Shattered Darkness and Lost Memories(Actual RP)

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(Jaks, we're going to try and hurry up the story progression so that we can involve all characters in the RP. In the mean time try to post some more backstory to your character, it's good. We need that to know how to interact with your character and whatnot, etc. etc.)

Mayako walked outside to see the bodies of wolves strewn across his farm. He yawned and stretched out for he had just woken up from a nice nap. 'All this fun and you couldn't have even bothered to wake me up? Yeesh. Not to mention they trampled my crops...' He shrugged nonchalantly. 'They were goners anyway, I suppose. It's been a bad year for harvest.' A stray wolf sprinted across his field and towards Mayako. He looked at the wolf and sighed with disgust. As it reached closer to him, the wolf leapt towards him with its maw wide open. Within an instant, Mayako had his blade drawn and with a quick movement of his entire body, was standing behind the wolf, his arm extended fully outwards. The wolf landed on the ground, not on its paws, and laid still. He looked back at his blade to see blackish-red blood flowing on the blade. He shook his head and resheathed his blade, which had oils on the inside of the sheath to clean off the blood from the sword. 'Silly mongrel, of all the horticultural swordsmen you could've picked a fight with, you chose the wrong one to try and test.' He looked back at the hut and yelled out to the two women inside. 'Gather your belongings folks, looks like our location is compromised. We've no choice but to start our grandiose quest to find out what the hell is going on in our lovely world at the crack of dawn. And bring the sake! I spent a good few months distilling that by myself, I'm sure as hell not going to let it go to waste.' He looked at Arceus standing outside the hut with blood covering his robes. 'Might be a good idea to wash that off, my friend. Wouldn't want to travel into town looking like we've committed a massacre now, would we?' He laughed at his own joke and scratched his chin. 'That is, unless it suits your taste. It matters not to me!' He went inside of the hut and gathered some of his belongings for their trip. A purse full of coins made of assorted metals, scrolls that he had taken from his old home for a good read, and other miscellaneous goods that he stuffed carelessly into a rucksack which he slung onto his back. He walked over to Aerias and put his hand on her shoulder. 'I imagine you're still a little... off from earlier. Tell you what, I've a horse behind my hut that you could ride on until you get your bearings. Let me go reign it up for you.' He looked deep into her eyes and noticed that there was more than what met the eye about this girl. He brushed it off, and assumed he had just drank too much. He went around back for a moment and then came back inside of the hut. 'So uh, yeah. Scratch that, I don't have a horse anymore. Looks like the wolves got pretty hungry and decided they'd have a little snack... the bastards. I payed good money for that steed and now it was all for naught. On the other hand, exercise is kind of refreshing, yeah?' By the time everybody was ready the sun began to peek past the treeline in the distance. He stepped outside of the hut and was greeted by the chilly morning mist creeping amongst the ground, along with the smell of flesh and spilled blood. 'The town I sell my crops at is down the road quite a ways. Hope you guys don't mind the trek, although I get the strange feeling we're going to spend a long damn time on our feet. Lucky for the shade here, she gets to transform into whatever suits the moment. And here I was thinking I'd seen it all in the world.. I guess you learn new things every day.' As Mayako set off onto the road, he thought to himself, 'What an odd group we are. You have some sort of roguish assassin, a princess from a kingdom far far away and the physical manifestation of the darkness, and then there's me of course. And a week ago all I could think about was why my rice was dying off.' He laughed to himself on the inside and smiled. 'I guess there's no better cure for boredom though. Off to find a new place and to meet new people, again. Oh boy, what fun.'
The man was nice enough to offer her a comfortable trip, but alas, in this world of nightmares, when is it ever easy? Of course, she told her story to the three the night before, as uneasy as it may have been she knew it was something she couldn't hide. Of course she didn't speak a word about her darkness, she feared it might've scared them off, or even worse, given them a reason to off her. Since she rarely ever slept, she stepped outside and took in a deep breath. She also took a moment to take in her surroundings, her eyes gleamed and watered at how beautiful this land must've been before the chaos had occurred.

She was slightly unnerved, after the previous evenings events these people seemed to think she was incapable of defending herself... She looked at her blade "You were given to me because of how much skill I possessed." When she looked up, a shadow wolf, slightly bigger than those slaughtered not moments ago, had started to charge her. "Now's my chance.." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she raised her blade and brought it down right on the wolfs brow in one swift movement, the light that was blessed within it had caused the wolf to disintegrate right before their very eyes. She smirked, as if making a huge accomplishment. As she started walking forward, she couldn't help but stare at the samurai, she thought he was quite distinguished and very handsome, she enjoyed his company, and started to not really mind the other two who decided to tag along. "I apologize about yesterday, I was terribly hungry, and shadow wolves can be quite the inconvenience, but thank you for offering your hut to us for the night, I really hope we weren't a burden to you." She said while giving the samurai a calm smile. She then let out a chuckle and turned her gaze to the strange girl "So what's your story, I rarely ever see your kind walking among humans." She wanted to be as friendly as possible to these people, since there was much more getting to know, to be had.
Taking off his now stained robe. Arceus takes out a new robe and some sort of whistle. Whistling four large dogs the size of horses come around the corner from the forest and bow down around Arceus. Petting each one of them."these are my dogs" "now everybody get on one" The dogs had horns on their heads and their eyes were dark with a very muscular build" they are helldogs" Looking at everybody as if this is normal" I found them abandoned in a cave so I decided to train and domesticate them, don't worry though don't eat humans" Reassuring everybody. " Helping everybody on one he takes out 4 pairs of reins and throws one to everybody.
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"This is the agreed meeting point...", thought Jaks as he entered a clearing in the forest.

Suddenly, multiple flame burst from the darkness. Jaks instinctively raised an arm to block the light as his other hand reached for a blade on his back.

"We've got you now!", cried a voice.

Jaks took a moment to assess his ambushers. Three paladins with torches, two archers, three priests, and four fire mages casting bright, miniature suns.

"An ambush with all these people for little ol' me?", chuckled the shadowmancer, "I'm flattered!"

One of the paladins stepped forward, "Give it up, rouge! We know of your shadow magic. With this many light, there is no shadow around and you're just a back stabber with nowhere to hide."

Jaks scanned the paladin and the rest of the ambushers. A wolf and eagle insignia.

"Mercenaries, eh? And clever ones, good. Were you hired, or was the bounty on my head too great of a temptation? It doesn't really matter, after all, it seems like you forgot one tiny insignificant detail..."

All the flames, torches and magic, suddenly went out.

"I also am a pyromancer.", firballs ignited in the rouges hands, "and a damn good one too."

Jaks walked away from the charred corpses. He was feeling charitable tonight. He would donate to the wild beasts of the forest a barbeque dinner.
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The shouting. The silence. The back of the hand.
The woman. The mother. The one who stood aside and did nothing.

"What did you do?"
"He struck me first."
"I wasn't strong enough."
"Not strong enough for what?"
"To stand up for myself."
"So what did you do?"
"I killed him…I took a knife and stabbed him in his sleep. I stabbed him 17 times."
"Was what you did right?"
"Right? How was what i did no-?"
"SHUT UP!..try putting yourself where I was. For 13 years, 13 f-cking years, you were beaten, spat at, mocked by your "father". While your b-tch of a "mother" did nothing but stand aside because you were "a demon's child". And then your dad suddenly come out of f-cking nowhere, never protcting you, never even letting you know he f-cking existed and demanded that you followed his footsteps."


"So what did you learn?"
"No one will take care of you. You want to live? Take care of yourself."

More silence

"Welcome to the Shadow, Jaks. We are glad for you to join us."

Jaks' eyes snapped open. Even in the middle of the hot night he felt cold. He hadn't had any dreams for a long time. And even fewer having to do with "that". Perhaps he should go look for a late night tavern. Yeah, a drink or two would help. But as Jaks got up and dressed, he couldn't push the last phrase out of his mind.

"We are so, so glad for you to join us."
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The four had reached the nearby village relatively quickly with the help of the newfound dogs. 'Handy little friends you have here, Arceus. I have to say you really saved my stamina back there. Although I don't really think I have the hang of this..' The helldog kicked and bucked due to the riders lack of experience. With a mighty kick of the hind legs, the helldog sent Mayako flying forward into the dirt path that they had been traveling on. He fell straight onto his face and grimaced as he rubbed his head. He flipped onto his butt in a sitting position and shook his fist at the helldog, giving it an angry look. 'Stupid dog, you made me look bad!' The dog nipped at his hand and Mayako ripped his hand back and held it towards his chest. 'No! This is not a snack! I need these!' His head dropped and he sighed towards the ground. 'There's a reason I'm a cat person. Low maintenance, comes around when it needs to, and doesn't try to KILL YOU!' He shouted at the dog and it growled back at him. 'Yeah, let's get one thing straight. Dogs, not exactly my kind of animal. Especially not giant dogs from hell.' He turned his head back and noticed that the village was directly behind them. 'Well, at least we made it. And I didn't die, which is good... I guess.' He stood up, brushed the dirt off of his robes and readjusted his blades. 'Well, this town seems like it's been untouched by the darkness. Let's see if we can find a nice inn, maybe a place where we can get a few drinks and converse with the townsfolk. See what they've got to say about all of this nonsense. Who knows? Maybe we'll find some clues as to what the hell's going on.' Mayako readjusted his rucksack on his back and strode slowly into the village, observing the buildings as he went along.
Fear, now in human form again, burst out in hysterics upon catching sight of the horticultural swordsman being completely slaughtered by one of the dogs. She was laughing so hard that tears streamed from her eyes and she was having trouble breathing, and was almost croaking when she said "Farmer, you're talking to a dog and it's making you look like an idiot." After several more minutes, she finally recovered her breath and was able to speak normally again. "Y'know, that wouldn't have happened if you had been flying as a crow like I was."
Before Mayako could take a few steps, a figure burst out of the nearby woods, skidding to a halt on the path and turning to face the rather pissed-off shadow wolves chasing her. Her eyes were wide and she strange sword she held shook, not so much from inexperience--her stance was barely flawed--but from not wanting to kill the wolves. Her green eyes were wide with indecision. A few twigs and leaves had found their way into her long red hair from her desperate flight and one of her pant legs was torn at the knee. It was hard to tell much else right then, since the wolves had branched off to aim at the other people the girl had pulled into the fight.
"Please! I can't bring myself to kill them!" she cried, nearly screeching as she leaped nimbly away from one wolf that tried snapping at her.
"Oh, yay. A bit of entertainment." Brandishing her staff, which now had an arrow shaped spear head made of black energy, Fear charged at the largest of the wolves, using its momentum against itself and sending it flying across the road into the side of a house. She crouched down beside the wolf, which locked its gaze with her own. She stared at it for a short time, then quickly changed from a frown to an inhumanly wide sadism-drenched grin. Immediately, the fearsome aura of the wolf disappeared and was replaced by one of pity and horror as it scrambled to get away from the monster that was smiling so passively at it.
Kagu-san was previously traveling between two cities, he had stumbled upon this peaceful one by taking a horse south from the city. The place he came from previous was named ''Kyoto'' a lively community suited with fine goods a surrounded with markets controlled by many bribery and trade. Although this city was a nice one it was pretty empty in conjunction to the one he had previous visited, Kagu-san looked around with curiosity as he walked through the back entrance of the city. ''I wonder if there is any sushi stands around here'' he quietly mumbled in question, Within a few minutes of walking around he found a individual seafood market that was almost equally good to his desires. ''It will do for now'' he said as he walked so haphazardly to the waiter to whom was standing behind the large wooden stand that was assorted with vast categories of fish. ''Hmm.. Squid sounds nice if i prepare it correctly. Wonder where the other markets are located.'' He thought as his eyes shifted back and fourth between his surroundings and the squid that was displayed on the rack.

As Kagu-san was questioning whether or not to buy the squid he got a small glimpse of a group that was riding in on some sort of creature that resembled a dog of some sorts. Out of pure curiosity Kagu-san turned to look at this group, it was the first time in a long while that he had some entertainment and he was dying to see some. As he turned and glanced over he noticed right away the dress of a woman that was in the group, such dress he remembers some while back before he left from Azura clan. "is that the queen?'' He questioned out loud, although it was a incident to pronounce that they're might or might not be a queen present Kagu-san didn't really mind it at all. By the twist of his hips and the sway of his walk the sword on his back raddled and shifted left and right, his clogs clacked with every step as he began to walk towards this group. ''What is Aerias-chan doing with these rough individuals, although the one in blue does look some what peaceful and... now that i think about it this guy does look familiar... but how?'' He thought to himself as he continued to walk towards the group, his eyes shifted between thy lady and the unknown individual dressed in blue.
Aerias wasn't a dog person either, but despite the look of the dogs, she knew it was another living animal suffering from the same darkness as she. She looked around, and as far as she could tell this was one of the few villages unaffected by darkness. She patted the large dog and even went as far as kissing the top of it's head as thanks, "Thank you, I was very tired, and you helped me regain some of my strength." She said to the dog with a light smile. She never really smiled anymore, so it was nice to have enjoyed something after defending for yourself for so long. She leaped off the dog when she was startled by another girl charging out of the woods in a panic. Not far behind, 2 more wolves had been chasing her. Fear, as she called herself, took out one of the wolves. Upon seeing this, Aerias raised her bow, and said a light chant, she shot the arrow and the wolf stopped dead in it's tracks, and stood there. "The only real cons about this bow, it has a weird way of making the dead freeze in place, I should perhaps get this fixed..." She said in a sarcastic tone in hopes to make someone laugh.

When the girl reach them, Aerias gave her a calm smile. "It may not look dead, but I assure you it is. If you come with us I'll get you some water, on me." She spoke reassuringly. She knew what it was like to be in this girls position, for not a day before she had to go through the same thing.

Aerias looked around again, she could've sworn she heard the word queen, while looking, she caught a glimpse a a young man walking towards them. She blankly stared at him for some time, she knew this man, she had spoken to him once. At this point, when he was not but a few feet away, she whispered "Kagu-san..." After she spoke she dropped to her knees, her head seared in pain, and this time it was a pain she couldn't hide. She let out a light cry in pain, as several images flashed through her mind. Why was this happening to her?
Meanwhile, Jaks was in a tavern, dancing with a with a bar maid on top of a table. He had been there drinking since he had his nightmare, trying to drown out the memories.

"WHattt IIISSss taKiing TheMmm SOOooO LOOOOooong?", he sang drunkenly.

A fellow patron did not appreciate Jaks' beautiful singing voice and threw an empty mug at the drunken rouge. Jaks glared at the man who threw the mug.

"yOu WAnnA GoO, BruH?", challenged Jaks before getting hit in the face by another empty mug.

After that, it didn't take long for an all out brawl to break out.

(OOC take your time guys, I'm just fooling around)
Mayako walked slowly towards an incoming wolf that was charging towards him at high speeds. He sighed nonchalantly as the wolf jumped towards him, an in an instant, Mayako had drawn his blade and had slashed through the wolf and split it clean in half. 'Honestly... more dogs. Today is not my damn day!' He sheathed his blade as another wolf came at him from the side. He glanced to the side and swept his leg to the side and crouched down, his blade flashed from it's holster spontaneously. The wolf flew over top of him and and slammed into the ground and slid from the centrifugal force. He looked over at the newfound girl and saw a wolf charging towards her and, knowing she wouldn't deliver the killing blow, he thrust his sword forward straight into the abdomen, and ripped it back out. 'Hey! Don't feel too bad about this, if anything, it's more humane for them anyway!' As much as he didn't want to kill them, he knew that the wolves were corrupted and beyond the point of being themselves. They were in severe pain, from the looks in their eyes he could tell that they were destroyed on the inside. Nothing more than husks being controlled by the shade. 'They're just shells of the animals they used to be. As much as I hate them, they're being tortured. This way at least their souls may find rest and respite.' He also glanced over at the other swordsman that had approached the group. "Kagu-san..." he heard Aerias whisper. He looked over and saw her crumple to the ground in pain and hold her head. He ran to her and kneeled down to place his hand on her back. 'What's wrong? Are you hurt? Did they wound you?' He looked over towards Arceus and yelled out. 'Hey! Arc! Aerias is down!' He looked over at a mass of wolves charging towards the wounded girl. For the first time in forever, Mayako closed his eyes and felt the same despair he felt on that day long before. The repressed memories flashed into his mind and he drew both of his blades into his hands. His pupils dilated to the point of where they looked near black. 'I will not lose another one.' His tone took on a dark, monotone and expressionless feel. Before anybody could react, in a flash of sunlight against the shiny metal blades, the wolves laid before him on the ground, bleeding excessively from the massively violent blows he had inflicted. All he could do was stare at the blood that dripped from his blades in front of him afterwards. He looked into the pool of blood and saw his fathers face staring back at him, visage twisted in agony and horror. He fell to his knees and dropped his blades as he reached into the pool, only to feel the wet mud beneath the pool of blood. He pulled his hand out and looked at the blood dripping down his fingers. A tear rolled down Mayakos cheek as he dropped his hand and his pupils returned to normal. 'I'm sorry...' he said to nobody in particular.
Fighting the wolves Arc hears Mayako call for help and summons shards of ice and rams each one into the wolves that surrounded him. Now running over to Aerias he sees her having a headache. Mad with rage that he had disappointed his king and himself he picks up Aerias and summons a ice trail. Getting as far away as possible he summons his dogs to guard Aerias while he works up his magic and creates a a ice cloud. The ice cloud floats up and suddenly from that cloud hail falls down where the others are. Now attending the princess, he takes out a ice pack and places it on her head then using his magic to keep the headache from hurting more and to make the head feel numb.
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Kagu-san reaches the minimum range of the group when suddenly Aerias-chan collapses to her knees, then suddenly wolves rushed in. ''This is quite odd.. hmmm'' He mumbled as he shifted his eyes from Aerias to the entrance doors. Kagu-san rested his arm within the opening of his yukata as he continued to watch the others till suddenly the wolves fell, blood spouted from they're torso's and neck as if they were instantly cut. ''Hmm.. I knew i saw such blue haori before, Such speed and accuracy of his katanas.'' He said as he stared deeply at the other samurai whom was oddly attracted to the blood that he made. ''You must be from the Samahito clan'' He said as he walked more closer to the blue haori clothed samurai, ''I am Kagutsuchi of the Azura clan, I've been sent to find you. What is you're name, if i may ask?'' His clogs clacked against the rocky ground of the city with every step, his words although straight forward but not rushed.

As he begins a conversation with the Samahito clan member he notices another one of the group so rudely clutches Aerias-chan and jumps back from the rest of us. Kagu-san's eyes shifted again to the left as he followed the movement of the man whom took thy lady, ''Where is he going?'' He questioned in a mumble. This man began to conjure clouds and than as if this was not suspisious enough he emitted ice magic to form hail that shot rapidly towards there direction, ''Hmph'' a sound he emitted with a closed month as he sees him attempting to attack his own group members with such a pathetic method. With no effort at all Kagu-san glances up towards the direction of the cloud, the hail yet impacted with the rest of them, immediately a large red magatama formed than exploded forming a gust of massive flames in between them and the cloud causing the hail and cloud to evaporate instantly.

Small streams of smoke remain flowing in the air after the impact of the fire and hail, these small streams were thin and was not big enough to cloud the vision of the others. ''We were talking.. No need to be so rude and reckless in such a beautiful city like this'' He glared deeply at the one whom was holding thy lady as he spoke those words in a very direct tone.
Looking at the newcomer"I was aiming for the wolves gathering around"pointing out the glowing eyes getting closer"and why would I hurt friends of the princess?"Looking at the boy with his stern grey eyes. Helping Aerias up he excuses himself and runs to the forest calling his dogs with him.
"I am your father and you will obey me!"
"F-ck you! What kind of father abandons his kid to some b-stards and does nothing but watch when said b-stards beat his child?"
"I took you up from the slums, gave you a better life!"
"Better life? I had everything I wanted! I was running my own gang! I had respect! I was free!"
"A gang of rats. Respect from dead dogs. And free? Free to do what? To live in poverty? To eat with the swine and sleep with dogs?"
"Free to live how I wanted."

(Necromancer Maji preparing his son for the Shadow)
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Mayako grabbed his katanas and stood, his sense returning to him. His hands shook violently as he resheathed his blades. He closed his eyes slowly and took a deep breath and his hands began to steady. He had not noticed the newcomer until he was just upon him. He heard the words spoken but they rang out past his mind's eye. He looked into the newcomers eyes and his emotions were barely masked by a thin line of self control. 'My apologies, it's been a while since I've lost control of myself like that. The name is Mayako, and you're correct. I am of the Samahito, although I am the last of my kind.' He looked back towards the pool of blood and stared into it. 'Kagutsuchi Azura, you said? The name sounds familiar but no recollection comes to mind.' He examined the two newcomers quickly and raised one eyebrow. 'You said that you were sent by someone? Who in the world would send you to find me?' His humorous disposition returned to him slowly but surely. 'I mean, the last time I checked, what would somebody want with a lazy, farming swordsman like myself? Here I am, thinking that I was dead to the world and wouldn't you have it, fate has crossed our paths.' He looked over at Aerias and glanced back at Kagu. 'Wait, do you know her? It seemed like you've met her before... unless, you know. You have some magical psychic abilities that are unheard of.' He pointed at Fear and laughed slightly, a shaky nervous chuckle. 'Trust me, after meeting her, I'm not quite sure what to expect anymore.' He took a swig of sake from his flask and exhaled deeply. 'To be honest with you I'm half expecting to wake up at any moment, wondering how much I drank the night before. But where are my manners, it's very good to me-' Mayako had realized that he had extended his bloody hand forward for a handshake, to which he switched hands nervously and quickly. 'Sorry, again, still trying to get my bearings. It's an honor to meet you, Kagu.'
Not remembering the quick events, Aerias stood. She brought her hand to her face, and wiped away the few trickles of sweat off of her forehead. Regaining her bearings she took a deep breath and walked over to Mayako. She could see the color in his tan face had faded. "I'm not hurt, I'm honestly not sure about what happened..." "I'm more concerned about you, if anything you look like you've seen a spirit of sorts, are you alright Mayako?" She said softly as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "I hope I'm not becoming a burden on this journey." She looked around to the few that stand around her. "I hope none of you see me as a burden, please, allow me to pay my debts with the best sake money can buy." She smirked as best as she could at Mayako. "That way I can indulge myself with your exquisite sake on our journey instead of drinking it all beforehand. She said as she held out her coin purse.

Her gaze then turned to the young man in the clogs. "Where have we met? I feel as if introductions have been made with one another before." She looked at him and pondered for a moment. She looked at the young girl that ran in from the woods. "You're welcome to join us on our journey, I would assume with that sword you can defend yourself if the situation calls for it, yes?" She was trying to keep a sort of happy tone with the others. She looked at the village and was enraptured by its beauty. She smiled warmly as she took in all that was around her. "Such a beautiful village, I'm sure there's plenty to do." Out of nowhere, Aerias became quite excited, it had been so long since she entered a village like this. She looked at the young expressionless man. "You are also welcomed to join us, so we can fully understand why it is you're here." Without realizing it, she had grasped Mayako's hand and led him towards the village tavern. She looked behind her and motioned for the others to come along. This was her chance to fully explain why this journey needed to be had.
Maxine, as she called herself, nodded quietly to Aerias, sheathing her sword and studying the group for herself. "A strange bunch," she murmured to herself. She was confused by the man in blue's behavior; she had seen his swords moving so quickly she could hardly track them, and the blood everywhere, but couldn't come to figure out his reaction. Not that it mattered then; Aerias had started to walk away, dragging the strange man with her and waving for everyone to join. She took a step forwards, paused to look mournfully at the wolves, and continued on, following the girl.
"How did this many strange people find each other?" she asked curiously, head tilted to the side in a somewhat wolf-like manner. Her question was directed towards the girl dressed like a princess, Aerias, as Maxine assumed she was the leader, seeing as she was dragging the group towards the village.
((Sorry if my style is weird, since I don't usually refer to a character by their name even out of dialogue unless my character knows their name. For example, Maxine has guess Aerias's name by now since her name had been called out quite a few times. But she doesn't know Mayako's name, or anyone's for that matter. If you want me to change it I can try.))
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