• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Someone should go bring Lovely to the OOC O_e
wonder what went wrong xD

i'm having fun with axel though. oooh he my baby~ xD
Lol nothing went wrong, I just need her to put her character in the sign-up so that she'll be official lol XD

You and Axel are gonna be making babies X3

i so wish. but then again, he's not real T_T
Yep, now to work on my Predator RPs >__>

*hugs you then disappears*
she left~! well have fun. Me and Axel did xD
Ok, time to start picking up the pace with STRIKER. >:3

In case anyone sees this, sign ups are opening back up.
Wanting to jump back in, schedule cleared up kinda.
Sure, just make sure your character ins't too over powered and that they pop up either: At the base or on the way to support the others.