RWBY: Dust to Dust.

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Lila watched the others in her 'Team' hack and slash at the robot as she began to play a song on her guitar. No soundwaves or high density shockwaves came out. She then turned the knob the side of the guitar and massive pulses began to form and shoot towards the robot knocking it back every step it took rendering it immobile due to the pulses hitting it. "Alright... Lets turn it down.." She said and lowered the guitars pitch making larger waves come out and strike it in its entirety. "Don't get caught in one of those waves... It will kill you.." She said making it clear as the robot began to resonate to the noise and pitch. Parts beginning to shake off as the body of the robot began to shake as if a earthquake were beginning to come.
As Azure and Auriel dodged her waves and continued attacking Azure had gone back to range and shot off at least six arrows. One suddenly struck the center point and the robot froze once more. Everyone waited for it to move but nothing happened and Azure blinked saying, "That's weird did it shut down?" Auriel heard something that the rest of them didn't and he suddenly yelled, "Everyone get back!" Azure turned to run and seeing Auriel wasn't out of range as the robot suddenly shook she was fast to throw him back just as it exploded. Auriel went sliding back only to hear Azure scream and then there was silence. A few fires had broken out and the girls who were caught in the blast lay on opposite sides both out cold.

A couple days had passed and thanks to that screw up they had half failed and half aced the test but found out they had made it into the school. "Are you sure you're okay to go to class sis? I mean you nearly got fried extra crispy back there a couple days ago." Auriel said as he led Azure to the dorm room they had been given. "I'm fine brother these burns are nothing and besides if our so called team leader can suck it up and walk around so can I!" Azure said giggling. The two stepped into their dorm and Azure said, "It's so cute I can't wait to hang up my posters and stuff." "It's kinda small and instead of beds we opted for on floor futons with nice padding in them. The others should be here soon so hurry up and start unpacking." Auriel said.
Lila's right side of her face was bandaged up leaving her only to see out of one eye. Her right arm was bandaged up and she had a slight limp. She walked into their dorm room and just looked around. "Dont touch my purple.." She stated before going over to her bunk that had Royal Purple things covering it compared to the pink covering everything around it. "If you get pink on my purple.. you wont like me." She mumbled before sitting down on her bed slowly. She fell back onto it and sighed.
"Ick...purple sucks pink is so the way to go." Azure said as she went to work tacking up her posters and stuff on the side of the wall and Auriel sighed saying, "Least I didn't bring much other then my clothes... Not like I can enjoy books colors and what not..." "They have braille material's brother so don't act like you can't read when you're just being a stiff." Azure said giggling. She opened a box and a meow was heard as a cat hopped out. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh! Mr Bean! I thought you ran away!!" Azure squealed as she snatched up the cat. "You seriously packed our family cat Azure!" Auriel said. "It's not my fault he likes boxes he must have hopped in when I wasn't looking and I taped it up. Poor baby poor poor thing." Azure said cuddling the kitty.
Lila looked over at the cat and backed up against the wall "Keep it away from me..." She mumbled before tugging her covers up and hiding in the corner of her bed. Her hair flowing like a purple cascade around her face like a slow moving water. She just stared at the beast and mumble "Keep it away from me..." She mumbled again before laying down on the bed and sighing. Having only to see out of one eye was rather cumbersome but she was to get it off the next day. Her eye wasnt damaged but she was burned slightly on the right side of her face. She didn't want to catch anything from the cat so she decided to let it go. All of the quiet ended when Viridian fell out of the closet and onto the floor. It seemed the boy had been sleeping in there the entire time away from everyone else and had missed the entire day of school.
"Mr Bean don't like you either and you hurt him I turn you into cheese with holes in it." Azure huffed giving Lila the stink eye. "Don't you mean Swiss cheese sister..." Auriel asked. Though hearing the racket when their fourth team member fell out of the closet he said, "I am partnered up with the worst people ever. If any of you fail me this year you'll need to find yourself a replacement for me..." Auriel then opened the door and walked out leaving. "Oh wow...Viridian you just gave the term coming out of the closet a whole new meaning..." Azure said blinking.
Lila looked over as Auriel walked out and just shook her head. Viridian's entrance was definitely shocking but she wondered how he knew that he had fallen besides the obvious noise of somthing hitting the ground. Never the less she undid her covers and stood up "Yeah.. we are an interesting group.." She mumbled before picking up her weapon/Guitar once more. She pulled it out and had it expand before quietly strumming the strings. It was one of the few things that made her semi happy. "I hope you two aren't an insomniac.... I am a light sleeper."
"No need to worry about me Lila! It's Viridian I'm more worried about though..." Azure said wondering if the guy would even use his bed to begin with. The door opened and Auriel came back in with food as he said, "Azure tomorrow you need to go to class you missed a whole two days of school and thankfully it was just the basics that they were teaching us..." "I know brother no worries I"ll be up bright and early tomorrow!!" Azure said smiling.
Lila looked at the two as Azure entered once more. She just nodded slowly before snuggling up in her blankets. She calmed down after fianlly realizing the cat wasn't going to bother her. She didn't hate animals but ever since the Grimm attacked her shes been iffy about being around any kind of animals. "Yeah... we missd alot of school already.. I dont want to fall behind." She mumbled before Viridian sat up and looked at her "Don't worry about a ting... We gonna be alright." He said making Lila scowl at his intrusion into the conversation.
When morning came it was a rush to get to class and Auriel kept his attention on listening to the teacher the whole time all while following the chapter that was being covered in their book. Azure on the other hand found history be boring especially when it came down to learning about anything but combat regulations itself. The class seemed to drag on forever and when the bell rang she jumped up squealing, "Freedom!!! She was gone with a flash and an announcement came over the speakers stating they were having the class bells fixed and that was a false alarm. "I"ll go get her sir..." Auriel said as he sighed standing up. Grabbing his staff he left quietly and the door shut. Later lunch came around and Auriel had given Azure a fine ass lecture. "It's not my fault brother! They should have said that before they ran the bells!" Azure whined. "Still you wait till the teacher dismisses us not the bell!" Auriel said annoyed as they sat down at a table.
Viridian had slept the entire class through the bells and up untill Lila had woken him up. For lila waking him up was like kicking a rino in the face with a steel toe boot. It wasn't easy and it took several nudges to get him to even stirr. When he had finally woken up his quick movement which was unlike him caused Lila to puff into purple smoke and appear at the other end of the room. "DONT FREAK ME OUT YOU ASS!" She screamed making Viridian slam his head back on the desk before stumbling to his feet. They both wound up in lunch with the rest of their team and Lila just watched them all. She didn't like being in a group for long but knew she had to or risk being thrown out of the school for not following the program.
Azure whined and sulked as Auriel gave her a lecture on the class she had ditched that day and he said, "I need to go grab my notes I left them on my desk.." As soon as he left Azure clung onto Viridian whining, "Save me Vee Vee history is so torturing me!!" "Suck it up Azure you only got in this school because of your combat intelligence you lack in knowledge and in a bunch of other things though." Auriel said coming back.
Lila just watched the two go back and forth before grumbling and lowering her head into her arms. She seemed depressed but inside she was quite content with her silent life style. She find condolence in music and in the silence following it. If she ever played she would leave the moment the applause started as she didn't care for the recognition. What she cared about was the music and that was it. Viridian on the other hard had his eyes glued on the situation but wasn't even watch it all. He was only snapped out of his trance like state when Azure said somthing close to his name. "Huh... What?" He mumbled.
Azure whined, "I'm so doomed...." Auriel sighed saying, "I give up..." "On a further note look I wrote up some possible team combat strategies we can possibly work on!" Azure said dumping three thick folders on the table making it rattle loudly. "You have to take that up with our team leader Azure..." Auriel said frowning slightly. "I know that and the fact we have to deal with each other all week I know it'll be rough but even she would be dumb to say no to spending our first few weekends together to learn more how we can fight together. Aside from that test we know nothing of each others abilities. And we could have avoided getting hospitalized you know." Azure said. "You do make a good point you and Lila missed the first two days of school because you got caught up in that blast." Auriel said.
Lila looked over from where she was and half grumbled as the folders hit the table. "Is that... necessary... We can just fight each other to our strongest... Sure we may get hurt but we will learn how each of us figure everything out." She said before standing up. She walked over ot the folders and picked them up beofre handing them off to Azure "We can Spar with each other and run obstacles... Trust me.. I love to read but books and text will not make us any more cohesive than if we were run into the wall." Lila finished. Viridian just looked up and yawned "Yes... Sparring... Good." he mumbled before leaning against the wall once more.
"I suppose I guess I'm so used to planning out in writing I just did this on a habit." Azure said giggling. She then proceeded to draw a fake mustache on Viridian's face since he was out like a light. The marker was swiped by Auriel who knew she was up to no good as usual. But she had already finished and giggled slightly as she finished her lunch.
Lila nodded slowly "Yeah, I am one who is around the same type." She said before finishing her own lunch consisting of a bag of chips and a small sandwhich. The rest of the week went by rather fast. The weekend began as calm as usual before team Lava found itself standing outside in the training area. Lila hand her guitar in her hand as it extended out to create a large technological looking weapon. She raised it up and began to lean on it like a walking stick. "So... here we are." She said as Viridian leaned against her. Lila looked over at Viridian "Use your walking stick..." She said to him making him nod "Yeah.. good idea."
Azure giggled and whipped out her weapon as it morphed into sword mode. "Ohhhh brother..." She said grinning and Auriel said, "You have never beat me yet and you never will so don't even think about i-" Auriel cut off sliding back when Azure swung her sword forcing him to block her attack. "I guess an ass kicking is just what you need to know your place!" Auriel said annoyed as his staff split into dual swords and he lunged at Azure the two of them clashed weapons.
Lila leaned back and began to watch the resulting chaos. It was obvious the two were locked in a combat that neither will easily win. She herself had no defense up close and relied on her Semblance to disappear and reappearing to get out of harms way then slaughter her opponents with a horrific ranged attack.... that is how she beat the Grim. It had taken awhile but she had never gotten hurt enough for there to be trouble. It was simple enough.. but Viridian seemed to be watching intently. The boy following Auriel's every move like a cat watching a hand creep ever so closer... ready to pounce.
The second he was flung back Auriel vanished just like that and Azure grinned and was fast to jet back and get to the higher area of the training floor. Her sword morphing back into a bow she drew back the string as an arrow made from aura appeared and just waited for Auriel to appear. A flash shot by Viridian and Auriel was taking the chance to find cover. "You can run but you can't escape big brother!" Azure said shooting it off and it streaked inches past Viridian's left cheek and Auriel cursed fast to slid to a stop and forced to deflect it with one of his blades. It went streaking upward and blew out a light as it struck it and exploded.
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