✘ Royal Chamber Of Chaotic Codes ♛ [ Coding | No Posting! ]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
♛mercy ♛ stone♛
♛a king isn't made, a king is born♛
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Psychotic Alpha
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text text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.
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◆✬◆sky hawkins◆✬◆
◆a pretty face can get you anywhere◆
text text
Click Me!
Beta Bitch
text text
text text
text text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.
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✺╰☆╮✺arden vincent greyson✺╰☆╮✺
✺overcoming your fears is what makes you a champion in this thing called life✺
text text
Click Me!
The Greysons
Air Magic
text text
text text
text text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.
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king mikael wolff
uneasy lies the head that wears a crown

King Mikael Wolff

K | Mike | Mr. Wolff | Protector





Alpha/Leader Of The Wolf Pack of Willowdale

Owner of Willowdale Resort.


235 lbs.

King stays fit and not only goes to the gym. He runs, hikes, plays sports and of course practice fighting with the other wolves in his pack. He keeps a fit body and as The Alpha of his wolf pack, King has to keep in shape and he has a nice muscular build and is in the prime of his life as of now.

- Multiple tattoos all over his body.
- Face and Back Dimples
- Scars ranging from small to large on his arms, back and legs from practice fighting and real fighting throughout his life during and prior to being The Alpha.
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petra valentina veselý
when i lose my temper, honey, you can't find it any place

Petra Valentina Veselý

Queen Vampiress | The Beautiful Shifter | Femme Fatale | Black Widow

Two Hundred Seventy-Eight




Right-Hand To Coven Leader of Willowdale

Freelance Model/Entrepreneur


121 lbs.

Slim with curves in all the right places. Petra's body exudes sex appeal and she knows how to use it. Even the animals she shapeshifts into seem to have a beautiful build. It's just naturally fit and mesmerizing and the Femme Fatale Vampiress knows how to use it to get her way.

- Her striking Green-Grey eyes. They can put any man or woman in a trance (figuratively speaking).
- Has a small bleeding heart tattoo on the back of her neck.
- This usually only happens if Petra loses focus, her eyes will change to her human eye color. Which is a dead give away for anyone that knows anything about certain animals.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.

Hex Code: #A38F84
Location: Text
Family: The Greysons
Power: Air Magic
Outfit: Click Me!
Interaction(s): Text
Mentioned: Text
Tagged: Text
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.

Hex Code: #ff0000
Location: Text
Role: Psychotic Alpha
Outfit: Click Me!
Interaction(s): Text
Mentioned: Text
Tagged: Text
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.

Hex Code: #9966ff
Location: Text
Role: Beta Bitch
Outfit: Click Me!
Interaction(s): Text
Mentioned: Text
Tagged: Text
Last edited:


King Mikael Wolff

K | Mike | Mr. Wolff | Protector





Alpha/Leader Of The Wolf Pack of Willowdale

Owner of Willowdale Resort.



235 lbs.

King stays fit and not only goes to the gym. He runs, hikes, plays sports and of course practice fights with the other wolves in his pack. He keeps a fit body and as The Alpha of his wolf pack, King has to keep in shape and he has a nice muscular build.

- Multiple tattoos all over his body.
- Face and Back Dimples
- Scars ranging from small to large on his arms, back and legs from practice fighting and real fighting throughout his life during and prior to being The Alpha.


King is The Alpha of The Willowdale Wolf Pack. He tries to keep a calm and leadership like quality around the others in his pack, but he's still a young man and he has tendencies of outbursts and acting before thinking. For the most part, King is a respectable and fair leader and he has always been caring towards others since he was little. Though he is a descendant of the original Leader of Willowdale Wolves, King doesn't let that get to his head. He is a humble and rational male. His pride never plays too big of a part in his decisions for his pack. It takes a lot for him to lose his temper, but when he does... it's like nothing ever seen before. Such a nice guy, it takes a lot for him to hit that boiling point and explode. He has become a bit stricter though on the wolves, ever since the missing Tourists incident. King became less of a big brother to the wolves and more like an overbearing father. He had to keep them safe and the only way he knew how was to distant them from the vampires and keep them in check. Vampires and Werewolves use to get along but King doesn't want his pack to be taken down with or by the vampires actions.

When he isn't training the wolves and lecturing them on why they shouldn't frolic with the vampires, he's busy trying to become a better person day by day. A peaceful male, unusual for an Alpha. He's different from most other Alphas before him, which could be a blessing or a curse. Only time will tell...

Cooking | Food | Traveling | Training | Nighttime | Running Free | Soul Music | Meditating | Drawing | Poetry | Romance | Jokes | Entertainment | Alcohol

Vampires (Now) | Senseless Violence | Uncontrolled Transformation | Hunters (Always Will) | Bad Cooking | Death | Cigars

Hand-To-Hand Combat | Leadership | Tracking | High Endurance | High Agility | Fast Reflexes | Camouflage | Medicine

- King fears that he won't live up this his ancestor's name and fail his entire pack.

- Not leaving a strong and powerful legacy behind when his time is up.

- Being the reason his pack dies.

- When deep in thought, King bites his bottom lip and scratches behind his right ear. It's kind of adorable.

- If frustrated or upset, he will tap his right foot constantly. It's almost like a form of torture. Getting louder and louder.

King grew up in a semi peaceful time. As when he was born, the vampires and werewolves were at least on good enough terms. Being the descendant of Felix Wolff, he was seen as almost royalty in the Willowdale Wolf Pack. It was a no brainer that he would eventually be the Alpha, even if it wasn't guaranteed. King's father was the former Alpha and he was next in line. A little prince of the wolf pack, given the name King as his father new he'd be one soon. The young male grew up learning about his heritage of what great man he came from. He was always a caring little boy. When anyone in his pack needed help, no matter if his little arms and legs couldn't handle it, he would try his best.

As he grew up, King trained as hard or even harder than the rest in his pack. He had a lot to prove and his father and mother both never let him get away with slacking off because he was the son of The Alpha. If anything, they pushed him harder than the rest. Day and night he have to train and learn how to fight off a vampire and a hunter if it ever came down to it. The male was trained to be a protector and leader from day one.

He was always an adventurous type and one day while running free in the woods, he had spotted a young boy near the edge of the woods. The other male was maybe four or so years younger than him at the time. Just barely eighteen, King knew that the boy (later found out was Quincy Davis a.k.a. Quin) was like him. Hearing voices getting closer, voices that were definitely not friendly ones; King had only one option and that option was to pick up the passed out male and run as fast he could from the voices. This wasn't an unusual thing for him to do. Most people in the pack have seen him bring back fallen and wounded animals all the time. This time though, King had brought back a young werewolf. He hadn't known if the other was part of some pack trying to take over their land or if the boy wasn't just a decoy. He didn't care either way. He took care of Quin and nursed the male back to health, becoming close friends and years down the line became more than just friends. Though things didn't work out once King became Alpha his father made him end things with Quin, as distractions weren't good for a newly appointed Alpha.

Everything was going well for the young Alpha, until the Tourists went missing and the lines were drawn. Vampires were now on the list of enemies in King's eyes.

Flash forward to present day and tensions are just as bad, if not worst. With vampires on one side and hunters on the other, King has to be the best Alpha he can be and nothing can distract him from making sure his pack makes it out the inevitable war on the horizon in one piece.

Werewolf Form


Goes swimming in the lake nearby every morning as a peaceful way to escape his reality.

Still has strong feelings for Quin but can't tell the male about them, fearing his feelings will just make everything worst for not only him and Quin, but the entire pack as a all.

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Petra Valentina Veselý

Queen Vampiress | The Beautiful Shifter | Femme Fatale | Black Widow

Two Hundred Seventy-Eight




Right-Hand To Coven Leader of Willowdale Vampires

Freelance Model/Entrepreneur



121 lbs.

Slim with curves in all the right places. Petra's body exudes sex appeal and she knows how to use it. Even the animals she shapeshifts into seem to have a beautiful build. It's just naturally fit and mesmerizing and the Femme Fatale Vampiress knows how to use it to get her way.

- Her striking Green-Grey eyes. They can put any man or woman in a trance (figuratively speaking).
- Has a small bleeding heart tattoo on the back of her neck.
- This usually only happens if Petra loses focus, her eyes will change to her human eye color. Which is a dead give away for anyone that knows anything about certain animals.


Petra is the type of woman that just exudes lust and trouble. Most men can't stay in her presence for long without thinking about the dirty things they'd want to do with her. And she knows how to play that to her advantage. She is a manipulative Femme Fatale and goes for and who she wants. Without thinking before acting, Petra has been known to do reckless things and not worry about the consequences until later down the line, when it's almost to far to be fixed. Even though she is just the Right-Hand to her Coven Leader, most would say Petra holds a former grasp of leadership. She doesn't bat an eyelash at anything Xavier's tells her and she has been known to go against his wishes and do as she pleases. A super independent and vindictive woman. Petra plays her cards just right, which is why she has become the Right-Hand at such a short time. She knows that are other vampires that probably deserve her spot more than her; she doesn't give a shit though. A fierce woman who knows that she wants in life. Her determination it what really makes her great for her position. As she well in the end fight for her Coven to last, though selfish reasons push her to it. Nonetheless, it's best to have her on your side than go against her. No one wants a woman that can turn into a giant beast and rip your throat out at any moment as an enemy.

Violence | Seduction | Blood | Shapeshifting | Trickery | Espionage | Poison | Knowing Others Fears | Hyper Femininity | Tight Outfits | Shades of Pink | Make Up | Traveling | Heels | Knives | Campfires | Muscles

Werewolves (Dawn of Time) | Hunters | Ugly People | Losing | Being Outsmarted | Sunlight (Irritating) | Prettier Girls | Boring Days | Being Called Psychotic

Shapeshifting: Her special talent that makes her better than the rest (or at least in her mind it does), Petra has the ability to shift her entire body and being into any non-humanoid animal known to man. From small animals (ants, snails, worms), to huge and frightening animals (bears, sharks, lions). She uses this any chance she can, as the more she taps into her gift the better control over it she will have. Being able to turn into an animal for any situation. If she needs to get away fast, she'll shift into a bird and fly away. If she finds herself in the middle of the ocean, she'll be a fish in mere seconds.

Animal Parts - Petra has discovered that animals that she has learned to tap into easier than the rest, she can shift certain parts of her body into said animal parts, without turning completely. Like just growing bat wings to fit her real body physique, without turning into a complete bat. Bat wings has been her only known animal part she can use without turning completely into a bat; it might just be a natural addition as she is a vampire.

Weaknesses - Petra has to keep focus on her animal form, if she loses concentration for any reason... the animals natural eye color or skin, fur, scale patterned will change and reveal that she isn't said animal. Either the animal's eyes will turn her striking green-grey ones and the animals skin, fur or scale patterned will turn into a blush pink color. Imagine seeing a pink bear in front of you. Yeah that's out of the ordinary. So if she is on an espionage mission, it's priority that she doesn't lose focus.

- Petra will have whatever animal she is, their natural weaknesses. So if she's a fish, she'd need to stay in water at all times.

- Staying too long in one animal form could start to mess with her mind and she'll become feral for a few hours. It's usually broken after a day or two. Mostly funny to see Petra barking like a damn dog for a day.

Espionage | Assassination | Melee Combat | Knife Throwing | Seduction | Leadership | Speed


- When Petra has a devilish plan for revenge or trickery, her eyes glow a menacing bright green. It's horrifying and mesmerizing at the same time.

- Flips her hair an ungodly amount of times everyday.

There isn't much to be said about Petra's life before joining the Coven years ago. A young girl born in a small village century ago. She has always been a nightmare, even to her parents. Petra was nicknamed "Banshee" when she was little because the villagers could swear when she cried, men would fall to their needs and die right there. It was just haunting how strong of a cry the little girl had. Petra's power of shapeshifting didn't show itself until she had hit puberty one night and had shifted into a bat and wanted to be free from her dreadful village life. She hadn't told her parents, though they were glad their little nightmare had gone in the dead of night. Petra would travel the world for a few more centuries, making a name for herself. An infamous monster all over the world. Traveling and giving people the fear of their lives. Some say Petra is the reason why their are soo many urban legends about the creatures of the night. Who truly knows what Petra was doing before finding her way to Willowdale and staking her claim as the Right-Hand to The present Coven Leader.

Petra is a mysterious self-proclaimed Vampire Queen. That's just the way she likes it. Knowing everything about everyone, while no one knows anything about her.

- Petra does modeling, since she knows she is the most beautiful creature to ever exist and wants everyone to know it. Has made a name for herself in the modeling world as well.

- Wants to start her own "Eternal Youth" skincare company one day.
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  • Dr. Lespiaux
  • Details
    Dr. Castile Lespiaux

    Between 20-500 (Unknown)


    Voodoo Practitioner

    Voodoo Doctor/Con-Man
    A written description of your character's appearance. Don't forget to mention any sorts of body modifications or magical transformations. Feel free to link additional images here.
  • Personality
    Your character's general personality. I'd suggest three to five broad traits so that you don't accidentally write yourself into a hole and then wonder ten pages later why the profile doesn't match the character at all.
    Your character's history. It's fine if they don't have much of one - some characters come with a lot of baggage and some don't.
    A secret or two or ten that your character is keeping (besides the whole masquerade bit). It could be a goal they're embarrassed about, something they regret, or maybe a sinister plot... or maybe it's something really silly they feel irrationally guilty over.
  • Mundane skills
    Use bullet points if you want. Talk about some non-magical skills your character has, like lockpicking, carpentry, or knocking back a dozen shots before puking.
    Magical abilities
    Same as above, but this section is all about magical abilities and skills. List out a couple of spells your wizard knows, or the finer points of your lycan transformation.
    Failures and flaws
    List the shit your character sucks at, because flaws are important and in the absence of a stat system we need an alternative method to humiliate each other. This is also a good section for covering important weaknesses like, I don't know, turning to stone at sunrise or your legs turning into a fish tail when you take a bath.
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The Greysons
Air Magic

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.
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Psychotic Alpha
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Beta Bitch
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Spectre of the Fade

♛king wolff♛
uneasy lies the head that wears a crown

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Willowdale Alpha
Willowdale Wolf Pack
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.
Last edited:

❣ petra veselý ❣
when i lose my temper, honey, you can't find it any place

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Right-Hand to Willowdale Vampire Coven Leader
Willowdale Vampire Coven
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.
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Devyn Rhodes CS (Magnificent Roleplay)

✖-✖devyn rhodes✖-✖
i'm not a hero or a villain, i'm just fighting for those who can't fight for themselves

✘ introduction ✘

ID: Full-Blooded Warlock
[ Dad is a Warlock and Mom is a Witch ]

Name: Devyn Stephan Rhodes
[ Nicknamed - Dee, Dev, Captain, Snake Eyez ]

Age: Twenty-Seven
[ April 17th - Aries ]

Gender: Male
[ Cisgender ]

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
[ Female Preference ]

Personality: Determined - Charismatic - Leader - Empathetic - Idealist - Brave - Independent - Steadfast
[ When Devyn says he'll do something, he means it. Whatever comes out of his mouth is the truth. He doesn't hold back his tongue for anyone. This man has been through a lot in his life and he has learned that liars and backstabbers end up getting what they deserve in the end. He doesn't hide his true nature from anyone. That's what makes him such a great leader. When you see Devyn, that's what you get. A strong, independent and loyal man that expects the same loyalty back that he gives. He fights for what he believes is right and his charismatic ways is what would make his fellow protesters follow him to the edge of the Earth if they had to. Mr. Rhodes grew up well and educated and he's more intelligent then some would give him credit for. Don't let his rough exterior fool you. There's a huge brain inside of that beautiful and sometimes hard head of his. There are times when he can get tunnel vision and set his mind to one object and forget about everything else. For the most part however, Devyn always puts other people before himself. Which is a good and bad thing; even the most selfless of people should take care of themselves once in a while. This man is a bright light in a dark world and just like that light... some people want to extinguish him and his cause. He won't let it happen though. Determined as hell to see his people back at their rightful standing in the world, even if it causes his own death in the end. ]
✘ appearance ✘

Hairstyle/Color: Devyn has beautiful, blonde-brown dreads.
[ Loves his dreads and would never cut them, EVER! ]

Eye Color: Grey-Green
[ His nickname, Snake Eyez comes from the green of his eyes looking like venom, especially when he's pissed off. They glow a neon sick green whenever he uses any form of magic. ]

[ His height comes from his dad's side of the family. Everyone is over six foot, even the females. ]

215 lbs.
[ A little on the leaner side, but he does more cardio than muscle building. He prefers endurance over brute strength. ]

Clothing Style
Devyn has a skater meets an emo meets a rocker meets a rebel meets 90's hip hop style of clothing. Very street when it comes to his wardrobe. Consists of mostly black grey and white and the only non-achromatic color he wears is different shades of green, his favorite color.
[ one - two - three - four - five ]
✘ magical things ✘

"Diseoriante!"- A spell that causes an explosion of light to disorient and stun an opponent for a fast get away or sneak attack.
"Strikvino!" - A spell that grants Devyn a few stronger melee strikes. Increases the impact his punches do for the first three hits he makes contact with.
"Insanito!" - Causes the person under the spell to hallucinate and lose their senses for a second; only works on weak minded individuals.
"Infernio!" - Grants Devyn armor made of magical fire that can protect him and also burns whoever comes close to him. Uses as defense and offense. Last for just a few seconds and can be undone by an ice or water spell... or dumping water on him.
"Energiezio!" - A spell that amplifies Devyn's basic energy, fire and symbol magic attacks for short burst effects.
"Symbolina!" - A spell that has to be activated before every rune or symbol Devyn uses for their effects to work.

Magical Specialties
Energy Magic - Fire Magic - Ink/Symbol Magic

Familiar Species: Phoenix

Familiar Info: Max Rachlin [ Fun, Spirited and Loyal ]
✘ interview ✘

What is your family like? What are their names? How many siblings do you have?
"I come from a great family. Not too bad. It was mostly normal. You know? Regular dad and regular mom. Except with magical powers. I am an only child so there's that. Might explain why I acted out a lot, even though I had everything I wanted as a kid. Except a brother or a sister. I grew resentful of my parents but it wasn't their fault, they couldn't just have another kid to make me happy. I get it. Anyway my dad's name is Dean Rhodes; he's a Warlock Doctor, which is where I get my medical knowledge from. My mom's name is Tamela Rhodes; she's a stay at home witch/mom. I visit my parents whenever I can get the chance. We've gotten over our differences and they actually are proud of what I'm doing for people like us. When I first brought up what I was going to do three years ago, they were terrified that I would get myself killed but eventually they understood once their son puts his mind to something... there's no talking him out of it. I get it from my dad and he knows it."

How did you meet your familiar? Are they an animal or a magical creature?
"I met my familiar Max, who's a Phoenix by the way, at a time where I could have died. Let me explain. Three years ago around the same time I was starting up my protest against RMC, I was learning more about my magic and instead of going to my parents for advice, I decided to try out some new spells on my own. Big mistake. Long story short, I almost caught on fire from a spell that I did the ritual wrong for. Luckily Max had been watching my power levels increase and he came at the right time to save me from turning to ashes. From that day on, me and Max created a magical bond and a real bond. That's my right-hand and I would die for him, just like I know he would die for me."

How do you feel about trivies?
"My parents raised me around Trivies and some of my good friends are trivies, so I feel like they deserve way better lives than what they have. These "Magicians" have made everyone who's not one of them live's a living hell and I am going to stop them for good. You can't just treat people like trash and expect them to just accept it. No way motherfucker. RMC got another thing coming... they better watch out for Devyn Rhodes."

Where do you live and what do you live in?
"I live in the deeper area of the woods in a Safe Home for those lost, broken and afraid. Me and the original members of FMP cleaned up an abandoned school and made it our home and Headquarters. It's protected by strong magical objects and symbols placed all around the closed off forest. Only trusted members and allies can find the safe home without getting lost in the process."

What do you do for a living?
"I have several side jobs but I am an Activist, even if RMC calls what I do terrorism. I make enough money to feed myself and the other members of FMP have steady jobs or side jobs as well. FMP will always come first before a "real" career."

What is the greatest hardship you've ever faced?
"... a few months ago a close friend of mines decided that our cause was suicide mission in her eyes, so she left and not only did she leave, she joined Pro RMC city organizations. It was really hard to see someone so close to me turn and join the side that we were just fight against together not too long ago. I still have huge trust issues when it comes to new people trying to join our cause. It's unbelievable how someone so close to you can turn just at the drop of a hat."

What has been your happiest moment?
"My happiest moment... don't let him know but when Layland joined FMP. Even after his tragic accident when he lost his eyesight, the boy still brings the joy that FMP needs for moral when things don't always go the way we planned. But NEVER let him know I told you this, he'll never let it go. I swear he won't."

What are your pet peeves?
"... liars, cheaters, snakes and backstabbers."

What do you fear?
'I fear that if I don't accomplish getting rid of the Death Penalty and RMC all together, my people won't ever fight again. I know a lot of them see FMP as their last hope, so I have a lot riding on my shoulders. A lot of pressure but I can handle it... I hope."
Ancients came from the Eastern Hemisphere and Magicians came from the Western Hemisphere~
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Reginald Astaire CS (Magnificent Roleplay)

one can never be too polite for their own good


Name: Reginald "Reggie" Astaire

Gender: Male

Species: Wil' O Wisp

Natural Form:
Personality: Reginald comes from the Grand UK, England to be precise. He has learned most of his demeanor and approach to situations from living out their before becoming a Familiar. The other Wil' O Wisps brought him up and taught him things he needed to know and he learned to show respect to all, no matter how rude and barbaric they might be. He is painfully polite and it's rare to see him lose his cool and become a raging psycho. Reginald is kind and caring and always has a helping hand for a friend, stranger or anything in-between. He doesn't bat an eye at someone before getting to know them. Judging before knowing is a taboo in his book. He has been around magic folk way before becoming a Familiar and he has learned how most act. Reginald is a perfect companion to any Master lucky to make a Bond with him. He's always there and if asked politely, will do as he's told. Obedience only comes with respect. All and all, Reginald is a good British chap and if you want a good conversation and fun company, he's your man for the job.


Hairstyle/Color: In Reginald's chosen human form, his hair is cut short and is naturally black. He keeps it nice and neat to fit his personality. A very clean-cut and to the point type of style.

Eye Color: Chocolate Brown

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 145 lbs.

Clothing Style: Reginald has a very crisp and professional style of clothing. It comes from his life in the UK and what he was accustomed to before coming to the States. He's mostly in suits, tuxedos and sweaters. Even on hot days, he's wearing professional attire. He doesn't know the meaning of casual. He does have polished style though. You can say whatever you want about his uptight demeanor, but Reginald is a class act and his clothing style shows it as well.


Do you like your master? How do they treat you?
"Oh Master Nol?! He's a great man, yes he makes fun of my British heritage for lack of a better term. I know he doesn't understand my mannerisms but that will come with time. I think we make a good pair and I wouldn't have it any other way. Though I wish he'd kindly stop asking me to drink coffee over tea. It's just not a match for my sophisticated palate."

How did you meet your master?
"Oh it was such a grand interaction. As you see, us Wil' O Wisps we only show ourselves to those curious and lost. Lost can mean more than physically. Master Nol had been working on a case that I could sense was bringing him great frustration. As I had been watching for sometime, I knew that he would need my assistance and once I showed myself and we spoke and worked together, we found that we make an excellent team. It didn't take long for us to make a Bond and that's the story. It's short and sweet but it tells you every detail you need to know."

How do you feel about trivies?
"They are interesting folk. I have never interacted with one myself but I have heard many different tales of them. I see how much they have gone through and Master Nol has spoke of them. I honestly cannot make any judgement as I have never had a full conversation or interaction with one personally"

What is the greatest hardship you've ever faced?
"As a Wil' O Wisp it's rear for the ones who haven't become Familiars to live long lives, which unfortunately was my older brother. He seemed to never find the right Master for him and eventually his time on this plane of existence had come to an end. Seeing him turn into sparks of dust was tragic and I still sometimes see him disappearing in the wind when I close my eyes. I wish he was here with me right now..."

What has been your happiest moment?
"The day Master Nol and I became a duo. I know he gets upset with my... what does he call it? Ah! My "dainty" ways. I know deep down in that giant frame of his, Master Nol adores and appreciates me."

What are your pet peeves?
"Pet Peeves, you say? Ummm... that's a hard one to answer. I understand that everyone does and acts differently. I guess if I had to pick... having no manners and being barbaric and acting like a savage animal. That is the one thing I cannot understand and will never be able to tolerate."

What do you fear?
"I fear Master Nol dying and I won't be there to protect him and get him out of a bad situation. I truly care for him and it's not for the selfish reason of if he dies so do I. I want to see him progress and live a long and fruitful life and hopefully I'm right by his side till the glorious end."

~Ancients came from the Eastern Hemisphere and Magicians came from the Western Hemisphere~
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Spectre of the Fade
Veronica Alexis Fields CS (Magnificent Roleplay)

✮veronica fields✮
✮i was born a star and i'll die a star✮

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✩ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✰ ☆ ★introduction✩ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✰ ☆ ★

Half-Magician | Half-Trivie (Doesn't know that part yet...)

Veronica Alexis Fields | Goes by Veronica only; if you call her Ve or Roni... she'll brutally curse you out.

Twenty-One | October 31st, Scorpio

Female | Cisgender

Heterosexual | EXTREMELY Strictly Dickly

Seductive - Entitled - Determined - Narcissistic - Vindictive - Judgmental - Possessive - Manipulative
If asked by anyone that knows Veronica Fields they'd tell she was born pure evil. Ms. Fields is an entitled rich brat who from the moment she could speak has always had something vicious and vile to say towards anyone and everyone, friend, family or stranger. The young woman has a lot of hate and resentment in her heart and soul. It's very apparent that she is going through something and instead of speaking about it, Veronica is keeping it bottled up and letting it rot her insides. There's some humanity left, not a lot but enough. If someone close to her can bring it out, the evil magician might be saved from the self-destruction that's bound to happen. She HAS to be the center of attention the STAR of the show! Her father never paid much attention to her and still doesn't, Veronica does outlandish things to get his attention while also the attention of others. She wants to be the name on everyone's lips and wants to go out in a glorious and amazing way, to be remembered forever and ever. When she isn't insulting people and stealing the spotlight, Veronica will play her mind games on people and manipulate them into trusting her and showing her all of their deepest and darkest secrets. She is always up to no good and it's only a matter of time before she does something that will ruin her and possibly anyone close to her.

✩ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✰ ☆ ★appearance✩ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✰ ☆ ★

Veronica's hair is chest length and naturally jet black and loosely flowy.

Veronica's eyes are dark brown, almost pitch black and some would say soulless.

5'0" | Small and Deadly

100 lbs. | She keeps track of every carb, calorie, sodium intake and makes sure she knows every ingredient in any food or drink she consumes, even at restaurants she has to know every last detail or she won't eat it.

Veronica wears mostly mini skirts, dresses, crop tops and extremely high heels. Her closet consists of black and different shades of purple. She has no other colors in there, not even white or grey. Her clothing fits her personality down to the dagger style heels of her favorite shoes. It wouldn't be a shock if she came out as an Assassin for hire, she already has several outfits for the job. A Black Widow in the making. She also loves showing skin and isn't afraid to push the boundaries where clothes meet lingerie.

✩ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✰ ☆ ★magical things✩ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✰ ☆ ★

Mind Freak - Veronica's most used spell out of her spellbook. On a weak-minded individual this spell causes them to see illusions and distrust everyone around them, even their allies/familiars. Lasts only 3-5 seconds, depends on how mentally strong the person under the spell is.
Paralyze Me Baby - As the name suggests the person under the spell is mentally paralyzed for two seconds. Unlike regular paralyzing spells, this one puts the person under a love trance. So they would have to be attracted to Veronica for this to work on them.
Flip The Script - A unique spell that uses a mix of shapeshifting and transmutation to cause a small area to change into anything Veronica desires. Being able to gain an advantage by turning the area into one she knows about and whoever she is using the spell against doesn't know about.
True Self - A powerful Illusion spell that shows the person their "true self," what they hate about themself the most is brought to reality. The True Self will attack them as a monstrosity of their own self doubts. It's only as powerful as the person believes it is. It could do no damage or a lot of damage depending on how the person the spell is used on feels about their own insecurities.
Mirror, Mirror - If you've ever been in the hall of mirrors then you'd have an idea of where this spell is going. Basically Veronica will trap the person in a fake reality where they are surrounded by mirrors and she is in one. This is more of a mind trick than anything else. The only way for them to get out of this one is to find the real Veronica and break that mirror. It's easy to find her as her real self doesn't show a reflection when you stand in front of the mirror... since she's not actually in the mirror. So stand in front of the right mirror and if you don't see your reflection, than you know it's the real her.
Razzle Dazzle - One of Veronica's more "flashy" spells. When used it causes the area around her to glow extremely bright in different colors and each color correlates with an element, meaning if you were to be in red light, you'd catch on fire and if in a blue light... you'd be drowning. It is a powerful spell that takes a lot of energy to use and it usually a spell she uses at the end. A Finisher move basically. The spell won't effect her if she's in a certain light as it recognizes her but if she has allies, it's best to stand behind her when she does this one. Easy enough to avoid as it's an illusion and like the True Self spell, is only as powerful as the person thinks it is.

Mind Magic, Illusion Magic, Glamour Magic [Shapeshifting | Transmutation]

Red Fox

Maeve | Sly, Cunning & A Bitch!

✩ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✰ ☆ ★interview✩ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✰ ☆ ★

What is your family like? What are their names? How many siblings do you have?
"Uhh, excuse me?! Have you been under a rock or something? You've never heard of the Famous Fields? Wow. Well, anyway. My dad is Belmont Fields. One of THE most famous and powerful Magicians on earth. He might not be part of RMC but he has their respect nonetheless. My mother? I don't know her and I don't care to find out! After I was born, she left us... that's all there is to be said about THAT woman. I also have an older brother and sister; Belmont Fields Jr. and Gabriela Fields. Their mother died before I was born, so we're only half-related; I guess. I'm the youngest and my daddy's favorite... what? I am! Oh and I also have an older cousin, Julian Fields. He's more of an annoyance than anything. There's a huge line of Fields out there and I could go on for days about the grand members of my family but I don't have time for that and this interview is about me anyway."

How did you meet your familiar? Are they an animal or a magical creature?
"... is that suppose to be a joke?! I haven't received my familiar yet. So I don't know how to answer this."

How do you feel about trivies?
"The same way I feel about roaches. They're disgusting and should be exterminated as soon as possible. I actually heard that there's Trivie Zoos somewhere. My daddy won't tell me if it's true or not but if they are real, I bet you he's been to one or two. He probably owns one somewhere."

Where do you live and what do you live in?
"Oh I live in The Fields' Estate. A beautiful mansion, probably the biggest one you've ever seen. I plan to get my own place soon but for now, I live in a palace as a princess should."

What do you do for a living?
"Work? Ha! I don't work. No what I do is pure art and something I love and will do forever. I am an Actress. I am a rising star, not a shooting star. I'll keep rising and I will never fall."

What is the greatest hardship you've ever faced?
"You expect me to say not having a mother, something sappy like that correct? Nope! The greatest hardship I ever face was the day my ex-best friend, Charlotte Blooms stole Miss Magic 2015 from me when we were eighteen. I don't care if she "won" fair and square. She used magic to change those numbers the judges gave me, I just know it. I will never forgive that bitch!"

What has been your happiest moment?
"When my daddy gave me an unlimited expense account and I was able to buy anything my heart desired. I still have the account and I really don't have to work for anything. Luckily I'm an amazing Actress and I can do what I love for almost free, I still want millions for my skills duh."

What are your pet peeves?
"My biggest pet peeve I would say is disrespect and ignorance. You know who my family is and you will NOT disrespect any Fields, not while I am alive and can do something about that. People try to be smart-asses and call my family entitled, snobbish and full of snakes. When you try to go against a Fields, you better have a good ass plan or prepare for a bloody battle. One thing all Fields have in common is our loyalty to one another. No matter what, we'll have one another's back and fight together till the bitter end."

What do you fear?
"Ha! Nothing!"
Secretly fears disappointing her father and her siblings. Even though Veronica puts up a facade of overly confident and self-assure, she's really just a insecure young woman trying to find herself in the world. When you're the youngest in such a powerful and famous family, you have to work twenty times harder to be noticed and not be stuck as the Kid Sister of your older and more famous brother and sister. She acts like a total bitch to hide her insecurities. Veronica has done such a good job at being a bitch 24/7 that it has become her reality.

~Ancients came from the Eastern Hemisphere and Magicians came from the Western Hemisphere~
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✖-✖devyn rhodes✖-✖
i'm not a hero or a villain, i'm just fighting for those who can't fight for themselves

Click Me!
Pure-blood Warlock
Energy Magic - Fire Magic - Ink/Symbol Magic
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.
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