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Luji would share his sweets with Hara, try to trade candies and give Hara the ones he doesn't like. xD

@Daws Combine

Luji: //swallows the ball instead, and hulls ass out of there, barely avoiding bullets.
Luji's antics are cute, but he's quite the volatile bounty hunter. He won't come out and fight you head on, he likes to well, hunt for his prey. He's best used for large and burly targets whose skin is too thick for bullets, his small size and speed make for a quick take down and he's adept at using his prey's size against them.

But getting him to stop is the hard part, Opyeih's always hunt to kill. Someone needs to be there to make sure he doesn't kill everyone's paycheck, yelling his name would suffice.~
Lets just say that you don't want Hara to go diplomatic on people or your charachters.
I'm starting to feel like Luji and Vaaran are going to develop a Han/Chewy type relationship here.
Close pair of friends, Han Solo is human and Chewbaca is not.
Here's the "captain" of our crew. She's the reason you all work together, but to imply that she's in any way in control of this rowdy lot would be absolutely laughable. The IC is coming along, and relevant NPCs will be included when it goes up.

  • Name: Ancyn Puro
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'9" (175 cm)
    Weight: 184 lbs (83.4 kg)

    Species: Half-Human, Half-Denian

    Denian Physiology and Culture: An alien race that closely resembles humans, they hail from Deni, a vast, arctic planet. They are fairer than Terrans, bear denser bones (therefore weighing more, on average )thanks to a disparity in planetary gravity, and are better designed to handle the cold, having an internal body temperature around 30 degrees Celsius and being able to withstand temperatures around -40 degrees Celsius without having to worry about bundling. However, they don't do well in the heat. At all.

    Appearance: Well-built for a well-rounded soldier, enough muscle to be able to land a punch and support a heavier gun, but light enough on her feet to run if need be. Pale skin and white hair are broken up by dark brows, which represent her heritage.

    Personality: Ancyn is a thrillseeker, almost to a fault, and bears an interesting air of naivety about her even after her years of experience. For her, bounty hunting isn't so much about bringing justice to the lawless reaches of the galaxy, but it's more about what figuring out what she and her fellow crewmates are capable of in new situations. Sure, she she also cares about putting away murderers and thieves, and the money doesn't hurt, but every time a larger bounty comes her way, she wonders how much further it will push her talents. Seen by some to be a little dramatic, she is an eternal optimist who simply believes in the abilities of everyone around her and isn't opposed to making choices that fall into the grey, so long as they produce results. After all, a job well done will justify any means, and so long as nobody slacks off, everything should work out in the end.

    History: Her father was a tall, dark, and handsome man of faith who wanted to spread his Terran colonist religion to the far reaches of space. Her mother was a mining supervisor in one of Deni's many mines, as the planet is rich with materials crucial for building ships. When the unlikely pair met, they married and produced exactly one offspring, seemingly the perfect combination of sunny-eyed idealism inherent in her human father and hard-nosed efficiency her mother held dear. Her father didn't last long on Deni, eventually succumbing to the cold before Ancyn was ten years old. She entered formal education at this time, working with other children her age and being monitored to understand which job she would be suited for. In her spare time, even as a young adult, she liked exploring the abandoned tunnels in the mines, seeing where each snaking passage led and pretending to fight off the shadowy beasts that lurked just out of her line of vision.

    Eventually, she turned 18 and her education was complete. It became clear that she was restless, and couldn't be trusted with any job that would involve tedious repetition or overseeing any important function of society. It was decided that she would travel to the edges of Denian space and held oversee incoming shipments, acting as a sort of harbormaster. The elders knew that the job already was well-taken care of and that no new applicants were needed out there. However, they suspected Ancyn would take her new, personal vessel and set out, leaving the planet behind in search of better things.

    That's exactly what she did. She made a modest name for herself, pocketed some money hunting down small-time targets, and eventually traded in her old ship and most of her profits to purchase a huge, clunky ship that just about every junker saw fit to scrap. Ancyn, on the other hand, saw it as a perfect base for a bounty hunting outfit. There was hanger space for a few mechs and small ships, and more could be added. The controls were easy to use. Sure, it didn't go fast, but that's what she'd have mechs and smaller ships for. For many years, it seemed like a wasted investment, but when she started to reach out all across the star system to find people willing to partner with her aboard the Bitter Moth (a name many refuse to actually utter aloud, because they find it utterly preposterous).


    • Trick Shot: Put a gun in Ancyn's hands, and she's going to try something risky. While she's not above running and gunning and turning her targets into pointillist masterpieces, she prefers conserving ammo with much more planned out gunshots. Her unusual maneuvers have a slightly higher chance of succeeding, and if some bullets miss, she's been practicing hard on her ricochet, meaning one of these days, one might just come back and get the job done right.
    • Right Over Your Head: Ancyn spent a lot of money one day on a pair of anti-grav boots, ones that give her jumps a lot more air time and can allow her access to high places fairly easily. However, they don't allow for flying, as the higher up one goes, the faster the boots lose energy. A favorite technique of hers involves propelling herself upwards and then dropping on an unsuspecting foe, engaging them in a grappling match.
    • Never Heard From Again: She has a bit of a reputation for successful jobs well done, but she also knows how to lay it on thick with intimidation. As a result, if she tries to threaten her way out of a situation, it usually goes well.
    • Mercer: The name of her repair drone, Mercer is able to make quick fixes on the battlefield to mechs, machinery, and weapons. While not as effective as a mechanic, Mercer definitely serves as a useful asset in order to keep the team moving forward in case of damages, able to move independently while Ancyn is busy, although it has no weapons of his own.


    • Mercer
    • Grav-Boots
    • Semi-automatic laser targeted rifle
  • Designation: Ferdinand

    Height: 10 m

    Weight: 35 metric tons

    Appearance: A bulky, red mech with a large metal shield attached to its right arm and a smaller shield-type attachment on the left arm, used almost exclusively for combat, such as

    Model: HCM-B

    • Standard issue HCM-B reinforced metal plating
    • Retractable full-body metal shield
    • Retractable "battering ram", a tiny shield that is used for blunt force, close-quarter combat

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Don't mind me, I'll just be going to make minor edits to Luji's CS. Smooth it out some, y'know?
Luji has no weapons in his inventory, save for some plasma grenades.

xD Guess he's gonna have to figure out a way to build an arsenal from scratch.
Hey, we stick together. Luji's not gonna need much more than plasma grenades so long as he sticks close to the group, starting out. Plus, after a few missions, you'll be able to buy high-quality equipment to supplement your arsenal or change up your fighting style.
Whoa, missed a bunch of character relationship development um.

@AceSorcerer, Laura probably wouldn't trust Kadan with either her life or her money, but she'd be amiable enough. They do fight together, after all.

@Thomas McTavish, that sounds about right. c: I feel like they'd be pretty decent friends. Maybe even have a minor prank war going on?

@Hellis, Laura wouldn't trust Hara much either, but she'd respect his frankness.

@Daws Combine, I think Laura would respect Kin as well as her space and certainly not bother her much.

@BlackOrchid, I feel like Luji would piss Laura off more than anything. If he tried to poke around in her stuff, she'd try her damnedest to shoot him. Or punch him. Kick his ass in some form or fashion.

@Drifter, Laura and Ancyn would probably get along, if Ancyn would be able to put up with Laura's general stubborn unwillingness to cooperate with direct orders. Laura would respect her, regardless.

Miss anyone?
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Luji is much more intelligent than he lets on, it's just buried beneath 44 years worth of childish antics. Give him another 44 years and he'll be going through his rebellious phase and another 44 after that, he'd be fully matured. xD
Are you saying he wouldn't try digging through the ex-soldier's crap in search of interesting objects?
@Spectre of the Café, even though my character is a work in progress you missed me.
I can agree to that:

Vaaran and the Crew (Updated):

Vaaran and Luji would get along, but Vaaran would be constantly confused by Luji's physiology. He'd likely end up getting into foot races that Luji would always be faster at, but Vaaran would run farther. He'd also probably toss the most random shit at Luji for him to eat, and then be amazed he can actually eat it, unless he regurgitates it. And then he'd be grossed out but still amazed. They would teach each other a lot about their respective cultures. They would likely develop a close relationship and help each other both in battle and on the ship, bonding through their semi-childish antics.

Vaaran and Kadan I could see practicing melee together. They might not be the best of friends, but they'd get along just well.

Laura he'd probably piss off a lot just joking around with her, but they'd usually end up smiling by the end of it. Likely the two would have a minor prank war going on. Hiding random things in each other's gear, messing with the unimportant presets on their mech controls (changing of the music, causing the computer to recognize them by a different title, little stuff that would be annoying and funny, but not interfere in a situation that requires absolute control of the the mech, such as combat or recon). They'd get on each other's nerves, but be friends when it's all said and done.

He'd tolerate Hara at best, seeming comfortable around him but he'd never trust him all the way. His people are too manipulative. He'd probably start calling him Drow as a derogatory term, since his appearance is similar to that of Dark Elves or Drow from old Terran fictional literature.

He would not get along with Kin. Kin wouldn't get along with anybody, and it becomes even less likely considering Vaaran's happy-go-lucky jokester attitude. They'd work together efficiently, but not much of a close bond would form.

Ancyn has his respect. A tough go-getter with a positive outlook, a harsh reputation, and a heart for a thrill and a challenge, Vaaran considers her an equal worthy of his loyalty.

Again, I'll add Leon once he is completed and approved.
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@Victor Markov, your sheet has no listed personality or history at the moment, so I have nothing to go off of. d:
Nobody trusts the Dark elf. I see how it is. Racists the lot of you ;_;
D: Poor Hara. No one trusts the suspicious trader from a "diplomatic" race with perfect genetic memory.
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