Predators in the Dark: A Vampire Roleplay - Sign Up/OO

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  • After warring for thousands of years vampires had been seemingly dormant for over a century and a half. The scars they left on history had finally started to fade. While humans continued to pass their aversion to the dark through many generations there had be no known vampire sightings in the last two generations. Humans consoled themselves with the peace of mind that, while vampires may have continued to exist, their number must be too small to cause anywhere near the trouble of the past. It was still rare to see anyone out at night in small towns, but not unheard of and cities started to pulse in the nightlife, unlike anytime in the last 1000 years.

    This peace of mind ultimately drove away the hunters. They were once considered like royalty, paid handsomely and well respected but no longer. Any hunter that remained in the profession were considered obsolete, especially with the technological advancement of the last 150 years. Humans may have heard stories but without seeing the fierceness, control, or devastation of the wars they would never appreciate that fear history instilled in them. Few hunters still remained waiting for the vampires return.

    Vampires had spent many years in secret amplifying and maturing their numbers. They naturally lived much longer than the humans. This advantage was exploited to its full potential. Since their numbers had grown they knew their it was almost time to emerge from the shadows. Who would miss one or two humans a month disappearing in different towns? However, their numbers have increased to the point where hiding is no longer an option. Vampire elders had seemingly agreed, for once, on their plan of action. Soon everything would come to fruition and their prey had alienated their best chance for survival.

    The future was still very uncertain for the humans or the vampires especially in the isolated town of Lochberry, hidden in the mountains. The night was long but the moonlight was bright here. This town was the perfect place for the vampires to begin. They had the whole winter, after all, to make their declaration of war anew.

  • Vampires were well know throughout the history of the world. There had been many wars waged for thousands of years in hopes of destroying them from existence. It was a bloody history with copious casualties piled on both sides. After many so years the vampires' numbers had thinned enough to give some peace of mind to the humans. The war never officially ended but the fighting simply faded away. The few vampires left had either kept to the shadows or hid away. They had remained this way for over 150 years allowing their numbers to once again blossom. They had not yet set off any massive panic but as their numbers continued to grow humans were sure to notice.

    There were many ways to kill a vampire however most noteworthy was the sun. The older a vampire became the more sensitive to sunlight it would become. As the moon is simply a reflection of sun light the older the vampire the less moonlight they could bare as well. The oldest vampires were limited to the new moon or a blanket of clouds to clear their path. Within that weakness laid the elders' strength. As they aged their will increased. They could not only enforce their will on humans but onto lesser members of their kind. It was rumored that the oldest vampire lived well into his third century before being hunted down in the wars.

    While the rumors that vampires cannot enter a home without being invited are not true; they do tend to prey on humans who are outside an alone. They do not have many vulnerable places however damage to their brain or heart is generally fatal. They do heal much more quickly than humans, but from all the human research, it is concluded that they cannot regrow limbs.

    seemed to fade out of history along side the vampires. Once bountiful lines of hunters were either killed or were simply obsolete. Humans no longer held the same reverence to their saviors. How time can fade the scars of history. Many hunters over time were re-purposed by their governments as soldiers due to their adept agility and strength. Some quit the war business altogether attempting to forget their families' history and move forward. Only a few hunters remained still actively seeking out their prey. They traveled often chasing any whisper or rumor of vampire activity.

    Their history, however, was just as grim as the vampire themselves. Often jaded elders would not only attack the hunter but his entire lineage. This often left hunters, if they survived the assault, completely alone. Eventually, it became rare for hunters to pass down their training to their children. In fact, they would only endeavor to take on apprentices. Most often in history these apprentices had little to no family and were instructed to remain alone until it was time to take on their own apprentice.

    It is unknown if the hunters are magic in nature or if they are just highly skilled. Their abilities seemed to rival that of the vampires in speed, strength, and agility. Their senses were carefully honed overtime to be greater, even with age. Some were even said to have the ability to harness the sun.

    Humans, since the dawn of creation, have considered vampires the enemy. There was never much research on the humanity, feelings, or the way of vampire. Humans throughout history were less interested in creating a partnership or open communication and more interested in ending their own suffering. Vampires may have been vicious but they had never managed to out numbered the humans. Throughout most of history the humans kept their numbers above 5 to 1. This ultimately was their greatest weapon when used properly. Humans had often come together during times of hardship.

    As the vampires memories faded out of public eye the humans grew complacent and their number blossomed. The old alliances, while still valid on paper, didn't stop the humans from fighting among themselves. Their population had almost exponentially grown, unchecked, for 150 years even with these petty wars. Cities were larger then ever before, technology had blossomed. Soon the humans were convinced technology would be their next savior.

  • It was well into the night, the moon had already risen high into the sky. It was a bright, full moon that cast the world under it a glow. Each night, during the warm nights, the street lamps would hum in tune with the crickets singing their choir of lullabies in the dark. This was a small town that was nestled between beds of mountains. There was only a single road that lead through the mountains, but it was treacherous. The winter snow would often block the road barring anyone from leaving or entering. Despite this, the population had blossomed over the past few years.

    The center of town was a small square of dimly lit shops, a small tavern, and the town hall. The shops here were fairly quaint and always closed before the sun set. The tavern was the only thing that remained open after dark. The inside was small, only made to fit 20 - 30 patrons comfortably. The fireplace always cast a warm glow to the otherwise muted room. The brick floor was cold, the tables were chipped oak, and the bar itself was fairly small. As you go a few streets over they are filled with new apartment buildings. They are far from flashy; mostly painted brick in an assortment of dull colors. There were balconies on each floor but no fire escapes as there were only 3 or 4 floors in each building. The father out from town square the more scattered and old the building became and there was only farmland or forest bordering the mountains on either side.

    There were often large construction sites strewn about the down town area of Lochberry. New larger stores, apartments, and even a car dealership pending assembly. Most of the work on these sites had been postponed until spring, between the winter storms and the materials that needed to be shipped in. They were all fenced off, but kids often used these sites as places to gather since they were next to abandoned until spring.

  • 1. Please follow ALL Iwaku rules. If you need a refresher course they can be found here.
    2. Posting expectations are intermediate or higher. Some mistakes can happen but please make sure your posts are legible and a minimum of 2 paragraph per character.
    3. Please play a maximum of 2 main characters at a time. NPCs can also be played as needed.
    4. Ideally I would love to see a few posts per week, however, if that can't happen please attempt to post at least once a week. If for any reason you will need more time or want to leave the roleplay please let me know.
    5. Character death is allowed but it would need to be approved by the characters owner. You do not need to tell me as long as it is figured out amongst yourselves.
    6. Sexual scenes must fade out or be done elsewhere.
    7. Don't god-mode
    8. If any person does not notify me of an absence or decides to live without notice I will be forced to take control of their character.

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First post win
Just a couple quick things I want to clarify before getting up my sheets:

For vampires, about what age range are we considering to be 'young?'
Are we going with vampires that are born, turned, or both? Also, what did you have in mind for the particulars of someone being turned?
Just a couple quick things I want to clarify before getting up my sheets:

For vampires, about what age range are we considering to be 'young?'
Are we going with vampires that are born, turned, or both? Also, what did you have in mind for the particulars of someone being turned?

Young I would consider less than 100 to 120 years as a vampire.

As far as how they are turned, bites with blood. The born would may mess with the population numbers. A freak thing here or there maybe though.
  • Thank You
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Are you still seeking/accepting Sign-Up's?
I read the interest thread which linked to here, but I still feel compelled to ask permission first.
Young I would consider less than 100 to 120 years as a vampire.

As far as how they are turned, bites with blood. The born would may mess with the population numbers. A freak thing here or there maybe though.
Sweet, thanks!
Do the character pictures need to be real or can they be anime/drawings?
Ooooh, I was under the impression that we had to use anime. Is it okay if I change one of mine?
Hana is done. Let me know if I need to change/add anything! :o

Edit: I made her BIO brief, but I hope it works.
Just an update hurricane Irma has left me out of power. Will continue this when I have power again!
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I feel the need to ask.if it were to ok if I were to join?

Also how many hunters do you have?
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Hi Everyone,

I apologize for the delay. Hurricane Irma left us without power for quite sometime and due to water damage we has to relocate as out apartment had started to mold by the time we returned.

I was unable to update with thing being very hectic however I am back and if everyone is still up for it we can do this!

I will message everyone individually in a day or two if I don't hear back. (I am sure after three weeks some of you may have disappeared)
still here
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