Saving Satan

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Danny was sitting at his locker waiting for the bell and dumping the pudding in his mouth. He was quickly getting over the incident since it wasn't that big of a deal to him. He just hoped Gabe wouldn't hate him for it. He supposed he had his answer when he heard his name, so he got up and walked down the hall, turning the corner and leaning on the wall.
"Hey. We should hang out tonight and work on homework," he said, hoping his comment broke any tension.
He hurried over to Danny, staring at him blankly for a moment. "Uh... Yeah, that'd be fine..." he replied, sighing a little. "I'm really sorry about my... Well, he's definitely not my friend anymore... Anyway, I'm sorry about Michael," Gabe said, leaning on the wall next to him.
Danny shrugged.
"It's fine, I got back at him," he said, tossing the pudding cup in a trash can across the hall, then opening his last one and slurping it down. They stood in a comfortable silence for a while before Danny turned to Gabe.
"So, what time do you want me to come over?"
"Right after school if you'd like. Or... Just go home and change, then come over. I don't like being at home with my uniform, I assume you're the same," he said gently. He bit his lip, laughing a little. "I... Can't believe you dumped his milk on him," he said, trying to hold back a laugh but failing.
Danny smirked.
"I'll change then come over. And yeah, you can laugh. It's funny. Oh, but don't forget that I spit in it first," he reminded, laughing as well. He looked at Gabe, nudging his with his elbow.
"You know, you're actually a lot cooler than I thought."
Gabe snorted a little, finally laughing, "Yeah, you totally spit in it. He looked so funny with chocolate milk all over him. He laughed for a few seconds before turning to Danny, blushing lightly. "Really? You didn't think I was cool before?" he asked, pretending to be offended.
Danny gave him a look then turned away shaking his head.
"No way, I thought you were like everyone else, always trying to fit into this idea of a perfect person, but you're not. It's great," he said, giving Gabe a genuine smile.

The small talk continued until the bell rang and Danny pushed off the wall.
"Okay, so I'll see you this afternoon," he said, giving Gabe a small salute before walking to gym.
He looked away for a moment, realizing that up until he'd met Danny, he had been one of those people. "You're nicer than everyone thinks you are, I'm glad I know better," he replied quietly.

"See you," he called as Danny left, smiling and heading off to his own class. He felt... Free... Now that his friends were out of his mind with all the stupid things they said about him.
Danny went through his day with a noticeable perk. He was especially happy at the end of the day, collect his things from his locker and rushing out to catch the bus home. Once he arrived he quickly changing into some street clothes before walking down to find Aaron on the computer, probably doing business stuff. Before he even had the chance to ask, his brother held the keys out.
"Have fun," Aaron said before typing away. Danny nodded and went out to the car, getting in and driving to Gabe's.

He took the time to straighten his appearance, even checking his glasses before he rang the doorbell.
Gabriel waited anxiously for the end of the day, hardly paying attention. He got scolded for day-dreaming, so he quickly turned to the teacher, watching her, but still letting his mind wander. Finally, at the end of the day he hurried to his mom's car, getting in and going home.

"Gabe, dad and I have a dinner planned," she said as they got home. "We'll be taking Johnny too, he's been complaining about how we didn't manage to make it to his favorite restaurant for his birthday," she explained, smiling a little. "We'll be gone for a while, do you want to come?"

He shook his head, "I'm having... Daniel over to study mom. We have a test coming up and he needs some help." He wasn't entirely lying, thought the test part was a fib.

"Well... Alright," his mother said, a little worried. She went to get ready, she, his dad, and his brother left after a little bit. Gabe also changed out of school clothes, wearing a simple t and shorts.

He quickly opened rhe door and smiled. "Hey Danny! Come on in!" he said cheerfully.
Danny sauntered in, looking around the home that, before now, he had never been in.
"Nice," he said, ignoring the crosses on the wall. He turned to Gabe.
"So, your room or kitchen table?" he asked, pulling his bag up farther on his shoulder and holding it there casually.
"Oh, in my room if you'd like. Or here in the living room," he said, gesturing to the couch and coffee table. "Would you like something to eat?" he asked.
Danny walked over to the couch a plopped down.
"Yeah, sure. What do you have to snack on? Anything sweet?" he asked, leaning back and getting comfortable on the couch.
"I have... Chips and... I think we have some chocolates and jolly ranchers," he said, heading into the kitchen to search. A few minutes later he came back with a tray that held a bag of chips and the chocolates. "No Jolly Ranchers actually, sorry," he said, sitting next to Danny.
Danny immediately reached for the chocolate.
"Not a big deal, pal," he said, popping many pieces in his mouth at once.
"So, what do you wanna do first?"
He smiled, taking a chip for himself and munching on it thoughtfully. "Well... How about math?" he asked.
Danny nodded, pulling out his text book.
"Sounds awesome. What math are you in?" he questioned.
"Algebra, you?" he replied, grabbing his own text book and setting it on his lap.
"Same, awesome," Danny said, opening to the page he needed to work from. He got out a paper and worked on some of the problems.
"You should check these for me," he said, handing it to Gabe.
Gabe nodded and took the paper, reading through it and smiling. "They're all right," he said happily, "Nice job."