Revelations 1:1 - Angel Fall

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I had a suspicion it did. I usually use whichever is the predominant colour on my character's picture.

@~\The Talentless/~ All good now.
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Name: Sonia EverMiddor

Age: 17

Appearance: Her left iris is blue and right iris is a green color

Personality: Shy and tries to be social, When not in battle she can be a little held back, but in battle she will get the job done.

History: She was on her computer in a dark room when some Celesticite broke through the window and hit her hand. She then noticed an orb of light in her right palm and a orb of shadow in her left palm. She then could use the shadows and light from her hands.

Player Type: Wielder


Shadow and Radiant Refraction (SARR): She can use a beam of radiant light or shadow to create a mirror of energy and bounce the another beam off of it, but the radiant beam can only bounce of shadow mirrors and shadow beam can only bounce off radiant mirrors.

Chain Refraction: a second part of SARR that allows her to bounce a either type of multiple mirrors and it can bounce off any type of beam off either type of mirror. She Can't use it unless she plans the path for the beam out first or it will be wasted

Radiant beam Explain: Burns enemies on impact

Shadow beam Explain: immobilize the body part it makes contact with for 3 seconds

Weapons: She wears a pair of gloves with Celesticite placed in the palm of the right glove
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Hmm, @MelodyNeko honestly, I don't want to accept this character. First off, I can't really see what purpose Sonia's ability would actually have, so if you could explain it more that'd be great. Secondly, and this is the main point: Sonia feels very much like she's just a vessel for her ability. Her eyes are based on her ability, her name is based on her ability, and she generally feels very under-developed. At the moment, she's the kind of character that appears solely to show off their ability, and otherwise doesn't get involved in the RP at all. Also, I said somewhere further back in this thread that characters only have one piece of Celesticite to start off, but I'm not going to penalise you for that since it's not part of the actual rules or anything.
Oops sorry I was supposed to type Sonia EverMiddor and I will fix it ok
That's all good, and I like the ability too. Very creative. Now get yo' ass over to the IC and make a post!
@ResolverOshawott do you still intend to make a character?

Also, once Melody posts, I'd like to time skip to the next morning if that's OK, so please don't start and long and arduous conversations!
I'm using the same color scheme as everybody else, Orange for NPCs and Red for my own speech.
Yep, having trouble finding an image because my internet is so fucking slow good god, it took a while to even load Iwaku It pisses me off.
I know your pain (sometimes). The electrical company that was supposed to be upgrading the cable to my neighborhood never did it so the entire street has to share the same shitty cable. Fortunately, I pay the most so my traffic gets priority over theirs :D It's still horrendous on miserable evenings when everyone decides to stay in and watch netflix though.

I'd like to do the timeskip as soon as there's a natural time for me to do so, so please be wrapping up all conversations IC and prepare to jump to the next morning.
I think I'm gonna jump out of this actually.

Just scheduling issues and all.
Gotcha. Feel free to join later chapters if your schedule clears up.
Shit be goin down in Denmark now? Actually that's a point I forgot to decide where this city actually is... Let's go somewhere a little away from the normal choices. This town is a moderately sized town in Slovakia.
So what happened to that magical time skip? Kinda seems like we're all too busy with a specific panda hooded girl >.>
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Yeah... My next post, which will be sometime later today, will deal with that. I might actually have it start early or something, since all the characters are now gathered in the same place, I think.
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So apparently Oska is slightly insane. Nice!
Thought you might find that fun. Besides she quotes Shakespeare almost the time.
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Thats, what I said isn't it? The English spelling for "quotes shakespeare all the time" is "slightly insane".
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