Predator: Eyes of the Demon

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Finally the girl was gone not too long after he waited. Although she left behind her blood stained jacket, that would be bad f the human authorities were to discover it among his mess. Iron Side jumped back down into the alley and started prepping his trophies. One by one he took the bodies and reliquished them of their skin, then would hang them by their feet from the edge of the roof tops. These trophies would serve as a decoy for the other gangs, letting them think of it as a threat from the Le Serviteurs.

With this move done, Iron Side grabbed Adri's jacket before making another move, and fleed the seen.
Adri looked out the window as she lay in bed, waiting for her grandparents to go to sleep. She was planning on leaving again, to search for whatever was doing these things. It seemed to appear when she was in danger, so she would just have to wander around, looking for trouble. Then, when everyone was dead (hopefully she wouldn't die in the process), she would order the invisible, silent protector-thing to come out.

Of course, with Adri's luck, this would be the one night he didn't come and she'd end up dead.

Adri looked out the window with uncertainty. Maybe, instead of finding trouble, she should stay away from it.
Iron Side stayed clear of the family for now. For the evening, he would look around for any information he can steal from listening in on gangs. It would be a few hours before he could get anything, but well worth the loss of time. Discovering more than he needed, he stumbled upon news reporters that came to broadcast his work. It was a man by the name Dan Rathers. He was of old age, but has been a news reporter for nearly twenty or thirty years. Iron Side used his invisibility to his advantage and listened close.

"This just in on Channel 9 News, murder in the streets. Local civilians came about to find med, skinned alive, and hung by there feet in an alley way. From police reports, the men seemed to be of a notorious gang, but the name is unknown for the moment. We asked one of the people who found this and they told us: "We do not know what was happening or how. All I know is i heard yells and strange noises, afterwards I found this. I believe there is a demon among us." This is Channel 9 news, signing out."

Now Iron Side new his message would be clear, the gangs would find this as a threat, and would engage in a bloody war. All he had to do was stand back and watch from the sidelines as the grunts fall, then take his trophies for his own.
Adri watched the news attentively, leaning foreward on the couch. "Adri, we don't want you wandering out at night," her grandmother said, having been shock at the news. Adri mindlessly nodded. Of course she intended to wander out every now and then.

There were things she needed to figure out. The whole town would have problems if a gang war errupted. Innocent people would be in danger, many people would die, it wouldn't exactly resolve anything either. What if a war just brought in more gang members? Even the police would have to back down at some point.

Adri stood up and headed toward the door. "Where are you going?" her grandma asked, worried.

She turned a little as she opened the door. "I'm going to the library, I'll be back soon. Don't worry." And with that, Adri was off. Fortunately, the sun was still high in the sky, so she had plenty of time before it go dark.
The streets were chanting with words of anguish and slaughter, people were scared for what might happen over the few days and weeks. A gang war meant plenty of people would get hurt, maybe even killed. But the prices of the hunt were always heavy. The hunter didn't mind that much though, as long as his mission was carried out.

A war would take weeks, maybe even a whole month to bring into full force, so the hunter had to be accurate. People were everywhere so timing was needed.
((sorry for taking so long with the response -_-; It might be short though x_x )

Adri made it to the library without much trouble. She immediately went towards the town's history section. Books about the town's founders and such adorned the shelves. There was nothing about the gangs or about strange things that ever happened in the town, so Adri left the library again.

She could tell that people were getting nervous. They were all worried about the recent gang-killings, which were initiative for a gang war. Adri was worried too. What if somebody found out that she was near the docks that first night? There could've been witnesses in houses and buildings who saw her heading in that direction.
Before long, civilians took thier refuge in their homes, hiding from what danger lurked the streets. In the window of a pawn shop, the televisions on sale were showing reporters broadcasting about Iron Side's handy work at the docks. They found his skinned bodies, as well as the bodies in the alley missinbg their skulls. "A sign of Bloody Murder" the reporter called it. Others among the streets said it was a sign of the Summer Devil to appear. Either way it was seen, Iron Side would leave his mark among the scared faces of human beings.

Hours away from the city, Iron Side wondered around the forest to find himself back at his cruiser. Walking inside he removed his mask and placed it inside the control panel of his shio. Once inside the screen across the HUD of his ship displayed all of his seen events from kills, people seen, and any other information. His mask scanned through every person and every kill until he found none of them lead back to Adri, in fact, she was innocent. But her grandparents, however, were not so clean. As he played back one of his mask's memories he spotted Adri's grandfather near the alley way.

What was his motive?
Adri was back at home, sprawled on the couch. She was still reading, though now she was reading through a book about extra-terrestrial beings she had found in her grandparents' basement.

Of course, it was completely useless to what Adri was trying to figure out. It was more for amusement than for research. Adri smiled and turned away from the book as she realized that that was the reason she was reading it. She hated research and stuff (which was why some of her grades were absolutely horrible). She didn't want to think about things though. As curious as she was, she was also scared.

Adri set down the book and went up to her room, feeling sore and tired.
The hunter's gaze soon became a scowl as he stared at the screen, snarling at the man. His mask then switched between vision modes to figure out where he came from. When the mask turned to thermal, it revealed Adri's grandfather to be walking from the inside of a mannequin shop; it was old and run down which raised his suspicion. Iron Side slid the tip of his claw along a dial to zoom in on the shop to spy out anything he was to watch out for. There were cameras on the outside, but they were low tech, so they were not a problem. The rest of his information would have to come when he arrived at the old building.

He reached for his mask and pulled it from the slot, then placed it back upon his face as he folded his mandibles. Once again the hunter was brought to investigate on the inside of his prey's home ground. Whatever lied in store would be worth the effort to seek and obtain. As he left his ship, Iron Side activated his camo for him and his ship, then made way for his prey.
Just as she was about to go to bed, there was a knock at Adri's door. "Come in," she called.

Her grandfather entered. "Hey Adri, just came to check in. How are things?" he asked.

Adri was a little puzzled, but she shrugged. "Well, everything's fine. Kind of boring, but fine. Nice and quiet," she lied, though it wasn't too noticeable."

"Oh? So no, late-night problems?" he asked.

She was even more confused now, also a little startled. Did he know she had been sneaking out at night? "No, none at all. Why?"

"Just wondering."

And with that, he left the room after saying a last goodnight. Adri shrugged away the startled feeling and laid down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
The forest ground shook beneath him as his wieght made a small crater under him. The Yautja were both heavier, stronger, and smarter than the average human being. As well as the more intelligant of the human race. But with every prey below them, their best sport is always finding new ways to defend themselves. This is why Yautja hunt humans for sport. They are always learning, adapting, growing stronger, but are always three steps behind the Yautja.

Iron Side had come across the docks of his first massacre where he first left suspicion of himself to Adri. The blood stains of were he killed and skinned the men alive, were being cleaned by BRPD. The bodies were picked up and bagged up to bew taken to the morgue.

Iron Side's mask was scanning the area with his thermal vision to lock on to the tracks of Adri's grandfather. When he found the signature, he wasted no time and started following them. He leaped down lightly to the ground. He quickly dashed past any officers under his invisibility, they couldn't see a thing. The trail of tracks directed him to a man-hole that lead to the sewers. What was his reasons for going down there, te hunter did not know. But one thing was when he went inside, his questions would be answered.