[ potassiumboron & tragictrees ] Trouble's Brewing

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"Don't I know it." Malphas replied, getting up "But I think it's a chance I'm willing to take. I trust you, and I think you're more than able to walk around town without me shadowing you. Just don't stir up any trouble and you'll be good. When you get bored, just head back. I'm sure someone will be there."

Storm deserved some time to himself. Malphas couldn't imagine what it was like to have someone constantly breathing down your neck constantly. He had had similar experiences, but nothing to the degree that the 19-year-old had. So, no, he wasn't going to be part of that. The area wasn't that dangerous, and the angels had to at least have SOME morals, so he doubted they'd attack someone who hadn't done anything wrong yet. Even Raguel wasn't that stupid.

He was pretty sure, at least.

He wasn't too worried about it. Storm could hold his own, and Malphas was sure he'd ask for help if he needed it. No big deal.


(( its fine!! Don't worry about it))
"If I end up getting decapitated by a ruthless, uncaring rogue angel who decided to strike first, you'll have to deal with my mother blaming you. I hope you know the risk involved in letting me live my life. My mother would rather you handcuff me to your side and follow you around like a puppy," laughed the younger demon, cracking his knuckles and beginning to survey the area now he knew for certain he could go and explore it all without needing to ask permission from anyone to do so.

He liked Malphas greatly and he'd happily go adventuring with him, or have him just show him around... but he'd had to follow people his whole life.

Having a first taste of freedom and being granted trust was a big freaking deal.

"I'll meet you back at that human's place later-- he's very cute, you know. He likes you, too. I'd ignore my father and his opinions and I'd just go for it with the human if I were you. He's cute, he likes you, you like him. Why the hesitation? Not that I'm a romantic expert, but... I'm part incubus, it's in the DNA, I guess."
"He IS cute. But don't tell him that." Malphas said, chuckling a little and looking down at the sidewalk, hands in his pockets "I'd rather be alive, you know? Don't want your dad killing me. We're only up here for a little bit, remember that. So I'll stick to the....passive flirting, I guess? Can't get into anything too serious."

He had to be honest, though, if he had the choice he would most likely take it. Taylor was.....well, he was annoying, for sure. In some ways, at least. But he was charming, in others, Malphas supposed. He didn't really know, he couldn't pinpoint why he liked the human. By all logic, he probably shouldn't.

Yet, here he was.

That wasn't Storm's problem, however. He appreciated the sentiment, of course, but the teen should be more focused on his own life. After all, he wasn't exactly one to talk with the Gomory situation. Malphas thought that the other should just go for it, see what happened, but he wasn't going to push it.

"Anyway, avoid any rogue angels and you should be fine. I think 'living your life' is a good learning experience. Don't die and we'll be good, yea?"
He flashed the boy a smile "You can handle yourself. I know that. You know that. I think your mom knows that too, but I also think she's just scared for you. Go have fun."
"What, do you want me to go now? But we just sat down, we just started conversing. I'm surprised you want me gone so soon, Malphas. I thought we were buddies. You were quite literally there at my birth, and yet you're not trying to rush me off? Charming," drawled the younger demon, maintaining a serious expression for all of two seconds before he broke, smiling quietly to himself as he gathered the hot chocolate and downed it in one gulp.

Being a demon meant he was pretty immune to anything hot. It was probably much cooler to, say, walk through flames or sit casually amongst a room full of fire than it was to down something like hot chocolate, but it came in handy when he needed to rush off somewhere-- like now.

"What are you gonna do now your boyfriend's off with his gang?" He smirked, adjusting his jacket absently. "Joking, relax-- though if he's not your official boyfriend by the end of the week, I'll be annoyed. Like I said, ignore my father and his shitty opinions."
"I thought you'd rather be gone by now then talking to me, but do what you like." Malphas said, shrugging his shoulders "And I'll probably go to a bar or something. As for your comment.....we'll see what happens, but I expect to see you at least talk to Gomory, okay? Or that's hypocritical."

Maybe it was a little different- or a lot -but he thought, genuinely, Storm should at least try it. As he had thought before, he wasn't going to push it, but that didn't mean he wouldn't make off-hand comments about it. Better to do it then regret not doing it, in his eyes. At least he and Taylor were....well, he didn't know what they were, but it was more than what Storm and Gomory were at the moment.


((sorry that it's short!! also, if you're ever getting bored with this/either thread, feel free to tell me, I don't mind))