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Return of the Dragon Tamers: The Plague of Ogual



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  • 5kqe4m.png

    Return of the Dragon Tamers
    The time has come for the dragons and the humans to join forces once again...


  • Hunting the Blackshire Stags

    Narien, Illyria, Avren, Pomona

    Reverie, Xylia, Alder, Saira

  • Terria has been rescued and returned safely to the meadow. Her retrieval came at the cost of another talented tamer: Goliath, and his dragon Hezekiah. Terria slumbers in sickness of the body and the mind even as Merrik has spent more than a week at her side, healing her thrice daily, doing everything in his power to bring her back to the Order.

    The party that ventured to eastern Galidus to sort out the issues in Kibran returned with a new stranger who turned out to be the bondmate of the Valor dragoness, Andraste. Alder Grey has joined the ranks of the Order and now works to find his place.

    Shortly after the Order's reuniting in the meadow, a council was called the a vote was ordered for the army's next tactical move. With the votes in, the Order is now set on unlocking the memories of the strange man Bren and travelling to Galidus to meet with the new king, Kylvest Brohn of Trespa while simultaneously meeting with the People of Dragons elders.

    Before the Order sets off once more, they are taking time to return to their training at the meadow and heal their hearts and bodies. At current, Merrik has chosen to mix things up and brought the Order out to the north-eastern woods to hunt for Obsidian Nova's favorite game: Blackshire Stags. After a great deal of drama in Kibran regarding Merrik's decisions on leadership, he hopes that the Order will begin to sort itself out within the ranks and grow to trust each other more deeply in a time when trust among comrades is a necessity.

  • Character Hex Colors
    Aerarya is #800080
    Saira is #33cccc
    Merrik is Red
    Nova is Black with Shadow and Italic.
    Avren is Green
    Viridian is Yellow Green with Italic.
    Terria is Dark Azure
    Taega is Medium Gray with Glow and Italic.
    Requiem is Maroon
    Aleria is Dark Green.
    Agni color is #999999
    Narien is #0092b3

    Soulserenity20 ---- Merrik Tetra ----- Obsidian Nova, Nightmare Dragon
    Soulserenity20 -----Terria Tetra ----- Ataegana Kuu'iah, Lunar Dragon
    Soulserenity20 -----Avren Lebram ----- Viridian, Forest Dragon
    Rainjay -----Saira Rinien ----- Aerarya, Atmosphere Dragon
    Rainjay -----Illyria Rowena Renthir ----- Mirazh, Desert Dragon
    Firejay1 -----Narien Ki'ila ----- Angi, Arcane Dragon
    White -----Rèverie Gray ----- Celeste, Celestial Dragon
    Mowkie ----- Pomona Ayelet Muldell ----- Katla, Vanity Dragon
    Mowkie ----- Alder Balthazar Grey ----- Andraste, Valor Dragon
    Crimson77 ----- Xylia Kalei Iwalani ----- Deventh, Swamp Dragon

  • Tetra Estate - Coliseum, 8:17am

    The morning air was cool and crisp, the last signs of Winter nipping at Spring's hold on the lands. There was a deep fog rolling in over the eastern forest, blanketing the ancient trees with an eerie, chilling veil. A pair of deep green eyes scanned the surrounding landscape from a hundred feet in the air. Their owner felt no fear, no discomfort of the altitude, being as much at home in the skies as he was on the earth. While the height and the crisp morning air did not bother him, a deep concern was festering within the corners of his mind. It was not unusual for worry and concern to waft about in his thoughts, but the intensity of today's concern was unprecedented.

    There was a silence that surrounded him, cocooning him in its peaceful tendrils, broken only by the steady whoosh of powerful wings. With each heavy downbeat, the man in the sky would exhale, taking in the pristine air the ancient woods provided and letting it out in a meditative manner. His dark hair swayed gently, not by breeze, but by wing-beat. The man was concentrating on the legend that was about to begin a hundred feet below him. The man was sorting out his thoughts, organizing his concerns, perfecting his plan of action. Worrying. Concerning himself. Stressing.

    The mind is of no use when it is tangled and knotted with stress and worry.

    Merrik Tetra opened his eyes as a wave of reassurance swept into his mind, settling what had been stirred up, putting his last lingering thoughts in the right place, and shouldering the mental burden that so commonly threatened to crush him.

    "Your wisdom could not have been more welcome. But to execute concern would be unwise. Today the stories of the world will shift mid-sentence, a new chapter forcing its way into a tale of growing darkness. Today the legends of old will be reborn, history repeating itself at the hands of peril upon these lands." Though his lips did not move and no sound rang out into the air, his words found their way into the mind that commanded the wings beating powerfully at Merrik's sides.

    The man in the sky was not alone.

    A hundred feet above the Tetra Estate, a creature of myth lingered in the air, sustained by the grip of its thick wing membranes on the cool morning air. The creature was massive, larger than any common animal of the lands, and it wore a cloak of scales as black as a night sky devoid of any stars. Blood red eyes that made every onlooker feel like prey blinked slowly as they stared at the distant fog bank. It's vast wings, cloaked in the same obsidian scales that coated the beast's muscular body, wore rings, red as the most scalding lava.

    The creature was a dragon. A Nightmare Dragon, to be specific; a beast of legends and fairy tales from a time long ago, long before the memories of even the oldest human. For hundreds of years the sound of heavy wing-beats parting the air could not be heard in these lands, or any other for that matter. For hundreds of years, the great draconic race was thought to have been extinct, perished by the hands of elves or man or even time itself.

    Few would believe their eyes. But Merrik Tetra would not so much as blink at the site of such a creature, for the dragon of nightmares and terror that claimed the skies was his dragon, and Merrik was its human. They were soulmates, best friends, companions, one.

    More than 2 decades ago, when Merrik was just a little boy, he was brought down into a damp, dark cellar in the depths of his family's manor. There, he received an egg. From within that egg came a voice, though not one any other person would hear, unless it so chose to be heard. Within that egg was a hatchling nightmare dragon, the same drake upon which Merrik sat at that very moment. The dragon was given to him by a strange, mysterious old man who called himself The Oracle. This man changed Merrik's life, shifted his path of fate to one of severity and ultimatum. His life for the next two years was leading up to this moment, this cool spring morning.

    Today, Merrik was going to form an army, a re-birthed order of old, summoned up again to bring forth a the great protectors of Illos. Today, Merrik was going to change the lives of a group of individuals, the very same individuals that stood a hundred feet below him in the center of a coliseum. Behind the doors that lined the walls of the coliseum were more dragons. More disbelief shattered by flesh and blood. Two years ago, Merrik had once again been summoned into that musky cellar where The Oracle appeared once agian. This time, Merrik didn't receive one egg; he received an entire clutch, each one a different color, texture and size.

    From those eggs hatched dragons, one of each of the draconic species, apart from the Nightmares. Those hatchlings had spent the last two years of their lives growing and learning from Merrik and his dragon, Obsidian Nova. They were being trained and prepared for this very day, this moment. Each of the drakes behind those heavy wooden doors lacked a piece of its soul, a part of it that could never have been filled. Not until now.

    The group of people standing, uncertain in the middle of the coliseum, were chosen long ago, though they could not have known it. The Oracle had selected them at birth, when their souls entered into their bodies with their first breath. Each soul chosen, was the missing half of one of the dragons below. And today, those two souls would collide and fuse together, changing the fate of Illos forever.

    "They know so little of what is to come." Came Merrik's soundless voice from his own mind into the dragon's.
    The less they know, the less they can fear and fight what is to be. Though we know that each of the humans below is the soulmate of one of our yearlings, the yearlings do not know for certain. They believe that these are mere potential candidates for the bond. They will test them just as a wild dragon would have tested the first of the dragonlords so long ago. The humans will pass these tests, of this we have been assured by The Oracle. Everything is set into motion.

    Let their oblivion be their guide, for both dragon and human. Let the bond work in its natural ways, it will give them strength in the long run. The humans MUST prove themselves to their drake, not only for tradition's sake, but to unlock the power that hides within their blood. Tamers are not made, they are born at the very moment a dragon's soul awakens. In that moment, the two become connected, separated only by distance and time. The tamers have an ancient magic within their veins, though they do not know it yet.

    Today, the bond with unlock that magic and change their lives forever. We should not delay it any longer.

    Obsidian Nova had a way about him that commanded submission and trust. There was no one else in the world that could calm and reassure Merrik in such a way as the black dragon. Nova had an ancient wisdom to him that came with being a direct descendant of one of the first bonded dragons of the Order of Old. Though merely 21 by age, the dragon's wisdom went on for centuries. Merrik agreed without a word or thought.

    With perfect intent-directed synchrony, the dragon descended, lowing the pair and coming to rest on a great stone perch that sat at the head of the coliseum. As the dragon's talons touched down on the stone and his great wingspan retracted to a resting position, Merrik stood up from his place at the base of Nova's neck and slipped down off the dragon's back without a sliver of difficulty, landing on the thick, stone perch below.

    The attention of the visitors in the centre of the round mass of earth focused on him. Some eyes shone with excitement, others with a sly intent, and others with a plain annoyance. There was too much personality within that circle for Merrik to handle all at once. He silently thanked the gods of old that he didn't have to get up close and personal with the entire group just yet. For now, the focus of attention was on dragons, and Merrik was completely at home in the realm of dragons.

    "You have all be told of your purpose for standing her today. I can understand if some or many of your minds linger in disbelief, this is an event of dreams and myth. But make no mistake, you are here to become heroes, legends, and leaders. You are here to become one with beasts of old, powerful creatures not seen in these lands for hundreds of years." He walked to the end of the perch, balancing casually on the round, stone hold.

    "The doors that surround you are the temporary dens of the dragons of Illos. The doors will open in a few moments. You must all be strong, be fast, and be brave. Today, you become dragon tamers."
    Then, Merrik's deep green eyes became twice as vibrant as any human's and he swirled his right index finger in a curious manner, concentration clear on his expression. The doors slid open, lifting up to reveals cascading plumes of steam as the temperature difference made itself apparent. The cool morning air welcomed the sound of wingbeats, too many to count, as a mass of dragons shot out of the dark spaces and soared up into the air. Flames of every color decorated the skies, scaled beasts of every shape, size and color bolted about before peeling off from the group and honing in on select individuals.

    One of the dragons shot a jet of colored flame down at the ground, nearing searing one of the soon-to-be tamers. The tests had begun.

    Merrik and Nova watched silently as the young dragons they had raised from hatchlings attacked, questioned, chased, scared, and tested the group of visitors. Each was seeking a human worthy of their soul, of their life, of their bond. Each would find a human, though they did not know it, and until then, they would test their worthiness endlessly. Merrik pitied the men and women below, for they had not been informed of what the bond was, nor were they informed of the fact that the tests the dragons subjected them to would look more like an attack than anything, despite the fact that the drakes would not actually harm them. This pity went away mere moments after it arrived as Nova's presence in his soul shifted with the drake's emotion. Any amount of terror and confusion was worth the bond of dragon and tamer.

  • Combat Event Guide
    1. GM Scenario Introduction.​
    2. Player Response. Combat Begins.​
    3. GM Response to Combat. Required die roll will be presented.​
    4. Player Response. Player Roll. Player may close combat.​
    5. GM Combat Close Response (if necessary)​

    +Basics Behind the Rolls+

    Three Types of Opponents: Basic, Challenging, and Boss.
    Basic: Just classic battling. It is generally expected that your character can handle this with general ease.
    Challenging: These will require higher rolls and a bit of strength in whatever technique the character uses to attack.
    Boss: These will require the best rolls, the most creativity, and the best weaponry/spells/approaches suited to the character.

    Three Types of Character Approaches: Strength, Weakness, Long Shot.
    Strength: The character attacks within their class/strength/ability.
    Weakness: The player attacks in a class/ability that they are not necessarily comfortable or entirely skilled at.
    Long Shot: The player is being an idiot and doing something that would never work unless the die gods are on their sides.

    +How Opponent Types and Character Approaches work together+
    Strength Base Roll: 12
    Weakness Base Roll: 14
    Long Shot Base Roll: 16

    Strength Base Roll: 14
    Weakness Base Roll: 16
    Long Shot Base Roll: 20

    Strength Base Roll: 18
    Weakness Base Roll: 20
    Long Shot Base Roll: 25 (requires stat bonus)

    NOTE: In a boss battle, there will be much more discretion for creativity and teamwork between players. Successful rolls will mean successful hits, NOT kills. Furthermore, for boss rolls, because they are much more difficult, the player will get a 'second chance' roll if their first roll is not successful.
    In Step 3, where the GM presents the required roll, it will have the relevant stats already added in and will be presented in a manner to explain the reason the roll is what it is. Stats are applied by level of skill, as portrayed:
    5% = Beginner ----> No Mod
    10% = Applicable ----> No Mod
    20% = Novice ----> +1
    30% = Adept ----> +2
    45% = Advanced ----> +3
    50% = Expert ----> +4
    65% = Sage (Mortal Mastery) ----> + 5

    Shirin Vs. Challenging Opponent, Strength (Longsword)
    Base Roll: 14
    35% in long sword, +2 Bonus
    14% in valor, +1 Bonus
    14% in strength, +1 Bonus.

    14 - 2 - 1 - 1 = 10 Required.

    The player will then post a blank post with "Rolling..." posted and then roll a 20 sided dice (D20) on that post. Then the player will post a SECOND post with their response in accordance with how their roll went. They can wrap it up themselves (Step 4), or the GM can add a post in at the end to wrap it up accordingly.

    WARNING: If you delete ANY POSTS in these events, I will assume you're trying to cheat and get a better roll. I don't want any explanations, I won't believe a word you say, and I'll roll FOR you with a penalty of 5 added onto the battle. This means, for example, Shirin would need a 15 instead of a 10. If you make a mistake, for example, roll a D6, or roll twice. LEAVE IT. I have eyes. I can see the mistakes.​
Last edited by a moderator:
A Trip to the Tetra Estate - Part Two

Tetra Estate - Library - Approximately 3:30 PM


Merrik set down his 5th cup of coffee and rubbed his eyes. It had been a long day and they have found very little information concerning toxic magics. Glaring up at the second floor shelves that had offered him so little information on the subjects he most desired it for, he started to think he should have started from the bottom and worked his way up, instead of the other way around. Nonetheless, it was likely he'd read every book in the library eventually, some more than once, and he had already learned an incredible amount from the vast oceans of knowledge contained within the great hall.

He looked around at the three tamers that had come with him to seek out the knowledge they needed. They had been working tediously along side him since their arrival and he felt his respect for them growing. They had all come from different places in life, but here, in this library, they were as one. They were all working together towards a common goal: to defeat Ogual. And while their differences showed in their locations throughout the library, he looked then from Rita to Shirin and back, their unity was without question. The New Order was formed, and already growing stronger.

"Well," he closed the book he had been scouring through on infectious voodoo magicks and turned in his chair to face the others. "Unless one of you has had a breakthrough, I think we've worked our minds enough for the day. Unless anyone has an objection, I think we can call it quits for the day."

He stood up and stretched, looking at the dozens of books piled about on the desks and stair cases and chuckled to himself a bit, shaking his head at how consumed he had let himself get, not even realising that they had worked through 5 1/2 shelves in no more than 5 hours. It would have taken him weeks to do this alone; truly 4 minds were better than one.

"I can't thank you all enough for the work you've put in today. I know we didn't find much, but I've got some leads now that I can further investigate, and that's something. In thanks for your efforts, I'll be cooking you all the best dinner you've ever had - apart from your parents'cooking, which I'm sure stumps any other's." He smiled warmly at his fellow tamers before collecting his dishes from his desk and then proceeding to gather everyone else's and placing them on the serving tray on which the refreshments had been served.

Each time someone would come up the steps to the second floor, Dalaith would quickly hide her new friend so as not to be caught, and continued reading. Her eyes would strain quite often and she would have to rest and just let her mind root through anything she had learned before returning to reading a few moments later, letting the books consume her, drag her down into their world for her to explore. Each pain and pleasure she attempted to feel and she reeled through any combination of information in her mind to equate what could and couldn't be, before setting one book aside and delving into another, her eyes dancing across each page as if an intricately choreographed ballet. Nothing disturbed her really, not even Merrik's loud pronouncement of they all being done, no, even if she had heard, she would refuse, insisting that she must read through and learn more, a true counterpart to her dragon.

Meanwhile, A'untyr had grown uninterested in the happenings of the outside world, walking into the manor to join his brethren in the sunning room and, of course, pester his mentor Obsidian Nova.
Mentor, please do tell, what is it in humans that compels them to care for beings that need no care, or otherwise are too weak to give anything back to them in return for care? Surely their affections for the animal world are misplaced. In instinctual nature, yes, an animal would attempt to bond to an animal of greater means or strength, but there is always a price for the protection provided, and yet, with humans, they charge nothing.
The gold drake, as always, questioned his supposed 'father' in a manner of both fascination and slight annoyance at the fact that such creatures that were not bound to true logic would coexist so seamlessly with others. He laid down beside the drake in awaiting an answer, shutting his eyes as he laid his head down.

Having read so much in so little time, Shirin's eyes had glazed over by the time Merrik finally spoke out. Looking up, her gaze bloodshot and opaque, she blinked a few times and rubbed at her face. Her bowl had been promptly emptied, and had it not been for the fascinating books, she probably would have gone to finish the other two. But Shirin had scarcely taken a sip of water. Luckily, upon the words of her Mentor, Shirin finished her tenth book from cover to cover. Sure, she had skimmed a great deal of it, but her version of skimming was reading almost every word. Gaining so much knowledge in such little time would be cause for a headache, and soon enough it hit with a vengeance, making her wince. She would have to be in the sun soon or be lost in the catacombs of her mind.

Closing the book, she gathered the things she had let sprawl around her, including the two books she had gotten from Rita and a third from the stack she thought Diari would truly enjoy, titled The Fires of the World. Perhaps it had nothing to do with what she had been searching for, but Shirin knew for a fact that Diari would love it. Or at least she hoped she would. Standing and stretching herself, Shirin rekindled her desire to walk and move around, deciding it best to make her way over to Merrik and help him gather the loose items. "May I help again, Mentor?" His mention of his cooking only being bested by the parents of each tamer made her grimace at the thought of her Papa, but she made sure not to show it. Sticking the three books in a small satchel attached to her belt, she bowed to Merrik and turned to head down the stairs with what dishes she had managed and put them somewhat clumsily onto the serving tray.

In the sunning room, Byriarti had fallen into a snooze, dreaming only of the wild thoughts of his rider, who found herself tongue tied around her comrades. Some day she would learn not to mingle in the hearts of men.

If Merrik hadn't brought to his attention the amount of time that had passed, Rita probably wouldn't even notice. He glanced at the pile of books he personally had gone through in surprise. Had he actually read that much? If he didn't know better, he would have thought himself a scholar instead of the fighter he was. The lingering thoughts analyzing how he could have been like Merrik in this setting tried to return, but Rita quickly squashed them out of his mind. He was finished with that for the day, and that was final. As Merrik made his offer for a grand dinner, Rita began to pick up his own dishes which he had made during the reading spree. As Shirin made her way out of the library after asking Merrik if she could help, Rita addressed Merrik as well. "My parents were never much for cooking, so I'm certain this meal will be better than anything they prepared. Would you mind if I helped prepare the food as well? I've always wanted to flex my cooking muscles, but I've never been able to."

In the sun room, Wither's eyes blinked open in surprise before closing again. How strange, Rita actually was expressing genuine interest in cooking. She was certain he was just doing it to annoy Shirin, but looking at his thoughts told her otherwise. Made her wonder what the world was coming to. Then, A'untyr entered the room and began to pester Nova. Wither snorted at his question, the Gold drake, for all his intelligence, had a habit of asking the most obvious questions. Why are you bonded, A'untyr? Is that not the exact same situation as the one you're describing, where we take the weak humans under our wings without expecting to gain anything from it?

As Shirin began helping with the dishes and asked if she might help him in the kitchen once more, he found himself smiling. "I don't think I've smiled this much since before Terria left." He said to his bondmate in private. The dragon released a calm purring sound in response, pleased by his tamer's chance to at last be surrounded by those of his own kind, ones whom he could truly connect with, not just carry on small talk between drinks at a tavern somewhere in Illos. Merrik was flourishing in his role as leader of the New Order. He had proved to be a thoughtful, caring mentor and a knowledgeable teacher to the newcomers. Their company and morally uplifting presence alone seemed to be payment enough for Merrik and as Obsidian Nova felt the bliss of his tamer, he too felt joy.

"But of course, Shirin. I'd be happy to have an extra set of hands but, don't been obligated. You're free to visit with Byriarti, rest, or wander at your leisure." As he left the library, dishes in hand and Shirin in town with her own stack, he found himself stopped in his steps at the voice of Rita, of all people, offering his interest in assisting in the preparation of their meal as well. He was surprised, not only because he clearly knew Shirin would be helping, but also because the man seemed to have an unquenchable thirst for experience and knowledge. Strangely, Rita reminded Merrik of himself.

"You're more than welcome to try your hand at the culinary arts. It can be quite relaxing and fascinating even, when you get comfortable enough to try unusual new recipes. Come along then! We'll make an evening out of it, I'll see if I can find a bottle of wine to help us wind down before dinner." Merrik glanced down the hall at the library doors, noticing Dalaith had not yet come out with her friend. She had been trying to hide the pup from everyone the entire time, but Merrik had spotted a fluffy ear poking out from behind her book.

The woman had such a good heart, and as much as he cringed to think of a Kujo being let loose in the library, he could tell she meant well. What he couldn't' figure out what where on earth she had found the damn thing! He hoped the caretakers weren't harboring a litter of them like they had once before. Figuring she would make her appearance when she was ready, he decided to let the woman have her time with her furry little companion and led the others into the kitchen where he began washing dishes. When he had finished, he went about collecting the necessary ingredients for a roast pheasant feast.

Meanwhile, in the sunning room, a black dragon's scales were reaching a perfect level of warmth as the massive creature shifted himself to warm the opposite side of his body. When he had settled back down, he listened to A'untyr ask a reasonable question and then to Wither offer him a question as a rebuttal. The black drake nodded his head at the olive dragon's response before opening his mind to the others to offer his own thoughts on the subject.

Keep in mind, A'untyr, that not all humans are so maternal as your bondmate. Some would rather slaughter the innocent and powerless than care for them. I suppose it comes down to instinct. Each race has their own, and humans seem to have a much stronger emotion sector of their minds than most other beings do. Everything they do is based off of emotion, just as some creatures act purely out of an instinct to survive or others to expand their territories. It would seem Dalaith's instinct is to protect those around her. She is not such a large creature, and perhaps she finds she can best protect what is weaker than her. If the creature was stronger or more impressive, it wouldn't need protecting now would it?

He stretched out his massive paws, talons extended, as he kneaded at the hard stone floor of the sunning room, working the tendons of his razor sharp digits.

A'untyr sighed heavily at the tell off from his sister, always able to have a good spat with her if he ever was in need of intellectual banter. He had caught up his thoughts so as to reply to her when Obsidian Nova spoke, mellowing the situation, even while adding a bit of a sting to his put down. He shifted, hearing and sensing Merrik as well as company approaching the kitchen, but Dalaith didn't seem to be with them. He didn't really have to ask, knowing without even searching through their bond that she would be in a fortress made of books already examined, playing with the kujo and learning all there was to learn. Truthfully, her mind did fascinate the drake. How a creature so far below him could absorb so much knowledge at once and still crave more was a feat that he had observed in no other being. It brought the faint hintings of a smile to his face as he thought of it, not keeping mindful of the swamp or nightmare dragons beside him who would likely ask about it, but, with a curt dismissal, he began to leave before suddenly stopping in the doorway, lowering his head respectfully to Merrik as he passed as well as the rest of his cooking mates in tow. He then looked back to the dragons basking about the sunning room.
Is anyone here opposed to a bit of a spar in the arena? Events here have had their way with boring me, and, unless someone wants a heated debate as to human nature, physiology, and capacity for acclimation to separate species, then I would just be off on my own. The gold dragon said rather flatly, giving no indication as to whether he would object to one option or the other.

The thought of having to deal with Rita in the kitchen made Shirin shudder, wincing slightly and turning away so as to keep her expressions from everyone else. Taking a deep breath and letting it out in a sigh, the warrior calmed herself and made her face return to its flat state. She would not show her terrible nature around her supreme host, and if that meant she would have to avoid all emotion while around Rita, so be it. It was a good thing magic was not required at this point. Shirin bowed towards Merrik, smiling lightly towards him. "I know I am not obligated, but your kitchen is wonderful, and I was never one to be allowed to cook as a child. It is a grand experience. Besides," she said, giving a slight giggle, "Byriarti has found himself a wonderful dream beneath the sunlight, and I would hate to wake him. At most, I might take a small step outside. It seems my dragon's thirst for sunlight has taken over me as well."

Walking back towards the kitchen, Shirin sent a questioning glance towards Rita before turning away. This time, she wasn't sure if he did it because of her or because he truly wanted to cook. His voice had been different than its usual underlying tones, and though it would have taken a master ear to hear it, eight years did not seem to keep Shirin from being able to tell when Rita was trying to play a game. This time, she was beginning to think that the man actually wanted to learn. Then again, his quest for knowledge was always great, which is something sad when one lives in a city like Televar where there is litte to learn. Perhaps if she and Rita had taken more adventures into the plains outside the city, it would have been different. Perhaps that was her fault. She gave a sigh to herself, coming upon the kitchen and placing the dishes in the sink, washing them alongside Merrik. Though she stood so close to the man who had already shown her so much beauty and good in the world, her thoughts were only on Rita and what she could have done better to help him.

Suddenly, Byriarti's voice entered into her thoughts, just barely on the cusp of consciousness. ~What happened was neither your fault or his, human. You must accept that the past has happened and simply move on. Forgive him and set yourself free. Only then will you be able to move on.~ He seemed completely relaxed and almost euphoric in nature, and the serenity of his thoughts trickled through the bond between them to cause his rider to visibly relax as the last of the dishes were washed. Shirin gave a sad smile to herself as her thoughts turned back to Byriarti, who now only lightly snoozed, tuning out his siblings conversation about the heart of humans. ~But how can I simply forgive him after holding a grudge for so long?~

Byriarti gave his rider a chuckle, turning onto his side as to better catch the rays of the sun while not blocking the tiny tendrils that wavered down his back. ~Forgiveness is easy, my human. You must simply learn how to do it. It will take time, but once you have mastered forgiveness, you can master your emotions.~ In her heart, Shirin knew that Byriarti was telling the truth. If she could learn to forgive Rita for what happened so long ago, she could take such a weight from her shoulders and even begin to repair the relationship that she had with him, if only he would let her. Her bright hazel eyes glanced up at him as she began to pull clean dishes out and place them on the counter for Merrik, and a small smile touched her lips before she once more looked away. ~Thank you, Byriarti. I will try to forgive him, and with your help, I think I can do so.~ With that, Byriarti fell back into his dream-filled slumber, and Shirin turned her thoughts to the task at hand.

Looking to Merrik, she smiled and asked, "So we are to make roast pheasant, correct? What would you like us to do, and where would you like us to do it?" And so the cooking task began.

Merrik enjoyed the next hour spent in the kitchen with Shirin and Rita. There was, of course, a level of awkwardness in the air between the two but they both seemed to have reached an unspoken agreement to be civil and for this, Merrik was eternally grateful. The truth was that Merrik never enjoyed drama and in his time spent travelling, he could never bring himself to put up with it from the people he came across. He was so used to living among dragons where the bickering was minimal and quickly sorted out that it seemed almost bizarre to see a feud of such magnitude. He himself had never really made any personal enemies... well, there was that one centaur- he had never made any human enemies and had never found a reason to hate another person. Ogual was, of course, an exception. He hated Ogual for everything that he was and everything that had be brought about by the dark lord.

Looking at one tamer, then the other, Merrik wondered what could have possibly caused the so obvious indifference, but wouldn't dare pry into their lives, for it was no more his place than was a fox's in a hen house. And so the man took it for what it was and went about his workings, ever working to keep a positive attitude and maintain the peace that had come to rest on the pair's relationship.

Shirin was of great help in the preparations; she knew what she was doing with the side dishes she had offered to prepare and, infact, Merrik was impressed that he hadn't needed to offer her any instructions. The woman was full of surprises. Rita had been recruited by Merrik to work on the main dish, and to little surprise, the man quickly mastered the art of preparing a pheasant. With basic instructions from Merrik, the dark haired tamer took over most of the work and the end result was incredible. His mother's recipe was not forsaken that day, rather liberated from its place in the past at the hands of Shirin and Rita. While he found it a shame that Dalaith had chosen not to make herself present, he couldn't help but smile in knowing she was in her bliss within the shelved walls of the Tetra library. She'd be in for quite the surprise when she came to see the dinner that had been prepared.

The three worked together to set the table in the dining halls with beautiful dishware and expensive cuterly. Merrik was in a great mood after spending the evening laughing and joking with the two of them, and in one or two instances he actually managed to get both of them laughing at once. Something that ended with a sharp lock of their gazes and a bit of an awkward silence only to be broken by Merrik's next instructions or suggestions.

The table before them, now fully set and served, bored a deep red, velvet cloth with silver and black embroidery weaving about in beautiful designs, dappled with porcelain dishes, crystal goblets and fine silver cutlery. The room was filled the savoury aroma of roast pheasant with a kingsberry and lemongrass baste, stuffed with fresh potatoes and dressing, seasoned to perfection. Shirin had prepared a number of sides, including fresh garden salads, seared vegetables with garlic and sage, a rich, creamy soup, and golden, fluffy biscuits. She had even taken the initiative to tackle baking a delicious chocolate and red velvet mousse with Merrik while Rita blended up a curiously delicious mix of juiced fruits as a beverage. The sight was a sight to behold indeed.

After quietly peaking his head into the library door and saying nothing more than "Dinner is served, and yes, you can bring your friend." He returned to the dining hall and took his place at the head of the table, awaiting the completion of the company before he began to dish up.

Dalaith jumped slightly, rather startled by the sudden words of her mentor. With a mind unable to retain anything more and completely tired, she had just fallen asleep in the silence of the library, still sitting up and holding her books. She blushed a bit at being caught like that and also for Merrik already knowing about the kujo she so tried to hide, but it wasnt her place to question as she yawned slightly and slowly got up, stretching her sore and stiff frame before picking up her little pup and heading down the stairs to follow after their gracious host, laying eyes upon the immaculate and well prepared feast laid upon the dining table. With a mind as tired as hers, it was hard to understand it all, and even still, sluggish as it was, her brain still tried to work out each dish and its placement and other such trivial matters. It was at this point that her stomach growled and she remembered how she hadnt even taken time out to eat any of the snacks during their studying, making the faint pink tinge in her cheeks flush out to a bit more of a rosy red as she made her way to her seat and sat down.

The awkward air in the kitchen settled easily as Shirin began to help Rita set the table, with Merrik setting the finishing touches on the centerpiece of the feast before bringing it out to set it upon the table. Taking her typical corner seat away from the others, Shirin silently prayed to whatever higher power that might have been watching over her and began to dig in. It was about this time that Dalaith finally entered, and before Shirin even touched the food on the table, her bright eyes came to settle on the most adorable, fluffy little creature resting happily in the young woman's arms. "My gods, what might that adorable creature be?" She couldn't help but speak out, rising from her seat and rushing towards Dalaith in a squee gesture. She could almost feel Byriarti rolling his eyes as he finally spoke aloud to his brothers and his sister. ~What is it with cute, fluffy things that make female humans so vulnerable?~

Preparing the food went by surprisingly naturally for Rita, which pleased him to no end. Merrik made the atmosphere of the kitchen quite pleasant, despite Rita and Shirin being forced near each other, and for that Rita was grateful. He and Shirin sat at the table while Merrik went to get Dalaith, and Rita made sure to sit as far away from her as he could. The meal began in a cold silence as the two waited for their companions to return, but Rita didn't mind it. When Dalaith awkwardly entered with her new found, Rita couldn't help but smirk a minute at her embarrassment, but it was a good natured smile. He was just about to return to his food when suddenly Shirin made a loud exclamation and rushed towards Dalaith. Rita blinked twice, and then let out a laugh at Shirin's unwarrior-like act. That was something he hadn't quite expected... Still smiling, he returned to his food. They spent so much effort preparing it, he might as well eat it.

Wither snorted at Byriarti's question and responded goodnaturedly. If you don't understand now, I doubt any explanation will help you.

The meal went considerably well and Merrik couldn't help but praise Shirin and Rita on their wonderful cooking. He continued to keep his silence about Dalaith's companion, despite him knowing better. Kujos travelled in packs and this one looked to be quite young. He had no doubt the rest of the pack had already begun tearing up the back yard in search of their lost young one. What could he do? He wasn't one to deprive those around him of the simple pleasures, knowing all too well what life could be like when stripped of the little things. He wouldn't let his unusually strict upbringing reflect on his place as a leader. If it wasn't related to one of his soldier's safety or training, who was he to get involved? The pup wasn't doing any harm as it sat and after seeing Shirin melt before the small creature he knew it'd be impossible for him to gather the nerve to put the furry visitor out. And so he let the concept fall to the back of his mind.

When at least the evening was winding down and the table had been cleared, the dishes cleaned, and the leftovers packaged to be brought back to the meadow, the group worked together to gather various necessities and when they had gathered everything that needed to be gathered, he turned to the three tamers now standing in the main hall before several crates of goods.

"Is there anything any of you'd personally like? Comforts that'll make your stay more welcoming? Clothing? Armour? Toiletries? Anything at all. And don't think necessity, rather luxury. If you can think of anything any of the others'd personally like, don't hesitate to speak up." The truth was, the manor was so vast and each room and cupboard was stocked full of beautiful things. He truly had no need for most of it and if he could do anything at all to make the tamers more comfortable before the homesickness could set in, he'd most certainly do it.

Down the hall, in a room filled with brilliant rays of sunlight, the bulk of Obsidian Nova rose from his place on the warm tiles and after stretching out his limbs, looked to the gold dragon. You know very well I do not spar with you yearlings. My abilities are not ones to be thrown about lightly. I will not meddle with your minds, nor will I risk burning you. Not when you have so much training to do.

The black dragon spoke of the truth. As a dragon ages, its fire grows hotter and more fierce, peaking when the dragon reaches anatomical stability around 50 years old. Obsidian Nova had rarely ever entertained his youngers with open combat, rather he would teach by instruction and allow them to work amongst themselves, lowering the chance of harm. When only a few dozen dragons existed, it would be unwise to risk the safety of even one when they are young and vulnerable.

Beyond his advantage in years and in size, the nightmare dragon's abilities were never to be used on friends. His ability to summon a hallucination of the target's worst fears could easily inflict permanent trauma and in some cases risk the onset of insanity. His umbrakinesis was a powerful ability and drained his energy rather quickly. In the case of a surprise attack, even on protected grounds, the drake knew he needed to keep himself at full power to defend the younger drakes against whatever opponent may face them. Above everything, he was a protector, of his tamer, and of his kind.

Dalaith gasped as she was nearly trampled over by an overly excited Shirin, she having lost all concept of sanity it seemed just to have a look at her new little friend. The silvery haired girl couldn't help but laugh before she let her hold the pup and explained the entire situation to her in a good nature while she ate the food that she, Rita, and Merrik so lovingly provided. The girl actually ended up eating far more than she remembered ever having eaten, but then again, a meager breakfast and no lunch could certainly do that to a person.

After the ending of their fabulous dinner, everyone was to busy themselves with the collecting of supplies to bring back to the meadow for the good of all, and for Dalaith, that meant gathering at least a crate's worth of books. But as she was doing so, she took a moment to think if there would be anything more in the library that she could possibly take that Merrik wouldn't object to. A small pot of ink with a feather in it provided her answer as she thought of sweet little Asa. Perhaps if she brought her some empty notebooks she could write to others to communicate independently, or maybe she would want to write a journal? Well, thinking of just that fact, Dalaith herself even wanted to keep a journal of this amazing experience. Having decided on the thought, she got up and gathered a few bound stacks of paper, wrapping them in leather, knowing that she could attempt to sew them together back in the meadow and make it even better of a gift, though it would have to stay a surprise.

By the time she had come back out to meet the others with the last crate to add to the gathering, she had already gathered all of her own personal desires: plenty of books, a journal, and her little kujo who she had decided to name Lester. But then as she thought about it, she rarely wore any sort of armor, just the occasional bracer. It would probably be best that she go off and get some properly suited to herself. But where would she find something like that in a mansion..? Surely it wouldn't be as easy as just picking a room and finding all the things she would ever need. With a sigh, she turned to the closest person beside her, that being Shirin, and leaned in close to keep her voice from carrying.
"Had you happened to find any room in particular that had good armor for my size..? I'm a bit at a loss...." she admitted in a hushed whisper.
A'untyr growled slightly and gave a huff at being refuted again, this being the tenth time he had asked, but at least Nova was never harsh in his ways, and was always understanding of the young drakes. But an inactive mind leads to some very regrettable actions, to say the least of the matter. Such was evident in the time A'untyr had actually exhausted Nova with his questions and none of his other hatchmates would have the answers he needed, so he went out to the forest to find the answers he wanted, as if other creatures would know, and that ended with his small frame stuck upside down in a tree. Not the most appealing of memories, and he hoped never to have something so humiliating happen again. But with nothing to do but sit around, the golden drake got himself up to take himself flying for a while, the one activity he felt was safe to let his mind fall into a calm emptiness and just relax.

Being able to hold the little Kujo simply made Shirin melt. His fur was softer than a rabbit's, his eyes bright and playful. She couldn't remember the last time she had smiled so brightly - so affectionately. Well, perhaps she could and just decided she didn't want to. Too long it had been since Shirin truly smiled like that. Too long had it been since she had felt such warmth in her heart...and it was all over a tiny pup. But when the story was spoken of how Dalaith came about the tiny Kujo, Shirin wondered if the little Firill was still outside. So, after eating enough of her fill, she grabbed a morsel of bread, bowed to Merrik in thanks, and sought the light of the setting sun and the yard behind the house in hopes of spotting the tiny fox creature.

Upon finding the Firill, who now sat at the fence, seemingly grumbling and beating the ground with his staff, Shirin walked slowly over and sat down before the creature, handing it a small piece of bread. With thick, fluffy hands, the Firill snatched the piece from her and munched on it. Memories of the little Gardener snatching the chocolate played in her mind, but this creature could be a wonderful addition to her loft. He was smart - that much was obvious - but he was also somewhat hostile. "Where is your home, little one? Why have you not gone back there?" In response to Shirin's whispered words, the firill beat her booted foot with his staff. She remained beside him for only a few more moments before the little creature seemingly relaxed and slowly walked towards her, eyes curious. Slowly, she gained the creature's trust, and within an hour the young warrior woman was walking back into the manor with the little red fox creature hanging in one of her waist pouches, panting almost happily.

Byriarti looked over at Wither, bowing his head slightly. ~Please enlighten me, sister. I do wish to understand it at least a little.~

She could feel Byriarti's disliking of her decisions to keep the tiny fox, but Shirin knew that he would not tell her no outright. So, with a thought of his fiery fur, she named the little creature Umilo, and kept his eyes off of Asa's adorable kujo in hopes of re-introducing them later on. Before Merrik had a chance to clean off all of the dishes, Shirin caught a few more morsels and helped him and the others clean up what was left of their supper, apologizing profusely. Once all of the dishes were clean, Shirin listened to Merrik's words and wondered if it might be best to look around first. So, speaking up, she said, "Do you think it would be alright for us to look about the manor to see if we can find something? I would like to see some of the rooms, too." The last sentence was slightly quieter than the rest of her words, but still loud enough for her to be heard. It was only then that she heard Dalaith speak to her right, glad that Umilo was on her left side. She shook her head slowly. "Perhaps you should ask Merrik."

Dinner went by rather uneventfully, and after all of the clean up had been finished, Merrik asked if any of them needed anything in particular from the Manor. Rita smiled as he replied. "Well, I don't particularly need anything physical at the moment, besides a nap... Do you have a place I could take a quick rest? I've been staying up a bit too late reading the past couple of nights, it seems." He tried rather unsuccessfully to stifle a short yawn, and mentally chastised himself for not taking well enough care of himself as of late. He'd have to fix that...

Wither smirked and let out a snort as Byriarti so respectfully asked for her opinion. You do realize you don't have to be so polite when asking me my opinion, right? I'll give it whether you want me too or not. First of all, think of the role a female human has. While some, like your tamer, go into harsh, competitive roles in society, a large majority of human women devote most of their lives to caring for their families. This factor, along with natural maternal instinct, creates a large protective desire to take care of those around them, especially the weak. Small, fluffy creatures naturally give off the appearance of weakness, and so the protective nature quickly arises. But of course, that's just my personal opinion. Another dragon with a superiority complex and greater intelligence would probably challenge me on that if he were here, so I'll just count my blessings that he isn't around.

Merrik listened to each of the tamers' requests, nodding to each as they spoke as his mind worked out solutions to their needs. He first spoke to Rita, for his desire was most easily accommodated. "Of course, we've several guest rooms in the manor, any of which you're free to rest in. If you like, I can show you the closest on the second floor? Anything these ladies might need will be on the third so it'll be on the way." It was more of a statement than a request, of course Merrik would show his guest to a comfortable place to rest.

He turned to face Shirin and Dalaith then who's requests were of equal nature and took a moment to glance up and down their figures, trying to estimate their sizing. After he was sure he could accommodate them as well, he smiled and said, "I think I have just the selection for the two of you, as well as something that might brighten your days." He winked with a knowing smile and motioned for the group to follow as he made his way to the great staircase.

The quartet walked along a deep blue carpet that lined the dark wooden floors all throughout the halls of the second floor. Deep blue was Merrik's mother's favorite color and memories of her brought him to cherish it closely. From the main stairwell, the group headed left down a long hall, stopping briefly for Merrik to open a beautiful, open room with a majestic canopy bed and bright open windows with drapes a deep blue and cream, matching the theme of the room. He informed Rita that there was an en-suite wash room he was free to use to freshen up and that he needed worry about disturbing anything in the room. It was truly a guest room and so everything in the room, during Rita's stay, was considered by Merrik to be his own.

Merrik took his leave from Rita's presence, leaving the man to do as he pleased with the quarters, and returned to the two women waiting in the hall. With a warm smile he beckoned them on down the hall. All while they walked, the eyes of many generations of Tetra's gazed down upon them in a manner quite stereotypical of a manor, the key difference being that almost every one of the images bored a Tetra and a nightmare drake, some bore other breeds, and some lacked dragons at all.

When the hallway came to an end, another wide, open staircase welcomed them on their right and led them up to the third floor where the color scheme changed from blue tones to deep greens and browns, creating a very Sylvian feel. He walked them down the hall, past several rooms and one large set of doors that seemed to mark the middle of the floor, continued on through a series of halls until he reached another set of large doors. These ones, he opened.

What he revealed was beautiful in all aspects. Behind the doors was a great hall, decorated in golden tones, accented with brilliant tones of ruby, emerald, sapphire, and many other gemstone tones. The ceiling was painted with the most extravagant mural of a great land of dragons flying freely, happily, in the wild, soon-to-be tamers approaching wearily. All along the walls were magnificent sets of armour displayed on mannequins, weaponry of every kind mounted on the wall. The back wall was lined with what would have appeared to be mage's clothing and staves. The room was a regular armoury fit for an army as grand as the New Order. This was not surprising, as this room was indeed filled by the dragon tamers of old, a collection of heirloom armour and weaponry and spell books specifically intended for the younger generations. He was certain they would find something here, for some of the greatest tamers were women.

"Well? Take your pick." Said the man, grinning from ear to ear at the expressions the women held.


While his lifelong friend went about assisting the new tamers in their search for necessities and goods, Obsidian Nova found himself a witness of what could easily progress into what one might describe as a cat fight. When Wither spoke back to Byriarti who, as always, by nature, politely and properly questioned his sister, Obsidian Nova raised a scaled eye brow and turned his gaze to the olive dragoness, somewhat shocked at her bluntly rude response. He shook his head, not having the desire to get involved with the spats of the young ones and decided it might be best if he took his sunning elsewhere before one of them dragged him in for an opinion, after which he'd have to scold them both on bickering and eventually become 'the bad dragon' once again. Two years. Two years had he watched the young ones fight as they were, siblings. And two years had been enough.

He loved all the yearlings deeply, with an unexplainable care and protective fondness, but frankly, they were the equivalent of human teenagers and he an old man by those standards. His mind had grown weary of bickering and petty disagreements a decade ago. And so, without more than a, Pardon me, brother, sister. He took his leave and made his way out to the gardens.

He assumed he would find peace out there. But gods was he wrong. As if by some miserable twist of luck, the shadow of an all too familiar blood eagle skipped across the earth. The nightmare dragon's flare sac heated a few degrees above normal then and he laid down on the cool grass, hoping to his ancestors the shadow would pass along and depart.

Luck was not with him that day.

The mention of a nap hadn't occurred to Shirin until after Rita spoke up. The moment he had spoken, that was all she desired. And yet, her curiosity of the manor kept her sleepy eyes at bay, so while they slipped away to the armory after leaving Rita to his nap, Shirin thought to herself about the joys she might find in the manor. The simple luxuries. The greatest of things a warrior could possess.

Her mind was right to think of such things, for the moment they stepped into the grand room, she was blown away by the sheer beauty and prowess of the room. It was almost intimidating, even for her. Her lips parted slightly as a breath slipped from her in true wonder at the sight of it. Each set of armor - particularly those for women - was individualized and built with a truly good hand. One set in particular held her eyes, for it greatly resembled the armor she and her brother had bought the day they set out to become warriors for hire. The metal was smoother, upgraded from ringmail to platemale, and it had a sharper appearance. Instead of blue along the edges, however, the tips of the metal shimmered with a fiery orange. Looking up from where the armor sat, Shirin suddenly realized why, for the rider who possessed it before also rode a great Solar Drake.

Slowly, Shirin let her fingers graze the engraving of a dragon across the crest. The woman before her was much smaller, and if Shirin were to take this armor, it would have to be changed slightly to fit a much larger person. And yet, the warrior could not fathom not trying it. When she lifted it, realizing that it was much lighter and more flexible than it seemed, she looked to Merrik, stars in her hazel eyes, almost pleadingly. "Do you truly mean we could use this?" She was breathless with the thought. Her armor was heavy and tough - particularly on her shoulder, which had yet to be mended through the use of her great dragon. This armor would prove much more useful, especially with the added flare of the young warrior.

She gave a deep bow to Merrik, smiling brightly. "I would very much love to try this armor. I believe it would prove very useful." As she bowed, the little creature in her satchel leapt out, sniffing around curiously before spotting something rather interesting. Dangling from one of the spell books was a strange, wavy thing that flickered brightly in the circulating air of the room. Grabbing for it, Umilo trotted back to Shirin and all but rubbed the cloth in her face. Pulling back, Shirin blinked as her brow furrowed, her eyes coming to focus on a shimmering golden ribbon laced with red and blue. The little firill jumped up and down excitedly as the warrior took the ribbon, rubbing it between her fingers. Across her face played many different emotions. Pain, sorrow, loss...and a small hint of joy. Closing her fingers around the cloth, Shirin once more looked to Merrik, smiling slightly and lifting it to where he can see it. "Could I also have this? I might have use of it later."


A slight growl emitted from Byriarti at the sudden rudeness of his sister, and he huffed a few sparks from his nostrils, grumbling to himself incoherently at the first words that slipped into his thoughts from her. However, in his curiosity, he listened, thinking hard about the natural habits of females and their roles in life. His human was odd in her role. She did not - was not - a caretaker of other humans. She was a warrior. A woman who did the exact opposite of what she was meant to do. The faces of the children she had seen fell into his mind, and he grew ever-more curious about her. Many times has her protective instinct risen - perhaps that was what inevitably led her to be so righteous about how she went about the deaths of others. Why she cared so much about how many she killed and who each and every one of them were. Perhaps that was why she had so many scars.

His eyes shined up at his sister from his lazily sunning pose upon the floor in acknowledgement. ~That is....understandable. Perhaps I might just let her keep what makes her feel so protective. She might then grow to care more about herself in turn.~ A chuckle thrummed along the floor at her comment about the Gold who had already left. ~Surely he would lecture with the exact words on a book he read about females. Such a scholar our brother is.~

Shirin's reaction to his offer alone was enough to make the trip worth while. Her hazel eyes shone with both awe and inspiration, as if the armour had ignited a whirlwind of thoughts within her mind. Be it by fate or by coincidence, she was referring to the armour once worn by another Solar Dragon tamer. If he remember correctly, her name had been Ismera Vlandres, or perhaps it was Ysera Malimora... his memory of his tedious childhood history studies had long since been pushed away to make room for more current knowledge and facts.

Just as Merrik was about to respond to the woman's words, the most curious thing happened. While he had been aware of Dalaith's furry friend, he had failed to catch on to the fact that both of the women seemed to have collected a magical sidekick. His brow furrowed as he watched the Firill go about its business before returning to Shirin with a ribbon once used to mark a spellbook.

"That," he said, motioning to the piece of fabric in her hands. "That you can keep. As for this little fellow," he raised a brow and nodded his head in the direction of the small fox-like creature. "He needs to be returned to where he came from. And the same goes for your little friend, Dalaith."

He spoke the last words a bit louder, catching the other woman's attention. "These beings... they are not house pets, they are not property to be claimed and collected at one's leisure. They are magical beings that have a place in these woods. If there is one thing I've learned in my life in these woods, it's that nature is best left untouched by man. See to it that you both return these little ones to where they came from, for that is where they belong." A stern, yet slightly apologetic glance at each of them followed his words before he made his way over to the shimmering armour Shirin had mentioned. Pulling it off the rack, he handed the breastplate to her.

"Consider it yours, M'lady, let's hope it fits, for I'm not much of a tailor." Offering it to her with a bow, he then made his way over to Dalaith to tend to her needs.

When group had finished they left the room sufficiently more prepared for battle. Shirin and Dalaith had found armour suited to their needs and they had even found something for Rita, who hadn't appeared to own nay suitable armour. Merrik gathered a few select items for a few of the others back at the meadow from a storage room on their way back to where they left Rita, allowing the two women to select a few items for themselves and for the others.

As the evening bore on, the time came that Merrik's visitor would soon be making his arrival. He gathered his fellow tamers and led them down into the depths of the manor, where the light of day could almost be forgotten. Under the light of a candle they came to an ancient, musky, wooden door at the very and of a long winding hallway. Cob webs hung about, despite the rest of the manor being in pristine condition, giving the forgotten door an eerie appearance. Clearing the webs from the entrance, he inserted a key into the old iron lock and twisted it, no resistance being offered in return. When the door swung open a gust of air rushed out before the space reclaimed silence. As he walked in he beckoned for the others to follow.

When Merrik lit the twin torches that were mounted to each side of the doorway, he revealed a room of the most unusual nature. In the center was a round, stone slab that bore unusual runes and markings. All the walls of the room appeared to have had similar inscriptions carved into the ancient stone. Merrik urged the group forward, leaving his candle on a stand next to the door when he closed it behind them. When he returned, they all stood there in silence before the mysterious stone slab before them.

"Any minute now..." Merrik said quietly to himself, knowing full well what was coming.

Sleep was nary a necessity, nor a concern for Dalaith, she able to easily go for another couple days if all she were doing was reading. Though she would probably have to eat at that rate... Once Merrik had spoken again, however, he had her full attention, and even a little bit of a smile as he addressed the two female tammers, she not quite knowing what to say in response or how to put it, but the dark haired man was already moving off, so all that there was to do was follow after with her fellow tamer.

Her mind would drift from subject to subject, none of such being very relevant, but all keeping her happy as she pet her little kujo. Even as they entered the marvelous room, she seemed distracted, but after hearing the others, she came back to attention, looking about. All of the armors here were beautiful in build and design, clearly worn by others many many years ago and merely cared for since then. One of the things of beauty did catch her eye, however, the silver haired tamer becoming quickly enamored with it, only to be jolted back to reality by a few words from Merrik as to the animals that had been acquired by both tamers. The words provoked nothing more than a nod from Dalaith, she knowing them to be true and having foolishly hoped in the reality not coming to bite at her so soon. The kujo sensed her despair and whimpered slightly, snuggling up close to its new friend, but Dalaith shook her head, setting the pup down to more closely investigate the armor that had caught her eye.

It was of beautiful design, metal scale armor, providing great mobility, each scale being a different shade of silver or gold, it all blending to be a piece to be admired as both art and of armor. The scales were bound to very small ringed chain mail that was bound to leather, bleached white. It was all very thin, however, heavier than Shirin's choice it seemed, but it was something that Dalaith could not deny her logical conclusion of its protective manor, nor her longing for its aesthetically pleasing demeanor.

this is the basic design for what it looks like[/spoili]
She let Merrik help her to try it on, it being of a much better fit than she thought it would be, and she happy to have found something suitable to wear into battle.

A few more tasks came before the end of the evning, mainly concerning the checking and rechecking of their provisions that they had gathered, but at last, Merrik informed of a new activity. Dalaith thought it rather strange that he would lead off into a staircase going down instead of going up like they had so often done, especially when, after taking just a few steps into it, it had become hard to find any sort of connection between the two worlds they had just bridged. Very little light from above filtered in, and after that died off, there was only candles to show the way. A sort of dusty, unused, musky smell was all around, accented visually with webbing and dust to be kicked up on occasion. With such things as this for company, besides her fellow tamers, Dalaith was afraid even to breathe, so as not to have something caught in her lungs, though the air even seemed thicker to her down hear, making it just a touch harder to breathe anyway. Clearing her throat slightly, the silver haired tamer tried to make a nonchalant movement of pulling her scarf up over her hair and across the bottom half of her face as a shield as they grew closer to the faint outlining of an old heavy door. As he walked in he beckoned for the others to follow. Candles were lit at the entryway as their head opened the door for the three tamers to follow inside, however willing and eager, or more for Dalaith's case, reluctant and unsure, that they may be. She didn't remember any of this being told of in the outline of their mission, and if there were books down here, then lords forbid what she would do to Merrik for keeping them in such a wretched place. A book would wither and die in a mere matter of years in a place like this! Thankfully, for Merrik's neck sake, Dalaith didn't see a book, but rather, curious inscriptions in a language that even she hadn't studied. A'untyr was strangely quiet about the matter, worrying the silver haired tamer a bit, but the worry was replaced with even more curiosity as she took a step to the wall, running her hand slowly over the inscribed runes.

At Merrik's words over Umilo, Shirin seemed to sigh inwardly. She knew it was wrong to desire keeping the little creature, and yet a part of her wished only to defy her mentor and run away with the tiny fox in hand. Why this was, the warrior could not determine. Could it have been because she lacked children to care for or creatures to love and hold? Perhaps it was only her nature to desire something to protect. After all, the job of a mercenary is more killing than protecting. Despite the thought, however, Shirin nodded somberly towards Merrik as the tiny firill latched itself to her boot. She would return it tonight before gathering the rest of her things.

Stuffing the ribbon in her satchel, the warrior woman watched as her mentor lifted the large breastplate from its rack, gently taking it from his hands as thought it were the most delicate thing she had ever held. The metal was as light as aluminum, though appearing as thick and strong as steel, shining as brightly even as her own blade. The engraving of the dragon mimicked the beauty and grace of all of the dragons, not taking a particular direction as to which type it was. The only thing the armor seemed to lack was the blue that hers had come to know. However, this was easily fixable, as the tiny chains complete with brilliant lapis lazuli could be moved from one place to another.


Here is the original image - all credit goes to the amazing artist, nebezial![/spoili]

Inspecting further, Shirin realized that despite the general size that the plate armor seemed to have, the thin belts beneath the overlapping metal were long and easily re-sizable to meet her standards. So, as Merrik began to help Dalaith into her new set of armor, Shirin began to grab the rest of her own set from the rack and redress herself. Moments later, with her ringmail neatly folded at her feet, Shirin stood a shimmering warrior representing the one thing that now held power in her life - her dragon. The flexibility was unimaginable - better even than hers - and it was possibly half the weight. Her shoulder was no longer as tight, and for once she felt as though she could run a marathon. The finishing touch came at the end of her braid, where the ribbon now came to sit in a near perfect bow to hold her thin, flaxen hair in place. A bright smile came upon her face at the feeling she had so long lost - the feeling of womanhood. She was a woman, and she was proud to be so!

The firill had come to sit upon her ringmail, watching Shirin as she tested her maneuverability in the new plated set. It seemed content sitting there, simply watching her. But all things had to come to an end, so as quickly as the warrior had found the little Umilo, he came to know the outside world again. She set him upon the grass as the night sang and danced gleefully, despite the creature's protests. "I'll come visit you, Umilo. I promise. But you have to take care, and try not to hurt anyone else, okay?" Her voice was a whispering lullaby for the tiny creature, and as if he understood, Umilo gave a slight whimper. From her satchel - the one not so full of ringmail armor - she pulled out a small packet of chocolate. "Why don't you share this with that little pup, okay? I'll bring you more some day. Then you and I can share it."

She watched as Umilo took the packet and turned away to run off into the night. Then, to keep herself from running after him, the warrior stood quickly and turned back towards the manor to finishe the night's deeds. Not long after, the group all found themselves in what one might imagine the rift between the world of beauty and that of darkness. Staring at the runes that lay upon the strange stone before her and her companions, she was the first to speak, breaking the odd silence that had befallen the group.

"What do they mean?"

Merrik looked up and around the room along with the others, marvelling at the runes as he did each time he entered the desolate room. When Shirin spoke, he turned and looked at her, her curiosity showing it's colors once again. He smiled warmly and turned to motion to back to several of the runes as he spoke.

"Well, I'm not entirely familiar with mana runes any more, though at one time my father made certain I could read them. That was many years ago though. Let's see... ah, these here, the ones along the edge of the stone say 'Keepers of the light are welcome here.' and the ones along the back edge say 'The unwelcome have no power here. The Unwelcome shall not enter.'. The ones along the top of the door say 'This is safety, this is purity, this is peace.'" He scoured several of the others but most of them were too difficult for him to make sense of.

"Generally the mana runes of old were used to enforce rules through bringing to life the written word. If these runes say we're in a safe, pure, peaceful place and that the unwelcomed cannot enter, the mana within them makes it so. There are hundreds of rules set into place here, covering all the grounds of protection, covering every loop hole a dark force may seek to exploit. This is one of the safest places in all the land."

Suddenly, as if by cue, the runes began glowing a faint green and the candles all went out by some unfelt draft. Merrik smiled as a familiar sense of expectancy came over him. "He's coming, won't be more than a few minutes now. Come." He motioned for them to draw nearer the stone slab, gently pulling Shirin forward by the hand.

Such depth and meaning conveyed in only a few strokes carved into stone. Such was the way of written language, no matter what that language may be. Dalaith had heard of words that exerted power over others and was rather familiar with using such when needing to use her power of persuasion over others, but such a physical power that didn't involve mental reasoning was nearly beyond her. After a day of learning, though she knew that there was more to learn within the walls of the manor, she wasn't at all prepared to learn something such as this. Now, just touching the runes felt as if it were a sin against the very power that she had been allotted just a small peak into the world of. Just as the silver haired tamer pulled her hand away from the carved stone walls, the runes began to glow in vivid green and every candle was blown out without any one of them leaving their place. Shades of green were cast over the darkness and the tamers that were lead to the stone slab. Dalaith was growing nervous, but her curiosity couldn't be quenched as it burned like fire within her bones, forcing her onwards to find the source of such amazement. Still not a word would leave her mouth, and she could barely think in anything more than questions, questions, and more questions. So many whens, wheres, whys, and hows buzzing about in her brain, and yet so few theories to answer them, it drove her mad.

As Merrik read out the meanings of each set of runes, Shirin seemed to feel the power behind them, knowing and understanding within the depths of her soul that the power brought forth the meaning. Each word was spoken truth, and the warrior knew that no matter what, she and her comrades were safe here. Across her gaze, she could see each run glow faintly, steadily rising with power and brightness. She felt herself being swallowed by the depth of them, and the feeling of safety caccooned her in a blanket of warmth and love. She could stay here forever if her head were to remain wrapped up in the sheltering power of the strange language.

But then the warmth of Merrik's hand tugged along her fingers, and the warrior was dropped from the warm embrace of the mana into the warm, comforting eyes of her mentor. Her cheeks flushed slightly at the feeling of his nearness, and her eyes fell upon the features of his face and shoulders. He was a strong man, and yet he was gentle. How could he be both? For a brief moment, she questioned it, and then the moment fell away as she felt her feet shuffling to move closer to him, by definition moving her closer to the strange stone slab. Slowly, almost unwillingly, Shirin moved her eyes from her mentor to the stone, upon which she felt more than saw the strange, glowing runes. And before her, something was beginning to form. Her breath escaped her upon the unknown draft of air, and she felt her body shift just slightly towards Merrik, as though to call upon his strength to help her remain on the ground. After all, it was easy for her to lose her head in this place.

Rita looked the mysterious room with a sort of childlike awe, any remnants of tiredness from his rest quickly fading away in light of his attraction to the room. The runes that covered the walls drew him closer, and soon a gloved hand was stuck to the wall as if magnetized, tracing the shapes of each an every rune it came across. No indication of recognition at the words of Merrik entered into his expression nor body language, but his mind grasped and stored every thread of information Merrik gave of the magical font. In soon enough time, the glove was ripped from it's attraction to the wall and replaced with a bare hand, skin trying to come into as close of contact with the subtle power etched into every corner of the room. The sheer beauty of the runes made him wish he himself knew what they meant so he could write them himself, but he knew that was mostly his attraction to the unknown instead of true desire. It did nothing to curb his growing want in the moment.
And that was before they began to glow. As the room's power suddenly came to light, Rita couldn't help but take a sharp breath. He looked around for a moment, his face illuminated in the pale green emanating from the wall only a few inches from his face, embarrassed by how much true emotion he was showing in the situation before his curiosity overruled his reservedness and he drew himself back to the runes. His fingers retraced previously examined runes as their true nature was revealed and he crouched down, bring his face close to the wall so as to try and memorized the shapes of some of the runes his wandering felt pulled towards. He traced back and forth in no particular pattern, committing to memory what he could, darting inefficiently as he rushed to collect far more than he would be able to remember.

As Rita pulled away from the wall, it wasn't hard to imagine an audible snap as he separated himself from his attraction. His previously forgotten glove was slipped back over his hand as he moved to join his fellows on the center, and by the time he had reached them, his previously forgotten facade had once again fallen over his countenance. No part of his curiosity remained visible, just how he liked it. A solitary fleeting glance of awe in a moment of weakness was the only hint that it still remained.

It didn't take long for their guest to make his appearance. The runes glowed more brightly suddenly and began to shift from tones of green to blues and purples. They brightened and yet the room itself seemed to darken. A strange cool draft seeped into the room , though there was no apparent place for it to be coming from. Merrik tensed in anticipation. He looked at the other tamers beside him. He saw the perfect wonder that consumed Rita's expression, and he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of protection over the man. Pushing the thought from his mind, he looked over at Dalaith he smiled as he observed an expression so incredibly consumed and yet slightly afraid, she was a strong woman, that wasn't hard to see. Her curiosity would likely always overpower her fears and doubts. She would no doubt become a brilliantly useful addition to the army indeed.

At his side, he felt Shirin's body shift and move closer to his own. A sense of protectiveness pooled once more, but not in the same manner as that of Rita. When he looked at Rita, he wanted to bring the man forward into his world and teach him, fill his mind with all the incredible knowings that he himself had been given the honor of knowing throughout his life. Something told him Rita deserved more than what he had been given, and perhaps it was this deprivation that led him to act out in such unforgivable ways. Looking down at Shirin he felt a different feeling. It was not a feeling of nurturing, but rather a feeling of deep protection, he wanted to keep her safe, for something within him told him that she deserved to be looked after, she seeming to be the type who always had to look after herself.

Merrik stopped suddenly in his thoughts. Were they really his own? Why was he so consumed by such a deep level of pondering at such a time as this?

"Perhaps you've had a bit of help, young Master Merrik." A knowing smile spread across Merrik's face as the words entered his mind. He was here.

A moment later, a brilliant flash filled the room for a split second and when it faded, a curious old man stood on the center of the stone slab, chuckling to himself.


Before the group stood a man with a grey, yet near white, beard that wound down to his chest in wild curls and twists. His hair, wearing the same shade, was long and worn freely as it cascaded down to his midback. The man wore robes a deep mahogany brown, faded by sunlight and all in all, appearing to be a normal old man.

It wasn't until his eyes were noticed that one could tell that this man was no ordinary man at all, for they were a swirling pool of colors, constantly shifting from purples to golds to greens to blues and yellows. Ever changing, one could easily get lost in these mysterious orbs. And on certain occasions, one most certainly should get lost in them, for in one would peer deeply into the shifting colors, one would see that each sliver of color was an image of a person or a place or an event, and with every shimmering shift the images would change, telling stories of everything that ever was and everything that ever would be.

Merrik held his grin and bowed deeply and with the utmost respect for the elderly man. It had been many years since he had last laid eyes on The Oracle, and he woudln't hesitate to say that he missed the curious old man's face.

Suddenly, as Merrik rose from his bow, the Oracle stepped quickly off the stone and took a place directly in front of Rita. Slightly past normal social boundaries, the Oracle looked Rita up and down, tilting his head and humming and hawing to himself.

"Yes, yes, no sea is complete without the abyss... but keep in mind the tides, dear boy, the tides. You'll need to be a strong swimmer to stay afloat when the rip tide pulls. No doubt you've dipped your toes in those waters a time or two before though, eh? Yes, it's clearly written on your soul." Merrik couldn't contain his entertainment as he watched the old man go about his curious ways.

And in a flash, their enigmatic guest arrived. Rita looked at the old man with interest, but he had seen plenty an elderly gentleman in his time. As the man stepped forward to examine him, Rita spent his time examining only the man's eyes. Flashes of many colors passed in mere moments, and he found himself seeing flashes of images, perhaps past, present, or future. But Rita quickly reigned himself in as the man spoke, and he listened with curiosity. Many could speak in riddles, but few could speak in useful ones. There was no doubt he was standing in front of one of those few. He smiled with a sardonic knowing as he replied to the sage speaker. "I have a feeling that we share a common knowledge of swimming in the deep that surpasses that of the others standing here. Although I could be wrong, unlike you, I cannot gain an estimation of a man's soul in a simple glance."

he Oracle looked at Rita, smiling a slightly crooked smile as he raised his finger to tap the side of his nose. "And so the waves break once more, my boy! And who's to say what a man can and cannot do but the man himself! Pay mind to what you say, Rix." The man's words trailed off as he lost himself in thought for a moment. Within his eyes, a story of Rita's past flashed by and the Oracle passed him a grave look, nodding with reverence. He held the young man's gaze a moment longer before jumping up and quickly stepping over to where Shirin stood beside Merrik.

For a while he simply stared at her, a warm yet slightly unsettling smile upon his face. He didn't blink, he didn't speak, he simply stared. Just as Merrik was about to voice his opinion about the man making Shirin uncomfortable the Oracle lifted a finger and his voice filled the chamber once more.

"The cockerel crows at dawn each day without another to crow for him!" He shot Merrik a glance, a serious look about his face before breaking into a smile once more and returning his gaze to Shirin. He leaned forward and took the woman's hand in his, cupping it gently with his other. He looked at her with compassionate eyes and quietly said, "There is light in all things, Kahyna, now truly within your soul by the glint of the eternal sun's children. Draw your strength from the light, surround yourself with it, and the darkness with never have a place to lay down its roots."

Feeling her sense of unease slowly change into that of wonderment, Shirin watched with wide eyes as the runes began to truly glow. A part of her wondered just how a room could brighten and darken all at the same time, even as her body shivered slightly at the sudeen draft of air. Within seconds, the entire room flashed like the sparks of a dragon just before the flame appears from within their maw, and standing before the group was an odd man of almost silver hair, his eyes intruiging in many ways - in other ways, somewhat frightening.

Seeing Merrik bow so deeply to the man left the warrior with a sense of curiosity. What could make this strange man so very respectable? Was it his old age? His strange eyes? His bedraggled appearance? Her mind wandered through the areas that could make him fall above the ranks of all others. And yet, her mind was halted at the man's sudden stepping from the stone slab to stand before Rita and speaking. The riddle that he seemed to speak in was completely understood by the fascinating mind of her childhood friend, but the woman was not one for riddles. So, she stood there, still trying to decipher the words and their meaning before the man spoke again, calling Rita by his original name.

Blinking, Shirin felt her jaw drop open a moment. Her mind wailed at the mention of the old name, and she wondered just how such a strange old man could come to know Rita's name when he did not know who Rita was.

~And yet this man appeared before you in a flash of magical light. One would think this would be a telltale sign of his power.~ The voice of her dragon spoke with a tone of amusement in his tired mind. ~Think about it, Shirin.~

But before Shirin could really think about it, she found herself face to face with the bearded man, who stared at her oddly. She felt her body tighten with a sense of unease, and she took a slight step back, eyes widened as her hand came to settle on her blade. Despite the fact that she showed no signs of unsheathing the weapon, her hand rested on the pommel as if to draw strength from it, feeling herself singled out and alone in a crowd.

And as Merrik went to mention the warrior's unease to the strange, bearded man, he was stopped with a powerful voice that once more spoke in a riddle she could not understand. And before she could even say anything, her hand was taken into the old man's and cupped. Though the desire to pull away and make a break for it, a part of Shirin told her to remain standing before him. She found her courage, taking a deep breath and forcing herself to relax. Before she knew it, the strange features of the man showed her compassion instead of curiosity. She could see in his eyes strange images flowing around, telling her story to him. And then he spoke her name. Not Shirin, but Kahyna. Her body shuddered at the mention of it - for that was a name only used by her Papa. Tears pooled in her eyes, and she looked away, not bothering to try and figure out what he was trying to say.

But then, within a mere moment, it sunk in. She had become a child of the sun. She was a woman touched by light and surrounded by darkness. If she could filter out the bad and leave only the good, no longer would she be plagued with such evil.

"But how?" She heard herself choke out the words, trying to get a hold of herself before the others. Her voice was shaky and very soft, and once the two words were spoken, she couldn't seem to explain. Yet a part of her understood that she didn't have to, for this man knew the questions that dwelt in her thoughts and in her heart.

The old man held her hands for a moment longer, his gaze boring into her own. "The Light, my dear. Man is blind in the dark, but with the help of the Light, he may see all that needs to be seen. Look into the darkest places for they most often hold the secrets we need to see the most." The reverent expression on the man's worn, weathered face held firm for a short while before he suddenly broke out into a warm smile which quickly escalated into a hearty chuckle. He gave Shirin one last pat on the hand before gently releasing his hold and turned to face Dalaith who stood on the other side of Merrik.

"My! We do have a glorious collection of flowers in the field of the New Order! What a delight you are!" He stepped up to Dalaith and brought his face right to hers, destroying any personal boundaries that may have been in place. Eyes wide, a slightly unsettling smile up his face, he stared directly into her eyes, unblinking. After a few moments he began to chuckle again and backed up slightly. The man was simply giddy at this point and it was an unusual site to behold indeed.

"Many a mysterious mind have I wandered but the halls of this manor are ever changing and fester in unpredictable winding and weaving! A map does no good, for some doors simply cannot be opened, at least... not to the ordinary. I know what lies behind those brass knobs and oaken barriers, yes. Treasure, of the highest value, but with it a great beast..." A dire expression seeped onto his face. "Potential is a demon all its own and possession is as much a killer as a blade to the back..." Once more the man seemed to become lost within his mind as his eyes flickered back and forth, gazing into the infinite futures that lay before them.

For a moment, Merrik saw a flash in the Oracle's eyes that send chills down his spine, but every ounce of his being knew better than to dwell on what seeped out of the ancient's gaze.

Dalaith bowed just as Merrik had when their visitor arrived, her upbringing in the Mystic Lake town and her natural born thirst for knowledge only provided by her elders having bred a deep respect for those advanced in years. She watched with interest as first Rita, then Shirin were given an admitably strange look over, and then granted a conversation with the elderly man, however laden in riddles it may have been. Dalaith was still rubbing the chills and goosebumps from her arms from the strange sensation of tingling and a cooled draft from when their visitor had appeared within the sealed room. She was struck in awe, trying to figure the complexities of such a feat, though soon enough, she came to the conclusion that had been put into her head oh so many times over the past week. Such a conclusion was confirmed by the answering of A'untyr from afar, he having been paying a keen attention to his tamer's thoughts and what she was seeing.
Magic is an art that may only be performed with great knowledge, such that gives understanding of the world around you, the earth below, the sky above, the life around, and the sea that forever threatens to swallow the ground into its relentless waters. The Oracl has knowledge of all and sees all, Dalaith. Pay close attention to whatever secrets he may impart.
Dalaith nodded slightly, understanding the explanation given her, only to find the man having stepped over to her suddenly, he looking close, and all in a small time, looking quite a bit too close for comfort, but still, Dalaith stood firm. She held her breath slightly, her eyes trapped within the steady hold of his.
'So many memories... And yet such a calmness that he can possess while seeing all the calamity that envelops the world...' she thought to herself silently.

Letting the man look for however long he pleased was second nature to the woman, though the slow creaping of a smile upon his face was quite disturbing, especially with how close he was. As he then began to laugh once backing away, Dalaith assumed that surely he had gone mad, but even so, she stayed still in respect, lowering her gaze slightly. The silver haired woman hadn't noticed the faint tremble in her hand as she lightly bit her bottom lip, understanding the man's words, and yet, not understanding at the same time. The halls of this manor, her mind, were ever changing. She was constantly protecting herself from the outside, and her thoughts were always flowing freely. She understood that she had locked her emotions away for a good reason, but there were also some memories that she locked up. Had he meant one or both? And what dangers had he spoken of that could persist with either holding back or letting loose? It was all ammased by his darker expression when he had finished his speaking, and in that moment, the woman who was always so eager to learn more, the one who would delve into the deepest of secret, ancient tellings, could say nothing. She almost felt a little sick at it all, but she just backed up two steps and nodded.

The man nodded in reverence at Dalaith once more, their expressions locked. "Do not let the labyrinth become your second home." His words hung in the air for what felt like minutes.

"AND YOU!" The Oracle suddenly skipped over to where Merrik was standing, a bright, ear to ear smile upon his face. "You've done well, my boy. Quite well indeed! The river of time has yet to run dry and with each new bend the water churns on with renewed power not before found in those waters. Yes... though the darkness at your side could use a bit of light it seems! Time is serious, yet the moment should not always be so." He chuckled to him and Merrik broke into a smile. The man was just as he had always been: seemingly insane and undeniably wise and all knowing. He was right, of course, about Obisidian Nova, and a low humming tone chimed into Merrik's mind as his companion rolled his eyes at the All-knowing One.

"As I'm sure you're well aware, we've made great progress in both body and mind. Many of the souls now fused have grown steadily stronger. For others the path was not so easy but nonetheless they have endured and the bond strengthened. Your decisions formed a clear path and its guidance has yet to lead us astray. You said you wished to speak with Shirin and Rita. Dalaith and I shall take our leave and wait in the hall. I will return to discuss our more private matters when you summon me." With a deep bow, he gave Shirin a reassuring look, nodded at Rita, and then led Dalaith out into the hall to provide the trio with a bit of privacy.

As the minutes passed by Merrik allowed his thoughts to swirl about in the silence that consumed the pair. He and Dalaith hadn't said a word to each other after exiting the room, each drawn into seclusion by their thoughts. It wasn't until a quiet couple of raps on the wooden door at their side broke the silence that the pair came to life from their statuesque positions and re-entered the room. Merrik's eyes fell upon the Oracle who had a grim look about him. Their gazes locked for a moment and Merrik was forced to see a dark vision within the old man's eyes. He shuttered slightly after what he saw, despite the fact that the entire vision lasted no more than a handful of seconds.

When they received their privacy by the other three tamers Merrik's mind plunged much deeper into the storming sea of worry that so constantly threatened to destroy him. It took Obsidian Nova's strength fortifying the walls of his mind to allow him to maintain his composure when the others were asked to return. After taking a moment to right his thoughts and clear his throat, Merrik spoke to his three companions.

"Our business here is done, friends. The Oracle wished to bid you each farewell in person before he returns to his realm." Merrik stepped aside with a bow and allowed the Oracle to step forward.

The old man smiled warmly at each of the three tamers, his eyes swirling and contorting through the endless visions of eternity. "The blood, the labyrinth, the light, and the abyss. Oh, what fate holds for you." With another tap of his finger to his nose, the entire room flashed into a bright green light. When it faded away, the four were alone once more. Merrik stared hard at the spot where the Oracle stood a moment ago, his brow furrowed under the weight of his responsibility once more.

Seconds passed, a minute, two. Merrik looked up and turned to the others. "We'll sleep at the manor tonight and return to the garden tomorrow. Come, I'll show you to your rooms." His heart was heavy with burden and he had little to say. As much as he truly enjoyed seeing his dear old friend, each time the Oracle found a reason to visit the estate, there was dark news to be told. Tonight was no different. He needed to get back to the meadow.

You feel it as well then. Tomorrow, dear friend. Perhaps it is nothing more than a shift in the mana of the earth. We cannot make assumptions. Merrik nodded, despite the fact that Nova would not see it. The dragon would feel it, he would know Merrik's exact thoughts and emotions, just as he always did.

When the group made it to the body of the manor at last, Merrik led them back to a hallway they had once passed through and one by one opened a door, each aside the next, and motioned for the tamers to enter their evening's abodes.

When each had been shown to their room, he walked to the end of the hallway where two doors faced each other. He turned for a moment and put his hand on the smooth wood of the door on the right before turning to the one on the left and entering his own childhood room. Making his way through the memories, he walked out onto the balcony at the other end of the room and directly to where Obsidian Nova's massive head waited, peering over the stone rails. Merrik leaned forward, bearing his weight on his shoulder which rested against the black dragon's massive snout. His cheek felt the warmth of the dragon's scaly snout and allowed his hands to stroke the small scales of the dragon's face as he had so many times.

Whenever his burden was heavy, Obsidian Nova offered him the strength to carry on. Without the nightmare dragon, surely he would have fallen under the weight of his duty.

Neither spoke in that moment, the emotions were enough. Merrik felt like he could break down at the thought of what had been revealed to him by the Oracle, but no matter how long Merrik needed, no matter how weak he felt or how close to giving up he got, Nova would not let his soulmate fall. He would not let his beloved tamer give in to the burden of his blood.

And so they stood in silence, letting the breeze of the late night whisper stories of the woods.

The words of the Oracle to Rita and Shirin alone left the warrior somewhat shaken, and though she showed no outward signs as the old man addressed the group, giving each a name before disappearing, she found herself trembling as she entered the room that her mentor had led her to. Though she was alone, she couldn't shake Rita's presence. It was as though his very shadow followed behind her, playing its evil games on her mind and tricking her into believing the things he wanted her to believe.
But that was absurd. Rita was no more a victim of this fate than she. Shirin had to remember that much. And yet, as she felt the tears slipping down her cheeks like tremors of forgotten dread, the warrior could not let go of the thoughts the child still held. Within her, she felt the darkness of her heart tremble, threatening to bear its ugly fangs once more. Quickly, as though she couldn't shed it fast enough, she removed her armor and threw down her blade, clenching her hand over her heart, as if to keep it from aching.

Then, the soothing breath of her beast flowed into her mind, pushing away the black that exposed itself from the depths of her sadness. His voice did not echo in her thoughts. His taunting laugh did not vibrate within her breast. His breath simply warmed what had grown to be so very cold. Slowly, the warrior felt herself begin to relax. And as her muscles loosened around her strong bones, so, too, did the tears finally come free. As if on instinct, the woman thrust herself from the room her mentor had so hospitably provided and ran down the stairwell to find the source of her warmth.

She would find Byriarti beside the great fence where she had found the little fox creature. Though he appeared almost exhausted, his stormy blue eyes came to rest warmly on her, and his wing opened in a welcoming embrace. Letting out a sob, Shirin let herself fall into that embrace, feeling the hard scales tighten in a cacoon around her, holding her close. Still the creature did not speak, for he had no need to. His words at this point could not make what she was feeling better. Instead, he held her and let her hold him, running her hands gently along the fine, feathery tendrils along his back to feel the strange, tickling sensation.

As if by accident, the warrior would fall asleep curled up like a babe beside her dragon. Though tired, he would remain awake and watch over her, feeling the light of the sun reflected dimly by the moon that sat humbly in the sky above him. Only when dawn approached did he finally slumber, if only for a meager moment before his ward finally woke and readied herself for a long flight home.

Dalaith could hardly stand the stillness, the silence of the space that hung between her and Merrik as they waited on their fellow tamers to be finished conversing. A'untyr tried to ease Dalaith's mind, if only to find some peace in his own, but found the attempt futile, her mind and emotions a total mess as she tried incessantly to seek solice for her prior actions, actions that were never really her own fault. If she weren't in front of her mentor, she would likely be curled up in a mess of tears for not being able to change her past or her nature to over criticize and analyze until all is resolved. Just knowing Merrik was there was enough to keep her stable, though that also meant locking every door she had in her mind to keep it all in, to keep it from showing on her person and spilling in senseless sobs from her trembling lips. She gripped either side of the bottom of her shirt tightly as they re-entered the room once more for a farewell, Dalaith already in such traumatic shock that she hardly registered the oracle's absence.

Hallways were passed and doors brushed against her fingers as she held out her hand slightly, following at the tail of the group, not comprehending a single thing to go on. If anything, one would describe her as 'broken'. She spoke not a word, thought nothing, and walked almost as if being pulled along on a string to keep pace with the group. Entering her room, she sat on her bed, just staring out at the far wall, not even minding that she still had her bag on with the armor in it, nor remembering that she had someone there to talk to, her dragon. All that was done on her part was to sit. Within her mind, she pictured a mansion. Not the Tetra estate mansion, but one of her own making. One to be her mind palace, a place for her to stay. She had been to this place many times before, all when her emotions became too much, when her mind couldn't keep up with her irrationality. Within this mansion, she found her solace.

Except... It was different now. Every door was shut, locked. All the doors but the one right in front of her. As she slowly approached the door, a steadily increasing pain shot through her chest until it felt as if a blade of fire had run her through, she screaming of pain within her mind, falling to the ground, clutching her chest tightly. She had fell a mere inches from the door. With one last push of determination, she pressed herself up against the door,'only for it to fall open, exposing a room of mirrors, a large dome of them, large enough to permit the size of both Obsidian Nova and Methuzelar at once while fighting in her estimation. A sensation as if being carried came over the girl, though she saw no one. No one but herself.
"You can't lock away pain forever, my dear. At some point, it surfaces. Wouldn't you wish it now, when its mild, than later, when it could be so much to consume you, and corrupt your poor, precious mind?"
The voice of Dalaith's grandfather sounded around the room, just as she remembered him say the words, just after the supposed death of her parents. She refused to take it. She stayed strong for years now...
Was this the pain he meant? Is this.... What he warned me of..?
The thought could barely be made within her weakened, tired mind, though a voice that soothed the pain a bit came in answer.
If you get lost within the reaches of pain, how are you ever to find your way throughout the rest of your abiding place? Get up and push on. This pain is temporary. Life, however, is much shorter than even this. There is wisdom in your grandfather's words, but also danger. Let it out slowly, lest you find yourself void of feeling, numbed to the effects of emotional pain, and thus lacking a motivational drive to avoid it.
The voice of the great gold dragon was strong, warm, comforting. Everything the tamer needed at that one time. With his words as guide, Dalaith came back to focus, trembling, but strong enough to set all of her supplies down and lay upon the bed given her, she falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.

The Oracle spoke his words Shirin and Rita, but Rita found it hard to believe them, even though he knew they must be true. He was not foolish enough to discredit the words of the Oracle. But that certainly didn't mean he had to like them. The Oracle had a few words left, and he called each of the four tamers gathered by what they were, not who they were. It took him a minute to sort them all out in his mind, but as the last piece clicked into place a second after he had received the pieces, he narrowed his eyes at the Oracle. He certainly didn't disagree with his label, he had little doubt he was the darkest member of the new order. Instead, something inside of him reject the dark title that fell on Shirin, the Blood. Some part of his mind still remembered the innocent girl from his childhood... Had she actually turned out so wrong? He growled lightly and shook his head to clear the thoughts. He refused. All the way back to his room, he gritted his teeth as the thoughts in his mind battered him from all around. Control. Control. Calm. Push them away. Be in control. Don't think. Don't think. Control. Con-GO AWAY I DON'T WANT TO THINK!

Outside, Wither let out a little huff. She couldn't say that the Oracle's words had been particularly pleasing to her either, but she was much more worried about Rita. He prided himself with always having a plan, knowing what to do. But he couldn't have that anymore. She'd have to ease him out of it. She started to send him some of her more calm emotions, before thinking better of it. He was too independent at this point. Even though they were one, her bond with Rita certainly reflected their personalities. Both far too independent for their own good. She could feel him now, pacing in the room, tossing a throwing knife, up and down, up and down, without even thinking about it. Well, if he wouldn't come to her for help, she'd just have to make him. But first, she reached out with her mind to contact Byriarti. I would like to get them to sit down alone and talk tomorrow, before we leave, if she's up for it.

Rita couldn't stop pacing, and yet it still wasn't helping. The thoughts kept barraging him from all sides, as he desperately tried to not think them, to keep things the way they were. It's not working. It isn't working. It normally works, why won't they go away! In his frustration, he grabbed a pillow off of the bed and tossed it into the air. With a quick flick of his wrist and a loud thunk the pillow found itself pinned to the headboard of the bed. He stalked over and pulled out the knife, and prepared to throw it again, before a calming voice cut into his mind. Rita, will you please come outside and talk with me? His lip curled in annoyance, but Rita sheathed his knife and stalked out of the room.

He found Wither in a secluded part of the garden, waiting for him. Her expression looked fierce, like always, but he could since her worry seeping through their tether. "What?"

Wither gave out a little dragon sigh and placed her nose on Rita's forehead, allowing a small portion of her calming influence to help him. You're upset.

"Oh? Was I? I couldn't tell, thanks for informing, that's certainly helpful." The sarcasm was meant to be cutting, but a rumbling chuckle instead vibrated through both his mind and body, and for some reason he couldn't quite help but want to join.

You're a thorny vine, you know. Creeping, crawling, expanding your influence everywhere as you try and choke out everything around you so that you can spread your misery to the world. But you could change, if you let yourself. Try to give up some of your control, my thorns. Allow yourself to be you again, instead of trying to choke everything out. Because I know, if you allow yourself, you'll grow roses. Black, beautiful roses. So be a rosebush for me, fierce but beautiful. Allow others to see the beauty. That's all I ask. Rita stood rooted to the ground, as new thoughts from his dragon budded and attempted to bloom. He was growing, and so she planted one last thought to grow with the rest. You're going to have a talk with Shirin tomorrow. I don't expect things to be fixed, but I do expect something. Rita simply sighed, wilting slightly, like a plant which has been trapped in a room without sun. But he didn't resist, and he eventually fell asleep in Wither's protection, under the stars.

By the time Wither spoke to Byriarti, his fierce rider was curled like a babe against his warm belly, fast asleep without a single dream or thought. He mulled over the words a few moments, silently thinking over the outcome of the chat. Would she be able to handle it? Could her bright, loving heart take so much more darkness to swirl around in a dark, scouring cloud?


With a deep sigh and more soothing thoughts to keep his bondmate feeling safe and comfortable, Byriarti sent his confirmation to Wither. ~Yes, I do agree. But I would like to keep a close eye on them. She is in a very terrible state this evening, and I am sure he is as well. The flower has begun to wilt, and I must find a way to give it more sunlight. Until tomorrow, good night, my sister.~

Indeed, the flower had begun to wilt. The flower, which had already endured the great winter, was no longer a beautiful white rose, but red with blood, petals rotting away as the innocence is stripped away for good. She could no longer live in her fantasies, and though his proud heart gave her comfort, the great Solar Dragon feared that his light would not be enough to bring back the brilliant bloom, no matter the color.

But before he knew it, the sun began to rise on the next morning, and his tamer began to stir. It was time for a new day and a long flight home. But first, another meeting between the roses.

When the night's tiring hold took over Merrik's mind, Obsidian Nova had slipped away from where he lay beneath his tamer's balcony, though keeping his mental hold more firmly on his soulmate than usual. Merrik had been through a severe upset after meeting with the Oracle, and while Nova was sure he would be alright, he wasn't about to leave his dearest companion alone, even in his dreams. But there was a score to settle with the king of the sky, and it would be settled tonight. Had Obsidian Nova been any of species of dragon, his flames would have lit up the sky as and the winged leader of the lower skies darted in and out of the clouds, racing and fighting within a rivalry several decades old.

When morning's light broke, the blood eagle was nowhere to be seen, and while Nova had returned to his place beneath the balcony and appeared to have never left his place of rest, several long gouges were slightly apparent along his back and stomach. Of course this was no bother to a dragon, they were merely surface wounds and his scales would quickly regrow, covering the small bit of damage. When Merrik awoke and went to greet his companion, he said nothing at the notice of these wounds, already knowing what had happened and trusting his dragon's nonchalant response to the slices across his hide.

"You and that damn bird need to put this rivalry behind you. Every time we come here you two fight it out, claiming to have settled the score at last, and every time we return after the feud sparks up again." He shook his head at one of the deeper gouges. Despite the face that the blood eagles were slightly smaller than a dragon of Nova's age, they were completely capable of doing damage, their talons being stronger and sharper than carved diamonds.

Nova responded with nothing more than a chuff of smoke as he shifted his body to face away from his bond mate.

It wasn't long after Merrik had prepared himself for the trip home that the other three tamers entered the kitchens, they themselves readied at last. He had packed each of them a simple breakfast for the flight home. Normally he'd have insisted on a sit down meal but something had had him in an unsettling state all morning, as if trouble was tapping him on the shoulder. No, it'd be best to get back to the meadow as quickly as possible, breakfast en route would have to do.

As the party soared through the cool morning air once more, spirits were lifted. The skies had a way of eroding worry and stress, if only for a short while. While silence met them for the first few miles, they all eventually relaxed and carried about simple conversations about their time at the manor and their wonders of how the others were doing and if anything exciting had happened in their absence. Merrik said nothing about the sinking feeling in his gut, but he was sure the dragons could sense it as well. Spending so much time in these lands, submerged in the native flow of mana, Merrik and the dragons had become intertwined with the natural order of things. They were connected to the mana of the woods and something told Merrik that the natural order was not as it should have been.

Obsidian Nova picked up the pace almost out of instinct as his mind flowed along with Merrik's, pushing his wings down harder to get back to their home to check on the safety of his yearlings and their tamers. His protective instincts never seemed to die down, even after all this time with the new tamers around.

Eventually the treeline on the horizon broke and the meadow beckoned their return with its vibrant tones. When the black dragon's talons at last met the earth, he and his tamer simultaneously let out a silent sigh of relief to see that things were not apparently amiss. Of course the stables were awfully empty, most the drakes were either out on the Eastern border of the woods or no doubt scouring the deep forest for potion ingredients. Still, the feel of the land was not what Merrik had feared.

As he dismounted his drake, his eyes fell on the Eastern skies. Emerald orbs pierced the thick woods. "That," he thought to himself, "is where the upset in the mana flow is. But what in the name of the old gods could be causing it?" His brow furrowing, Merrik pulled his gaze away from the treeline and pushed himself to unpack his belongings and get to tending to his weekend's work.
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A Meeting of Roses

Tetra Estate - Gardens - Before Sunrise
A Meeting of Roses

They met in a corner of the garden where a large variety of roses grew, each one a different color. One could say that it was a rainbow of roses. As the two tamers entered this grove the roses accepted them into their fold. One, a black rose slowly trying to bud, the other a white rose spattered in red that was dangerously close to shriveling and dying. Neither flower was very enthused to enter in with their own kind, but the roses didn't care. Despite the thorns, they are accepting flowers. Nearby two dragons stood, attempting to cultivate their roses into growing with each other instead of choking each other to death. One dragon the harsh will to live in difficult circumstances that nature itself displayed, the other the harsh light of the sun which gives life to all things. If any aspects of the world should know how to grow a rose, it would be these. But only time would tell if they would succeed. Slowly, the black rose attempted to open up a little, a single petal starting to uncurl outwards towards the world.

"Hey, we need to talk. I don't know what about, or how, but I think... it's time to try." Rita looked sideways and towards the ground, awkwardly. With one hand he pulled on the cuff of the glove on his other hand, trying to pull it far tighter than it would ever be able to fit. He was nervous and open, a rose budding for the first time, hoping the world wouldn't beat it back down.

The light of the sun had yet to fully break over the horizon, and the others still slumbered, their sleep left to wander the depths of their own minds as well as those of their bondmates, momentarily trapped in a sea of stillness. There was no breeze, for a breeze risked the petals of the roses that now surrounded the duo to fall and wither. Things were silent, still, lonely. From behind the great sea of roses, the breaths of great dragons watched, hoping that their flowers can grow to their full potential, beautiful and strong. And when a petal began to open up from the beautiful black rose, the white rose, spattered red and feeling alone in a world of her kind, began to move, as though wishing to reach towards the light. The stems, covered with harsh thorns, began to intertwine slowly.

She gave him the same sideways glance, pondering a moment and trying to keep herself from falling apart as she had just hours ago. Then, slowly, Shirin spoke. "Yes, I suppose we do...but how?" Her voice was nothing more than a whisper, her eyes, shimmering with the feelings she tried so desperately to hide, looking away and at two intertwining flowers. She, herself, could feel her own mind opening up speculatively, hoping to once more bloom into the brilliant blossom, be it red, white, or any shade in between.

The roses paused for a moment, at an impasse, their attempt at growing towards each other stalled. The black rose began to examine its companion, since it could not grow. What it found shocked it, the soft spoken, withering remains of what once stood great. As the rose pondered, it found the situation between the two changed, they had both been planted at the same time, in the same garden, yet even though he was barely beginning to open up to the world, the white rose seemed to have opened up long ago and simply burned out. Would the world do the same to him, if he were to open?

Rita paused for a moment, staring at her weak, defeated, quiet demeanor. Where was the strength, the happiness that he remembered from so many years ago? He spoke with his concern for her forcing its way out through his eyes. "Well, why don't we start with the happy moments from our past, and work from there?

Something pricked at the stem of the withered white rose, and suddenly it felt the warm red that had spattered its petals to drip slowly from the beautiful, dangerous thorns that adorned it like jewelry. Such a cruel thing to be left with a fate twined so tightly with that of another, and yet, the white rose tries to draw closer to its black partner. At the sight of his trying to bloom, the white rose began to brighten, though slowly, as if trying. Trying desperately to reach, despite his thorns forever pushing her away.

Shirin's footsteps paused in the still morning air, her mind processing the words spoken by the man beside her. When did he decide to open up? Why did he suddenly choose to look at her? Tears slowly pooled beneath hazel eyes as the child that had been buried so long ago began to rise deep within the breast of the woman, baren of her armor and without any protection from the man she once loved as a boy. The white rose drew away, trying to stop the thorns from piercing the delicate flesh beneath the stained petals. How much longer could she go on like this? Her gaze met his as she shoved her hands in her pockets. The pain was apparent in those brilliant hazel eyes as she watched the concern pooling in the dark depths of his gaze. She thought a moment, smiling slowly. "Before the others...when I would sneak away from my brother to come see you. You used to dance with me, Rix." The name slipped from her lips, still a mere whisper, choked on the withering petals of a lost white rose. Looking away, Shirin gave a slight sigh before speaking again. "W-what about you? When were you happiest with me?" Pausing again, she felt her voice lower as she slowly spoke her deepest fear. "W-were you ever...happy....with me?"

As the white rose began to pull itself closer, the black rose responded in kind, the cutting thorns ignored for the time being. It had taken a beating many times again, certainly it could take just a bit more pain, right? But even as the rose decided to ignore its pain, it received a sharp reminder of its own pain as the other rose cut through, into his stem. Just underneath the surface, a black rot of the past festered, and it was dangerously close to being exposed to the stinging air. Could the rose stand when the rot beneath was fully exposed?

Rita watched as her tears began to form, and his concern only intensified, forcing its way out through his body language as well as his eyes. There was an urge growing. He couldn't quite understand it. For some reason he had the sudden urge to step forward and wipe the tears from her eyes... no he didn't, he had never felt anything like this before, he wasn't going to make exceptions now. Or was he? Slowly, he took another step towards Shirin. He'd figure out what he felt later. Or at least, that's what he thought, just before a sad smile slowly grew on her lips. She brought up something that he had long ago tried to shove away. Dancing. When was the last time he had danced? Not for some silly plot of his, but just to dance, for the fun of it? Why, he supposed it must have been with her. How had he forgotten how to dance? He hadn't danced since his name was Rix. He stood there for a moment, in stunned, introspective silence. He only had a moment before she continued, spilling out her fears to him.

He stood there, staring at her blankly for a moment. Did she really believe... How could she- Didn't she know? A look of confused grief crossed his face, and his voice broke a little as he spoke. "Shirin... Of course you made me happy, whenever you'd gush to me about what new combat maneuvers you were learning, or how you'd always manage to find the worse place to hide while playing a game of hide and seek, or..." He falls silent for a moment, his eyes shifting to the ground. When he finally resumes speaking, his voice is as soft as Shirin's. "I always loved it when some of the other kids would find us when we were out playing, and they'd try to hurt me for some stupid prank I had pulled, and you'd just smile at me and say 'Let me take care of them for you, Rix!' , and you were always so happy to take care of my problem until they never bothered me again. You made me feel accepted; around you it was finally okay to simply be me. I miss that."

But it was not only the fear of the black rose that threatened to pull them apart. The fear...the pain...the deception...that was what caused the spattered white rose to wither and rot away. Her petals curled fearfully as she found her stem pulling tighter towards him. They could not escape each other, no matter how much they tried. In fact, the white rose found that more pain was caused in trying to escape her black friend. He needed her in order to bloom, but blooming came with pain...pain for both of them. So, instead of continuing to try and pull away, she felt a rush of intense warmth as their festering rot came together in a strange dance only they could understand. Her petals pushed away the rotting curl, brushing against him. Could he accept her friendship?

His taking a step towards her caused Shirin to look back from the ground, once more meeting his gaze. What she found was a stunned stare. Was this the true face of Rita? Did he no longer wear a mask to hide away the feelings he had towards the people around him. She knew he found most people to be boring - a nuisance at best. But at the same time, she remembered true feelings washing over her...his true feelings. She was the one who taught him how to dance, after all. The girl who learned to dance with a sword then taught a boy she met and grew to care for. A boy by the name or Rix with shaggy hair and a dark, playful gaze. How long had he gone without dancing? Did he stop when she did? After all, the warrior didn't even dance with her sword any more.

Then, grief and confusion flashed across his features, surprising her to the point of taking a step towards him. When he spoke, his voice cracked. This was not a game - this was real. He spoke her name in softness...as though he was fond of her. Her heart ached at the feeling of it, and she once more shoved at the girl that had come to the surface. She was the protector - the nurturer. She was the girl that kept the evil of the world at bay so that the bud before her could bloom into a beautiful flower. Back then, he would only bloom when she was around...and then he would withdraw and go back to being the child everyone else hated. But she never hated him. Perhaps that was because he always decided to just be himself around her.

"Then...why?" Her voice was a choked sob as she tried desperately to get the words out. "What did I do so wrong that made you leave me alone? Why did you have to go away?" Her knees trembled beneath her, and every moment was harder and harder to stand. She couldn't bear to stand before him, open and broken...and yet, the answers were needed as much as the questions needed asking. Slowly, the harsh sunlight began to break through the dense leaves of nature. No longer could the roses hide from each other, for the light showed them just how close they were meant to be.

The black rose halted. The stem had been pierced by the advances of the white rose. This had already begun to happen, but this thorn was different. It didn't just scratch a small part of the rot within, it stabbed through the core of the rot, twisting, digging, pressing. Why did it have to stab there of all places? Most of the rot could use a little exposure, but the core? If the core was exposed to the air, he was almost certain that he would wither and fall to the ground, lifeless. But if he did not try to cleanse the core, to draw closer, could he stand to see the white rose now so desperately clinging to him wither away itself? The black rose resumed its movement, rot be damned.

She seemed so weak as she questioned him. Trembling, shaking. She needed support. But honestly, Rita wasn't sure if he would be any help at all. Her question made him feel weak in the knees, bile at the throat. Why did he have to touch upon this issue? Hadn't it brought him enough pain already? Why did it have to bring more pain to him? But still, he couldn't stand to see her collapse, even as he himself felt like doing the same. Slowly, he took a step forward, then another, arms open so that she could support herself on him. And as he stepped, he choked out his own whispered answer. He could feel the tears forming in his own eyes now. "Why... did I leave? I-I left... be-because the real Rita. She-she killed Athella and Leon, because of something I said..." He lets out a choked sob for a moment, and a look of grief and horror forms as tears roll down his cheeks. "And I just couldn't live knowing that it was my fault she killed two of her closest friends. So I ran, from the guilt." The tears continue to roll, but he falls silent, a blank look of sadness on his face.

In response, the white rose twisted around and around, hoping desperately to cleanse the black rose and witness the beauty that had for so long been trapped within a tight little bud. Could the beauty of the black rose bring true light back to the spattered white petals that had for so long been cast into the darkness? Could she ever hope to rid her petals of the rotted flesh that had for so long consumed them? In hopes of doing just that, the white rose surged forward, tightening her hold and moving along the path that fate had designed for her.

His arms coming to hold her as her knees finally buckled beneath the weight of her burden made Shirin loose a surprised gasp. His words gave her the cold, harsh truth, and yet his embrace was warm and supportive. A strange, skeptical welcome. Her mind flared as she struggled to stand and push away the feeling of surprise. The sob that had choked itself from his lips made her look up to see the true face, barren and without any of its normal armor. He had finally faced the past. He had given her an answer.

A surprised laugh bubbled in her chest, slipping through her pale, cracked lips as she tried to choke down the tears that now flowed down her cheeks. "You ran....from the guilt? I did not expect you of all people....to run from guilt." Her body was exhausted, her muscles weary from a long, restless night. And yet, she managed to stand back up, grabbing his hand and pulling him into her own embrace. Her arms came around his chest, and her head rested over his heart. "That's why you took her name, isn't it? Because you were guilty. Because you said something...because you loved her. You loved her, and you didn't know how to deal with it. That's why..." Her voice trailed off a moment as her grip tightened around him. "That's why you ran away, and left me alone." Even at this moment, Shirin knew deep down that she could never have the love he had given the real Rita. The love that made him act out and say something stupid. She wouldn't have something strong enough to make him run away. She was never the reason he ran. A spatter of truth came to blast against her white petals, and yet, she refused to let go of the man she had come to know. The man that the child within still loved deeply.

The white rose was cutting too deep. It was trying to comfort, to reaffirm, to grow itself and to help him grow, but instead, it was piercing his stem in all the wrong places, exposing the most painful rot, each time making him want to recoil further away. The outside world was painful. The black rose could get hurt, far too easily. He didn't stop the white rose from wrapping itself further around him. The bud, slowly blooming, began trying to retract. The black would support the white, but it was feeling the white could not do the same, and so it would hide.

She laughed at his pain. Laughed at it. He knew she hadn't meant it in a harmful way, but still, his body stiffened in fear of being rejected. But still, he accepted her hug, her embrace. It felt nice, the feeling that someone might actually care. He could get used to it. His body started to relax into her embrace, and began to lift his arms to hug her back. But then, she just had to speak again. Immediately, his body tensed up again, his arms fell back to his side. She was poking, probing, thinking she now knew the answer, and instead she was pressing into his most painful locations. He didn't push her away, but he was much colder, much more blank, when he responded. "Of course I felt guilty. I caused my friends to die, Shirin. That isn't something you feel no remorse for." He sighs heavily. "Rita wasn't even the one I loved, Shirin, she was just the one unfortunate enough to love me." He turned his face away, not looking down at the woman who was clinging to him, trying to help.

Something clicked then, and the white rose loosened her grip and fought the path that fate had designed for her. How could one rose move forward and leave the other behind? Was that not what had happened last time? Her thorns, cutting too deeply into him, were just as his were so long ago when the deadly dance had begun. She was young, naiive. Still a child, though she looked old and withered. Scarred from life's truest horrors. The rotting petals dulled once more as the red spatters browned and turned black. How could the white rose, a rose of innocence and purity, be so blind?

Shirin felt him grow cold again. Rix once more locked himself away beneath the face of Rita. Because of her. Slowly, she let him go and looked away, lowering herself to her knees as to keep from falling. Was she really that thick-headed? Always coming to conclusions she couldn't possibly know about? After all, when he started spending all of his time with them, he stopped finding time for her. Less and less, she would come to town to see him. Less and less, he would stop and dance with her. Before suddenly, he was gone. Of course, it wasn't Rita that Rix loved...it was Athella...the girl who died.

"I'm sorry."

Her words were a mere whisper, her eyes averted from even his feet. She was blind and ignorant. Her mind was too narrow to really see just how in the dark she was. Once more, she felt alone in the sea of darkness, unable to reach the light. And this time, it was her fault. The white rose began to wilt once more. She was keeping him from blooming. Nothing else. It was her over-powerful, overbearingly painful grip on him that kept him from becoming the beautiful black flower he was meant to be. Perhaps instead of holding so tight, she just needed to let him go. But how could she? How could she accept him and let him go all at the same time?

"Rita...I..." She gave a sigh, her shoulders finally slumping. "I won't be angry if you never want to speak to me again. I have no right to assume things about you, and I have no right to put myself between you and what you want. " She looked up at him, a sad smile on her face as she slowly rose to her feet, forcing her legs to carry her. Her face was cleared and blank, showing only a hint of the remorse she felt, the dried up tears now only a memory in the caked dirt from sleeping on the ground all night. Giving a firm nod, she cleared up even the sadness in her eyes and held out her hand. "I promise I won't ever do anything to hurt you. Can we call this a truce?"

Was this the right course of action? Or was the white rose just as naiive as ever? Pulling her petals away from the rays of sunlight and back into the darkness she now called home. Perhaps it simply wasn't her time to come into the light...or maybe she was just tired of trying and failing every time.

The black rose almost wanted to accept the white rose pulling away, but at the last second, it couldn't bare the thought. It had no doubt that it could survive, but the white rose looked ready to crumble away. It couldn't bare to see such beauty disappear, and so it readjusted slightly, hoping that the thorns wouldn't pierce in all the wrong places as it pulled the white rose closer once again. She needed him. He was sure of it now.

At her apology, he slowly raised his head to look at her again. She was collapsing in on herself, even as he watched. Hollow. Empty. Already on the ground, barely able to stand. And yet, she still tried to throw up her facade. Pretend everything was fine. That she didn't feel defeated and broken. It was pathetic, really. Her facade might be able to fool someone upon first seeing it, but not after she had already broken down. It was so obviously fake, paper thin. And yet, she still attempted to stand up on paper legs, appearing like she would blow over in the slightest breeze. And then, she tried to just end it, as if that would do any good. Cut off any conversation before any real conversation could be had. At this point, he wasn't sure she would be able to last another day. He had to help her, somehow. He took a step closer, his face a tangle of emotions as he attempt to break down his mask again, for her sake. He ignored the handshake and embraced her again, desiring to feel that closeness once more. "No. Not yet. You look like you could barely survive another day. So we're going to keep talking until you don't look like you're going to break apart at any moment, that's what I want. Alright?"

Forced back into the light, the white rose tried once more to shove the rotting flesh from it's beautiful petals, but it focused more on trying not to pierce the stem of the black rose. No more poking and prodding, for fear that the beautiful black rose would never see the light in full bloom. And yet, she felt his thorns once more pierce her stem...and she did nothing for the fear of losing the one person that truly knew her heart.

She had done exactly as she had been doing for years. It was all she had come to know. No matter how hard life could get, it could always get harder. Her scars ran deep, spattered with the blood of hundreds of lives. And here stood the one life that mattered most to her - more, even, than her dear brother who now had his own family and things to cherish. He had once more closed himself off, receded into himself to hide from her silly, childish assumptions. And so, she did the only thing she knew how to...she ran away from it. Let all of her fears and doubts crumble in to be hidden by a wall of emotionlessness. But this time, the wall was not of stone or cement, but of paper and wood flimsier than the worst-fletched arrows. All it took was a breeze...a small breeze produced by the same man she had tried to protect herself from since she had come to know the world of dragons. His face of emotions -confusion, grief, remorse - was that breeze, and his embrace was the only thing that kept everything from falling apart. The warrior felt her hand clutch his tunic, the other rising from her side to do the same. He was the only thing that could remain stable, it seemed. He could hold her high when she felt low. And when his words came to her ear, new paths made their way across the dirt-ridden trails of her cheeks. She could speak. She could only cry.

It was moments before she found her voice again. Her face, buried against the nape of his neck, finally moved enough for her to murmer her first question. "Would you dare tell me what happened? I do not want to make the mistake of assuming any more. I....I do not...want to hurt you." Though quiet, it was stronger than before. She had come to understand what she needed to do to help him bloom while still trying to survive. So, the first petal came back into the light.

The black rose couldn't quite understand why the white rose kept trying to focus on him. Didn't she know how dead she looked? But it seemed to be all that she would focus on. So the black rose started to open up a bit, in hopes of reviving its white partner. But even as it opened, it could almost feel the seeping rot from the stem enter into the core of the bud. While focusing on opening, there was nothing to keep the rot at bay. The rose could only hope it wouldn't kill him.

Rita just stood there and let Shirin fall into his embrace. It was strange how naturally she clung to him, hands on his chest, head resting against his neck. He had been in this situation many times before, when playing his games, oftentimes because of his games. And yet, somehow, this felt different. It was odd how she could do this to him, take something he had seen many times before and yet make him feel something completely new out of it. This closeness that he felt, it was almost like he wanted to... protect her. He couldn't quite wrap his head around it, and so he tried to ignore it. He was doing this to help her become stronger, nothing more, he had to remind himself of that. So he just sat there and enjoyed the embrace.

But she didn't allow him to enjoy it for long. For some reason, dealing with her problems always seemed to circle back to him, and his past. As she asked her question, he wanted to squirm, to wriggle free, to run away into the newly forming day. But he couldn't. Therefore, he had to face it. For her. Besides, the way she had asked it, seemingly so concerned, it made something inside him squirm, emotions that he could only describe as good, yet unwanted. And so, he would try to explain.

His voice dropped quiet as he struggled to explain it without exploding into a million emotions. "It was just a silly kid thing. It never should have ended up as it did." He lets out a small, defeated sigh, as he tries to hold back the emotions which raged in his eyes. "Leon and I were alone at the camp we had made, and he was venting his frustrations at me, because he felt like he would never be able to get anywhere with Rita. I was equally frustrated, because Athella had fallen for him instead of I. And so I slipped, said a cruel remark, saying that I'd mess with Rita and then break her heart, just so he could never have her just as I couldn't have the one I wanted." A tear rolls down his cheek once more, wholly unwanted. "He just kinda snapped. He was always a big dumb brute, and he just kinda choked me when I blacked out. I assume what happened next was that Rita saw him choking me and in a panic grabbed one of our swords and stabbed Leon when she couldn't get him to stop. Athella must not have seen everything or something and tried to attack Rita. All I remember is waking up and seeing Rita wailing in the middle of a pool of blood. So I led her back to town and ran, Telavar be damned." He sighs for a moment, then suddenly gives a choked sob, tears streaming down his face. "Oh gods... why did I have to say that?"

The black rose was blooming too fast, his wounds too harsh for him to stand it. This was not what the white rose wanted, so she pulled away in hopes of slowing his progress. Her hold loosened once more to keep the thorns from tearing her black partner to shreds, still trying to shake away the petals that were no longer of use to her. Perhaps she would never be as beautiful, but at least then she would have enough strength to go on.

He was warm, his body naturally fitting to hers, a firm post to hold her when she found herself so soft and weak. What happened to Shirin to make her feel such softness? Could Rita be the only reason she broke down like this? Or was it more? Was he just the beginning of her puzzle, the single piece that took all of her rage because he was the first? It was a possibility, but the warrior knew there had to be more to the problem than that. But, instead of divulging into her own puzzle, she listened to his answer, feeling both horrified and understanding. She knew his harsh words always got him into trouble, and yet she never imagined he could have gotten himself into this much.

And yet, he confessed to her. He told her what was wrong and why he ran. It all made sense then. The emotions that radiated from him were stifling and strong, but his words choked out nonetheless. The description was vague, but no other detail was needed. He ran because he wanted to take the blame...a part of it was his fault, and yet it wasn't. All he did was say something. Were it not for Leon's snappy attitude and Rita's willingness to kill for what she desired, none of it would happen. But at the same time, were Shirin in Rita's shoes...

Her shoulders slumped, and once more she looked defeated. Were she in the original Rita's shoes, no doubt Shirin would have killed for Rix. He was, after all, her only friend. Her only love.

But still....

Looking back up at him, Shirin put her hand on his cheek, wiping away his tear and giving a small smile. "I understand now. I won't ask you anything else. You can tell me whatever you want...but I don't want to push you any further than I already have. Just know that I don't think what happened was your fault. None of this was ever your fault. You were born the way you are for a reason, and if some idiot boy snapped over something silly you said, then he obviously didn't deserve to be your friend." Her eyes locked with his dark, disturbed gaze, giving him a show of the light. And so, the white rose once more reached for the ray in a sea of darkness.

The black rose took a moment, to slow down, stabilize. It couldn't withstand this rate of growth, so it stopped itself for the moment and took the time to examine the white rose. Why was it even trying to help him? He could be fine on his own, he always had been. And yet, as black looked at white, it found the answer. The white rose seemed to be growing more healthy by the minute, more beautiful in his eyes. Certainly there was something he could do to help it along?

Her hand touched his cheek, and he froze, paralyzed, unable to know what to do from the sudden closeness to his wet and tender skin. It was so alien, so foreign to him, it took him a moment to register why he felt this way. This had all happened to him before, but with fake tears, fake personalities, a fake him with a pointless waste of a woman whom he only wished to wring a little fun out of before discarding. When his emotions were raw, when his face was raw, it was all so very different. He didn't have a clue how to process it. He supposed this was the reason he wore gloves, to remove contact from his life, so he could fully toy with human lives without ever having to feel close to them. Human contact was so very, very strange, and he felt like he wanted shove away and draw closer all at the same time, to do something, anything, with this woman who had brushed through the mask and touched his skin. But he found himself unable to do anything but stare at her face, mesmerized as she spoke her words.

She spoke words of encouragement, support, kindness, but he found it hard to concentrate on those words as he stared at her face. He had seen it many times, but it was like he was just truly seeing it now, with both of their masks stripped clean. As she finished talking, he slowly shook his head so as to clear his thoughts. He had to respond somehow. To keep the moment going, it made him feel so strange and uncomfortable, and yet... he wanted more. "Enough about me, I'm not the one I'm worried about. Certainly there's something you can say to help yourself to feel stronger, or something I can do, or... there's something, isn't there?"

The white rose thrived on helping those around her. Perhaps that was why for so long the petals had rotted and fallen away, leaving what remained in a ghastly, unstable state. But now, by helping her black partner, she can once more begin to thrive and shake away all that had pulled her down. Though still spattered with the cruelty of the world, the rose began to make even that look beautiful. What mattered most was those around her, and perhaps for now this only meant her black friend, who had slowed his blooming process to a more healthy rate. Later, this could mean roses of every color. The sunlight was intoxicating by this point, and the white rose couldn't help but push herself to blossom.

He was uneasy, skeptical, almost afraid, when she touched him. And yet, Shirin knew that the touch was good for him...and for her. Her thumb moved along his cheek slowly, mesmerized by the softness of his skin. Not once had she really been able to touch him. After all, even as kids, she knew his boundaries and limitations. Never did she cross over them. But this time was different. She needed to cross some of his boundaries, for if she didn't, the warrior knew she would forever lose him as a friend and an ally. She took a moment to truly study him, taking in the contours of his face and jawline, his dark eyes and the way his hair fell from his ears to frame his cheeks. This was the true Rix - the one she remembered, broken and battered as badly as she. He had seen his fair share of cruelty, but his reactions were always to retreat within himself and play mind games. Hers were more physical and less brutal.

She was close enough to feel his breath caress the skin of her face, forcing goose bumps to run along her skin. What was this feeling? Why did she suddenly desire nothing more than to be near him? Her heart pounded, and her mind raced. But outwardly, she did everything she could to remain calm. She heard his words, took a moment to process them before feeling her lips curve into a smile. She shook her head slowly, letting her hand trace along the path of his jaw. How odd it was to feel him for the first time. Strange to think this was the man she had known for so long. How could she have ever hated him? Hazel eyes sparkled up at him, burning embers within flaring as bright as the rising sun. "I can be strong as long as I know the truth. That is what will make me strong." Perhaps this was a small lie, but it had some feeling of truth to it. No longer was the woman before Rita about to collapse on herself. Instead, she had become the rose, pushing for what she was meant to be.

It seemed that for the time being, the two roses were safe. Each now had the strength to stand, and for the moment, it seemed there was not much more they could do for each other. And yet still, the black rose couldn't help but want to savor the moment for a little while longer, in hopes that he could understand the strange connection of fate between the two that he was now just beginning to notice.

Slowly, her lips twitched and curled into a smile that he remembered, a smile he had seen many times before. It had been far too long since he had last seen this brightness, and some deep and hidden part of him was elated to know that he was the one who had tempted this ray of light out into the world. Her hand traced the line of his jaw, tickling the skin, making him want to laugh and smile himself. Why was she doing that? There were no tears for her to wipe away remaining, and they most certainly wouldn't be there. It was a question he wanted to ask, but he was interrupted as her sparkling eyes stared into his own, a burning intensity within. She spoke, trying to reassure to him that she was now fine, and he believed her. He no longer needed to comfort or reassure her, it seemed the time of their conversation was at an end, and you he couldn't quite bring himself to end it. So, he simply nodded in recognition at what she said and mirrored her action, taking a gloved hand and tracing it along her jawline. He couldn't quite bring himself to let go of this embrace. Not quite yet.

In truth, the white rose may never let go of the moment, savoring it over and over in hopes of keeping the light that had begun to shine between them strong and radiant. Perhaps she was an awkward flower, unsure of how to go on in her path, and yet she found herself happier than ever just being twined with the fate of the black rose that had finally begun to bloom. But, as with all moments, this one had to end so that another could begin.

Though his glove was not his actual skin, the contact to her cheek made Shirin feel almost giddy. Relief and happiness filled her, and for the first time in many years, her truest, most genuine smile broke out across her lips. Once more, tears threatened to fill her eyes, but this time, they were tears of joy and not of sadness. She felt herself moving closer to him, taking in as much of his embrace as she could, keeping her gaze locked with his, studying his dark eyes and finding his curious comfort laiden within. She wanted to stay like this forever, knowing that he was there for her, and she was there for him. Her other arm rose to wrap idly around his waist, and her breathing came to match his. Slowly, she let herself draw as close as she could, to the point where she found that her lips were a mere breath from his.

Surprise filled her, and her body jerked. What a silly reaction to have! Almost instantaneously, she found herself backing off, looking away sheepishly. "I-I'm sorry. I-it's almost time...to leave...I n-need to go get my armor on. Good morning, Rita." With that, she gave a slight bow, showing him one last smile, though slightly apologetic, before darting off to her room to gather her armor and bags. The roses around them almost seemed sad to see her leave.

What a silly girl she was! How stupid could she get? Going from crying her eyes out to assuming stupid things to almost kissing the man she'd hated for eight years! How unsensible, unsophisticated, and undeniably moronic! How much more dense could she get?! Storming her way through the manor and straight into her room, she found herself pacing for a few moments, her mind flaring. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Okay, Shirin...breathe. So, you almost kissed him? What's the big deal? I mean, sure you've never had a real kiss before, but it can't be anything major, right?

~Stop nattering to yourself. You will give me a headache.~ Byriarti's soothing, almost amused voice soothed the warrior's wild thoughts. Then came his rumbling chuckle. ~You will be fine. I am sure you two will work it out soon enough. Now hurry...the others are beginning to stir, and I thirst for the skies.~

As commanded by her rather demanding beast, Shirin dressed herself in her new armor and retied the braid that had fallen in her tossing and turning the night before. This time, however, she thought it right to braid the beautiful ribbon she had found yesterday within. How odd it felt to wear the fabric in her long hair again. And yet, the feeling made her smile. Moments later, she was dressed and washed up, ready to face the day, and with it, the obstacles that were to come. But at least she knew that a great deal of weight had finally been lifted, a long lost friendship restored. So, as she came out to greet the day with her great Solar Drake, she found herself flying close by Wither and Rita. But more than that, she found herself smiling much more than she had in so long.

And so, the roses greeted each other with an awkward sense of joy and relief.
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The Ingredient Collection Expedition: Part One

Yennefer and Methuzar - Ahab and Calypso - Diari and Halazes - Falor and Dakan - Sairantha and Aerarya

- Beginning in the early Morning, 5am, outside the Dragon Halls -
This morning Yennefer had woken up in the best of spirits. Even with the time she had spent in Hakeem's loft, she had slept long enough to consider it a lie in and she felt perfectly refreshed and eager to start the day. The night before she had memorised all of the recipes and ingredients necessary for each while also linking each of the potions to her knowledge of similar tinctures and coming to a complete understanding of their function.

So she was very eager to be up and working that morning. Unfortunately that did not apply to her bondmate. Methuzar was still very fixedly sleep when she awoke and she could only wait so long before it became necessary to awaken him. The time finally came and she braced herself as she came to place a hand on his nose and speak quietly but insistantly into his mind. She could still feel the traces of dreams he had experienced during the night but as of yet her pressing had not spirited them away. She eventually realised she would have to be more strident and gave a forceful jab into his mind while shaking his nose a little. This did get him awake, but it took another few minutes to get him fully roused and conscious.

Yennefer succeeded eventually and she and her mountain of a dragon made their way out to the entrance of the great hall, the designated meeting place for her Task. She was excited to really practice her craft after so many days of newness and unusual learning.

Diari woke early, she made sure of it as to keep her promise. She climbed out of bed and stretched, her muscles no longer sore. Halazes was still dreaming below, sending feelings of excitement and happiness through Diari's small being. She wondered what it was the jade drake was dreaming before the rush stopped and a salty-sweet taste, with a faint metallic tang,filled her mouth. She decided she had to wake the green dragon before her mouth tasted like the buck she had most likely eaten in her dream stayed with her all day. She got dressed quickly and slid down the ladder. Walking over to the green dragon, Diari couldn't contain her nervous excitement. She was going on a mission today! The girl woke her partner by kissing the dragon's muzzle. Awake already? Came the vibrant drake's cool voice as one eyelid slid open to reveal her chocolate brown eye. Diari laughed slightly and hugged her partner as best as she could. "Of course I'm up! I'm going to make sure my promise is kept!"

Such a silly thing that promise was.... No need for it. You are very reliable and a promise like that.... Well it shouldn't have been worth your time. This caused a sigh to emit from the dark haired girl, she taking her promises to heart, no matter how small or seemingly worthless they may seem. "Well, I promised, so I have to keep it. Come on, we need to meet up with the others for the potion task. And we'll be very helpful, I would think. You know these forests inside and out and I have a pretty good amount of knowledge about the herbs within. Only problem I might have is the potions themselves! I'm going to have to bring the recipes along!" She grinned before heading out, the small dragon stretching her tired limbs. Soon they arrived at the meeting spot, the first to due to their early start, waiting for the others to come, Diari's mind racing with wonderment and excitement. She didn't realize if anyone entered the area or not, being lost in her thoughts as she gazed into the sky with her auburn eyes.

Aerarya awoke first of the pair that morning, waiting for awhile before she spoke in Sairantha's mind, just loud enough to jar her from her dreams and awaken her. Again, it was getting fairly late in the morning, and Sairantha had things to be getting on with. The sleepy redhead stumbled about her loft, pulling on fresh clothing and coming through her hair before tying it back with a silver ribbon and clambering her way down the ladder to the stall below, rubbing away the sleep from her eyes. All of this training was working its way at her, consuming all of her energy, although she couldn't find that she really cared, or was upset. If anything, the training routine was something that was beginning to provide newfound comfort.

They did say to meet at the entrance of the hall, correct? You should hurry; I should not have let you sleep in so long, but you looked so tired that I had to. Sorry.

"It is not your fault, Aerarya. I should work on creating a mental clock for myself. Then perhaps I can wake up on time. I should not have to rely on you to play alarm every morning." Sairantha said, stretching on the loft floor. She began with wringing out her arms and legs, hoping to get her blood pumping and energy moving through her body. Then she began to stretch out her muscles. "Thank you, though, for waking me anyways."

Your welcome.

After running through a full arsenal of stretches, Saira began to finally feel awake, and left the stall with Aerarya, making her way to the great hall. A few people already were already at their meeting place, causing her cheeks to slightly redden. She didn't want to be viewed as the girl who was late to everything, although she may well be on her way to getting there. Aerarya sat down on the ground without a care in the world, softly humming in Saira's thoughts as she looked around at the others whom at arrived without saying anything.

- Stables: Around Midnight -
Falor woke up briefly to check his surroundings and prepare for tomorrow, he took a quick look at Dakan; sprawled all over the stables, sleeping heavily as usual. Falor turned to his pile of books lumbering on the table, he rearranged the books in order to satisfy his learning for the potion crafting he must do tomorrow. so he set all potion books in a small, neat pile on the floor. Now tired from waking up in the middle of the night to do such a tedious task, he went back to his bed to finish his sleeping, as he pulled those soft, warm covers over himself, he heard something...strange coming from Hakeem's stall next to him. He raised an eyebrow and listened closer. Upon further observation, it sounded like...love...was the sound that emanated from that stall. Upon hearing that, Falor crossed his arms, and plainly muttered to himself,"Dammit." Disappointed, he fell asleep.​

- Stables: 5:00 A.M -​

Falor woke up slightly earlier than usual, and stretched up his arms and yawned to assure himself that I am awake!!! He got out of bed, took care of anything dirty, and spent the next fifteen minutes reading the three or four books he set aside. Most of them were pretty straightforward about the potion, and set them as it would be set in a cookbook, Falor certainly cannot cook mere food, why would he were to be tasked to craft potions? He placed his arm up to his cheek in thought as he stared at the book in front of him. After a few brief moments, he heard the dragon shift around violently in the stall, he ran down to take a look. apparently, he was having a bad dream, so he did the most sensible thing; he snuck up behind the dragon, went up to it, and punched it in it's snout, where he woke up instantly; Oww, what was that for? Falor shrugged his shoulders at the overgrown lizard, "You were having a nightmare. As an added bonus, I needed to wake you up anyways...Care to talk about it?" Dakan rubbed his face all over the ground, as if trying to scratch an itch your hands cannot reach.

No, I will not talk about it, especially not to someone who just punched me.

"Will you accept an apology?"

No Falor, I'm afraid not this time.

Just then, the red-haired woman, now known as Yennefer, motioned the two to follow her, probably because of the tasking.

"Well, I guess you have me now, but you will tell me by the end of today, understood."

The dragon held his head up high, I don't have to tell you anything.

"I hope you are satisfied with your current secrets then, for I won't be telling you anymore." The dragon lowered his head at the thought of no more secrets, and said nothing as they went to the task area to be briefed on what they were going to do... Craft potions...yay.

I think they're waiting for us by now, Calypso pointed out to her tamer, her long tongue flicking over some residue blood from the school of fish she had been feasting on earlier, a small wave of delight reaching Ahab when she fished out a piece of bone that had been stuck between teeth up until now.

Ahab himself was enjoying himself just as much, teeth digging into bread much fresher and softer than he was used to, bread that would have turned soggy and rotten on his ship in a matter of days. A thick layer of goat cheese was spread out over the piece, with the entire delicacy being washed down with orange juice - the favored drink of the captain, since he learned it stopped that blasted scurvy. "Oh I would not worry, we got up early enough to take our time." The pair HAD risen quite early, thanks to going to sleep hours before the obligatory putting out of lights, managing to leave their fellow tamers and dragons still asleep while they both went for... Could it even be called breakfast this early? Probably.


I told you we would be late! Calypso hissed, both in the captain's mind and through clenched teeth.

Ahab ignored her, waving at the gathering of people and beasts all waiting for the large captain and his dragon. "Sorry for being late!" he said, his tone much too cheerful for his apology to carry much sincerity, although the chuckle that follow did come with some abashed rubbing of the neck, but nothing more. Truth is, he wasn't really all that sorry, and if anyone in the group had any ill intent towards him, it would probably fade the following moment. "Father always said to do your duties on a full stomach... And just in case some of you missed the foresight, I got some spare." he jerked his thumb in Calypso's direction, bringing attention to two satchels hanging from the saddle on top of her, both of them packed with what would have been a hefty couple of meals to anyone but the sailor.​

As Yennefer had approached the outside, just as the sun was making an appearance on the horizon, she noted the presence of one of the younger Tamers, Diari. With a cheerful, soothing voice she greeted her. "Morning!" Methuzar rumbled a greeting of his own toward his little green sister before slumping down next to her, making the ground shake just a little.

Shortly after that Sairantha joined them, apparently also as much in her own little world as Diari so Yennefer just simply smiled at the pair and returned to reading one of the ingredient books she would be taking with her. Waiting for their two other guards took a little while. Falor turned up on good time and Yennefer smiled warmly at him, although he didn't look very enthused about their coming task.

After a rather long wait, finally a large bearish man appeared into the outside, a very unapologetic look on his face. Ahab was smiling broadly as he approached them and honestly Yennefer wasn't a stickler for punctuality so she returned his smile with a warm one of her own, but it was very brief as she was still fully engaged in her Book, even mildly ignoring Methuzar's voice in her head for a while.

However at the sudden mention of food her eyes perked up once more and she felt her stomach rumble in protest, as though the mere mention of food had made her realise just how much she needed sustenance. With a slightly embarassed smile she snapped her book shut and stowed it under her arm before, quietly and nonchalantly, walking over to the beautiful Water dragon and respectfully acquiring a small piece of bread to chew on. This done, she ignored Methuzar's remark of, I told you, you should eat!, and continued back to the front of the gathered party.

Finishing her first bite, she addressed the gathering.

"Well, from our Sir Merrick's instructions, we're going to be gone for a fair while. Four days, most likely. Looking at these outlandish ingredients, I'm not even sure where to start. The Meadows are easily accessible so I suppose we should do those last and focus out attention on those more difficult to acquire? Here, I have listed everything we need to acquire in terms of where they are to be found." She quickly handed out a few copies of the list to everyone, making it easy to see.

The Forest
17 ounces Lullaby Ash
4 Nightwing's Eggs
10 ounces Essence of Appleroot
8 ounces Sunsand
Unicorn Horn Shavings

Aurum Lake
15 ounces Diluted Grasum Juice

Meadow Gardens
50 Eternal Rose Pedals
Echoes of Healing
Dawnlocke 23 ounces crushed Golden Spine Thorns

Yennefer hummed to herself for a second as she looked down at the list before speaking up. "I would suggest we travel to the Forest first, those things look tricky to get so they will need more time. Then perhaps onto Aurum lake and finally to the Meadow Garden? What do you all think?" She blinked and smiled as she waited for everyone to give their opinion.

Diari was so lost in her thoughts that she jumped when Yennefer spoke to her. She looked up with her own smile and a slight wave, blushing slightly when she realized the person she was waving to already turned her back to greet someone else. She sighed and stood up slowly, stretching greatly and taking in a deep breath. She turned to Halazes, finding her to be lounging in the sun, as she seemed to always do. The girl decided not to bother her and looked towards the stables to see if she can find the other four coming, dragons included. Suddenly, the ground shook and Diari looked back towards her drake. The large mountain dragon had plopped down next to a startled Halazes. She looked so small when compared to him, making the girl laugh a bit before turning her attention back to the stables. Soon the man she thought to be named Falor walked over, his dragon in tow, head lowered. She thought that the last person would show up on time, as if it was a pattern, but it actually took quite awhile before Ahab finally came. She wasn't one to be lax on punctuality, but she let it slide, since she herself was late early this week. Not once, but twice. Sighing, the dark haired girl let her tick go and smiled warmly and sincerely at the man. When he mentioned food, however, her cheeks grew red. In her rush to be early, she completely forgot to eat. She hadn't realized how hungry ashe actually was until now, so she shyly went over to the beautiful dragon of the sea, stroking her muzzle and telling her how gorgeous she was before getting an apple. The jade drake, still lounging in the sun, growled slightly in jealousy, making Diari laugh once more. The dark hared girl headed over to her partner and hugged her neck. "Don't be jealous.... All of the dragons are magnificent, but green is my favorite color you know." The vibrant dragon made a purring noise. Yes, I know. It seems as if we really were meant for each other. She slowly let go of the scaled creature and bit into her apple, perking up when she heard Yennefer speak. She accepted the recipe list gratefully, knowing she'll need it.

Reading it over a few times, Diari nearly missed the plan of action. She would have it if Halazes hadn't made her focus. She didn't find any issues with which place to go to first, but she thought that maybe if they split up into two different groups, one with two people and the other with three, that it may go quicker. Thinking about it more, she wondered if a group of five would intimidate the unicorns, making it harder or near impossible to get the shavings. Then the dragons filtered into her mind, and she realized her group numbers were wrong. There would be a group of ten, five dragons, five humans, and that would almost certainly intimidate the mythical horses, right? Four would be a little less intimidating, and that would be the smallest group if they split up. She thought a moment before finally speaking up. "The order of the places is fine by me, but I got to thinking, if we split up into two groups, not only can we collect the items faster, but it would be less intimidating for the creatures we need things from, such as the unicorns. I mean, if a group made of five dragons and five humans walk over to a unicorn, we may be an automatic threat and it would be harder to get the shavings of their horn. Then again, there are some objects that a large group would be helpful with, such as the Nightwing egg collecting..... It says they get fiercely protective and a distraction would be helpful, but the bird would only fly so far from its nest...... When it starts to come back and someone is collecting the eggs still, another distraction is necessary...." Diari looked extremely thoughtful, bringing up all the points that crossed her mind. She soon sighed and looked up from her list with a feverish smile. "Don't have to listen... I'm always rambling on and on about things that don't matter....."

Surprisingly, Falor was one of the last people to arrive, he gave them a slight grin, and sat away from them, he looked at the green dragon and her tame, they were the first ones on time, yet they act as if time did not matter, and thus looked at the humongous mountain dragon and his tamer, Yennefer. They seemed quite perky this morning, especially since she woke up crappy last night for some reason... But then the last person arrived, a cool, collected man with a lovely, scruffy beard and eyes as blue as the darkest parts of the sea, his dragon's color was that of the same. She strides proudly alongside her tamer, and they walked here as if they owned the place, such happy people, Falor already knew he liked these two. Falor asked Dakan in thought, Do you know anything about these two? Dakan nodded, Not so much on the man, but the dragon, she's a pretty one, her name's Calypso. she is everything I aspired to be: smart, pretty, and friendly.

Aren't you all those things?

Smart, yes. Pretty and friendly, no.

In love with her I see.

The dragon quickly gave an angry look at Falor, who proceeded to roll his eyes;

So, that is a 'yes'?

Dakan woefully nodded at him. Meanwhile, Yennefer gave everyone a set of papers with the list of ingredients that were needed and their location. As people then started suggesting about how to go through with their plans, Falor took out some books about the potions and set them in a weird triangle formation, he put the ingredients list in the center of the triangle, and carefully studied every segment as he read, meanwhile conveying the excellent plans that were given to him, thinking what was the best plan of action in this situation...

Yennefer expertly pointed out that we should start with the forest first, for it is the most dangerous, then the lake, and finally, the meadow as a break. Then the tamer of the green dragon spoke, explaining that we should split up into two groups, in order to look less intimidating to some creatures, and to make well-constructed distractions for others, since it IS a dangerous place after all.

Falor looked at both points, while both had it's good and bad points about them. There can only be one plan. so Falor gave his plan idea to them, proudly yet softly. "Both of your plans sound excellent, why not merge them together? As an example, we could stay together at the forest and split up at the lake and meadow?" He shrugged his shoulders for added effect and went back to work, studying his papers as usual. But just then it hit him.

It was as in an instant as he shifted the papers one way, it depicted a potion, and by moving to the other way, moving the potion ingredients another way, it depicted a terrible poison, so there was a huge consequence if he were to mess up even the slightest bit at making these potions... not that it made him any better at cooking, so this did not help his enthusiasm for crafting help him any better. he closed the books and put them in a pouch upon Dakan, and brought out his twin swords, placing them on his back. He looked at Dakan and gave him a nudge to his head who looked at him.he sat down criss-cross style and closed his eyes, intently listening to the rest of the planning conversation.

Yennefer thought pensively on what they both said, completely ignoring Diari's self-deprecating remarks as she had little time for such things. She made a good point and Falor's suggestion was just a natural progression on from her thoughts. Thinking on it herself, Yennefer added.

"That is certainly true.. Well if that is what we are doing then I and Diari should split up since we are the two here who know most about the wild and the gathering of herbs and other things. Merrick mentioned that you Falor, and Ahab and Sairantha, were sent to protect Diari and I, since the forest is dangerous and I know I am not the best with combat." She thought again a moment before continuing.

"Since I have the biggest dragon and we are doing this for subtlety's sake, Methuzar and I should be counted amongst the two. That way the bigger group of three will have a greater chance of finding everything. And if that is the case then one of the more experienced warriors should accompany me since they will be guarding me alone... I imagine that would be either Falor or Ahab." She gestured to the two bearded and tough looking men, smiling at them both and not really considering any of her words to be capable of insulting anyone.

Sairantha watched quietly as the other members of the group approached, one with a small supply of food that they offered to the group. Her stomach growled lightly at her, causing another faint red flush to rise to her cheeks. She hadn't felt hungry before food was brought up in conversation, although she was glad for it. She would have regretted it later, when halfway through the day she found her stomach screaming at her for something to fill it with. She took a small apple after everyone else had taken a piece or two, retreating back to her place next to Aerarya before taking a small bite.

Then Yennefer began to pass out slips of paper to each person, with the list of what they needed to get on each. It was brief, but even looking at the words began to stress out the young woman. Many of the items on the list were things she had yet to see before her in own lifetime. Perhaps a few items were things she recognized, but the majority were as foreign to her as the people around her were. And then Yennefer suggested that their journey in collecting these items could take them up to four days to complete. Yes, she was feeling stressed already.

Relax. Perhaps it will be fun. Maybe you can finally begin to meet your fellow tamers.

I'm not so sure about that, Aerarya. Just because I must work with them doesn't mean we will truly meet. It seems like everyone here wishes only to get on with the task. I don't hear any idle chit-chat. She thought in reply to the drake. It wasn't that she didn't wish to make friends- just that it felt like the wrong time to try. Although, with Sairantha, there was never a good enough time to try.

The men and women around her began to pitch ideas for their journey. Sairantha kept mostly silent herself. How was she to know how an animal like a unicorn would react to the party approaching her? She had never encountered one before, although she could imagine it would startle the creature. Still, though, if the group split up, could they get themselves lost? Or perhaps they could encounter some other sort of trouble that would best be dealt with as a large group. She sighed, looking down at the apple in her hand.

"Splitting into two groups sounds viable to me, as long as we have a way to contact each other. Perhaps a rendezvous point? Even though the two groups are split to have guards each, what happens in the case that one group encounters something their 'guards' cannot handle?" Sairantha questioned quietly, directing her words towards Yennefer.

That sounds like a brilliant idea. Meeting in a certain place is great, and I know the perfect spot. It's a large clearing to the northwest if you were to face the tree line from here. I know my fellow brothers and sisters would know of it. It was the first place we leant to breathe fire. This ensures that we can all meet there even when lost, though I won't let the group I'm in get lost. Now how often shall we meet? At the end of each day? Every hour? The green drake was just as thoughtful as her partner, thinking ahead to what could come up. Yennefer, Methuzar is, as you said, the largest of us dragons. The trees are tight, but to the east there's more room. It would be easier to take that path through the forest unless he flies, which will tire him out quickly without a place to land properly. The green creature flexed her wings eagerly, wanting to fly through the forest, as it was her favorite thing to do. As an added bonus, much of what is needed grows within the more spacious area of the forest.

Yennefer eagerly listened to everyone getting involved in the discussion and was happy that they all seemed to take on board the importance of their mission. It was an exhilarating thing for her and she wanted to be off soon. To Sairantha, she addressed her concerns.

"I dont imagine there would be anything too life threatening, these Guards are more of a cautionary measure, and in any case I have faith in Methuzar as well to protect me." Methuzar gave a very assured snort at this.

Turning her attention to the vibrant green dragon, Yennefer smiled. "An area everyone knows is indeed the perfect place. I'd suggest we set up our camp there since this will take quite a few days, and then ensure everyone knows where the two groups are headed before splitting up in search of various things. If either one is not back in say, three hours, the other group will head in their direction. But the dragons should be able to communicate with each other if they are all inside the forest, I do not forsee anyone getting lost." And with that, everything seemed to be well settled and so once everyone had mounted their dragons and double checked their various provisions, the group took off in the direction of the forest.


The flight took a few hours and by the time they came to the clearing of which Halazes had spoken, it was getting on for mid-morning. This place was deep in the huge expanse of woodland and the trees stretched high above them, casting long shadows and deep darknesses all about. The trees were mainly huge and thick old creatures, probably having stood there for hundreds of years. Yennefer was in heaven, the whole place looked completely intriguing and as soon as Methuzar landed he had to forcefully keep her mind on the moment, rather than dashing off into theories and investigating.

She shook herself, thanked her bondmate, and then dismounted to start unpacking all the camping equipment for assembly.​

Halazes had learned her lesson from earlier in the week, so she flew slower than she usually would, making sure the girl on her back was able to fly with her properly this time. Rounding around trees, dodging branches, dipping and diving, the pair was surely enjoying themselves. When they touched down, Diari hopped off to help Yennefer set up camp. She landed on the ground roughly, her leg having given out. She carefully stood back up and rubbed her knee some. Once finished with that, she brushed off her hands, they being sooty. "Halazes? Why is the dirt still ashy?"

I said it's where we first learnt to breathe fire. I never said we hadn't come back from time to time. The girl sighed before starting to make a fire pit in the center of the clearing. It was a very serene place so the dark haired girl took her time. She wanted to spend as much time as possible under the canopy of leaves, and she was uncertain if the rest of the forest was as surreal as here. A light breeze picked up, playing with her hair and blowing ashy dirt into her face. Closing her eyes, she prevented too much from getting into them, and when she opened them again she continued to work. Soon, the pit was made and she found large stones to line the ring. Diari straightened up and brushed herself off, now completely covered in dirt. "...Well that will stain..."

"Pfahaha, shut yer trap already," Ahab eyed his dragon, grinning in amusement as his hands were deftly working with tying up a hammock between two stable trees in the area Yennefer had dubbed their camp. It was a nice place, even if Ahab had only seen a forest like this once or twice before in his life, having spent most of his life on the sea, and the rest in the harbor. It was an odd mix of sound and silence to it, lacking the soft beating of waves against rock or wood, but with much more lively critters and winds howling than the training grounds. Not to mention the sounds of twigs breaking under the heavy man, and branches snapping off against the large dragons.

"I am simply saying, they all clearly thought I was quite beautiful," Calypso replied, her neck still high, her wings only having finally tucked in under the tamer's constant attempts at keeping her head from sticking up into the clouds. Occasionally, she would move down to rip out another chunk of the deer another of the dragons had been kind enough to catch for her. Sadly, having a kill robbed of her had not done much to her ego. In fact, she was simply making it into a compliment, behaving as much of a goddess as she had when Ahab had first met her, and just like then, he was now trying to put some sense back into the younger creature.

Ahab sighed, just a tad but irritably. The hour of talking to her had been tempting on his patience, and his mood with her was slowly souring. "You are a DRAGON. They are woed by the lot of you."

"But me in particular."

Finally, the sea captain gave up, his hands raising in the air as he walked away from his finished hammock. She could probably do with some time for herself to come off those high horses. So, to make himself more useful thank talking sense into his toddler-of-a-dragon, Ahab went to the leader of the little expedition (although he was not quite sure how she came to own that role): Yennefer. "Is there anything left for me to help with, lass?"

Sairantha made her way over to Yennefer as soon as she dismounted her drake. The group had landed in the clearing Halazes, the green dragon had mentioned, and while Saira found herself a little sad that their flight had ended- as she now much enjoyed being in the air with Aerarya- she knew she had to put herself to work. She didn't want to stand around like a lost puppy while the others worked; she wanted to make a good impression, and awhile she didn't know what she should do, she spotted Ahab approaching Yennefer, and decided it would be a good idea to do the same. The woman had already begun to unload the equipment for their campsite. Saira stopped herself a step behind Ahab, voicing a brief "Me too" after he spoke. "I'd be happy to help."

As happy as I am that you are 'getting out there', you don't need to exaggerate, Saira. You are supposed to be helping anyway.

Saira glanced back at her drake, whom was still sitting where they had landed and was purposely not looking at her tamer, only responding to the redhead's stare with a twitch of the tip of her tail. She fought down a sigh, turning away from the drake without bothering to reply. Aerarya only meant a bit of lighthearted teasing, she told herself. Still, she now felt rather stupid with her comment. Hopefully, Yennefer wouldn't see it as so.

Falor watched the sun in the sky as he prepared to ride Dakan. He stroked his neck gently and he purred in reply. With only the wag of a finger Dakan was off and into the air. It felt good to have the wind beat on himself again once more. He looked at all the trees of the forest, and it seemed as they wanted to sway in the dragons direction, a tad bit creepy if one were to think about it long enough. But Falor did not even care to think about it, for he was landing into the clearing the group has spoken about. Almost immediately as soon as all of the tamers landed, they went to work on making the campsite, Falor and Dakan, in particular, worked on getting supplies and building adequate shelters for the group, he ended up gathering enough resources to build four adequate one-room, square wooden structures either for sleeping, weather protection, or storage. Falor got that done fairly early, although the others may have gotten their things done before he had, no matter, he awaited for Yennifer, the group leader, to speak again as to what we were going to do in the forest.

To pass the time, Falor decided to build a shelter of his own, he looked on the burned-out clearing for a good spot to make his shelter, which there wasn't any, when that did not work, he decided to go just on the outskirts of the clearing for his shelter location, right by a bunch of rocks, and began to work his magic. He politely asks Dakan to give him some sand to move, when given, he turns it into a powerful tree-cutting device by swirling it rapidly. Once the tree falls, Dakan braces for impact in order to make the tree falling as soft as possible so that it doesn't attract things it don't need to. Finally, he fine tunes and chops up the wood into building logs and rolls them into place.

"Annnd...done! What do ya' think, Dakan?" Falor said putting his hands on his hips. The structure he made...was magnificent, it was like he could stay here forever! The stones were moved to fashion a chimney. and the logs were topped on the top and sides of each other to form structure, and as for the roof, a combination of leaves, twigs, and the small dirt, dust, and sand particles packed together to ensure it is *mostly* waterproof. Falor's 'shelter' has two rooms, one of them is used for storage for his supplies. While the other one is for heat, cooking, and sleeping. Dakan dropped his jaw and his mouth came right down with it, as he stared at the building, sure, it was pretty crappy compared to cabins and houses and such, but the guy did this in like, five minutes! After a while Dakan finally replied to the supposed master builder;

I can't do that if I tried, and I did, seriously.

Falor shrugged, "Eh, its just for just in case someone needs to stay here and hold the fort, you know, or perhaps for the lovely Yennefer over there."

Or perhaps the lovely Calypso.

"Wow, you really love that dragon don't ya'?"

She's as pretty as the...well...sea.

"That was a terrible compliment."

I know...

"Well, if you love the dragon soo much, why don't you go talk to 'er?"

The dragon paused for a moment before answering. Because I'm not good with women.

"Ha! Go talk to that Calypso already!" He yelled at Dakan in a humorous, yet demanding tone. The dragon huffed and moved away from Falor, who lied down into his shelter and looked up at the ceiling. Then, the weirdest thought hit him. Grasum Juice...HAHAHAH!!! That is the funniest thing to say... GRASS-UMM JUICE!!!! HAHAHAH!!! Falor chuckled softly at the thought of saying the word, Grasum Juice. For of course, it was a funny thing to say.

Yennefer had not even realised her tone had become commanding until two of her peers came to her for instruction. Ahab, a fine and sturdy looking man with a beard more magnificent than a lion's mane and a body fit for a bear, was the first to approach her. Honestly it was a little intimidating, the man was more than capable and held himself in the manner of a leader of men, and he was asking her for instruction? Obviously she had given entirely the wrong impression. And then Sairantha joined the bear and Yennefer was even more sure of her mistake. Her eyes were wide and flustered but she quickly shook her head and chuckled a bit at herself.

"Ah, um, I'm not sure! I suppose, Captain, we need our water casks filled? I think I saw a stream a little way away. And Sairantha, we could check and store the provisions? But I'm really not here as a Leader, honestly I would say Ahab would be a better Authority for this trip, I am merely here as a medical expert." She smiled at them both while she tried to brush some of the thick lengths of errant hair from her face. Flying often seemed to manage to pull at her ponytail and she always arrived at a destination with the red mass on her head wild and windswept. She was thinking she would have to cut it sometime if it kept being such a pain.

"If that's what yer suggesting, lass," Ahab said with a nod, growing back into the role of a captain faster than a dragon could fly. He left the two girls at a fast pace, speedily moving throughout the little camp they all had chosen for himself, shouting out advice and nicely worded orders at any tamer or dragon that seemed idle.

Once he arrived at Calypso, he kept things short, asking her to use her water reserves to fill up all the empty casks. Once finished, she's simply head to the river to restock, then continue filling. The captain was quite sure nobody would mind... Probably. He asked her to be subtle about it only a moment later.

Sairantha felt a light smile pull at her lips in return of Yennefer's own. The woman seemed modest, and friendly, enough. She, of all the other strangers around her, seemed to Saira the most trustworthy. At least, she didn't act like she had anything to hide. Even though she insisted she were not a leader of the group, Sairantha still felt as if the redhead were more one than any of the others around her, although she didn't know any of the others at all either. Yennefer's gentle modest approach to things simply made her more approachable in Saira's eyes.

She nodded as Yennefer spoke to each of them, suggesting tasks for each of them to get to work on doing. Check and store the provisions. She didn't know what food had been brought with them- probably something that would last the predicted lengthy journey- or where it had been packed, but the task seemed easy enough. Just locate it, unpack it, and find a place to keep it in their makeshift camp. A preferably safe place in their makeshift camp. They did not want strange animals coming in to nab at their provisions. "I'll go see what we have. And that may be true, but it seems you would do as well as any other to be in authority of this group, if I may say so."

Diari turned her head towards Yennefer as she gave instructions out. "I'll collect the firewood now that the pit is made," the dark haired girl smiled as she spoke. "Halazes, I'll need your help to gather high dead branches and to carry it all back, if that's okay with you?" The verdant drake stood where she lay and stretched deeply. I'm always ready to help. The pair left the clearing, talking amongst themselves, though loud enough to hear. I think I saw some trees in that direction while we were flying that looked good. Had lots of dead branches. Diari nodded in response, telling the jade dragon to lead the way. They didn't go too far, but far enough that they were no longer seen or heard. Halazes flew towards the top of the trees, knocking down large dead branches with her tail. Her partner was on the ground picking up twigs, leaves, pinecones, pine needles, and anything else able to be used for making a fire. As the dark haired girl worked, she started to sing a song her mother used to sing to her as a child. "~Over the mountains and into the skies, there was always adventure, hidden in your eyes~". Diari, what is that song? I mean, I've heard it through your memories, but I don't really know what it is about or called...

"Ah, well, I don't know what it's called either. But it's about two people who get separated but end up meeting again after all hope is lost. It's my favorite song....." The girl closed her amber eyes, smiling faintly. After a minute, she opened them and continued to work. By the end of their short trip, they had enough wood to last more days than necessary. The pair brought the wood back to the makeshift camp, smiling and laughing with each other. Once in camp, the Dragon and Tamer started to arrange the wood into a neat pile.

Yennefer had grinned happily at everyone as they all set to their tasks with glee, noting the beaming and warm smile on Ahab's face at the prospect of retaking command once more. It was a very endearing smile and it made Yennefer want to know the man better, he seemed like one of these soft bear types with a heart of... not necessarily gold, but definitely full of affection and comfort. Yennefer had always liked those types of people. Hakeem had a similar manner but he was so stern sometimes and serious with himself and others. She admired the quality, but preferred a more jovial temperment.

So it seemed that she had guessed right the proper form of speech and attitude to be used in this situation, pleasant and polite and genial. Ok, she could do that. So she accompanied the others by getting an assignment from Ahab and then getting down to work, being as helpful as she could be and completing her tasks without hassle. Methuzar tried to help at one stage but after crashing through a number of boxes and knocking over a tent, he was confined to the outskirts of the camp where Yennefer tried to console him gently.

With Ahab's direction everything was set up pretty swiftly and soon they were all ready to set off into the forest. For now they decided to stick together and explore the forest as a group, starting off toward the centre in an effort to discover the secretive animals of the great woodland. Yennefer stayed close to Ahab, he being the general leader and so at the front of the procession. She wanted to stick close to a warrior but also couldn't help but look about her with wonder, only just stopping herself from collecting multitudes of samples for studies. Methuzar glided lazily above them all, his bulk being far too great for the trees to handle, and followed them with a sense of anxiousness for not being at Yennefer's side.


The smell of man filled the forest long before the sound of their clumsy footsteps took hold of the natural ambience of the deep woods. Eyes as black as the night sky, swirling with an ancient intelligence not so often seen in the new world, stared directly at the path on which the humans and their great serpents tread. Minuik wasn't fond of the scaled beasts that had reclaimed the skies and the earth so close to the domain of the White One, but the winds told tales of fate and change, and so he kept his concerns and bothers to himself, knowing better than to mingle in fate's plans.

But today... today was different. This wasn't fate, this was choice. With each step they took, they pushed the boundaries of respect and order. With each step, they brought themselves nearer and nearer the limits of the region of light, a place no creature not of their kind should tread without certain permission. And these humans and their dragons had no permission at all.

10 yards...

5 yards...

Behind him his brothers began huffing in anticipation as their inner warriors screamed out to defend what was so dear to them. Their domain was everything, for it was the guarding grounds of the White One, pure and untouched by the darkness that had seeped into every other corner of the lands. His own warrior screamed and ripped at his insides, his instinct to kill and defend tearing its way out of his soul.

3 yards...

2 yards...

They should have known. The drakes at the very least, supposed wise beasts with knowledge beyond their years. They should have known into which domain they trekked.

1 yard....

The near silence of the woods was broken but the thundering crashes of hooves upon earth. The powerful stride of the black stallions claimed the air as the sentinels rushed forward, quickly surrounding the party of drakes and men. Quickly they put up their magical barriers, preventing any magical harm from befalling them within their own domain. The magical serpents had no power here, not even their fire could burn a unicorn within the boarders of the Realm of Light.

Minuik halted his brothers, their anger and might howling to be released upon the intruders. The massive stallion stepped forward to address the group of unwelcome visitors, his 4 foot long curved horn glowing a deep, dark purple as his mana shrouded him from any unwelcome mind prying. Sending his own thoughts into the minds of the unwelcomed, he spoke.

"Humans in these lands may be surprising, but their ignorance is far from it. But you, great scaled ones, what tales have been passed through the generations indeed! That the kings and queens of the sky hold wisdom and knowledge beyond their time? It would seem the tales are simply that: tales." The unicorn's deep eyes swirled with the same purple hue that shrouded his horn, his gaze drifting from one dragon to the next. "You have entered the realm of your own demise, dragons. And you have brought your humans to meet the same fate. None but the welcomed may tread upon these pure grounds, and you are not welcome here."

The Boundaries of the Unicorns' Forest

The smell of man filled the forest long before the sound of their clumsy footsteps took hold of the natural ambience of the deep woods. Eyes as black as the night sky, swirling with an ancient intelligence not so often seen in the new world, stared directly at the path on which the humans and their great serpents tread. Minuik wasn't fond of the scaled beasts that had reclaimed the skies and the earth so close to the domain of the White One, but the winds told tales of fate and change, and so he kept his concerns and bothers to himself, knowing better than to mingle in fate's plans.
But today... today was different. This wasn't fate, this was choice. With each step they took, they pushed the boundaries of respect and order. With each step, they brought themselves nearer and nearer the limits of the region of light, a place no creature not of their kind should tread without certain permission. And these humans and their dragons had no permission at all.
10 yards...
5 yards...
Behind him his brothers began huffing in anticipation as their inner warriors screamed out to defend what was so dear to them. Their domain was everything, for it was the guarding grounds of the White One, pure and untouched by the darkness that had seeped into every other corner of the lands. His own warrior screamed and ripped at his insides, his instinct to kill and defend tearing its way out of his soul.
3 yards..
2 yards...
They should have known. The drakes at the very least, supposed wise beasts with knowledge beyond their years. They should have known into which domain they trekked.
1 yard....The near silence of the woods was broken but the thundering crashes of hooves upon earth. The powerful stride of the black stallions claimed the air as the sentinels rushed forward, quickly surrounding the party of drakes and men. Quickly they put up their magical barriers, preventing any magical harm from befalling them within their own domain. The magical serpents had no power here, not even their fire could burn a unicorn within the boarders of the Realm of Light.
Minuik halted his brothers, their anger and might howling to be released upon the intruders. The massive stallion stepped forward to address the group of unwelcome visitors, his 4 foot long curved horn glowing a deep, dark purple as his mana shrouded him from any unwelcome mind prying. Sending his own thoughts into the minds of the unwelcomed, he spoke.
]"Humans in these lands may be surprising, but their ignorance is far from it. But you, great scaled ones, what tales have been passed through the generations indeed! That the kings and queens of the sky hold wisdom and knowledge beyond their time? It would seem the tales are simply that: tales." The unicorn's deep eyes swirled with the same purple hue that shrouded his horn, his gaze drifting from one dragon to the next. "You have entered the realm of your own demise, dragons. And you have brought your humans to meet the same fate. None but the welcomed may tread upon these pure grounds, and you are not welcome here."

After listening to a bit of conversation between that red haired girl, Yennifer, and the bushy-bearded blue-eyed man. It seemed that they have traded their jobs, and the bearded man, as he exclaimed to himself to be named 'Ahab', is the new leader of our party. Falor got himself up and responded to Ahabs' nicely put commands. After around fifteen minutes, the camp was entirely completed and it seems that Methuzar and Dakan were having a small conversation around the outskirts of the camp.
Falor went up to Dakan and talked for a bit, now finished. "So, how was the conversation?"
"Do you have to butt yourself into every conversation I get into? It gets very annoying." Falor nodded, "Yes, yes, I am sorry for asking you about everything, I just have to ask just one more thing...why don't you act the same way with Calypso?" Dakan gave him a look of distaste and answered as if every word pierced his heart, "Because...I am...scared of her." Falor smiled, "In time, that won't be the case, Dakan, in time, you'll overcome these problems, and become the best dragon here! Just you wait."
Just then, a very dark unicorn, with a purple, curved horn, and what seems like a dark fog clouding everything else. It talked to each and every one of us, with a serious and foreboding tone, specifically, to tell us worse things will come if we stay. It also insulted the dragons, and finally stated that only 'The Welcomed' are allowed here.
What are 'The Welcomed'? he thought to himself and only himself. Since the unicorn still stood there, he tensed up, ready to battle just in case it did. Which hopefully, it did not. As for how far words would go, He decided to not speak at all, for it could be the safest solution.
And chances are, somebody else would speak up anyways!​
At first, the trek into the heart of the woods was light and fun. But the further the walked, the heavier and darker the atmosphere was. "Halazes... I'm not really liking this.... It's gotten grim real fast..." The dark haired girl looked around her, never lingering on one spot more than a few seconds. "That is understandable.... I am not either.... We are going into Unicorn territory.... Not creatures you wish to mess with... But we need to get the shavings from their horns.... So it's necessary to delve into their domain, no matter how dangerous...Even so, the very air here unsettles me...." The twigs snapped beneath the small group's feet and leaves crunched beneath their footfalls. Every sound echoed off the surrounding trees and it was a very surreal area, though not with the same feel as the clearing. Suddenly, the sound of a stampede headed the group's way. Soon the Unicorns made their appearance, and they were not happy."Humans in these lands may be surprising, but their ignorance is far from it. But you, great scaled ones, what tales have been passed through the generations indeed! That the kings and queens of the sky hold wisdom and knowledge beyond their time? It would seem the tales are simply that: tales." The unicorn's deep eyes swirled with the same purple hue that shrouded his horn, his gaze drifting from one dragon to the next. "You have entered the realm of your own demise, dragons. And you have brought your humans to meet the same fate. None but the welcomed may tread upon these pure grounds, and you are not welcome here." Halazes stepped forward, not one to stay silent. "It is true that we came here on our own will, but we did not come without reason. We do not wish to take your land, your home, your domain.... That would not be respectful, nor wise. We only wish to see the White One, as you call her. We are not looking for a fight or for any sort of drama. Would you allow us into your domain, knowing this? We pose no threat, I guarantee you."
]The dark stallion emitted a low chuckle from within his deep chest, flipping his head up in amusement. "You surprise me, dragoness of the woods. While your generation is young and unknowing in the ancient ways of the land, I am shocked to see that your arrogance is so deeply woven. You come here perched on pedestals of selfishness and egotistical intent. What leads you to believe that the matter of your party owning desires would be grounds for you to gain entry, let alone a meeting with The Light? Do you believe that any who trot into our domain with a wish to meet The Pure One should be obliged solely because they offer no harm? These are not grounds for such a grace." The unicorn snorted in amusement at the concept.
"To meet The White One, to tread on our pure lands with your tainted talons and toes is no right by default! Only those who are deserving may gain welcome and you and yours have done nothing to deserve counsel with The Light. Take your desires elsewhere, you are not welcome here." Minuik stepped forward, his gaze boring into the eyes of the one who had chosen to speak up. The she-dragon was a fool to think they'd gain access to the Pure Lands simply out of the idea that they 'meant no harm'. No harm! As if this was some merit to a creature of absolute purity. These lands had not stayed so pristine for the last millennia by the Herds of the Light opening their boarders to just any creature or cause.
The group had only been at work for a short while before they promptly finished and began to explore the forest. Aerarya took to the skies- she told Sairantha that she much preferred an aerial view, as it allowed her to see further and generally felt safer- leaving Saira stuck with the group on ground. The forest chilled her. It was beautiful and generally serene, but it's dark depths held creatures mysterious and strange to her. The forest back home was where she felt comfortable, not here. As it was, the entire group had come along, deciding to, for now, stay together, and she felt much safer, although she was itching for weapons to be in her hands.
They continued on, with nothing unusual occurring, until they promptly found themselves surrounded by-
Watch out! I think those are some of the stallions you were searching for.
I realize.
A group of dark stallions had circled the group, and Saira fought back a shudder. She had never seen such fierce stallions before. She wasn't sure what they could do, but she also wasn't keen on discovering that either. One of the drakes stepped forward to speak to the leader of the group, trying to appeal to him in an effort to gain them access to their goal. Sairantha stayed back. She was afraid that she wouldn't know how to handle such a conversation, and would only cause them to lose their chances.
Ahab's eyes widened as the ground trembled, hooves crashing onto the dirt with the sound that would challenge a sea storm. He drew his cutlass, Calypso adopting a more aggressive stance in accordance, dagger-like talons rips in the earth while light glittered off her bared fangs, much like it did with the seafarer's own cutlass. They were both expecting riders of some sort, most likely bandits, but to their astonishment, the horses that stepped out into sight had traded riders for horns. Ahab's eyes widened in shock, while Calypso seemed like a realisation had just dawned on her. Ahab! These are unicorns!
Unicorns...? Why didn't you tell me they were here?! Ahab retorted with unhidden frustration towards his dragon. His eyes darted back and forth between the numerous stallions, staying more than once on the black one that seemed to lead them, or at the very least speak for them.
My mind was pre-occupied with other important things! Ahab muttered angrily to himself, knowing full well the dragon had done nothing but thought about how she was oooh so pretty and everyone admiring her, the lousy lizard. Still, he did not lash out at the dragon. Instead, he grew into a more relaxed posture, looking at the one that spoke for the unicorns. Before he could speak, though, Calypso silenced him, Ahab, be mindful of what you say. This is truly their territory. We are intruders.
I'll keep that in mind... Ahab stayed silent for some time, only picking up on the essential details as the green dragon and stallion conversed. This would not be an easy task. The man was used to bribing his way away from the law, but now he would not only have to reason with it, it would be with laws he was alien to.
Finally, the captain stepped away from his group, sword still in hand. He did not cower, standing tall and might, the broad trunk serving to even hide some of his group from the gaze of the black stallion. He was their protector. However, as he raised the cutlass once more, it was promptly dropped, landing with a dull thud by the captain's feet, his blue eyes gazing at the black creature in front of him. If their leader spoke for these unicorns, he would speak for the tamers. "I greet ye, o unicorns of the forest. It is truly an honor to meet such legendary creatures as yerselves. But I must say, this dragon; she speaks the truth. We did not come here meaning ye harm," as if to demonstrate his point, the captain kicked the cutlass, sending it tumbling to stop almost right between the two apparent leaders. "And our intentions will not change. In fact, we are all ready to turn and leave at this very moment, as well as even leave somethin' as an apology for treadin' onto these lands," The captain silenced any potential protest from his group with a firm hand gesture. It was essential to seem reasonable, but also respectful, when you were the intruders. "With that said... Ye would have our gratitude if we could be allowed to remain here, just for now. Ye see, we hope to gather some supplies from these here beautiful forests. We would of course not stay even a minute longer than we would need, and, more importantly... We would be ready to make ourselves deserving of this place," The captain paused, bowing his head before the creature. "Ye said only the deservin' are welcome here. What if we could make ourselves deserving? I am sure there is something we humble humans and dragons may offer to at the very least be allowed to stay for the short time we need, yes?"
Anger flashed in the deep, neblua eyes of the head of the herd when the man smelling of the sea stepped forward and spoke. "Want! Need! We can have your gratitude!" He huffed and stamped his front hoof into the earth with agitation. "The selfishness of man is not welcome here and we have no need of your gratitude! Yet..." The creature turned away from the unwelcome visitors, his gaze falling to the earth as he thought. From his right flank another black beast of near equal size in build, but with a substantially lesser horn approached its leader.
"Minuik, no matter their insolence, no matter their ignorance and greed... The Light's word must be kept-"
"What do you insinuate with your words, Yntiru? Would you call me a fool so? Would you consider me vacuous in your assumptions that I know not what The White One's word is and what it means?" The leading stallion exhaled angrily, his horn's aura brightening at his comrade. Bowing his head with thickening respect, the second unicorn backed away from his powerful leader.
"My Leader, I meant only to offer my assistance in heart and mind." The stallion backed up and reclaimed his place behind Miniuk.
]Minuik turned his attention back to the man before him. "It is law in these lands that any who seek to prove their worthiness may receive fair trial and judgement. The White One's heart is more trusting and considerate than my own, so consider this the first of your blessings by these lands. You will prove yourselves indeed."
The unicorn stepped forward, walking closer to the group. "Three trials, one of pure heart, one of pure mind, and one of pure intent. Only one may face any one trial, it is up to you to decide who will undergo each."
"Ye have my utmost gratitude, o guardian of the forest,"[/COLOR] the captain bowed deeply, turning back to the party, not paying his sword more than a brief thought. It would be of ill taste to retrieve it as of now. He quietly mulled over what had been said for a moment, looking at the tamers and dragons. Calypso remained silent, but Ahab was well aware that she had nothing but joy (and just a bit of awe) over how well the bearded mountain handled the situation.
"So..." he finally said, "I hope ye all heard? A trial of pure heart, pure mind and pure intent. I myself honestly got no clue about what any of it means or what to expect... But it might be somethin' for us all to consider, aye? That goes fer ye scaley ones, too. He seemed just as mad about ye being here, so I'm sure there's proving to be made on yer parts, too... Pure of heart, mind and intent.." The captain muttered the last words, more to himself than anyone else, "Heart, mind and intent..."
Yennefer would have considered it her duty to try and reason with the beasts that descended upon them, but no sooner had she recoiled slightly behind Ahab's huge back than she felt and immense and deafening roar in her mind and sensed Methuzar's approach. her eyes whirled to the sky and with gritted teeth and a muffled cry of distress she slammed her full will against Methuzar's mind, forcing him to listen and obey her. His mind was a red frenzy of distress and his fury and fear roiled together and churned into a storm of aggression. Yennefer actually grew weak and had to grip Ahab's arm for a moment to support herself against the strain. The toll it took to push him back was staggering but Yennefer bore it well, her mind already a much stronger weapon than her body ever would be, if not for her speedy actions she feared the entire forest might have been leveled by Methuzar's wrath. As it was he pulled out of his dive and continued to circle about them in hazy consciousness, listening to the conversation closely through Yennefer's ears.
This allowed Yennefer herself to turn her attention to the words of their Captain, who was, much to her pleasant surprise, doing remarkably well. His words were calm, he was mindful and careful and courteous and no sign of aggression nor ill-advised masculine bravado was heard. It was... a most pleasing and assuring sight and Yennefer felt her measure of the man grow with respect. Once he had said his piece Yennefer returned with him to the rest of the group, feeling Methuzar's mind clear a little which allowed her space to think
"I have been called many things, Pure of Mind was never one of them. I would not call myself pure of heart either but if we consider that trait logically then Verabera, you would be our Champion of that quality. It is unfortunate she is not with us." She sighed regretfully and hummed to herself in thought before suddenly turning to Ahab. "By the by, you handled that very well Captain, I am impressed!" She gave him a smile. "I am very glad you lead us in this." Suddenly, with her eyes still trained on Ahab but without focus, she hummed again. "As far as intent goes, I would also suggest that Methuzar has great purity in that regard. He wears his intentions on his sleeve, as it were." She chuckled a little to herself as her eyes went skyward to her Dragon who was still circling aggravatedly.
"Yennefer, please do not over look my partner..... Diari may be small but she has a large heart. She is also the youngest, and thus the most innocent. She has been through a lot, but never let it taint her heart." The green drake spoke of the amber eyed girl as if she was a saint, making the girl blush deeply. "Halazes, I am no where near as perfect as you claim me to be......And certainly someone is more pure? I have done things that I'm not so proud of.... Would that have tainted me any?" The jade dragon nudged the girl with her emerald wing. "Do not be so modest, child. I've bonded with you. I know the most inner workings of your soul. When something bad happens, you always find something to smile about. Yes, your pride or anger has gotten ahold of you at times, yet you find a way to overcome it, recreate your bond with others that was destroyed, and you smile and put in a great deal of effort to make things right. Besides my sister, of whom Yennefer mentioned, you are the purest I've met." The girl looked away, her cheeks deepening into a dark rose color. "...I-I'll do it if everyone agrees, but I'm still uncertain if I'm the right choice..."
The conversation ended out that, to stay in the forest, one must past these tests of purity. One of mind, one of heart, and one of intent. Falor thought long and hard to himself, but Dakan was secretly listening in...
These tests of purity...my father talked about something similar before, he says that the oasises are like it, hence, why not many people are seen by it, and it is why it will constantly retain it's beauty. Such places like these are highly spiritual, and thus, want only pure spirits in order to not taint and destroy such a beautiful place... Although these 'purity' tests, they're very new, and frankly, surprising to see what they would be. Let's examine each: Pure mind. A pure mind is quite unpredictable, even as a test, what would a 'pure mind' be? A clear mind, a watchful one, perhaps an optimistic one? As for Heart...Does that mean courage, brave actions. or intelligent, careful actions? As for intent...there's nothing for that... my only intentions are to guard whoever gathers this requested item...Can't see a test for that, no matter, I cannot make an assumption I have not even seen..if I see it!
Dakan snorted as a laugh, and Falor looked up at him to see what he was doing. He went up to one of the dragons, it looked like it was both Methuzar and Calypso, and pointed his head back at Falor in reply. He could not believe the dragon! He insists that Falor takes one of these tests! That is inconceivably profound and it made Falor angry in thought; Foolish Dakan! I'm not a pure soul, not pure at all, pure is perfect, and nobody's perfect, how will I ever pass this test?
The way I got over my fear of talking to Calypso, by just doing it! You will be fine. Plus, consider it payback for swordsmanship practice! He snickered at that last comment and nudged Falor forward. Now that he thought about it, the biggest thing bothering him about all of this nonsense was his mind, so why not purify it in the process?
Sairantha and Aerarya stood- in Aerarya's case, positioned herself in flight nearby- silently to the side while the others in their party discussed- or, sort of nominated- each other and themselves as possible candidates for these trials the stallion spoke of. Pure of heart? Mind? Intent? Sairantha wasn't even sure what 'pure intent' was supposed to mean, anyway. It could be as simple as having no ill intentions, or it could mean that the candidate should be determined to follow their goal through to completion. The young redhead, having kept away from the other tamers for the majority of their time they had been gathered, had no idea whom here was pure of anything. She thought it best to simply keep her opinions to herself, and keep out of the situation at hand. She hardly saw herself as pure of heart, mind, or intent, and did not know who else was. Her voice could only complicate the matter.
But Aerarya had grown up with the other drakes, and knew them much better than Sairantha knew them. After listening so the others speak for a moment, she wound her way back down to the earth from the sky, somehow, albeit clumsily, managing to twist her way through the trees and foliage to settle beside Sairantha, shaking out her body much like a dog or a cat to loose leaves from her wings. I agree with Yennefer's suggestion on Methuzar. She hummed, following Yennefer's gaze towards Methuzar. And, if Halazes believes Diari has the heart for the task, then she holds my confidence as well. She seems at least modest- good makings for a pure heart. I believe she would do well.
As time passed and the dragons and their fleshy pets spoke amongst each other, discussing the challenge presented to them, Minuik grew impatient. He did not have all day to waste standing around waiting on man to make up his mind. He flipped his head up a few times in impatience before stamping down a mighty hoof.
"Your time to decide has come to an end, humans. Make your decision now or leave these lands." His dark swirling eyes burned with a formidable intensity. All around the group the other unicorns began to stamp their feet with excitement. To see such an unusual group face the three tasks was quite the event indeed.
The green dragon next Diari huffed, her tail swaying from side to side. "Patience.... What you ask of us is not that easy to decide, especially when we know so little about each other.... " All was silent after that, her words lingering in the air. The young girl couldn't take the uncomfortable quiet anymore and stepped forward. "I'll do the test of Pure Heart, however, I will on one condition. You let them continue to discuss while I take my test. It's only fair, and you would be supervising the test, so you will no longer have to wait. Once I'm finished, the next person has to be decided. Is that okay with you?" Brushing her dark hair out of her eyes, she walked closer to the Unicorn. Her amber eyes were filled with determination as she met those of the angered creature. "Is it a deal? They get more time to decide during the tests. I think it's fair, but do you?" It was obvious she was afraid, but with every deep breath she took, she became calmer and more focused. She had become good at overcoming her fear, a side affect from her line of work before she was a tamer. And just as all the times before, she needed to overcome her fear right now or she would be frozen in place and the tests may not go on, since Halazes nominated her for one. Without the tests completed, they won't be able to get the shavings from the Unicorns' horns and they won't be able to finish the potion necessary. She needed to be brave.....
Minuik's swirling eyes shot an angry glare at the green dragon before him. He could feel the annoyance coming from her and it, in turn, annoyed him. These outsiders dare come into the lands of the White One, demanding counsel with The Light, and the green lizard has the nerve to get short with him! These creatures were aggravating him to no end. The purple smog around his horn brightened and grew as he held the green dragon's gaze.
When the dark haired human spoke up with a proposal, no, a demand, Minuik turned his gaze downward to meet the small woman. Eyes narrowed, he listened to what she had to say. Despite his foul mood, he found her offer to be reasonable and bowed his head slightly in acceptance of her offer. He wasn't fond of the group or their demands but he was anxious to get this over with.
"So be it. You have chosen to take on the Trial of Pure Heart, hear now what challenge awaits you." Flipping his head up into the air several times, twirling his horn round with each movement, the purple shroud grew and grew before, with one last flick, it released a stream of itself into the crisp air of the forest and shot off into the thick woods.

"A unicorn foal is one of the purest beings to exist in these lands, second only to The Light. They are rare and so well protected and blessed with unnatural evasive abilities." From behind the bulk of Minuik, a quiet rustle could be heard from behind a large fern. From between the fronds a slender, black face with magenta eyes and a short, blunt horn peered at Diari. "None can catch a unicorn foal, none ever have and none ever will. Impurity repels the pure, and only purity will attract that which is pure. Your trial is to place your hand on the horn of a unicorn foal. How you do this, is for you to decide." The massive stallion stepped to the side and the magenta eyes from behind the fronds stared intently at the woman who claimed to have a pure heart.[/QUOTE]
AnastiaCrest01 said:
Diari didn't let her doubt stop her as she slowly and cautiously walked towards the foal with no hesitance. As she walked towards it, she gave off the illusion that she was going to tackle it in order to touch it's horn. However, before the Unicorns could react, she sat on the ground, gazing at the foal with a soft smile. "Hey there little guy..... You sure are a beautiful little thing, aren't ya...?" When the foal showed hesitation, she held up her hands, showing she meant no harm. "Don't worry..... I won't hurt you..... But it's your choice.... I won't force you to do anything, okay?" She gradually dropped her hands, sitting as still as possible so her movement wouldn't scare it. It seemed she had experience with things like this, possibly with a newborn horse.
Soulserenity20 said:
The foal stared curiously at Diari, gazing into her heart and soul. The human female did curious things, waving its limbs before it and settling on the ground in an awkward position. What did it want? What were its intentions? Was it safe? Could it be trusted? When the female spoke, Sylune took a step back, summoning a bit of the earth's mana from within her horn to translate the human's words. It wasn't good enough. Words weren't safe, and actions couldn't be trusted.
Soulserenity20 said:
The foal took another step back, fully prepared to run.
AnastiaCrest01 said:
The dark haired girl placed her hands firmly on the ground behind her and gazed up at the canopy above. The wind picked up some and toyed with her hair, but she didn't seem to mind. She was letting the foal do what it wanted while trying to show that she could be trusted. Never would she harm such a majestic creature. Or any creature for that matter. Well, expect possibly her father.... But that was a whole other story anyway. When the foal backed away, a flicker of doubt, hesitation, and fear could be sensed from the girl. Would she succeed? It seemed unlikely.... Was she the wrong choice? Would she be the one to ruin it for everyone else? Maybe she shouldn't have gone first..... Maybe she shouldn't have gone at all..... Who was she fooling? She wasn't pure. No one was. Or that she knew. She had done some things she wasn't proud of, and that was one of the problems she had: her pride. Sometimes it gets the best of her. Her temper does too. Certainly that's not pure, right? She sighed and looked back to the foal, her doubtful hesitation and fear growing stronger. "I'm sorry..... I don't really know what I was thinking..... Walking over here so prideful and confident..... It's insanity.... I should've known that would make you distrust me further.... My pride may have cost everyone the tests...I just hope their opinions of me wouldn't change....."
Soulserenity20 said:
As the human's mind set off in response to her backing away, Sylune observed the female delve into her actions, her past, her intentions. She stood and listened in on the thoughts of the human, unbeknownst to her. And what she heard caused her to settle just slightly. The human admitted that perfection was unattainable. This was something few beings could understand, apart from unicorns of course. Unicorns are born with an ancient wisdom not so often found on the lands anymore.
Soulserenity20 said:
Sylune continued to explore the human's heart and mind with her, remaining a but a bystander as the dark haired figure introverted her observations.
Soulserenity20 said:
Pride. That's certainly not a pleasant attribute, but from Sylune's knowledge, most humans suffered from it.
Soulserenity20 said:
Anger. A weakness of any being. Removing the strength of control and restraint and weakening a being, bringing them to a place far beneath their true self's potential.
Soulserenity20 said:
So. The human knew a thing or two. She understood flaws, she understood mistakes and short comings. Sylune wondered... did she know the difference between pure and perfect?
Soulserenity20 said:
Keeping her gaze locked on Diari, Sylune slowly walked behind the fern bush and the great trunk of the tree beside it, appearing at the other side, her interest still clear. Then, a magenta shroud began to form around the foal's small, blunt horn. She was going to poke and prod. Was this human's heart pure? What would she find if she entered into the very essence of the human's heart?
Ghostie said:
The pirate watched them all discuss, continuing to consider by himself. While he was glad they had provided them with a chance, the obscurity of the three trial's actual challenge raked his brain. More than anything, it was frustrating not to be able to get past this like he was used to doing; bribing, charm and, rarely, a blade. Calypso rustled her wings, visibly expressing the frustration her tamer was feeling, her jaw snapping low at the ground.
Ghostie said:
Ahab tried his best to keep track of everyone's opinions and volunteering, but each person only filled him with more doubt about this situation. He was beginning to realise that while he certainly saw these as his comrades and fellow riders... Each one of them was a stranger to him. He did not know their qualities well enough, least of all for something this significant. Calypso was of no help either. Whenever he would try speak to her, she would simply respond with the same sense of dread, as afraid of failing these tasks as her tamer. This moment, Ahab missed his familiar crew, whom he knew like the back of his own hand.
Ghostie said:
And then, an ultimatum was demanded. Already?! No, we couldn't have had more than a minute! The captain's eyes were filled with worry. There was no time to consult the others, he would have to step forward as a vol-
Ghostie said:
"I'll do the test of Pure Heart, however, I will on one condition. You let them continue to discuss while I take my test. It's only fair, and you would be supervising the test, so you will no longer have to wait. Once I'm finished, the next person has to be decided. Is that okay with you?"
Ghostie said:
WHAT IS THAT FOOLISH GIRL DOING?! He understood her reasoning, of course, but for god's sake, demanding things like that was a sure-fire way to infuriate the unicorn before them, who already seemed quite short of temper. They were absolutely not in a position to negotiate like that, and yet.... It worked?! Ahab's eyes widened in disbelief, jaw hanging slack. There was no way the unicorn could have agreed to that! It wasn't really of any more or less merit for the unicorn to accept, but it was still so shocking for him to agree to a demand like this. Well... I'll take it.
Ghostie said:
Ghostie said:
"We need to prepare for the following test at once," he stated, turning to the group when he had gathered the details of the test the girl was facing behind him. The way they tested these traits of purity... He had not been able to foresee it, but now that he knew what kind of thing they would face, the choice would be easier. He instantly ruled himself out aloud, explaining his mind nor intentions could ever be said as pure in the eyes of most. The same was swiftly decided for Calypso, who did not object in the slightest, actually seeming to relax a bit as she was removed from the roster. "With the two of us gone, who has suggestions? Tell me why ye think it's a good idea to bring forth this man or dragon, I will have no child's 'just because' reasoning, am I clear?" he asked rhetorically. "So, suggestions?"
El Presidente said:
Falor was given more time to convey his options on whether or not to do the test, and thank goodness he was, one of the ladies pronounced it and the dark unicorn accepted the deal that as she did the test of pure heart, others, such as Falor, got more time to think about it.

"We need to prepare for the following test at once," says the leader, who agreed upon himself that it would be best to stay out of the tests and give it out to the remaining three of us, "With the two of us gone, who has suggestions? Tell me why ye think it's a good idea to bring forth this man or dragon, I will have no child's 'just because' reasoning, am I clear?" Now meaning one will be fortunate enough to not have to take the test, but the other two will be forced to pry out answers, legitimate answers, to tests that is incomprehensible to figure out what can possibly happen if done. But he cannot think of such things, perhaps the test of pure mind he can do? For his wisdom in his age and his critical thinking on everything? Perhaps, but he is not one to be outgoing and do things first, he is not meant to be the leader, to pave the way, that is for one of the other ladies to decide...​
Erranruin said:
Yennefer had been pretty shocked by Diari's sudden actions as well. She wanted very greatly to help Ahab in dissuading dramatic and rash behaviour but most of her mind was taken up with controlling Methuzar's anxiousness and anger. He almost became a completely different creature when his rider was threatened, it made Yennefer consider how he might be in the midst of battle. She hoped she had the strength to control him when that time came. But for the moment, things seemed to be quieter, whilst Diari completed her trial.

This did give Yennefer a moment to think. Ahab was right, they needed more proof than just a feeling to choose which rider or dragon was suitable for each test. Although Yennefer herself was in no way pure, Methuzar himself was showing his aptitude for one of the tests. His clarity of mind and purpose was obvious, he had no alterior motives or complicated thinking. He had a goal and would complete it without complications of other goals.

Gently, Yennefer cleared her throat. "I would suggest that Methuzar is a good candidate for purity of intent. Right now he is circling the skies and the only thing on his mind is my safety. I do not remember a time when his thoughts turned to selfishness and his head is only really occupied with one thought at a time. It would be the Captain's judgement, but I believe Methuzar is suitable in that regard." Her face was pensive and thoughtful, but she was quite assured in her statement. She believed she was right.​
AnastiaCrest01 said:
"You know..... My mom spoke so highly of Unicorns.... I can see why..... You guys are amazing... And I'm glad I got to meet you, all of you, despite the situation we're in. First I become one with a dragon, then I get to meet real life Unicorns! It's absolutely amazing! I think my mom would hold me tightly and say she always knew I was destined for great things..... I miss her, of course I do, but why mourn over a death when you can celebrate their life? Though was cut short, she had accomplished so much in her life, I just hope I can do the same." The dark haired girl smiled slightly, thinking about her mother. It wasn't a happy smile, in fact it was quite saddened, however the fact the she was smiling showed that she won't let it affect her. "She started my lines of promises..... She asked me to promise her that I would not cry too much over her death.... I haven't, and every other promise I make, I intend to keep. Not one have I broken yet.... I won't say anything if I know or am uncertain if I can do what they ask." Slowly shaking her head, she turned her amber eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry.... I'm rambling....." She then brought her eyes back up to the foal's. Her eyes held modesty and a sort of humbleness one would show another of higher status. She seemed to consider it an equal, or of a higher equality to herself. She was completely relaxed and not forceful at all. It was as if she was truly speaking to a friend, not to a stranger who feared her.
AnastiaCrest01 said:
(Sorry it's so short... I will add more if need be...)
Soulserenity20 said:
As the human woman spoke of what Sylune could only interpret as her life-giver, Mother, was the word she used. Mother... Her kind had another word for it but she believed this was what the girl meant when she spoke. As her speech bore on, Sylune found herself on the receiving end of a gentle wade of emotions; the heart of the human was opening to her. She held her ground yet, knowing better than to run into the deepest parts of the soul before checking to make sure that the coast was, indeed, clear. Or as clear as any human soul could be.
Soulserenity20 said:
Of course Sylune wasn't seeking the soul, but the heart. The soul was but a pathway to all aspects of the being which in turn made the soul the map of one's essence, it defined every aspect of them. The heart was only one aspect of the whole, and this was where Sylune intended on going. She felt this human had been sent here by the great mana-driven forces of the great woods.
Soulserenity20 said:
Promises. Yes, this word was easy to recognize for it was near what the unicorns would use for the same concept. Promises are sacred, for they connect beings and build trust and standing. Promises were as the roots of the first great tree, connecting every tree in the now vast forest together. Should one be broken, the direst of consequences shall no doubt follow, even not in this life, the next.
Soulserenity20 said:
After moments of the woman's words creeping into Sylune's ears and Sylune prodding the entrance to her soul, unbeknownst to the human, she decided it was time to test the purity of this one. She was confident there was no darkness that was of any threat to her and once she made the decision, she stepped forward.
Soulserenity20 said:
The small horn on the foal's head began to glow a vibrant hue, her eyes swirled like colorful nebulae and as she came out from her placed behind the bush, she stepped not only into the open, but into Diari's soul, and headed straight for the human's heart.
Soulserenity20 said:
This one's soul surprised the young foal. It was not like the soul of a unicorn or higher being, whose were organized and welcoming. No, this human soul was muddled with history and emotions, weaknesses of her very race and greater ones of herself. The foal shuttered, feeling uncomfortable in such a place. But just as her unease began to settle, a deep emerald green glow began to emit from somewhere deep within Diari's essence.
Soulserenity20 said:
"Ah. There you are." Said the pure being, though not in any way anyone could understand. Pressing forward, Sylune trudged through the foreign landscape of the human and with great effort at last reached the source of the brilliant glow.
Soulserenity20 said:
The heart of a human was simple. For many beings there were layers and levels of the heart, there were parts within part and many secret places. But a human heart was not like that, for a human heart truly only was one thing. It only wanted one thing, it only pushed for one thing and only reacted in response to the one thing, be it directly or indirectly. Unicorns were different. They had areas of their heart that urged their very essence forward in pursuit of purity, honor, enlightenment, oneness, peace, etc. This was what made unicorns so much more complex than the simple, young race of humans. Humans only lived for completion. That was it, though they labelled the heart's one concept as 'love', it was just another way to explain the desire to be complete.
Soulserenity20 said:
Selfish beings, by nature, they were.
Soulserenity20 said:
The green glow was crisp, it was vibrant and alive, and while strands of darkness wove about it, seeking a way in, the heart showed no sign of having given in. Sylune smiled in any way a unicorn's soul could smile. She had never truly believed a human could have purity this deep within their soul, and yet, here sat a heart. A heart constantly battered and beat with the darkness of life and its past, but prevailing and remaining in its natural form.
Soulserenity20 said:
You see, purity, is not perfect. It is a component in its most basic form, it is unable to be broken down into anything else. Anger, pain, misery, these were part of what a human's heart is supposed to be. Spite, bloodlust, hatred, these were the components that would de-purify a heart, for they would stick on and cover the brightness and no longer would that heart be in its natural state, rather muddled by the world it faced.
Soulserenity20 said:
Sylune didn't need to see any more. With a gentle tug of her conscious, her soul retreated from within the human. When her horn's glow faded and her eyes returned to their gentle, normal state, she walked forward and lay down next to the human woman.
Soulserenity20 said:
Placing her head on the human's lap, she shed a single tear, one of happiness in knowing that the creatures that were quickly becoming the sole rulers of the land still had some like this human. There was still purity in the future of these lands. And a part of Sylune's own heart swelled as its hunger for purity was satiated just a little more.
AnastiaCrest01 said:
As the foal walked towards Diari, her eyes widened in surprise. And when it's horn started to go, she felt some kind of prodding at the air around her, but couldn't tell her soul was being thoroughly examined. Closer and closer the majestic being came, Diari finding herself lost in wonder at the swirling of the foal's eyes. When the Unicorn was close enough to be touched, the subtle prodding went away, as well as the swirling of its eyes and the glowing of the horn. The young adult held her breath in astonishment when the foal laid next to her, its head in her lap. Letting out the breath slowly, she raised her hand for the young filly to sniff. Was given an okay, she gently started to pet her, the dark haired girl's touch extremely light. She had forgotten she had to touch the horn to pass the test due to her amazement, but she ended up brushing her hand by it when petting the foal behind the ears. It was truly an incredible sight, Unicorn and human getting along as if they were best friends, when a few minutes before, they were the worst of enemies. I am so very proud of you, Diari... The dark haired girl couldn't tell if it was her imagination or not, but hearing her mother's voice within her head brought a warm smile to her face.
AnastiaCrest01 said:
Halazes flexed her wings in pride, watching as Diari passed the test with flying colors. But soon she became worried. Has everyone finished discussing who goes next? She had been so focused on Diari that she didn't join into the discussion, nor actually knew what the discussion was about. The test ended so quickly.... Was it enough time for the others? Or did they take one giant leap forward just to screw up the landing?
El Presidente said:
After a while of just sitting there, his anticipation finally got a hold of hime, for some reason, for some urge, he just had to do this test, he strode up to the Other, fancy-bearded Captain/Leader and spoke to him sharply but swiftly. "Falor and I would like to take the Test of Pure Mind, why? Because we have the biggest books of history locked up deep in our minds, a history of anything, be it deemed 'pure' or 'impure', it's because we remember the small details that could change the whole emotion in a situation, and that History book is called Wisdom...We are doing this because, I the purest mind is the wisest one, one that has seen it all and is willing to share it with the world, in order for it to learn its mistakes, and, well purify it in the process!" He exhaled after his speech, and Dakan sat next to old man slightly astonished that he could pull it off, he threw his lust for Calypso aside, and for once set his mind on a single subject for once, for once, he cared for the thoughts for others, and, even if he were to insult Dakan, he wouldn't lash out on Falor.
He loved Falor too much to do such a thing anyways.​
AnastiaCrest01 said:
Halazes was surprised at her brother's willingness to do the test, despite hardly ever thinking of others. Letting out a slight purr, she believed her brother was growing more mature, which in itself, was pure. She eased her worry, if only a tiny bit, and felt confidence that her hatchmate will succeed. This time, however, the green dragon was going to participate in the next discussion, so she would not get as stressed. "I agree completely. He may not act like it, but Dakan is able to see the bright side in most anything. This gives him a pure mind because he is viewing the situation positively, not negatively. As for the third test, I believe another of my hatchmates should do it, as we dragons are known for arrogance and cockiness. If two dragons preform, and pass, the last remaining tests, it would prove us to be worthy as we would have over come our pride to humble ourselves at their mercy."
Ghostie said:
Ahab tapped his chin, considering the offered champion. He flicked his gaze to Calypso, who simply shrugged, not having much of an opinion on the matter. You could do worse than him.
Ghostie said:
Fine, fine, he replied, looking over the rider and dragon that claimed to be right for the task. He eyed the pair up and down several times, running his hand through his beard thoughtfully. Finally, he nodded, clapping his hands together, "Alright, I'll be entrusting you with this task, but remember that arrogance ain't somethin' you want to show around these creatures. We're on thin ice already, so if you try to show off some sort of bravado boy, then I will gladly use you for the next time we need chum bait!" The pirate gritted his teeth, too caught up in his judging of the candidate's mettle that it passed him by how his metaphor was completely out of place on main landmass. None the less, he had made himself clear. While he never liked threatening crew members, sometimes a captain had to be stern and up-front to be sure someone wasn't merely speaking to impress.
Ghostie said:
"As for you, lass..." he said, looking down at the short girl, then up at the dragon circling in the sky. He had literally no clue if the dragon was the right one for the task, and the ever-anti-social Calypso had no input of use. Ahab was forced to give a sigh, resigning himself to her suggestion. "I'll take your word for the dragon, but mark my words, neither you nor your dragon are safe from the chum bucket." There was a clear lack of ferocity in his words this time. The steam had run out, and now he just wanted to get this over with. Not like there were a single candidate he himself could vouch for, anyway... Guess this is as good of a trust exercise as we're gonna be gettin'.
Ghostie said:
Ahab tapped his chin, considering the offered champion. He flicked his gaze to Calypso, who simply shrugged, not having much of an opinion on the matter. You could do worse than him.
Ghostie said:
Fine, fine, he replied, looking over the rider and dragon that claimed to be right for the task. He eyed the pair up and down several times, running his hand through his beard thoughtfully. Finally, he nodded, clapping his hands together, "Alright, I'll be entrusting you with this task, but remember that arrogance ain't somethin' you want to show around these creatures. We're on thin ice already, so if you try to show off some sort of bravado boy, then I will gladly use you for the next time we need chum bait!" The pirate gritted his teeth, too caught up in his judging of the candidate's mettle that it passed him by how his metaphor was completely out of place on main landmass. None the less, he had made himself clear. While he never liked threatening crew members, sometimes a captain had to be stern and up-front to be sure someone wasn't merely speaking to impress.
Ghostie said:
"As for you, lass..." he said, looking down at the short girl, then up at the dragon circling in the sky. He had literally no clue if the dragon was the right one for the task, and the ever-anti-social Calypso had no input of use. Ahab was forced to give a sigh, resigning himself to her suggestion. "I'll take your word for the dragon, but mark my words, neither you nor your dragon are safe from the chum bucket." There was a clear lack of ferocity in his words this time. The steam had run out, and now he just wanted to get this over with. Not like there were a single candidate he himself could vouch for, anyway... Guess this is as good of a trust exercise as we're gonna be gettin'.
Erranruin said:
Yennefer's only reaction to the Sea Captain's firm yet tired sounding bark was a secret smile and a brief curtsy for respects sake. She would have to get the man to explain what a 'chum bucket' was later in order to discover the exact manner of punishment he had in mind. But in any case, Yennefer did not believe Methuzar would fail and to that end she quickly looking back up to the sky.
Erranruin said:
"Come dear, carefully down now. I am safe but your unique mind is needed." Methuzar gave the huffy impression that he knew what had transpired, his mood simmering down from fury and desperation to calm frustration. He circled down slowly, choosing his line of descent with great care so as not to destroy too much of the forest. There was a bit of snappy and crushing on the way down but he felled no trees and squished no unicorns so all in all his endeavour was a success. He grandly landed some way from the group and then paced his way towards the front of them, facing the Unicorns with an attitude of honourable caution.
Erranruin said:
I will accept your second challenge, my intent has always been pure and just. Yennefer smiled up at him as his words intoned in her head. Such a knightly baring he had, it was as though he had popped out of a fairytale.
Soulserenity20 said:
Minuik's gaze fell on the deep, brown behemoth before him. He was large for a dragon so young, and his words seemed to age him further for they held the respect of an older drake, not the ignorance of a yearling. His eyes narrowed, taking in every detail of the expression, the vibes, the very aura of the dragon, gathering confirmation that the drake was wholly agreeing to the test. Upon sensing this was so, Minuik's horn began to glow once more, sealing the accepted challenge onto the soul of the mountain dragon. He was now charged with completion of the task, be it failure or success.
Soulserenity20 said:
"So be it, dragon of the mountains. Your intent will indeed be proven as pure or otherwise. Your soul is invested. Whether this was a foolish choice or not, that will be for you to decide." If a unicorn could smirk, Minuik's lips would claim ownership of a most doubtful, amused one. This dragon may hold maturity, but this was unrelated to purity. Belief and reality are a world apart.
Soulserenity20 said:
"There," he nodded his head to the west of the group where a path led into the woods, formed by millennia of the great herds travelling along it. "Follow the path before you. You will find a grove of trees bearing fruit of white flesh. Your task: consume one. That is all. Should you truly be on this land with pure intent, should you truly be facing this challenge with pure intent, should each and every action within the grove be of pure intent, you will live. Let us hope you have not misjudged your intentions." A few of the stallions behind him began to rowel up in excitement. This was a game for many of them, for few were even slightly worthy enough to face and pass these tests, surely none in the last 5 centuries, apart from the man Merrik Tetra and the Oracle.
Soulserenity20 said:
Minuik's horn turned a deep shade of royal blue as his anticipation was expressed. He too, was looking forward to seeing the dragon pass, or writhe in excruciating pain as the most powerful poison in the woods seeped through every pore in his body until his very soul passed from this realm.
Erranruin said:
Methuzar was un-affected by the general mirth and anticipation he sensed from all the creatures surrounding him. He was not interested in them, he was interested in passing this test and continuing on. Minuik seemed a tricky one, but upon closer thought he was merely clear and forthright in his instructions. So the giant bronze dragon dipped his head in respect and plodded his heavy step into the grove before him, his eyes upon the fruit hanging upon the tree. When he entered the borders of the grove however, suddenly the gentle and soft warmth of Yennefer's soothing mind became dulled and numbed in his thoughts. He could only vaguely sense her presence and this did indeed concern him greatly for a moment. Looking back, he could still see her, her own face a mask of concern, but that concern was for him and not for herself. Well if she was in no danger, then all was right, he could still feel her presence and existence after all. That was all he needed. So he turned back to his quest soon after.
Erranruin said:
Without much of a sense of trepidation, he very calmly and almost nonchalantly approached the tree. Careful not to disturb of damage it, he snaked his neck down to pick one of the white hanging fruits and quickly swallowed it, not even stopping to chew the thing. This done, he turned back to the Unicorn expectantly. Surely that was not it?
Soulserenity20 said:
Minuik smiled, in as much a way as a unicorn can. It would take a few moments for the fruit's properties to hit the dragon. The expression written on the bronze serpent's face told him he was unaware of the Fruit of the White Mare and the effects it held. In mere moments the dragon could collapse, dead, before them. Or perhaps he'd survive. Either way, the drake was about to have his mind battered and all his views and thoughts and intentions torn apart in inspection as the fruit's particles sept into his system. It would make him question everything, make him wonder why he was really there, force him to admit his truest intent, behind it all.
Soulserenity20 said:
Minuik stood in wait, a slight pull at the corner of his lips. Moments passed, minutes, and nothing. Could he have truly succeeded? Creeping time sulked around them... so the bronze one was pure of intent. Minuik nodded reverently, dipping his head into a barely noticeable bow at the creature before casting his gaze across the others of his kind. Perhaps this foolish, young generation of scaled beasts were more like their longest past ancestors after all. Perhaps they were like the first dragons that settled these lands. Perhaps, they could be allies. He shook his head at the thought of it. 2 tests passed was hardly a victory nor a promise of purity. The drakes were in the minds of men now, and men could never be trusted, not wholly.
Soulserenity20 said:
"And so it would seem you've but one test left to face." He turned to look at the sandy dragon and its human tamer. "As you're well aware, only one may take on the challenge. Choose now, pair of fire."
El Presidente said:
As Methuzar gone...and survived the next test, Falor felt a small sense of pride for his team, they all seemed like great and intelligent people...
And now it was THEIR Turn.

"And so it would seem you've but one test left to face",He turned to look at the sandy dragon and its human tamer. "As you're well aware, only one may take on the challenge. Choose now, pair of fire."
Well, THAT was stumping.
So it had to be decided amongst the two of them...Who would take the test? and who would stay behind, Falor wanted to take the test, to see what might unveil before him, but he saw how Anxious Dakan was, he was jumpy, full and trained in extreme thought, and frankly, excited about that test, he had so many more reasons to succeed in his purity, and if he would pass such a test, than it means something special, something amazing...
It means he has the potential to calm his rage and frustration, the biggest thing stopping him from reaching his full potential-to be the best dragon out there of the group.
So a decision was made. Falor strode up to the scary-looking unicorn, trying to put awayany fear away and behind him.
"If it is all the same to you, I would like my partner Dakan to take the test of Pure Mind."
Dakan nodded against him, and he got all riled up and angry. For he did not want to take that test so unnerving and with such high of a cost, but eventually, after a cold, hard stare from Falor, he calmed down, lowered his head, and bowed in agreement.
It was decided, Dakan will take the Test of Pure Mind.​
Soulserenity20 said:
Upon the decision that the tawny dragon would be facing the third and final test of purity, the unicorn snorted lightly. "So be it. Step forward, dragon."
Soulserenity20 said:
He too moved closer and when the pair were face to face, the unicorn closed his eyes as the glow of his horn shifted into ever-darkening hues, each one more unsettling than the last. All the other unicorns had gone silent, several even closed their eyes along with Minuik, as if joining him in some unusual prayer. Minuik spoke then, his voice serene and low.
Soulserenity20 said:
"The final test of purity is simple: Allow me passage into your mind, to explore it as I see fit. Should by soul hold the urge to flee from the impurities within, you will have failed. Should my soul feel at home in your mind, you will have passed. Now, let's get this over with."
Soulserenity20 said:
With the last of his words, the aura around his horn flared up into a brilliant and chilling display of purple mana, it danced and lashed out, it swayed and swiped. The rest of the unicorns were watching the movement of the mana very closely, for they knew that the display was in direct correlation with the state of their leader's soul.
Soulserenity20 said:
As Minuik pushed forward, bursting through the barrier that separated his own consciousness with that of the scaled one. When he found a calmness, he knew he had made it into the depths of the dragon's mind. What he saw, for lack of a better word, was incredible. Each mind was unique, each a different landscape filled with different colors and beings and essences of experience. Minuik had been into the minds of many but never a desert dragon. It was fascinating, the workings of the drake's mind. As he explored the foreign space, he passed by a memory that did not belong to the dragon, but to his tamer. The memory made Minuik shutter, the mana around his horn contorting into unearthly tangles. Part of him wanted to flee, end the test there. A unicorn's soul was not made to deal with the uncleanliness of man, but as the leader of the scouting herd, he knew it was his duty to give fair trial to this dragon.
Soulserenity20 said:
Consoling himself with the fact that a bonded dragon was not wholly a dragon any more and that this impurity was not the dragon's, but his tamer's, Minuik moved on. Several times he was interrupted by bothersome aspects of the tamer that made his soul shutter, but as he worked his way through the depths of the dragon's mind, and purely the dragon's mind, he felt a sense of calm begin to creep over him. It would appear that the dragon had succeeded. Nothing the stallion came across led him to believe that there was anything impure about the drake.
Soulserenity20 said:
After a few moments of serenity from the aura around his horn, Minuik opened his eyes, letting the wisps of mana recede.
Soulserenity20 said:
"And so, it would seem that your party has succeeded." He was not pleased. Outsiders were trouble, no matter how pure certain aspects of them were. But, he would hold true to his word and grant them access to the sacred lands of the White One.
El Presidente said:
As was told, he stepped forward, but he did not expect to see what would come next:
El Presidente said:
All the other unicorns had gone silent, several even closed their eyes along with the dark unicorn, as if joining him in some unusual prayer. The unicorn spoke then, his voice serene and low, and after her was done, the 'ritual' began.
El Presidente said:
The unicorn entered Dakan's Consciousnesses which, Dakan had problems with in the first place Why did I do this? Why the heck did I do this? I Should've not, I really...
El Presidente said:
And then a thought crossed his mind, one that brought a very rare feeling to him...
El Presidente said:
It brought him calmness, just in the midst of failing the test, something, some thought, something unknowingly random, came into his head and it calmed him down, what the thought was, or how it calmed him down, was only disclosed between Dakan and Minuik. But with it, his tensed face, his jumpy attitude, his flared nostrils, they all seemed to cease, and he watched as his thoughts began to flow toward the unicorn, he seemed to be impressed about everything, except the tamers, or Falor, for that matter, what problem did he have with Falor? Was it that he had too much hair? He most certainly is purer than Dakan himself, what happened that would make such a creature so hateful toward humans? What was so impure about them?
El Presidente said:
What event changed him?
El Presidente said:
And just like that it was over, he was back in the real world, as well as the unicorn.
El Presidente said:
And it seemed both of them were surprised at what results awaited them...
Soulserenity20 said:
TThe great dark stallion shot a glance at the human that seemed to have taken leadership of the group, the one whose soul was connected with the water serpent. Nodding his head in beckoning, he turned and began to walk into the thick woods behind him, the rest of the herd clearing a path for him and the visitors before following after them. As they trekked deeper and deeper into the woods, a great reverence settled over the stallions. There came a time when a great willow tree appeared from between the thick, ancient trees and eventually they entered into a clearing which surrounded the alluring tree.
Soulserenity20 said:
The entire feel of the forest seemed to have changed from the mysterious, musky feel of the woods behind them to a warm, magical, welcoming presence that lay over the clearing. Small glowing lights floated about the air lazily, bugs with glowing bodies that seemed to be in a supreme state of serenity as they lulled about. As the group made their way closer to the great tree, its leaves dipping around it like a natural veil, dappled with flowers and bands of golden hair and other beautiful accents, the rustle of tiny hooves came about and the young unicorns of the herd began to come out of their hiding, curious of the newcomers. Their mothers were close behind, beautiful black mares, though their horns were not the curved weapons of the stallions, rather elegant and straight.
Soulserenity20 said:
Minuik tossed up his head, signalling the group to halt as he continued through the veil of leaves. Moments passed and the silence of the meadow continued to last. After a while of this anticipation in wait, the veil parted and a creature so pristine and perfect stepped through into the meadow that no words could truly do it justice.
Soulserenity20 said:
Some called her the White One, others, The Pure One, but to most, she was the Mare of the Woods. The white unicorn that offered all the purity and grace of the forest. Every unicorn in the meadow dipped in a low bow as she stepped forward, her white coat shimmering in an unnatural way, her horn incredibly long and slender, polished to perfection. She looked each of the newcomers in the eye, urging kindness and welcome into their souls.
Soulserenity20 said:
"Dearest fellow beings of the earth and of the air, to what do I owe the pleasure of welcoming such foreign faces into my domain?"
Rainjay said:
Sairantha was standing behind the others, peering over shoulders and leaning up onto her toes to see the new mare that approached them from the wall of leaves and branches that was the forest around them. She had kept to herself during the three trials, but now could not contain her curiosity- they finally were receiving what they had came for, although she failed to remember what it was. She felt like a small child as she spotted the white mare emerging from the trees, imagining the mare as if it were a storybook picture come to life.
Rainjay said:
The mare was beautiful, yet so simplistic as to almost be plain. There was inspiration in the natural appearance of the mare. Her pelt seemed to shimmer in the glinting rays of light, and even her gaze felt piercing, but warming, like a mother welcoming home her lost child. It reminded Saira of things she had long since pressed into the depths of my mind, in attempts to forget.
Rainjay said:
In all honestly, she was simply mesmerized.
Rainjay said:
"You really do exist!" She unintentionally exclaimed the words, quickly clapping her hands over her mouth. It felt blasphemous to raise her voice in front of the mare. "I apologize..." She breathed the words, eyes as wide as a lost doe's.
Soulserenity20 said:
Her mind was pure as well, though according to Minuik, she had not been tested. However, the Mare need no tests, her heart beat in rhythm with the purity of the world around her. She could sense the pure from a thousand miles away, and while they were rare, she could also sense the pure aspects of every individual. The group before her had many pure aspects, though none were pure through and through. This was because they were human, and the dragons under the influence of humans. There was no way for a human to be pure, not because there was no such thing as a pure human, but because in this modern age, they had forgotten what it meant to be human and instead took on aspects of other races and other times to try and identify themselves, though none would ever succeed. Nevertheless, she was impressed with this group.
Soulserenity20 said:
No doubt they'd been sent by the Tetra boy, Merrik. She'd had the pleasure of mingling with him and his family a time or two in the past, even one or two of the dragons, but this was a new thing, to have so many of the drakes and their humans appear at once.
Soulserenity20 said:
She knew the world was changing again, she of all beings could sense the darkness rising up, and she had sensed the bonds when they happened, but of anything human, the bond of a tamer and its dragon was absolutely pure and perfect in every way. It would be a unicorn's honor to witness such a thing, on any grounds. The Mare looked at the female who'd spoke up, and she smiled in any way that a unicorn could smile. Warmth and welcome surged through the entire meadow as the White One stepped forward, getting closer to the girl with the mind of memories and a heart quick to beat at the legends of old.
Soulserenity20 said:
"Child, I do indeed exist. As have I existed for a millennia before the time of your greatest ancestors. In all those years, I am still honored when I cross the path of one so infatuated with the unknown and with the magicks of the world. You are a treasure, daughter of the fire. And your apologies are unnecessary. Never apologize for awe and wonder, they are some of a small few great things in this world."
Soulserenity20 said:
The Mare took a shine to that human girl that day. Something about her innocence and her eager heart brought warmth to the Mare. She took a moment to enjoy the company before her before speaking.
Soulserenity20 said:
"Tell me, what brings you to my grove? Did Sir Tetra send you? Are you here of your own accord? Do you carry with you a desire?"
Rainjay said:
Sairantha found herself nodding in response to the unicorns words, as enraptured as a vehement follower listening to the spurring speech of a priest or missionary- only this encounter was much more magical and thrilling. Her cheeks flushed pink at what struck her to be a compliment from the mare, but she also smiled in an almost demure way. As the unicorn moved closer, she felt even more excitement coursing through her veins. In the back of her mind, she caught a soft chuckle from Aerarya, but the drake too was enthralled from where she watched.
Rainjay said:
Raya, if only you were here to witness this!
Rainjay said:
It took the redhead a moment to reassemble her thoughts from her reverie, and to formulate words from which to speak. It was in fact Merrik that had sent them on their quest, but the question of desire puzzled her. She knew why they had come, but the task at hand did not seem to be the equivalent of a desire.
Rainjay said:
"Yes- Merrik sent us. We are to gather herbs and other ingredients, so we can prepare some salves and potions of the healing sort." She stumbled a little as she explained, twisting a lock of hair between her fingers. Despite the gentle nature of the mare, the White One, she remained timid, fearful of aggrieving her. If she resembled the ebony stallions at all, then she perhaps would take offense to the parties request. "Although it seems we have more or less stumbled across your grove in particular after the other stallions found us."
Rainjay said:
She took a breath to calm her nerves before she continued on. "For one of the potions, we require the shavings of a unicorn's horn... We were under the impression that we could receive some from the unicorns living within this forest. As long as it is admissible, of course." she inquired humbly.
Soulserenity20 said:
The Mare nodded as the girl spoke, her fiery hair appearing as a source of comfort for the obvious amount of discomfort. Humans were fascinating beings, despite the absolute serenity emanating from the meadow's inhabitants she still managed to feel uneasy. As she continued, it became clear to her why the girl was unsettled, she had a request that humans continuously found to be offensive to her kind.
Soulserenity20 said:
The reality of unicorn horn shavings was that they had no value to unicorns, they were naturally produced during the regular growth on one's horn and often discarded. Of course, the White One had long been providing the Tetra boy with her horn shavings as it had become apparent that the shavings had healing properties in the portions made by the man.
Soulserenity20 said:
The timid way in which the girl requested the shavings was flattering and slightly amusing to the Mare. She nodded in understanding when the human had finished speaking, obviously quite worn from the explanation.
Soulserenity20 said:
"Child, the shavings are yours. Think no more of it. Such a humble request and for such a noble cause is entirely admissible. Come." She beckoned for the girl to follow as she made her way back through the wall of fronds. She continued on until she reached the thick trunk of the ancient tree and found a specific place where the bark had grown stronger. Then, she pressed her horn against it and began to drag it up and down the bark. It would look, to an outsider, to be a painful or damaging process, but on the contrary it was both soothing and beneficial for her horn's health. This was apparent when she had finished and the horn glowed a gentle, pale white. Below her, a flat stone slab had collected the shavings and the Mare beckoned for Saira to gather them. After allowing her to collect more than enough of the shavings, she led the human back out to her party.
Soulserenity20 said:
"Dear humans and kings and queens of the skies, is there anything else I or any of my kind may assist you with?"
Soulserenity20 said:
The party had no further requests from the unicorns, which was likely wise as Minuik was getting impatient with the length of time their visit spanned. The White One was fond of all beings and so paid no mind to the dangers, knowing it was nearly impossible for harm to befall her under the protection of such powerful mana users such as Minuik and the other stallions, not to mention she herself was one of the strongest users of light mana in all the lands, second only to the Oracle and the Queen of the Elves. Nevertheless, Minuik was glad when he found they had no more duties within the sacred lands of the White One.
Soulserenity20 said:
After simple, kind farewells from the party and from the Pure One, the large stallion led them back the way they had come, ushering them forward until the moment their scaled and skin feet crossed the boundary of the sacred forest and into the Ancient Woods. Rid of them at last, he took only a moment to offer a bow, for he did have a small bit of respect for their perseverance and proving of their worth in purity. He knew it wasn't likely, but he hoped he never had to see the two legged creatures again, or their scaled, winged companions.
Soulserenity20 said:
And so they returned to the meadow, the last of the ingredients were collected on the way and the rest of the day was spent combining them in a sufficient manner to produce invaluable potions to aid them on their journey to the defeat of Ogual.
Soulserenity20 said:
As a reward for their hard work, Merrik allowed each of them to keep a portion of each potion for themselves, the rest to be stored away and retrieved only on journeys or for immediate use. They had done well, and Merrik was pleased to hear about their smooth encounter with the Mare of the Woods. He smiled knowingly when Saira told him about her personal interaction with the White One. He knew her ways and he knew from what Saira said, that the girl had made a new ally, and a powerful one at that. And so it seemed the task was a success, soon they'd be back to the regular routine of training, their adventures but memories within their minds, treasures to keep for years to come.
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Behind the Stables-2:00pm

It was getting to dark when Hakeem and his group returned from their excursion. Everyone was exhausted so he quickly sent everyone to rest, assuring them that he could handle the rest. He grabbed Elva's still limp body and directed the two skeletal creatures in front of him, their hands still bound, Veshna keeping her eyes on both. Veshna also sent a gentle, polite and slightly anxious plea to Obsidian Nova, asking that he and Merrik meet them in their loft and explaining that they had prisoners.

They reached the loft and Hakeem sent the two skeletons to the back, where Nova gutted and prepared his kills, laying Elva down onto the cold stone and directing the undead pair to sit beside her and not make a sound. Hakeem leaned against the wall and awaited his Commander's return.

When Obsidian Nova's consciousness flared up in defense, Merrik caught the sense in a manner that reminded him of the cat raising its hackles. He immediately rose from his place at his desk and strode quickly to the ladder leading down from his quarters, not hesitating to take Nova's vision as he did. He saw Veshna in the corner sitting perched in wait and on Nova's carcass slab he - what in god's name were...skeletons? He practically leaped down the ladder and closed the distance between himself and Hakeem had claimed a place against the wall after placing a potentially dead woman on the slab next to the skeletons.

With a first glance he thought they were just skeletons, some form of sick statue constructed of bones, but when he saw one calmly tapping its toes he felt a sick feeling within his stomach. Obsidian Nova let out a low, panther-like growl at the realization.


"Well, well, Hakeem, it would appear you have a knack for finding even that which was never meant to be there. The whispers of the woods were true, it would seem." His words were light but his expression couldn't be farther from it. He stopped talking when he saw the woman stir slightly. She was alive.

"This isn't the place for this. Come, follow me. Nova, gather up the outsider and her unnatural friends." The dragon growled once more, more in disgust that he had to touch the woman and her companions than anything. Moving to where Elva's body lay, he gathered up a mass of her robes in front of her and lifted her into the air, using her thick cloak as a bit of a sling for carrying her. Releasing a disgusted snarl at the skeletons, he began to usher the group forward after Merrik and Hakeem.

"Veshna, are you alright? Have these creatures of filth affected you in any way?" Thorough and deep concern for the young dragon filled his words. Obsidian Nova had learned much of the past and of the darker days of the lands. One thing he had learned was that the darkest of evils spawn from that which left this world and was forced back, obliterating the natural order of things. He didn't know who exactly this outsider was, but he could quickly match the animated skeletons to the dark arts of old. This was no ordinary trespasser. Change was in the winds now.

The party made their way out of the stable and around to the back of it. They went past the storage shed and continued beyond the cobblestone path into the woods. To a watchful eye, a slightly worn path could be made out in the thick undergrowth as they went deeper into the forest. Nearly 100 yards in, a run down shack came into view. When they reached the entrance, he called for the group to halt before he proceeded forward alone. A few moments passed and Merrik finally resurfaced from within the small, crude structure.

"Alright, Nova, Vesna, this is as far as you go. Hakeem, if you'd be so kind as to usher the two from beyond, I'll carry our visitor." He paused as he collected the woman's limp body from his bond mate's jaws.

"Stay close, don't speak, don't make eye contact. Trust me, it's for your own good. I'll explain once we reach the basement. Understood?" His look was sincere, but stern. Hakeem knew not of many of the darker aspects of the Ancient Woods and their inhabitants, and the ones within this shack were not the kind to be taken lightly.

Hakeem held an expression of complete calm and utter focus. He remained quiet, following Merrik's orders without comment and took the Skeletons as his charge. It had not taken long for him to remember the days when he had been a Soldier, the discipline and loyalty so deeply ingrained into him that now he acted almost without thinking. The Skeleton pair needed no encouragement to follow Merrik, once he had gathered up their mistress, although at the word 'Necromancy' Arteus again seemed to wrestle back a desire to correct him. However the combined effect of Nova's deep growl and Rashen's hand gripping his own managed to stay his words and they both moved ahead demurely and silently.

Veshna had stopped twittering a day ago, her curiousity and generally sensible nature overriding her instinctive distress. Now she moved rather comfortably around the Skeletons, although Hakeem could still tell she held some unknowable fury towards the unconscious woman. At Nova's concern, she hummed soothingly and ran her body along his while they walked, like a cat, thankful for his concern but endeavouring to reassure him.

I feel fine, the bone creatures seem quite pleasant. They have shown nothing but politeness. At her words, Hakeem's mouth was quirked into a smile, although he wrestled it down in favour of practicality and command.

"It is easy to be polite to your captors. Remain cautious dear heart." Veshna huffed a little, wriggling her tail in slight embarassment, but snuffed Hakeem's hair soothingly. I know, I was just observing. They do not feel bad. Hakeem nodded in understanding. She was right. Through Veshna, he could only feel their unnaturalness, not any malice or inherent evil within them. Still, he did not let up his guard.

Reaching the shack, Hakeem silently nodded in acquiesence to Merrik's command and waited for him to enter the hovel, before following after with the two skeletons in front. Veshna felt a twinge of concern for him as he disappeared from sight, but Hakeem silently soothed her with promises of being careful and she was at least mostly satisfied. So she curled up next to Nova and decided to make herself useful, relaying to him the various happenings and observations that she and Hakeem had gathered on their trip, such as thoughts on the other dragon tamers, suggestions on training, moments that seemed important. That she had decided to do this by herself gave Hakeem a rush of pride, gladdened to see his beauty begin to grow.

As the two tamers departed into the dusty interior of the small building, taking with them the unusual party of 3, the larger, black dragon settled himself onto the earth, taking comfort in Veshna's reassurance of her safety. She seemed to be almost... okay with the unnatural beings, as if she didn't care at all that they were abominations to the natural order of things. Obsidian Nova was ingrained with a hatred for the undead, memories and wisdoms of his great ancestors encouraging his caution and indifference. The idea of having these creatures so close to the home of himself and his yearlings was appalling, but he knew, nonetheless, that this was the safest place for anything to be if it had to be here. Nothing would be leaving that small shack without the permission of Merrik, at least not alive, and not in one piece.

Inside the dusty, worn down structure, Merrik led Hakeem to the center of the only room. Few furnishings dappled the floor: an old worn rocking chair, a dusty rug, tattered drapes of an unknown color, a hardly standing table and chairs, and a cupboard with broken doors. Though it was apparent nobody lived here, there was an eerie feeling lingering in the air, a feeling of unwelcome, of trespass of the most dire sorts. Merrik would hardly feel it, having been to this shack numerous times in his life, but he pitied Hakeem for the unsettling feel of the room.

Kicking up the old carpet, Merrik revealed a trap door with a thick, iron latch. Setting the limp body of the stranger down, he let up the latch and heaved open the heavy door, revealing a set of stairs of a questionable safety leading in the blackness. After picking up the woman once more, he turned to Hakeem, gesturing for him to follow.

"Be on your guard, friend. We'll soon be in no good company." And so he set out down the creaking old stairs, leading the others down behind him, his trust in Hakeem voiding him of any concern of the skeletons behind him.

The stairs went on for much longer than one would naturally assume, but as they reached a place where the stairs ceased and the ground leveled out, a faint glow was emitted from the end of the corridor before them. Merrik pressed forward, adjusting his hold on the woman as he continued on. The light grew more noticeable as they neared the end of the corridor where it turned off to another path. As they turned the corner, they came upon a large steel and hard wood door, torches lit on either side.

Casting a reassuring glance at Hakeem, Merrik opened the great door, a loud creaking out echoing through the silence as the hinges groaned under the weight of the door and a thousand years of little use.

"Whatsss thisss, Ssserkaan?" Came an eery, snake like voice from a place behind the door.

"Heh heh heh heh, it'sss a, mealllll at lasssst, Kurj. It sssmellsss... well aged, friend." Came a second voice from a different place. As Merrik stepped into the room, the skeletons following along with Hakeem, he collected one of the two torches from the wall outside and lit up the room with its light.

The room itself was not much to look at. Its ancient stone floors had long collected a filthy, dark color, its walls much the same. A table with two chairs sat against the right wall, the left had a door and several shelves upon it, and the hall across from where the group had entered opened up into a hall running past it. Visible just down that hall, was a prison cell, old and worn but still sturdy. While nothing was in it, the sound of unearthly beings came echoing up the hall as Merrik's torch lit the room. From around each corner of the hall in front of them stepped out two horrid looking figures, wearing tattered clothes, if you could call them that. One bore a keychain with what looked like a thousand ancient keys, all incredibly different from one another. The creature held onto it like a drunk to his last sip of alcohol. As they entered into the room the one with the keys spoke once more.
"What'ssss thisss Massster Merrik.... sssnackss at lasst?" The creature let out a horrible cough, wiping his mouth on his sleeve before chuckling a bit to himself as he noticed Hakeem. "Thosssse two... won't make a nibble... but himmm.... yesss. Heh heh, he could feed for weeekssss.."

Merrik scoffed and shook his head. "Hardly, Serkaan. You know full well that you'll never get human flesh from me. If you want that, you'll have to keep doing your duty and hope some fool is stupid enough to trespass this deeply into these lands. You'll get a few hogs later this week. Now open the 9th cell." At his words the second, keyless figure withdrew slightly in shock, as if the mention of the 9th cell somehow struck him physically.

"T-the ninthhh ccccell? Ha ha ha, what did the poor foolssss do to dessserve that?"

Merrik said nothing and gave the key holder a sharp look as he passed by, the creature quickly catching up and fumbling with his keys . As they walked down the hall, Merrik kept glancing back, hoping Hakeem would remember his warning about eye contact. When they arrived at their destination, the creature selected a key from his ring without hesitation and inserted it into the keyhole of a massive iron door, set against an iron wall. While all the other cells were barred, this one was essentially a box, zero contact with anyone or anything outside could be made. Merrik stepped in and laid down the woman, ushering her companions in when he returned to the hall. Serkaan hauled the door shut and reset the lock, returning the keyring to a place on a rope he had tied around his waist like a belt.

Merrik turned to Hakeem then. "Now, we can speak. Let's go sit. Serkaan, stay guard until she wakes, no matter how long it takes, then send word for me." The creature gave a pouty look and flopped himself on the floor, retrieving a bone from his pocket with shreds of raw flesh still hanging off it and began to chew and suck on the bone.

He then Hakeem back to the initial room where the table sat and motioned for him to have a seat. The second of the two figures was nowhere to be seen, though Merrik knew he was much closer than any would assume. "Now, before I explain anything, how much do you even really want to know?"

As soon as Hakeem stepped into the chamber he felt his teeth set on edge and his lungs gave an involuntary gasp, as if trying to claw for fresh breath that was not there. His skin crawled unpleasantly and he grimaced back against the sensations for a moment. But he soon forced himself to push past the feeling of horror and dread, pressing on behind Merrik determinedly. At Merrik's command he quickly nodded, dismissively even, he was on his guard already just from the feeling of the place.

The Skeletons seemed generally uneffected by the aura of the building, only Arteus having any reaction at all, and that looked like curiosity. They still calmly and passively went where they were told, Hakeem keeping them under close watch and focusing his attention on them. By the time they had reached the door, Hakeem had had time to process. He may not be good at learning new things but he certainly could become accustomed to them quickly and honestly, after spending all his days with dragons, dark ominous halls and strange noises were not all that surprising. So the reassuring glance from Merrik was returned with a comfortable smile, a smile that faultered a little when the voices of eerie snake like creatures greeted them from the dark.

What they were saying didn't help matters. Meals? Hakeem's hand fell to hovering over his sword hilt. But then he pulled it back. Merrik had lead him down here and he trusted the man not to have lead him to his death as the main course. With this established in his mind, he was once again calm and able to examine the voices he was hearing as the procession walked down the corridor. Well aged? They better be talking about the skeletons...

Entering the room, Hakeem just determined to keep his eyes on the skulls of his charges. Avoid eye contact Merrik had said, so avoid it he shall. Even so, he saw enough of the creatures to know he did not want to look at them head on anyway. They reminded him vaguely of the strange rodents that could sometimes be found in the dry soil of Trespa, pale skinned and wrinkled as though sun had never touched them. The one named Serkaan spoke again and this time Merrik answered. Hakeem had to restrain himself from sarcastic retorts. 'Weeks? How flattering! I did not know you kept such pleasant company Commander!' Is what he would have said, but alas, he had been told to remain silent and so the moment and potential humor passed him by. A sad thing. He thought it would have sufficiently lightened the mood.

In any case a holding cell was chosen and the horrendous Serkaan lead them towards it. As they walked, Hakeem was rather touched by how concerned Merrik seemed for him. He constantly noticed the young man's anxious eyes on him, even as Hakeem grinned nonchalantly back and nodded reassuringly. It was really very adorable to worry so, though completely unnecessary. Hakeem was reminded of their first discussion, so long ago now but still important in their relationship. The more he knew of Merrik, the more he wished to help and support him. Make him believe he did not need to take so much responsibility on himself and win his trust. He had to admit, part of that was him wanting to let Merrik be young and do foolish young things. In any case, bringing his mind back to the moment, the creature got them into the prison cell and their captives were locked up there, completely cutting them off from light and sound.

Merrik turned back to him once more, motioning for him to take a seat. Sit down! Yes Hakeem was very glad of that. You would not know it but he had not rested since they had left the forest edge and an eight hour flight was an exhausting thing. Gratefully he grasped the back of one of the chairs once they had returned to the entrance room, scanning it quickly when he realised the second creature had disappeared, but still falling into the seat when his eyes could not find him. He stretched and groaned as muscles popped and complained, listening to Merriks words as he rolled his shoulders painfully.

"I think you should know the answer to that by now, Commander.." He gave Merrik an amused half smile as he leaned his elbows on the table and awaited a full explanation. As if Hakeem would not want to know any detail that could help him understand their enemy.

Merrik took a moment to rub his temples, still bothered deeply both by the fact that there was a necromancer in Illos and by the fact that he had foolishly sent a handful of inexperienced tamers to find them. Had Hakeem not been with them, and had he not been trained and seasoned in war, would things have turned out differently? He shuttered at the thought, but quickly pushed it aside to worry about later, noting to learn from the experience. At Hakeem's words he looked up and let up a light scoff from behind a smile. Of course he knew the answer to that. Truthfully he more asked it in a way of asking himself how much he wanted to tell, and how to start explaining.

Looking up at Hakeem, he felt foolish, once more for not knowing how to explain. Of course he knew how Hakeem wanted him to begin: at the beginning.

"Well, let's see. This dungeon has been here since before I was born, likely since before my great-great-great grandfather was born. It's been used by the Tetra tamers for centuries to keep high risk prisoners in, specifically those of the magical sort. According to a journal from one of my ancestors, this prison was build with some of the most powerful, impenetrable protective spells known, said to be a form of Elven Mana, though that's impossible to prove. No one can find this place nor enter it with magic, they have to do so physically. All mana is null in this place, even my own. I'm sure you've noticed Veshna isn't around, merely a faint wisp within your soul. That's because even the magic of the bond is snuffed out down here." He paused, considering his own empty feeling, knowing that Obsidian Nova was still within his mind and soul, but not enjoying the feeling of separation nonetheless.

"The two beings you saw, the watchmen, they're soul-bound servants to the Tetra bloodline. The only person they will answer to is a firstborn male of my bloodline, and so as it stands, myself. They may seem a relatively harmless bunch, but should any person or being enter into this place without me willingly accompanying them, those two will rip that trespasser to pieces before feeding on them. They're carnivores, they're much more dangerous than they appear, and according to Kurj, their favorite 'snack' is the flesh between the ribs of a human." He took a moment to wonder if he should have told Hakeem that, but then he realized that he needed to understand the reality of this side of the magical world.

"You must never come down here without me, Hakeem. Nor any of the other tamers. Those two are bound by powerful magic to slaughter and devour any trespassers in order to protect the secrets held within these cells. The necromancer and her... companions, are safe here. Now, it's your turn. Fill me in on everything that's happened."

Elven mana, ancient spells, 'soul-bound', a lot of words that made Hakeem uncomfortable. Honestly the part about creatures snacking on his ribs was much less disconcerting to Hakeem than the idea of magic that even Merrik only half understood. And yes, he was feeling uneasy about the lack of Veshna in his mind. He knew that she must be worrying, but he hoped Obsidian Nova would be able to set her at ease. In any case, the knowledge that they had a dungeon that only Merrik could enter without being torn to shreds was actually more worrying than calming. A thousand situations rushed through Hakeem's mind where they needed to enter the place, yet Merrik was indisposed.

He grimaced and glanced uneasily towards the cell they had just left Elva in. Safe? He did not think that sounded safe. Certainly it sounded like she would not escape, but that did not say safe to him. Once Merrik had finished, and then asked his question, Hakeem frowned at him, grumbling a bit in his chest.

"I should like to discuss the merits of such a place as this, some point later. The wisdom of it eludes me. I see it causing more problems than it solves... But for another time. Veshna was relaying all the details to Mentor Nova when we left, so I shall explain to you in brief." He cleared his throat and leaned forward. He quickly recounted the trip there, explaining his basic thinking when they arrived at the border and describing the orders he gave and the reasons for them. He swiftly came to the moment when he responded to Zarketh's plea for aid.

He understood the method of thinking produced by Hakeem, there could be several problems with a place like this, but if Hakeem knew what kind of powerful, evil, magical beings resided within the deeper cells of this place he would understand why it was crucial for only one person to have access to this place. Should any of the prisoners be released... it could be catastrophic not only for Illos, but for all the lands. When he said the prisoner would be 'safe' down here, he did not mean the necromancer her self was safe from danger, though she certainly was, rather she could do no harm to anyone from down here. Merrik's main concern was, and likely always would be, the protection and safety of the dragons and their tamers.

As the veteran commander went about portraying the events that led up to the moment of meeting with the stranger, Merrik felt a storm of upset brewing within him. So, this woman had indeed come from the East, from the North-east, specifically. Now, what were the odds that the first magic user in these lands, outside the order and the dark lord, in hundreds of years, arrived from the direction of Ogual's lair? He was beginning to strongly dislike the general direction of 'east'.

"Tell me, Hakeem. What do you think of the woman and her companions? What does your gut tell you? Despite the magical aspect to our intruder you've dealt with such happenings far beyond what I ever have. What do you suggest we do? My instinct is to leave her here for a while. This place has a way of weakening mana users. Once she has been weakened to a suitable state, if she has chosen to co-operate in her time down here, we can bring her to a place of lower security and see what she has to offer. As it stands, I feel she is too great a risk. A necromancer capable of reanimating two fallen ones and maintaining their reanimation to such a degree is an advanced user indeed. I won't allow her around the Order until I know I can overwhelm her mana with my own. No sword nor shield can defend against a powerful mage."

Hakeem actively tried to ignore the latter half of Merrik's speech, the man did like to talk. The General did not need to be told how dangerous magic could be, he already found the thing dangerous enough when he tried to wield it himself. Honestly it rather frightened him, not that fear was something he was unfamiliar with. He could feel it and not let it cloud his judgement, but he'd rather push it to the side all the same. For instance with this woman. Her power was obvious and on show, but she never used it in his presence and it had been very easy to disarm her completely.

"My Instincts tell me many things, all of which shall be ignored until I have no other information available to me. She hides many things and is entirely a mystery, but she was never aggressive and I knocked her out with ease. Keep her here, but do not leave her for long. She was ready to speak when we first met, letting her rot here only wastes our time and if you say mana, is null here then she is a minor threat at best. She is certainly no warrior. Speak with her... companions, interrogate her when she wakes. If she hides things, I have skill in torture, at your disposal." Hakeem's words were clear, precise and almost offhand, as though he hadn't even had to think about it, as though this whole situation was entirely comfortable for him. He knew what he would do if he were in charge here, he had gone through these motions many times before. He glanced back at the cell and frowned slightly.

"I suggest asking our Mistress Yennefer down here to inspect her. She has been unconscious a long time. I may have struck her harder than intended in the confusion of the moment. The 'bone creatures' as Veshna calls them, unnerved us all."

Merrik's brow furrowed as he nodded at Hakeem's offering of his.... services. Torture was the last thing Merrik wanted, but if it came to it he'd have no choice but to go down that route. He was just happy he wasn't going to be the one to administer it. Despite his disgust in the woman's art, she was a woman nonetheless and even the thought of what his mother would say to such a thing made his stomach churn. As Hakeem suggested Yennefer's attendance to the woman's state of health, he found himself nodded again.

"Yes, you're right. She's not good to us dead. She's got something to say, and I say in week from now we let her say it, give the order a chance to settle back into normality. She'll be sustained and I'll bring Yen down here tonight to have a look at her. But first, we need to fill everyone in on what's gone on." He pushed his chair out from the table and stood, waiting for Hakeem to do the same, before he strode over to the large door through which they entered.

"We'll have a debriefing at dinner. Come, we've spent long enough in this unholy place." He pushed open the door and the pair made their way back up to where their bonds were strong and their dragons lay in wait. Before they exited the shack, Merrik stopped Hakeem and said, "Thank you, Hakeem, for maintaining the situation and ensuring the safety of those in your party. I know it's merely nature to you, bu nonetheless, you did my job, and I thank you for that." With another nod, he left, walking past the pair of dragons outside and back along the path towards the meadow. Obsidian Nova cast a glance to Hakeem, blinking slowly and offering a nod filled with a grateful emotion before rising and following after his tamer. As he left he sent his thoughts to Veshna.

Child, if you would, find me sometime this week when there are no other duties to tend to. I'd like to speak with you.


When Merrik returned to the meadow, he found the other tamers all about, going about their various duties and getting settled back into the swing of things as the weekend drew to a close. He went to each of them and informed them that tonight dinner would serve as an important meeting, so it'd be best not to skip out on it this evening.

Four hours later, he found himself setting the last of the dishes on the night's menu onto the large stone table in the center of the meadow. One by one the tamers began to gather and soon it would time to discuss the events of the last week and each of the party's tasks.
Ever since having returned from what would likely be the last trip in a long time to the tetra estate, Dalaith had been as busy as ever and even more so, even if that time was only a day and a half or so. She had found many ancient journals and had even requested the journals of the other tamers that were currently at the stables, and had begun to read and rewrite them all into one large journal for easy access for anyone who would so wish, having had the idea of making an on site library of sorts, small, but even so, functional. She had yet to inform Merrik of such plans, but never the less, she would do all she could before coming to the commander. Nearly every moment she could be found sitting in her room, surrounded by books with at a minimum, three that she was writing in. A'untyr was easily annoyed with her constant endeavors, though he understood the meaning behind them. To escape from the constant din of her muttering under her breath and the scribbling of her ink pen against paper, the dragon would often times practice in flight maneuvers by himself, or maneuver himself while flying through the near by woods, never straying too far so as not to unduly worry his tamer. Especially when her emotional and mental state was so fragile after the manor visit, even though she refused to admit to such. The silvery haired woman left herself only one hour per day for her meals and any other sort of recreational matters. Seven additional hours were allocated to sleep, and she had enough time to head down to the mess hall so as to retrieve basic foods for breakfast lunch and dinner, so she was still in good health physically, but even so, the only place to ever find her would be in the middle of her current task. Merrik was well enough lucky to catch the tamer in one of her few breaks she was taking, she sighing slightly, but aggreeing to meet for dinner tonight and actually stay for the entire meeting, though she said nothing about bringing anything. Yes, when the time came, she had brought her current book she was writing in, and another book that she was copying from, sitting down at a table and continuing to work as she had arrived early enough to get comfortable with her new position and find a good working flow.
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Hakeem and Yennefer

Hakeem had been eager to help gather the Tamers for this meeting. He had long been feeling a certain sense of unease at how their training and situation was progressing. The Forest Garden was beautiful and safe... but Hakeem would have said it was far too beautiful and far too safe to raise an army. People become complacent when they feel safe, involved themselves in petty arguments and let themselves slip into the idea that the rest of the world was just as at peace as they were. So a meeting to discuss how they were all in imminent danger was just what was needed. He had gathered up all he could before eventually meeting Yennefer as she was walking up to the stone table.

She had briefly smiled at him, before squinting at his face a bit and dropping the smile in a hurry. 'Oh, he's in one of his serious moods' was the thought that crossed her mind and she sighed before reconstructing her expression into one of equal solemnity. The speed at which she had changed actually quirked a smile across Hakeem's lips, but he fought it down easily. She let him take her arm for the latter half of the journey towards the other gathered Tamers.

"Your services will be required soon, we have ah... acquired someone who may be in need of treatment." Yennefer blinked in confusion. None of the Tamers were sick or wounded, she would have known about that sooner. An outsider was in the Forest Garden? "And what shape does this ailed 'someone' take?" She asked in a slightly demanding tone. Hakeem hummed thoughtfully for a moment. "A woman, a captive, Merrik will no doubt lead you to her once this is done." Yennefer dearly wanted to demand to see her new patient immediately, but, like she had said, Hakeem was in one of those moods of his. You could really feel the war general ooze out of him in these times. So instead she nodded pliantly and disentagled herself from him, letting him take up a position just behind and to the right of Merrik.

Yennefer herself looked around, her eyes finding Asa in the evening light and pacing over towards her. Through the weeks together, Yennefer had found herself taking Asa under her wing somewhat, the young girl becoming endearing to her. Her speechlessness had, at first, been thought of by Yennefer as a challenge. Perhaps treatment could help fix the problem? But soon she had realised it was no place of hers to fix anything and, in any case, Yennefer rather enjoyed a silent helper and companion when cooking or organising shelves. They had built up an easy level of communication and Methuzar and Verebera got along very well indeed.

So Yennefer came up beside her friend, linking her arm under Asa's and smiling down at her briefly. "You seem troubled dear, something happened on your missions? Hakeem says we have a guest?"
The day or so that passed after the small group returned from the Tetra Estate did so swiftly. Shirin kept mostly to herself, prefering the silence she had within her room above Byriarti. She ate little, spoke little, and did little more than train and read and train some more. When she was outside the comfort of her loft, she remained very close to Byriarti, sitting within his shadow and even taking extra time to train beneath his watchful gaze. She did all of her training alone or with her dragon, only making contact with Diari to gift her the magic book she had found in the grand library. It wasn't that she didn't want to spend time with others...or perhaps it was. The warrior's mind was plagued with the strange memories that had just recently been planted within. Memories of battles prior...what could have happened had she never entered. Memories of Rita...how different her relationship with him could have been had she just followed instead of falling into a pile of self-pity and loathing. Memories of the Oracle taking her hand and speaking directly to her of the importance she had in this coming war. Why was she so important? What did she have to do with all of this?

They were all imporant. She was simply one of the many lights that would shine through the darkness of this war. She was a light that had dimmed and needed to find what would make her shine again. It was Byriarti who was constantly reminding her of this. His light would guide her to finding her own. In truth, Shirin was grateful that the prideful beast had calmed himself over the past couple of weeks. She was the only one to ever see his soft side, but even that was something she was truly glad to have.

She was easy for Merrik to find, brooding as always beneath the trees by the lake. Her mind was going over the words the Oracle had said when he came up and told her not to miss the night's dinner. She would nod at him solemnly, almost glad that her mind could once more focus on the coming battle. A part of her hoped that she would see some action soon. If she had to grind her teeth and sit through one wonderfully prepared dinner, the warrior was sure she could. It was the least she could do, after all. She had said little to her mentor since they had left the estate. She had been sure there had been a spark between them, but her mind had become muddled by all of the other things that had happened. Her fingers reached to her breast and stroked the new armor that adorned it, tracing along the outline of the dragon engraved upon the plate. Byriarti, who had curled around her, opened his eyes to stare at her contemplatively. Her mind was a whirlwind, never calming since the night she had met the great old man in the runed room. Perhaps he was the only one worried about it right now, but at some point, her true emotions would reveal themselves not only to her, but to everyone else. Perhaps then she would face them, as well as her fears, and begin fighting them as well as she did the battles of men.

"Eat well, Byriarti," Shirin said calmly to the Solar Dragon just before she was to enter the dining area. Her hand came to rest on his muzzle, and she gave him a gentle kiss, which he had accepted happily, knowing no others were watching. With a grunt of approval and a nudge towards the dining area, Byriarti stretched out his wings and took off without a word, leaving the warrior to her duty. Taking a deep breath, glad she hadn't removed her armor, she entered and seated herself as far away from the brunt of the group as possible. Beginning a small meal, the warrior silently waited for the remainder of the riders to enter so that the meeting could begin. The quicker it began, the quicker it would end.
Tara got a few hours sleep after Hakeem insisted they rest while he dealt with the prisoners. She hadn't been happy about that but had grudgingly agreed; he hadn't given her reason to doubt his leadership yet. She was awake in plenty of time to make her way to the meal, uncomfortable until she knew what had happened. She walked behind Yennefer and Hakeem, the sight of them bringing back memories of the last time she saw them together. To her relief, it didn't bring much in the way of embarrassment with it, mostly just a lingering worry about possible complications. Neither seemed particularly pressing though after the events of the last few days. She moved to stand by Yennefer when she arrived at the table, giving her a small smile in greeting as she was already talking to Asa.
Sairantha &amp; Aerarya
Saira had only just put her bow away when she caught word that there would be a gathering of sorts during the nights' dinner. She had spent her free time lately in the afternoons and evenings with the bow, an activity she found quite pleasing to do in the peace of the meadow. Nobody bothered or interrupted her- unless Aerarya's nosy thoughts could be included- and the meadow was usually empty enough for her to have a decent practice space. Since her first time shooting in the meadow, she had begun to use actual targets as to avoid shooting into the trees. Aerarya usually spent the same time finding her own meals, or circling the skies as she watching Sairantha practice. Of course, the drake found little interest in the repetitious activity of aiming, shooting, and fetching the arrows for hours on end.

Thinking it wise to change out of her loose training clothing, Sairantha climbed up to where her living space was, quickly redressing before saying a quick farewell to Aerarya- the hungry drake insisted she would listen into Sairantha's thoughts of the meeting as she found her own dinner- and heading out the door. There was a slight chill in the air as she walked towards the table- the strange stone table they'd grown used to eating at. Lost in her own thoughts, she took a seat without noticing any of the other tamers that had arrived, and began a small meal without a word, still preoccupied with thoughts of her solo training session.
The Heart of the Meadow

The tamers began to gather at the massive stone table at the center of the meadow, much like they had every other day at dinner. After a weekend with the Order split up, Merrik found himself experiencing an unusual sense of relief to entertain this familiar sight once more, to have all the tamers back around the table to enjoy a meal together. It was odd, to have become almost accustomed to being surrounded by people instead of just dragons. As he approached the table and took his seat at the head, Hakeem strode over from where he appeared to have been chatting with Yennefer. Perhaps he'd given her a heads up on the situation, though he doubted Yennefer would need it, the woman was not so easily phased and if anything Merrik figured she'd be more fascinated than anything by the situation. He smiled to himself, shaking his head as he looked at the fiery haired woman who had now found a place at Asa's side. Shortly after, Tara arrived and joined the two women, and after that Shirin claimed a seat, saying nothing to him as she passed by. Saira arrived and seemed completely preoccupied and directed her available attention to picking at a portion of the great meal set out across the table.

Merrik himself, collected a small selection of food from the dishes and filled his goblet with the dark wine they often served with dinner. He ate what little he could manage with his mind so far beyond food and when the last of the tamers arrived he wiped his lips and cleared his throat with a sip of wine. "It seems this weekend was filled with a fair bit more adventure for all of us than I had anticipated, but nevertheless all were successful their tasks. We've a fresh store of potions thanks to a handful of us." He looked specifically at each member of the potions part, nodding a light thanks as he continued. "It seems your encounter with the Mare of the Woods became a story to tell your grandchildren. Minuik seems to be getting less lenient as the years pass by, but nevertheless you've all accomplished a great thing in gaining access to the Grove of the White Mare. Saira, you'll have to join me for a stroll some time and tell me of your time behind the veil. I myself have never stepped beyond the leafy barrier into the White One's quarters." He smiled gently at her, taking another sip of his wine.

"As for myself, Shirin, Rita, and Dalaith, we found little of the information we were looking for on the plague, but what we did find is a significant start and furthermore, the Oracle has given his blessing to three more of the tamers. Over time, each member of the Order will meet the Oracle and he will offer his blessing in a manner specific to each individual. You three may not have known that this was his reason for exploring you so, but you'll find one day that his gift will become apparent, and it could very well save your lives. Now, of the three groups, those sent to scout the outer perimeters of the woods faced the most concerning events of the weekend. With their return, they brought a trio of outsiders, though not at all of the natural sort. At this time, the three of them are contained in a prison not far from here. There is a woman, and two companions beyond this life, and I have strong suspicions of ancient necromancy though I can't for the life of me figure out how such a thing is possible. Until we know more, she'll remain imprisoned where I'm positive she won't be able to harm anyone. So far, she's been compliant but I won't take any risks. Hakeem and I will be working to establish a plan of action from this point out, for he's well experienced in situations like these, but until then I don't want her presence to affect your training." He refilled his goblet then and moistened his throat once more.

Obsidian Nova stood silent and motionless a few meters away from the gathering at the center of the meadow. His eyes were closed, his breathing steady. His mind was completely tuned in on Merrik's, but at the very same time his mind was hundreds of miles away. Unspoken whispers echoed across the air, his eyes flickering beneath his scaly lids. Moments passed and a slight nod could be seen being offered to no visible entity by the black drake. When his eyes opened at last, Merrik stopped what he was doing and for a moment he merely listened to the words of his bondmate, nodding once in response. It would appear that Obsidian Nova had made contact.

"Yennefer, when the meal is over, I'd ask if you'd accompany me to tend to the woman's wounds. She's of no use if she withers away in that cell." Then, speaking once more to the group he said, "Training will resume as usual. Now that you're all aware of the presence of this woman, I want you all to be on edge. If she is what I think she is, I think it'd be in the best interest of everyone for us all to work harder now than ever in our training." With one more nod he collected his goblet once more and emptied it for the second time, his mind already consumed by his thoughts once more. Obsidian Nova took to the skies then, heading south across the woods until his dark figure disappeared over the treeline.
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Falor was frankly a bit late upon entering the dinner table today, mainly because he and Dakan had quite the conversation, mainly it concerned Dakan's success in overcoming his high temper and constant emotional struggles in order to find, in a sense, a pure mind. But this became more of an argument, as Dakan's anger returned to him and he argued on why he was being criticized, and created a temporary schism between the pair. But for now, to sit at the table, listen and eat were of main concern, and he hoped that this will all settle down and not affect the training in the near future.
Eventually, Merrik came to make some announcements at the table; "It seems this weekend was filled with a fair bit more adventure for all of us than I had anticipated, but nevertheless all were successful their tasks. We've a fresh store of potions thanks to a handful of us."
He nodded a brief thanks toward the people involved in such a task, Falor smiled back briefly. He then went on about what a story it would be to tell. He thought about it and chuckled in his mind; How would I ever tell the grandchildren? I won't live on this earth long enough to see my grandchildren!
Merrik continued about the results his own endeavor, which was enticing in itself to listen to. The Oracle's blessing, he never even heard of what that can do, His father talked of Oracles, but he never mentioned that they can give blessings, or any sort of power that they can hold. He then went on to continue about how the scouting group managed to capture a few people, and that some sort of necromancy was involved. This concerned him a bit, but not enough to be a threat of some sore, especially since somebody as great as Merrik was the one taking care of it. Falor seemed more intrigued at the situation rather than threatened by it. He also requested Yenifer to pitch in as well.
He then focused back on the group for his final announcement: "Training will resume as usual. Now that you're all aware of the presence of this woman, I want you all to be on edge. If she is what I think she is, I think it'd be in the best interest of everyone for us all to work harder now than ever in our training." Falor nodded in reply, and with his announcements finally over, everyone began to eat. The old man himself just watched before everyone ate, thinking on the captured woman; Who is this woman? And why does she bother Merrik says? Is she as powerful as Merrik fears? Best not to ponder about it, and train like he says. Now about that food... He went to grab himself a plate, ate fast, and lingered around to see if anything else interesting popped up...
He looked down at his father's journal, he really wanted to see him again, but he disappeared awhile ago, never to be seen again. He could only assume that his older brother gave him a final blow, curse his brother! He acts like a never ending wildfire, and wishes to destroy everything in his path, angered by the slightest of things. He's kind of like...
Kind of like Dakan.
Dalaith struggled to put her feather ink pen down so as to listen to their leader, but do so she did. What he spoke of was... disturbing to say the least. And beyond the disturbing, disgusting feeling that emanated just from the thought of necromancy, what disgusted her even more was that she was still curious to learn about it and its strengths, weaknesses, and peculiarities. Shaking her head, she got back to her work as a copyist. She didnt eat, nor drink. It was strange that she didnt even notice that she sat directly beside Merrik himself, even though she had just looked up to see him standing beside her when addressing the group a few moments ago.

A'untyr was growing more concerned about his tamer's mental and emotional , especially now that training would resume and they had a prisoner on premise. He considered speaking with Methuselar, but the recent outbursts he's had towards the gentle giant brevented him from saying a word. He didnt much understand the emotional connection that he and his tamer shared, and thus couldnt prevent taking on the excess emotion that she locks away. One could only hope to see that what once worked to protect others was now much more harmful as the emotions become embodied within a much stronger figure. Shaking the thoughts away so as not to distract Dalaith as she worked, A'untyr flew off, on the hunt for his own evening meal.
As the sun began to set on the meadow, Isolde finally put down her bow. Brow dripping with sweat, and arm muscles quivering from exertion the woman finally decided that her body had enough. Her mind had finally calmed itself with the physical activity to distract her, all morning she had target practice, then she had done several laps around the lake's shore with Plaor'z following overhead and taking a dive into the waters once in a while. All this was in hopes that she would finally be able to sleep peacefully, potentially without nightmares or anything of the sort.

Plaor'z watched his bondmate curiously as she shined and oiled the bow she had worn in, there were countless arrow buried into the haybale, ground, target, and split fletchers littering the ground at her feet. You've the discipline of a warrior. Isolde glanced up feeling the baritone of Plaor'z voice in her head like a warm campfire. Smiling she leaned back, her hands pressed against her back "No, I have the discipline of a survivor. I have been running for a long time." Isolde sighed, walking over to the inferno dragon that still rebelled against her every request but could be so protective of her best interests. Leaning against his warm scales she relaxed into his almost overbearing heat like it was a security blanket, the heat soothed her skin and her taut joints and muscles. You still draw back from all the other tamers, why is that? The woman thought about her words carefully before laughing softly, "There really is no point, I haven't yet had a chance to truly earn their trust. Until then, no matter what I do I will always be an outsider." Plaor'z was quiet for a long time, thinking about what Isolde told him before he finally spoke. Shall I threaten them into being your friend? Laughter echoed against a few oak trees. "No Plaor'z that's not necessary, however appreciated you big softy. What use to me is terrified superficial friends?" The dragon snorted and shouldered his bondmate playfully before they began their trek back to the heart of the meadow.

Isolde quietly took her seat some ways from where most of the dragon tamers took their seat, the muscles in her back aching from hours of archery practice. Especially the bruise that now blossomed purple along her bow arm, but after she put it to more than good use, she felt as though she could work through the dull pain. Merrick had begun discussing each group's endeavors, the usual relay of news. It had a strange sense of normalcy about it, like sitting at the table with a few family members discussing the town events. Pouring herself some water, she did not hold back in filling her wooden bowl with rice and steaming stew thick with gravy and carrots. The salted meat and thick spiced gravy was a welcome taste, one that caused her stomach to growl happily. Plaor'z was silent behind her, she could feel the warmth of his gaze on her back and the hunger that he felt. Turning slightly she sent a silent message relieving him of his babysitting duties, he still felt guilty over nearly shattering her arm. However it was just a sprain that was easily taken care of with a make-shift splint.

Merrik's discussion carried on, with sips of wine in between pauses and words. Isolde only half listened, the reactions to necromancy were as to be expected. Some felt disgust, others felt indifference. They were then warned to be on edge, but not to let her presence effect their training. Isolde smiled into her cup of sweet water, if anything the woman's presence was nothing more than a catalyst for her to train harder then ever. However Merrik was hiding something. Placing her cup back to the table she looked up to the man and raised an eyebrow. "If she is what you think she is, and what exactly would that be if you don't mind. Enlighten us so we know how exactly to prepare ourselves." Isolde had some degree of trust for their leader, but even still she was wary. Plaor'z growled in agreement with her statement, but there was also a warning to control her tone. So, the fair haired woman smiled to lighten the mood. "I don't think any of us would care very much to be caught with our pants down, I can't promise my arrow will hit my mark if I am unsure of where to aim."
Hakeem frowned at the young Isolde as she spoke up, sounding almost argumentative against Merrick. That was not something Hakeem would at all tolerate. Not anymore. It had been two weeks and while, yes, they had made progress, all his peers seemed to have kept the same frame of mind they had held when they arrived. Regiments and rules did not seem to be apparent and their group seemed disparate. Well they were no longer civilians and this was not some rag-tag group of Dragon Tamers. They were an army and Hakeem would make sure they acted like one.

"You speak out of turn, Girl. This period of comfort is over, our borders were just breached, we are at war. Whatever you were before, now you are soldiers and this is your Commander!" He gestured to Merrick, his eyes cold and piercing, is voice powerful, blunt and harsh. "He will tell you what you need to know, when you need to know it and no sooner." His eyes scanned the gathered Tamers briefly, before alighting on Yennefer's form, the severe light no less diminished. "Mistress, can you accompany our Commander after this meeting is over?"

Yennefer restrained a sigh. She half-heartedly agreed with that Hakeem was saying, but on the other hand she also wondered if a normal Military atmosphere was appropriate for a rag-tag team of People riding Dragons into battle. But war was not her expertise and in the interest of professional courtesy, she could bow to Hakeem's greater knowledge and experience. The heavens know if anyone tried to undermine her medical authority, the wrath of a thousand dragons could not match her own. So, with that in mind, she calmly dipped her head in acquiesence to the General.

"I can, if I might just be allowed to gather my things." She turned her attention from Hakeem to Merrik, he being the one whom had asked the question in the first place. "However I would suggest we hurry, time is important with these matters. Especially if she's unconscious?" A glance at the look on Hakeem's face let Yennefer tentatively conclude that she was, indeed, unconscious. Wonderful.
The man, Hakeem, spoke to her. His voice meaning to be piercing, and admonishing in accordance to her perceived behaviour. Just then the table was quiet apart from his request for the fiery haired doctor. No matter how hard Isolde bit her tongue, blood flowing behind her teeth, she could not control her next few words. "Yes, Merrik is our commander. Lord of this estate. Esteemed commander of the fearsome group of warriors." Her tone was filled with venom mocking the word 'warriors', causing Plaor'z to stir with excitement. Locking her ice blue eyes on the man that dare attempt to correct behavior that was seen as disrespectful, Isolde's pride blinded her. "However, you too are one of us. You may have been finely tuned to be apart of the war which separates you so easily from us as the most trusted to Lord Merrik. But, you speak so boldly of a war. Airing it so freely. Did you ever wonder what kind of fear it would cause to openly discuss something like that? We were told of a war upon arriving here, and the small sense of normalcy Lord Merrick gave to us you so quickly snatch away." Isolde paused, looking down at her hands. "Like a thief in the night, you steal from us what keeps us sane because you are so jaded and hardened by experience which we do not have. Have you no pity?" Standing so suddenly, it nearly tipped the oak chair back completely, Isolde bowed her head. "I bid you all goodnight." With that Isolde, hands tight fists by her sides, left the table and mounted Plaor'z who had been saddled most of the day to continue breaking it in and becoming used to it. This group of strangers would never be her family, she did not come here for a father. She came here because she had no where left to turn.

Plaor'z launched into the air, the night air feeling cool against Isolde's fevered skin. The dragon remained silent, as he casually glided over the meadow, his body humming with that majestic power of ancient dragons past. The steady beat of his wings worked wonders for Isolde, her heart slowed to its normal pace as she leaned into her soul-mate. Nothing mattered in the sky, in the wind all the worries were lost to the focus of being in a place where no normal Human could. No normal human, you are not normal Isolde. You never will be. You must accept that. Isolde pushed her forehead against the dragon's hot scales, feeling her eyes burning from the natural heat of his scales. "I know that now, and in truth I am still coming to terms with it. This may make me weak, but I am still human. I can still be scared. I can still hurt. I can still feel lonely." Plaor'z rumbled with something that seemed distantly relative to sympathy, but Isolde couldn't be sure. Puny human, you are tiny, but will never be alone while my fire burns brightly in this world.

For the first time in a long time, Isolde smiled. The most beautiful thing about it was the softening of her icy blue eyes, slowly inch by inch the snow melted and let the warmth in her heart. You made quite the impression tonight, do not be surprised if you are ignored Puny Human. Hakeem is not only a warrior, but he is respected in this group. Snorting, Isolde patted Plaor'z and shared the image in her mind of where she wanted to land. "It doesn't matter to me, as Hakeem has so blatantly said, there are no comforts for the warriors of tomorrow's war. I have a bondmate to stand by my side. That trumps whatever any companionship I could have had. I shall become the greatest of all Lizard riders." Isolde joked as she slid from Plaor'z back. The dragon huffed in agreeance, flicking his tail out and curling it around his body. And so you shall Puny Human, for I am the greatest of all lizards. Isolde walked out from Plaor'z, looking up at the twilight sky. Dark blues and fading periwinkles painted the sky, clouds rolled by and the moon was heavy with white light. However, Isolde was taken by the stars.

"I still feel like something is missing... something doesn't feel right. I know I should feel like I belong here..." Plaor'z helped Isolde in supplying what was weighing on her heart. But our souls call out for something different, I feel it too. I feel it deep in my soul as well as your Puny Human.
Having been brought from her copying by what sounded like acute agitation, Dalaith looked up, if only briefly, to survey the scene. How unfortunate that such a time was not quite the most... opportune. Just as she looked up, the hardened, rough edged and sharp pointed man whom all had come to call Hakeem gave a lecture that felt more like the disciplinary beatings of a father. As soon as it began, the silver haired woman fumbled to set down her book, feeling the need to respect one who was speaking, but after only a mere few words in such a tone, her barely covering composure shattered like glass, letting out a beast. Anger, sorrow, hurt, all mixed like spilled whine spilled into a pool of water, contaminating her figure until each emotion was diluted to such a point and blended so much, that it was impossible to tell if she had an emotional feeling at all. It may as well have been a state of being. Even so, the young scholar waited for all to come to silence. She then, slowly stood, her eyes closed and face cast downwards, before she spoke, her voice cool as metal that had sat within the mountains' icy winter snow.

"You may be trusted by Merrik Tetra, decedent of the lord Merikai Tetra, and you may have the experience of one hundred battles in a never ending war. Even so, you hold no right to condemn the acts of another, nor to drive an ally off in your own insensitivity. If you hold your ground, I will hold my own, for myself, and anyone who wishes not to. Leadership in this collection belongs to Merrik alone, and we all, including you, in all your knowledge and experience, are equals, brothers, sisters, family. But I will say this. I am not afraid to harm my own brother in duel if it comes down to such to show you your err."

It had been quite an amount of time before Merrik spoke. Perhaps it was due to the stragglers that took their time wandering towards the table. Shirin wondered briefly as she took a silent bite of her bun filled with savory meats and warm fats why so many still acted as though nothing was wrong. Was it truly possible that these people, meant to be warriors atop the backs of mighty dragons, were nothing more than scared children, unable to wrap their heads around what was going on? So many of them proved themselves in the heat of unwanted attention, but would they be able to prove themselves come the time for battle? It was inevitable. War is always inevitable. And the only way to survive is to fight it with all your might. All they seemed to want to fight was their leader. The disgusted looks were expected when Merrik spoke of the necromancer, but the looks of indifference that happened across many faces took Shirin aback. She focused on those faces. Were they indifferent because they were to afraid to show their emotions like her, who had remained completely stone-faced when the word, "necromancer," was spoken? Or was it because they simply did not believe their mentor? Her mind played through the various scenarios that could have come about within the next few moments. Her mind, however, was unable to predict the simple question and hearty tone of the beautiful, tiny Isolde. Remaining stone-faced, she looked over at the young woman, her lips rising just barely into the turn of a smile. Glad the woman had smiled, the warrior nodded in agreement, looking over at Merrik. It was unwise to keep secrets among friends.

Hakeem, however, made her frown. Still remaining silent, Shirin let the events play out around her, gathering her thoughts cooly, glad she was finally able to focus on something other than Rita and how she felt towards her Mentor. First, Isolde spoke out against Hakeem. Then, to the warrior's surprise, so did Dalaith, who had spoken to no one since her return to the meadow. Even challenging the old warrior to a duel, Dalaith stood up for not only herself, but the others as well. They were not simple fodder to be pushed around by supposed leadership.

It was at this moment that the young mercenary finally spoke, keeping her voice calm and monotone with a small smile of apology sent to Merrik beforehand. "Mentor, may I speak out my thoughts as well?" Taking up some of the mentality of her beast and leaning on the strength of his mind for her own, she did not wait for Merrik to give her permission, continuing fluidly, her voice slowly growing icy. "We are supposed to be an army, yes? We are lead by the great Merrik Tetra and his dragon, Obsidian Nova. All of our dragons look only to Obsidian Nova for guidance, only looking to each other for simple advice on trivial matters. Even Veshna, the beautiful Regenerative Beast of Hakeem. Perhaps in this instance, we should act as they do, taking up the words of our mentor and not lashing out at each other. If one has a problem, dwell for a moment and cool your mind before taking on the heat of a battle among each other." The words of her dragon seemed to flow through her, and she focused on his wisdom. "He knows this war better than we do. We as people bow to no one person, but we must take orders from somewhere, and he is best fit for that position."

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The General was just a little bit dumbstruck as he watched the girl lash out, complain and then fly away. He could not quite believe he had seen it. Weren't they all adults? Was this a school of children? Did he have to mince his words to soothe the minds of troubled teenagers? He was so downcast by these thoughts that he didn't even truly hear Dalaith's similarly dramatic and zealous challenge. Veshna did though. She actually growled, a quiet rumble that echoed through Hakeem's body and shook the table just a little in its intensity. She actually took a step forward, her hackles raised and her body curving around her Tamer's frame, defensive, angry, a low hiss trembling down her throat.

Veshna's reaction told Hakeem that he needed to pay closer attention to what the girl had said. A duel? Did she mean to challenge him? What good would that even do? Hakeem was no stranger to duels for honour or justice or to settle disputes but he'd never dueled someone... to prove himself right. Surely that made no sense! Everything happening around him brought him further and further from frustration and closer to actual despair. These were the so called warriors who were to save the world? These were the only ones who could help him save his beloved country and protect his family? He had abandoned his Sultan and left his eldest sons to fight and perhaps die in wars HE should be fighting, and for what? He was a Father, he was a General, he did not belong here. With a weary and doom-laden heart, he turned to his next critic.

She made sense, Shirin and he had spoken before, a pleasant conversation. Her words were calm, thoughtful, diplomatic, none of which Hakeem was feeling. The feeling that no one here truly realised how urgent their mission was still rested in Hakeem's chest. None of this was what he was used to. He had been drawn into a debate, how had that even happened? Whatever this was, it was no army, none that he had ever seen and he feared for the safety of their mission if they were to endeavour to fight a war without an Army. These emotions made his reply sound short and his tone strained, like he was holding back a great storm of emotion inside of him. "Yes, so why question him? He is our Commander, this is no democracy, no game. We are here to fight and defend our lands, to sacrifice in order to serve and defend. If this were an army, half of you would be in irons already! I suspect not even our Pirate Captain would allow this aboard his ship. Obediance is necessary in war and you are all adults, no one should have to hold your hand and tell you which way a river runs!"

He waved his hand suddenly, dismissive of both himself and everyone else, and took a deep breath as he noted how forceful and angry his tone was becoming. "I shall not participate in an arguement, nor any duels," He looked meaningfully to Dalaith, "If my words insight such discord, then I will remain silent for order's sake... for the moment." He frowned into space, concerned by the well of discordance inside himself that had obviously been building without his knowledge.
A'untyr became concerned as soon as Dalaith began to speak out, but when he sensed the hostility within his own sister towards such an act of speaking out, the gold dragon could do nothing against his natural urge to protect, he propelling himself into the air from the quiet of the forest so as to glide over top of the meadow, such as a vulture, eyeing it's prey. Much could go wrong here, especially with his tamer in such a sensitive state. Not even asking for the permission to leave, the silver haired tamer grabbed up her books and writing utensils before turning on her heel and heading for the stables, throwing her words out behind her as she walked.
"Maybe it is I who should just be confined to books and studies, as it seems that I am more welcome there than in any sort of gathering of humans or dragons. It seems that any matters of importance have been discussed already in any case, so my presence shouldn't be missed."

The rumble of a great drake landing within the main space of the garden disrupted any thoughts that may have been bustling about in the silver haired tamer's head, her dragon blocking her off from re-entering the stables.
You are a fool if you think this is the way you are to solve problems. Not only do you insult a man of knowledge and age, but you provoke reaction out of a dragon that could mince you without thought. Besides even that, your irrational emotional instability has even affected my own relationships with my brothers and sisters. This has to stop, and if you aren't going to acknowledge that, I could have Obsidian Nova speak to Merrik as to a suitable punishment. Even if such punishment would include myself, it would be better than this amassing wreckage you seem to spawn within the wake of your presence.

"You are the fool, A'untyr! Can't you see the havoc that just one man brings down upon this group!? Let me be if you so think his way is righteous, but dont complain to me when everything else starts to fall apart because of him!"

The dragon pinned his tamer down, holding her beneath one mighty paw, claws spread enough so as not to inflict harm, letting out a low, rumbling growl.
You will be going no where until you come to your senses human.