Requesting Flexible 1 x 1 Partner for Newbie

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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I like a lot of your pairings but ones that grabbed me the most were:

Teacher x student
Step brother x step brother x step sister

PM me if you wanna do em!
Hello! I would be interested in rping with you
Topics I was i
+Demon x Human x Demon
+Angel x Human x Demon*
+Fallen Angel x Human x Fallen Demon*
Werewolf x Human
Animal Guardian x Poacher
Royalty X Mystical Creature
+Royalty X Mage
+Royalty X Knight/Warrior
Human X Mystical Creature
Mystical Creature x Mystical Creature

If you were still looking for someone to rp with just shoot me a pm and we could talk about what out of these interest you the most.
Popular and Outcast. Ohhhh that just sounds so adorable. Would you be up for discussing?
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