Saving Satan

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Danny smiled, nodding.
"Yeah yeah, let's go meet 'em already," he said, smiling when he was hugged again. Once he was released they walked away. Everyone was crowding around the band members and Danny swerved their way forward.
"Hey Tyler," he greeted, smiling at the man.
"No, Danny," Danny corrected, pointing to his glasses. The singer nodded in understanding.
"Yeah, I remember you. I forgot that you had the glasses and your bother didn't," he said, signing someones autograph book. Danny nodded, smiling at Gabe. He pulled his friend forward. Once most of the people had their autographs a few left to talk with other band members and get their autographs.
"Tyler, this is my friend Gabe. You have to sign his shirt."
"Is that an order kid?"
"Sure is," Danny replied and the two laughed a bit.
Gabriel looked at him, confused as to why he seemed so familiar with the singer. As he was pulled forward, he turned red and became speechless, looking at the man for a few moments before saying, "Uh... Um... Hello sir."
Tyler smiled, pulling out his sharpie and signing his name on the boys shirt.
"How's it going kid. No need to stutter, we're all friends here," he said gesturing to Danny. Danny looked at Gabe before clearing up the confusion.
"So, basically, my brother is really smart and got through school after skipping a bunch of grades. He got a degree in something and was the manager for Neon Trees before he built his own business. Figured I would clear that up for you," he said, chuckling a bit.
He turned to Danny quickly, pouting a little. "Why didn't you tell me before?" he asked, smiling. He turned back to Tyler, nodding politely. "Thanks for the autograph!"
Danny shrugged.
"I wanted to surprise you with the concert tickets, so if I told you I knew him it might have been a little obvious where I was taking you today," he chuckled and Tyler turned away to talk with some other people.
"That's true," he replied. He smiled, "It's really cool Daniel. This had been the best day ever, thanks so much." He laughed a little, blushing. "Y'know... You're way cooler than all of my friends put together."
Danny winked, making his hands like guns. He clicked his tongue playfully.
"Yeah, I know," he said, looking at Tyler.
"You wanna talk to him for a while or go back home?"
"Oh, I just want to get an autograph from the other members if you don't mind, then we can go," he replied, laughing a little.
"That's fine," he said, leading Gabe over to the others, who knew him as well. They all signed his shirt happily before they said their good byes. Once everything was said and done they left the venue, walking to the car. The sky was black as black could be, but the stars couldn't be seen because of the city lights. Once he was in the car he started it up and drove off.
"I hope your parents wont be to mad I kept you out," he said, though it was painfully obvious he didn't care at all.
Gabriel greeted and thanked everyone for signing his shirt. He walked with a skip in his step as they went to the car and he hummed the tune of one of their songs. "Oh? Oh yeah..." he said, suddenly remembering his parents. "They'll be a little upset... But it'll be fine," he said.
Danny nodded.
"I'm sure they'll be fine. Just tell them I got drunk and got into a fight, so you had to drive me home," he said, laughing at the believable story he concocted.
"Oh, and one more thing. Please stop calling my Daniel. I hate that. Only my parents call me that. I want you to call me Danny," he said, smiling happily as he drove the rest of the way.

Once they arrived at Gabe's house Danny wished him good bye.
"I'll see you in school pal!"
"Danie... Danny!" he said, correcting himself quickly. "If I tell my parents that, they'll never let me hang out with you again," he said, though he smiled at his fake explanation.

He got out of the car, smiling. "I can't tell you how grateful I am," he said, "Bye Danny!" As soon as Danny drove off, Gabe folded the shirt up as small as possible, holding it behind his back as he walked into his house, waiting for a scolding from his parents.
Danny returned home and unlocked the door, slipping in to find everyone already asleep. It wasn't a big surprise for him to be out late, so they didn't bother staying up. He walked up to his brothers room and tossed the keys on the dresser, shutting the door before going to his own room. He flopped down on his bed, falling asleep with his clothes still on, as he usually did after a concert.
Sure enough, his parents were waiting with stern faces. "You're home past curfew Gabriel," his mother said, frowning, "Where have you been?"

"Well... We went to a movie and it turned out to be longer than expected. I'm really sorry mother, it'll never happen again, I promise." Because Gabriel was/had been incapable of lying, they believed him, giving him a short lecture and sending him to bed. Thankfully, he managed to hide the shirt and get to his room, sighing softly. He felt horrible for lying, but what would they say if they knew the truth?
Once the week rolled around Danny was actually happy to get up and ready for school. After a long talk with his brother and then his best friend, he realized he was developing a crush on his god-loving companion. Not all that surprising really. Once he had eaten his breakfast and said his farewells he was on the bus and heading to school.
Gabriel, as always, was up early. He held up the autographed t-shirt, smiling fondly at the memory of him and Danny at the concert. Blushing lightly, he remembered kissing Danny on the cheek too. Quickly hiding the shirt under his bed in a box, he went downstairs for his mom to drive him to school.
Danny went to his locker once the bus dropped them off, looking around for Gabe. He probably wouldn't see him, but oh well. He'd see him at lunch, so it would all be fine.
Gabriel had just gotten all his things from his locker, waving at his friends as they walked off. They were mad, but Gabe didn't mind much. He turned and started heading to class.
Danny went through his day as he had the previous week, waving to Gabe in the hall and smiling at him. Finally when lunch time came around he got his meal, even got some extra pudding as usual, and then walked over sitting at the table with Gabe's friends. They all gave him a weird look.
"What are you doing here?" one boy asked as Danny opened his pudding.
"Waiting for Gabe."
"Cause he's my friend, any other stupid questions?" Danny asked, growing slightly irritated.
"No, but you aren't welcome here. We don't need your demons infesting our bodies, you incorrigible fornicator," the boy replied and the others nodded in agreement. Danny sighed, being utterly fed up with them. He leaned over the table, taking the boys milk drink. He opened it, taking a drink, swished it in his mouth and spit it back in. Then, out of the blue, he dumped the drink over the boys head, flipping his lunch tray into his lap as well.
"You know what? Why don't you suck my long gay dick you narrow-minded shit-faced fucker," he said, standing up so quickly his chair flipped and he picked up his other two pudding cups, leaving the lunch room.
Gabriel smiled and waved at him throughout the day, wishing he could run over and talk to him. At lunch, he was pleasantly surprised when Danny showed up, and smiled at him warmly.

His smile disappeared though. "Hey, wait," he said gently as Mike, his friend, started talking. They didn't hear him though, as he protested what was going on. "Mike, shutup!" he shouted finally, just as Danny dumped the milk on his head and walked off. "Danny, wait," he said, turning but finding his friend gone. Everyone was staring at him, shocked. Gabe stood, glaring at his friends furiously. "God said to love everyone. So you are just as bad as you think he is," he told them, "He's my friend. More of a friend than you guys."

With that, Gabe turned and ran out of the lunchroom in search of Danny. "Danny!" he called out, walking down the hall.