Quest Online (RP)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Day 3

Location: Grand Masai - Tower Dungeon, Entrance

Tensa/All the bunch of Randomness, including goblins, and possibly Durendal. It could be nothing too.

Tensa got up quite early, he was so happy about his new sword that he actually wanted to test it. And Quick. He bare had time to buy basic provisions and ran to the tower dungeon. He figured that he had to see it for himself early, as people might be able to notice that he actually wields an sword, and not the piece of scrapped iron he used to make fun of his last opponents with. So, he rushed early in the morning. he left roughly at six forty, due to his Breakfast food was taking long. Nevertheless, he dashed to the Tower dungeon, with a piece of toast in his mouth, and he barely entered the dungeon, swallowing his plain piece of bread.

Location ~ Grand Masai Court Yard (By Post End)
Feather ~ Tirian / Azmeryth / People in Court Yard

Feather found herself awake much earlier than the morning prior on day eight. So early, in fact, that the sun had barely touched the clouds before she was jumping out of bed and scrambling to get herself together. She hadn't intended to sleep at he inn again... Her carved-out little home in the tree would have suited just fine, except that after exhausting herself from the excitement of a day's worth of "adventure", Feather had been too tired to walk that far after making it back to Grand Masai. When she got in, the girl went out like a light - soaking up every fiber of goodness the cushy bed provided her weak muscles. Sleep was good that night. But like any other time she went out so hard, Feather found herself up earlier than necessary as if to make up time for her small amount of over indulgence. Stretching out like a stray cat upon the bed, a long yawn tugged itself loose from her lips. For a while she remained in bed, batting the sleep from her eyes with little paws. The air was mild on her skin again, too inconsequential to raise bumps upon her flesh or shock any amount of life into her yet.

By the time a wave of warm orange light glowed over the horizon Feather was out of bed and dressed in the starter gear she still hadn't replaced, covering it up with her fashion outfit that meant absolutely nothing stat-wise but looked cool nonetheless. It was still too early for other players to frequent the streets; as if she minded that, the little girl who was more or less indifferent to conversation. That had changed a little bit in the last few days. The three new additions to her friends list said as much. They had been another item of her occupation that early morning - Tirian, Azmeryth and Klugh, three strangers that requested friendship the day before but had been pretty much ignored up until this point. Maybe it was the half-asleep vulnerability that compelled her to accept them. Maybe she was just finally bold enough to defy her own personality flaws and try to make friends. It didn't really matter. They were added now, although that didn't guarantee anything, and for a few hours she could put them out of her mind.

First thing was first. She needed to start training her life skill, and now that she had some money to start with doing so wouldn't be impossible. Having made her way into the mostly empty marketplace, Feather directed herself to a general NPC and offered up the materials she won from the previous day's events: one tuft of fur, one scrap of leather, a pelt, and most prized - a bronze bar. That made for another 70 GP to add to her kill-count of 105 GP. A good summation to start out with. Next came the herb shop, where she invested 60 GP in buying two sprigs of basil, two ginger roots, a small stem of ashwagandha and a chamomile flower. Immediately she set out for the same remotely placed potion-crafting stand off to the side of the market, and, setting herself up like a professional, got to work on attempting to craft two potions.

The first concoction succeeded easily, and before she knew it Feather had a "Heal Small Damage" potion to put in her inventory. The second potion, however, did not pass the same way. For a few moments she stared down into the pot of ruined materials with dismay, but sitting there was useless, and after a little while she packed up and moved on to the next NPC shop to buy 25 Flawless Iron Throwing Knives. By now her GP count was dwindling fast; having dropped from 175 to 65 in the span of a half-hour. But she wasn't really concerned. Her plans for the day involved farming and potion-crafting specifically. So rather than waiting to gather more money before trying again, Feather decided - rather sloppily - to go back and buy the same materials from the herb NPC and attempt once more to make one small healing potion. The other materials would be saved, so as to be crafted the next day.

With a GP count of 5, just enough to buy a fresh bun of bread from one of the food merchants, Feather returned back to her potion stand and got to work. Once more she failed, but the experience only boosted her desire to try again the next day. Packing herself up meticulously, she set out for the Gate near Grand Masai, determined to spend the next two hours of the early morning in battle, so as it make up a bit more cash to buy materials with. The day before did well to boost her confidence a bit. Rather than returning to the safety of the forest's edge and killing wolves from the tree tops, Feather dared to walk down toward the fishing lake's edge, where a few fisherman spotted the shore already. Passing them with a tentative wave the little elfin girl quickly made for the eastern side of the lake, where a few bears and wolves spawned leisurely to steal sustenance from the lake's fish supply.

Rather than using her old starter weapons she made use of the new flawless set of knives purchased from the weapon smith NPC. They made a world of difference when the attacks started. More swift and sturdy than her basic gear, these knives tore through monsters with relative ease. Two bears were nothing to handle from a distance, and she responded more flexibly than she had the day prior when they rushed her. Before long a pair of bears had been pierced at the skull and tore from existence, leaving her with 10 GP. Feather was only getting started. The wolves, although much faster than the bears, had less fluff to cover up their vital areas; thus they made for easy prey, fading with well-placed shots to the skull, neck, and chest depending on if she allowed them to get close enough to lunge at her from above. After each small wave of kills she collected her beautiful blades and re-positioned herself once more in order to be battle ready. By the time the sun had climbed relatively far into the sky, sweat beaded her forehead and spine... But Feather felt great. Another 70 GP accumulated in her inventory, the product of 14 kills. Unfortunately only a scrap of leather dropped, but 80 GP wasn't a bad deal. For the sake of her task she took out two more wolves on the way back to town, counting back up to 90 GP.

Already a good day of work. She returned to Grand Masai with a lazy little grin on her adolescent face, elfin ears twitching just the slightest bit from happiness. "I'll go back to the market and buy more materials," deciding aloud, unfazed by the looks people cast her, "Then maybe I'll sell one and buy food... and then go farm again..." It was a nice, productive plan for the day. One she fully intended to stick to... except that by the time she made it back to the courtyard, a brawl between to players caught her attention and temporarily made her forget about that plan. She wouldn't have stopped to watch if it hadn't been for the flash of silvery snow-white hair that danced around the duel circle. But he was inmistakable - Tirian, the peculiar solo-player that never seemed to be alone. Even now, as Feather watched from the edge of the court yard, the redhead from yesterday stepped up to his side with a concerned expression on her face. For a moment Feather considered mirroring her sentiments and walking over to compliment his exquisite form during what she'd seen of the duel. But after a few minutes of watching them from a distance, the raven-haired elf decided better of that idea and began to tread in the direction of the marketplace, her thoughts clouded slightly more than before after seeing two of the players she added as friends that early morning.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Potions Attempted:

Heal Small Damage - Success (29)
Regain Small Stamina - Fail (100)
Heal Small Damage - Fail (81)

Location~ Grand Masai
Tirian~ All

Heizen was quick to fall with Tirians sudden burst of attack, and in the end his efforts only made him look more like a jack ass than he already did. Tirian didn't say anything though, not as the man tronced away with what little remained of his pride, or as the large message "Congratulations Player 2" shined up in the sky for a moment allowing everyone to see. He dropped to his knees and as he knelt there the world was silent for him. Even the loudest cheers of the people could not reach him currently.

He was still caught in the poisonous words of truth, the greatest truth he knew of himself, and the soul reason he could not accept the love of the people, he could not fall into the role of a Hero, not when he didn't deserve it. One thing was good about that though; the game had a function which didn't reveal a players nae when one of the contenders had theirs hidden for Roleplay reasons that helped him greatly, only because the surrounding crowd would never know his name.

His thoughts did not last long though; when he was pulled from them by the soft tone of the girl hed spent the last day with. He instantly recognized the soft nectar like honey tone of her voice as he glanced up and the remnants of his tears faded away. How real a game like this was, to even allow the roleplay function of tears for dramatic roles, it made him almost feel like his emotions were fake, but that was likely the splendor of all that had happened. Beyond Azzy he saw the little girl, Feather, or as he commonly knew her to be, she was Feather, and he almost had the initiative to run over to her and hand her the last remaining 50 gp he had in his pouch. He knew she had been the one to give him the potion; it only made sense after all.

A soft sigh left Tirian's lips as he pushed up and nodded with a gentle smile to Azzy. He knew he had to get himself on track now, get past this, and he knew; one thing was absolutely true, Heizen was correct, it was time to get past this damned floor and at least see what await them above. He glanced over at Feather, but when he did, it appeared she was already on her way, she had seen what she needed to for the short time she watched, and now was back to her own business, it only made sense for her really. A soft smile parted his lips as he moved in and his face went side by side with Azzy's "Its time we finished this floor, will you stand with me?" He didn't extremely understand why he was asking it of her but after he did so he stood up and started towards the Front liners pedestal.

At first two Lancers thought to step in his way but he glared at both of them and they quickly moved. The people didn't know what was really going on, but they finally came to silence, and whispers as Tirian finally stood upon the point they believed he should have stood for so long. He had decided, if it made sense to play the Hero in order to take them to the next floor he would do at least that, he was tired of looking at this floor, tired of it all and perhaps if someone finally broke the first floor the Morale would raise, more would go for breaking the floors further up. So finally he stood where he was supposed to and said what he needed to.

"It has been about 8 days, 8 days since we began this game; all of us thinking that we could enjoy it without cost. We were fooled, made into guinea pigs for this mad directors dark scheme, and so far we have spun every single wheel he has placed in our cage. So I guess that's fine for some of us, even I felt that way, but Im not sure about the rest, I am tired of this floor, the green is nice, the forest pretty, lakes great, awesome by all means but the memories, the lost ones, the harsh battles that keep us from growing to the challenge we have been issued, I am done with it, and Im not going to give you any other crappy or "selfless" reason aside from this. I will ask you, however. Who is with me? Who is also tired of this floor and ready to see what lies ahead for us. We are stuck here, so what is keeping us from at least defying the sense of horror this place brings and working our way up so we can kick that damned designer in the teeth? What is stopping us? If not for fear."
(Note the Smart ass commentary is not necessary especially ooc, character-wise I expect it because lets face it; Durendal is a dick, but the ooc crap is just shitty so keep that out of it. Otherwise you're just coming off like a cock and that is pointless. I'm trying to be fair considering this is Floor one Dungeon I could be much worse I'm choosing not to because it is necessary.)

Tower Dungeon vs Durendal/Tensa~

Tensa would have just been rounding about the corner now to see Durendal diving towards the Goblins. The Goblin Soldiers, however we not having it and did not spar time, moving one at the front as the other attacked. The Goblin int he back was ready to smack Durendal to the ground, while the other goblin in front involved in the three groups of two aimed to deflect Durendal's weapons to the side leaving him wide open to get hammered down by the Goblins with their maces. Assuming he got past them at this point he would be meeting head first with three arrows, as stated they didn't intent to let him escape so easily, but at least not if Tensa chose it he could interfere, and split the aggro.
Location ~ Grand Masai ~ BlackSmith Shop/Courtyard
Klugh ~ Tirian

The man breathed heavily as the sweat poured down his face from the heat of the forge, his hand pulled the metal hammer downward slamming it against the iron ore beginning to try to shape it into the form of a two-handed sword. His hammer slammed down into the ore once, then again and then one final time watching as the ore simply broke underneath the weight of the mighty hammer. He growled slightly under the failure of the first attempt at the crafting of a two-handed sword, he shifted the broken ore from the anvil to the ground angry slightly at the fact he failed. His eyes shifted to another stock of ore and pulled the same business beating at another piece of ore hammerhead slamming downward upon the second three pieces of ore. Each sound of the hammer echoing through the still air of the shop, one, two, three and once more instead of the ore shaping into the form of the blade the barbarian wanted it shattered beneath the weight of the hammer. He sighed lightly again raising his arm up to draw across his forehead wiping the moisture that had gathered there away.

He decided to make one last attempt at the crafting of this weapon for today before he would move outside to begin farming for the day, he began his movements once again one more attempt at crafting the weapon. Hammer bashed down against the ore once again much more delicately this time and with a lot less noise, he thought for sure this time his plan would work and things would be all great but instead that last time the hammer slammed down against the ore it shattered sending the shrapnel smearing to the floor on the ground and the head of the hammer slipped to the ground from the force of the final blow. Klugh shook his head in disbelief at the three attempts and fails of the weapon crafting he had attempted dropping the hammer to the ground to go run the front of the shop tired of the weapon crafting means that he had failed at. His eyes shifted up as the bell of the door rang from the entrance of one of the front-liners popping in to claim that a meeting had been called in the middle of the courtyard and it was about the boss battle that would be coming up.

A smirk crossed Klugh's lips and his eyes came to rest on the blacksmith a nod passing his head giving him the full permission to head outside, he grabbed the hilt of one of the flawless two handed swords the man had and laid the gold that he had in his inventory down and the pay for the day before shooting through the door to the crowd that had gathered in the middle of the courtyard. He had expected to see the fully armored man Heizen pushing forward tactics and telling the people that they would be heading towards the first floor boss to claim the way to the next floor. His eyes actually widened at the man who stood upon the pedestal, the commander who had led the assault against the golem, he spoke the words of a true commander but no one was easily jumping at the thought of tearing through the dungeons to face the boss. He stepped forward slamming the starter sword that he had achieved through the beginning of the game in the ground before the pedestal that Tirian stood upon his violet eyes raising to meet the voice of the man he at this point had named the commander.

"Me come with you, we tear through dungeon."

His eyes and body rotated to meet the crowd that stood out in front of the man massive body rising and falling with each breath that passed his mighty lips hand gripped around the hilt of the sword raising it from the ground and placing it across his two shoulders to wait for the others who would step forward to rise to the challenge of a battle that had gripped the minds of every player here and they knew better than anyone that the silver-haired boy would be right so hopefully more than just the two of them would be willing to step forth.

Two handed sword attempt ~ Fail (40)
Two Handed sword Attempt ~ Fail (48)
Two handed sword attempt ~ Fail (96)

Location ~Grand Masai ~ Courtyard
Shadow ~ Tirian Klugh and Everyone else

Shadow stood on top of the building glancing down upon the courtyard bare feet resting on the top of the wooden shingles of the building, his misty blue eyes rested down over the edge of the building listening to the inspiring speech that Tirian seemed to spew forth, the commander man from before that had come up with the golem tactics that the group themselves had pulled off with little work. He remained though on top of the building as the words slipped forth ever so slightly from the man's lips to the crowd, he did inspire a sense of leadership and did like that about the silver haired man. He breathed a light sigh running his hand over the menu of his game shutting off his name so only the man Tirian would see it since they were friends. His body shifted at that topic still cycling through the menu checking the balance on the account that he had started making sure he had just enough to buy the last remaining two items he had put within the waiting list of the gift shop he finally pulled forth the two items and equipped them.

He now pulled a dark black cloak from his new inventory and tossed it around his body pulling up the hood of the cloak to rest over his eyes allowing just enough that he could watch if need be. Last but not least he changed the color of his eyes one of the rare changes that could only be removed and never used again, the misty color changed to a bright white color pulling the mask further up his face to only add to the more thief like look, on that note he turned away from the crowd at the middle of the courtyard and dropped into the alleyway before the hulking man stood forward to claim his loyalty to Tirian, for now he would simply follow and watch interfering only when he needed to he wouldn't be a valid member of the party simply watching and waiting paying back the commander for allowing them all to survive on this floor against the golem. His feet glided across the darkness of the alley only to watch this party gather.

Location ~ Court Yard
Feather ~ Klugh, Tirian, Azmeryth

Feather was halfway across the courtyard and tearing toward the market fast when Tirian's voice stilled her footsteps. He wasn't addressing her directly; his voice carried through the entire square, pitching for everyone to hear. She wasn't really sure what to be surprised about more. The fact that he was shouting out in front of a bunch of people, or the fact that he was addressing said people as a leader and suggesting they take down the boss. Both concepts interested her enough to make her temporarily forget her plans. But Feather, being the prideful soloplayer who feigned indifference to everything, diverted her attention to one of the food merchants on the outskirts of the court yard rather than simply wandering around or addressing the group. As she dished out 15 GP for a large roll of bread and creme to go with, Feather's gaze wandered slyly to the pedestal Tirian stood atop, noticing with a start the hulk of a man, Klugh, stepping up to join him. When did he show up to the party?

"Hey, kid, you taking the food or not?"

For a few moments she had turned to stare, dumbfounded, toward the group of people. Not even noticing that her order was ready until the irritable NPC chastised her inattention. Scrambling to grab the bun she muttered a quick apology and wandered toward the gathering. Her footsteps were perhaps a little too excited - she wasn't supposed to be interested in this sort of thing. But like magnets, the two fools at the head of the group attracted her curiosity. The idea of someone as small and feeble as her was laughable... she'd be squashed in a second, and could hardly count on people to protect her when their own lives were at stake. And yet, as she smeared creme on the bun and nibbled casually, the little black-haired girl was drifting closer and closer to where they addressed the crowd of people. As she wandered through the masses, stray murmurs caught her ear. "Are they crazy?" "We're not ready..." "He's so cool!" "We should move on to the next level." "Can we really defeat the boss...?" Each broken phrase hovered over her head, adding to the mess of thoughts circling her own brain. It wasn't a smart idea for her to get involved. She wouldn't last long, wouldn't be of any help to people, probably wouldn't even make it out of the first room. But the thrill of that challenge motivated her to step forward when all others stood still, until she was merely a few feet away from the big lug and the "silver haired hero".

She didn't speak for a small while. Just stood there, finishing off her bun and licking creme from her little fingertips. Behind here came a boast of laughter from the crowd; sneers and shouts about how such a little girl couldn't possibly last in the tower. But Feather tried her best to remain unfazed - only the slightest flicker of pain and fear swam through her eyes. Standing up in front of a crowd full of ridiculing people bruised her ego so badly she truly felt like nothing more than a toddler without her parents... but they didn't have to know that. Instead of turning to address their insults Feather finished off her food and lifted a fingertip to the empty air before her face. Drawing the menu to attention, she flipped through options quickly, jumping to her friends list and tapping upon each of the three names there. The effect was instant - digital chimes announced the appearance of a small screen in front of Tirian, Klugh and Azmerhyth. Each screen was printed in bright blue letters that read - PARTY REQUEST: FEATHER - followed by the "accept" or "deny" buttons.

"If we're doing this, it would be intelligent to form a party. Ne?"​
Location --Grand Masai
Morgana to anyone

Morgana heard Tirian's speech after his duel. She had spent. a restless night wondering why everyone seemed to refuse her company. She was a healer so she could help people,and was only used to playing in a team. Tirian's words gave her hope.
Location ~ Tower dungeon, room 1
Durendal ~ Goblins

(Then I'll let my combat speak for itself. Call it cocky if you wish but when the GM takes an arch tone, so too will the player.)

Durendal took the legs off of both goblins in front of him, then brought his legs under him so he'd be ready to move again. (Blocking the blades is impossible unless the goblins have instantaneous reaction speed and swing at least twice as fast as Durendal. Measure the approximate distance. Durendal is doing most of his movement with his body and at close range. The goblins each needed a full swing and would have to get their weapons lower than the low point of a normal swing to accomplish that feat. One moving in front of the other makes no difference as his original point of target was where they were standing to begin with so they're not exiting his blade zone.)
Location: Grand Masai Courtyard
People: Tirian~ Feather~ Klugh~ Others​


Azmeryth was a tad taken aback by the sudden closeness of the man she now saw as a close friend. She'd shied away if only for a moment before she heard his words, and her lips couldnt help, but to form that half crescent shaped smile. He hadnt waited for her reply. He'd moved around her, and started toward the Front Liner's pedestal, and she figured that he knew she would stand with him. Small feet hastened to carry the petite frame of a redhead after the silver haired male, and she followed him up onto the pedestal, her tongue slipping from her lips to stick out at the Lancers that thought to block their way. Such fools they were, even Temper let out a growl in their direction as he followed behind his master upward the steps. Tirian stood there, his voice projecting out to all the players that had gathered before him, and her blue eyes sparkled in delight at most of the reactions to his speech, but mostly that of two people she hadnt really expected to see again. The Barbarian of a man, Klugh stepped out from the crowd, his more than obnoxious way of speech sounding through the bustling courtyard as his voice bellowed. He would follow them, and fight with them. It was then that little Feather scurried through the crowd, voice chastising her about how dangerous it could be for ea young child such as herself. The fools should shut their mouths. At least she was willing to fight for their lives, and try to help breach the second floor. Again, fools. Her haughty words made Azzy giggle, and though she was a reserved little girl full of rude remarks, and an untrusting nature, Azzy felt that she could relate.

The redhead smiled as the party request popped up in front of her, and though she had her reservations about this whole partying thing, she found herself lifting her hand so than a slim, index finger could press the little green circle beneath the word "Accept". The screen vanished, and it was now Feather, and Azmeryth in the party, but she figured that Tirian, and Klugh would join soon after. Azmeryth walked up to Tirian's side, and placed her hand on his shoulder as she looked at him with a smile, and then looked out toward the crowd that was gathering. Some were pumped, and ready for this fight, some were weary of the outcome that would possibly come of it, and for good reason. No one could know how this would go. And, in all honesty, she had a feeling that the boss fight could possibly be her last....would most likely be her last. But, she couldnt care less anymore. She'd been in this game for far too long, and any means of excape was acceptable to her at this point. Whether it be death, or coming one step closer to beating this hellish world. Azzy looked down at Feather, and then over to Klugh, and she offered them both a smile before she nodded her head at the small girl. The little girl that Temper himself had recognized, and lept from the pedestal to great by trotting up to Feather's side, and licking at her hands which still had the lingering smell of creme, and bread.

"I think forming a party would be a great idea."

She couldnt believed she'd just said that. So much for her being a solo player. Here she was hanging out with Tirian for the majority of two days now, and now she was forming a party with three other players? One couldnt simply stick to their original plans in this game though. Eventually one would need the aid of others to get past something that stood in their path. Something that blocked their way out. Such an evil game this was, and the self proclaimed god that stood behind it was just as sick.​
(You really misunderstood if you think I was being a dick as a GM with whatever I said. Iv been saying things like " Who would he escape, He was in a difficult position etc" to add flavor to my posts. It wasn't being targeted at you at all. and so be it let your combat speak for itself.)

Tower Dungeon vs Durendal~

Two Goblins fell legged as they vanished anyways, and the remaining four stepped back now only to strike in again towards this warrior. The Archers let off arrows as Durendal moved into his new position aimed to pierce them directly with the flying arrows. There wasn't much left of this mob but they still would try to stop him here.
Location ~ Tower dungon, room 1
Durendal ~ goblins and sorta Tensa

(Would he escape and how would he escape are very, very different One is just extra verbiage and the other is an implication cue from the GM to haul himself out of there. Sorry but your wording made it seem like something downright rude instead. >_<)

Durendal pushed off the ground with the aid of his swords, dodging to the right and moved into a right handed swing up on the mace arms of the pair. Whether he hit or not, they wouldn't be hammering him with those. The left sword followed in another sword sweep. So far, it seemed to be an effective method and till they learned how to defend, he would do what any civilized gamer would do. Spam.
(Then we both were under a misunderstanding my bad)

Tower Dungeon vs Durendal~

Just like that two more Goblins were out of commission dropping their maces as the Last two stepped back and squaked. They did so to allow the Archers a clear path, more arrows firing off instantly int hat moment to try and get Durendal right after his victory over the two Goblin Soldiers he had just downed. The arrows were true and wre shot in hope to at least redeem their fallen by catching the warrior while he was still dedicated to his move.
Location ~ Tower dungeon, room 1
Durendal ~ goblins

(After this post, I'm going to pause and wait so we don't get more than a few seconds ahead of Tensa.)

Durendal braced his right foot against the wall and pushed off, propelling himself back the other way at the last pair of soldiers, right sword first but not in a thrust. Instead, it was ready to counter in similar fashion to how he'd dealt with the last pair. Most importantly, he'd have better footing this time than he'd had before.
Location~ Grand Masai Gate
Tirian~ Azzy, Feather, Klugh, Morgana, People!

Tirian couldn't help but feel the warmth of having one near you, which believed in you, and especially when he noted that it was Azzy that stood with him as he had asked her to. The people were whispering to themselves, but when The hulking Gentle Giant of a man Klugh stood up and laid his life before Tirian, that was enough to really get them talking. Tirian looked down and nodded to Klugh a soft smile playing on his lips, but only long enough before a party request formed in front of him. He looked to each side first, then scratched at his chin, and then as the soft little voice of "Isn't it obvious" came out he glanced down only out of instinct. A bit of laughter played at his lips as he seen the dubbed rude girl. "Oh well I suppose you're right Feather." He looked pretty dumb for not suggesting it, but he really wasn't sure people were going to follow, so he accepted that and pressed the accept buton, as the four names came together, he called out to the other people stepping up.

One girl in particular he noticed stepping up with that wide eyed expression and pretty smile. "Morgana!" he called out and gave her a thumbs up as he also sent her a Party request to join up with them, they had definitely covered the Holy trinity to some extent here, and that helped. "Alright it will be wise to get maxed out parties, as many as we can with requirements of at least one Shield User, one healer, and a range efficient player, preferably two Healers, and two Shield Tanks, one rane should be enough so long as they can dodge arrows." He really did seem like a hero at this point even though with Heizen speaking up of the past he had longed to forget he got far less than he would have hoped.

By the time Parties were made the Parties had been stacked nicely and he pulled out paper to write it out.

Party A: Tirian,(lead), Klugh(Dmg), Feather(Range), Azmeryth (Range), Morgana (Healer), Then two Shield and spear Lancers, 1 Juggernaut, 1 Hacker, and a Duel Wield Blader.

Party B: was fairly stacked the same only they had managed two Healers, two Tanks, and 4 Dps with a single Range and the leader of that Group.

Party C: Consisted of the few left that were willing to come along, and was a pretty mix up of a club that felt inspired by Tirian's speech, known as the Fighters Club. 2 beaters, and 3 Fighters

Tirian looked down at every group glancing with a smile at his own group as he moved over to the Gate area. "Alright, It would be best if we left in about a half and hour in game time. Fighters Club should help with Damage where other parties are lacking, play support." The group nodded. "Everyone get geared up, its time we break this floor." That was the last he said as everyone else started to scramble off. He turned to his own group and smiled to each of them, Azmeryth actually stood beside him still even now. "Thanks everyone for believing in this. I think we can do it, we just have to fight like we did before, it's a little different facing a field boss from raiding a dungeon, with limited space, but we got this." He seemed sure as the soft baritone that claimed his voice, and now all that was left was the waiting game. "If you have anymore equipment you need, it might be best to get it now, oh and one more thing, for any of you that can see my name I am White Wolf, or for one individual, He glanced to Azmeryth with a smile; "Tiri". Please do not give my name." The randoms that had joined his party looked confused and kind of pissed at the fact he wanted to hide his name but they said nothing only wandered off to finish their own shopping.

(This is after everyone has gotten equipped and what not, do the math and subtract it from your gold you do not need to do a post going to get the stuff unless you absolutely want to.)

Time passed on quickly as Tirians nerves started to get to him. His sword was back in perfect condition, his shield at his back was ready, and the only thing that was slightly out of place, was that he wore the newbie armor. It wouldn't due at all so as he stood their and glanced around at the peculiar style of people he chose his own, part of an outfit he had designed already for colder nights and floors, but he didn't wear it entirely. A white fur skirt for warriors now covered his lower region with somewhat thicker pants as well as fur boots. He had a Fur pelt that pretty much covered his shoulders too. Aria was a true genius with her designs, and it made him happy that he looked like he at least belonged now.

When everyone returned Tirian stood at the ready with his entire chest exposed, the red marking formed odd tribal forms and crosses, as well as a Red Crescent moon on his chest, it moved through his face too. His lower half was covered with part of Aria's fur clothes she had crafted for him and standing there with his pale blue eyes and snow white crown of hair that fell over one of his eyes slightly, he looked like some odd barbaric hero, but it was better than the newbie gear. "It looks like were ready, Ill take up lead of operations if everyone is alright with this, please announce me as White Wolf." No one argued at all and from that point they were off, and in the next ten or so if they hustled they would be at the Tower Dungeon ready to face the Horrors that await them.

(Note: Morte Joined up with Party B. Feel free to place alts within Party B if you desire, and in the case of Reito, if you desire she could be a late addition to Party C. place people at your will.)
Tower Dungeon vs Durendal~

The Goblins had no time to react as the man changed up his tactic. The arrows bounded right behind him into the wall but the archers were ready again in instants. The last two Goblins blocked barely, well one of them had anyways, the other had been cut down, and now the final Goblin Soldier was flailing and running towards the spot Tensa had just entered scared out of his mind. The Archers got close to each other and shot off all three arrows again hoping to get him for sure this time.
Location ~ Tower dungeon, room 1
Durendal ~ goblins and Tensa

(I guess one more response won't hurt since the last post sorta addressed us separately.)

Durendal recovered his footing, turned to face the goblins and made a mad dash for them after a couple steps to his left to dodge. He watched for the reload and readied himself to dodge again. This was one of the sad little things about not using a shield. The ones with shields had to worry about those annoyances less.

Location ~ Grand Masai square
Kaozuki ~ group B

Kaozuki got of from her "new" job as a demoted waitress (which notably also earned less) and wandered into the square in time to see the small spectacle that basically resulted in a power shift that she couldn't have cared less about but more importantly, it seemed like they were going out. It took her several minutes to decide what to do. Honestly, she wasn't that strong but her stomach had recovered from last night and she probably wouldn't forgive herself if she stayed back and just heard about the death toll afterwards. Not really having anything better to do with her money, she took a chunk of it and shelled out 15 gold for a flawless iron sword. It didn't seem like it'd make a huge difference but she supposed that maybe it might make her at least a little more helpful. Poking her head over, she made her way back to where the groups were being formed and basically jumped into one which turned out to be group B.

Location ~ Grand Masai square
Reito ~ group C

Reito had watched the little power struggle for all of 10 seconds since that was how long it took for her attention span to end and turn itself back to her booze. By the time it was over, she was completely plastered and had managed to fall in line with the third group despite her complete lack of excitement or care, not that many of the others could tell. She LOOKED excited enough after all. So what if she couldn't walk in a straight line and half the stuff that came out of her mouth was meaningless gibberish? She hugged her sake bottle as they started off, slinging her staff over her back. It was left in its wrapping so it wouldn't call that much attention. However, her brain wasn't quite all there and she was bound to be mad when she realized that they were not on their way to a bar.

Location ~ Gates of Grand Masai
Feather ~ Her Party

Just like a true commander, Tirian conducted the group quickly. Before she knew it the mass of willing fighters were broken up into parties and sent off to prepare for the raid. Those in her group seemed mostly prepared; suited up in armors of varying style, both for protection and character customization. Most of them seemed nervous, too. Pacing back and forth, conversing quietly with each other, swinging their weapons at invisible targets as if to practice their movements. She couldn't help but wonder whether any of them were truly prepared - she herself probably wasn't. For a fleeting moment she considered running off to buy a suit of armor, as if some plates of iron could protect her from being crushed by whatever unimaginable boss waited for them in the dungeon. But realistically speaking, it would probably just slow her down anyway. It was better to go as she was... but despite that knowledge, Feather found her legs swinging back and forth nervously off the side of the fountain she sat upon. Fearful thoughts nagged the back of her mind as the clock ticked down;

"You're not ready... You're going to die... No one is going to save you..."

Without noticing the words had become a soft monotone chant, murmured just below a whisper, yet still probably loud enough for people to hear had they dared to come close enough. Her clockwork eyes were empty and set upon the ground for the span of that half-hour. Trained as if the cracks in the cobblestone street could distract her from the other players, who muttered and sneered about her age and high chance of dying in this raid. It wasn't like she didn't know the risks... Wasn't like she wanted to die so quickly, but what else was left for her to do? If Feather intended to go past Floor 1 at all - and she did - eventually she would have to join a party and face the boss monster. It just so happened that the few people she sort-of made "friends" were going today, and if there was any chance for her surviving it was likely with them. She trusted them... to some extent, but there was a limit to the amount of faith she had in these players. Hell, she didn't even trust herself to survive it. But at the very least she decided to sit quietly a small distance from the rest of her group, keeping the worries and doubts to herself, so as not to bring down the moral of her party.

Location~ Tower Dungeon Entrance (Barely inside)
Tirian~ All Raiding Parties,Durendal,Tensa

Just as he had expected the time came, and everyone had gathered, ready as they could be for the oncoming trial. Tirian probably hated this place worse than most of them though. He had not returned since that day, but he still remembered the map like it was yesterday, none of them really knew but the information that had been leaked so long ago bout this dungeon was from him. Here they stood though, right in front of this dungeon ready to move in, but everyone stopped as Tirian turned around and took a heavy sigh before explaining.

"Within this dungeon, the Monster Spawns, are as followed; Goblin Soldiers, Goblin Archers, Goblin Shamans, and the rare appearance of Wolves. Priority is always the Goblin Shamans but remember they will feel the same when it comes to our healers. Keep your healers protected at all costs. There is a beginning hall way My group will split off and move that way to handle the Mob at the end of the Hall way. I want group B to move into the first room at the right, and prepare for melee. Group C Stay in the mid hall ready to assist whichever group requires it. Do not take unnecessary chances, stick with simple strategy and time it right and we will move along nicely."

He ended it with that nodding to each of them as they did the same in return and then he pushed past the large set of duel doors. Instantly the darkness of the place made them feel "quite at home" Tirian glanced ahead as group B started for the only doorway they could see at that point. A man seemed to be standing up near the hallway of course, and then the obnoxious squeal of a Goblin was heard but no follow up aside from the clash of some swords. Tirian had to wonder, "Is someone else here?" he placed his hand back to signal the rest to to go and help the others in the first room and Tirian took off towards the Hall way right as Group C set into place. Goblin Soldiers would be dangerous for some, but as Tirian turned the corner he noticed right away that the Solo Twin sword user Durendal was already at it. "I don't suppose you want any help aye?" he called out, knowing all too well that the man had at least this room covered. He glanced to Tensa and started back down the hall. A solo Blader like that guy wouldn't want his prey tampered with, he would say something like " it threw off my groove when you stepped in"

Location~ Tower Dungeon First Key room
Morte~ Killing a Goblin Soldier

Oh how this little commander was playing it to the ropes, it made him almost valuable enough to make the list, but with seeds like that it was better to allow them time to bloom before picking them out. Morte had his duel sided glaive at the ready as he entered in as a Dps fighter for his Party, and instantly as they did the Goblins started showing up. 8 in total, the evil Creatures glaring them all down, he spared no time as the other Dps moved in and behind them the tanks. " How backwards was this? He chuckled to himself but waited for the first Goblin to come swinging its almighty mace and danced off to the side all the while sliding his wicked glaive over the guts, in some false hope he might spread the creatures entrails upon the floor. The others had their funs to deal with as well, but he was on the to next one having back lashed and taken the first Goblin Soldiers head with his fell blow.

The Map to Tower Dungeon 1

Location: Tower Dungeon Entrance
People: Party​


Azmeryth stood at the front of the pack with Tirian, fairly sure that the member's of the leading party were close to the duo as well. The dungeon itself was rather large, and she was very obviously intimidated by the place. As they neared it, it almost seemed as if the air around them got thinker, and harder to breath. Then again that could just be her, and her nerves getting the best of her. They came to a stop at the mouth of the dungeon, and it was then that Tirian turned toward the following parties so that he may gives them all directions, and a lowdown of the dungeon itself. Azmeryth listened to him, and whimpered a tad bit as he named off the thing that lingered in the dungeon, and though the wolves didnt frighten her nearly as much as they would have days ago, the different assortment of goblins lingering within caused a knot to tighten in her stomach. She sighed, and reached out to place her hand on top of Temper's head now, her fingers scratching at the short, soft fur that lie there. The canine, on the other hand didnt have such weary feelings. His tails wagged as he sat upon the ground beside her, his mouth agape, and his tongue lolled out the side of his mouth as he panted eagerly awaiting entrance. A blood thirsty animal. Azmeryth loved him that way.

Once the speech was over, and Tirian had led them into the dungeon itself, she followed him as did the wolf. They stopped only to listen in on the fight happening in the first room, and then they were on their own way. On the way to their destination, they ran into Durendal, and Tensa, two people whom Azzy didnt quite know. She didnt care to. Soloers who's egos were most likely large. She huffed in annoyance as Tirian stopped to address them, but was soon gifted with the opportunity to move on. Again, she followed after Tirian closely....frightened of what lie in the belly of this beast.​