Q - Flux

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Well when your police force is actually a privately owned security company, things change.
Exactly why we need real JUSTICE COPS planning to overthrow the current system.

And I'm going through a coat-cape phase, so you're all gonna have to suffer with me.

Well to be fair she is expecting Painstakers too, and as far as she cares they're at best a criminal organization, or at worse a terrorist cell.
Say there are Painstalkers blended in with the protesters? What are the sharpshooters going to do? Fire into the crowd with their high-powered weaponry that's just asking for collateral?

There's a reason why riot police are a thing, and that's because you can't just open fire into a crowd to get rid of a few bad apples.

10/10, this needs to backfire horribly when the officers realize, "Oh shit, we're going to have massive civilian causalities if we actually open fire. What were we thinking? Oh, wait, we weren't."

Well when your police force is actually a privately owned security company, things change.
Yeah, things like the magically-able populace rioting and tearing it down.

Imagine America, instead of guns there's magic. Now imagine if police started gunning people down in riots. And then imagine nothing was done about it, and the police were free to continue doing as they pleased. What do you think would happen? Peaceful protests? Hell no.
As for theme songs, I guess this can be Elizia's
Luminous Sword
Dance of Swords

I honestly haven't had the time to think of a vocal song for her yet
You know what happens when a criminal uses a human shield? We get two corpses, that's what. When the protestors start fighting, Policus will fight back. This isn't some heroic fantasy where we can hurt the bad guys only. If they didn't want to get hurt they shouldn't have formed such a large protest in light of a city bombing.
You know what happens when a criminal uses a human shield? We get two corpses, that's what. When the protestors start fighting, Policus will fight back. This isn't some heroic fantasy where we can hurt the bad guys only. If they didn't want to get hurt they shouldn't have formed such a large protest in light of a city bombing.
You know what happens when a criminal uses a human shield? We get two corpses, that's what.
We get two corpses, that's what.
No, not really. That's not what happens at all. Because you're cops, not some wanna-be executioner.

Fucking kek.


If they didn't want to get hurt they shouldn't have formed such a large protest in light of a city bombing.
10/10, if you suspect the police covered up the truth behind a bombing, you obviously shouldn't make it heard through a protest.

Better not exercise any of your rights while your at it, the Policus wouldn't like that either.

Please, keep on going. This is hilarious.
This isn't America. These aren't cops. This is not a government regulated peace keeping force.
This isn't America. These aren't cops. This is not a government regulated peace keeping force.
Yeah, they're essentially the military as well. Guess what, you still aren't allowed to just shoot civilians because they're in the way.

And if they aren't government regulated, than what? They just up and established themselves out of the blue? Who funded them? Why do they have any authority? Did the populace just accept this build-up of power without question?
You don't know. Your character doesn't know. You've been gone for three hundred years, remember?
Yeah, they're essentially the military as well. Guess what, you still aren't allowed to just shoot civilians because they're in the way.

And if they aren't government regulated, than what? They just up and established themselves out of the blue? Who funded them? Why do they have any authority? Did the populace just accept this build-up of power without question?
Zombs it's okay, once my heroic crime fighter finds out... Many douches will be dropped from skyscrapers that day.
I wouldn't think people like DROWN would've popped up quickly as they did if proper human rights were very well practiced in "real life" (emphasis given the circumstances). I see it as a might-makes-right society, and agree that I've been doing my best to lighten things up.

Speaking of which...
I honestly thought this was what Elizia would have looked like if she were a male.
Oh wow. Definitely shipping these two right away in my head-cannon.
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You don't know. Your character doesn't know. You've been gone for three hundred years, remember?
True enough. So I suppose the non-government-regulated point could stand.

Still doesn't really explain why they would be able to shoot civilians out on a protest, and how they would get away without the officers that took part being lynched.

I wouldn't think people like DROWN would've popped up quickly as they did if proper human rights were very well practiced in "real life" (emphasis given the circumstances). I see it as a might-makes-right society, and agree that I've been doing my best to lighten things up.
I somewhat doubt DROWN was formed in protest to the abuse of what we'd consider "human rights".
Still doesn't really explain why they would be able to shoot civilians out on a protest, and how they would get away without the officers that took part being lynched.

This is happening all over the world today. Is the idea that it's happening in this fictional sci-fi RP so difficult to imagine?
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This is happening all over the world today. Is the idea that it's happening in this fictional sci-fi RP so difficult to imagine?
When the population can fight back because technically everyone can do magic? Somewhat, yes?

And because this isn't a third/second-world shit-hole, I assume, for the most part?

There's also a fairly big difference between shooting a civilian because of a confrontation, threat to the officer's life, or whatever reason, and opening fire into a crowd of protesters/rioters with the intent to kill.
When the population can fight back because technically everyone can do magic? Somewhat, yes?

And because this isn't a third/second-world shit-hole, I assume, for the most part?

I get the impression the lower levels definitely count as shit holes. Also Policus would also have magic, in additional to high tech gear.
I somewhat doubt DROWN was formed in protest to the abuse of what we'd consider "human rights".

Ah, well, I'm sorry. Truth is I'm at an all-time low with exactly conveying my true opinions in writ. A whole month of binge-gaming can do that to you. The "real world" currently sucks, so people take to virtual excess to remedy themselves is what I'm saying. And the whole pretense of creating smaller worlds could be attributed to a desire to obtain control and re-shape a world to a "better" one, and in their image...?

I think that.
I get the impression the lower levels definitely count as shit holes. Also Policus would also have magic, in additional to high tech gear.
Dunno. Poverty in a first-world country is still much better, generally, than a third-world country.

And while yes, it'd be far from a one-sided tide, most officers in the Policus would probably know, or know of, people that are completely outraged.

I'm assuming a portion of the people in the Policus aren't corrupt and without morals, that are going to have issues with, again, opening fire into a crowd of protesters/rioters, and some legitimate criminals (Painstalkers, etc.) who are trying to take advantage of the situation, with the intent to kill.
I think they are actually morally corrupt Zomb, or at the least, they're giving off that impression. And in light of that, I've found the theme song for the lovely Policus.

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