ALWAYS OPEN PARTNER REQUEST A x A F x M Searching fandoms and a few originals

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Would love to stop getting sick
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
As long as I’m awake but I’m in CST
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
I prefer Fantasy, Modern, Horror, and Romance
Hiya iwaku, long time no see!

Coming back in desperate search for some new rps. I'll try to keep this short for all of our sakes.

A little bit about me, my name is Lyssa (she/her) I'm 26 with over a decade of rp experience.

I am mostly interested in fandom rp but there's a few originals I've been hooked on trying to do for a while! Most of my fandoms are also kind of old (because I'm kind of old) I just have no real interest in newer properties. That being said I prefer to double, I play a character for you and you play one for me! We both get what we want, I'm fine with also splitting our rp between two fandoms if you're interested. I don't do canon x canon, I prefer to do oc x cc or oc x oc- I want to learn about your oc! I like to learn and plot with my partner and play against them! That's where I get a lot of my fun. I prefer to have some romance and most of my oc are femme but I don't mind playing any gender for your side so long as it's a character I can play. I am ace but I don't mind writing any smut/nsfw but I won't do sex centric rp, it has to be at least 80% plot. I find it really disheartening when someone doesn't give me the same effort. Speaking of effort- please don't ghost me! I will usually do my best to let you know if I can't respond and it's never my intention to leave you hanging, I ask for the same courtesy from you as well. If you'd like a writing sample also let me know! I will always write in third person and can go from 3-5 paragraphs semi-lit to lit, really it all depends on the situation but I do tend to write quite a bit. I won't do one liners.

Now with that all out of the way let's list some fandoms. Some of these I have experience playing with others I don't but just have interest in!




Harry Potter

Mr. Love Queens Choice

Tears of Themis

Mystic Messenger

Obey Me

Ouran highschool host club

FullMetal Alchemist

Persona 4/5

Fire emblem ( awakening, Fates, fe3h)


Medic/nurse x Soldier (WWII)

  • kinda thought of this as the soldier keeps getting injured and bonds with a nurse assigned to his ward/his care.

Arranged marriage (fantasy medieval)

  • A truce to avoid war requires a foreign princess to marry a king. The safety of this princess is most important as other kingdoms would see both of these kingdoms stay feuding so while these two must get along and marry for the best of their own lands, they must also keep eachother safe from outside forces.

That should be about it! Sorry this might be a little all over the place, I've never been good at partner request threads. If you're interested send me a pm with a little introduction and what you're interested in!