[Samuel x Roman]

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"Well, you said you're about thirteen weeks along?"
The doctor asked to confirm.

"Yeah, take or give one, " Emina said.

"Okay, so the baby should have started to look vaguely like a human at this point, but still very small" Emina nodded carefully and as the doctor said that Samuel felt his excitement grow, because the baby would look kind of baby like and he knew that would be amazing to see.

The doctor requested Emina pull her top up and she did. It was a fairly loose fitting garment so they hadn't really been able to see it before but there was quite a prominent bump there at this point, a lot more prominent than Blake's had been when she had been this far along. Of course, Blake was very fit, which affected the size of the bump, but Samuel couldn't help but wonder if the other couple had dated the start of the pregnancy wrong and she was further along.

"Okay let's see here," The doctor got to work. Samuel's heart was beating really hard and he held Roman's hand firmly, soon they'd see their second child for the first time. Then, an image appeared on the screen, "Oh,"

On the screen a vaguely baby-shaped little foetus hadn't appeared, but instead two. Samuel stared wide-eyed on the screen, and so did Emina. This was incredibly unexpected, and Samuel had no idea what this would mean or what to do, his heartbeat didn't calm down at all. He wanted to be excited, because this could only mean twins, but he had no idea if this would make Emina and Kaleb change their mind.

"….What?" was all Emina could get out it seemed.

"Well it seems like you're having twins," The doctor confirmed, the look of worry didn't escape Emina's face though and she turned that expression to Kaleb for support, Samuel wondered what she was thinking but decided to wait with asking until the ultrasound was done, "But they are both looking healthy, and you seem to be right about how long you're due, you've definitely hit the twelve weeks mark so you can expect them to be born sometime in February or March,"
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Roman couldn't believe his eyes when the image appeared on the screen to show two babies growing in Emina's womb. Twins. The young woman was pregnant with twins. This could change everything, and Roman didn't know what to do or how to feel in that moment, and he had no way to tell what Kaleb or Emina were thinking either, other than the obvious shock on their faces.

"...Twins?" Kaleb repeated in a blank and dumbfounded tone that didn't match the intellect he possessed at all. This had clearly come as a surprise to everyone involved.

The doctor nodded and Kaleb proceeded to ask a series of questions, such as how this would change Emina's pregnancy, if she should be taking any different vitamins, what to look out for, etc. No one mentioned the adoption aspect of things right now, but it wasn't entirely appropriate for the moment, so Roman kept quiet until they were all walking out of the clinic and to Roman and Samuel's car. Roman had offered to take the other two out for afternoon tea, so he drove everyone to a cafe, and waited until they were seated before he touched on the topic at hand.

"So ... twins."
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After the ultrasound, they headed off to a nice little café. The car ride there was very silent. Emina kept a hand on her stomach and leaned closely to Kaleb. Samuel had no idea what to say, not even when they had gotten seated. Luckily Roman said something to lead them to the subject at hand.

"… Yeah, twins," At this point Emina looked genuinely worried and Samuel couldn't help to think that that was because she wanted the twins for herself now, both because she had seen them and because having twins wasn't the most common thing in the world

"So…?" Samuel had no idea how to approach the subject and it honestly felt like he couldn't even suggest the idea of

Elissa exchanged another communicative glance with Kaleb before speaking, "Please take both of them," she said, there was even a hint of desperation behind her voice "I know you were only looking to adopt one child, and another one is a lot and I understand if you only can take both, but you two are literally the perfect parents, were not going to find any people like you two and I really don't want them to be separated either, they are twins, they should get to grow up together,"

Samuel was genuinely surprised, he hadn't even stopped to consider not adopting both because they were twins, he had been to busy considering the idea of not getting to adopt any of them, "Y- yeah, we can take both," Samuel blurted out, without even consulting Roman, but he knew his husband, he knew he would want to take both.

"Really?" Emina looked a little teary eyed, Samuel turned to Roman to confirm
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Roman couldn't even begin to describe his relief when Emina asked them to take both the twins. He had managed to stress himself out enough to worry that they wouldn't get to adopt either, or worse, the twins would be separated. And Roman knew that he would struggle to only take one of them after this news, because in his mind, as a twin, there was nothing worse than twins being separated.

"Of course," Roman said to confirm his husband's words. He didn't even need to think about it. Roman ran a hand over his face out of sheer relief. This was the best course of action, the best solution to the news. It prevented it from even becoming a problem.

"I'm a twin, I wouldn't want them to be separated, that would be worse than not getting to adopt either of them, in my opinion," he said. He knew he sounded drastic, and Kaleb looked actually surprised, so he explained. "I mean, a twin is your built-in best friend, your other half, the person you grow up with and always have the strongest, deepest connection with. If anything happened to London ... I ... I would feel like half of myself was gone. And I know it'd be different if they were raised separately at birth, but ... I wouldn't want to rob anyone of what I have with my own twin."

Kaleb was still staring at him, but with a newfound appreciation, and he smiled a little before turning to Emina. "Well, if we thought they were perfect parents before, definitely know they are now, especially for twins," he said. Roman couldn't help but smile as well. That comment, coupled with the praise they had received from Emina just before, eliminated any worries Roman had about adopting twins. It sunk in to him now that in a few short months, he and Samuel would be expanding their family to five, and that was truly amazing.
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"Yeah," Emina agreed, "this is really the perfect arrangement,"

The rest of their little outing had a much lighter atmosphere, Samuel and Roman were clearly very excited about the twins, and Emina and Kaleb seemed happy they could make another couple happy. Samuel urged Roman to tell some fun stories about his and London's bond as twins, and they just had a nice time in general. Before getting over to the car again, they decided upon the next time to meet up and it was a date Samuel was looking forward to a lot. He would have gladly stayed longer to chat with them actually but they needed to go pick up Harper from daycare.

The had planned on waiting with telling Harper about the baby until they had gone to the ultrasound because after that they would be a little more sure that Emina and Kaleb really were going to let them adopt the baby, or as it turned out babies. And now, after seeing how strongly Emina and Kaleb felt about them taking both twins Samuel felt more sure than ever that they were going to get to adopt the babies.

So it was high time to tell Harper. They gave Emina and Kaleb a ride home, and waved them off, and as they were back to being on the road, with Roman driving since he was able to do it more calmly now as the crash had been years ago, Samuel decided to approach the subject.

"So I think we still should tell Harper today like we've said, the fact that it's twins doesn't really change anything? And we're gonna have to tell him sooner or later, yeah?" Samuel said all of this with a huge smile on his face. They were going to have two little babies join their family in just a couple of months and he couldn't wait to tell Harper that he was going to get two siblings. He just hoped the little boy would be happy about it
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The rest of the day went amazingly, and Roman couldn't believe that in only a few months, he and Samuel were going to have not one, but two more little babies to add to their family. It was going to be a lot of work, and a lot of money, and Roman would have to ask his mum and dad for tips on how to raise twins, but that didn't have an effect on how ecstatic he was to welcome his new children to the family.

"I agree," Roman said as he and Samuel drove. He had been looking forward to breaking the news to Harper and the rest of their family and friends for months now, and now, they were finally confident enough in the security of the arrangement to do so. Hopefully, Harper would take it well. He was only young, and therefore didn't understand what it meant to have a sibling, let alone two, but he was such a sweet boy that Roman couldn't imagine anything going wrong.

They arrived at the daycare and walked into Harper's classroom. It was almost the end of the day, so the kids were just playing without any main goal. They quickly found Harper pushing some trucks around with a little girl, and when he saw his dads, he visibly brightened up. The little boy, who was almost walking by this point, began to power-crawl over to his parents, who met him in the middle. Roman picked him up and gave him a big kiss to the cheek.

"Hey, buddy! Say hi to Papa."

"Hi, Papa," Harper gurgled. "Hi, Daddy."
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Picking up Harper from daycare was always the best feeling. The little boy was always so happy to see them and it warmed Samuel's heart, "hello sweetie, you seem like you've had fun today!" Samuel said in Spanish and kissed the precious little boy's cheek as well. One of Harper's daycare teachers then came to catch them up on what Harper had been doing that day, and how much he had eaten and when he had slept. It seemed like their little boy had had a really good day.

After a short drive home the little family was seated in the kitchen, Samuel was in the process of cutting up some banana for Harper, as it was his favourite snack and still the most suitable one at his age. He was just waiting patiently to get to eat some banana and had no idea at all what his parents were planning on telling him.

Samuel looked at Roman to confirm that now would be the right moment, and when he had gotten a nod he handed over the plate with banana to Harper and spoke, "Harper, I want you to listen because Daddy and I have something very happy and fun to tell you,"

Samuel looked at Harper with a smile to signal that he was about to say something good, when he felt like he had the child's attention he continued, "you see, we thought it would be nice for you to have a sibling, so we have decided to have another kid, and today, we found out that it's going to be twins, that means that you're going to have two—" Samuel held up two fingers to demonstrate, "baby siblings in a couple of months!"
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Harper had a small frown on his face, but it was one of confusion, not disdain. "Sib-wing?" he asked with a mouthful of banana, not understanding the complicated term.

"Brother or sister," Roman explained with a smile on his face. "Like how your friend Bradley has two little sisters, Nina and Sarah. You'll have two brothers or sisters, or maybe even one of both, in a few months, and you'll be able to play with them every single day! It'll be like having two super best friends at home!"

Harper was smiling and Roman knew he had sold him on the idea. Of course, it might be different when the twins arrived and Harper wasn't getting all the attention, but Roman knew he was going to try his damn best to make all of his children happy. He was beyond excited to start this next new chapter in his life, with his husband and their growing family, and he couldn't wait to see what the future would bring.
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After Harper receiving the news very well Samuel and Roman decided to tell the rest of their family the next weekend. They had invited everyone over this time, Samuel's side as well as Roman's. They'd be coming over for lunch and coffee that Saturday and Samuel was very excited. The only thing that really worried him this time around was Harper spilling the beans the moment people got through the door. As he had started to really realize what a sibling was he had been blabbering about it non stop, it was really adorable how excited about getting a new playmate but a little frustrating when you were trying to keep it a secret.

Harper wouldn't have to be discrete much longer though because it was lunchtime that weekend and their families were due to arrive any moment. Roman had been working hard to make a nice lunch and was now setting the table while Samuel stubbornly was chopping in vegetables for a salad that Roman had wanted no part in. Samuel was of the opinion that it wasn't just him who wanted salad to their food though, so he stood there desperately trying not to cut himself while unevenly slicing up tomatoes.

The doorbell rang as Samuel was in the midst of cutting through a tomato and he actually jumped a little in a mix of nerves and excitement, almost actually cutting himself in the process. Salad making was a dangerous process, "Roman, love, can you please open the door since you aren't helping me with the salad and I almost just chopped of my fingers?" Samuel said, his tone was bitter but he was clearly joking. Roman made most of their food, the least Samuel could do was prepare the salad.
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"That's what you get for trying to make us eat salad," Roman joked as he set the table. He had had to buy more knives and forks for this occasion, because his and Samuel's parents were both coming over for lunch. Not that Roman minded, because this new set was rose gold and therefore very aesthetically pleasing.

No one, sans Blake, Harper and obviously Emina and Kaleb, knew that Roman and Samuel were planning to adopt again. But today, they would be telling their parents, and Roman was very excited. Ingrid and Stellan had come all the way down from Maryborough for this lunch, so Roman made damn sure it was perfect. He had prepared a delicious roast lamb, seasoned with a variety of garden herbs, with succulent yet crispy roast potatoes, pumpkin and sweet potatoes, and had made a mint sauce he personally would not be using for the meat. He had also made a raspberry tart for dessert.

Roman, dressed in an all-black ensemble with no makeup but gold piercings, went to the door and let in Susan and Oliver, greeting them with big hugs and kisses to the cheeks for Susan. As he did so, Ingrid and Stellan got out of their car and Roman waited for them to repeat the process. He was very happy to have both his parents and his in-laws there for a nice meal.

Harper was watching television, and greeted his grandparents without spilling the news. Roman had made it very clear to the little boy that he needed to stay quiet about it, and being a quick and intelligent child, he understood, and was nothing but bright smiles and happy gurgles as he was cuddled by all his grandparents.

Soon, everyone was seated and Roman was dishing out the food. "Samuel made salad because he sucks, but I made roast vegetables which are way cooler than salad, so you can all take your pick."
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"Or, you can eat salad as a side to the rest of the meal, as most people who aren't Roman do," Samuel pointed out drily but then couldn't keep himself from chuckling a little.

"It's good that you disagree, all healthy couples disagree about some things," Susan joked but there was some truth to it. Samuel and Roman didn't fight much, but they bickered about things like food, and what time to pick up Harper and about Samuel leaving clothes on the floor or Roman his makeup out in the bathroom. Nothing ever really turned heated but it was much better to bicker than to keep it all inside until the smallest things made you hate the other person. Samuel wondered briefly if the addition of the twins would lead to more bickering, but he wasn't worried, he knew he and Roman could pull through anything together.

Soon everyone had dinner on their plate and they were all catching up on each other's lives, making sure everyone knew what people were doing, the usual one talked about when family was visiting. Samuel wasn't sure exactly when to approach the subject of the new babies, usually he'd wait for a lull in the conversation and then look at Roman for him to break whatever news they were sitting on. Today however everyone was busy talking.

Luckily Ollie seemed to pick up on it, he was an attentive guy when it came to things like that, it was one of many reasons Samuel viewed him as a father figure, "so, it's really nice that you have invited us, but it's not every day it's just the four of us coming over," as Oliver brought it up Susan nodded along, a curious look on her face.

This was the perfect moment to tell them, Samuel glanced over to Roman with a smile and a nod but didn't wait for him to speak, instead deciding to just tell them all already because he was so very excited and he couldn't wait for them to be excited too and for Harper to be able to talk about it in his cute toddler gibberish again, "well, we do have some news to share with you," Samuel started, a big smile on his face, "a couple of months ago we decided everything was going really well with Harper, and they still are going fantastically well, and he's getting older so we are starting to get a little more time on our hands... but I, well I guess we won't have for much more time because we're adopting again. We found this really nice couple who are giving the kid they're having up." And then he took a deep breath and added the additional very fun announcement, "and it's twins,"
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Samuel made the announcement and there were a few moments of silence as the news sunk in to their parents. Roman watched his mother and father, who both looked very surprised, and for a moment he managed to get worried enough to think that they weren't happy. But of course that was absolutely ridiculous, because both of them broke out in huge smiles at the same time, and Roman knew in that moment that his parents were nothing more than elated for him and his husband.

"Twins?" Ingrid repeated, her tone joyous, and Roman nodded. "Oh my God, Roman, that's amazing!"

"Thanks, Mum," Roman said with a big smile. He squeezed his husband's hand under the table, delighted that his own parents had responded to the news so well.

"Do you know the genders yet?" Stellan asked.

"Nah, they're too little, but I'm hoping for girl-boy twins." Roman firmly believed that that was the best pairing, but he was biased. "We're expecting them in February."

Roman then looked to the other side of the table, to Ollie and Susan, who had yet to say anything, but Roman was sure that they were just as happy.
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Susan was staring at her son and his husband in shocked silence, Ollie was smiling, but wasn't saying anything, clearly allowing Susan to go first with her reaction, which seemed to be taking a while. But soon enough her face broke out into a smile just like Stellan and Ingrid's faces had.

"That really is amazing," she said, her voice emotional but happy, Samuel hot Roman and then her an excited smile. Susan turned to Oliver for a moment, "Did you hear that, three grandchildren?"

"I heard," Ollie chuckled, "and I'm really happy for you two, you're both great parents and it's good that Harper won't be an only child"

"you don't think two more children might become stressful?" Susan inquired suddenly, "You know you get stressed out about things easily, Samuel," That was the thing with Samuel's mother, if there was someone to point out something slightly negative it was probably her, just like how she had mentioned his dad when they announced Harper. But her intentions were never bad, and especially this time Samuel didn't care too much, she was clearly just concerned about his well-being.

"Mum, we'll be fine and we're two people, you know,"
Samuel insisted, stubbornly but not angrily, "And we wouldn't have even looked into adopting another kid if we didn't feel we were ready, even if it's twins, no one ever really expect twins anyways,"

"Yeah, yeah, okay, I know, I'm sorry, Just know that Ollie and I will babysit anytime," Susan added with a small laugh, which made it clear that she really was supportive. His mother wasn't perfect, but no one was and Samuel loved her immensely, "I'm really happy for you two though, and soon you'll have the house full of cute little children, oh, what's the birthparents like? Are they nice, what do they look like?"

These weren't the kind of question normal expecting parents would get, but they were still valid none the less, with knowing Blake they could kind of assume what the child would look like, but not this time, "Emina and Kaleb are super nice, but they are too young to be parents and want to focus on studying, that's why they are giving them up," Samuel explained and then continued, a little too excitedly, "Kaleb's hair is a lot like mine," he caught himself and calmed down a little, "And they both have blue eyes, yeah?" Samuel looked at his husband to confirm this, because he was more attentive to details than him.
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Susan and Oliver were happy and everything was perfect. Sure, Susan made a slightly negative comment, but her intentions were pure and Roman didn't let the mother's worry dampen his own happiness. And besides, all she had done was raise a valid concern, unlike last time when she had brought Samuel's father up for no reason. Susan wasn't perfect, but Roman loved her regardless.

"Yeah, they both have blue eyes and thick brown hair, so those genes are almost guaranteed," Roman nodded. "Kaleb's got a kind of square jaw, where Emina's is quite pointy but still super strong. Emina's Balkan, and she's got a really strong, prominent facial structure so hopefully that will come through with the kids." Roman had been thinking a lot about what his and Samuel's children were going to look like. If he were to have his own kids the only trait he would care about passing down was his eyes, but Allison had those, so he didn't really mind that his own children likely wouldn't look much like him.

Roman looked up at his parents. "So, do you have any pro-tips on how to raise twins?" he asked.

"Well ... we can't say that we had the most normal experience with you two," Ingrid said, and Roman frowned, but he realised what she meant before she said it. "We were pretty out of our depth with your haemophilia, which meant that we spent a lot of time with you, but not as much with London."

"So all we can say is that if either of the twins have any sort of ailments, or anything that requires a bit more attention, just make sure that you compensate with the other, because that's something we regret with our own parenting when it came to you and London."

Roman nodded, but he was still frowning, and quite honestly, he felt incredibly guilty. He had ever thought about how his haemophilia impacted how London was raised. He had always been more worried about how their looks and talents and everything else compared. But now, he felt terrible, because if London felt like she had been neglected as a child, it was his fault.
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It was really easy for Samuel to pick up on when his husband felt bad about something. He felt guilty, that was easy to deduce, but Samuel didn't think he should be. He was a little sad to hear London might have gotten slightly neglected as a child, but it wasn't as if Roman decided to have his illness, or had a say in how he was raised.

Still he felt bad so Samuel squeezed his hand and leaned in to press a soft kiss on his cheek.He didn't want to say anything that would imply that Stellan and Ingrid had done a bad job in raising London and Roman. They really hadn't. Roman was a very special case with his severe haemophilia and Samuel was certain they had done their best at the time, even if they wished they had done things differently in hindsight.

"Yeah, we'll try our best to give them equal attention," Samuel assured them, but also Roman, "and I mean Harper isn't that much older, so it's not just going to be about the twins, so if one of them needs extra attention we're still going to make sure everyone is happy,"

Then he turned more towards Roman and added, "maybe we'll ask London for advice too,"
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Roman nodded, agreeing to ask London because then they'd know what to avoid. Roman might not have been able to affect how he and his sister had been raised, but he and Samuel had full control on how they raised their own twins. So, even if one of them needed a little extra attention, Roman was going to make sure that the other felt just as loved and cared for. It would be hard, he knew that, but he and his husband would make it work.

Ingrid turned to Harper and gave him a big smile. "Are you excited to have some little playmates?" she asked the little boy delightfully.

Harper gurgled, and nodded profusely. "Sib-wing."

Harper's cuteness was more than enough to cheer Roman up.

"I just realised that we'll actually have to buy car seats and cribs and stuff, instead of just mooching off London and Evan's hand-me-downs," he said to Samuel as a joke.
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"Oh yeah, I didn't really think about that," Samuel said, "We really should set aside some time to think about what we need to get and what we already have."

They did have some things already, like a lot of bottles and things like that Harper wasn't using much anymore, a whole bunch of Sippy cups that the kids could share, the same with toys that weren't personal to Harper, like building blocks and things like that, but they would still need to get a lot of things.

"And the twins going to have to share a bedroom, at least for the first couple of years," They could clean out their joint office/studio as well and get another room if they really needed it, but as the kids got older it would also be important to have that office space to do work and pay bills. Samuel knew they'd probably have to move eventually, but he'd rather live where they did for as long as possible, the neighbourhood was nice and he was comfortable in the house, and it wasn't certain that they'd find as good of a place.

"would that be okay? That one of them have their own room but the other's have to share,"
he asked is in-laws, because they had experience with parenting siblings, "if it's just when they're young I mean,"
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"Of course, that's perfectly fine," Ingrid assured Samuel with a nod. "Roman and London shared a room until they were ten."

"That is true," Roman laughed. "But, like, only because Brooklyn had the other big room and neither of us wanted to move into the spare rooms, so we waited until he moved out."

"Roman, that is not true," Stellan laughed. "You were scared of sleeping by yourself."

"Hey, in my defence, our room was really scary and we had that spider's nest that made it so we were scared of sleeping alone."

"We? I'm pretty sure London got sick of you."

Roman made a face and sunk down in his chair, pretending to have been shot. "My name is being tarnished, Samuel, defend me."
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"I'm sure Roman wasn't scared of the spiders at all and just wanted to spend more time with London, that's all," Samuel defended Roman dutifully. Which apparently caused his own mother to let out a laugh.

"Oh you're just defending him because you were the same," she said, "if you could have chosen you would have slept in our bed until you were eleven if you could have chosen, we drew the line at seven,"

"Mum!" Samuel complained about his mum telling the truth.

"The way we got Samuel to sleep alone was getting him a dog," Susan laughed, almost a little mischievously, "So technically you never learnt to sleep alone without being scared,"

"Mum come on, I could sleep without daisy without beings scared," Samuel insisted, face a little flushed, mostly because she was embarrassing him in front of his parent-in-laws, but Stellan and Ingrid were the sweetest people so it wasn't like it really mattered, "I just wanted her in my bed because she was cosy and cute, you're not being fair, Roman defend me instead please,"
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"I'm sure that Samuel only needed to sleep with Daisy because she was warm and soft and totally not because he's a scaredy-cat," Roman said firmly, nodding his head. His parents laughed at their son's silly words.

"Anyway, hopefully there will be no spider nests in the twins' room that will force them to sleep together until they're in their preteens," Stellan commented.

"Believe me, if there's a spider nest we're burning the damn house down."

The rest of the lunch passed without incident. They discussed with their parents more advice on how to raise the new children, and just generally caught up with one another's lives in a way that they usually could not do, because they lived so far apart. After a few more hours, Roman closed the door behind the last of their guests, leaving him alone with his husband and child.

His little family, that would soon be expanding to almost double its size. That night, he kissed his son goodnight and fell asleep in his husband's arms, and he was truly and completely happy, knowing that the twins were on their way.