Sailor Moon Re-unit [IC]

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An American? She should have figured as much. There was nothing about this man that showed he was native to this area. Not even remotely. Still arrogant though. Still super annoying. Still the derisive comments border-lined mean. Should she have been that way? He was only a stranger to her. Her thought chain was broken when she felt something hit her foot. Then a finger tapping her shoulder. "Excuse me miss? I seem to have dropped my book, it skidded all the way under her table. Can you get it for me." Her pulse quickened, color draining from her face. Reaching down with a shaking hand she grabbed the book and handed it back to her. "Thank you so much! You must be the new girl. Is it true that you actually went to school today?" She giggled. The words caught in Kurai's throat. "I, uh." The color in her cheeks must have been obvious by then. The sound of another girl across the room seemed to distract the girl talking to Kurai. "Uh, well it was nice meeting you. Hope to see you at school on Monday." She cast a wink in Cole's direction then headed toward her friend.

"So America? " She grabbed another napkin and began to fold. This time she was making a flower. "There's no place like home." Her heart rate started to return to normal. The thought struck her. Why did her shyness melt away with Cole? Besides the fact that he was irritating beyond belief. Her blood roiled just sitting her with him. She kinda thought he was hot though, almost charming in his rude way. No he wasn't. She put on her best impression of a moue and looked at him. "Is there someone else you can have a fatuous conversation with? Because I can practically feel my brain cells taking dive bombs every time you open your mouth." Yeah dive bombs because she was captivated by him. But she wouldn't dare tell her that. She wouldn't give into his "I'm-a-gift-to-all-women-and-men" attitude he had.
Rin-Shinjiro~ChibiMoon, Pink

Rin blinked when she heard the other male speak about calling someone. Normally she was by herself but at the same time she had to admit that having the blonde hair male around was a good thing at this moment, because she was clueless on what to do. Though just like that he seemed to be better. That was odd? She never seen that before either and it caught her a bit off guard as she raised her eye brow to male as he spoke. It was clear to her that the Takehiko had no idea who the male was and she did not either, though at the sudden change in tone and calling of her cute she puffed out her cheeks and shook her head.

"I am not cute! You don't call boys you clearly don't know cute! Weirdo!" She said sticking her tongue out. Though when she saw Takehiko leave she felt her lips turn into a frown. This was not good after all she was sure that this was moon! Though it was weird that moon of all people was a male. Should they not all be woman? She looked to Luna the black cat gave a small nod and she began to rush after the blonde male.

"WAIT! TAKEHIKO!" she rushed up, taking his hand and smiling softly. "Can I come with you?" She asked giving a puppy dog look to the male. "After all, you seem fun!" She gave another cute grin and then held onto his fingers, Luna keeping pace.
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Hearing that he owned a diner around the area, it was surprising to her. He didn't seem like type who would own a diner, but maybe be famous for his looks, although she didn't know a lot about the modern media. In some ways, others would say she had been locked up her entire life, but it was more due to the fact that her family didn't believe in getting wrapped up in modern media which is why barely anyone knows about their family or that she even exists.

"That is really interesting, I hope that I can see it one day." She said smiling at him. Although she travels around the city several times, but only enjoyed the comfort of cafes, restaurants and local libraries that didn't have many people. Picking off pieces of her muffin to eat, she looked around the store to see more people coming in. "Do you come here often?" She asked curious.

Cole looked up when one of his classmates approached their table, having dropped her notebook by Kurai's foot. She was cute but it wouldn't be good for him to flirt with one girl right in front of one he was already flirting with. So he kept his mouth shut, eyebrows raising when he noticed the slight shakiness to Kurai's hand. Was she nervous? Maybe she was into girls... That would explain why she was giving him the cold shoulder. Cole couldn't imagine any other reason for her not to like him.
His theory was somewhat disproved though, when the girl began to giggle about Kurai trying to attend school on their off day.
"You seriously went to school today?"
He snickered, wishing he had been there to see the look on her face when she realized school was out for the day. It wasn't totally her fault though. She was new after all, it was likely no one told her they had this particular Saturday off. Still he couldn't help but to laugh at the situation. He returned the cute girl's wink, making a note to seek her out at school on Monday. But for now his attention was on Kurai who he noticed had gotten flustered by the situation.
But it seemed he had overstayed his welcome. Despite her cute facial expression, even Cole could see she had grown tired of him. Not wanting to mess things up before they even started, Cole rose up from his seat and prepared to leave. "No idea what fatuous means, but I can take a hint babe. Guess I'll see you Monday." He would have liked to spend a bit more time getting to know the haughty redhead but Cole could be patient. He took a few steps before turning abruptly, facing Kurai once more.
"For what it's worth, you're even prettier when you blush." His lips quirked in a smile, sure she would find his compliment pleasing. He didn't stick around for a response though, making his way out of the shop and heading towards the arcade. It was only when he was nearly there that he realized he'd forgotten all about his donuts. He could get some arcade snacks but there were pretty expensive. "Damnit." He grumbled, reaching down to pat his rumbling stomach as he walked.
As he rounded the corner, the incessant yowling of a cat caught his attention. Some blonde kid had the cat hauled over his shoulder and the little white bundle was obviously not happy about it.
"I don't know dude, I don't think he likes you very much." Cole laughed, moving past the strange pair.

ooc: ahhh so corny !
Yosuke chuckled, starting to rise. "I call it like I see it. You're both cute, so I called you cute. Meant no offense, it's a compliment." He brushed himself off a bit, his head still hurting a bit. He felt a strange sense of urgency, a need to hurry, but to where? That he didn't know. Something big was going to happen, and soon, but he didn't know when or where. He looked about, his senses reaching out to try and find his goal. The mask seemed to pulse in his bag, and he hid a look of grim satisfaction. "Well, my pretty lady and handsome young man, I'm off. Got places to go." He started walking away, back down the way he'd come.

Once he felt he was out of sight, he activated his leg enhancements. Yosuke leaped straight up, landing on a rooftop with ease. He watched the two he'd just left, somehow knowing that they'd run into trouble. "And when they do..." Yosuke pulled the mask from his bag, sliding it onto his face. "... Tuxedo Mask will be there." He smiled grimly behind the mask, though none could see it, and leaped off toward the next roof, waiting there to change into his uniform.


The dark king Wragas growled from his throne. Several of his minions fell to their knees before him, trembling. "Wake the rest, you fools!" His voice was deep, booming, and full of rage. He was stuck to his throne, unable to move, but his mind possessed more than enough power to be a threat to the poor creatures before him. They scrambled to do as commanded, trying to wake the rest of the Hellghast warriors. Two had already awoken, but Wragas's army was beyond count. He looked to one of his two warriors, the arrogant creature kneeling, but showing no other respect. "Go to Earth, Yutora." His voice was still loud, but compared to his previous tone it was nearly a whisper. "Find the Heir. Kill it. Do not return until it is done, or you'll wish I never woke you."

Yutora scoffed, but bowed as he warped away. He appeared on the Earth, in a darkened, stinking tunnel. "Sending me after a single mortal? The king is losing his grip, I think." He started to climb out of the tunnel, appearing in a small alley. "Maybe I should conquer the whole planet? With the power of Earth behind me, I will be king." He gave a wicked smile, letting the aura of the Moon come to him. "A Moon-born... nearby. I'll start with that one." He smiled, his skin shifting to resemble a handsome, human man. "Time to die, you unlucky cretin."
☪ Takehiko Watanabe ☪, yellow
Once he was positive that the young man who had approached them was long gone, Takehiko gave a glance back behind him to see the strange male running off quite suddenly. "What a weird guy..." He said softly to himself. First he had fallen to the ground, holding his head and crying in pain, now he had practically leaped and sprinted it off only after calling him also the little girl beside him cute. Oh well, he wasn't all that concerned about it. It wasn't like he was going to see him ever again, right? Or at least that was what he truly believed in the moment.

As he continued on his way, finally heading towards the direction of the arcade he had been eyeing since the moment he got up, Takehiko noticed the same little girl running up after him and walking beside him. Rin seemed, for some reason, very eager to be glued to his side despite not knowing a thing about him or even who he was really. Children were a little naive, but Rin seemed like she should be a bit clever. Did he really come off "cool" or something to her? That was a weird thought, nobody had ever thought HE was cool before. Yeah, cool definitely wasn't a word that Takehiko would have used to describe himself. On the bright side, Shiro seemed to calm down on his shoulder the moment she had joined back up with him. It was odd, how the male feline was now sitting still on the base of his shoulder. Even more curious, the black cat walking by Rin's feet seemed to have her eyes directly on him. Maybe they really were siblings so they didn't want to be separated? The thought made him frown some.

"Rin... you do know it's kind of weird if I'm seen hanging out around you. There's kind of an age gap here." Glancing at Shiro, he then gave a little sigh of defeat before petting his head which earned a purr out of his adorable companion. "But I guess since Shiro seems to be attached to Luna it would be cruel for me to tear them apart... Okay, you can hang around me. But we'll have to pretend like you're basically my little sister or something. Or else it's going to look really weird."

Their conversation momentarily was put on hold when yet another man walked by with a somewhat snide remark. Instantly, Takehiko recognized just who it was by the rather bright red hair pulled back in a ponytail. "Hi Cole," he returned softly in a submissive tone under his breath. Yes, he knew all about who Cole Brenton was. For one, they both went to the same school ever since he had come to Japan from America or something. And secondly, he was extremely infamous for being a ladies man -- aka a huge flirt. Naturally, since he was pretty popular with the girls and even some of the guys, Takehiko and him were far from each other's crowds. It honestly would not surprise him if Cole either didn't recognize him or was unaware of his name.

Before anything more could be said though, Takehiko stopped in place where he had been walking and felt a sudden sickening turn in his stomach. The type that was telling him something was wrong, like something bad was about to happen. But it had never been this strong before, it was like in tenfold as he stopped and squeezed his eyes shut. "Ugh..." He then reached up to grab his own head that was now throbbing as he lost his balance and fell against the side of the building. "W-what the heck is going on...?!"
Rin-Shinjiro~ChibiMoon, Pink

Rin knew that in fact there was something odd about the older male who just seemed to leap off right after having almost collapsed in the middle of the ground, and not to mention that he seemed odd. She had to admit though, most would think she was odd if she had told them more about her. Though she just pushed the thought out of her head. After all it was not like every one was going to know? Besides she had to make sure that she was really looking at moon, and that Takehiko was in fact Sailor Moon, which wold through her off cause that meant they could be boys. Which was she was in fact not expecting at all.

She looked to him though and when he seemed to get a bit uneasy and then talk about how they where going to have to pretend to be siblings she gave a shrug. "Or you could be my baby sitter, I mean do you really think most parents just let there children wounder around?" Though she would not mind the idea of having some one to think of as an older brother, even for such a small spell. She was an only child and that was a bit hard some times. She always wanted a sibling, but she knew that was not going to happen not any time soon that was for sure.

She heard the male walk by and speak, and she frowned. Who was that guy? He seemed kind of rude to say something like that when he, himself had no idea what was going on. She muttered under her breath, something about being rude before she blinked. She felt something, in her stomach. Something big was about to happen and she knew that this would be the make it or break it moment. She glance to Luna and gave a look of worry when she saw Takehiko lean against the wall. "Nii-San! What is wrong?" She asked with a small frown.

Could he be feeling the wave of what ever this evil was too? She leaned her hand forward to touch him and make sure he in fact was okay. "What is wrong? Do you need help?"

Luna looked to Shiro on the other hand and have a nod as if telling him that it was okay to let him now. She had told Rin awhile ago she was Chibi Moon, and the cat was sure that they had just found Moon, though male he may be he really was Sailor Moon.

Hibiki Kirino

Hibiki stared at her teacher as he began speaking, her droopy eyes making her appear uninterested. However, she was actually quite engrossed in the man's story. The stories told in her household were always jokes, not life lessons. So Hibiki pondered upon her sensei's words as he began his parable on beauty. The small tale was nice enough, its lesson easy to understand, though Hibiki herself found orangutans simply terrifying. Those long gangly arms, patchy orange hair...she involuntarily shuddered just thinking about the animals. Nonetheless, Hibiki gave herself a mental note, trying to take Shirou-sensei's moral to heart.

Shirou-sensei's questions towards Tai-hua almost made Hibiki spit out the pancakes that she had started eating. Hibiki gave her teacher a quick look that ask him if he was really going to attempt this. Trying to convince Tai-hua that someone might not find him good-looking would be like trying to stop the sun from rising. It just wasn't possible. Though his manner was a bit undesirable at times, Hibiki had to admit that Tai-hua's confidence in his looks were completely understandable. To Shirou-sensei's last question directed to the two students, Hibiki simply replied, "Unintentional." Hibiki looked to Tai-hua to hear his response, awaiting a barrage of the word beauty. Hibiki lightly shook her head as she noticed the tears in the odd boy's eyes. She had seen this at school more times than one would expect, and she had given up worrying over his physical well-being whenever she saw him crying. As predictable, Tai-hua began his long-winded speech which stumbled away from what Shirou-sensei meant to portray.

Hibiki's mind began to wander as Tai-hua spoke, his constant use of the word beauty only assisting in losing her. It's not his fault though, he is Chinese after all. He probably doesn't know better words to describe what he means. Maybe I should give him some alternatives? No...that might just confuse him. Not to mention I'm not the best with vocabulary myself...or even speaking. Hibiki shrugged to herself, giving up on the idea of having a word with her fellow student on word usage. Luckily, she snapped out of her own thoughts in time to hear Tai-hua's request of her opinion on his beauty. While the black-haired youth asked the same of Shirou-sensei, Hibiki blankly stared at Tai-hua, contemplating her answer. Hmm...what should I say? His appearance is good to me. His personality can be a bit much, but I've never heard him be malicious. Though I've also never heard anyone say he was ugly...I could see him becoming pretty scary after hearing that. But... Hibiki's mind continued to question her answer.

Finally, she decided to just speak, and see what words came out. "Justice, truth, and love." Hibiki blinked a few times at her own response, until she realized why those words came out of her mouth. They were Tai-hua's Code of Beauty, the same code her club followed. It made sense for that phrase to pertain to Tai-hua, for it was what he strove for, what he based his entire existence on. At least that's what the club president stated on a regular basis. Feeling satisfied with her own answer, Hibiki waited for her teacher's response. The fact that Shirou-sensei tried to lecture Tai-hua meant he might say something that might hurt the boy. However, from her short time in his class, Hibiki noticed that her teacher was a generally nice guy and likable by most in the school. Hibiki pushed her glasses up as she continued to eye her teacher, still silently debating with herself whether or not Shirou-sensei would be kind or brutal.
Shirou almost cringed at Tai's responses - he was a nice person, but even he could be irritated by things. Still, he had gone through worse, and this particularly vain student of his was someone he saw as a challenge and a nuisance, at the same time. If there was one thing he hated, it was vanity, and people who were so self-assured, that they instantly assumed that they were the greatest being to walk the Earth. Ans Tai managed to irk him even more by his disdain towards maths. He knew not many students liked it, but that didn't make it hurt any less.

The teacher held his chin in his hands for a few seconds, pondering how he could possibly describe the boy. He wanted to try and help him snap out of his delusion, but at the same time, he couldn't handle hurting his feelings. Shirou knew he was terrible at being tactful, but he also knew he had to put in extra effort for this. Tai had to know that he couldn't keep going as he was now. The teacher looked him up and down, quickly scanning him, taking in every aspect that he could. Finally, he came to a conclusion.

"A diamond in the rough."
He spoke frankly, but gently. As was the norm with teachers as respected as him, his words seemed to carry a sense of wisdom to them when he needed them to, no matter what the content was. He opened his eyes, and looked straight into Tai's. He knew what he was about to say was probably unprofessional. He knew that, if word got out about what he was saying, he 'd probably land himself in a lot of hot water. But, he was going to try, and there was nobody that would be able to stop him.

"Now, I can't comment on your looks. As both a respectable adult and a teacher, that would be highly immoral. However, what I can say, is that a dogged pursuit of beauty is not always the best way to find true beauty. If you go around trying to please everybody, you'll end up pleasing nobody. In the end, you won't even be able to please yourself. You'll be toiling away, constantly looking for ways to better yourself to suit the world around you. You'll change to please, and you'll please a group of people. But then someone else'll criticise you, and you'll have to change for them. It goes on and on, and it doesn't stop. In the end..."

Realising he was going off on a tangent, Shirou cleared his throat. While he had been speaking, he had gained a rather strange expression to see - especially for someone who was normally so breezy.
"Well, you get the gist of it. My point is, my opinion is irrelevant. You need to find what beauty means to you, and go for that."
Eavesdropping in the conversation was almost unbearable for Millicent. She wanted to butt in and lecture them, to educate everyone on the teachings of Lloyd and Emelia, but she resisted. She was chastised plenty of times before for shoving her opinions onto others, and avoided by many when she jumped into their private conversation. Millicent lost far too many friends and destroyed plenty of opportunities just by breathing with her mouth open. But to give herself credit, she tried her best to keep her loud-mouth to herself.

But after the last person, the older male, spoke, she just couldn't. Where was their passion? Did they not want to give the narcissist a piece of their mind? Or did they know some noble aspect of his personality that Millicent had yet to discover? There was only one way to find out.

"Excuse me, raven hair!" Millicent turned on her stool to face the trio sitting at a table. Her voice was louder than she had originally planned for it be, and she filled the room with her almost-obnoxious shout. Shrugging it off, Millicent continued regardless and hopped off of her stool to begin walking to the table. "You have asked your companions to give you their opinion. I have heard and accepted them as their truthful own," Millicent glanced quickly at the woman with light blue hair and winked at her before returning her gaze to the man she first addressed, "And I have also taken the liberty to give you mine as well!" Millicent coughed lightly, as if to get the swelled up energy expelled from her throat, but found herself still speaking above standard conversational volume.

"To me, beauty is courage! Beauty inhabits all who stand up where others run! Who bites the bullet for the meek! Beauty dwells in the heart of the lion and roars down below to be heard by his kingdom!" Millicent kept her feet grounded as she raised her index towards the dark-haired teen as she stared him directly in the eyes, with her own golden ones igniting with her passion. "Are you the lion, raven-hair? Or are you the peacock admiring his reflection in the lake? For your answer truly determines my opinion of your beauty!"
Tai-hua waited and listened to the opinions he had asked for. Hibiki, who didn't say much, was able to define Tai-hua's entire being with three words.

"Justice, truth and love indeed! These are the most beautiful of ideals, and ones I try to aspire to always. The fact that others can say that means I must be succeeding!"

Shirou-sensei was slightly more flowery with his opinion, but Tai-hua appreciated his honest consideration of the question. Most people never took his question seriously, or were focused on flattering him. While he enjoyed his fair share of flattery, it was less appreciated when he was looking for a sincere response. In fact, Tai-hua was surprised that the teacher was even bothering to give him a response at all.

"An unrefined gemstone you say! High praise indeed from one such as yourself. And yet to go so far as to call your own opinion meaningless? Far from it. Our world is entirely subjective, so all opinions matter. Still, your words make sense. I thank you for your insight. I mustn't cater to the whims of the masses, but remain true to my own beliefs. Though my intention was always to beautifully forge my own path to beauty, I had always thought that would mean nothing if there was no one was to behold my beauty. Yet as long as I continue to believe in my sense of beauty, regardless of what others think or say, it shall be fine." Tai-hua accompanied that line with a distant glance to the horizon, "But as I quest for beauty, I need companions! Truly you two, by sharing your beautiful beliefs on my beauty, have you not already joined me on this quest? What a beautiful trio we shall make!"

Tai-hua hadn't expected the third person to speak up. The dark-skinned woman seemed to speak as formally as Tai-hua did himself. As he listened to her impassioned speech on her views of beauty and the beautiful he found his heart moved, and for the second time that day tears began to trickle down his face.

"Milady! You have spoken truthfully, there is indeed beauty in courage. And your own fiery spirit, your burning conviction in your beliefs is beautiful to behold! I welcome you, fellow seeker of beauty, to our most beautiful band of compatriots," Tai-hua grasped the girl's hand with both of his briefly before continuing, "I do stand for the meek, those that have beauty but are reluctant to show it, I do stand for the oppressed, those who aren't allowed by others to express their beauty, I stand proudly for the peacock! Reviled by those who misunderstand it's purpose, I shall uphold it's noble cause proudly! Why does the peacock show off it's own beauty? Because it too is searching for something more beautiful than itself, we are kindred spirits in a way. Ah, is it not the lion which oppresses and rules it's kingdom by force? While there is beauty in it's strength and lithe movements as it roams the land, it does not seek beauty, but the peacock is by contrast a noble, tragic figure. Scorned for its adornments, yet it continues to beautifully walk along its own path in search of beauty. Therefore I shall be its champion. And like the peacock I too shall display my beauty for the world to see, as I too pursue beauty!"

With that he turned to the group, bowed gracefully, and marched out of the diner into the street, where his loud shout of, "BEHOLD MY BEAUTY! BEHOLD IT AND BE ENCOURAGED TO PURSUE YOUR OWN BEAUTY!" could be easily heard by everyone inside the diner, as well as anyone in the near vicinity of it. This was followed by the utter silence of the people nearby, which in turn was followed by stifled laughter and giggles. After a few minutes of displaying his beauty to the world, Tai-hua returned to the diner and the group, sat down in his seat once more, and calmly sipped from his teacup. Turning once more to Millicent he said, "I thank you for your opinion, you have greatly helped my in my quest for beauty, comrade." Then to the group he said, "This has been a most enlightening morning, thanks to all of you. As friends, nay for we are now all much closer than that, compatriots in the search of beauty, I wish to express my gratitude to you all. Ask anything of me, and if it is within my capability of doing so I will fulfill your request." He bowed his head in sincere appreciation for everything that had been said.
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Yutora casually approached the area the aura was coming from. He was in no real hurry, as he didn't plan on doing any of the fighting himself. Fighting an insignificant speck, even a moon-born, was beneath him. He pondered as he walked how exactly to deal with the wretch. He'd summon something, that much he knew. But what? An elemental? A beast? Humanoid? Aracnoid? The possibilities were endless, and it made him feel nearly giddy with excitement.

He soon found the source, but it wasn't alone. He saw two beings, human by the looks, a young girl and a young man. Immediately, his eyes fell on the child. Yutora saw the cat between her feet, knowing that to be the adviser of the Moon Kingdom. The girl was of the Moon. So young... it almost made him feel sorry for her. Carefully, he started to trace the magic into the odd stone that formed the path. The rumbling started as his monster began to take it's form. As a precaution, though, he made the beast form on the other side of the pair, so they would be less likely to notice him. No sense revealing his presence to the other one.

The concrete turned white hot in a spot by the end of the alley, bubbling and causing the air above it to ripple with heat waves. Slowly, but fast enough to still be a threat, a creature started to form in the pool of molten rock. It climbed out, making an odd, gurgling roar as the stone cooled, forming a strangely striking woman figure. It's voice was still bubbly, as though it's insides were still melted stone. "Moon... destroy..." It started to advance, moving much faster than it should, but stopped abruptly and shrieked in pain as a black rose slammed into it's chest, vines entwining and binding the creature's limbs.

"You two, flee! I'll handle this! Go, now!" Tuxedo Mask landed in a crouch between the monstrosity and the two young people. He extended his cane, the edge gleaming as it became a blade. "Foul beast! Begone!" His voice sounded cool, calm, and slightly metallic, as his mask made it harder to recognize, but in truth, the creature filled him simultaneously with dread and rage. What was this creature? And where had it come from?
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