entered the kitchen, and gave Alecander a signal to wait a litle bit. Her dad sat already at the table and wasn't happy at all, her mom looked a bit confused over his behaviour so he probably hadn't told her about Alecander yet. "Mom, promise me you wont freak out when you see my friend, don't ask him any weird questions please." She said and saw how her moms eyes lightened up when she heard the word him. Her smile said she wouldn't do anything but her eyes said she would, she had no idea which of them she would trust.

"Okay Alecander, you can come in." She said and sat down in front of her dad, so that Alecander could sit in front of her mom. She didn't dare to put Alecander in front of her dad, then he would glare at him the whole time.
Alec had fished his glasses out of his pocket and put them on while he waited to be let into the dinning room. Pushing them up on his nose, he stepped inside and smiled politely to the two adults. "Thank you so much for letting me share this dinner with you, ma'am, sir," he said as politely as he could before he slipped into the seat left for him. He hoped his freakish looks--white hair and black-blue eyes with glasses--wouldn't go against him in the end and pulled on everything he knew in order to be polite and proper for these people. "It is a pleasure to meet you both. Miss Alice has told me so much about you. It's my honor to meet and be allowed to share a meal with you both." He just hoped the father wouldn't chop his head off and eat it for dinner. He kept his eyes down, focused on the plate in front of him.
Alice wanted to hit him when he called her miss Alice again but her mom seemed to like him, but she liked all guys and always asked her why she never took home a guy for dinner. "Such a sweet man you found Alice" her mom said and smiled while her dad snorted at the statement. Alice had never thought that her mom would say something more embarrasing than Alecander had done.

"Mama" she said and tried to make her stop talking, she just hoped it wouldn't end with her mom taking out baby pictures or something like that to show to Alecander. "But he is, so tell me, are you going out?" Her mom asked and looked like a curious teenager. Her dad looked up from the plate and glared at Alecander when he heard the question.

"No we aren't dating." Alice said fast to make her dad calm down before he killed someone. Her dad looked down in to the plate again but sometimes now and then he throwned angry looks at Alecander. "Aw, why not?" Her mom asked, how could those to even have a child together when one of them wanted the daughter to get married as fast as possible and the other would shot any guy that came close to her? Alice sighted, both her parents was to much, sometimes she thought she was the only adult in the house.
Alec had been perfectly fine with the line of questioning up to the point of her mother asking if they were going out. His mind went blank of lies that he could tell without either getting completely mutilated by her father or hurting Alice. Finally he looked up from the food and smiled at the mother. "Ma'am, might I say that this is some of the best food I have had in a long time. You really cook like a professional chef." he said, hoping to get the idea of dating out of the womans mind. No he wouldn't mind dating the young woman--hell he'd already kissed the girl. But he also liked his paws where they were.

"Sir, I was curious as to what you do. Miss Alice never told me, and I was curious," Alec said, trying to make a bridge of communication with the man that kept glaring at him.
Alice looked at Alecander wanting to tell him what a good idea to change the topic like that, but she couldn't say it right then. Her mom lit up "Oh, thank you. Good to hear that someone appreciates my food." She said, but even if her voice sounded like a mother her actions still looked like a teenagers movements, she moved around on the chair like someone had said something really embarrasing.

Alecander turned to talk to her dad, maybe not his best move, even if Alice could understand Alecanders desire of making the man like him if he would move in to the house. Her dad looked up at him and pierced him with his eyes, first he didn't answer but then he notice the way his wife was looking at him, and he sighted. "I work for the army when they need me and when they don't then I work as an author" He told Alecander. Alice was glad that he had said something instead of just ignoring him. "He writes books about how it is on the battle field away from their families, both out of his own perspective and from his friends." Alice explained to Alecander.

Her dad had been out in war many times, never in his own country, they hadn't been in war since he got in to the military. But he had been sent to other countries to help them and sometimes he could be gone for a couple of years. They always sent letters to eachother when he was gone but they couldn't stop worrying for him for even a second. Now he hadn't been called out for some years and for the moment it didn't seem like he would be needed anywhere.
"Do you have anything published? I used to read a lot of those kinds of books when I was a kid when my father was away working with his partner because I always wanted to know what could go through his mind when working with her. Maybe I've read some of your works if you've published something," Alec asked, enthusiasm in his voice. "Do you mind if I ask you something though? Is it dreadfully hard to get something published? I've been thinking of writing a story myself, but I'm afraid that it would be too difficult to get a publisher to look at a high school student's work." His interest was genuine--not the polite interest he had shown before int he hallway when first meeting her father. It was if he had switched places all of a sudden and was really trying to get to know the father for more than just to stay there.
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