Seas of Gold

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I'll wait for a reply from him then...
I didn't really want to stray from my original idea, but change is always interesting. Sure, go ahead!
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Haha there's the go ahead!

Write up your character sheet. I'll let Cheesecake approve / decline it before I read over it and see if it fits into my crew! (Try to stay classic pirate, we're going to be skipping a little of the magical bit since that seems to be more rare... I don't think Delacroix could afford a mage)
Haha there's the go ahead!

Write up your character sheet. I'll let Cheesecake approve / decline it before I read over it and see if it fits into my crew! (Try to stay classic pirate, we're going to be skipping a little of the magical bit since that seems to be more rare... I don't think Delacroix could afford a mage)
Ha xD Will do! Pirates are too cool to need magic.
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Haha there's the go ahead!

Write up your character sheet. I'll let Cheesecake approve / decline it before I read over it and see if it fits into my crew! (Try to stay classic pirate, we're going to be skipping a little of the magical bit since that seems to be more rare... I don't think Delacroix could afford a mage)
I am sooo happy for this!!!
Name: Kadur Orxtan
Gender: Male
Age: 30 (HYA)
Race: Dragonbreed (75% dragon, or the in-between a dragonspawn and an actual dragon.)

Job: Stongman (Delacroix's)?

If he were to take off his helmet and breathe fire, one would notice that an intricate pattern on his upper body, mainly on his forehead, neck, and chest, start to glow a light sea-green. This was apparently a birthmark, and not no tattoo or anything of that sort.

History: Kadur was the result of his parents overdosing magic experiments on their baby, and bringing in some Dragonbreed to fix the problem. parents were weird-ass dragonspawn who used him as testing to find out the logic for Dragonbreeds and of course, the understanding of magic. this overdose of testing left him with an inability to learn or use any magic whatsoever, he can NEVER use magic, he can also NEVER be a Dragonspawn, cursed to be a slave to the ever superior Dragonspawn. Like any sensible person, he left his deranged family and took work as a mercenary for hire, but once or twice he was set up, and he was close to dying. But like any good badarse person would do, Delacroix swooped in and saved his life, in return he works forever loyal in her service, simple as that....right?

Personality: Grumpy, Blunt, yet Loyal, Kadur is one of those people who it's very hard to get to know them, being constantly mad and angry at people, and he always looks like he's going to kill you at any moment, but, get to know him a bit, and he can be the greatest partner you've ever met, loyal to the end, and friendly like you've never seen it. Kadur's all about his outer shell, and he dosen't like people trying to pry into it.
Name: Jexxal Flashdel

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Race: Isene

Job: Jexxal is a jack of all trades, able to fill any role needed on a ship



Jexxal whether it is her real name or not has a secret. She pretends to be a women. You would never have of guess but underneeth he cloths is actualy bandages holding back her more lady part of her. Her hair cut short to apear more masculine. Rich black hair, and a small petite body, she is more useful being fast and agile then outright strong.

History: Born on an island wear gender was everything. If she was not a man, then there was almost nothing she could do with her life other then be a good wife and raise the children. Her mother was one of the few women who had secretly always wanted more and so she sent Jexxal away at a young girl making sure she knew to always hide who she realy was. She had been on ships ever since. Learning and watching and taking in everything she could from each ship and placed she traveled

Personality: As a man, jexxal is a very quiet person. He doesn't speak much but when he does he sounds like every other man. He is portective of other women, slightly distant to men in general. She is a very kind and generous soul.
Wooo finaly had some time to make my character. Sorry for the rushed job xD
Your character is so incredibly confusing... Can you go back and kind-of... Clean it up? I literally can't get past your first paragraph without getting lost! =/
Uhm, yours... Sorry... It's just confusing. =/
Uhm, yours... Sorry... It's just confusing. =/
Its not a problem. Ive been working alot and I was realy feeling sick at the time. Im surprised the first sentence was actual words to be honest.
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soo, es accepted?
Well the RP lead didn't ever approve... I didn't really think your character fit into my imagined crew to be honest, but I guess the point os moot anyways.
well, es tried, thats all that mattered...

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