Rise of the Runelords: Chapter 1

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An-Nur and Kolto could always just go on the run again. Why break an old habit if it works?

"So, the entire town thinks you're a murderer and they're mad with me for letting a crazy demon-lady and her whipping boy get away? FUCK IT, I HEAR MAGNIMAR IS NICE THIS TIME OF YEAR."
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Not a bad idea. I also hear Cheliax is pretty lax in their moral outlook.

Uuuunfortunately, An needs to hunt down and wipe out whoever is manipulating her sister. Because you don't secure an ancient, hidden fortress that houses a barghest, a transmutation chamber, an unhinged wizard from the Pathfinder Society (Lyrie), and a key to open said prison just by having freaky dreams of Lamashtu. That takes money and connections. And it's more than a lilttle suspicious that, when questioned about said benefactors, Nualia immediately refused to tell An-Nur and said in no uncertain terms that particular line of questioning would lead to a shallow grave.

At this point, I'm not so sure Nualia even really knows who/what they are.

Forget about her, Kolto. ;( Find yourself a pretty, simple wench to take to bed at night. Spies don't have happy endings.
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Malfie is happy to trick to all of you. Also, his exact words were "I want to talk to the black skinned brothers."

If you blew up Thistletop, Malfie would still be standing amongst the rubble in his intact hedged prison. And I would make a point of him saying "Meep! Meep!" after you did it.

Send Rodeh down. He got charmed by a dancing goblin for two rounds.
Always ruining my fun with your logic. >:[

Also, black-skinned brothers?

Tahl and Dhoryl are Drow?

We've been working with these guys for days, but we have no idea what they look like.


Did they post their character sheets on the site? Do we even have a picture?
Posting a profile and picture on Iwaku is too much for them to handle.

There was a time when they didn't even roll their own dice.

I also wrote their backstory for them.

They've had a terrible upbringing.

The important thing is that they're NOT TOO BLACK. They're dusky. "Safe black". They might not rob you.
Welcome to Team Swarthy, Tahl and Dorhl

We're the safe ethnic crushes.
More Arabian skin tone, hence the exotic weapons. Try finding a picture of a bald Arabian elf with a scimitar and magic. It's not easy, there all either pale skinned, drow or half naked female elves. Dam stereotypes.
Why didn't you say so? This is like my thing.

Great thing about cultures based on Islam? You have something covering your head, it's a must, so no need to search specifically for bald.



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Tegan pinterest link in 3...


I counted down in vain. 8|
You know me better than I know myself

I even picked out theme songs for everyone. The shame.
Aww didn't want a mask or head wrap, found lots of pics like that.

Never thought at looking through Pinterest tho, thanks for the links will have a look.
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