Roleplaying Pet Peeves

Do you have a roleplaying pet peeve?

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I might be guilty of assuming everyone used the dark theme. I love going a little bit overboard with some of my CSs. I think tabs and imga are my current favorite things to use.
And then he said I should respect and look up to him since he was older. Okay buddy, whatever helps you sleep at night.
When it comes to mental maturity or writing skill age is really just a number.
Granted it's a nice guideline, but experiences, hobbies and simply natural skill are far better influences to such things.
mental maturity
Actually there's biological reasons for why teenagers largely have less mental maturity, such as that puberty develops the human brain during adolescence from the back to the front. The sides of your brain generally contain emotional capacity, whereas the frontal lobe is where the majority of one's logical functions are located. Ergo why giving someone a lobotomy renders them into a vegetable, and why teenagers tend to be highly emotional but struggle to identify subtle social cues. An example to any teenager reading this: Did you associate this writing with an emotional tone when you read it in your mind? Which one? Can you answer why? :ferret:

Understanding this makes it a lot easier to overcome as a teenager and understand as an adult. Teenage brains aren't done developing yet, they've got more elasticity allowing them to learn and retain skills faster than their adult counterparts. The reason this elasticity exists is explicitly because they lack the amount of "lived time" that an adult has, and thus their brains compensate by giving them the ability to rapidly assimilate new information. It's why I complemented @Tart for having the mental acuity to desire learning and improvement: She is presently in the perfect period of her life to do so.

I digress though, "lived time" is the key term. If an adult who is 25 walks into an RP without having learned from their prior experiences, they will no real "lived time" as a role player, just memories they haven't assimilated into useful information. They are only wasting their time. Tragic, really. Still, if you've ever wondered why teenagers tend to have emotional outbursts they have a hard time controlling sometimes, that's because their emotional abilities are developed, but the frontal cortex--their logic--is still a work in progress through puberty. :ferret: THIS IS USEFUL TO KNOW FOR ROLE PLAYS TOO! As a GM it helps you to address the individual needs of teenagers differently from adults and vice versa, and is useful to know when writing a character who is a teenager.

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Actually there's biological reasons for why teenagers largely have less mental maturity, such as that puberty develops the human brain during adolescence from the back to the front. The sides of your brain generally contain emotional capacity, whereas the frontal lobe is where the majority of one's logical functions are located. Ergo why giving someone a lobotomy renders them into a vegetable, and why teenagers tend to be highly emotional but struggle to identify subtle social cues.
That's mainly what I was referring to when I said "Granted it's a nice guideline".
Because generally the more time one has to grow and mature the more grown up they'll be for the reasons you've mentioned.
But I've still seen teenagers (hell even children) that are more mature than a number of adults.

That the brain does also develop and adapt in response to experiences.
May it be situational, how they were raised, specific events in their life etc which can rapidly accelerate or slow down one's growth of maturity.
@Brovo thank you, kind stranger from the interwebs. I can gladly say it hasn't happened on this site, and that's one of the reasons why I love Iwaku, but I've had rough times on other forums and such.

A 25 year old man and me got in a heated argument simply because I notified him of a moderate mistake in his reply in this group roleplay; I mean, you'd notify him too if he mispelled nearly every character's name and other words along the way. He then proceeded to tell me about how I should shut up because I'm a, and I quote, "puny little punk who thinks they're a god." And then he said I should respect and look up to him since he was older. Okay buddy, whatever helps you sleep at night.
That guy sounds like he has more than a few insecurities.
In chat based roleplaying sites with the whole virtual room thing going on, my biggest thing is going to a room that says in its description that any level of roleplaying is allowed , but when someone is new, knows what roleplaying is, and is willing to learn the art with all of its philosophy, and even asks if they may learn from a mod.... Having the reaction of the mod be an automatic Boot/Kick/tempBan. is extremely unnessicary....... I mean its fine if they are a troll or annoying you about having a date with random people like some people do that, however when there ARE people that WANT to LEARN.....teach them.....because one of the main reasons why chat roleplays are so hard to find is the lack of teaching the new generations, that and the fact they take the art too seriously and not enough of the philosophy....
Also my other one is when people are doing one liners........example of that would be-- Little Johny rides his bike to school, he then gets there, walks in and says,-- Hey pplz (also another thing if you are playing a character do not abbreviate things that do not need it....)
With roleplaying take your time to explain not only the physical character traits but the way they move what they are doing at the time and if there is no set weather or time frame try to make it a bit vague but make it as workable as possible......
Because some people Care for what roleplaying and its entire fan base in a sense .... stand for.....
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I've gotten pretty chill over the years. What used to piss me off back in the day I just shrug at now.

Some things that still irritate me:

- outrageous expectations that weren't initially stated in a search/beginning post
- 'seme/uke' stuff that seems to be supremely popular these days
- folks that take RP too seriously
- characters whose sexual identities are the most important thing about them

Lemme explain that last one. I'm talking about the character profiles that start off with something like "she's a lesbian," or "he's gay," etc. I'll put in, sometimes, what orientation my character is but I never do it for a new character. I have to RP that character, figure out what they like, and through role-play, their sexual interests are made known. Hell, I have a character that I thought was going to be straight as a line but turns out he's happier being bisexual.
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People who ask me to message them when there clearly posting my thread, really really long character sheets with bright colors and large pictures.
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People that stop replying for a few days (Guilty) and then change their mind and ask to begin anew with another idea that may or may not be different at all.
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This is more of a personal prefence but it probably works with someone. Making me go first for every single one of the rps and the asking me why I started the way we did , or planning out every single little detail.
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I normally don't rant about things but this thread makes me feel so very relaxed after getting my frustration.

Back on a site I used to be on (well currently still on because why the hell not). I had a partner who wanted me to an intro for an advanced literate roleplay we were doing together. I'm more in the beginner level at that time so I said I'll give it my best shot, I wrote six paragraphs with many details and she gives me one f*cking line. like seriously.
I normally don't rant about things but this thread makes me feel so very relaxed after getting my frustration.

Back on a site I used to be on (well currently still on because why the hell not). I had a partner who wanted me to an intro for an advanced literate roleplay we were doing together. I'm more in the beginner level at that time so I said I'll give it my best shot, I wrote six paragraphs with many details and she gives me one f*cking line. like seriously.
That drives me equally nuts.

How about when someone just repeats the same actions over and over while waiting for you to drive things forward.

Who wants to write paragraph after paragraph and then get the SAME THING!?

Something something history repeats itself.
That drives me equally nuts.

How about when someone just repeats the same actions over and over while waiting for you to drive things forward.

Who wants to write paragraph after paragraph and then get the SAME THING!?

Something something history repeats itself.
Yea. I know it's normally why I don't set my expectations really high when it comes to literate roleplays. I'm not dishing out 7 paragraphs for you to give me one line of dialogue. I just roll with it, you give me a paragraph, I give you a paragraph. and so and so forth.
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A few more, brought on by a rant I'm having with a buddy.

1. Those stupid passwords in character sheets to show that the player read the rules. Okay, I get you want to be through, but most of the time that shit is super obvious and all it would take is the applicant to glance at the other sheets and pick up on it. It also tells me the GM doesn't have confidence in their own abilities to tell if somebody read the OOC well enough based on the content of the character sheet. Also, if you do absolutely have to use one of those passwords, do not immediately tell the person who forgot it that they forgot something in their sheet because they'll go looking for it. Reject it until they figure that shit out on their own, otherwise you're defeating the entire purpose of having those passwords in the first place.

2. Having a goddamn sexuality section in a character sheet. It's unnecessary and it just tells me that you're just canvasing for who your character wants to bang right off the bat; people aren't defined by their sexualities and it shouldn't make a lick of difference if a character's straight or gay or whatever with how you play them. If you absolutely have to do romance in a roleplay, goddamn play out the scenes and interact with other characters. You shouldn't need to have a big neon sign declaring somebody's down to fuck.

3. Characters that aren't appropriate for the setting and are clearly adopted from some other game or setting. I get that you spent a lot of time (usually...) on this idea and if it didn't get a chance to be used well, I get wanting to use it again, but at least put some effort into adjusting the character to the setting and look like you give a damn about the game you're joining. This is especially bad when somebody's applying to something with a character who has the same name as the player's account and the same avatar. I don't care about that whole multiverse crap, put some effort into your sheets and make an original character.

4. Theme song sections. I don't think it offers anything insightful for the character, and most people just pick songs they like instead of one that's character appropriate. Either way, it feels really out of place and I doubt most people listening to what other people post, regardless.
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Fandom character who don't belong in the current fandom when it's not a classover, snow white being in the hunger games, a malfiecent style character in a dragon age rp, cloud strife in a glee roleplay.
Showing the offline status when your clearly online.
Constantly prying into my personal life. Sometimes one simply chooses to appear offline for reasons of privacy, and some pushy people don't understand this. :ferret:
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