Rate the Sig of the person above you

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9/10 Because I like the image, but it looks a little stretched

Because wolves. And "Family".

First gif has amazing quality and Madoka Magica is awesomesauce <3

@Boxateer: Is the first gif from a movie? It looks rad~
9/10 just cause you have V for Vendetta :)
Love the qoute,

as for the signature 6/10

The colours compliment each other and you have a cute little Iwaku sign in the corner.

From the little knowledge I have of it I believe the subject of the picture is the so called 'face' of the music creating/voice editing programme (whatever you desire to call it) 'Vocaloid' While the picture simplicity is nice it is clearly Photoshopped. The edges are rough around the animated character in some parts but they are not huge. All in all an okay avattar.

I do reckon though if you did the name Hatsune Candy in a Gradient, that could look really cool.

Well designed, matches your avatar, and it even fits within the signature space so I don't have to scroll. I can't think of any reason to dock points. Well done.
8/10 because it is a really great loop of a gif. I kept watching it to see if I could see a seam and couldn't. I don't know the character though but it was fun.
3/10 Because it's only one of those personality test things. Not much else to it - not much to praise.
7/10 Weapon Master's are badass
8/10 for a gif of Tyrion Slapping Geoffry. It's just one of those lovely scenes that you read and then delight in seeing played out.

0/10 -- i get a broken img link
I have no idea why, this is, I can see it fine. Can anyone else see it?
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