Quest Online (RP)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Location~ Grand Masai
Tirian~ Any/Heizen

Just like that, the sun rose once more and Tirian found himself stretching out right after he had fallen from his little cot. It made no sense for him to sleep in luxury, when he could sleep cheep like this for a measly, 20 Gold. A soft yawn parted his lips as he scratched at the rough form of his Silver hair that fall over his eyes. It was nice that the hair never got any longer. Once you designed your hairstyle, it stuck like that through out the game, of course you could go to Hairdressers and what not to change it up if you wanted. He didn't care much for all of that, after all when he made his character he had spent almost a full hour designing Tirian for this game to play the character he wanted. Of course the ideas of Heroics meant little now with this death trap in the name of a game.

It didn't take long to equip his newbie gear, refusing to switch to new armor quite yet. He had enough to get the Iron Armor if he really wanted it, but honestly it would only be a waste. So without any more hesitation as he fixed the ear ring on his ear he entered the light of day shielding his weary eyes for a second to glace around. It was lucky that the Shop Keep her had made business with before was still there, down the street, and Triain made his way to him, which conveniently enough was near the Potion Shop, and Lady Aria, his professional Fashion designer. She had been working out the template for his uniform recently, and she promised it would be good so long as he gave her the leathers required to do it. He had ten now which was exactly right.

Having walked away from the Armor Smith since he couldn't use the same one just yet; with a Brand new Iron Shield, Tirian at least felt better about that much. This Black Smith was ranking up for the higher Floors and he was getting good equipment from it. Next he visited the Potion shop to buy one Heal Light wound Potion, and found himself counting out his Money. He was lucky, with having just enough to purchase the Clothing gift, and have 50 Gp left over. Tirian then moved to meet Aria who greeted him with a very gentle smile. She always got somewhat red when he came in and she would stutter, which was bothersome really, but she was very nice, and today topped is when he handed her the Leathers, and she instantly set them to work to create his design. Tirian"s Mouth gaped and she found herself redder than ever when he moved in and actually hugged her before backing off awkwardly. He left the shop waving and with a simple "Thank you very much Aria!"

He was geared up, finally ready to head out to the Ore Deposit on the other side of the Forest, then he came to the courtyard, a soft yawn protruding his lips as he walked into the center focus. Instantly fingers were pointing at him and he looked about curiously as people started cheering, shouting out ridiculous things about " The Silver Haired Hero!" and all that crap. He almost thought it best to shy back into the shadows, but along with their cheers came a much louder boisterous voice from the self proclaimed God like Pedestal the Front liners used. Heizen spoke up now calling upon Tirian and Tirian turned to meet this mans gaze evenly.

"Silver Haired, Hero? HA this little twerp, you think him some hero that saved you from the Golem." Heizens words were harsh, but in his mind slightly true even, but him speaking them left a bad taste to the air. The people never gave in though and shouted horrid retorts back to Heizen as he talked ill of their "Hero" Maybe he was like that for them, but he didn't much care for all of this silly publicity either, he just wanted to be on his way and work on his skills and do what everyone else did, but they weren't having that sort of speech from him. "Alright then, if he is such a Hero then, he will have no issue proving his worth in battle!" Heizen growled and stepped down as his fingers were quick at work, and a Duel request popped up in front of Tirian.

Tirian sighed shaking his head as it fell into his palm and he thought to say no for a second, even with the crowd urging him to put the traitor down. "I have no time for this, If you want to play Hero, then that's fine with me, but I see no point in fighting you.." He started to turn away, started to walk off towards the gate, and then Heizen came back with a remark that triggered something in Tirian that should have remained dormant. "Oh so you will walk away, accept it and tronce away with your tail between your legs, just like you did with that red head?" Tirian turned thinking back to that first day in this game, but he glared viciously at the man a cold chill forming just from his eyes as he had his hand at his sword hilt. Heizen had no intention of stopping.

"You came late, and she called out to you even still trusting you to switch out with her. You got overwhelmed and of course you ran away from the conflict, you ducked out and hit behind the shield users, I saw it all, I saw your Hero on that day who let a girl who trust him DIE, IS this the leader you want, is this your Hero." Heizen's words left everyone speechless for a time as they glanced towards Tirian for some answer or explanation to defend against their doubts. Tirian, had none for them only looked down and let his emotion fade as his finger slowly and silently pressed the accept duel button. The countdown began as Heizen grinned happily and drew out his weapon Tirian let his fall limp with the tip against the ground and looked up with a dead look in his eyes. The people cleared a circle in the center of the city and the timer ticked down until the start bell rang.

Location Grand Masai
Morte~ Anyone

"Oh how lovely!" A sick grin played at his lips as he sat on top of one of the buildings getting a good view of the show about to unfold. "The "Hero" faces the Defaced "Leader" This is surely a grand sight to behold." He stood up then jumping over to the next building as he crouched down and looked down upon the square, it was all about to get interesting, as this match would decide a great many things, and the Anger of the Hero was so delicious, almost as delicious as the aspect of plucking those cold pale icy Dead blue eyes from his pretty little face, but for now he remained a spectator waiting to see in which direction things went.
GM Heizen vs Tirian

He allowed a sinister smirk to grant his lips at the doubt shown upon the faces of the gathering party; they didn't cheer for either party but simply watched. They didn't know anything about their silver haired commander and he would prove here that he had no idea what he was doing. He tightened the fingers around the two handed sword that lay strung across his back and pulled it forth landing the tip within the ground, his ears waited for the ringing of the bell that declared the start of the duel. He shifted forward once the sound did echo across his ears the fearless leader gripped his hand around the sword and darted forward dragging his sword along the ground carrying him forward closer and closer to the man that they called the silver haired commander. He stopped a few feet from the leader enough so he could swing the sword forward and almost the middle of the blade would have to be dodged.
Tirian vs Heizen

Tirian hardly even responded when the bell chimed, his eyes still absolutely glazed over dead as he heard the scrape of the blade running through the ground. His heart beat in his ears, in his chest and completely overwhelmed his adrenaline in that moment and he only had a few second to dodge to the side as he thought back to that day. His mind was not in this fight, it was placed in time, stuck back to that day. Still his body moved involuntarily as he dodged around and danced around Heizen, what was the worst; was that as he did so, should he have been in his zone with this. Her voice echoed within his mind but he didn't show any emotion in reaction to it, only danced around whatever attacks Heizen tried. For now that was all he could do,even when he could of likely ended this fight already. Part of him didn't want to, part of him wanted to get revealed for the coward he had been that day, he wondered if then; she might be able to forgive him for betraying her. Maybe then.
GM Heizen vs Tirian

Heizen was more or less caught up with the moment of the man dancing around his form, though watching the man would pose a weakness if nothing more for only a second. When he dodged the attack he shifted the weight of his foot back feeling the force of the armor and the weapon as he reverted the weapon to the side striking near where Tirian would be, following the movements from when he dodged the first time he would allow his other hand to leave the blade holding it barely up but managing to, his left hand struck forward anticipating a dodge to the place he struck at. Whether the strike connected or not didn't matter to Heizen the man didn't attack and this slightly peeved him. He parted his lips again this time to speak words slipping forth with the poison of a snake attempting to strike where he now knew his opponent hurt.

"Still running I see, no attacking, a coward is all you are."
Tirian vs Heizen

When the man spoke his venomous words Tirian snapped out of his trance like mode, and the hollow echoes of the people could be heard again, cheering him on. Heizen's weapon moved in to place to catch him as he dodged, and Tirian's eyes widened and he let his legs fall out instantly as he rolled under the strike. His body turned out and he pushed with the power of his legs, he kicked off the dirt and his grip tightened on his weapon as he finally found the resolve, his eyes came to life and when Heizen made his next attack, Tirian reacted flawlessly stepping back as his sword moved and deflected it right at the tip of the weapon where its, control was the worst. He spared not a second after before he sealed the distance between himself and Heizen and aimed a Powerful Stab towards Heizen's, chest; hopefully landing critical damage to end this all in one blow. He growled out anger rising as he lunged in with all of his strength ready to finish this pointless battle; as he had realized it to be. He didn't need to impress anyone, or sacrifice himself, she would have never wanted that, she would have understood his fear at that time, and if she had lived she would have comforted him even after that. Tears ran down his cheek as he roared out , and if the attack didn't make the mark he was already within that zone, his relentless assault would not end, his blade moving as if he were dancing with it, Heizen with his two handed sword would have no chance but to dodge and even that was futile in Tirian's flurry of strikes.
GM Heizen vs Tirian

Those venomous words cycled through the air and danced to Tirians ears and seemed to snap whatever tight cord held him down to keep his sword from leaving its sheathe. The man rolled back from the first strike and Heizen would have charged forward wanting to strike mid-motion but Tirian had beaten him to the punch moving in with a stab aimed for one of the hooks within his armor he parried that strike off with the iron from the gauntlet that sat at his right hand. He actually stumbled back slightly at the closeness of the two of them and the flurry of blows shifted the match in the favor of Tirian and finally after a while the armored commander lay defeated. A little screen popped up on the screen in front of Heizen that simply stated the words that only added more rocks on his pride. YOU HAVE BEEN DEFEATED. The people outside began cheering at the victory of Tirian and chanting though none knew his name so words were tossed around about 'commander' 'silver-haired hero' words that only caused Heizen to glare up at the boy raising to his feet and storming off with the little pride he had left.
Tirian and Heizen battle follow-up will be postponed until many have made their firsts posts.
Location ~ Forest Outside of Grand Masai
Shadow ~ Ambush of Goblins

He sat in the tree slightly above the group of the goblins their massive group sitting spread out through the many trees and bushes using the wolves that seemed to be sitting outside waiting to bait the unsuspecting player like him from before; he smirked looking down upon their little group they had the perfect little set up waiting, watching for one mistake for them to play. He sighed lightly climbing down the tree hands slipping ever so quietly down the simple branches, one after the other until he rested just above the four archers that lay at the back, he was sure he could get at least two of them but then he himself would be wrapped up with the rest of the group, two archers and three wolves on top of the six melee combatants left to fight against. He swung the chain horizontally in the tree making certain not to hit anything within the tree that would give his positioning away he stepped forward one more time and released the chain, letting it fly through the air. It wrapped perfectly around the waist of one of the archers but the blade only grazed the one next to him scratching along the second ones waist not even a full critical but it was there and now they knew where he was.

The goblins all begun to rotate around the archer's already knocking arrows back and pointing them in the direction of the whisper, Shadow eyed the three archers and began running through another plan only seeming to want to end them before taking on the warriors. The warriors though wouldn't have any of that and formed into a line in front of the archers three of them each holding the leashes of the three wolves that had stood out in wait for an unsuspecting foe but their prey had come to them, Shadow growled lightly just as the tang of the string echoed around them releasing the arrows forth from the bows they danced within. This meant getting to the ground, he gripped the chain and jumped down using a pulley system with the branch of this tree, so as he went down the goblin came up, one of the goblins firing another arrow as Shadow's feet hit the ground putting the head of the arrow right though his shoulder forcing the whisper to go stumbling back, a light grunt of pain leaving his lips, he let go of the chain forcing the goblin to fall back to the ground where it became impaled on the blade at the end, but this fight was far from over with the death of one of the goblins and now the loss of his beginner blade.

He shot forward aiming for the blade feet carrying him along the forest floor, the same time the goblins released the three wolves to bound towards him. Their feet more fit for the ground here, misty eyes rested upon the three of them a slight tinge of fear dancing within his eyes. Maybe this was the wrong decision today, he slid down to the ground and grabbed the chain as the wolf ahead of the rest leaped right over top of him landing where he would have been moments ago, he had the end of the chain and had pulled it up just in time to catch the snapping jaws of the wolf as they bore down on top of him. Still snapping upon the fragile chain of the weapon that laid within its mouth. He inched his left hand down sliding it along the chain the jaws of the creature inching ever closer with each movement of his hand down the steel chain. He gripped the end of the blade at the same time the chain gave way and the creatures jaw latched upon his right shoulder forcing a shout of pain to leave his lips at the same time he jabbed the knife end of the blade through the creature's neck and twisted it watching as its pixels faded away. He rolled back to his feet stumbling a bit as his health bar slipped down to a critical low point.

'Dammit' the words left his lips quietly as he eyed the whole group that surrounded him at this point the warriors all moving to the point that they surrounded the whisper with a smaller circle playing through and through ready to rip and tear at him the two wolves left now circulating around him growls and snarls leaving their lips, he tossed chain upwards and hooked it around the branch leaping up and pulling his weight down. He snapped the branch down from its spot and let it fall to the ground in the middle of the circle just as he done earlier the first time he faced this group and yet things were not much different this time, when the branch fell all the remained of the scene was the branch and the chain Shadow sitting up in the tree on one knee hand covering his mouth and body pressed tight to the trunk of the tree. He watched for moments as the groups of goblins seemed to look around for only a moment before packing up and moving further into the forest to claim another players life, once the last member of the ambush was out of sight he hopped down and claimed the 20 g.p. that fell from the bodies of the two slain creatures and the chain he left behind darting back towards the city.

He passed by the gates of the city almost in the same instance that the arrow struck one of the town gates. Shadow stopped once inside for a moment to catch his breath and hear the chanting of the people from before, each person seeming to chant for the guy they called commander, Tirian. Shadow pushed forward again counting his gold up to about 75 g.p he stepped through the shop bare feet still dancing along the wooden floor of the shop to the back. He laid the 75 g.p upon the counter and took the potion that was handed to him and swallowed it down watching as his health bar skipped all the way back up to its full potential leaving him with an exceptional restoration. He nodded in the direction of the woman giving her thanks before stepping out of the shop and flipping to the roof looking over the edge eyes slipping upon the man Tirian from before as the people gathered around chanting his name.
Location ~ Grand Masai --> Boss dungeon entrance
Durendal ~ no one

Durendal had gotten up early and left around six thirty. Unlike the other lazy bones that had actually been bothered about the day before, he'd been up and about plenty and was done waiting. Picking up his swords, he headed straight out of town, passing handful of others that had also gotten up early but paid no heed to them as he went straight out the front gates towards to boss dungeon. Only the half baked worried about the other dungeons as they were pointless unless they had some noted treasure worth the detour. Keeping to the areas with less goblins, he half fought, half wandered his way over while avoiding most of the conflict. He wanted to get in there and get done before the dungeon raids of the day started but those sorts often didn't even start walking till noon so he had plenty of time as long as he didn't dwadle or get sidetracked. Spinning his swords around absentmindedly as if to warm up even though it wasn't needed, he booted open the door and walked in.
GM Message~

Durendal will have Entered the Boss Dungeon a good 3 hours in game time Prior to everything else happening. He is attempting to solo the Tower Dungeon.
Location ~ Boss dungeon, floor 1 room 1
Durendal ~ no one

Durendal walked straight in, past a door to his right which he figured he'd deal with later. Powering through was more his thing. Based on his previous experiences with games, he was sure he'd be back but that it probably wouldn't matter a ton. Not to his surprise, he ended up in a roon with a good assortment of goblins, most of which didn't really matter. The archers would be a slight pain, he was sure but the space was roomy enough that he'd be okay. Not the type to go around and play hide and seek, he strode straight in and made a beeline for the archers.
GM Post~ I and other GM's will be posting for Azmeryth because she is having computer issues so she is typing out the posts but Ill be posting them until her issue is fixed.

Location: Grand Masai Inn/Marketplace/Courtyard
People: Any

Morning had come, and with it the relentless, prying fingers of the sun poking through the window of the room she'd aqquired. It was all thanks to Tirian helping her out that she could even afford to get the room, and get the weapon she was planning on getting as soon as she got out of bed, and gathered her things. A slim body turned beneath the warm blankets of the bed she lay in, and she stretched, her joints popping in protest. It felt good to do...relaxing. Her muscles were sore from the day before, and she groaned as she swung her legs off the bed. Temper, who was curled up at the end of the bed, lifted his head, shook out his fur, and then rose to stretch, and then hop off the bed. His claws clacked on the wooden floors as he made his way around the bed, and then sat on the ground beside Azzy. The redhead smiled down at him, and lifted her hand to scratch behind his ear. The silly dog tilted his head to the side, and closed his eyes letting his mouth hang open. He obviously enjoyed the attentions she gave.

It was only a few moments before Azzy rose from the edge of the bed, and opened her inventory so that she could equip her beginner gear; a simple blue dress, and a white, fur hood that vaguely resembled a wolf upon her mass of fiery red hair. Everything seemed to just appear upon her body, even her beginner chain sickle appeared strapped on her waist. She'd gathered everything she needed, and then patted her side to call Temper. They then moved out of the room, and left the Inn to step out into the sun of Quest Online. Their first stop was the Marketplace. She wandered over to the bustling place, or it was usually a packed area. Not so much this morning. Azzy found the smithy, and walked up to the man who stood there hammering at a peice of hot orange metal. "Welcome, Miss. How can I help you?" His voice bellowed through the smithy, his smiling face covered in dirt, and sweat. Azzy return her own form of a smile. "Id like to have you forge a Fine Chain Sickle if it wouldnt be too much trouble." The man let out a belting laugh, and glanced at her with a cheeky smile. "I can forge it if you have the materials."

Azzy opened her inventory, and placed the three iron on the counter before her along with 10GP which caused the Smith's eyes to sparkle as he made his way over to her to inspect the goods. In the blink of an eye, he scooped up the iron, and began working on the weapon. It wasnt long before the smith placed a Fine Chain Sickle on the counter, and scooped up the 10GP. Azmeryth's eyes sparkled at the weapon itself. It was no longer just a wooden stick with a blade, and a chain. The blade curved, and was slightly serated, and jagged along the edge. It was attatched to an iron hilt that was surprisingly light as she picked it up. The chain was also shimmering, and beautiful. It was the perfect weapon in her eyes.

"Thanks so much~"

The redhead chirped, and the Smith chuckled, and nodded his head before waving her off to get back to work. He got his business from her, and that was that. Azzy turned away from the Smithy, and went on her way, but it wasnt long until she heard the ruckus comming from the courtyard. Her, and Temper made her way there, and pushed through the crowd so that she could see what was going on. She saw Tirian standing in the clearing that was made by the players, and she'd just caught site of Heizen walking off. Shouts of "Silver Haired Hero" and "Commander" could be heard, and she figured that something must have gone down. She was confused at this point, and tilted her head when she looked directly at Tirian. He looked angry, hurt, and his cheeks were stained with tears. She instantly found herself worried, and despite the others staying where they were, and simply shouting praise, Azzy stepped out of the crowd, and walked over to him. Blue eyes peered up at him.

"You okay, Tiri?"

She asked in a soft tone. Even Temper looked at him, tilted his head, and then walked over to the man to lick his hand. Whatever happened, it had made quite the impact on him. She was curious, but she wouldnt pry.
Tower Dungeon vs Nevvy~

The Armored Goblins squawked instantly when they noticed the solo player make his entrance into their area. They had ben preparing and as soon as they seen the Blader run in they were already placed, and one of the Goblins launched himself to grasp hold of Durendal as he passed by. He held tight around and screeched in the Blader's ear. His powerful mace was ready and hanging off he swung his mace, while the other five Goblin soldiers stepped in and danced around. The Shaman in the back ground starting chanting. A red glow formed over the Goblins as they roared out and Their strength was enchanced. The Archers took their shots, and four arrows shot out aimed to make Durendal a Pin cushion right off the bat.
Location ~ Tower dungeon, room 1
Durendal ~ goblins

Durendal broke off to the left, away from the goblin with the mace and the arrows, darting around the side to the archers while they reloaded. He'd have to put the shaman near the top of his list but once he got close to the archer's it'd be like they didn't even exist anymore. Coming up on the first one, his left foot went out in a tripping kick as he ran by and his left sword came up from the side to deprive the goblin of its head as it fell and if it didn't, he figured he'd at least get a chunk out of it. Regardless, target number two would be the next closest archer. Fighting these little annoyances was all about timing.
Tower Dungeon vs Durendal~

Durendal was quick no doubt about that, and it seemed like Common Strategy that helped him reach his targets quick enough. The First goblin faded, but he was not so lucky as to enjoy a second easy victory. The Goblin Soldiers moved in; to close off the warriors escape as he met head on with a Goblin in light armor. Of course the creature had discarded his bow and the others stepped back readying an arrow as the Shaman moved behind them as well. The Goblin now in Durendal's path now jumped up with a wicked dagger as he lunged forward with the dagger ready to stab a lethal blow towards Durendal's heart. The shaman started to dance again and with is, from behind the Goblin that Durendal had downed, reformed and drew its bow, now with Durendal's Back. It let it go a single arrow aimed to directly hit him in the back of the head as he was dealing with the Goblin with the Dagger. The other archers ahead readied their own arrows, not willing to make the same mistake twice.
Location ~ Tower dungeon, room 1
Durendal ~ goblins

Durendal went down into a fencing lunge, left sword first at the one with the dagger, making good use of the fact that his sword and arm were much, much longer. An arrow whizzed by his head and the conclusion over what had happened came all too quickly. Then he recovered, swiping his sword back to hurl the would be corpse at the archer that he'd just killed and went for the shaman, glancing over a couple times to keep an eye on the archers. If he really had to take it down first, so be it. He found going after the white mage first to be distasteful but he was sure he was also on a clock so dilly dally wouldn't do today. Either way, he'd be quickly done with this and move on to bigger and better things.
Tower Dungeon vs Durendal~

The Shaman had moved as far back as possible now, and the archers had moved to different sides of the room, The Goblin Soldiers moved in to place a line of four of them in front of the shaman, buffed up as they waited for Durendal to get close, and raised their bucklers. Soloing these creatures was going to take far too much time with the current ability. The Shaman started up a new spell now, hidden behind a shield of Soldiers. The remaining two Soldiers moved in to catch Durendal at an angle behind his back. By the time Durendal reached the shield of Soldiers with readied maces, the archer from behind would be recovering, and the others would be ready with arrows to fire, at the moment he clashed weapons with the Goblin Soldiers.
Location ~ Tower dungeon, room 1
Durendal ~ goblins

Durendal just kept running, bringing one sword down on each of the two goblins closest in front of him just to get them to raise up their shields. He had no intention of fighting them just at this moment. Thanks to his notably superior height, the moment the first one raised its shield up to block, he hopped up, pushing off the buckler in an odd jump over the line of goblins. Little stuff like flanking didn't matter if he kept moving. As he came down, he swung both swords down on the shaman, then whirled around to go finish things. This had been a bit of a waste of time but then again, one couldn't know everything before even trying it once. Now that he got the point, things would run much quicker.
Tower Dungeon Floor 1 vs Durendal~

Finally the solo warrior made the slightest bit of progress, landing a solid double death blow on the shaman who shattered into pieces. The Goblins were already advancing though, and Durendal was in a bad position. The came in two at a time the groups attacking one after the other with powerful swings of their maces and their shields raised. and the Archers Lined themselves to either side of Durendal. The one archer remind right in front just waiting for that shot. They now had him boxed in against a wall. They were relentlessly attempting to beat him down as well, and it did not look good at all when all three remaining archers shot off at the same time, and the Goblins just in time huddled behind their shields. The arrows were shot to hit him inw hatever direction he dodged, and the Goblins would spring forth if they thought he would go to escape their little trap. He had an understanding of how it would work, of course but how would he escape, and how would he fare when he realized this was one of the simplest parts to the Dungeon.
Location ~ Tower dungeon, room 1
Durendal ~ goblins

(Lol. A bad position? You must be joking. The song and dance routine is just realism for the fact that Durendal wouldn't have known what a shaman did. So even though it would have been smartest and easily explainable, I purposely made the weaker move. If you want to actually stop me, you'll have to try a whole lot harder than making some half baked "bad position" statement. I don't even have to break off one liners to get all the needed moves covered.)

Durendal diver forwards, doing a double sword sweep on the goblin soldiers in front of him. Doing more wasn't needed just yet.