Quest Online (RP)

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Location~ Boos Room Floor 1
Tirian~ Goblin Chieftain/Goblin Soldiers

Tirian was quick to make sure everything, was as he said it would be, and glanced back to see that the morale of some of the players had failed in the presence of this boss. Of course it had, what a menacing thing to face for a very first boss on a game that you could just as easily die from, as joining your very own national army. He was frightened too, of course he had to hide that as he made his battle cry and charged in against the might of the Goblin horde. He would not be alone, others followed pushing past their fear as they realized this was it, and some abandoned, ran from the room ready to hide in a safer room but forgetting that when they entered the room before the boss room, those creatures would respawn instantly and claim them for cowards. There was nothing Tirian could do to help those people now, and though he regretted it, it was as it was.

A loud war cry echoed as it fought against the ferocious roar of the Goblin Chieftain, and the similar battle cries of the Soldiers charging at them. Tirian readied his shield, just in case he needed to use it and prepared to take the first one up and over. Its mace clashed with his shield and with his new found strength, he pushed up and flung the goblin over head onto its back, where one of the Dps heading towards the side with Azmeryth could be seen taking the finishing blow. He nodded to the man and then with a soft sigh of relief returned his sight to battle. The next Goblin set came in a group of two, one he easily slashed, but as the second tried to crowd him he was forced to fling his shield upward knocking the goblin dizzy as he continued to rush by. It had to be straight suicide to try and face the chieftain without a shield, but if he couldn't then he would never inspire the morale needed to complete this job. The fight was on and as Tirian seen the great Goblin Chieftain raise its weapon he knew, there was no turning back.

It came quickly, and half as strong as the Golem they had faced, but Tirian dodged to the side hacking at part of the Goblins hand as the debris from the area scattered. He rolled to the side and under another swing from the great Goblin as he bought time for Durendal to come into position. The single greatest thing he had on this Boss was speed, something he and Durendal shared as No shield light weapon Blader's, but would it prove to be enough for this battle. He may have gained a little endurance but still, getting hit by this creature would possibly end him just as easily as the Golem could have. Another swing came in and with a cat like grace he dodged taking some stun damage from the weapon striking so close to him and shaking the ground. Tirian recoiled though and with a roar of battle he moved in and struck at the Creatures leg. It would be like this while they waited for the Sham... "shit!" he thought as a fire ball came into view and glided right past his head, and then a set of two arrows flew in at him. it was an amateur mistake, but he had to remember to be aware at least until the others took care of the Shamans and the archers.

Location~ Boss room
Morte~ Feather and her group

One arrow buzzed past him as he danced like a phantom over the battle field, preparing each and every strike before it happened. A poor Goblin Soldier happened to respawn right in front of him, and with an expert stance eh took it out without losing a single bit of momentum, a horrendous sadistic chuckle emerging from his lips as he dared them with his eyes to come at him. It would take them a minute to reach the archers, and much more even, those pesky shamans, but the little Whisper had proven herself on multiple occasions to get the job done, to finish the goal set out for her, by their "would-be" leader. he would simply take prize in the fact he was able to cut down the archers time and time again, after all if he did, then those pesky little dancers would have to keep dancing if they ever hoped to stay alive, and that in and of itself would be their great downfall. with no chance at casting offensively the battle would be easy enough.

They had reached the first archer, now and Morte spared no time carving him in two, only to see him replaced, and kill him again. "This is more like it hahaha" He hissed as he danced to another and continued to switch his graceful deathly dance between the two, much faster than they could knock their little bows.
Boss Room Morgana to anyone/ Shadow

As confident as she was feeling having just leveled up, Morgana's heart sank when she saw the Boss creature. It stopped her in her tracks, just for a moment, until she saw Tirian racing headlong into the fray. She flexed her hand on her shield and drew her sword, lashing out at the nearest goblin soldier. Maybe Tirian would've prefered she stay ouut of harm's way but she knew deep down that they would need everyone in this fight if they were to have any hope of winning it. Besides, she had to reach soon to be wounded and she couldn't always let others fight her battles for her. Still a part of her did hope that Shadow was keeping an eye out for her.

Location ~ Tower 1, Boss Room
Feather ~ Raid Party

The parties mowed through the entirety of the dungeon far quicker than anyone could have expected, no question due heavily to the sheer amount of people they brought along to face the tower of floor one. So far things were going perfectly. People had yet to die, although several had sustained wounds that were quickly healed by Morgana. Feather herself, after scraping her knees and earning a blow to the shoulder, had relied on the magnificent healer for help and was now once more battle ready. At some point after the first room Tirian decided to designate Feather the keeper of keys, a pretty fitting duty given her secret infatuation with them in RL. When the boss room doors loomed up in front of her tiny frame, only the slightest amount of hesitance slowed her task of unlocking the gates and facing what lie ahead. There wasn't really time to be caught up in fear anymore. Pausing to question survival was dangerous, physically and mentally, especially when the giant red eye began to glow near the center of the room. Feather didn't worry too much - not because it wasn't a frightening scene, but because worrying would mean succumbing to emotion and she was far too prideful at this point to let a little fear get in the way of defeating this stupid thing.

She wasted no time drawing herself into a loose and battle-ready stance. From the start she stood amidst a circle-like layer of DpS, and behind them half of the main body was following at the ready. It was her task to take out archers and shaman, but that did not keep her from assessing out of the corner of her eye the boss and its week points. One eye was covered by a patch, suggesting it only had half-sight, and thus very bad depth perception. Silky black armor covered most of its vital points and kept her from getting a good judgement on what joint would be its weakest. Even if she could, the monster was four times her height - twice the size of Klugh, even, and its head was a pretty good distance away. Short of somehow getting on its level, she would likely not be the one to land the finishing blow. It didn't really matter, though. The boss drop was a novelty she couldn't afford to become distracted by at this point. So as the first war cry rang true through the room she was off with her assigned group, eager to put her newly gained stats from leveling to rank E into action. Her stamina had gained a considerable boost, as had her strength, but the majority of her stats had been placed evenly into speed, acrobatics and perception. Hopefully with this new boost she could make it through the dungeon, and gain some good experience toward rank D.

At Tirian's signal, she sprang forward, surprised to find that many of the DpS could keep up with her for the most part. She was still quite a bit faster than them with her new stat bonus, but even so she was sure to hold back a tiny bit so as to be well protected by them. Soon enough they were zipping toward the archers who were already knocking back arrows and aiming to kill. Instinct drove her to launch four of her ready kunai, sending two per archer once more toward the skull areas. Two of the goblins faded like flies, but almost instantly were resurrected to aim again. Before she knew it two of the other three archers had fired their arrows toward her group of fighters. Snarling out softly into the dimly lit room Feather dipped and ducked out of the firing range, moving just as quickly to throw her kunai toward the wooden shafts of the arrows. One snapped mid-air, having caught just the right angle, but the second kunai had been a little off and was sent rattling to the floor after contact with the swiftly moving arrow.

Luckily her group members were attentive enough to see and move out of the striking range, but that little distraction cost them the time it took for the archers to re-aim. Irritation broiled beneath her skin and fueled her adrenaline like a gas pump. Without thinking she readied four more blades and launched... not to kill, but to hit the stupid goblins where it really hurt. Their bow strings. She'd learned from before that throwing just one knife per target was flawed as it increased the chances of missing, so rather than trying to maximize and take out everything by herself, she focused on two of them. The other members of her group caught on after remembering the comment their commander made about disabling the goblins. While the DpS handled the archers, Feather lingered back for a moment, assessing what move was best. If she could break through the line of archers Feather would have a clear shot at the five shamans, on her side anyway. There was no telling how Azmeryth was handling her side of things, but hopefully she had some strategy of taking out the shamans as well.

For another few short moments, Feather assessed the group of fighters before her. Every now and again when she spotted an opening the little raven would dip down and pick up the blades she'd thrown. The DpS were distracting the archers, and at some point the mysteriously creepy guy she'd seen earlier had fallen in to pick out some of the archers as well. He seemed to be enjoying their endless respawn - and true, it was good grinding conditions, but every second wasted trying to grind on these lower monsters put Tirian and his front-line group in danger with the boss. The shamans were first priority. Realizing this took a little longer than she hoped, but when her blades had been repossessed the little whisper focused on her task. The conditions weren't ideal... but she would have to make do. Her eyes scanned the line of archers closely, combing through every movement the DpS made to disable their enemies and clear a path for her. When a little room opened up she sprang forward like the deadly little raven she'd become, clearing the line of archers and dashing straight toward the five shamans lined up against the back wall of the dungeon.

She had all 25 blades once again, and with all other monsters on her side occupied Feather didn't have to worry about expending too many. The shamans were ready with fireballs aimed to burn her into a crisp, but she was too quick for them to do more than singe the ends of her hair or the edges of her long-trailing jacket. Timing was important. The shamans had one main weakness - they were being depended on to heal the other goblins, and they couldn't very well heal and attack at the same time. Therefor, with blades ready, she dodged their attacks and waited until one or two of them stopped to heal their dying comrades. It was during this small window of time that she lept forward with blades ready, sending one straight into the skull of the vulnerable archer and another into their unarmored jugulars for good measure. Watching her from behind Feather moved with a grace unmatched by many; dancing between spheres of fire at incredible speeds, weaving in and out of the shadows with kunai at the ready. Her long black hair appeared silklike as it flowed through the air. But it was her eyes that appeared truly surreal - ebony clocks catching the green and orange firelight, a level of pure dedication and focus resonating from each orb.​
Location ~ Boss room Floor 1
Klugh ~ Tirian and Company

The all fearless commander spoke words that would incite a perfect party of people together, the parties looked on to him for support and he was the shoulder they would all lean upon to assist them within this fight. Finally after a speech and words the party were given their roles and his resulted in fighting the chieftain, face to face, man to man. The small girl he had been protecting up to this point was given the order to help take down the ranged creatures that were ready to tear them up to the point that if not done right their group could die here either way that only allowed his thrill for battle more exciting. After the orders everything was set and the time finally came for the door to shift open, one second passed and the commander pushed open the door and inside they all stood glancing as the walls lit ablaze in the sickly green flames and each heartbeat grew more as the creatures red eye glowed within the shadows of the room finally the army showed itself as the group moved forward.

They made their way into the room and things had begun exactly like a war scene Klugh stood between the twin sword user that had attacked him a few days ago and the commander Tirian, the three of them leading the group of shields. Violet eyes fell upon the creature that stood twice his size, hand curled around the hilt of the two handed sword, sweat had already danced upon his brow from the previous battles and this time things were really heating up. He rested his left hand to lay slightly below his right and curled the two of them together, when the front lines took off so did Klugh running slightly ahead of Tirian, he felt stronger and actually tougher, he shot across the floor lowering his shoulder as he ran. He slammed the sword upward as he ran though he didn't stop as he did so. The blade caught the shields of several of the approaching goblins and threw them to the side like the simply pebbles they were tossing them in the direction of the giant chieftain to call him out, two warriors on the battlefield and Klugh wanted the creature to fight him. He knew the shields were behind him ready to take any of the blows but that mattered little to the man he had to make sure that the players could circle around with not to many problems.

The mace came down the first time his two counterparts dodging simply to the side while Klugh swung the his sword around and glided the mace past the steel. He shifted the blade up and slammed it along the creatures hand just as Tirian did, the second time was not much different except this time he made it closer to the creature, when the mace came down again he swung the two hand blade up gripping the hilt tightly with both hands, allowing it to meet the middle of the mace and slow it down, lucky enough for him he was far enough to the side to only be grazed by the creatures weapon allowing his own newfound toughness to kick in. Luckily enough the chieftain was between him and many of the creatures or he might have been eaten up by arrows and magic, this battle would take a long while and he knew it just how long would they last. He turned his head if only for a moment to watch the fireball pass by Tirian and the two arrows to follow, he also caught sight of the fireball as it tore through several of the players and their health quickly faded watching as they hit the ground. This would be a hard battle and many would die here he knew it yet still it tugged at him to watch the light fade from peoples eyes. He turned back just in time to raise his sword to throw himself back along the ground watching as his health slipped down a light under halfway from the hit.

Location ~ Boss Room, Floor 1
Shadow ~ Morgana

Shadow's eyes slipped about the room misty white eyes falling upon the carnage that had already begun he had taken his place upon the shadows of two of the shield users that stood in front of Morgana, his eyes shifting to catch the slightest movement of any creature that would flank the group, his chain every once in a while dancing to around the shield users to catch the creatures that came up. Everything was going perfect and it would seem that this would be rather easy, his eyes focused upon the small girl the other whisper who looked practically flawless the way she danced about tearing up the few soldiers that stood in her way and the archers as well. He smirked at the way she moved about, seconds ticked by and the war continued the DPS up front holding the attention of that chieftain and the others tagging with the quicker people. Perfect. Then he saw it just like the sun blaring across the battlefield, the two warriors in front of the two shielders he stood in front of shifted their maces upward instead of down pulling their shields up as the fireball inched closer and the target was the shielders and Morgana. He pushed off of the ground and dashed forward his right arm curling around the waist of the healer and pulling her with him just as the fire ball slammed into the two warriors.

Their health dwindled slowly falling and within seconds they both fell back their eyes closed but a smile upon their face as they became nothing fading into the game forever. His eyes were shocked his body trembling, he had avoided that by the tail that he had bought from the shop, he looked down eyeing the forked tip that seemed scorched by the fire. He helped pulling Morgana to her feet, simply focusing his eyes back on the battle trying to keep his mind calm at the fact that two people just died in front of him. He turned grabbing Morganas hand and moving with her towards the group of shields that had been blocking the blunt of the force from reaching here, he took her behind one of the more badly injured ones and nodded pointing at him, his eyes shifting to a group of lancers carrying spears he called them over pointing at the group of goblins in front of the shielders and shouted over the combat for the shielders to push back and the lancers to strike through the opening this should slow down the goblins for the time being. Though as much as they tried the number of Shamans remaining only made this job harder and harder. He hoped that Morgana could push for healing quite well if she didn't they could lose more players.
Location ~ Tower dungeon, boss room
Durendal ~ people

Durendal had swooped in behind Tirian, effectively using him as a human decoy. While it may not have been his intended role, that was what he was in Durendal's mind where people were more like tools and stepping stones, not to overcome but simply to be stepped on for his benefit. Instead of carving a path of his own, he'd effectively let his decoy get past the line and speed through the gap before it closed, taking out the knees of a goblin soldier as he passed with a backwards swing. Sure enough, Tirian managed to make himself the a massive beacon for the archers and shamans to target, something that would allow him to get in easier. As if to reward him for being a behaving human sacrifice, he gave the wannabe leader a boot to the rump as the arrows and fireballs came in to send him to the floor. The decoy could die another day... or hour or minute but for the moment, he would be allowed to live to be the focus of more of the sideshow annoyances raining ranged attacks at everyone on himself. Pausing for a second to allow the projectiles to fly past in front of him, he casually closed in on the chieftan, figuring that closer would be safer. He was confident in his ability to take the thing so long as he wasn't having stuff pelted at him constantly and once he was close enough, friendly fire would indeed be very, very friendly.

"Stop daydreaming," he berated Tirian behind him. He personally hadn't a care other than the fact that him getting back up on his feet made him a more obvious target.

Location ~ Tower dungeon, boss room
Kaozuki ~ people

Kaozuki was out in the front pretty quickly, being assigned to the front group for odd reasons but she wasn't the kind to question it despite her lack of being any kind of big or tankish. On the contrary, she was probably about is flimsy as any of them were. Her thoughts of being ill suited came out right away as the first volley of arrows rained in, forcing her to double back and duck behind those who actually had shields. It was a rather panicked and unladylike dive but it prevented her from looking like a pincushion. A few seconds later when the line had advanced enough to engage the soldiers, she poked her head out to the front and began the process of getting in between people and poking down the soldiers who were fighting the bigger, tankier ones head on.
Location~ Tower Dungeon~ Boss Room
People~ Raid Party

Weapon Rank E- Chain Sickle


Str~ 30
Spd~ 20
End~ 15
Per~ 15
Acr~ 30


They tore through the third room of the Tower Dungeon quicker than anyone could have thought. Most seemed to think that it was because of the numbers they had brought with them, but in Azmeryth's pale, blue eyes, she figured it was because of the immense strength they all possessed, and the will they had to survive. Azzy was honored to be here with this fantastic group of players, even if some of them were hardheaded, and rude the entirety of their time here. Slipping out of the third room of the Dungeon Tower after the rest of the group, her took her spot flanking Tirian's left side, Temper flanking her own left as they marched toward the large doors that entered the Boss Room. She was even more frightened now than she had been in any other fight within the game, and for good reason. She had yet to fight a legitimate Boss of Quest Online. The Golem hadnt much counted seeing as it wasnt a dungeon boss that could get them up another floor. Though she assumed this Boss may, or may not be weaker than the large, rock bodied creature they'd fought off. Azmeryth's hands shook as she stood watching while Feather stepped forward, and unlocked the door, the small Whisper then stepping back so that Tiri may step forward, and push the doors open to reveal nothing but shadows. It wasnt long before the glowing red eyes peered through the shadows at them all, and that thunderous wail echoed through the room.

Azmeryth's small, slender body jerked at the sound, her hands grasping tight at her sickle hilt as she eyed the monstrosity revealed to them all by beacons of light that illuminated the room entirely. A small army of gobs surrounded that massive creature that was the first floor boss. An ugly being with one good eye, and curved nose, and shiny black armor covering the vital point of its gross, deformed, green body. It was a disgusting being, and she couldnt help but to let her lips curl back in disgust as she hesitantly followed the others into the room. It was her, and Feather's jobs to get ride of the archers, and the Shaman's in the back while the Bladers, and other Tank players took out the soldiers that headed them off down the middle of the room followed by none other than the Goblin Chieftain himself. She veered to the left followed by a group of Dps players. It was mere minutes before they her positioned in front of her, their shields up, and their weapons poised for battle. And just like that, Azmeryth, and her small team soared into battle. She followed behind them with swift steps thanks to her new rank in her class, and weapon. Her movements seemed to be more elegant than before. She seemed to move effortlessly as one of the goblin soldiers deviated from attacking the centers combatants. It veered toward the left side followed by two of its little friends. Dps Tanks moved in to intercept all, but one. Azmeryth swung her blade out at it's knees ripping away at the flesh and bone. It shrieked as it feel to the floor, and became the immediate prey of the ravenous canine that accompanied the Reaper. Tempers jaws locked on the Gob's jugular, and ripped it out with ease. The Gob disappeared, and then respawned at its original starting point via the dancing menaces at the very back of the room.

A growl came from Azmeryth, her new found courage seeming showing up out of nowhere. She had to get rid of those Shamans. Had to help the people who were fighting to help her just as much as she was fighting to help them. She had to make sure than nothing happened to them. Azmeryth lept up, and over the Dps shield she was following behind, and while in the air, she spun her body so that her chained weapon would slash out in a fan like motion catching the arms of three unsuspecting archers. She left them be as she charged for the archer aiming his bow directly at her, the Dps fighters immediately pouncing on the wounded prey, and taking them out as Azmeryth lunged toward her prey, and ripped out its jugular with the jagged blade of her sickle. Temper had gone for the other, still armed gob, jaws locking down on one of the disgusting creature's hands rendering it unable to use it's range weapon effectively. Unfortunately, as it dropped its bow, it dug out a dagger, and swiftly plunged the blade into the side of the canine's head.

A shrill yelp sounded over the clanking of blades, and shields as the animal fell to the ground. Temper lay there, his heart ceasing to beat as his body twitched upon the ground for mere moments before he began to fade into blue dust just as every other creature did in the game.

Azmeryth didnt want to believe what she'd heard, but when she turned, and saw the body of her friend fade, she knew that he was gone for good. She couldnt help, but to be distracted from the goal at hand, and her voice sounded out in a shrill scream as tears streamed down her cheeks.


Azmeryth couldnt move now. She stood there staring at the spot where the wolf had been laying in the last moments of his life. Such a short, short life he had with her. And she brought him this god awful Dungeon Tower. To this Boss. She hadnt even noticed the Goblin Shaman's fireballs being conjured. And quite honestly? She couldnt much care at this point. Without a second thought, the Shaman's caste their fireballs at the redheaded reaper, who stood there in the middle of a circle of Archers, and Shaman's, and very surprised Dps players unsuspecting that anything was happening anymore.​
Gm Post~ Boss Room!

Yet another loud roar claimed the room as it raged and thrashed about raining blows with its mighty mace. The damned white haired pest continued to dance around and dodge the blows, though at increasingly smaller margins with each attempt. The other one white haired with two swords also moved about, but he was even faster to a small extent as the Goblin could not keep up. Finally with a roar it leaped from the ground and hit a large stomp on the ground sending a shockwave to stun each of them, as it aimed a combo of three strikes with the mighty mace like a berserker rage of sorts thrashing angrily. After such it turned and with a change of direction started turning as it thrashed, readily taking all in its path as its mace clashed with Klughs weapon and much more should the tank of a Blader not be careful.

The Archers had not a prayer with the Dps taking them down, but of course there were exceptions to all rules and this was no different. They screeched as they dropped their bows, when the Dps were too close, and charged the party. First the Whisper Feathers party met the attack, and as they scrambled they soon found there was nothing they could do as the Whisper sped past them, and the Reaper with other Dps continued to strike them down before they could hope to strike back, it was a slaughter.

On the left side however the dps following the young Red head reaper Azmeryth had fallen to a bit of trouble. The Goblins were being more intelligent they had drawn daggers and discarded their bows, and the shamans had taken the offensive. At first it didn't seem as much of an issue. The Dps group of three handled the Archers with ease, each time they raised up, but as Azmeryth turned to face one of the Shamans and fling out her wondrous weapon but her attention was distracted just as quickly when the yelp of her young wolf like companion, a wretched call of the wild as the blue eyes of the reaper became estranged by the loss of her friend, a frail call ushered through the hall for the name of her friend, and the Shamans capitalized on this, as well as the Archers.

The shamans took no time to prepare its fireball, and then cast it with full intent for all five of them to rain down on the young reaper. The Dps were also confused, and disoriented as the looked to their would be leader for this particular piece of the mission, and turned just in time to get caught of guard and hardly block the surrounding attack of five archers. Their eyes were full of rage and the players had hardly a chance to help themselves in their situation. They were closest to Tirian and called to him the same as the wails of the young Reaper perturbed the white haired commander. Someone needed to die here, and the goblins were determined to make sure of it.

The goblin soldiers continued to attack with all of their might as they readied their powerful strikes. The damned whisper, made their jobs hectic, and if not that, then the tanks surely would. Still as long as the shamans remained they would continue to be alright and continue to take down enemies as best as they could.

On the final note the Shamans on Feathers side had no prayer, they ran about like chickens with their heads cut off, because the moment one of them stopped to try and charge a fireball, the Dps group would move forward, they had to keep the archers and soldiers alive, and they were failing as the advancing shadow of a girl drifted through them with her knives like ghosts to puncture their lives. Just like that 3 of their lives ended and of course from that point the two remaining grew desperate and turned tail to run towards the other group of Goblins as if for some form of protection. There was none, and with the grim situation for some had grown indecent on the morale of the party as the group facing the soldiers stared out in fear and lost their direction for a moment, Tirian was among them in their missed attention.
Location~ Boss Room!
Tirian~ Azmeryth/Boss/Shamans/ Durendal

Tirian was doing all he could to dodge this hulking creatures attacks and when Durendal kicked him in the ass, his reflexes only slightly allowed him to dodge another smash from the Giant goblin. He easily rolled out of the way as he dodged to the right and nearly clashed with Klugh whom had joined the fight. He quickly served around the man as the mace came in at a sweeping power strike that would have easily collided with Klugh, still he was careful to stay on opposite sides from Durendal, because he didn't much appreciate the efforts of being a shield for the guy when he was struggling enough with his own fight with the damned thing.

Another slash lashed out as it crossed over the Goblins armored stomach, and then again aimed to cut it a the leg as the Goblin thrashed about readily aiming to stomp him out. Then when he wasn't dealing with Tirian ,or Klugh, then it spared no mercy at trying to swing rapidly for the dancing Demon durendal. A swing here and then there shaking the ground as the slow form of the creature swung like an absolute behemoth. Then from the backed up corner a wailing cry was heard. Tirian turned his head slightly just in time to see the final fade of the wolf Temper that had accompanied Azzy sense he first met the girl, and he turned around again just in time to jump back as the Goblin Chieftain aimed his mace down and again and again, and thrashed about as if it were having a temper tantrum, it soon turned to Durendal and did the same as Tirian returned his vision to the scene of the crime.

His eyes widened as he noticed the familiar flare of the Goblins fireballs just before they cast them. But his attention was not only drawn there, the Players called to him " White wolf! White wolf! Help!" hey called and he turned to see the groups of the archers were overcoming the main group of Dps. Then the fires set forth, and their energy raged, he had not time to think, and in his own mind seconds passed as hours, as he recounted everything. The red head, who had called to him before, so many days ago, and then how she had faded right before his very eyes, because he had run, because he had avoided danger thinking she could survive, that she was stronger! There were ways he could have saved, her and he hadn't.

His eyes fell dead as the pleas of the others fell upon dead hearing and a stern stubbornness that was not easily understood. The cried, begged for him to help but he ignored it in that moment, while he felt nothing else mattered when he seen the woman's face in hers and then just before the fire could touch her, could claim and bind her to the infinite death this game promised, he leaped and tackled her to the ground, rolling once to his feet as he glanced down with the deadest expression upon his face. He said nothing only let his hand fall on her shoulder as he heard the final cries of the three that finally lost their determination, their strength, as they faded from life at the daggers of the Archers. He spoke in a calm tone then, emotionless by all regards. "Kill them.." he said in little more than a whisper before like a phantom he continued in his own direction.

The Archers were already advancing, two tried to recover their bows to gain some advantage, but among the group a chorus of screams echoed the halls and more of the people fell to the soldiers, and Tirian continued to let himself fall dead to all of it. His eyes cold, glazed over almost as he dashed in mad haste towards the Shamsn, they shrieked and prepared Fireballs, but as Azzy was finally able to join the fray he roared out! 'kill them all!" and he flung himself into battle against the first shaman, easily cleaving it in two as he stabbed the next spun around and took its head. The shamans started to scatter, and some tried to blast him at point blank, but he turned their hand to their own face without a word as they blasted themselves to oblivion. He came out of the smoke with a small gash in his health from the combustion at such close range and stabbed the next Shaman, two more had come into view, and he could see the young whisper dashing after them, but one remained for his side a,d as it raised its final defense to aim a powerful strike of its staff down at him he deflected it with the sword kicked the thing to the ground and stepped over it like garbage planting his sword into the creatures throat before he turned and started back towards the archers. He didn't run only walked as he stepped over rubble and started towards azzy again. If the creatures were not dead by her hand, then he would crush them himself; he would be done with their pathetic existence and anything else. He growled out again in a flawed attempt to inspire the players as he raised his blade. "Kill them….

"Kill them All!"

Location~ Boss Room!
Morte~ Archers/ other Dps

Morte heard the cries from afar, but it did not disturb him inf act it added music to the scene for the man, though to his great dismay the archers wre fading for good now. Two remained and the other Dps moved in upon them quickly, unharmed for the most part, even when the Archers had chosen to draw their daggers and defend to the best of their ability. He licked his lips as his eyes fell dead upon the backs of them, as he prepared to dash in and claim the final kills of the area, but let it be at last thought, for when he turned to the side, a particular set of Goblins had turned their backs to him, and that was just so much more precious to him.

He spared no time leaving the others o live or die as he moved up like a ghost behind the goblin soldiers and stabbed each of them twice in the back. His whispering voice hissed against their long pointed ears right before they faded. " to turn you back to the enemy is to turn you back on death, oh look at that I made a funny." He chuckled and withdrew his weapon before joining the fray of the main body and flanking the unsuspecting Goblins from behind. The Shamans were obviously dead, and if they were not then they were far to preoccupied to be any more hassle to this group, and so he would make due with the little spawns as he could while they were least aware of his shadow that loomed over them like a specter of death to claim their soul for his own gain.
Location ~ Tower 1, Boss Room
Feather ~ Raid Party

Kills melted together in one smooth rhythm until the strangled cries of friend and foe were indistinguishable from one another. Feather was a beacon of heat, with fire burning through her muscles and pushing her even further into the deathly dance that claimed so many monsters' lives. She couldn't help it. When the two shamans began to run the little raven chased them like a cat batting at little mice. They might as well have been yawn between her childlike fingertips - pulled apart by every end until the fabrication of their bodies were fading into a pretty blue dust. A chorus of cries played background music to her ears while the little girl dipped to retrieve her four blades, that were only moments before lodged into the necks of two fireball wielding goblins.

She couldn't bring herself to look up and assess the degree to which things fell apart in those few short minutes. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew those cries were far too human for the gobs to bellow. But Feather was so caught up in this deadened state of sheer concentration that her only task was to continue fighting, continue killing until there was nothing left. She ignored the fleeting caress of Tirian's figure against the edges of her vision. Only a group of 8 Goblin soldiers remained, and those stupid little bastards were capitalizing on the unspoken chaos her raid party dissolved into.

Goblins were running rampant, landing the final blow of many players and sending them away from the world permanently. But people were still fighting. Sure, they were less organized and more frantic now - as if they no longer had a commander, or at least no longer intended to listen to the White Wolf that'd gotten them this far through things. And try as she might to snap out of her deadened state and awaken to the emotional turmoil on the battlefield, the little whisper was incapable of doing so at this point. Unconsciously she knew that opening up now would make blocking out her fear impossible, and with so many people doing that already the raid couldn't afford to be rendered useless by one more cracked character.

It wasn't hard to block out the screams. Like a ghost she slid up behind two of the unsuspecting warrior goblins and planted knives into their necks. Their resulting wails of agony tore at her composure like a wild animal clawing to escape from a cage, and in those few moments a familiar shout brought her out of the trance. "Kill them..." It was the white-haired commander, the indefinitely collected and confident blader who directed them all according to strategy. "Kill them all!" Those words broke any semblance of teamwork left within the dwindling group of surviving players. Feather couldn't believe what she was hearing. With wide eyes that were only just waking up to realize the danger of this situation, she turned to stare down the White Wolf with utter shock and disbelief.

He couldn't have made a bigger mistake. What happened before hand, what pushed him to this point, mattered naught despite the cries she heard of the other players. Feather had been alert enough to catch glimpses of Temper's death and the resulting outbreak in between her dance to take down the shamans. But she had remained dead to the situation... because what else was left to do? But now, this... Tirian would have had to choose someone over another, that was inevitable, and she couldn't blame him one bit for choosing someone he took as a friend over complete strangers. But this little mistake he made, shouting out to kill them all... It obliterated the will of her party members better even than death did. Destroyed her confidence that they could defeat this dungeon, as a team. Strategy went out the window with those words, and with it, her chance for survival dwindled down to near nothing.

In the few long seconds of her staring out after Tirian, the little girl opened herself up to any attacks that came her way. Without realizing she gave a warrior goblin just the right amount of time to waltz up and claim a deep swing against her left shoulder. She cried out through gritted teeth and hit the floor with an audible "SLAP!" Luckily enough one of the remaining DpS leaped in to land a fatal blow to the goblin's exposed back. But that one moment of shattered focus cost her more than any emotional strain could. She tried to push herself back up with the use of her left arm, only to be knocked back down again by a piercing pain. She couldn't even move the stupid thing - that entire arm had become dead weight, the blades previously held between all five fingers dropping uselessly to the ground below. She was screwed... So fucking screwed, it was unbelievable. But dying here wasn't an option. Stopping now and watching everyone else die wasn't an option. With every ounce of strength she could muster, the little raven swooped up her dropped blades and stood again, turning her gaze to the one remaining monster roaring from the center of the room. The boss. It was so large she had to incline her head nearly 90 degrees to see its gnarled face. And for a few moments she just stood there, staring at it... completely at a loss for what to do.

Location ~ Boss room, Floor 1
Klugh ~ Tirian and Company

He had heard the shouting the call for help but that was the least of his worries, the boss had become quite mad at the two speedy bladers and himself that beat on him causing the creature to erupt into a flurry of attacks, first at Tirian which allowed Klugh the few seconds to switch his weapons, he rotated out the starter blade with the iron, he rested it downward hands curled around the hilt until the knuckles became red from the pressure of the curled hands and as the mace came down for its first swing in the creatures rage Klugh threw up the sword putting the entirety of his full strength behind the blow as it flew from the ground upwards. The goblin chieftain had nothing to worry about he knew the mace was stronger than the sword and that this blader was overstepping his boundaries and would be torn asunder by the very thought of matching him, but as the sword connected with the creatures mace steel against steel it was tossed back up in the direction it came forcing the chieftain to stumble if only for a minute, this would allow Klugh to shift the sword and bring it back down slamming the blunt of the steel into the creatures leg. This beast only causing a feral rage to emit from Klughs lips as the blade pierced the leathery skin through the metal that Tirian had hacked at.

His eyes shifted expecting the white wolf to dash in and hack at the opening he had made, but instead he hopped off in another direction to the left to be exact where the reaper and the DPS had headed where the shouting had erupted from, no time to watch though for the creature shifted his leg forward sliding the giant warrior along the ground to where he had begun, causing more of his health to slip finally watching it slip below the halfway mark but just barely, of course things had become much harder for quickly goblin warriors had begun swarming upon him their hungry eyes glaring forward ready to claim the hulking man's life as the first goblin leaped Klugh caught its ugly little face in his hand and slammed it down upon the ground catching one of the other goblins within the slam of the goblin. The chieftain stepped further forward and had begun slamming the mace down over members of the party clearing out slightly more of the group that rested here and as if in a moment the whole plan fell apart and their group freaked ready to dart in different directions and hide. Klugh turned and tossed another goblin into the wall darting forward again barreling through the goblin soldiers that stood in his way anger overtaking him he had to draw the attention of that boss again.

He stepped forward as the mace came down again in his general direction and of course the others as well and as it swung down the hulking man swung the blade up again this time his left hand sliding along the back end to add more support as he connected with the mace he held it there this time his body pushing down to one knee. He pushed up against the mace again knocking it off as he moved to his feet he darted inward, he wasn't as fast as the whispers or the reapers but he was strong so as he did he lowered his shoulder and slammed into the leg he and Tirian had been beating on, once again his health slipped but only slightly this time, he hoped that this attack would force the goblin chieftain to fall to a knee or stumble at least enough to leave an opening that could be maybe an attack of opportunity for him and what players didn't run or die from the attacks of the archers or warriors. If it didn't more than likely Klugh would be torn to pieces killed by the very chieftain he had challenged but this had to work or they could be in trouble they could die from this very battle and he wasn't ready to die just yet.
Boss Room

Morgana to Shadow & all

Morgana didn't see the fireball until she was already being whisked away by her protector. She couldn't watch as the shielders were obliterated, and didn't realize she was crying until she stood. She would've turned away but then Shadow was pulling her by the hand and so she let him lead her to relative safety once again. The reality of all this was hitting her like a blow from the boss mace. She felt numb but all she could hear were the shouts of the soldiers and the screams of the dying. Morgana tried focusing on healing the wounded that Shadow had pointed out when she heard Azmryths cry, and Morgana had to steel herself lest she too fall apart. She knew almost before it happened that Tirian would come to the red heads aid. None of them had a real choice in this cursed game. Crying as she did so she continued her healing.
Location ~ Tower dungeon, boss room
Kaozuki ~ others

Kaozuki had heard Azmeryth's cry for help and had instantly headed in that direction despite how bad a move it probably was and turned out to be. Lacking a shield, she'd run out past the shield line, dealing off a number of little slashes to the soldiers as she'd passed, nipping off their legs. She only got about halfway there before an arrow caught her in the leg, bringing her to a stop. Inwardly hitting herself for doing something rash again, she managed to hold her balance only to see a dull red glowing beneath her feet, More out of luck than out of any grand attempt to dodge, her left leg gave out and she tumbled over as fire rained down, burning off a chunk of her right arm, leaving her to only scream in pain as she hit the floor. Her sword was sent skidding across the room, ending up in the back near the chieftan, far from where she could possibly recover it, not that she was going to be able to budge even if she wasn't paralyzed from shock and pain.

Location ~ Toer dungeon boss room
Durendal ~ goblin chieftain

Durendal whistled, whizzing off to the other side of the chieftain as Klugh came in, trying to get in for a direct clash. He could do that all he wanted but he wouldn't be joined in that notion. Skimming over to the side Tirian had been on, he swooped in and swung both swords down on the leg that the others had been working on, right at the knee, then again in a followup at the back of the knee. Defense was work. It seemed as though his unappreciative meatshield had moved on but his purpose had been served. Over on the other side of the room, the Tomoe Mami hallucination had been joined by a Charlotte hallucination while Deadpool looked on proudly, wiping a tear from his eye.
Location ~ Boss room, Floor 1
Shadow ~ Morgana, Kaozuki

The battle may have just taken a turn for the worse, one second Shadow was issuing orders and watching the healer do her thing the lancers and the shielders were doing perfect, then things went south. A cold wind would dance through the room as the screech of the red headed reaper echoed over the sounds of battle, he watched as she darted from her spot to beside the disappearing wolf. She was hurt he understood that but why now in the midst of battle she crouched like an injured animal herself then he caught it the perception of his body catching sight of the orange flames as they danced from the shamans hands all five of them aimed to strike the red headed reaper, at the same note the screams of the DPS echoed open to the entire party surrounded by the archers and the soldiers they were at a loss and they called out to their white haired hero. The white of his hair danced forward as he left the battle with the chieftain to dance through the crowd of soldiers to reach the dp.………red haired woman…..he pushed her down watching as the fire danced over top of her and him ramming into the crowd of goblin soldiers obliterating the back lines of them of course they got back up in the split second it took he himself to grasp the situation.

The three soldiers that had called for their savior slowly began to fade the data of their bodies fading into the black nothingness that this game provided. His lips parted in disbelief, based on strategy why did he save one over the masses and it seemed as if the rest of the players saw the same indifference that he had, the shielders in front of him and Morgana let their guards slip for only a split second and of course the ruthless goblins and creatures of this game tore through them like the game characters they were some of them losing the rest of the health and fading while others hit the ground in pain they had fallen and many have fallen in trouble, he watched at the side where the woman slipped her sword sliding by the chieftain. Shadow jumped into action the minute they broke through the defenses tearing through their DPS, he curled his left arm around Morgana and spun around her throwing the chained blade to curl around the three goblins up front and pulling them to the ground in front of their comrades causing the others to go tumbling over them. Shadow sighed lightly at his handle work but quickly grabbed Morgana's wrist again and backed away darting towards the hulking man and the twin sword user just as the chieftain sweeped the mace across the ground destroying the crowd of goblins that chased after the whisper and the healer.

He pushed his back against the wall and did the same thing for the healer running his right hand in front of her to keep her back against the wall as the giant mace passed by them slamming into the wall the opposite of the two characters, he was still a bit distracted by the choice of their fearless leader why the one over the masses and it seemed that everybody else questioned the same thing. This was why things fell apart so quickly, he ducked down under the next blow from the boss as he swung at the hulking man and the twin sword user pulling Morgana with him as they stopped behind another group of dps people who raised their shields when the boss came down. He placed his back to Morgana and sighed lightly nodding to her to keep them healed and stay here they had to get control of this situation quickly. He spun the chained blade around in front of him and darted into the group of soldiers that were in front of the first group of DPS users that he stood behind, he spun his leg up kicking the goblin's chin upward from beneath him, turning the palms of his hand to rest upon the ground. He spun his other leg around and slammed it into the side of the goblins head. He pushed back flipping to his feet and flipping the chained blade upward into the chin of the goblin and effectively through his head. This gave the few shielders there enough time to recover and deal with the onslaught that came. He had just enough time to do what he wanted.

He darted forward on that note sliding along the ground to pick up the sword that rested next to the chieftain, each step echoing in his head as he slid along the ground grabbing the hilt of the sword as he slid beneath the next swing of the chieftain barely missing the complete swing of the chieftain, his slide turned into a roll coming to rest on one knee in front of the blader who dropped her sword his arm raised up the chain messily curled around it to block the mace that came down a grunt leaving his lips at the pain that echoed through him. He spun out the blade end of the chain and slammed it upward through the goblins head pushing his left hand downward to in front of the female to help her up and lead her to the few shielders that remained on their duty lucky enough not to see the mistake that their fearless leader had made….and finally just like that everything fell silent except for the roars between the angered chieftain and the hulking man that seemed to still be caught between the battle, nothing left but the boss. Without any sort of strategy left how did they plan to win how did they plan to beat this thing for now. All eyes reverted to their white wolf and for once everybody held more fear in their eyes than when the golem swung its hand through the first crowd of people.

Location~ Boss Room
People~ Raid Party


Azmeryth was completely gone by now, her mind so full of confusion, and the heat of battle. A small yelp came form her when Tirian tackled her, and she was surprised to feel the heat of the fireballs go up, and overhead of her. He'd chosen to save her despite the fact that three other were in the need of help as well. Why only save one, when you could save in bulk? He was long gone before she could even ask questions, her ears perking as he shouted out his anger filled order. "KILL THEM ALL". It was in that instant that she could feel herself growing angry, angry because of this game, angry because of the damned deaths, and angry because of Temper. Those goblin bastards.....

Azmeryth sat there on the ground for mere moments before she heard the ungodly screeching voices of the goblin archer to her left. Her lips curled, and she lept to her feet with an angered yell, her fingers grasping her weapon. She caste her blade out, and let the blunt of the weapon strike a goblin directly in the head stunning it. She then ran forward, and lept upon it, and grasped her hilt before slicing the head clean off. Azzy got up, and then turned toward the second goblin who was already coming at her with a readied dagger. She'd blocked it's strike just barely with her chain, the tip if the dagger caught between the links. She pushed back against it before she lifted her foot, and slammed it hard against the gob's left kneecap, a loud pop, and crack sounding. It shrieked, and staggered back allowing her to move forward, and thrust her blade into it's chest, but it's armor stopped it from going far enough for the kill. Luckily her momentum caused it to fall back on its rump.. With that opportunity, she ran forward, and jumped so that her right foot landed on the blunt end of the sickle driving it the rest of the way into the gob's heart, and launching her into the air at the same time. Both gobs vanished in that same blue dust as she pulled her weapon from the ground, and flipped in the air allowing it to fan out once more, and catch Temper's killer off guard, slicing it's dagger hand clean off. She landed fairly close to the beast, and jumped at it, her feet meeting it's chest as it fell to the ground.

The red headed reaper wasted no time in taking the hilt of her sickle, and ramming the blade into the creature's skull multiple times. She continued until the gob's head was barely recognizable, and the creature disappeared all together. Her job was done, and now that it was, she looked to the boss. A nearly dead sense in trying to help out now.​
Gm Post Boss!

Things had suddenly become quite chaotic, though some were mor effected by everything that the others. The White Wolf or Tirian was now on a rampage, dashing past Azmeryth in her great victory over the few archers that remained, he dashed in towards the Soldiers, and the Boss that had just taken a step forward and swept away the front line as if they were nothing. Shields shattered as well as the players that completely faded to nothing, but he was still caught in his daze. Yet another swipe and he caught sight of the whisper, glancing above to notice the mans name as "Shadow" he payed him no mind, but noticed that just behind that the field to battle had been cleared, all that remained now was the green gulk of black armor he had started with at ¼ health gone.

The Great Goblin Roared and with one gigantic leap it took to the back of the room where it stood before the frame of a doorway that would lead them to floor two. Another roar occurred and he took his mace in both hands separating it as he cracked it against the wall to break open and reveal a barbaric looking blade like a shotel but straighter. It roared again and then slipped its hand around the spiky broken encasement of the Mace forming a shield in its left hand as it started its approach once more. It pounded on its shield with ferocity and then when it swung it sent a fissure in the ground that would last the whole length of the boss room in a single straight line and a width of closer to 10 feet from the gash point that would devastate any player. The First of these slashes brought a wind that ran right between Tirian and Durendal and aimed straight for Klugh now. Tirian growled "Stand back! towards the group, unwilling to allow anymore of this casualty, he glanced to Klugh, and durendal, then to Azmeryth off in the corner.. he couldn't give her much attention at this point, not when this was it, not when this filfth still existed. The Goblin roared in the same way and took off at a stampeding charge towards the three.

"You are all dead!' it roared in a distorted voice that was quite convincing before it rounded on durendal and brought its mighty blade down at twice the speed it had been moving before. It could match them with speed now, with that weapon. It would continue to face Durendal until the others bothered it and even that would be dangerous at this point. The Goblin Chieftain thrashed with its mighty weapon covering the spots as Durendal tried to move, and when he would have him caught in certain positions he would fling his other arm around and shield bash with a might that would feel like half the hit of the mace being used upon him. It had become a true Gladiator battle now, the Goblin showing its true stats, and its true weapon things had grown grim for the group in all of their chaos, or what remained of their group.
Location~ Boss Room!
Tirian~ Goblin King!

Tirian didn't bother as the Goblin Chieftain? No.. as he glanced up it was now the Goblin King! He still didn't care at that point, even as the fissure of wind passed between him and the Twin Blade user Durendal. He started at a slight pace jog but quickly sped up and readied himself when he came near the creature still glaring with death like needles as the boss turned from him, and he caught his blade against the back plate of the Goblin kings armor. A growl erupted from him as he turned and hacked thrice at the Goblin Kings leg readying it so that it would lose balance again, or turn to him, he didn't care about the damned things speed, not now, not when he hated it so, he would dodge, weave and hack at it, again and again as it payed him no mind and dealt with Durendal, and when Klugh caught up with them, then him as well.

Location~ Boss Room!
Morte~ others

Finally it had happened, the Lord and savior of their fun little group had broken into tiny pieces, and as he saw the rage for himself, Morte began to wonder, began to think, and plot as he stepped away from the field of battle and next to the little girl Feather. He glanced down. Nodding once as he spoke calmly. "You did well with the Shamans, and keeping your composure, its something to pride yourself with." That was all he said as he moved over to the other group of people that stood near the healer Morgana. He glanced to her and then held out one of his arms with slightly deep cuts along the flesh, no blood poured, as this was a game, but it still was noticeable, and he could not allow himself to be tainted by flesh wounds by such pathetic creatures, besides it provided him a nice little excuse to stand by and watch as these warriors fought off what was now called the Goblin king, as they tried their little hearts, and as he observed the one and fantasized on just how precious it would be to truly break him beyond repair. He glanced between the "White Wolf" and what appeared to him as the red Haired little Fox that had infatuated the hunter. "Interesting indeed." He mused as he stood there waiting his turn with her healing, and awaiting the end of this which every way it went.
Location ~ Tower 1, Boss Room
Feather ~ Raid Party

If she was in any way scared the putrid green boss goblin would strike out at her, Feather's worries ceased when it jumped away toward the other side of the room. She crouched forward on her knees uselessly, eyes scanning the crowd to assess how much damage had been done. There was hardly anything left for her to do now. Her main throwing arm was pretty much incapacitated and immovable, and her energy was dwindling down to hardly nothing. The small stamina potion sitting in her inventory would hardly do any good, and it wasn't like she could craft more or heal people, or boost their confidence and will to fight the battle. Even her own will was faulty. With tired eyes she bundled up her useless arm close to her chest and secured it with the tattered tails of her black jacket. There would be no use for this clothing after Floor 1, and leaving her arm free to dangle and weigh her down wouldn't do any good whether she intended to fight or not.

For a short while she simply watched, crouching a fairly large distance from the majority of the players and even farther away from the three idiots trying to take on the boss in its new form. Two of those idiots she recognized to be "friends"; Klugh, the childishly ignorant man who for some reason tried to protect her through most of the dungeon, and Tirian, the idiot white-wolf commander who was more like a lone wolf than she originally presumed. It was partially his fault things fell so quickly. Not for the reasons most others blamed him for, although that very blame spread through the entire group and tore things apart. More so because after making one "bad" decision he lost all strength and determination to fight things intelligently. Tirian made a tactical error, spawn from emotional weakness... and she was finding it very hard to look past his momentary idiocy.

Not that it mattered much at this point... It was clear by his shouting that Tirian didn't want help from the other players; not outside of Klugh and the stranger she knew only in name to be Durendal. It made sense. Any of the others could become collateral damage or simply get in their way. By now Feather was too indifferent and exhausted to care. Rather than jumping up and joining the battle like she normally would have, the little raven decided instead to find herself a place among the broken stone floor and watch from a distance. Absentmindedly she twirled a single kunai round and round again in her right hand... but it was awkward, moreso than in her left, and her fingertips fumbled more than once while trying to keep up a steady spin.

She hadn't expected anyone to approach - kept her eyes open, though staring rather listlessly at the crowd, but Morte caught her by surprise after sneaking up to compliment her handiwork with the battle. Feather nodded vaguely in thanks, though her eyes drifted from the crowd to her spinning kunai rather than watching him walk away. His words unsettled her inexplicably. Maybe it was just being complimented by such a suspicious and unsettling person that chilled her blood... but it didn't really matter much. The most important thing in that moment was the gleaming edge of her spinning blade, flashing back and forth too quickly to chase with the naked eye.​
Location ~ Tower dungeon, boss room
Durendal ~ others

Durendal dived forwards, rolling in between the chieftain's legs. He'd already been so close to it to begin with that going backwards would have been pointless and dodging to the sides wouldn't work too well either with all the thrashing about. Righting himself in a crouch, he delivered another slash to the leg which had been taking all most of the damage so far. It seemed that things had progressed in a way he hadn't quite been expecting. However, the shamans were dead and few other enemies remained so things were still simpler than before. The only thing that had changed for him was that the chieftain was stronger and faster but still perfectly beatable as far as he was concerned as long as he stayed close and paid attention.

Location ~ Tower dungeon boss room
Kaozuki ~ Shadow

Kaozuki didn't even notice the one in front of her, only recognizing the fact that she was not dead because the room was still spinning and pain was still shooting through her body. Never mind the leg. That was only about as bad as being hammered in the back. The sensation of losing a limb or almost losing one was incomparably worse. She didn't even dare look down at what was left of her right arm for fear she'd collapse upon sight. Too pained to move, she just laid there, occasionally twitching, too pained to move and too in shock to even scream.
Location ~ Boss Room, Floor 1
Klugh ~ Tirian and Durendal

Klugh hadn't paid much attention to what was going on around him only the chieftain in front of him so when the creature hopped back to the back of the room the hulking man growled in the direction of the creature as its weapon shifted and its name changed to that of the goblin king. This boss was becoming quite a nuisance for the hulking man and when its sound echoed around the room into a roar klugh only turned his violet eyes to the beast and roared in his direction. The sword sweeping up and sending the wind of the sword in the direction of the hulking man just as he himself swung his own two-handed weapon up, he met the wind blade his feet gliding across the floor in the same instance. He took off once the wind had faded in the direction of the chieftain he dragged his iron blade along the ground, Durendal and Tirian seemed to be dancing around the creatures attacks but Klugh continued forward stopping and swinging the blade upwards to meet the chieftains sword as it came down, the two blades met together the clash of steel echoing through the dungeon forcing the blade down much more closer to Klugh. Location ~ Boss Room, Floor 1
Boss Room

Morgana to Shadow, Morte and Kaozuki

Morgana couldn't say anything as Shadow left her behind more shielders. He'd pulled and pushed her out of the worst of the danger and she was still numb. She hardly cared about the horrible Boss creature anymore. It felt like all she could hear were the echos of screams. It took her a moment to realize Morte was standing in front of her. Ironically startled out of her shock she tried to hide the look of raw desparation she'd been wearing as she looked at his arm and held her hand over it to heal. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a body, not odd in itself, but it was still moving. It was the gravely wounded Kaozuki. "I have to get to her." Morgana said to her shielders once Morte was healed.