RWBY: Grimm World

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It was then that Cordin appeared behind Amber and moved to sit across from her. As he sat down he studied her meal, which he was surprised was actually pretty big, before studying the girl himself. This was going to be the students combat class teacher, and she had shown up late. Though she hadn't shown up late on a school day, it was still slightly irritating that she showed up late nonetheless. "Amber Vulpes, i would appreciate it if you did not show up late to my school anymore... You're a teacher here now, i expect you to act like one and i will treat you like one. Remember that classes are tomorrow, and i'd rather avoid having you showing up late to your first one. I understand that it might be hard to do, going from the life of a huntress in which your constantly moving and dispatching grimm, to the life of a Combat Teacher for future hunters and huntresses, but this is not the battlefield, you cannot do what you please just because you like. These students are depending on you to teach them how to fight against both Grimm and other humans should the need arise, their future lives are at stake here... And it is your job to teach and defend these students with yours on the line..." Cordin said though he finished with a kind smile, he knew that he couldn't punish her because it was just her first day, nay, her first year as a teacher, but she has to understand the implications of what being late could involve. The students could suffer a massive morale loss if their own combat teacher doesn't show up. They would begin to think that the teacher they trust to improve their fighting skills doesn't care enough about them or their lives to show up on time to teach and help them improve.
Someone normal would have been surprised that the headmaster himself would show up, but Amber wasn't. She kept a neutral face, but kept eye contact to him while he talked. For the first moment, it looked like she didn't care, but she did. As sign of goodwill, she took the pudding she had planned to eat for dessert and pushed it to him.
"My apologies headmaster. I wanted to arrive 3 days earlier, but the first carrier from Atlas to Vale I was on was attacked by Nevermore. Before you ask: No one got hurt. The only problem was that i had to walk the rest of the way after the fight.
I will make sure that this will not repeat itself."
If Cordin made his studies about Amber, he would know that her main weapon ate up huge amounts of dust. This is why she was in at the Schnee Dust company HQ. They sold it cheaper than the local shops, and she wanted to have some savings before she had to buy local (and hence more expensive) dust. Who could have known that the one carrier she was on would be attacked by nevermore? After jumping out to get a hit on a nevermore on the carrier's blind spot, Amber walked the rest to make it in time.
"And I am well aware of the role I chose. They are the future, and it is in all of our hands which path they take, and how well they are prepared for it. If you still want me to teach them, I will give it my best."
Although Amber had a neutral expression all the time, something in her eyes was burning. It was not aura, or her semblance. She just wanted him to know that she was serious about her position.
"I am well aware of the fact that you had taken care of a nevermore on your way here, and i understand how difficult that may be, but that is not why i told you all of this. I told you all of this so you would be prepared. Since you chose to teach at my school for the year you can't resign unless a higher officer, like me, orders you to and permits it, you get thrown out which would impact your huntress career, or you die. Once you chose to teach here i had to inform you of what the implications of something simple like being late could mean. I'm not mad at you, in fact i'm glad your here. In my opinion the rest of us here are just too old to connect to the students anymore or just can't connect to them whatsoever, that and the fact that most of us try to take our job seriously, too seriously in my opinion. So, i thank you for choosing my school to attend. And don't worry, so long as you keep your promise of doing your best, no matter what happens, i will always be on your side. Please, just, do not let these students down and you won't end up on my bad side. Also, i'd just like to inform you of a new policy that has been added since you attended a combat school. On the case of seeing others being bullied, faunus or not, teachers and staff have been given permission to intervene and solve it how they think it should be solved, whether that be teaching said offender discipline or just bringing them to me. As long as they don't die anything is fine." Cordin finished his rant and at some point the pudding in front of him's contents had disappeared and he started walking off and saying one last thing "Also, i do very much like pudding, so if you could, please remember that. It would gain my favor more..."He finished his sentence by nudging Tama awake and walking off, disappearing behind the cafeteria doors like a spectre.
Amber couldn't help but to feel like the first part sounding like a scolding. She wasn't sure about the second, but still. For now, she decided to just roll with it.
"Your methods of motivating people are unusual. I am not sure what to think of that, but I will give it my best to prepare the students for their upcoming tasks."
Amber watched him again when he spoke, and when he was done, she focused on the glass where the pudding USED TO be in. "When did he eat?" thought she when she noticed its contents were gone. While Amber wondered about that, she also took a mental note of the new policy. Now that was a convenient one. While she did not enjoy violence, she knew how to make use of it on the typical problem people, and if Beacon wouldn't mind her methods, it might turn out to be a good year for her.
One of these, or at least a potential candidate, was sleeping not that far away from her. She noticed that the front door was damaged by a fist, and his hand had the perfect size. Amber was done with her meal when he woke up.
"Fix the door before you leave."
With that said, she got up and put her tablet, as well as the dishes to where they belonged.
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Windia was slightly irked at first that somebody could bump into her at a perfectly spacious hallway but when she realized that the person in question was Slate, she couldn't help but release a high pitched giggle. To be perfectly honest, she absolutely wanted Slate to be her partner. Then she could tease him 24/7 and nobody bat an eye about it. Unfortunately, she wasn't that lucky to have located him first but on the other hand, she was contented with her current partner as well.

"Oh! Slate! I missed you so much! I'm sorry I wasn't able to find you first. I would've loved to be your partner but I guess fate had other plans. In any case, could you perhaps accompany me in a late night stroll around the dorm? I want to familiarize myself in this new environment but my teammates are too exhausted to come with me in this little expedition. You wouldn't mind going with me, right?" She asked Slate sincerely while she held both of his hands.
Slate stared at the girl with a dumbfounded look on his face, as she spoke to him with so much enthusiasm. The way she was talking made it sound like he had known her for ever, even though today was the first time even seeing her. Was this even the same girl he "waved" at this morning? She seemed more excited and less calm and collected, but she was wearing just as little clothes as the girl earlier. He blushed slightly as thoughts began to creep into his mind, but was interrupted by Windia grabbing his hands.

He stumbled along his words, though he had a false confidence emanating from his voice. "Uh of course I would... accompany you" He paused then spoke up again "Where do you want to go?"
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