Return of the Dragon Tamers: The Plague of Ogual

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    Return of the Dragon Tamers
    The time has come for the dragons and the humans to join forces once again...


  • Hunting the Blackshire Stags

    Narien, Illyria, Avren, Pomona

    Reverie, Xylia, Alder, Saira

  • Terria has been rescued and returned safely to the meadow. Her retrieval came at the cost of another talented tamer: Goliath, and his dragon Hezekiah. Terria slumbers in sickness of the body and the mind even as Merrik has spent more than a week at her side, healing her thrice daily, doing everything in his power to bring her back to the Order.

    The party that ventured to eastern Galidus to sort out the issues in Kibran returned with a new stranger who turned out to be the bondmate of the Valor dragoness, Andraste. Alder Grey has joined the ranks of the Order and now works to find his place.

    Shortly after the Order's reuniting in the meadow, a council was called the a vote was ordered for the army's next tactical move. With the votes in, the Order is now set on unlocking the memories of the strange man Bren and travelling to Galidus to meet with the new king, Kylvest Brohn of Trespa while simultaneously meeting with the People of Dragons elders.

    Before the Order sets off once more, they are taking time to return to their training at the meadow and heal their hearts and bodies. At current, Merrik has chosen to mix things up and brought the Order out to the north-eastern woods to hunt for Obsidian Nova's favorite game: Blackshire Stags. After a great deal of drama in Kibran regarding Merrik's decisions on leadership, he hopes that the Order will begin to sort itself out within the ranks and grow to trust each other more deeply in a time when trust among comrades is a necessity.

  • Character Hex Colors
    Aerarya is #800080
    Saira is #33cccc
    Merrik is Red
    Nova is Black with Shadow and Italic.
    Avren is Green
    Viridian is Yellow Green with Italic.
    Terria is Dark Azure
    Taega is Medium Gray with Glow and Italic.
    Requiem is Maroon
    Aleria is Dark Green.
    Agni color is #999999
    Narien is #0092b3

    Soulserenity20 ---- Merrik Tetra ----- Obsidian Nova, Nightmare Dragon
    Soulserenity20 -----Terria Tetra ----- Ataegana Kuu'iah, Lunar Dragon
    Soulserenity20 -----Avren Lebram ----- Viridian, Forest Dragon
    Rainjay -----Saira Rinien ----- Aerarya, Atmosphere Dragon
    Rainjay -----Illyria Rowena Renthir ----- Mirazh, Desert Dragon
    Firejay1 -----Narien Ki'ila ----- Angi, Arcane Dragon
    White -----Rèverie Gray ----- Celeste, Celestial Dragon
    Mowkie ----- Pomona Ayelet Muldell ----- Katla, Vanity Dragon
    Mowkie ----- Alder Balthazar Grey ----- Andraste, Valor Dragon
    Crimson77 ----- Xylia Kalei Iwalani ----- Deventh, Swamp Dragon

  • Tetra Estate - Coliseum, 8:17am

    The morning air was cool and crisp, the last signs of Winter nipping at Spring's hold on the lands. There was a deep fog rolling in over the eastern forest, blanketing the ancient trees with an eerie, chilling veil. A pair of deep green eyes scanned the surrounding landscape from a hundred feet in the air. Their owner felt no fear, no discomfort of the altitude, being as much at home in the skies as he was on the earth. While the height and the crisp morning air did not bother him, a deep concern was festering within the corners of his mind. It was not unusual for worry and concern to waft about in his thoughts, but the intensity of today's concern was unprecedented.

    There was a silence that surrounded him, cocooning him in its peaceful tendrils, broken only by the steady whoosh of powerful wings. With each heavy downbeat, the man in the sky would exhale, taking in the pristine air the ancient woods provided and letting it out in a meditative manner. His dark hair swayed gently, not by breeze, but by wing-beat. The man was concentrating on the legend that was about to begin a hundred feet below him. The man was sorting out his thoughts, organizing his concerns, perfecting his plan of action. Worrying. Concerning himself. Stressing.

    The mind is of no use when it is tangled and knotted with stress and worry.

    Merrik Tetra opened his eyes as a wave of reassurance swept into his mind, settling what had been stirred up, putting his last lingering thoughts in the right place, and shouldering the mental burden that so commonly threatened to crush him.

    "Your wisdom could not have been more welcome. But to execute concern would be unwise. Today the stories of the world will shift mid-sentence, a new chapter forcing its way into a tale of growing darkness. Today the legends of old will be reborn, history repeating itself at the hands of peril upon these lands." Though his lips did not move and no sound rang out into the air, his words found their way into the mind that commanded the wings beating powerfully at Merrik's sides.

    The man in the sky was not alone.

    A hundred feet above the Tetra Estate, a creature of myth lingered in the air, sustained by the grip of its thick wing membranes on the cool morning air. The creature was massive, larger than any common animal of the lands, and it wore a cloak of scales as black as a night sky devoid of any stars. Blood red eyes that made every onlooker feel like prey blinked slowly as they stared at the distant fog bank. It's vast wings, cloaked in the same obsidian scales that coated the beast's muscular body, wore rings, red as the most scalding lava.

    The creature was a dragon. A Nightmare Dragon, to be specific; a beast of legends and fairy tales from a time long ago, long before the memories of even the oldest human. For hundreds of years the sound of heavy wing-beats parting the air could not be heard in these lands, or any other for that matter. For hundreds of years, the great draconic race was thought to have been extinct, perished by the hands of elves or man or even time itself.

    Few would believe their eyes. But Merrik Tetra would not so much as blink at the site of such a creature, for the dragon of nightmares and terror that claimed the skies was his dragon, and Merrik was its human. They were soulmates, best friends, companions, one.

    More than 2 decades ago, when Merrik was just a little boy, he was brought down into a damp, dark cellar in the depths of his family's manor. There, he received an egg. From within that egg came a voice, though not one any other person would hear, unless it so chose to be heard. Within that egg was a hatchling nightmare dragon, the same drake upon which Merrik sat at that very moment. The dragon was given to him by a strange, mysterious old man who called himself The Oracle. This man changed Merrik's life, shifted his path of fate to one of severity and ultimatum. His life for the next two years was leading up to this moment, this cool spring morning.

    Today, Merrik was going to form an army, a re-birthed order of old, summoned up again to bring forth a the great protectors of Illos. Today, Merrik was going to change the lives of a group of individuals, the very same individuals that stood a hundred feet below him in the center of a coliseum. Behind the doors that lined the walls of the coliseum were more dragons. More disbelief shattered by flesh and blood. Two years ago, Merrik had once again been summoned into that musky cellar where The Oracle appeared once agian. This time, Merrik didn't receive one egg; he received an entire clutch, each one a different color, texture and size.

    From those eggs hatched dragons, one of each of the draconic species, apart from the Nightmares. Those hatchlings had spent the last two years of their lives growing and learning from Merrik and his dragon, Obsidian Nova. They were being trained and prepared for this very day, this moment. Each of the drakes behind those heavy wooden doors lacked a piece of its soul, a part of it that could never have been filled. Not until now.

    The group of people standing, uncertain in the middle of the coliseum, were chosen long ago, though they could not have known it. The Oracle had selected them at birth, when their souls entered into their bodies with their first breath. Each soul chosen, was the missing half of one of the dragons below. And today, those two souls would collide and fuse together, changing the fate of Illos forever.

    "They know so little of what is to come." Came Merrik's soundless voice from his own mind into the dragon's.
    The less they know, the less they can fear and fight what is to be. Though we know that each of the humans below is the soulmate of one of our yearlings, the yearlings do not know for certain. They believe that these are mere potential candidates for the bond. They will test them just as a wild dragon would have tested the first of the dragonlords so long ago. The humans will pass these tests, of this we have been assured by The Oracle. Everything is set into motion.

    Let their oblivion be their guide, for both dragon and human. Let the bond work in its natural ways, it will give them strength in the long run. The humans MUST prove themselves to their drake, not only for tradition's sake, but to unlock the power that hides within their blood. Tamers are not made, they are born at the very moment a dragon's soul awakens. In that moment, the two become connected, separated only by distance and time. The tamers have an ancient magic within their veins, though they do not know it yet.

    Today, the bond with unlock that magic and change their lives forever. We should not delay it any longer.

    Obsidian Nova had a way about him that commanded submission and trust. There was no one else in the world that could calm and reassure Merrik in such a way as the black dragon. Nova had an ancient wisdom to him that came with being a direct descendant of one of the first bonded dragons of the Order of Old. Though merely 21 by age, the dragon's wisdom went on for centuries. Merrik agreed without a word or thought.

    With perfect intent-directed synchrony, the dragon descended, lowing the pair and coming to rest on a great stone perch that sat at the head of the coliseum. As the dragon's talons touched down on the stone and his great wingspan retracted to a resting position, Merrik stood up from his place at the base of Nova's neck and slipped down off the dragon's back without a sliver of difficulty, landing on the thick, stone perch below.

    The attention of the visitors in the centre of the round mass of earth focused on him. Some eyes shone with excitement, others with a sly intent, and others with a plain annoyance. There was too much personality within that circle for Merrik to handle all at once. He silently thanked the gods of old that he didn't have to get up close and personal with the entire group just yet. For now, the focus of attention was on dragons, and Merrik was completely at home in the realm of dragons.

    "You have all be told of your purpose for standing her today. I can understand if some or many of your minds linger in disbelief, this is an event of dreams and myth. But make no mistake, you are here to become heroes, legends, and leaders. You are here to become one with beasts of old, powerful creatures not seen in these lands for hundreds of years." He walked to the end of the perch, balancing casually on the round, stone hold.

    "The doors that surround you are the temporary dens of the dragons of Illos. The doors will open in a few moments. You must all be strong, be fast, and be brave. Today, you become dragon tamers."
    Then, Merrik's deep green eyes became twice as vibrant as any human's and he swirled his right index finger in a curious manner, concentration clear on his expression. The doors slid open, lifting up to reveals cascading plumes of steam as the temperature difference made itself apparent. The cool morning air welcomed the sound of wingbeats, too many to count, as a mass of dragons shot out of the dark spaces and soared up into the air. Flames of every color decorated the skies, scaled beasts of every shape, size and color bolted about before peeling off from the group and honing in on select individuals.

    One of the dragons shot a jet of colored flame down at the ground, nearing searing one of the soon-to-be tamers. The tests had begun.

    Merrik and Nova watched silently as the young dragons they had raised from hatchlings attacked, questioned, chased, scared, and tested the group of visitors. Each was seeking a human worthy of their soul, of their life, of their bond. Each would find a human, though they did not know it, and until then, they would test their worthiness endlessly. Merrik pitied the men and women below, for they had not been informed of what the bond was, nor were they informed of the fact that the tests the dragons subjected them to would look more like an attack than anything, despite the fact that the drakes would not actually harm them. This pity went away mere moments after it arrived as Nova's presence in his soul shifted with the drake's emotion. Any amount of terror and confusion was worth the bond of dragon and tamer.

  • Combat Event Guide
    1. GM Scenario Introduction.​
    2. Player Response. Combat Begins.​
    3. GM Response to Combat. Required die roll will be presented.​
    4. Player Response. Player Roll. Player may close combat.​
    5. GM Combat Close Response (if necessary)​

    +Basics Behind the Rolls+

    Three Types of Opponents: Basic, Challenging, and Boss.
    Basic: Just classic battling. It is generally expected that your character can handle this with general ease.
    Challenging: These will require higher rolls and a bit of strength in whatever technique the character uses to attack.
    Boss: These will require the best rolls, the most creativity, and the best weaponry/spells/approaches suited to the character.

    Three Types of Character Approaches: Strength, Weakness, Long Shot.
    Strength: The character attacks within their class/strength/ability.
    Weakness: The player attacks in a class/ability that they are not necessarily comfortable or entirely skilled at.
    Long Shot: The player is being an idiot and doing something that would never work unless the die gods are on their sides.

    +How Opponent Types and Character Approaches work together+
    Strength Base Roll: 12
    Weakness Base Roll: 14
    Long Shot Base Roll: 16

    Strength Base Roll: 14
    Weakness Base Roll: 16
    Long Shot Base Roll: 20

    Strength Base Roll: 18
    Weakness Base Roll: 20
    Long Shot Base Roll: 25 (requires stat bonus)

    NOTE: In a boss battle, there will be much more discretion for creativity and teamwork between players. Successful rolls will mean successful hits, NOT kills. Furthermore, for boss rolls, because they are much more difficult, the player will get a 'second chance' roll if their first roll is not successful.
    In Step 3, where the GM presents the required roll, it will have the relevant stats already added in and will be presented in a manner to explain the reason the roll is what it is. Stats are applied by level of skill, as portrayed:
    5% = Beginner ----> No Mod
    10% = Applicable ----> No Mod
    20% = Novice ----> +1
    30% = Adept ----> +2
    45% = Advanced ----> +3
    50% = Expert ----> +4
    65% = Sage (Mortal Mastery) ----> + 5

    Shirin Vs. Challenging Opponent, Strength (Longsword)
    Base Roll: 14
    35% in long sword, +2 Bonus
    14% in valor, +1 Bonus
    14% in strength, +1 Bonus.

    14 - 2 - 1 - 1 = 10 Required.

    The player will then post a blank post with "Rolling..." posted and then roll a 20 sided dice (D20) on that post. Then the player will post a SECOND post with their response in accordance with how their roll went. They can wrap it up themselves (Step 4), or the GM can add a post in at the end to wrap it up accordingly.

    WARNING: If you delete ANY POSTS in these events, I will assume you're trying to cheat and get a better roll. I don't want any explanations, I won't believe a word you say, and I'll roll FOR you with a penalty of 5 added onto the battle. This means, for example, Shirin would need a 15 instead of a 10. If you make a mistake, for example, roll a D6, or roll twice. LEAVE IT. I have eyes. I can see the mistakes.​
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[Hezekiah to Obsidian Nova, Byriarti, Etheriel, and Aerarya]

With nothing but pity in his heart for a gardeners as he looked at the sight of their home, Hezekiah scanned the area where the ancient tree had landed. The tree would've had plenty of insects inside, which made the bladed drake's stomach growl, but the task at that moment outweighed his own selfish hunger. Since the bonding with Goliath, Hezekiah felt himself changing; he was quicker to act, new experiences made him ecstatic, and he was compelled to aid those who could benefit from his help. Dreams of battles flowed through his mind as he slept, as though he was a boulder underneath the crashing of a waterfall; another 'gift' from Goliath. As Hezekiah's brother and sisters relayed their readiness to Nova, the iron dragon noticed a space near the impact of the large tree where he saw his role in the movement of the tree.

<I feel that we should first move the tree off of the home to stop further damage, and then from the new spot, lift and fly the tree away to our cleared location> Hezekiah paused to gauge the reactions of his clutchmates and Obsidain Nova.

<I will place myself between the home and the tree and brace its weight as we roll it off, sounds good?>

[Evyria's Plight]
[Goliath to Asa, Shirin, and Dalaith]

As it turned out, another Dragon tamer with platinum blonde hair by the name of Asa, was indeed following behind them. Patting Goliath on the shoulder she lifted a note to him with her thoughts.
"Did you guys hear that?"

Fully aware of the fresh kill before them and the small sound of the blood eagle chick Etyrn, a fire within Goliath tempered wildly. Shirin drew her blade quickly and he had done the same. Nodding and following Shirin as she lead the group towards the small sound of the chick, Goliath remained further back with Asa, scanning the dense dark woods for any signs of their stalker. His blue eyes grabbed a silhouette of the creature that had yet to reveal itself, and gripping his short sword tightly the blonde haired crusader from the south spoke calmly to his companions. "I see the creature" tilting his head in the direction of the creature to reveal it to Dalaith and Asa.

...And a small muffled cry sounded not far ahead.
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[Evyria's Plight]
[GM to Goliath, Shirin, Dalaith, and Asa]

A low growl emitted from the shadows in the underbrush of the great woods. They had seen him. One, at the very least. The only one wreaking of dominance: he was the man human, and he would be the one to be challenged.

The creature in the woods began his game. It knew the chick was near, for he could smell it now more than ever and its muffled cries were crystal clear in his ears. The bird would be his. In a split second the beast took off running, speeds so high the humans could see nothing but a dark blur, about the size of a large horse. He bolted from shadow to shadow, huffing, snarling, and howling at them as he worked his way around them. He was hunting, but they wouldn't know. To them they'd think he was toying with them, but each lap around them helped him to hone in on the location of the chick as his scent mapping was developed.

"Go.... now..... humans.... this is not your not become the prey... your hide is far to thin and.... delicious.." The dark, twisted voice filled their minds are the creature circled and circled, the snarls and howls continuing.

[Obsidian Nova to Byriarti, Etherièl, Aerarya, and Hezekiah]

With his brothers and sisters at his side, Nova took off towards the ancient grove which had become victim to the very forces that allowed it to grow so old in the first place: nature. The sight was devastating, the tree itself was almost as wide as Nova's wingspan and the wood was heavy. He thanks the forces of raw mana for the strength dragons possessed, for without it, there would be no hope of 4 of them moving such a mass. To Nova's luck, however, two of his strongest brothers were at his side, though Methuzar would have been greatly appreciated at this time.

As the five of them positioned themselves around the fallen giant, Hezekiah taking a place between the fallen and its standing brother which showed signs of housing the small creatures, Nova gave directions.

"We won't be able to carry this far at any one time, Hezekiah, so I agree with your suggestion. There's a clearing about 50 feet east, we'll take it there and that shall be its new home until we make a decision as to what we should do with it. It might be wise to have it converted to timber and distributed to the people of Sylvis. A tree this size could keep hundreds warm through the winter. On three then."

On the drake's count, the five dragons sank their talons into the hard wood and heaved with all their might. It took some time to get the old tree out of the earth's hold and into the air, but when they did they rose quickly and made haste to the location Nova had spoken of. When they released the great timber the boom of its contact with the ground could be heard across the forest.

Huffing from the hard work, Nova looked to his brothers and sisters. "You have my thanks, brothers, sisters, for that was a task in dire need of doing but I'd never the means to accomplish it alone. To repay you for your valiant assistance, I offer each of you special training in either advanced mana usage, controlling your flame and elemental mana, or advanced flight maneuovers. They will aid you well in this war and I will make time to ensure you have a firm grasp on whatever it is you choose to seek training in."

TASK COMPLETE: Housekeeping


Obsidian Nova offers each of the four helpers his time and expertise in private, one on one training to help them to excel in either advanced mana or advanced flight maneouvers.

Feel free to post once more to close the task.

Contact me to discuss your choice in training and for a collab to complete the training.
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[Dinner Plans]
[Merrik to Ahab and Saira]

The hunt began and all three went silent. They searched quietly, looking for fresh signs of the swine. Old footprints and paths presented themselves all around the group, making it specifically harder to track the thing. There were several moments when Merrik halted, sure he had heard something, but saw nothing as he looked about. Minutes passed, after a while he was sure they'd have to look elsewhere but then, out of nowhere, and Merrik would swear by this for years to come, a massive hog came bolting out of the underbrush in front of him and came barreling towards him, tusks waving about, snorting and snarling as it did, and it knocked Merrik flat on his ass as he tried to dive out of the way in time. Luckily nothing but his ego was injured, but he did't have time to worry about that now, the boar was heading towards Saira and Ahab.

He quickly returned himself to his upright position and his right hand flew to his chest, searching for the string to his bow, but instead he found nothing but air and cloth. Looking down, he saw his bow's string had been snapped when it caught on a jutting root during his fall.

"Damnit!" He cursed as he dug in his pocket for a new string. "Saira, Ahab, heads up! We've got a big one coming your way!"

The hog smelled human, and the hog had grown to despise the scent of man, for many of his piglets had been taken by that scent. He was fueled by bloodlust and as he ran past the first human, knowing he'd missed his charge, he approached a second with bright red hair and a thin build. He'd get this one.

The boar charged faster and faster at Saira....
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[Eyvria's Plight]
[Asa to Shirin, Goliath, and Dalaith]

Asa watched carefully as Shirin drew her blade and pressed onward towards the chick. Howver, Asa felt a slight unease knowing full well that a predator was on the loose. She glanced to Dalaith hoping that maybe she'd have some input on the situation but the calm words of Goliath grabbed her attention. "I see the creature". tilting his head in the direction of the creature to reveal it to her and Dalaith.

Hearing the sound of a growl after Goliath spoke, Asa pivoted about ninety degrees on her heels and immediately drew her bow from her backside. Drawing the bowstring back until it's notched and aimed for the creature. In a split second the beast took off running, speeds so high that Asa could see nothing but a dark blur, about the size of a large horse. He bolted from shadow to shadow, huffing, snarling, and howling at them as he worked his way around them. She fired her arrow almost instantly but unfortunately the thing was to quick for its size and her arrow lodged itself into the low trunk of a tree.

"Go.... now..... humans.... this is not your not become the prey... your hide is far to thin and.... delicious.." The dark, twisted voice filled their minds are the creature circled and circled, the snarls and howls continuing.

Their only hope was to some how manage to slow the creature in it's tracks, but that would prove to be difficult. Asa knew she could use her own bonded ability, perhaps altering the mind set of the creature from murdering the blood eagle into helping rescue it, but Asa never accomplished learning her magics the month she's been at the estate. They either needed to come up with something fast to stop the beast in it's tracks, or hope that Shirin finds the baby before it does.
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[Evyria's Plight]
[Dalaith to Goliath, Shirin, and Asa]

Dalaith, as par the usual, was trailing behind the group, only coming back from her short treck down the slope to find herself to have fallen behind again, she jogging to catch up, catching glimpses and flashes of a strange beast, a beast that would barr any progress if it were to aggress towards the small group of tamers. Of course, Dalaith found herself to be the only tamer without a weapon, and searched her mind for any means to aide her fellows when a dark, collected, but menacing voice filled her mind, clouding any further thoughts. A simple warning to stay out of the beast's territory. As Dalaith was already at the rear, she took up a watch, relaying simple instructions to a simply lazing A'untyr to relay to the tamers around her, though explicityly instructing him not to come.
"Shirin, continue forwards. Whatever this creature is, it will likely find the chick before us if we arent mindful. Goliath, be her front line guard, and Asa, as you have the bow, keep watch for range. I'll be climbing a tree to give signal to Evyria." came the cool, calm words of the scholar. Even as she was speaking mentally, she was working her way up a tree, taking no mental consideration to the danger she could be in from swinging and flipping acrobatically from branch to branch. It was getting her up faster, and that was all that mattered by this point in her mind.
[Byriarti to Obsidian Nova]

The weight of the tree was almost unbearable, even with Byriarti's other siblings helping a great deal. The drake felt the muscles of his wings strain beneath the sheer size of such a creation. The effort was great, but with time, he and his clutchmates were able to get the old tree from the ground and to a clearing where it would wait for a decision.

Upon Nova's thanks, Byriarti bowed his head, hovering in place and feeling as his muscles slowly began to smooth out now that he had nothing to carry. He spoke simply, stormy eyes smiling even as his face kept its same, prideful expression.

~I will seek you out upon my decision of what I'd like to learn. Thank you, brother.~

And with that, the Solar Dragon flew off to sun himself in the peace and quiet of the day before the festivities began.

[Evyria's Plight]
[Shirin to Goliath, Dalaith, & Asa]

The moment Shirin heard the other warrior speak that he had spotted the creature hunting them, she whirled around in time to see a flash of black. She felt the air move as he circled around them, a ghost in the shadows. Her pupils dilated in response, and her depth perception almost seemed to heighten. The true warrior had kicked into high gear for the survival of her, her companions, and the ward she had yet to meet.

Then, a voice, painful in her head, intruded upon her thoughts and blasted her with its hungry words. He wanted them to leave the chick behind. But why would they do something like that and risk the wrath of a mother Blood Eagle that could potentially be a friend instead? Shirin had learned over the past month or so that friends were as important as freedom and survival. Friends were necessary for the fulfillment of life, itself. So no matter what, Shirin would do whatever it would take to make a new friend.

Her head lowered, her ears concentrating only upon the call of the chick, which still sounded ahead of the group. So close, yet so very far away. She judged the distance, hoping that the baby was no more than three hundred yards away. Then, just barely hearing the words of her companion, the warrior looked at the others and darted off towards the baby eagle. She knew that Goliath would follow as another tank and that Asa would only stay a few feet behind. The warrior only hoped that Dalaith wouldn't be too far behind, as she was the least defensive. "Hurry, Dalaith! Catch up the moment you have Evyria's attention!" Those were the words she left behind as she charged through the trees, growing ever closer to the raging shadow that hunted the tiny cries.
[Dinner Plans]
[Saira to Ahab and Merrik]

Sairantha was paying attention. Of course she was. They'd been walking for awhile, with no sign of a boar, no fresh tracks to follow or anything, but she was paying close attention to her surroundings, noting every patch of broken brush, every loose twig under foot, trying to remain as quiet as possible.

At least, she was paying attention until she felt something picking at the back of her mind, something bothering her. She couldn't think of what it was, but it was distracting her enough to derail from the hunt. She had fallen into her own thoughts when she heard Merrik's shout, causing her to look up from the ground she'd been staring at, and right into the face of a very big, very angry, boar.

She immediately reached for her bow and an arrow, but the boar was too close for that. She'd be trampled into the dust and dirt below before she could get a killing shot. With a glance she noted Merrik fumbling with his bow, the string having snapped, and she couldn't see Ahab, the boar charging straight at her blocking her view. She had to deal with this herself, it seemed.

Now would be a great time to have a dragon, she groaned to herself, tightening her fingers around her bow in hopes of saving the string. She waited until the last moment possible- hopefully the hog's momentum would keep it going in the one direction, instead of allowing it to turn and charge at her again- before diving out of the way into the underbrush. A flailing tusk caught her arm as she jumped, and she tumbled ungracefully into a bramble bush, shouting as she did. The hog continued on a few paces before skidding to a halt before it rammed into a tree, and circled around, snorting angrily with it's beady eyes focused on Saira, the nearest and perhaps weakest of the prey in the vicinity.

The young girl struggled to de-tangle herself from the bush, hastily grabbing an arrow that had fallen from her sheath and positioning it in her bow. She only had a mere moment to stop and take aim before letting the arrow fly, where it pierced the skin of the boar but failed to dig deep enough to do more than irritate the massive thing. The animal made what sounded like a garbled squeal and charged again.

Aerarya would scold her later, but instead of lunging out of the way, Saira reloaded her bow and took aim again. She let the arrow fly before clambering aside, grabbing and pulling at the grass and kicking at the bush that ensnared her. She narrowly avoided the stamping feet of the boar, rolling away across the dirt before righting herself, breathing hard and fast.

"Can somebody kill this rotten hog!" she exclaimed, staggering to her feet before the boar charged again.

[Aerarya to Byriarti, Etherièl, Obsidian Nova, and Hezekiah]

Aerarya followed her siblings in sinking her talons into the wood, trying to get the best grip possible before straining to lift the wood. Her muscles screamed in protest, but the group of drakes managed to lift the timber from the ground and into the skies, where they carried it painstakingly to the clearing spoken of. It didn't take too long to do, but after depositing the ancient tree on the earth, the drake settled on the ground and shook out her wings, releasing a huff of air. She could definitely use that nap now, she thought.

I cannot say I'd look forward to moving this again. I like the thought of it being used for timber instead. Much smaller pieces, she said, all but letting herself to plop over onto the ground. Sorry that my strength offered little help. I think I've come to realize that these wings of mine are much better suited to aerial tricks than carrying weight. But I will be happy to help again at any time, brothers, sisters.
[Hezekiah to Obsidian Nova, Byriarti, Aerarya, and Etheriel]

Hunkered into the space between the home and the enormous fallen tree, Hezekiah felt a pulse of power. As his companions lifted the log and the iron dragon braced for support, he smiled inwardly. The pressure of the log was unbearable and Hezekiah planted his claws into the soil as his brother and sisters aided Nova in the moving. The unbearable weight passed and the drake with scales of shining armor joined his companions bringing the log to a new location. As the ancient log was placed on the ground, Hezekiah drew in a deep breath and exhaled; satisfied with his day.

<Let me know whenever you need more help Master Nova, Tomorrow I will let you know what kind of training I seek from you> giving a sharp nod to his leader. Then to his brother and sisters <I look forward to working with you all again>

The iron drake flew back to the compound to seek out his bonded human, Goliath, who turned out to be busy with a much more dangerous task.

[Evyria's Plight]
[Goliath to Shirin, Dalaith, and Asa]

Dalaith's instructions were heard loud and clear. Goliath darted following Shirin in the race with the creature among the shadows. Upon witnessing the speed of the creature dodging Asa's arrows, Goliath knew that finding the blood eagle offspring before that creature would change the tide of thier encounter. Though Goliath didn't bring his spear, he still had his sword, and he is no stranger to the blade he wields. When the right moment arrived, his sword will become friends with the insides of the predator..

Suddenly a familiar sharp voice interrupted his mind, <Where are you Goliath!!?> and the warrior lost his balance and crashed his right knee into moss covered boulder. He recovered and caught up to Shirin with every inch of his willpower before replying, Little busy right now Hez.
[Eyvria's Plight]
[GM to Shirin, Goliath, Asa, and Dalaith]

Round and round the creature went, circling, speeding up with each pass it made, honing in on the scent of the young one. There were two at the lead of the group, a female followed by a male, the female clearly heading towards her assumed position of the fledgling. His first instinct was to take her, finish the bold leader once and for all, but then something caught his eye as he made another pass around the group: a slender little mouse sneaking up the great trees.

"She's crying to mama... how... precious!" With his words, he pushed down hard on the earth, his powerful muscles propelling him through the air in a predatory pounce and he swiped the little mouse out of the air as she made her leap up to the next branch. The small human was sent crashing to the ground, shocked from the fall and suffering a long, though shallow, gash across her back, and the black figure shot forward to the head of the group.

"No one likes.... a tattle tale... little human..."

With incredible speed, offered by the powerful leg muscles the creature possessed, it quickly surpassed Shirin and Goliath. And then it stopped, spinning on its heels to face the humans.


"You.... refuse to leave this hunt.... you don't realize you are not the hunters...." The beast stepped forward, advancing on Shirin, licking its bony teeth while emitting a low snarl. "The fledgling is mine. Leave now, or you will be too."​
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[Eyvria's Plight]
[Shirin to Goliath, Dalaith, & Asa]

The warrior heard the sickening words fill her head, even as Goliath slammed his knee to the ground with a sudden lapse in concentration. Her spine tingled, her stomach twisting in on itself. Instantly, she stopped, calling out to Dalaith as she was swiped from the tree and dragged back to the earth with a heart-wrenching thud. The smell of blood filled her nostrils, and once more Shirin felt her anger begin to boil. Almost instantaneously, her mind began to cool with the voice of her dragon, which pushed away the sickening feeling just enough for her to concentrate.

~I am on my way, my human.~

Would that be enough? Was Byriarti even welcome around the baby bird that Shirin and her comrades were supposed to save?

"No, Byri...find the mother, Eyvria. Tell her that her baby is in danger. Send her to us!"

There was a short pause before he agreed, taking off from the Garden in search for Eyvria, calling out that the baby Blood Eagle was in danger.

Once more, she heard the strange, blood-curdling voice speak. Her eyes narrowed at the creature. She let her fear take over, allowing it to mix with her anger. Her body grew tense, taking the stance of a creature ready to fight for very survival. "She is not yours to hunt, beast! Begone!"

To a certain degree, Shirin knew that she, alone, could not take the creature. But there were still two others that could back her up. "Hold on, Dalaith! We'll get this!" She only hoped she was right. And with that hope, mixing with her fear and her anger, Shirin charged forward with a war cry that outmatched most bloodthirsty men, sword raised and ready to slice through her target.
[Dinner Plans]
[Merrik to Saira and Ahab]

As the massive boar took out another of the three, Merrik let out an angry grunt, the sight of Saira being thrown to the ground bringing about his anger. She managed to get the beast with one of her arrows but it didn't seem to penetrate the thick hide of the animal enough to severely damage it. At last, gained the tension he was seeking in restringing his bow and he retrieved an arrow from his quiver, taking careful aim. The boar had crashed into a tree, because of Saira's quick thinking, and was only then recollecting itself, twice as angry now as before. As it staggered about, shaking its head and squealing in confusion, he locked its dark brown eyes on Merrik once more.

"Now or never I suppose." He mumbled to himself, taking careful aim. The boar pawed at the ground, readying it charge and let off again in an angry rampage towards him. He only had a moment or two to let the arrow flight before he was forced to dive out of the way, once again. This one hit, but once more it was insufficient to down the beast. With a second arrow now sticking out of its hide, this one having pierced its front shoulder, the beast was twice as angry as could be.

"Where the hell is Ahab?" The sailor was nowhere to be seen, Merrik only hoped the man hadn't been injured at this point.

Merrik had an idea then, something a bit... unorthodox, but they needed to do something soon or they'd be trampled. He quickly scanned the forest floor for just the right tool for the job and when his eyes landed on a large, thick, broken branch he perked up. Quickly getting to his feet he sprinted towards the fallen timber, abandoning his bow as he grabbed the limb. Then, he ran over to where Saira was resetting her bow for another shot. He crouched next to her, digging one end of the branch into the ground at a low angle, the sharp, broken opposing end raising laying down in the earth..

"Saira, take your shot, if it fails, I need you to help me support this branch. We're going to let it charge. It's a brute, this one, it'll do whatever it takes to get us. When it's close, we lift the branch about a foot up, to it's heart and its own rampage will be the end of it. It'll work." He was half convincing himself. Truthfully he'd never expected a boar this size, and in fact it was this boar that'd been making a mess of the woods as of late, so while killing it would be for the best, he didn't come prepared for hide this thick. "Are you with me on this?"
[Eyvria's Plight]
Dalaith wasnt aware of much more of her surroundings than the next branch, and the one after that. She had the one goal of escape, channeling one of the most primal emotional responses humans had. Fear. She wasnt even hiding how much dread had clouded her mental faculties from the very presence of this predator. She wouldnt let it freeze her though. She had to keep moving. She jumped for another branch, her hands already scraped and sensitive from her method of climbing, fingers just brushing the weathered bark, before a strong force could be felt upon her back. Everything around her seemed to slow down as her senses heightened, she taking in every detail of what could very well be the last moment of her life. Then, she was forced down to the ground at an amazing speed, she having already climbed twenty feet. With her speed of decent, the woman couldnt even redirect herself. She could do nothing but fall, landing face first into the earth, her fall only broken by a small piling of leaves that was only enough to cradle her from her head to her shoulders. Her left arm ended up under her body, she crying out sharply as she felt a horrid cracking, the ulna broke, and a couple of her ribs fractured. It was then that the pain from the gash in her back was added in, all of it massing together to be too much to bear in a conscious state due to the jagged, worn nature of the claws she was cut with, making for a more painful wound, instead of a clean cut. Dalaith had never once broken a bone in her body, making the sensation all that more painful as she laid there, eyes closed, her heartbeat echoing in her ears and drowning out any words that had been said to her. The longer she was left be, the more of her adrenaline melted away, revealing more of the pain that had been concealed until she simply passed out altogether.
[Dinner Plans]
[Saira to Ahab and Merrik]

All of her arrows were scattered about, now, her sheath having tilted and allowing the weapons to pour out into the bush. With the boar's attention now on Merrik, Saira was able to rummage about in the brush until she found a handful of the arrows, thankfully a handful of unbroken ones, and dropped the pile at her side before lifting what seemed to be the strongest one up. She hadn't anticipated the boar to have such thick skin- she wondered if her measly handcrafted bow would be powerful enough to strike it's heart, or perhaps between the eyes. Although, she remembered her father once telling her, "Hogs have small brains, lass. You'd be downright near crazy to try and pin it from a distance. I suppose that's why they charge so blindly into battle. Don't do the same."

She readied the arrow on her bow as Merrik sprinted towards her, carrying a broken tree branch in his hands. It looked old, but strong enough to carry some weight. As she watched, he dug one end into the earth and pointed the sharper end upwards, a little below boar height. She caught onto what he was attempting to do a moment before he said it.

"Sounds like a plan to me," she answered, readying her bow as the hog turned around. It looked mad. Angrier than before. She didn't blame him- they were practically playing tag. The poor thing had arrows out of it's hide and it's head bashed up by the trees. It was a giant hog, and a violent one, but she still felt awful that she'd fail to dispatch of it's life quickly. "Although it leaves us little space to flee if it fails. It's momentum might be too great. If the branch snaps- I'd run."

The boar looked at them with wild eyes before it began it's blind charge again, thundering towards them. Saira lifted her bow, steadied herself, and allowed herself one deep breath- although it felt more like she was inhaling space instead of air- and pinpointed the exact spot she wished to hit. The shoulder. With the boar clambering about, it would be near impossible to reach it's heart, in the low position it sat on the brutes chest. But if she hit the shoulder, it would be unable to race after them as fast if Merrik's plan failed, and hopefully, it's momentum would slow enough for the two to move out of the way before it arrived.

She pulled the string as far back as she could without letting it snap, and let the arrow fly.

The boar released another raged squeal as the arrow buried itself into it's shoulder, but it was too deep into it's charge to stop now. It plunged forward. Saira threw her bow aside and grasped the branch tightly, lifting on Merrik's word. The hog was one pace away, half a pace- and then it was skewered on the artfully placed branch. It's weight was enough to throw them back a slight bit, but the end of the branch Merrik had dug into the dirt held them steady and the branch, remarkably, seemed to hold true.

"Great skies," Saira breathed, still struggling to catch her breath. "Is it dead?"
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[Eyvria's Plight]
[Beast to Goliath, Shirin, Asa, and Dalaith]

A low, sickening bout of laughter filled the woods, like broken glass being ground by stone. The creature took another step towards Shirin, now no more than 10 feet away from her. Lifting a massive, clawed foot, the beast licked the blood of the fallen tamer from his blade-like appendages.

"You know nothing...of what is mine, human. I've hunted these lands for 2000 years! All prey.... is mine.... if I so choose it to be... And you... are getting more and more.... appealing, suddenly..." Closer and closer, the beast inched forward, lowering its massive, bony head, pulling air into holes in its bare skull, taking in the scent of the human.

High above, the great lady of the skies smelled a dragon, and the smell was as putrid as it had ever been. She looked over her should to see an orange drake soaring quickly towards her. What scaled beast dare approach her in such a hasty manner? But then, the dragon's words hit her mind. Raw rage filled the being of the great eagle as she called out into the sky, piercing the ears of all those in the woods for a hundred miles around.

"Cawww!!! Who dares threaten my child!" She angled herself down into a sharp dive, pinpointed on the canopy of trees that covered the four humans that were hunting for her child in the underbrush. She shied away at the idea of placing herself in the woods, where there was little space for her to move and many a sharp brand to tatter and tear her wings, but if the dragon was right and her child was in danger, nothing would prevent her from coming to the rescue of her beloved Etyrn.

From far above the sound of cracking limbs of ancient trees could be heard. The beast looked up and saw the dark silhouette of an eagle plummeting down through the foliage.

"Curses!" The beast howled, diving out of the way just in time to save himself from being crushed by the sword-like talons of the avian.

The giant eagle corrected herself and turned to face the horse-size hound. She flapped her wings and shot piercing caws at him in a defensive manner. "The vile filth of the earth! How dare you hunt the young of the cousin of the prince of the skies? You will loathe the day you set your sights on a fledgling of pure blood!" The giant bird beat down her massive wings and quickly moved through the air, her talons bared as she attacked the dark hound.

Each time the beast jumped out of the way, Eyvria was just as quick to fly at him again and again, each time her razor-sharp beak pecking at the creature, chunks of trees the size of large dogs being ripped out with each of her misses. Her talons clawed at it, a harsh scraping noise sounding through the woods each time one hit a bony plate. The beast was fast, nothing more than a blur to human eyes, but the eagle seemed to have a perfect sight of him at all times. Back and forth the two went, Eyvria swiping and pecking, the hound biting and lashing out. Both took hits, at one time the hound even got a hold of the eagle's wing with his crushing jaws and though the great one cried out in pain, she was quick to grasp his back leg in her powerful beak and a loud snap proceeded the painful cries of the beast. With a mighty heave she flung the bony, hellish creature across the forest, sending him crashing into a tree. Limping, it snarled and emitted a low, deep howl into the woods.

"The flesh of all of your kind will be mine bird! The skulls of your children will be crushed between my teeth, their blood drained down my throat, their skin and bones peeled and plucked from their screaming, writing bodies and devoured with the greatest pleasure! You will be the one to loathe this day. Keep an eye on your precious humans, foul fowl! They too will taste the wrath of my revenge!" He looked at Dalaith, still fallen on the cool forest floor and chuckled. "You.... will never be free... your blood is on my tongue... I will taste it until the day your body lies limp before me and your bones crunch beneath my jaws..."

When Eyvria cawed and bolted after the creature once more at his words, the beast bolted away, faster than anything they'd ever seen, despite his injury.

"Rot in the underworlds, Bau'gruhg!" Speaking to it by name, the great eagle let out a dark, hiss-like sound, cursing the beast in her own language.

She turned back to the party of humans then, frantically scanning the area.

"Where is my child?"
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[Dinner Plans]
[Merrik to Saira]

Merrik couldn't do anything but laugh at that moment in time. He was half amused that his insane plan had worked and half relieved that they were still alive. But more so, he was happy! They had their boar! And what a boar it was. He calmed himself and cleared his throat before he spoke, not even bothering to get up from the earth on which they both lay now, pushed flat on their backs by the sheer force of the boar's charge.

"If this old hog managed to survive that, I'll bloody well take him home, nurse him back to health, and honor him as a god, for that'd truly be a beast of immortality." He smiled, chuckling lightly again at the situation, and turned his head to the side, looking the red head in the eyes. It was then, during such an unusual situation, that an idea dawned on him.

"Say, this might be a bit... out of place, and slightly inappropriate in timing," he began. "But would you like to be my date this evening? The festivities include some... interesting dancing rituals that require men and women to sort of pair up. After an adventure like this, I can't think of anyone I'd rather wind down and enjoy some boar meat and dancing with." He smiled and waited for her response, truly in a good mood, despite the near death experience they'd both just gone through.
- Hakeem and Merrik -

One week ago

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hakeem took a deep breath of the night air, standing out in the open fields outside the Lofts. He watched Veshna as she circled and spiraled above him with swan-like grace. He was trying to calm himself down, and Veshna's movements were always soothing to see. His muscles ached more than usual, but that was because he had pushed himself a lot harder today, with both battle practice and magical training. Strenuous exercise took his mind off things and right now he had a lot on his mind.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]His concern had been building over the weeks he had been there. It gnawed at the back of his head and by now it had eaten its way to the fore. It was not that he was impatient when it came to learning, but somehow, when he was tired and lying in bed, he found it difficult to justify the time he was spending here playing with fire when the rest of his country was in bloody and gory war. Of course, logically it made sense. Morally… morally he felt like he had abandoned his family, his children, when they needed him most. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But you know that is not true. I do not understand this about you. Veshna's gentle voice permeated through his thoughts and he smiled. "Feeling is a difficult thing to think away, dear heart." He murmured it to the sky, knowing she could hear him no matter how quiet he was. "Then go and speak with Lord Merrik. You said contact might help." Hakeem sighed and rubbed the back of his head in thought. He didn't want to push this on Merrik, this was his own issue. But it was affecting him, as the outburst at the dinner showed. "Alright, I might as well go now."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Veshna cooed at him approvingly, and dove out of the sky to land lightly beside him. She fluttered her wings and stretched like a cat before padding into the Loft hall with Hakeem at her side. She curled up just outside Merrik's abode, dipping her head to Obsidian Nova in case he was awake still. Hakeem did the same but passed swiftly by, gathering up his resolution and climbing the ladder to knock on the wall just outside Merrik's rooms.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Might we speak Commander?" His tone was lower and more forlorn than he meant it to sound, clearing his throat in annoyance at himself.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]At the sound of footsteps on wooden rungs, Merrik straightened up and turned his attention to whomever was ascending the ladder to his quarters. To his delight it was Hakeem. Merrik had found that the more he got to know the older man, the more fond he grew of him. He respected Hakeem's knowledge and experience, and enjoyed his company for he had many a great tale to tell and his insight and perspectives were refreshing and harmonious with Merrik's own ways of thinking. Rising from his place in his arm chair, he beckoned for the man to join him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Of course, come in, Hakeem." He motioned for the man to take a seat opposite him, taking a moment to gather a couple of glasses and a fresh bottle of brandy before returning to his seat. Prior to Hakeem's arrival he had been reading a journal from one of his ancestors on necromancy and its role in historical events. Moving the journal to his desk, he filled the two glasses and handed one to Hakeem.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"What is it you wish to speak about?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hakeem grinned wryly at Merrik's enthusiasm and stepped slowly inside. Merrik's joyful and warm attitude was quite the balm to Hakeem's generally serious and sour disposition these days, he could always wring a smile from him. The lad was so eager to learn and lead and do, no matter how little sleep he got or how much work he did anyway. Hakeem found it necessary to take Merrik's mind off of things as much as he could, get the man to relax a bit. He supposed he considered Merrik a friend, a good friend, yes definately. He wanted to protect and nurture him as someone he cared about, not just as his commander. Which made this both harder and easier at the same time.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He gratefully took the glass of brandy, that was very welcome, and he slumped into the offered seat. He leaned forward, his elbows on his knees and the glass of brandy between both hands, gazing at it for a moment before taking a long swig. Looking up from his drink at Merrik, he coughed a humourless laugh.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I'm sorry, I am not used to asking for personal favours. I'd beg you be patient with me." He sighed and dragged his fingers through his thick hair before leaning back in his chair. He felt Veshna's soothing influence press against his mind, urging him on.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Our cause is necessary, my place here is necessary, this training and time we are spending, I know it is all necessary." Another pause… "I have never left my country for this long. And the first time I do... " He sighed and smiled up at Merrik again. "I told you I was not practiced at this.." He cleared his throat and took a deep breath.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"When I left, my Eldest son had already gone to fight at our borders. By the time I passed the border myself, the fighting had already pushed against our defences, watchtowers were falling. I told Hasim not to go, but he will follow his brother eventually and then there is Thamina, I-" His voice actually broke at this point, his hand clenching around the glass of brandy spasmodically. "If I could contact my family… no matter what word comes… I would at least not be pained for the not-knowing." He swallowed the tension that was building up in his chest. "Is there no way?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Merrik said nothing for a few moments, rather looked the man in the eyes as his emotion made itself apparent for the first time in front he'd ever seen. Hakeem was good at keeping himself together, but at this time, he seemed thin, worn down… old. In all his time in Hakeem's presence he had never once thought the man to be old, though his years were a ways beyond Merrik's, but when he spoke of his children Merrik felt an exhaustion presenting in the man's tone and he knew he had to do something. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]After a moment more of thinking he found his eyes falling upon a calendar, nailed to his wall and it was then that an idea dawned upon him. Perking up, he looked Hakeem in the eyes with a lighter expression.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"My friend, have you ever heard of Feriswell? It's an annual celebration held in Sylvis during which the townsfolk of each settlement hold a grand feast and dance to honor the god Faeren. It's approaching the weekend after next and I think it'd serve well as a much-needed time of relaxation for the tamers. You can take the opportunity to invite your family to travel to Meltha, a nearby village and there you may spend the night in their company. In order to contact then I have a spell we could use, but if you prefer, there's a young blood eagle who'll get them the message faster than any other bird, though he'd require payment of some sort. Likely meat or gold." [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Merrik was lit up with excitement. The idea of a small child missing her father and a father missing his sons in the way that Hakeem was made him cringe with pity. He'd do everything in his power to ensure Hakeem's family arrive in Meltha.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hakeem blinked in honest surprise. He was quite speechless for a few moments, shocked that Merrik had suggested such a thing. But then he considered it longer, thought about what it would actually mean to have at least some small portion of his family near him again… But then his practical mind came back. How could Thamina travel in her condition? It had taken him weeks to reach the Tetra estate and he'd crossed Mountains to do it. Still, his composure broke again a little at the idea.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Merrik.." this was probably the first time he'd used the man's name like this, without title or honourifics, "I thank you for the thought but surely that is impossible? Do we have time and resources to spare to bring them here? And my daughter she… would need a lot of comfort and protection on the road." Would Medea even consent to bring her so far for just a day? The only ones of his family that could come would be Medea and her two, alongside Naila and Rafiq. For a moment he selfishly wished they could come and stay for as long as the war raged. Medea's lands lay on the outskirts of the Border, she was at risk for certain and her towers had probably been commandeered and garrisoned by now. If he could have her, Naila and his youngest three here, away from danger, how large of a weight could be lifted from his heart? Maybe he could breathe again. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Looking back at Merrik, the young man was blazing with excitement, he'd taken the whole problem to heart and had that slightly crazed look of determination he got when he was set on an idea. It almost made Hakeem smile to see. "It would be," he took a deep and shuddering breath, "a great relief to see them again, but I do not even know if such a thing is possible, or even if they-" he was about to say 'if they are still alive', but found that was a few words too far for him. He took another drink, finishing the glass, and spoke again. "Perhaps if we focus on contacting them first, tell me about this… spell." [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Merrik nodded. "I know it's going to take some work, but I sense a direness in you that I haven't seen before and if this is what you want, I guarantee you it will be. The distance is great between Trespa and the estate, but I may be able to call in some favors to make the trip much more swift and comfortable. My first question is… are you sure you want to use the spell? I don't mean to offend but, you yourself are not so keen on magic, would your family be unphased by the appearance of a mana pool in their home? There are other means." Merrik stood up as he finished his question and began digging through a pile of books on the floor in the corner of his loft. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A moment or two passed and he rose with a dark blue book of average thickness. It didn't appear to be anything special, but as Merrik flipped through the pages he found himself pausing at certain spots to recall a spell and smile at a fond memory linked to its use. This particular book was one written in his own hand and was a collection of generally useful incantations and spells he thought might come in handy more often than others and so he recorded their methods and words carefully in the journal he now held. When he found the spell he was looking for he sat back down and looked to Hakeem for a response. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hakeem definitely heard what Merrik was saying and was half convinced that it was a bad idea, even before he saw the book. Looking down at the page, he grimaced and shook his head immediately. "Yes, indeed, let us not get my family executed for sorcery." He said it with dark humour, but it was certainly an improvement on his mood. He gave Merrik a half grin, handing the book back. "An… eagle, did you say?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Merrik smiled, relieved at the man's response. Judging by Hakeem's attitudes towards mana, he couldn't imagine what some of the less adaptable folk of the east might assume if a prying eye caught sight of a mana pool. At the mention of the eagle, he found himself grimacing slightly as he realised this was the best option, and yet the most… dramatic, in some senses. At the moment Hakeem's words hit Merrik's ears, Obsidian Nova's presence grew stronger in his mind and within moments of gathering information from the conversation the two men had just had, he released a low growl. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Yes. A blood eagle. Massive lords of the sky, many grown males are as large as the yearlings, larger even than some. While my family has been on generally good terms with them over the centuries and their Kings have offered a treaty of alliance to my bloodline and to the order, Obsidian Nova has a bit of a personal feud with the prince… They were once playmates of the skies and at some point things turned sour. Nova prefers to keep these memories to himself, but to this day he has a strong distaste for them. Now, you see, to get a favor from a blood eagle, it takes more than a neutral respect, it has a price. Often they seek meat or gold, but for something like this we'll need the permission of the prince or the king himself. My gut tells me the prince's price will be less than desirable… for Nova, that is."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Merrik set the book down on the table and leaned back in his chair. Below, Obsidian Nova was sitting up now, his body tensed at the mere thought of the Prince of the Blood Eagles. He gave Veshna a calm, momentary gaze, assuring her she'd done nothing to bring about his upset, before rising up to full height and poking his head over the rail in Merrik's loft. The black dragon said nothing, rather stared at his tamer with blood red eyes, his tail flicking back and forth in annoyance. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Veshna still fluttered anxiously when Obsidian Nova stirred. She was grateful for the reassurance, but still worried by the action, twittering in concern. Hakeem shared her sentiments, he'd frowned at Merrik, not liking the idea of so putting him out, and then jumped at the sight of the massive Obsidian next to him. He recovered quickly, looking between his two Commanders with cautious eyes.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]He should probably say something, and yet he felt perhaps that was unwise. Well, he was nothing if not bold. "Commander, I would not wish my troubles to affect you personally." He spoke the words to Obsidian Nova, acutely aware of the tension gathering around him. Veshna fluttered at the edge of his thoughts.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]In my short few years, came the black dragon's deep voice into the thoughts of all involved, I've come to know that duty surpasses the power of pride in all things. Those who allow pride to overtake duty will never live to see the light of a greater day. My pride will take a hit in this, but for a duty such as this, to reunite a noble warrior and worthy friend with his family, I will do what is required. The dragon's blood red eyes gazed into Hakeem's own dark eyes before he shot an irritated glance at his tamer once more. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Nodding, the pitch beast had nothing more to say, at least not to anyone but his tamer, and Merrik would receive an earful indeed.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Looking over to Hakeem, Merrik shrugged, a slightly uncomfortable grin on his face. "I guess that's that then. We're bringing your family to Meltha. I'll see to it all arrangements are as they need to be." Another low snarl was emitted from below the loft and Merrik chuckled, scratching the back of his head, as if the awkwardness of the situation could be scratched away from his mind. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hakeem almost wanted to protest, this seemed to be touching on something very uncomfortable for them both and the last thing Hakeem wanted to do was add more problems onto Merrik's list. But the young man seemed determined and Hakeem also wasn't one to question his superiors decisions. He stood and gestured awkwardly for a second, as though trying to form a sentence, before he finally relaxed with a defeated sigh. "If that is your wish.." Impulsively, he grasped Merrik's shoulder and pulled him into a fierce embrace. It only lasted a moment, before Hakeem released him, kissed his cheek and grinned down at him with all the warmth of the Trespian Sun.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Thank you, Commander." He spoke the words with feeling before taking a step back and bowing his way out of the loft. [/BCOLOR]
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[Dinner Plans]
[Saira to Merrik]

The force of the boar on the branch threw the two of them back, but the dirt and leaves cushioned their fall, thankfully with no errant rocks and stones where their heads landed. Beside Saira, Merrik laughed, and after her head took a moment to sort out all that had happened, she laughed too. They'd done it! She was starting to believe it was impossible. She really didn't want to die in the forest at that, hunting a boar. But Merrik's crazy plan worked, and now they had a rather impressive catch for their efforts.

She turned to look at him at the same moment he looked at her. His laugh was sort of infectious- or maybe it was the relief that they'd lived? But she couldn't help but laugh alongside him anyway, feeling more at ease than she had in the time since she'd arrived at the coliseum. The daunting task of bringing the great boar back to the meadow hadn't even entered her mind.

Without sitting up, she was beginning to work a few stray leaves from the ends of her hair when Merrik asked her a truly puzzling question. Her mind, still a little scrambled from the tussle, again struggled to comprehend exactly what he'd meant. As she'd forgotten about Ahab, and as she'd forgotten about how they'd even bring the boar back for the festivities, she'd let the festival slip from her mind as well. Of course, she'd planned on going, but she hadn't thought much of going along with somebody. A mental warning flashed in her thoughts, but she disregarded it. Her dear friend Raya would have told her to go for it, and her heart could find no reason to say no.

She smiled and nodded. "I think that'd be wonderful." she answered, and then added, "Thank you, Merrik."
[Dinner Plans]
[Merrik to Saira]

A bright smile took hold of Merrik's face, his emerald green eyes seemed to glint in a timeless male pride when she said yes. Sitting up, he ruffled his dark hair, freeing the similarly toned earth from his thick locks and looked at the skewered boar before him. Standing, he didn't hesitate to dip into a smooth bow before rising up and looking her in the eyes.

"No, thank you, m'lady." His smile remained as he glanced from her to the boar. "Now, before we consume ourselves with thoughts of festivities, we need to get this thing back to the meadow." He didn't move, after that. He simply stood still, looking around the woods like he was enjoying the scenery on a casual afternoon stroll. It might have looked a strange sight but moments later the leaves began to rustle and the dirt began to blow as two dragons descended from the skies above, One of black, one the color of the clouds.

"An impressive kill, Merrik. Even more impressive on Saira's part, this boar is four times her weight!" The dragon nodded at the red head, a dragon-like smile about his expression as he pushed feelings of approval toward her. He, of course, knew what Merrik had asked of the woman and he found himself prouder than over of his bond-mate. Emotional connections were not something Merrik was necessarily good at. This was a step in the right direction, as far as the dragon was concerned.

"I took the liberty of summoning Obsidian, asking if he'd be so kind as to bring Aerarya around. No point in us hauling this old hog back." As the black drake landed on the ground with a thud, he scooped up the boar with ease in his front right claws, Merrik stepping lightly up his forearm and shoulder as he did so. Taking his place atop his drake's back, he waited patiently for Saira to do the same.

"I'd like to thank you for sticking by me today in the hunt, Saira. If you wouldn't mind, stop bu my quarters before we leave for Meltha tonight and I have a bit of a reward for you."


Merrik has a gift for you, see him in his quarters when you're free.
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[Eyvria's Plight]
[Shirin to Goliath, Asa, Dalaith, & Beast]

The warrior felt her entire body shudder at the sound of the creature's laughter, but still she pushed forward, her battle cry only growing louder - stronger. She could hear Byriarti's wingbeats above her, feeling his soothing presence grant her strength as he sent his message to the proud raptor above. In that single instant, Shirin backed off, diving off to the side just in time for Eyvria to dive in and attack. Landing hard on her left shoulder, she gave a small yelp before shoving herself off the ground and once more raising her sword. Quickly, however, the mercenary realized that she was no longer needed.

She watched, dumbstruck, as the Blood Eagle fought with everything she had to save her child. The power between the two creatures was both fascinating and a little frightening. She listened as her drake returned quietly to the Garden, sending her a reassuring feeling as he pulled his scent away from the prideful mother. And while Eyvria attacked, Shirin remembered her fallen comrade and rushed towards her, sheathing her weapon. The smell of blood was thick, but Shirin could tell that the wound was not deep. Slowly, she rolled Dalaith over to her side, revealing the broken arm. Using the leaves, she made a pillow for the young scholar to hold her head straight from her body. Using a stick and a couple of quick strips from her tunic, she snapped the bone back into place and set it just so it would hold before getting to Yennefer. For the young woman's back, Shirin took moss from a nearby stone, also noting that if there was moss, there was water, placing it along the strip of torn flesh.

When Eyvria returned, demanding to know where her child was, Shirin spoke, bowing her head. "She is just ahead of us, Great One. I heard her cry for you just moments ago." Pausing for a moment, she looked down at her intelectual friend, pondering what she should do. The moment was brief, for the warrior knew she could still carry the tiny female and go where she needed to go. Gently, she lifted Dalaith onto her back, draping the unconscious woman's head over her shoulder and tying her fingers together with another small strip of fabric as to keep her strapped. Then, grabbing her legs to where she was in a piggy-back position, the woman darted forward, leading everyone to where she heard the sound not too long before.
[Eyvria's Plight]
[Goliath to Eyvria, Shirin, Dalaith, Asa, and the Beast]

Goliath waited for the opportune moment to strike as Shirin charged the beast from the shadows and before he had his moment, Eyvria swooped down at the beast. The soldier watched as Eyvria and the beast named Bau'grugh traded blows and Goliath knew that he needed to go secure the offspring, in case the beast decided to deceive them. Shirin ran to the aid of Dalaith, and as Asa supported Eyvria, Goliath moved quickly towards the muffled cries of Etyrn; Eyvria's daughter and cousin to the prince of the blood eagles.

Trapped within a mesh of thorns he saw the offspring he and his friends has been looking for and spoke quietly, trying not to frighten the already scared beautiful bird. "Etyrn, my name is Goliath Atreus, My friends and I were instructed by your mother to bring you back to her, she is nearby and there is nothing more to fear." and staring into the eyes of the chick "I will keep you safe until she arrives".

The blood eagle chick only replied with another whimpering squeak as it attempted to free itself from the thorn bush. The man from the south held out his left hand in calming gesture and with his blade in his right, he cut around the bush, removing the branches that barred the blood eagle youth from freedom.

As Goliath removed the final branch, the young blood eagle Etyrn pecked viciously at the palm of his left hand. "ah fuck" The soldier winced at the unexpected pain, but kept his composure and readied his blade as he stood between the sounds from the woods and the chick.

He heard movement coming their way...
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