Sekirei - Beauty of Truth - Group/Intermediate-Adept Reboot

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@R-9 Pilot Here's a thought for the opening to get my Sekirei to meet yours. He opens by chasing off some enemy Sekirei attacking another, weaker one - this is his modus operandi, protecting his kind from the more violent ones. Since the anime establishes Sekirei as being rather fond of roofhooping, this will likely be how the fight becomes mobile, bringing the fight around to your char's dojo. Win or lose, my Sekirei ends up crashing into the dojo. More likely, it will involve him crashing in, followed by enemy Sekirei, and the two have to join forces to rout the enemy. Until your char's brought up to speed on plot matters (ie, what the Sekirei Plan is, what a sekirei is, etc), we should probably hold off on them bonding right off the bat.
That probably would make the most sense. And getting him to repair the smashed roof would be a convenient reason to stick around at first.
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I won't lie I'm disappointed in the turn out.
I won't lie I'm disappointed in the turn out.
it is what it is

to be frank, given the rather niche audience for Sekirei, a smaller, more motivated group will be better than a larger one

up with the OOC?
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