[Samuel x Roman]

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s a m u e l

"Santas not... What do you mean Santa's not real!"
Samuel said, once again sounding terribly offended, though he couldn' keep the smile off his face. He had made his husband laugh, and though that wasn't the rarest of things it just made him so happy that he could make Roman happy like that. It was one of the best feelings in the world, right alongside with making the kids laugh.

"Don't listen to Daddy, kids who aren't at home right now," Samuel called up to the second floor as if the kids actually were there, "Santa is very real!" He grinned at Roman for a moment, before his expression softened a little.

"But I mean, they gotta know by now right? I don't want to accidentally ruin things if they don't, Letha is still little enough to think it's fun. But they are probably just humouring us at this point," Samuel chuckled softly. The kids really were getting older. They still all sat down and wrote Christmas lists for Santa, which actually were Christmas lists for Samuel and Roman. But soon enough they'd stop. Harper was definitely old enough not to believe in Santa but kept it up for his siblings, and honestly, the twins were getting kind of old for it as well. It was a little bittersweet, he loved seeing them grow up, but he wanted them to stay tiny just a little while longer.
r o m a n
"Oh, I think even Letha knows by now but we should pretend that Santa is real until they admit it to us that they know," Roman chuckled. He finished wrapping the last of all the presents, and then stood up and went around the table to sit in his husband's lap. He wrapped his arms around the other man's neck and pressed a kiss to his smooth forehead.

"They're going to be, like, twenty-six and pretending that they still believe in Santa." Roman chuckled again and nuzzled his husband's hair a little.

"Which is totally you, by the way, you probably believed in Santa when you were twenty six, you know, fifty billion years ago."
s a m u e l

Almost out of reflex Samuel wrapped his arms around Roman when he came to sit in his lap. The wrapping was done and the kids wouldn't be back in a while which meant they got some nice time to just spend on each other. As much as Samuel loved the kids, he also loved the times he got to spend some time alone with his husband.

"Wow, I can't believe you just called me both old and childishly gullible at once,"
Samuel laughed and pressed his face to Roman's chest for a moment. They really were getting old. Next year was thirty-nine, then after that, it was only one shot year until forty, there was no real getting around it now. But Samuel didn't mind too much, every day spent was another day with Roman and the family, and most days were as good as this one, "And you believe I will let you sit in my lap and cuddle after all that?"

"nah, you better get off,"
Samuel said and hugged Roman a little tighter, directly contradicting what he had just said, "I don't want to be married to someone on Santa's bad list anyway,"
r o m a n
"Excuse me, have you seen how pretty I am? I am most definitely on Santa's good list." Roman said flirtatiously. That was true, he was very pretty, Santa probably forgave him for all of the bad shit that he did just because of that.

Roman gently nudged Samuel's head to the side and pressed a soft kiss just below his jaw.
"But even if I'm not on Santa's good list..." he murmured, his lips brushing against Samuel's skin as he did so.

"...I hope I can be on yours."
e d e n

Today was an unusually loud morning in the Hemlock-Ortega household, it was Saturday and everyone seemed to be in a good mood. Stella was playing dress up with Letha, she was wearing parts of her dragon costume she had worn for Halloween a couple of years back and was chasing her sister around the house. Papa and Harper had been out kicking a ball, Papa claimed that even though Harper's arm was healing they could keep the practice up to some degree, as long as they did simple things like passes. But now they were back inside, happily playing with the dogs.

Eden didn't know what he'd do if he broke his arm because then he wouldn't be able to play the piano. Which was what he was doing now. He was just practising, so it wasn't sounding great and he kept redoing the piece he was practising every time he played it wrong so he would learn to play it right. But he figured no one would complain since they were being pretty loud as well.

"Are you stuck, Edie?" Papa's voice suddenly sounded, he was standing by the small set of stairs that separated the family room, which honestly was more of a music, hobby and game room than anything, and the kitchen. Lily was standing next to him, wagging her tail happily, excited for more play as soon as Samuel was done talking.

"Yeah, I can't get it right, it's hard," Eden said with a small sigh, and tired the part he was stuck on again.

"You should ask Daddy for help," Papa suggested, "Have you seen him? I came in through the laundry room," meaning he hadn't walked through the rest of the house yet.

Eden shook his head, "no, maybe the living room? I've been playing for a while, I'll ask him for help when I see him."
r o m a n
Roman was currently in his and Samuel's bathroom, hunched over the toilet, vomiting up the contents of his stomach. He felt so sick, he couldn't handle it anymore. He had a migraine and his entire head was throbbing. The noise going on in the house was doing absolutely nothing to help him. He felt like death.

Once he had nothing else he could throw up, Roman dragged himself out of the bedroom and onto the bed. He collapsed on the mattress and buried his head between his pillows in a vain attempt to block out the noise going on downstairs.

But of course it didn't work. Roman fucking hated his body. Most of the time it was manageable but it was in moments like this that Roman begged to know why he had been put in a body that was consistently working against him.
e d e n​

Papa left to go try to find Daddy in the living room. Eden went back to trying to play the piano, but now that he had been interrupted once it was harder to keep focus, especially since had to focus on the part he was stuck on. He started to alternate between playing a couple of notes, sighing, looking around in the room and thinking about other things. Which he didn't like because he really did want to figure the piece out, at least that one part he was struggling with.

He then remembered Papa's suggestion, and stood up. He went to the living room and peaked inside, there Papa had been caught in Letha and Stella's game, he was carrying the younger girl and holding her up high why the older made roaring sounds, trying to get to her. Daddy was nowhere to be seen.

"I'll go see if Daddy is upstairs," Eden alerted papa, papa nodded and told him he'd join him in a moment. Eden ventured up the stairs, Passed the second floor with his and his siblings' rooms and then got up to the top floor where daddy and papa had their bedroom and study. He gently knocked the door, because it was the polite thing to do, but then entered the room without permission anyway because it wasn't like he was entering a stranger's room or anything. Daddy was there resting on the bed.

"Daddy? I need help with the piano and Papa wants to talk to you," he said, gently but not super quietly since he wanted to make sure he was heard in case Daddy was about to fall asleep or something.
r o m a n
The noise was unbearable, but Roman didn't say anything, for two reasons. One was that he felt so sick he didn't even think he could get out of bed. And the other was that he felt bad. It wasn't right for him to ask his family, who was having fun and minding their own business, to stop doing what they were doing just because he felt sick.

But, God, he wished they would stop making so much noise.

The ruckus continued and Roman just kept feeling like he was going to pass out any minute. He couldn't focus on any one sound, though, so he didn't hear Eden come up the stairs or knock. He wasn't even aware of his presence until he spoke.

This sound wasn't that loud, but it was so much closer to Roman that it felt a thousand times worse than all of the others.

"GO AWAY!" Roman wailed miserably, before he felt his stomach lurch again. He just barely managed to put his head over the bucket beside the bed before he began to throw up.
e d e n

Eden flinched at Daddy's loud protest and stared in absolute horror as he threw up. He wasn't sure what to do but after being told to go away like that he wasn't sure he dared to do something else. Slowly he backed away and closed the door. There he stood quietly for a while, just staring at the door before…


He suddenly hurried down the stairs in full speed, "Papa! Papa, you need to come upstairs!" He reached the living room and saw papa still playing with the others. The smile on his face faltered when he saw Eden's own terrified expression. Immediately he stopped playing and hurried out with Eden, telling the others to stay put.

"Is he bleeding?"
Daddy sounded absolutely terrified and suddenly Eden felt even worse because that wasn't what was happening and he had probably worried Papa a lot.

"No, he threw up. And yelled, I think he's having a migraine?" Eden said, hurrying after Papa up the stairs. Daddy got migraines sometimes, but usually, Papa was the first to know and he'd tell them all to go downstairs and be very quiet and then they wouldn't see Daddy at all for a couple of hours or until the next day if it was already late.

The moment Eden said what was going on Papa looked a little calmer and began to walk very quietly instead of storming up the stairs. When they reached Daddy and Papa's room Eden stayed behind, staying by the door as Papa walked over, very quietly, crouched down next to daddy and gently whispered, "migraine?"

And suddenly everything was very quiet. Everyone downstairs had stopped playing, Papa wasn't making a sound. And suddenly Eden also felt very bad. Daddy probably felt horrible, but he didn't want to go into the room, he didn't want him to tell him to go away again, he didn't want him there because he had made him feel bad. He felt his ears tear up and bottom lip wobble a little, but he kept it all in as he waited for Daddy to respond in some kind of way that wasn't horrible.
r o m a n
As soon as the words left Roman's lips he felt terrible for yelling at Eden. But there was nothing he could do about it in that moment — all he could do was throw up. He would have to make sure he found some way to make it up to his baby boy later but for now, he knew the best thing he could do was focus on getting better so he could handle things properly.

When Samuel came up the stairs and into the bedroom, Roman was back to laying with his head between the pillows in a vain attempt to block out the loud noises that were going on downstairs. His head exploded when Samuel spoke again, but Roman had already been terrible to Eden that day so he couldn't afford to do the same thing to Samuel.

"Yeah. A migraine."
e d e n

Papa didn't even answer Daddy with words. He nodded quietly, went to shut the curtains, grabbed the bucket and headed into the bathroom where Eden could vaguely hear him wash it out, then he came back out and placed the bucket with daddy. Softly he murmured, "I'll be back, kay," keeping his promise of coming to keep him company brief. Often when Daddy had his migraines Papa would just lay down with him for a bit.

But now headed back out of the room, gently closed the door and motioned for Eden to come with. Papa didn't speak until they were on the second floor, where he thanked him for coming to get him and gave him a hug. Eden was pretty sure he could tell he was about to cry because he also said things were okay. Eden kept his tears in though and they both went downstairs where Papa instructed everyone to be completely quiet and put on a movie for them on low volume. And soon the loud and happy atmosphere turned into a quiet kind of sad one. None of the kids made any ruckus, they talked about the movie just like normal since their Dad wouldn't be able to hear it from the third floor like their loud and happy shrieks.

Eden didn't talk much though. He still felt really bad and had to fight tears whenever he thought of his Dad's distressed pained voice yelling at him to go away. It was both the harsh reaction and the guilt for having caused him pain. At some point, Papa went upstairs to go get his Kitty and Doggy and ruffled his hair. Then, a little later Papa went upstairs to go lay down with Daddy for a while.

They watched the entirety of the movie, and then started a second one. Soon Papa would probably come down to make sure they all got something to eat, but Eden really couldn't sit there any more, he felt too bad about the whole thing. He got up from his seat, and quietly made his way back upstairs. Very gently he knocked on the door, and then carefully opened it and peeked inside. The room was dark but he could make out Papa getting out of the bed to come see what was going.

He didn't speak until he was close enough for Eden to hear him whisper, "do I need to come down, did something happen?" Eden shook his head. Papa frowned and seemed like he was about to ask what was wrong but Eden was faster. He let out a small sniffle, then another one and then pulled Papa into a hug. He knew he was probably just making things worse for Daddy, but he didn't know what to do. He felt really bad about it all and he couldn't even say sorry to Daddy because he knew a migraine like this would last for ages.
r o m a n
Over the next few hours, Roman's migraine began to calm down a little. Another thing he hated about his particular ailment was that it was so unpredictable. Sometimes it could last for twelve hours, sometimes two. This seemed to be one of the latter occasions.

When Samuel came to lay beside him, Roman didn't feel at ease like he normally would. He still felt so guilty about yelling at Eden. But the migraine won over his guilty conscience and soon he was back to sleep.

But he woke up when Samuel moved and he could hear Eden sniffling. Roman sat up. He felt very dizzy doing so, but luckily the pain was gone and so he just felt a bit woozy. Roman got up, stumbled a little, and then went over to where his husband and son were cuddling in the doorway.

He knelt beside them and wrapped them both in a hug.
"I am so sorry for yelling at you, Edie, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I love you so much."
e d e n

Eden barely noticed Daddy joining them until he was there, wrapping his arms around them, simply because he hadn't expected him to be able to get out of bed for another couple of hours. But when he did he turned his hug more towards Daddy and buried his face in his chest as he let out another couple of small little sobs. It was such a relief to not have his dad totally reject his presence again, and it was proof that it was just the migraine causing him to want to be left alone.

Still, Eden felt bad for hurting him and between his sniffles he let out, "I'm sorry, Daddy, I didn't mean to make your head hurt more,"

At that Papa let out a small little sigh and ran his hand through Eden's hair, as even though he clearly had been able to tell Eden was upset, Eden had never said the exact reason why, and that was being revealed now.
r o m a n
"Baby, you don't need to apologise, you didn't know and you didn't do anything wrong," Roman insisted. He felt so terrible that he had snapped at his precious little boy. Eden hadn't deserved that at all, all he had been trying to do was ask for help with the piano, which was meant to be something Roman was always available to help out with.

Roman sighed heavily and kissed Eden on the top of the head. It was a soft and gentle kiss, but a kiss nonetheless.
"I'll find some way to make it up to you, buddy, I promise," Roman murmured.

He felt so terrible because he didn't think he had ever yelled at his kids without reason. Of course, he and Samuel raised their voices when their children were misbehaving, and sometimes they had to yell to be heard from the opposite end of the house. But this was different. Roman had had no reason to yell and it had obviously hurt Eden's feelings.
e d e n

"Mm, maybe Daddy can help you with that piece you were trying to learn later, does that sound good, bud?"
Papa suggested gently. Daddy would obviously do that anyway but obviously, it was something Eden wanted... but not really right now.

Eden shrugged, "I don't need anything, it's okay," he snuggled a little closer to his daddy, glad he was feeling okay enough to touch people. Papa had told them all to try not to touch Daddy when he had his migraines. But even if Daddy was better he didn't want to strain himself for something he couldn't control. Kind of like how Eden couldn't control his anger sometimes, and things just slipped out, only Daddy had been in terrible, terrible pain. The idea of his Daddy feeling so horrible made Eden sad again, but he was feeling better in general now that he was being comforted and told he didn't have to feel bad.

"I'm just happy you're feeling better now, Daddy, I love you,"
h a r p e r
It was a warm Saturday, and today Harper and his family would be watching a movie together. They tried to watch movies all together regularly. It was a way for them to come together and just spend some time together without doing anything too time-consuming or exhausting.

"Okay, kiddos, what do we want to watch?"
Daddy asked them all as they dragged the bean bags from the games room into the living room so the kids could all get comfy in front of the TV.

"Can we watch something with Helena Bonham Carter in it?"
Harper asked. He had watched Sweeney Todd recently, which of course was not appropriate for the younger children, but he had thought Helena Bonham Carter was really pretty and could sing really nice so he wanted to watch some more movies with her in them.
s a m u e l

Samuel loved watching movies with the family. He and Roman had spent so much time just cuddled up together watching movies when they were younger that it felt fantastic to have it turn into an activity all of them could enjoy together. Usually they'd just put on something fun one of them already loved, or something new. Today Harper seemed to have a request though. Something with Helena Bonham Carter.

The way the kids chose the movies they wanted to watch wasn't usually based on actors or actresses. They liked a movie so they wanted to watch it, or they wanted to watch something animated, or something about princesses or a documentary. But Harper was getting a little older, and Samuel supposed that at that age kids started to be a little more interested in the people playing the characters, just like they started to get more invested in bands and the people in them rather than just songs from movies they liked or what played on the radio.

It was sweet and Samuel wasn't about to deny him the right to watch him something with an actress he liked in so with a knowing smile he said, "Sure, that's doable, she's in a lot of stuff," then he paused to try to think of movies she was in that would be okay for the younger kids, "She's in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but only for a little bit, and the live action of Alice in Wonderland from ages ago, I think she's in the live action Cinderella too?" he glanced towards Roman, who probably was more familiar with the movies the actresses had been in throughout her career, there were of course Harry Potter too, but it was in the later movies that were a little darker, so they'd probably wait a little with those.
h a r p e r
"Ooh, I vote for the live action Cinderella," Daddy said, picking up the remote to find it on Netflix. Harper smiled, happy with the choice, because it combined the actress he wanted to see with Disney, which everyone loved, meaning the whole family would be happy with the choice.

So Harper settled in his beanbag and excitedly began to watch the movie with his family. When Helena came on, looking absolutely lovely in her pretty dress with her gorgeous hair and makeup, Harper let out a little gasp of happiness, and his eyes were as wide as saucers. He knew she was really really old now, and that even when this movie had come out she had been almost fifty, but Harper just thought she was so pretty. She had such nice bone structure and the nicest eyes and even her lips were really nicely shaped and --

"Harper, do you have a crush on the Fairy Godmother?"
Letha asked him with a giggle.

Harper flushed bright red and threw a cushion at her. "No, oh my God, Letha, what are you talking about? No I do not, ugh."

But his red face and his unsure voice indicated that that was a total lie.