Project SINC

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Should I make a group for our thread?

  • Yes. And we shall ROCK IT!- (By the way, I am one of the awesome members of this thread)

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • No. Can I just have a bacon sandwich instead?- (By the way, I am one of the awesome members of this

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Original poster
"Are you ready to begin?" The man, in the white lab coat asks, ready to give a brief orientation to all the teenagers in the room.

"We, the scientific community called LBSH, would like to thank you, Volunteers, for participating in Project SINC. The Supernaturals in Natural Circumstances Project."

"Your task is simple, you will attend school. You have been accepted due to your young age, and the fact that since maturity hasn't been reached, your powers haven't fully developed yet. This is an experiment to see if they will lessen through repression, to find if Supernaturals can finally live with humans in a harmonious peace."

"Please, fill out this application sheet we have handed to you, and we will assign you to your new school. At this school, you shall receive education like any normal human teenager. During all school hours, and any time you are around humans before and/or afterwards, you will not use your powers and you will not lose your guise of human appearance. Failure to comply will have you removed from the experiment, and you will be assigned to Plan B, an experiment relatively the same, although without humans."

A sudden noise, as the door breaks open, and a wild looking man begins to scream at the confused adolescents. "What you do not know, is that if you are assigned to Plan B, you shall become a test rat! There the scientists probe and dissect you, trying to isolate the gene which causes supernatural powers. They will---" He was interrupted and subdued, a needle jabbed into his arm. The scientists all donned masks, and a pinkish gas fills the room. As it clears, the wild man is gone, the scientists unmasked, and the children without any memory. The scientist cleared his throat. "Are you ready to begin? We, the scientific…"

Penses gained a new ability: '-Telekinesis: Although not a very powerful ability, Penses may move inanimate objects. The bigger the object, the farther the distance travelled, and the farther the distance the Pense is away from it would call for more energy and concentration.'

Humans were added to the list of species.

Sin Demons were added as a type of Half-Demon

Appearance was added to character sheet.

Some people may play two characters. I will not allow this often, unless I see you are quite capable: Good grammar, and good posts (Yes, I will stalk your previous threads if you ask to play a second character.)

Anyone I deem unfit for this roleplay shall be denied access. I do not want a post like "Micky run to the grocshry store to pick up peanutbutter!" in my thread.

If something pops up that seems more interesting than your current species/character, just tell me before you edit your character (Which you are totally allowed to do until the RP starts!)A very rough draft of our home has been uploaded.

All supernaturals have at least one supernatural parent of their species, but they rarely mate with a human, so usually both parents are supernaturals.


Spawn of humans and demons, many are motherless. This is due to the fact that it is usually the mother who is human, and her body withers and decays throughout the pregnancy, resulting in her death at the time of birth. The demon parent usually doesn't care about it's offspring, although a few rare cases of maternal parental demons are seen. Half-demons are relatively rare, as many die after birth, murdered by the human relatives of their mother. If the mother is the demon, she tends to simply drop them off randomly in the human world. There are three types of half-demons that the scientists at LBSH are currently accepting at SINC, due to their weaker statuses compared to other half-demons.

Elemental demons:
Appearance: Their skin is the color of their element, (blue for water, red for fire, etc.). They have horns of various sizes upon their forehead, and sport wings.

-Element control: Although they cannot manifest the element, if they find it, they have control over it.
-Shift: May physically shift into a human-like appearance. It is of their choice, but they only have one form, and may not change it once it is chosen.
-Flight: Cannot be used while in shift mode

Pense Demons:
Appearance: Pale ghostly and translucent skin, white or silver hair and eyes, thin, willowy frames.

-Empathy: Senses the emotions of those they concentrate on.
-Manipulate: May implant certain thoughts or emotions into a subject's mind. The subject might not obey the thoughts, and physical touch is required.
-Telekinesis: Although not a very powerful ability, Penses may move inanimate objects. The bigger the object, the farther the distance travelled, and the farther the distance the Pense is away from it would call for more energy and concentration.
-Illusion: May cast an illusion over their bodies to appear human. This drains the energy slowly, and cannot be performed if the user is tired, sick or stressed.

Sin Demons:
Appearance: Sin demons vary in appearance, but seem to be the manifestation of the feeling they represent. Wrath would be big and bulky with red skin; Lust would be beautiful, as lovely as Vanity, but more seducing; Envy has green skin; Gluttony is quite large; Vanity would be just as beautiful as Lust, although more elegant; Sloth would have a droopy look and a hunched back; and Greed has slightly sunken eyes, and a slightly yellow skin . These Half-Demons are personifications of the seven deadly sins, which is the cause of their name becoming known as 'Sin Demons'.

-Illusion: May mask eye, hari, skin color, but may not alter their appearance otherwise.These depend upon the type of Sin.
-Lust: The power to instantly inspire sexual desire in someone for whoever they choose.
-Gluttony: May produce a poisonous substance from their hands, and may digest anything.
-Greed: May steal another's power temporarily. The length it lasts depends on how long the Greed Demon held contact with it's victim. Last exactly how long they remained in contact with the power-user.
-Sloth: Ability to deflect any powers cast upon them; needs extreme concentration, causing it to only work about twice in a row.
-Envy: May shift the form of others to their will (without harming the subject), but may not do it on themselves.
-Wrath: In possession of incredible strength.-Vanity/Pride: Like the Pense, Vain Demons may implant certain thoughts (Althought not emotions) into a subject's mind. The subject might not obey the thoughts, although are more prone to obey than with the Penses, and physical touch is required.

The Animalus could be described as half human and half animal, but this is not true. They are their own races, and although they have humanoid looks, they are not part-human. The LBSH have included three types of Animalus into their project; the Lycans, the Gorgons and the Sirens. The Animalus are a rare sort of supernatural species, due to the fact that they were nearly hunted to extinction by humans when their presence was known.

Appearance: More commonly known as werewolves, due to the fact they look like a humanoid wolf. The head of a wolf, fur of varying shades, their hands are clawed, and their legs and feet are more wolf-like than human. Males have more bulk and power, although females are more agile and quick.
-Shift: They may become either fully wolf or fully humanoid, although they prefer their normal state. Any shift requires energy, and doing it while tired, sick, or under stress could result in serious injury. As a wolf, they gain all that wolves possess (Eyesight, hearing, etc.)
-Telepathy: Used to communicate with their own species, they project their thoughts into another's head, but cannot read the minds of others. This is cannot be used on anyone outside their own species.

Appearance: Gorgon females have living snakes as hair, and beautiful faces. Males, on the other hand sport normal hair, and their faces are quite plain. Both genders sport a tail from the top of their waist onwards, scaled green, brown or a dull red, occasionally a few silver or gold ones. Gorgons never stop growing in length; yet young adults tend to be about eight feet. They also have large wings.
-Mesmerize: May hold a victim paralyzed for up to two minutes, although victims may break free earlier.
-Shift: Shift into a human form, with normal hair for females.
-Flight: May not be used while in human form.

Appearance: Sirens are beautiful creatures, with long hair that is never cut, for Sirens prize their hair. They have long scaly tails which end in fins and come in a variety of colors. These tails match the hair colour, and begin anywhere from the neck (in which would mean the arms are scaled as well) to down by the waist. Sirens also possess claw-like fingernails.
-Hypnotise: Their voice put all those who hear it in a dreamlike state, causing them to stay completely motionless or to begin walking towards the Siren.
-Shift: When dry, they become seemingly human, but the moment they are touched by water, they grow back their scaly tails.
-Gills: Ability to breathe underwater.

Like the Animalus, the humanoid like creatures were hunted, although they have had more time to recover and grow in number. With these creatures, mating is eternal, although several may try different people first, like 'boyfriends and girlfriends' before they choose their eternal mate. They are the most common of the Supernatural species. Although there are many species, only two have been introduced to the SINC project.

Appearance: Miniscule creatures with translucent wings that often shimmer like rainbows. Their skin tends to be brown, green, yellow, pale purple or pale blue. Their hair is a bright vibrant colour, and their eyes match. They have a thin, willowy frame and often seem fragile looking.
-Growth: They may become any size up to seven feet in height.
-Illusion: Like the Pense, they may cast an illusion over their bodies to appear human. This drains the energy slowly, and cannot be performed if the user is tired, sick or stressed.
-Nature Magic: Fae have a deep connection to the earth, and plants will respond to their will. Although due to their fierce protectiveness of nature, they will not harm the plants in any way when performing this magic.

Appearance: Pale skin, fanged teeth and red eyes, but otherwise human looking.
-Bite: Their bite induces a substance that paralyses and relaxes the victim. If enough is applied, the victim receives amnesia.
-Levitation: Vampyres may levitate their bodies for flight.-Advanced healing-Enhances senses/abilities: Although all supernatural creatures possess these, the vampyres are slightly more refined and powerful.

Humans are blissfully unaware of the Supernatural creatures and events around them.
Appearance: Ranges greatly.
-Psychic: Some humans possess a slight touch of psychic powers, due to a very small amout of Pense blood within them. (Less than 1/16). These are very feeble, and are rarely realized. It is extremely rare, and very, very, few possess it.

Character Sheet:
Note: We have an excess amount of elemental half-demons at the moment compared to other species.
Human and demon looks, if they are different. Pictures are allowed.
Reason: Is there any particular reason you signed up as a volunteer for SINC?

All the supernaturals shall be living in one large house provided by the scientists at SINC. Human characters do not live here, but rather in their own home. More details on it shall be revealed on this place throughout the RP. But here's a very rough draft!


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Hey Church I has a question is telekinesis allowed?
It would depend upon the species you choose. I will add it to the Pense Demon power list.
Actually, I planned to have it, and hadn't noticed the absence of it!

Edit: Now added to Pense Demon power list: Telekinesis.
'-Telekinesis: Although not a very powerful ability, Penses may move inanimate objects. The bigger the object, the farther the distance travelled, and the farther the distance the Pense is away from it would call for more energy and concentration.'
Ok I would like to explain alittle about this character before I alter her to fit your r.p.

She is a demon born as a werewolf, with the power of telekinesis. Her power is insanely powerful BUT her power is unstable. Any emotion she feels can set it off. The stronger the emotion, the worse the potential snap. She was born with her eyes burning silver. Her eyes burn silver when she uses telekinesis. Also she can't use her power all the time extended use causes her to develop headaches. After a while her head will hurt so bad she can't even move a spoon. Her period also causes flares.
Even as a fully grown woman she cannot stop the simplest of incidents from happening. As a woman she is tall and a jaw dropper with pale skin.

This is my character without altering it. I'll drop out the werewolf part but I want to keep the inability to control, her glowing eyes, the headaches she already has the pale skin and silver eyes. this works perfectly cause the whole point is to not expose yourself. as a teenager Silvia will struggle. Your thoughts?
I shall return with a character in tow, my friend.
Hey Church, could there be other species, like an incubus/succubus?
I'm IIINNN >:)

I shall have a character in the coming hours <-----------------Is at school
Name: Erin Wilson
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Half Demon -- Air Elemental
Personality: Scatter-brained and lively are the most apparent of her qualities. Erin is also kind and outgoing; she loves to talk to people and make up silly stories. But she is secretive about her past, and seems to only open up about the most basic things when it comes to herself. She holds everyone at a distance and yet acts like she doesn't.
History: Her story is the same as many other half-demons'. She was born, her human mother died, and life looked bleek for baby Erin. But Erin's father unexpectedly kept and trained her, and together they stayed in the wilderness in the human world. When she turned ten, however, he abruptly left. Erin roamed for seven years until she heard of the SINC project and decided to take a shot at being normal.
Reason: She wanted to see what school was like, and perhaps help the world realize that living together with different species is possible.
Extra: True Form-- white skin, grey hair, blue eyes. Large white wings, more bird-like than bat-like. Two short, shiny blue horns. They are sharp at the very ends. Shift Form-- Brown eyes, short black hair, tan skin.
( I just noticed that...I double posted? Weird. My bad. I changed my mine. I'll go for Lycan. Also, I'm sorry if this seems over the top, this is a character that was created previously by me in another time sorta say, ['been in storage for a while] and I felt the urge to use it. Would you prefer if I merge both of my posts/ CS's together?)

Name: La'Cienaga Medina D'Silva

Age: 17 years old.

Gender: Female

Species: Lycan | Werewolf

La'Cienaga can be described as an avid observer, she stalks her pray and waits for best chance to attack, she fallows her way of hunting even when socializing with others. As a werewolf, she has enhanced senses, you could say that with her, there is such a thing as ''smelling'' your fear, since when your heartbeat fastens she'll be the first one to hear it. She is an opened minded girl, who is open to trying various new things, she feels the need to protect her friends even though they might no belong to her pack, most would describe her as a very charismatic and sensible person, who does not feel the need for luxurious items. Sociably, she is a girl who enjoys meeting new people, she can also be flirt at times, but above all a trait that best describe is her self pride.

Born on November 5, 199x, to Forest Medina and Clawdeen D'Silva, La'Cienaga was the most beloved child of the Sangre Nuestra Pack, who had been put under a curse, said curse made it impossible for shewolves to conceive children, assuring the pack's extinction, but this was not so Clawdeen who had proudly given birth to a young daughter, the next heir of the Pack. Growing she was showered with endless talismans and amulets which would ensure her well being, since not all were happy that she was alive none the less existed.

As the years passed, La'Cienaga's life was put in more and more constant danger, everyone wanted her dead. Being born into the La Nuestra Pack was bad enough but being the daughter of Forest, was even worse. Forest was a wanted man, his involvement with Drug Cartels and many of Mafia cases were all linked with his tracks, not only this, he was very much hunted by other creatures. As werewolf, pride was important, as a Alpha pride was everything, this did not sit well with other such as Vampires, nor especially witches which wanted his head. While Forest, took charge of all his nemesis, his wife and mate Clawdeen stayed at the Pack, making sure of the constant safety of La'Cienaga, for every moment she grew up.

A fierce beauty were the words that described the young girl herself, she was a beauty that even out shined her own mother, most men in pack would agree. But werewolves were different, they only had on mate per lifetime, and they had to remain faithful this was a rule, adultery was prohibited. A nature lover she was, as a werewolf she considered that herself was part of nature as well, so she always protected it. It was their sacred grounds, even if they were used for hunting purposes. While pride and power were the epitome of her wolf side. When in wolf form, there was nothing else she loved then to go out for runs, to howl at the midnight moon and most importantly to feed.

The dreaded time was approaching, soon enough, La'Cienaga would no longer be a minor--it would only be a few more years till she reached adulthood. Whatever she did, all the problems she would face, the solutions were up to her, there would be no Mommy, nor any Daddy, to help her.... That's why she signed up for SINC, she needed to learn how to cope with her abilities on her own. She had learn to rely on her own, because in real life--nothing would be handed to hear.



Ok I would like to explain alittle about this character before I alter her to fit your r.p.

She is a demon born as a werewolf, with the power of telekinesis. Her power is insanely powerful BUT her power is unstable. Any emotion she feels can set it off. The stronger the emotion, the worse the potential snap. She was born with her eyes burning silver. Her eyes burn silver when she uses telekinesis. Also she can't use her power all the time extended use causes her to develop headaches. After a while her head will hurt so bad she can't even move a spoon. Her period also causes flares.
Even as a fully grown woman she cannot stop the simplest of incidents from happening. As a woman she is tall and a jaw dropper with pale skin.

This is my character without altering it. I'll drop out the werewolf part but I want to keep the inability to control, her glowing eyes, the headaches she already has the pale skin and silver eyes. this works perfectly cause the whole point is to not expose yourself. as a teenager Silvia will struggle. Your thoughts?

Alright, I'm glad you are droppingout the werewolfpart. Seems more like a Pense demon to me :)
Anyways, you may keep the inability to control, her glowing eyes, the headaches she already has the pale skin and silver eyes.
> O < i ish wanting in. Church, you've killed me in deciding against a Gorgon and Siren (Kyaaah, I can't believe you added Gorgon to the list ♥) I'll have a CS done in a few minutes. ps. I wub chu x3 Lol. Now, in a more serious thought: may I make both? I can handle playing to characters if you would allow it.


Name: Cyril-Quetza Alias: I rather you do not call me at all, but if you must I go by two things. Cyril and Espanto, as my prey calls me

Place of Birth: A sunken ship in the Atlantic, my first breath outside of salty waters was Bimini a small island among the Bahamas, thus it is my home.

Age: I am currently in my 16th winter.

Gender: Male. Pure Male.

Species: Siren

Personality: Territorial ✖ Greedy ✖ Easily Jealous ✖ Un-Charismatic ✖ Carnivorous ✖ Flamboyant

History: : I was born is dark shallow cavern around the Atlantic, there I was taught the ways of a predator, for many seasons I learned to catch and corner my pray, sinking ships was a hobby for my clan that was passed down to me. My name Cyril comes from Greek roots; my family was very aggressive when it came to humans, they were food not friends and of course they would always be below us, so I grew up with those lessons.I have never considered myself a creature of beauty nor did I ever pretend to be, women, lust were things I never desired my heart belonged to the treasures of the sea, It was not until my 13th winter that I had gone unto human land and breathed their air, It was a great moment I would never soon forget. My daily diet of men was always very high, more than most of the clan. Sailors would fear traveling thru my waters, so many legends of frightening creatures that would devour crews among the Bahamas... Of course the humans being as ignorant as they were would travel just to see me, the last thing they would ever see, they would shout 'Espanto !', 'Espanto !' once they caught glance of me, that name was presented to me so many times that I even acknowledge it by now.

But of course not everything was great, through out the years the humans had learned of our breeding grounds, the seas that most of us resided in and most importantly they had even captured one of our women. Their actions had gotten too far, they needed to learn their place among us as the lowest of the low, a lesson they would not soon forget. I remember my father gathering a few of his strongest men and heading off into human territory. Indeed we lost a few, but the prize was much greater. That night we feasted on the heads and bodies of the men that had dared to fight against us. The higher ups did not approve of our methods tho. They sent out for the youngest members to be taught of the human race, at the moment I was at my 16th winter, the youngest. And that's how I got here.

Reason: The humans are a detestable lot, but I most follow my people's orders and learn to co-inhabit with them for their own sake. Heh.

Name: Damien Rouges

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Half-Demon--Shadow Element

Personality: Has a small dislike for cocky attitudes and rude people. Tends to keep himself alone from most humans or demon, in order to prevent social interaction. Damien is not open to most but will sometimes take a chance if he finds the thought to worth his time. Has the nickname "Spit-Fire" due to his explosive desire for battle. Loud noises tend to anger him very quickly, while annoying sounds just make it worse.

Appearance:(click to see clearly)
View attachment 7794

Demon Form:
View attachment 7792

History: Damien was an only child.At the age of 10 Damien was told of his mother being a shadow demon and leaving him at birth. For the following year, he spent all of his time trying to understand his supernatural blood, while balancing his human conection. Three months into is training he learned how to become invisible, shift, and levitae himself at will. Now at age 17, Damien has learned of his full potential and limits to power. His father has passed on and his mother is elsewhere, but has never felt alone in this world.

Reason: Damien plans to reveal his true identity to the human allies he has made over the years, but does not know what their reaction will be. To avoid be slaughtered on sight, he signed up with SINC to live among them and discover how they treat the different.
Name: Erin Wilson
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Half Demon -- Air Elemental
Personality: Scatter-brained and lively are the most apparent of her qualities. Erin is also kind and outgoing; she loves to talk to people and make up silly stories. But she is secretive about her past, and seems to only open up about the most basic things when it comes to herself. She holds everyone at a distance and yet acts like she doesn't.
History: Her story is the same as many other half-demons'. She was born, her human mother died, and life looked bleek for baby Erin. But Erin's father unexpectedly kept and trained her, and together they stayed in the wilderness in the human world. When she turned ten, however, he abruptly left. Erin roamed for seven years until she heard of the SINC project and decided to take a shot at being normal.
Reason: She wanted to see what school was like, and perhaps help the world realize that living together with different species is possible.
Extra: True Form-- white skin, grey hair, blue eyes. Large white wings, more bird-like than bat-like. Two short, shiny blue horns. They are sharp at the very ends. Shift Form-- Brown eyes, short black hair, tan skin.

> O < i ish wanting in. Church, you've killed me in deciding against a Gorgon and Siren (Kyaaah, I can't believe you added Gorgon to the list ♥) I'll have a CS done in a few minutes. ps. I wub chu x3 Lol. Now, in a more serious thought: may I make both? I can handle playing to characters if you would allow it.


Name: Cyril-Quetza Alias: I rather you do not call me at all, but if you must I go by two things. Cyril and Espanto, as my prey calls me

Place of Birth: A sunken ship in the Atlantic, my first breath outside of salty waters was Bimini a small island among the Bahamas, thus it is my home.

Age: I am currently in my 16th winter.

Gender: Male. Pure Male.

Species: Gorgon

Personality: Territorial ✖ Greedy ✖ Easily Jealous ✖ Un-Charismatic ✖ Carnivorous ✖ Flamboyant

History: History: I was born is dark shallow cavern around the Atlantic, there I was taught the ways of a predator, for many seasons I learned to catch and corner my pray, sinking ships was a hobby for my clan that was passed down to me. My name Cyril comes from Greek roots honoring one of our most beloved members Medusa, my family was very aggressive when it came to humans, they were food not friends and of course they would always be below us, so I grew up with those lessons.I have never considered myself a creature of beauty nor did I ever pretend to be, women, lust were things I never desired my heart belonged to the treasures of the sea, It was not until my 13th winter that I had gone unto human land and breathed their air, It was a great moment I would never soon forget. My daily diet of men was always very high, more than most of the clan. Sailors would fear traveling thru my waters, so many legends of frightening creatures that would devour crews among the Bahamas... Of course the humans being as ignorant as they were would travel just to see me, the last thing they would ever see, they would shout 'Espanto !', 'Espanto !' once they caught glance of me, that name was presented to me so many times that I even acknowledge it by now.

But of course not everything was great, through out the years the humans had learned of our breeding grounds, the seas that most of us resided in and most importantly they had even captured one of our women. Their actions had gotten too far, they needed to learn their place among us as the lowest of the low, a lesson they would not soon forget. I remember my father gathering a few of his strongest men and heading off into human territory. Indeed we lost a few, but the prize was much greater. That night we feasted on the heads and bodies of the men that had dared to fight against us. The higher ups did not approve of our methods tho. They sent out for the youngest members to be taught of the human race, at the moment I was at my 16th winter, the youngest. And that's how I got here.

Reason: The humans are a detestable lot, but I most follow my people's orders and learn to co-inhabit with them for their own sake. Heh.


Errm, I love it, I really do (And I wub chu tcho), but I never intended for Gorgons to be aquatic. This sounds perfect for a Siren though!
And, because you have seemed to demonstrate excellent grammar skills, and are obviously not new to roleplaying, you have my acceptance to make two characters, one of each species.

Humans were added to the list of species.

Sin Demons were added as a type of Half-Demon

Appearance was added to character sheet.

Some people may play two characters. I will not allow this often, unless I see you are quite capable: Good grammar, and good posts (Yes, I will stalk your previous threads if you ask to play a second character.)

Anyone I deem unfit for this roleplay shall be denied access. I do not want a post like "Micky run to the grocshry store to pick up peanutbutter!" in my thread.

Updates was added to the first post, check regularly. If something pops up that seems more interesting than your current species/character, just tell me before you edit your character (Which you are totally allowed to do until the RP starts!)
Errm, I love it, I really do (And I wub chu tcho), but I never intended for Gorgons to be aquatic. This sounds perfect for a Siren though!
And, because you have seemed to demonstrate excellent grammar skills, and are obviously not new to roleplaying, you have my acceptance to make two characters, one of each species.

I was actually considering that, that CS would be rather suited for a Siren right? I'm down for that :]
I'll just fix a few of the details.